From the Harford County Municipal Fraternal Order of Police, Lodge 128:
Aberdeen, MD – On Wednesday, September 16, 2009 members of our lodge voted to endorse Mayoral candidate Michael G. Hiob and Council candidate Sandra Landbeck in the November 3, 2009 Aberdeen City municipal election.
In a letter to Mayoral candidate Michael Hiob, Vice President Jason Neidig acknowledged the following reasons for the endorsement: “In your six years experience as a Council member, you have been through the good and the bad. You are dedicated to the citizens and employees, your willingness to listen and compromise, your fairness but not selfishness, your taking responsibility for actions even when wrong, and your courage to stand up for what’s right and not what’s popular has earned the respect of this lodge and its members.”
In a letter to Council candidate Sandy Landbeck, Neidig wrote: “Our membership believes that you will bring fresh (new) logical and responsible ideas to City government and support public safety efforts of our highly trained police officers.”
Our lodge is seeking three additional candidates to endorse for City Council. If any other candidates are endorsed by our lodge it will be after the filing deadline in October.
But wasn’t the FOP against Hiob because he was so outspoken during their collective barganing vote? I support Hiob, but look out if Bennett gets re-elected. It’ll be hatchet time again.
You’re right. At the end of his first tour he spoke out, quite heavily, against collective bargaining AND mediation. He has grown both experentially and morally since then. At the FOP meeting he told the FOP that he favors collective bargaining. I believe that he came to that conclusion during his second term, while observing how much better all facets of the City functioned when the employees had the ear of the elected officials and had input to the budget process.
The Aberdeen budget is “The Mayor’s Budget.” It is not the City Manager’s budget but in order for the budget to correctly reflect the best interests, vision and plans of the City all departments must be able to openly provide input. The police department wants a seat at the table and Mike Hiob will give them one. You might think he has waffled, I think he has matured.
Hooter, For clarification…..During the 2005 election cycle, I came out against the referendum because it included “Collective Bargaining WITH Binding Interest Arbitration”. I am not, and have never been against Collective Bargaining for the A.P.D. officers. I have always been against Binding Interest Arbitration. My opinion has not changed. Officer Neidig has it correct. Thanks.
Well as long as the city of Aberdeen is spending more money than it makes then everything will stay the same. I think endorsing Hiob is just the lesser of the evils.
BPB; see the comment at 1.1. During the last two budget cycles, Mike Hiob was the only elected official to protest the lowering of taxes strictly for political reasons. The disparity in income versus outlay may very well be laid right at Mike Bennett’s feet, but don’t forget that the other three members of the Council are totally clueless when it comes to budget matters.
BPB…..Thanks (I guess?) I appreciate the soft endorsement, but I would like to have the opportunity to change your mind about me being “evil” at all. I am wondering where I rub you the wrong way. Still….If I can’t change your mind, I’ll settle for your current moniker. Thanks.
Before I address your comment, It should be know that Mayor Michael Bennett, Council President Michael Hiob, and Mrs. Sandy Landbeck attended a recent lodge meeting where at they addressed our members. Our lodge thanks them for their time and comments.
Now, Yes, Mr. Hiob was against Collective Bargaining with Binding Arbitration however he supports Collective Bargaining without Binding Arbitration. There is a big difference with Binding Arbitration and that is the cost.
Collective Bargaining with a MOU or Working Agreement is a start and would be fine however many know there are promises that are broken often and that is why our lodge sought binding arbitration.
Right now there is a House and Senate Bill which was introduced by the late Sen. Kennedy which would give all sworn law enforcement and firefighter/EMS personnel the right to Collectively Bargain.
It should be noted that all across this country there are police agencies that have Collective Bargaining with and without Binding Arbitration who have relinquished their pay increases due to the state of the economy. I think you would agree that is a big example that Collective Bargaining agreements can work for both parties that want to work together for both the employees and the citizens (local governments).
Jason Neidig
Vice Presient/Secretary
Fraternal Order of Police, Lodge 128 (MD)
I’m not surprised that you endorsed Hiob for mayor for all the reasons you stated but I think that your lodge could take it a little further and discuss in more detail why you would not endorse Bennett or Elliot. These two should be the poster children for exactly why your department needs collective bargaining and in my mind binding arbitration as well.
Elected officials have two year terms which is about as long as the memories of the voters or they would remember that Elliott is the reason Aberdeen officials only have 24 months to get things done. The last mayor was a big supporter of your department and put large enhancements in place only to be replaced by Bennett who discontinued even the thought of parity as a method of attracting and retaining the best officers. To guard against this in the future you should renew your efforts for collective bargaining and binding arbitration and actively work against Elliot and Bennett.
So exactly why didn’t the FOP endorse Bennett? That is a very good question.
And a follow up for Council President Hiob:
I am a supporter of yours but I just have one question: Does that mean that you will give the FOP collective barganing when you are elected or are you simply not opposed to it?
I won’t answer your first question. It should be directed to the F.O.P.
The second question is easy though. As Mayor of Aberdeen, I will support collective bargaining for the F.O.P. That being said, I cannot make it happen on my own. I would need a minimum of two council persons to go along with me (but I would certainly try to get a unanimous vote of support if possible). Thanks for the question.
The Fraternal Order of Police, Lodge 128 (MD) didn’t endorse Michael Bennett for many reasons however specifically his lack of support for the agency and its officers.
Mr. Bennett could not find the time to come to the police department and introduce himself to the members of the department however found the time to introduce himself to other departments and their employees. He also found the time to introduce himself to the volunteer organizations associated with the City. Mr. Bennett will have you believe there is a standing order preventing this within the police department however this is not true. The order or Rules and Regulations prevent any individual member of the department to seek the Mayor and or a Council member for relief or support on any personal related issues which would benefit that member. Elected board members (which may be a member of the police department) of the Fraternal Order of Police, Lodge 128, an organization that is not directly affiliated with the City of Aberdeen, may meet with the Mayor and Council. Again, nothing prevented him from coming to a roll call to introduce himself.
It is a known fact that Mr. Bennett does not like Chief Rudy. Mr. Bennett will have you believe that Chief Rudy and he have their differences however still directly communicate. Chief Rudy communicates with the Mayor via the City Manager.
The men and women of the Aberdeen Police Department have worked extremely hard to reduce crime in the City. For these efforts and reduction in crime the police department has won the Governor’s Crime Prevention Award several years in a row. Mr. Bennett has turned down the invitation to attend the award ceremony in support of the officers and department.
The most recent lack of support just occurred. The Aberdeen Fire Department requested their Council member liaison have the Mayor and Council recognize an officer at the September 21st Council Meeting. The Mayor refused to put it on the agenda.
Mr. Bennett has referred to the Aberdeen Police Department as antiquated. The Aberdeen Police Department is far from antiquated.
These are just a few of the insults to dedicate, effective, and professional law enforcement officers of the City. This has affected the operations of the police department and morale of the officers.
Jason Neidig
Vice President/Secretary
Fraternal Order of Police, Lodge 128 (MD)
That’s what I’m talking about. Don’t just endorse Hiob. Expose Bennett and the leadership vacuum he has created while in office and the damage he personally he has brought to public safety in Aberdeen.
You and your chief and your fellow officers are some of the best and the brightest in law enforcement. The dedication of your department amazes me in this climate of zero support from the mayor. Is there anyone out there that can support this person in a leadership position that won’t even address his troops?
Thank you Jason for the job you do and your leadership role in the Lodge.
I’d guess that the FOP didn’t endorse Bennett because they are smart enough to see that he is ineffective and simply a pawn of outside interests.
I would’nt support him either. (Mayor Bennet )if he had stolen the sargent’s exam in civilian life. he would have been charged. he is what he is. I would’nt show my face either.
I think it’s safe to say, our police officers know there job& are doing it very well.
vietnam vet …… everyone has skeletons in the closet ….. including the current chief.
I am not a supporter of either candidate but as I stated before in another section lets lay out the real questions.
As for Officer Neidig, as a supporter of the police I have great concern when the FOP and local police get involved in politics it just does not work out in your best interest. There are many ways to skin a cat.
good luck to all running
helton doesn’t have skeletons, he has grave yards. File a FOIA request for report#2009-29861 at the APD and you will find that helton has graveyards.
cant Question that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jason, I understand you are speaking for an organization but aren’t you afraid of retailiation? Bennett, and more specifically Helton is ver vindictive.
I’m sure that Jason has a lot more to say and would love to respond but knows that discretion is the better part of valor. Jason has a big pair and will not back down or cower because Bennett or Helton even think of threatening. Helton is a typical bully and Bennett is just a wannabe who has proven conclusively to really be a nevergonnagetit.
This guy will be no different than all of the other politician.
There are three things all politician know.
1. Promise them anything
2. Say whatever that they want to hear
3. The constituents are stupid
Gee thanks for the contribution. Did it make you feel better? Do you know any of the people you just slammed? Or are you the part of the population that has to demonstrate that 50% of the people are below average?
Mr. Yensen you were a yes man to the “T”, why do you think you were ousted?
Finally Mr. Hiob stated a fact ….. the Mayor cannot do anything by him/her self he still needs the votes from the other council members.
Who do you consider to be the real Mayor of Aberdeen right now? Just wondering.
Lance Hersh
A yes man to a “T”. ???? Dont get that. Mr Yensan always seemed like a get r done guy to me.
Josh; I’ll give you credit for putting your name out there. I’m just sorry that you still believe the crap about me being a yes man. That was the line used by the same people who proliferated so many lies and distortions that the credibility of the group is at less than zero. Remember the sign on the truck from outside the city telling you that we were under grand jury indictment? Any idea what happened to the indictment? Yes, man it was a pack of lies then and there are even more of the same coming out now! Buy into it Josh. Don’t go to the source and have a discussion,. just sit back and throw your stink bombs.
Ya know Josh- Dave and I havn’t always agreed on everything but I do have more respect for him than I have for some of the current council members. He may not have done everything right (heck, nobody does everything right though) but the man is a decent guy.
You have to give Dave for the fact he was not trying,to send our police department to hell in a hand basket.
Criminal’s would soon own Aberdeen. our officers are on duty 24/7 regardless of the weather. you guy’s and gal’s keep up the good work.
Hopefully we the people, can get a Mayor & council that will work for you and not against.
Sharon I saw that eye sore of a sign.
anyone need to rent commerical space in Aberdeen and don’t have $ to pay for it, one developer in aberdeen is willing to do it. go to APD and file a FOIA request for report #2009-29861. heard the report came up missing for a while. someone up top must not want that info out
Question wants answers
Do you have a copy of the report?
RWinger I prefer Dog food, cat food is known too make you Hyper. got too watch that Blood Pressure.
Interesting finding regarding Mike Hiob – see below. And the FOP support him??
Case Information
Go Back
Citation Number: 00000007Y0A04Case Status:CLOSED CASE
Violation Date: 08/31/2009 Violation Time: 11:13 AM
District Code: 09 Location Code: 01
Officer Name:HARRIS, S
Officer ID:1537
Defendant Information
Address:248 GRACEFORD DR
City: ABERDEENState:MDZip Code:21001
Drivers License: H100603275040Issuing State: MD
Charge Information
Charge: Article:TASec:13Sub-Sec:409Para:BCode:
Location Stopped: BRIERHILL DR @ TODD RD N/B
Contributed to Accident?: NO Personal Injury?: NO
Fine: 40
Vehicle Tag: LG72763 State: MD Vehicle Description: 05JEEP05
Disposition Information
Disposition: GUILTY
Disposition Date: 09/02/2009
Contributed To Accident: NO Personal Injury?: NO
Sentence Date: 09/02/2009
Sentence Time: Yrs:00Mos:00Days:000
Suspended Time: Yrs:00Mos:00Days:000
Costs: Fine: 40 CourtCost: 0 CICF: 0
Suspended: Fine: 0 CourtCost: 0 CICF Cost: 0
Couldn’t that just mean he didn’t have the registration in his car at the time he was pulled over?
You have to be joking – it was his county vehicle and my guess was he couldn’t find it – wouldn’t it have been the County’s responsibility to make sure it was in the vehicle. Sort of ironic why would a MSP officer pull over a County vehicle unless he was on a witch hunt hmmm doesn’t Bennett work for MSP?????
That’s almost as good as the current Mayor being caught cheating on the promotional exam for the Maryland State Police!
Why was he stopped in the first place? The only violation is the failure to show some piece of paper to some guy in a brown shirt. Shouldn’t there have also been a failure to yield, or speeding, or something else? I didn’t know the troopers have the ability to discern that the registration is missing.
Thanks so much Factfinder. You have provided a valuable piece of information on this blatant criminal act. I think the trooper should have jailed him at least for this egregious act.
Dave: I do believe that you can be stopped for no reason for a registration inspection. The tags are owned by MVA, not you or I. Regardless of why Hiob was stopped, I think we all have been stopped for something. Maybe not.
No, you can’t be stopped just to check registration. There has to be some sort of probable cause, like speeding or an expired tag.
My thought was that the citation should have indicated some other infraction. There has to be some reason to stop a motorist. We just don’t have “show me your papers” stops in this country, not yet at least. I can’t help but think 2 cents is onto something in 12.2.
He was probably stopped for speeding, given a warning for that, and given a citation for not presenting his registration card.
Officers have the discretion to give citations or warnings in most cases and it’s not uncommon to stop someone for speeding (let’s use 15 mph over as an example) and cut the driver a break by giving a warning for the speed and a citation for some lesser offense like failure to display registration (or license) on demand (assuming they didn’t display it on demand.) The speed violation would be a $90 fine and 2 pts while the failure to display (whether it’s registration or license) is a $40 fine and no pts.
You can’t be stopped just to check to see if you have your registration card with you. If the officer runs your tags (which can happen at any time…there’s no right to privacy in regards to that) and it comes back suspended or some other violation then you can be stopped for that.
That is pure genius DW. “He was probably stopped for speeding, given a warning for that, and given a citation for not presenting his registration card” You have him stopped for speeding, why not stopped for robbing a bank or perhaps a hit and run. The cop who stopped him wrote a citation for failure to display a registration. End of facts. To speculate on the real reason for the stop is downright stupid.
Go back to the real question: what the hell did a State Trooper stop a County vehicle for in the first place. Notice the location, not the area where troopers are normally working. Something stinks here.
If this is the worst skeleton someone on a fact finding mission could come up with on Mike Hiob, I actually find it as very good news. I mean really – of all traffic offenses I can think of, this has got to be one of the most minor of all. Sounds like Mr. Hiob is just like most regular folks when it comes to ‘run ins with the law’ if you can even call it that. 🙂 I don’t think many people who have had a drivers license for any length of time could report they had NEVER gotten a citation for anything.
Steve and Two Cents,
There are two laws regarding registration cards: 1) Failure to carry reg card within vehicle, and 2) Failure to display reg card upon demand.
With that said, it is a minor infraction. Mr Hiob obviously took responsibility and paid the fine. That’s the kind of Mayor Aberdeen needs…one who takes responsibility for his actions.
Thank you jason for clearing the air. Another of Aberdeen’s finest.we high have high hope’s that Mike H. will work with the department.