At 8AM on Saturday, September 12, 2009, eleven motorcoaches filled with close to 600 freedom-loving citizens will leave from Bel Air to take part in the 9/12 March on Washington.
Since the first Tea Parties in April momentum has been building for an event on the national stage.
Hundreds upon hundreds of citizens of Harford County have come forward and participated in multiple rallies to demonstrate support for smaller, responsible government and fairer taxation.
The Tea Party movement is a grassroots effort with no central organizational structure. The Tea Party attendees rally behind a message supporting a responsible, representative government, fairer taxes, and the defense of individual liberties.
The March on Washington is a symbolic event to show that the citizens of the United States of America are unified behind The Constitution and will fight for the liberties that are laid out in that document.
The rally in Washington is being promoted by the website The National Sponsor of the day’s events is the Freedom Works Foundation. Many other liberty-minded groups are involved.
The Bel Air bus trip is being planned by Mr. Tony Passaro of Bel Air. Many attendees are members of past Harford County Tea Party sponsor groups including the Campaign for Liberty, Route 40 Republican Club, and Americans for Prosperity.
The caravan to DC has been entitled the Old Maryland Line, a reference to General George Washington’s most effective militia comprised of Maryland citizens. This group of citizen-soldiers is honored by the official Maryland State Nickname, the Old Line State.
Once the Old Maryland Line arrives in Washington, DC the march will begin, culminating in a Tea Party of inestimable proportions.
I suggest a pit stop at the 4 P’S on Mass Ave. next to the uptown!
Will there be Freedom Fries?
Is this a press release?
Has to be a press release or letter to “The Dagger” from the way in which it is worded. If this is true- it should be edited to include a citation. I enjoy this site, but I do need to know from where my information is coming. No disrespect to the staff intended.
I agree.
We post press releases from local non-commercial entities when they are sent to us. This includes item such as this, as well as items from the local fire and police departments. They are published under the “Dagger News Service” tagline because no one on staff performed any editing.
Some of the confusion with this article may be due to it temporarily being “featured” on the site. This was due to an unrelated technical glitch. This was not a feature article.
any more room on the bus?
Perhaps you should tag these as press releases from “such and such” organization, to avoid any confusion.
Astroturfing at it’s finest!
Astroturf – “grassroots program that involves the instant manufacturing of public support for a point of view in which either uninformed activists are recruited or means of deception are used to recruit them. Unlike genuine grassroots activism which tends to be money-poor but people-rich, astroturf campaigns are typically people-poor but cash-rich. Funded heavily by corporate largesse, they use sophisticated computer databases, telephone banks and hired organizers to rope less-informed activists into sending letters to their elected officials or engaging in other actions that create the appearance of grassroots support for their client’s cause.”
Follow the money! Who’s paying for those buses?
Freedom Works Foundation? –
Americans for Prosperity? –
Aberdeen Resident,
Thanks for your astute observation and opinion.
It’s just another sign that intelligent life really does exist in good old Aberdeen. Keep in touch….(and thank you “Dagger”)
St. Justin
How is Aberdeen’s Resident’s definition any different that Obama’s definition of his community activism?????
I know you are just a troll, but I want you to realize that Tony Passaro has collected hundreds of checks personally. This isn’t a union-sponosored trip.
The people riding the bus paid their own way, with the exception of a few people that were gifted seats by people that had to cancel.
Come out tomorrow morning and see how organized we are. You give liberals a bad name.
I wish somebody paid for our stuff. Damn. How can you think this is fake?
You would not care if it were an anti bush rally
Aberdeen Resident –
Yes the Astroturfers stole the ACORN an SEIU Operations Manuals, merged them with Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals, simply added water and instantly people that heretofore had not been politically active were mobilized into a crazed zombie-like mobs across the country.
C’mon Joe, since when did two negatives become a positive?
(or is that your M.O.)?
When Obama does it is grassrots when oponetnts do it is Astroturf?
Liberals that is what is wrong with this century
Aberdeen Resident
I’m driving to DC with my homemade AXIS of EVIL sign (Perlosi, Reed, ACORN).
Do you even know what Acorn does? Grow up. None of those people sent this country into an unwarrented war and destroyed our economy! I guess it is an evil thing to try to organize low-income underserved communities and try to get them involved in the political process? You tea-bagger types are insane.
The Census Bureau has seen enough of ACORN’s nonsense and has announced that ACORN will not take part in the Census Count (Thank God). I’ve added an article below so that you can educate yourself. I’ll add addition articles as more ACORN employees are fired or investigated.
Do you work for ACORN? Is this really Van Jones?
ACORN, Vote Fraud, and Prostitution
Written by R. Cort Kirkwood
Thursday, 10 September 2009 18:00
It looks as if the election of Barack Obama means change in more ways than one. It apparently has inspired leftists at ACORN, the Association of Community Organizations For Reform Now, a linchpin in the president’s campaign, to go beyond mere voter fraud and to also break the law regarding the prostitution business.
ACORN, a housing organization that also provides free tax advice and preparation and other services, is the community organization that went to the mat “organizing” for Obama. Andrew Breibart, the columnist who started, has posted a video at his new website,, exposing how far ACORN will go in breaking the law.
The video features a film producer and a young woman posing as a law student and his prostitute girlfriend, “Kenya,” who went to an ACORN office in Baltimore to secure a housing loan for a brothel Kenya wants to start. They also want to know how to limit her federal income tax and how they can get away with importing underage Central American girls to use as prostitutes. ACORN staff members flatly tell them to lie on tax forms.
After the introductory niceties, the video continues with an amusing discussion of how to list Kenya’s occupation on tax forms. Amusingly, the ACORN tax specialist suggests calling her a “performance artist.”
“It’s not dancing, trust me,” the law student admits.
“But dancing is considered an art,” the ACORN staff member assures him. The ACORN staff member agrees with Kenya’s beau when he says that “sex is kind of like dancing, right.”
Strippers, the official says, “usually go under performing arts, which will be what you are — a performing artist.”
The ACORN official tells Kenya she needn’t claim all of her $8,000 a month in income because she can claim tax write offs for clothing and grooming aids.
After that, the law student divulges his plan to import and prostitute 13 underage girls from El Salvador. Yes, the ACORN official says, that would trespass the law, but the IRS would consider them dependents with the right paperwork.
“What if they are going to be making money because they are performing tricks too?” Kenya’s inquisitive beau asks.
The ACORN tax specialist explains that they aren’t legal anyway and that “they don’t even exist.”
Another staff member tells them to claim the girls are “exchange students,” and then assures the pair, “Don’t worry. You’re fine.” She also warns the two to “make sure they go to school.”
“But they can still work?” the law student asks.
“They can still work, but they need to go to school.”
The first ACORN tax specialist then explains how the pair can use child tax credits for some of the young prostitutes, but not to claim all of them. “I wouldn’t put no more than three,” she advises.
At one point, the tax specialist tells Kenya to stop calling herself a prostitute.
Unsurprisingly, a national ACORN spokesman went nuts over the video. “The portrayal is false and defamatory and an attempt at gotcha journalism,” he told Fox News. “This film crew tried to pull this sham at other offices and failed. ACORN wants to see the full video before commenting further.”
Clearly, the film crew was successful in Baltimore, but in any event this type of blatant disregard for the law is typical of ACORN. Its shenangians during the presidential 2008 election were widely reported, and this week ACORN officials turned in 11 of their own workers for falsifying voter registrations in Florida.
According to the Associated Press, the workers “face multiple counts of two felony charges: false swearing in connection with voting and submission of false voter registration information. Each count is punishable by up to five years in prison.” The ACORN workers turned in some 1,400 registrations, 888 of them faked. The fake names included Paul Newman, the late actor, who was used in several applications. Yet, AP reported, “There was no evidence anyone voted who should not have.”
The late film star isn’t the only celebrity ACORN workers have tried to falsely register. Last year, Mickey Mouse and the starting line-up of the Dallas Cowboys turned up on Florida’s voter rolls, and one voter was registered 21 times. The fraud in Florida, however, which included registering convicted felons, was a microcosm of a nationwide effort to put as many voters for Obama on the rolls as possible. Prosecutors in Washington state nailed seven ACORN workers in July 2007. ACORN paid $25,000 to defray the cost of the investigation, which uncovered the largest case of voter fraud in the state’s history. ACORN used felons to register voters in Milwaukee.
Unsurprsingly, ACORN was well remunerated for its efforts on behalf of Obama. His campaign gave the group $832,000.
In May, John Fund of the Wall Street Journal reported that Congress will not investigate the group and wants to continue funding this organization with tax money.
Another example of liberal/progressive weakness in using a vile insulting sexual term to describe patriots who peacefully assemble and petition their government at Tea Parties.
Patriots? You mean like those at the ‘Boston Tea Party’, who contrary to your belief system where not protesting the tax as much as the lack of representation in Parliament? You have what they didn’t… representation! You may not like the representative that the PEOPLE have elected, but you do have it!
The tea-bag protests are not patriotic; they are a sham of patriotism. They are making a joke out of intellectual discussion. What you are doing is not patriotic, it is blocking useful discussion on important topics. In other words, you are blatantly unpatriotic.
P.S. If you do not like it when somebody calls your group tea-baggers… then stop throwing tea-bags! It seems like an appropriate reference to me!
ProudDemocrat –
Your continued vile use of a sexual term to describe those with whom you disagree is shameful and says a great deal about the quality of your character.
Tea Party folks are without question patriotic and are petitioning their representives and fellow citizens through peaceful means.
You call the way you and your group takes-over meetings like Frank Kratovil’s town hall in North East petitioning? Your complete and ignorant lack of respect instills the hatred and distrust of government that will do the most damage to our future. You clearly do not give a damn about the future of your country. You only care about the idea of lower taxes, and your blind faith in libertarian perspectives without any concern for the needs of society lies behind everything you say on this website. I am so damn glad that we have more intelligent and caring people out there that are our elected leaders, and I hope that they see fit to use those gifts to ignore your fringe element and its devastating ideals.
Astroturf? That explains Pat McDonough’s hair.