In advance of the City of Aberdeen’s November 3 municipal election, the New Harford Democratic Club is imploring its members to attend Wednesday night’s meeting to vote on which mayoral candidate the club will endorse – incumbent mayor Mike Bennett or current city council president Mike Hiob.
Aside from the fact that municipal elections are nonpartisan (although Bennett and Hiob are both Democrats, no party affiliation will appear next to the names of any candidates on the Aberdeen election ballot), the New Harford Democratic Club is also creating a stir because it will be voting to endorse a candidate several days before candidates can even begin to file to run for office.
The New Harford Democratic Club will hold its meeting and endorsement vote on September 2, but the City of Aberdeen’s candidate filing period extends from September 5 through October 3.
So what if the man the New Harford Democratic Club votes to endorse ends up deciding not to file as a candidate? Or what if a third (or fourth or fifth?) candidate steps forward to run for mayor during the filing period?
Former club president and current member of the board of directors Art Helton addressed those issues in a recent interview:
“The club’s board of directors decided that since we only meet once a month that waiting until the October meeting would be too late to be effective on behalf of any endorsed candidate. They also felt that anyone running for the mayor’s position would certainly have made their candidacy known by now,” he said.
Helton said the New Harford Democratic Club would welcome any other mayoral candidates besides Bennett and Hiob to attend the meeting and be considered for endorsement.
“Do you know of anyone else running for mayor? If so they are also welcome to be heard and considered at the meeting. We also did a public announcement of the meeting and agenda,” he added.
As far as the city council seats up for election on November 3, the New Harford Democratic Club will not be making any endorsements.
“The board of directors decided not to endorse in the council race. The main reason is one of the questions you raised. That is we reallly don’t know yet “who is running?” That question was clearer in the mayor’s race. I hear some names in the council race but truly have no idea who is going to surface at filing deadline,” Helton said.
Here is the text from the recent New Harford Democratic Club meeting reminder:
New Harford Democratic Club
Meeting ReminderWednesday September 2, 2009, 7pm
Aberdeen Holiday Inn, 1007 Beards Hill Rd., Aberdeen.Guest Speaker:
Susan Turnbull- Chair, Maryland Democratic PartyAlso: Mayor Mike Bennett and Councilman Mike Hiob, candidates for Aberdeen Mayor, will address the Club. After a short Q & A period, the candidates will be released and club members in good standing (members with paid dues) will vote on the club’s endorsement. Candidates will be informed of the NHDC endorsement immediately following the vote.
Please join us for this important meeting!
terabithia says
Do only Aberdeen City residents of the club vote on a candidate or do all members regardless of where they live vote?
Steve says
Well, the voting results of this should be about as suspenseful as…
Steve says
…the 1992 Dream Team match-up versus Angola
RWinger says
This will be one sided to the extent that Art and his puppets will endorse puppet Bennett. Art will assign puppets to spread crap about Hiob because Art can’t get his hands too dirty and piss off Annapolis.
Al J Thong says
It doesn’t matter who they endorse. They are senseless cheerleaders under a captain that hasn’t been in a game in over twenty years.
Jerry T says
I sure hope HIOB gets the endorsement!!!
Dave Yensan says
I think it would be great if all of the folks who support Mike would come out and see and hear what actually occurs. AJ Thong is 100% correct as usual, this so called club is the private domain of an ego freak who only knows to bully.
Desperate in Bel Air says
This coming November the Town of Bel Air has an Election and the two who are up for re-election are Rob Preston & Dave Carey.
Bel Air is desperate for two conservative candidates who would not support pay raises in this economy or support an expansion of Town Hall at the tune of FIVE MILLION DOLLARS.
The board of commissioners is currently made up of five males they need a women’s perspective there.
Please Help
Dell says
Desperate- I believe both of these vacancies will be filled by new faces…I think both Carey and Preston have their sights on higher office. Did you have any particular women in mind? With Hanley also looking for an upgrade (2010), this could be an opportunity to really change the face of the board.
Second point, there were no pay raises this year-all steps were frozen across the board-precisely because of the economy, and, I think you’ll find the expansion plans have been buried in the corner of somebody’s desk. You’ll probably see them mentioned in another 10 years or so.
Phil Dirt says
Dell, I think we’re the ones looking for an upgrade.
And does anyone else remember the statement in the Aegis from Dave Carey a few years back when he was running for Town Commissioner – this was the office he wanted all along and not a steppingstone for higher office. Then, as soon the Democrats in Annapolis redrew District 35B in 2002 to include Bel Air, he immediately threw his hat into the ring (and lost). Imagine that – a lawyer who is a liar. Oops, I mean a lawyer who isn’t shackled by the old, tired, traditional meaning of the English language. Sounds like he IS ready for higher office!
But at least we don’t have Art Helton in Bel Air. Praise the Lord.
Al J Thong says
Don’t be so sure Phil. Havre de Grace didn’t know he lived there a few years ago; Aberdeen didn’t know two years ago; and I’m sure Edgewood doesn’t know now. Bel Air could be next.
Desperate in Bel Air says
You are correct there was not a step increase but a 2% COLA (cost of living adjustment)as well the health care cost increased 12% in which the Town contributes 90% for the employee.
I do not believe anyone saw that in the private sector.
The town hall project is going full speed ahead after paying over $300.000 for design might be too late to turn back Hanley has been against that project since the beginning.
Bel Air deserves better representation they need some fresh faces and ones who know how to say NO.
Council President Mike Hiob says
“Terabithia” (comment #1): As per the Club announcement, ALL “members in good standing” (meaning members that have paid their $15.00 annual membership dues) may vote for their candidate of choice. Keep in mind though,that what RWinger said in comment #3 is absolutely true. Either way, I encourage your attendance on Wed.
“Desperate in Bel Air” (comment #7): Hey, get your own article! Quit trying to hijack this one about the great City of Aberdeen!
(only kidding Des, I’m into the freedom of speech thing you know).
By the way….best of luck to the lovely Town of Bel Air this November. Accurate information is a good candidate’s best friend!
Finally….RWInger, AL, Dave, Jerry,, Thanks for the support.
I am looking forward to an exciting campaign for the next two months, and a productive and rewarding term for the next two years!
P.S. Thanks again to “The Dagger” for being here. We are not afraid!
just dropped in says
Mike, They will be doing you a favor if they don’t give you Helton’s…. sorry I meant to say the NHDC endorsement. In Harford County that can be the kiss of death.
David says
Ever wish there was a “none of the above” option on your ballot?
Dion F. Guthrie - Councilman says
Why is the NHDC endorsing one Democrat against another Democrat? This is clearly counter productive to the betterment of the Democratic Party in Harford County. They did the same thing when they sent out a flyer with the Democrat Central Comittee years ago which eliminated other Democrats. Aren’t we supposed to be opposing Republicans not Democrats? We need to get our house in order.
Question says
Dion, I agree, so I hope you don’t bury your head in the sand if ah runs against you. Just ask ah where hes been getting his bjs. Not from the other ah. LOL
Question says
Make sure u pay ur rent or get ur chapstick ready.
Steve says
Any word on the outcome?
Delegate Dan Riley says
Yes, 1 vote disqualified, 8 votes cast to change the endorsement process, 17 votes cast for Bennett, 14 votes cast for Hiob.
just dropped in says
That should not be a surprise to anyone. It was a done deal before a single vote was cast.
Tax Payer says
Anything would be better than what is in Aberdeen now, the folks wanted Fred Out then they got what they asked for that Bennett guy, I think Mike would do a great job, so folks this time do the right thing, and put real folks who understand the needs of things, also what does Mike Stand for? as for Bennett, he has done nothing as far as I can see.
greg d. says
You must like paying taxes because under Fred, Mike, and Ron my taxes and sewer rates went up considerably. Hard to blame Bennett for that mess. Also ask Ron about the stadium debt we are in. He says there were supposed to be movie theaters, shops, etc, there. Where are they? All I see is a heavy debt that was put to us by all of the Cal worshipers. Remember it takes 3 votes to make policy.
RWinger says
Mr Guthrie: You ask in jest I hope. Non-partisan politics is the rule, but in Aberdeen, or should I say ArtHeltondeen, it’s all about what Art wants and how is Art going to get it. He hijacked the last election and he will do it again. This wasn’t about a Democrat organization picking a candidate to support to go up against a Republican…..this was about Art showing that Bennett is a good little drone and Art letting Bennett know that “the boys” are backing him, ergo ready to slander Hiob and hijack another Aberdeen election. Art has his own little election to worry about so it will be his little inside toadies doing most of the work this time around and keeping his face and name downplayed so as not to anger the legitimate players in the Democrat party. Heck, if you play nice and ask real nice Art will arrange so that you too can vote in the Aberdeen election.
John Salser says
I too attended the “circus” last night or what I prefer to call it “the Art & Ann Helton PAC” You are all correct the outcome was a given but Mike Hiob is really blessed, he didn’t get the endorsement. What I find sad is the fact that this PAC is filled with many good folks and its share of nuts but somehow the DNC needs to step up to the plate and ask Art & Ann to “get the H— out.
I say this to the Aberdeen voters – get off your duffs and vote for Mike Hiob. If continue sitting on your backside you may be blessed to have another term with Art Helton in charge and trying to get as many tax breaks as possible in the city, his only real goal.
As a side comment remember next year Art Helton will be running again, he’s lost every time he has run please before you vote for him be brave and look up his past. He is much like a dogs hind leg.
A note for Del James, Riley and Mr Guthrie plus anybody else – GET THE HELTON’S OUT OF POLITICS”. Their involvement in the Democrat party is giving the party a really bad name in Maryland. This group has given the Democrat party such a bad name that many people are turning away.
AL128 says
The meeting provided a great forum and an opportunity for two individuals who have declared they will file to run for Mayor of Aberdeen to express their view on issues facing Aberdeen, in a town hall fashion. However this was in fact a meeting of the Democratic Club, and at least two motions were put forth and seconded, that the Harford Democratic Club should not endorse a candidate in a race among two Democrats. Ms Helton stated she would not entertain any motions and she was acting within the authority of the constitution and by-laws of the club in doing so. Unfortunately there was no member present who could recall ever having seen the constitution and/or bylaws she repeatedly referenced in denying the membership at large, their right to vote against endorsing a candidate in the Aberdeen Mayoral election. Additionally she failed to entertain a table motion, that was properly seconded, to withhold a vote on endorsement of a candidate until such time as the constitution and by-laws could be located and provided to the membership for review, in order to determine if she was correctly interpreting her authority to not entertain motions from the floor in a duly convened meeting. It will be interesting to read those documents when they are located, and they will be located. The upside was that two fine public servants (Mike B. & Mike H) got to express their position on governance to those in attendance.
terabithia says
AL 128,
It is my understanding that County Councilman Dion Guthrie made the first motion that was squashed by Ms. Helton and the second motion was made by Delegate Mary-Delaney James – I thought only tigers ate their own.
Question says
They only have 40 members!?! Is that even a club for politics!?! Sounds alittle weak to me. Who cares if the group supported bennett when hiob wins the election by a blowout.
Council President Mike Hiob says
“The Club” claims to have in excess of 500 members (at $15.00 annual dues). 40 members attending amy monthly meeting is an average night. Last night had more like 60-70 attendees, but the additionl folks were not members, they were good citizens that are interested in who may be the next Mayor of Aberdeen. That being said, last night was a scripted, play by play lesson in how to divide and conquer. But what was the conquest? I didn’t want, nor do I need the A & A (Art & Ann) Club endorsement to “assist” me in my efforts to return control of the office of the mayor to a citizen who actually lives in Aberdeen (as opposed to someone that lives in Darlington….or maybe “resides” in…..Joppatowne!)? Just the same, this “endorsement” will “allow” the Club to spend thousands of their PAC dollars directly for the benefit of Mike Bennett, AND for the spreading slime about me. Speaking of dollars….Check out the financial records of Mike Bennett’s last campaign. Most of his money came from Art Helton and/or The New Harford Democratic Club! (but The Club “contribution” doesn’t show up on Bennett’s campaign finance report from two years ago) But that was then, and this is now. The upside…..? This “endorsement” is just ANOTHER confirmation that Art Helton and Mike Bennett are connected at the hip (or somewhere else?). And as MORE people continue realize this fact, the BETTER it is for my mayoral campaign. Congratulations Mike Bennett!! Now let’s take it one step further and have a real debate. How about sometime in October (AFTER the filing period ends!). We’ll meet on neutral ground, say….The American Legion (next to City Hall). We give our little statements, then we have a go at it. We can talk about each other’s records and accomplishments, and we can answer some hardball questions. My only request would be that questions must be proffered by citizens of Aberdeen. What say you Mr. Bennett? Oh….sorry. I shouldn’t expect an answer. Mike and Art claim that they don’t read The Dagger. Shame on them………….
David says
If this is the standard of “debate” in Aberdeen politics then the city gets the mayor and council that it deserves.
ProudDemocrat says
The NHDC has FAR more than 40 members… it should be stated that about 70 people were in attendance, and only 40 voted. This means that the building was stacked with those that were not dues-paying members (meaning somebody had an agenda that they were padding). Delegate James and Councilman Guthrie did not represent themselves at this meeting… the Democratic Club endorses for a general election. The Aberdeen election is a general election (no primary), therefore the contested Dem vs. Dem endorsement was both in keeping with the club’s mission and appropriate. Delegate James mentioned three times in her ‘talk’ that this was a primary election… she was wrong about that fact, and wrong in what she was asking for.
By the way… you cannot ‘table’ a vote by parimentary procedures if the vote is mandated in the bylaws (which I have seen and are freely available if anybody would be kind enough to ask ahead of time). The proper procedure would be to ammend the bylaws, but one does not do that the evening of the vote.
Council President Mike Hiob says
You’ve seen the bylaws? You must be on the board. How about posting them right here on The Dagger?
Dave Yensan says
I just can’t let that comment go by “ProudDemocrat”. I attended the meeting and will admit to being beyond disgusted by what occurred. Ann Helton is a rude and boorish person whom the dems deserve. I did not hear anyone among the so called leadership talking about what’s good for Aberdeen or Harford County. he DH from the young dems made several snide comments about bad republicans and in some way conveys that all tea party pesons are demented, wrong, and republican. He also slipped in jibes about other initiatives that were just party line crap. Wendy from Central Committee tried to justify the nonsense of the entire meeting and failed miserably. This club is just there to carry Art Helton’s water. If I were a democrat, and thank God I’m not, I would have nothing whatever to do with this bunch of rabble. In politics we are selling something. We are selling ideals and candidates. I am in sales and know that Henry ford never sold a single car by talking about how terrible the Chevrolet is, he sold them by telling people how good the Ford is. The dems had a rock solid victory in 2008 by convincing the public that all evil was the fault of the republicans. The parallels between the dem approach and the Nazi methods is growing clearer all the time.
Mike Bennett read his speech very prettily. Congratulations on finding a speech writer. The fact that most of it was exaggeration or outright lies should probably be material, but not to the NHDC members who performed like the robots Art wants. A thought is that 8 of the 40 members voted not to vote. I wonder how many of them preferred Mike Hiob. If they had voted their preference Hiob would have won the endorsement and Art would have had to start over. Childish, boorish and disgusting!
O'L Man says
I would also like to be a “ProudDemocrat” but sorry to say cannot. As long as the current joke of a club is up and running under A & A’s PAC then this county will not pull a lot of people in that should be proud. As for the “padding” it is really a shame that A & A had the tables turned. They had enough of their “hoods” there but only a couple spoke.
It will be interesting to see if the A & A thugs again generally try to disrupt the election by stealing signs and spreading nasties. The last election was filled with this stuff even to the point where the “club” stole other clubs names just to endorse the current puppet. We’ll see how far A & A go this time? Although their name will not be attached to anything. Sad state of events – years ago I had great respect for Art Helton, I think his ethics have really gone downhill over the years, he and his wife have become nothing more then Darlington developers who try to say they are residents of every area and city in this part of the state. I am a democrat, I vote, and would never join this club until they wake up and form a democratic club that works for the good of the state and not just the “what’s good for A & A Helton, developer.
I said no says
Looks like either the whisper campaign regarding Art’s solicitation of virutally every female in Aberdeen (unfortuntately I am one of them)he came in contact with or the state democratic machine had had enough……
Dear Friends,
My recent accidental fall at my Church has resulted in more injury than was first diagnosed. I have serious trauma to my neck, including nerve damage. During my stay in the hospital, I found out I had issues relating to my heart. Currently I am under treatment for both medical problems. As a result of these medical issues I have decided to abandon my run for the Maryland Senate. In doing so, I want to thank all of you who have given me support and encouragement. Your support and efforts on my behalf will never be forgotten . I am still committed to public service and will find other ways to continue my involvement.
Art Helton
Steve says
More here –
Concerned in Bel Air says
Why is it that everyone says that Bel Air gets everything, if we could only be so lucky to have Preston & Carey not re-run this November
Perhaps they could take one for there team and follow Helton into retirement from what they believe is Public service.
Jason N says
I am glad that I never joined the Ann and Art Helton DICTATOR club. It is obvious the will of the members is not put first. Someone should notify the National Democratic Party office and let them know about this.
-Jason N
Registered Democrat
Joe says
Why was Dion at a meeting to endorse Aberdeen’s council?
Dave Yensan says
Could it be because he’s a member and a Democrat in “good standing?”
RWinger says
“I Said No” may be on to something. Couple that with his tinkering with Aberdeen politics against the wishes on the boy king, and we have a man with illness (Art has looked progressively bad for the lsat 4 or 5 years) that is all of the sudden too ill to run for office, ala Doug Duncan.
vietnam vet says
He may be ill due to his injuries.but I seriously doubt it’s affected his thinking. I’am sure he will let his presence be known in aberdeen’s affairs.
I do wish him a speedy recovery. regardless of his politics.
Dave Yensan says
Sorry Vet, you and I disagree again. I can’t think of any one human being who is more deserving of some pain and suffering. Having a little knowledge of what I Said No is talking about and agreeing that the main reason for him dropping out is just that, I wish him no good at all. He is a bully and could care less about what is good for Aberdeen.
Hate is a sad thing.. says
or maybe it’s jealousy? Not sure, either way you have reached a new low. I couldn’t care less about politics, but when you wish “pain and suffering” on a family member you have crossed the obviously invisible line between having different views and out right indecency. I would wish a large dose of “pain and suffering” on you, but that would put me in same category as you. That would be a new low I just can’t go to.
I have always found this site somewhat interesting, now I just find you sad.
No need to guess, I am Art and Ann Helton’s daughter, and proud of it.
Thank you for your wishes of a speedy recovery Vietnam Vet. I am glad to see there are people who understand the differences between politics and matters of personal health and safety.
Dave Yensan says
Unfortunately when it comes to your mommy and daddy (which one is step and which is real) There is absolutely no difference between personal and politics. Art has gone out of his way to damage people in the worst possible way and even though it was personal for the damaged person it was politics as usual for the Artful Dodger.
vietnam vet says
it’s perfectly ok to disagree. it should keep our ”New” mayor too be on his toes.
DaddyRabbit says
I just had an afterthought. No one questioned Bennett’s “minor indiscretion” about his having stolen the Sergeant’s exam several years ago. It seems to me that all the press let him get away with a statement about being young and all that crap. For those who don’t know the story, Corporal Bennett was supposed to be preparing for the sergeant exam, and was able to get his hands on a copy. He then went to others who were also to take the exam and gave them copies. When the administrators found out about it and confronted Bennett, he turned tail and blew the whistle on his buddies. For having done that he got off scott free and the buddies all had their careers ruined.
Let’s take note that he committed the crime of stealing the test. Then he committed the ultimate crime of turning in his buddies. In the Army we saw to it that a guy like that never got to do it again. I guess that’s why the State Police promoted him and had him drive a desk from that day on.
This guy is PITIFUL!
Steve says
DaddyRabbit says
Thanks for the reminder Steve. Now after reading that again I still say he did a couple of really rotten things and explaining them away the way Brian did just won’t cut it. I have talked with two of the guys who were affected by this and the Bennett light version is a bit different than the one told by several others. Crap like that is continuing to be told with respect to his accomplishments and his appointments. This guy is not able to tell the actual truth and Brian let him get away with it two years ago. Brian knows better than to take the story from the accused and run with it.
Brian says
I recognize what you’re doing here (bumping this old story so it can get churned back around for this election cycle and hopefully bite Bennett worse than it did the first time around), but why would you attack me?
Maybe you’re still mad that I spoiled the trap that was being laid for Bennett by calling him in the middle of the night and letting him explain his side of the story to the public before his detractors had a chance to spring it on him at the candidate’s forum.
Next time I’ll skip the whole “calling the accused in the middle of the night for his side of the story” part of the reporting process and I’ll come straight to you for your 5th-hand information.
Dave Yensan says
Brian, I don’t think that I attacked you. I simply point out that he got off easy. You didn’t need to go to me for a “fifth hand report.” I have had significant conversations with two of the affected troopers and one of the people who assisted on the independent board. They are there for first hand and at least the other side if not the factual one. Bennett got away with a much nicer version when he told yo the story.
Pootie Tang says
Haylo Helio Mann. to dozen muns past n d sneakin deacon n d dilly dallion dodger still charge o d citibities. Strange b to me dough which one git d baddy neck siderin where d deacon most time keeps hims head.
Marley says
How’s it goin Pootie Tang? You are on top of things in the big Army town. The Deacon be headin for bad times, I’m told. Dilly Dallion Dodger needs more bad times!
Pootie Tang says
Haylo Marley. d Sneakin Deacon war benjimin beggin day fore disday in d citi o grace stead o d dirty deen. Lost may de Deacon and de Artful Dodger be cause der onlyest friend Root Aint Young b clutchin da compass.
Marley says
Pootie Tang;
I bin listenin at da hole in da wall. Some body say de Dodger aint goin to no court now. Dey say he gib dat lady 25,000 big gifts an she say nuttin happened.
RWinger says
Simply put, a vote for Bennett is a vote for Helton, an outsider that has his eye on HIS prize NOT the best interests of the citizens that actually live in Aberdeen. If Helton’s daughter doesn’t like that characterization, tough. Art Helton is a developer with an eye and gift for turning run down eyesores into presentable profitable properties. For this I salute the man, but he is not mayoral material nor was he or his wife senate material. Perhaps if he wasn’t so under handed and sneaky, but that’s what makes him a successful business man. Bennett has not had an original thought in 2 years other than waste money on replacing furniture because Fred Simmons had sat in a chair.
On the other hand you have Mike Hiob, an Aberdeen resident with roots that wants this city to prosper for his kids, our kids, and generations of kids. An insider that will bring change, direction, and leadership from the inside NOT from outside land owners that bully their way into Aberdeen’s affairs. I don’t live in Bel Air so I don’t stick my nose in Bel Air politics, I don’t live in the unincorporated Aberdeen, I live in the Aberdeen City limits and I want my government leadership and decisions to come from within the confines of the city.
I don’t need Club Helton to “endorse”, I don’t need the police, DPW, or anyone else to “endorse”, and I don’t need the Mike Bennett prepared statements. An educated voter with a mind of their own is scary when you practice scam politics.
vietnam vet says
Thank you’ RWinger for bringing art’s achievement’s to the fore front. I’am sure even under ”New” leader ship he will continue his indeavours in our all american city.
S.Fred was doing a wonderful job taking out the ”Trash” but he’s gone…. Hopefully, Mr Helton will see fit to buy, some more ”Trashy”property and remove and eye sore.
Mike Hiob for Mayor.
Hooter says
Come on. Vet, you were all over Simmons. Now you’re praising him for his abilities? Maybe he would’ve still been in office and the City wouldn’t be such bad shape if people like you wouldn’t have bad mouth him. As far as I’m concerned you and the rest of the “voters” in Aberdeen got exactly what you deserved. Bennett, Helton, Johnson and big deficit!
vietnam vet says
if you had ”Noticed” in prior post’s he was given credit for his out standing effort’s in crime reduction.He simply needed to lower his profile.
As far as Art Helton Steve johnson. there grown up’s. and take care of them self’s.
Incidently I didnt vote for bennett. New Blood is on the way. MIKE HIOB FOR MAYOR.
Council President Mike Hiob says
Hey all of you “Friends of Mike Hiob”, F.Y.I., I was endorsed by the F.O.P. Lodge 128 earlier this evening! I am very proud to have their endorsement. The A.P.D. deserves better treatment than they have received from my opponent during the past couple of years. Thanks to all of the officers that attended, listened to our “spirited” comments, and asked important questions. Like I said earlier at the meeting, “As your mayor, I will continue the open door policy that I have championed as your council president”.
As we say..”Leadership from the Inside Out…NOT the Outside In”.
Sharon says
I saw the Mike Bennett vs. Mike Hiob scorecard sign outside of Panera Bread today. First of all it’s an eyesore and it’s too damn tall, you can’t safely back out of the parking space because your view is blocked. Blocking the view of a handicapped space is a real slap in the face.
Big deal Mike Bennett has a degree and was in the military and was a state trooper. Has nothing to do with the past 2 years.
My own score card (from personal knowledge):
Was present at a veterans honor ceremony in town (Bennett NO, Hiob YES)
Abused power wasting taxpayer money to buy new furniture that was only 2 years old (Bennett YES, Hiob NO)
Wanted to cut fund from the Boys and Girls Club (Bennett YES, Hiob NO)
Attends Aberdeen High sports events (Bennett NO, Hiob YES)
Returns calls from constituents (Bennett NO, Hiob YES)
Will take time out of shopping with his family to speak with you at a store regarding city issues (Bennett NO, Hiob YES)
Is a puppet for Art Helton (Bennett YES, Hiob NO)
Stalled on water amendment for political clout (Bennett YES, Hiob NO)
Has used political office for personal gain and favors fdor friends at tax payer expense (Bennett YES, Hiob NO)
Can speak a sentence without stammering because he doesn’t have a Art Helton note card of what to say (Bennett YES, Hiob NO although Hiob gets a little hyper sometimes)
Like I said, personal knowledge. In my opinion Mike Bennett has been an empty suit amounting to nothing more than an errand boy for Art Helton. Aberdeen’s coffers shrunk and Helton’s pockets got heavier over the past 2 years, go figure!