Patrick McGrady filed the required forms to run for Maryland State Delegate in District 34A today. In Annapolis Patrick will refuse to raise taxes on the citizens of District 34A, fight to eliminate crime and gang violence in our communities, and stand up for open and honest government in Maryland. Patrick plans to promote and defend the great American principles of individual liberty, constitutional government, and free markets.
Patrick is a life-long resident of Aberdeen and is employed as a Property Manager for Holly Circle Townhouses LLC, a local real estate company. He graduated from the Pennsylvania State University with a B.S in Finance and a B.A. in Economics. McGrady serves as a chief organizer for the Harford Property Tax Revolt, a grassroots citizens’ coalition dedicated to protecting private property owners and renters from out-of-control tax increases. He is also a member of the Harford County Campaign for Liberty, a non-profit organization dedicated to grassroots activism that promotes individual freedom and economic liberty. Additionally, Patrick is a member of the Harford County Route 40 Republican Club, Harford County Chamber of Commerce, and the Route 40 Business Association.
In July, McGrady led a successful fight to limit future property tax increases in Harford County for the citizens of District 34A, resulting in taxpayer savings of at least $853 million over the next ten years and saving each household at least $15,000. Patrick also volunteers in his community as a lacrosse coach at Aberdeen High School and for the Four Diamonds Fund at Hershey Medical Center, a non-profit foundation that raises money for children battling cancer.
Patrick McGrady has roots in Harford County that span across generations. Patrick’s father, Leonard N. McGrady, Sr. and Patrick’s grandfather, Leonard E. McGrady spent many years as partners in real estate development, home construction, and renovation businesses. The father-son team built more than 700 homes in Harford County between 1960 and 1980, a large portion of which were built in Aberdeen. Patrick’s mother, Pasquetta (Pat) McGrady is the daughter of first generation Italian immigrants, Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Piantone, Jr., who tirelessly pursued the American dream. Mr. Piantone worked as a stonemason for years before saving up enough money to return to school to gain formal education in real estate. Today, Patrick’s family runs the business his grandfather started more than 50 years ago.
The Friends of Patrick McGrady are hosting a “Campaign Kick-Off Cookout” on Sunday, September 27th, 2009 from 3pm to 6pm. The cookout will be held at the historic Susquehanna Museum at the Lock House, 817 Conesto Street, Havre de Grace, MD 21078. Ticket prices are $25 per person and $45 per family. Sponsorships are available. For more information about Patrick McGrady’s candidacy for State Delegate in 2010 please visit or contact Theodore Patterson at 443-350-5065 or via e-mail at
I bet Pat will spend a lot more time fighting to decrease the family business’s property tax load than to fight the criminal element in the district….come on if he was really that concerned about gang violence wouldnt he be a police officer?
And seriously….how many people worship this guy? He looks to be about my age (not old enough to be as wise as he obviously thinks he is)…and instead of fighting property taxes maybe he should do what is best for Aberdeen….and fight to eliminate all funding for subsidized rental housing and push to start a national version of Habitat for Humanity…..
Lets just say that is something I doubt he will be supporting….thanks for reading!
This is a quote ….”In July, McGrady led a successful fight to limit future property tax increases in Harford County for the citizens of District 34A, resulting in taxpayer savings of at least $853 million over the next ten years and saving each household at least $15,000″…..
Okay, seriously……A typical $250,000 home….will probably see property taxes of around $2,800 if it is being appraised at its “full” value….if the next year the assesors doubled your home value….so now with a 5% cap it can only increase by $140 per year for 10 years which is $1,400…..versus a 10% cap would be $280 per year for 10 years to make $2,800…..THATS SAVINGS OF 1,400 NOT 15,000!!!!
Hope you would be better at legislating that at doing math Pat.
It’s still 1400 you’re not paying because someone had the wherewithal to speak up when he felt that the individual was bearing the brunt of an irresponsible government. What’s arithmetic in the face of justice?
Mike –
Actually you are wrong since increasing values and increasing tax rates will have an exponential result. By lowering the cap by which tax rates go up will slow rate growth, however values over the long term are likely to rise so taxes would go up even if the cap was 0% only slower.
The former 9% cap rate at the maximum would result in your property taxes doubling in 8 years and with a 5% rate at a maximum your taxes would double in 14.4 years. Again this does not take into account rising property values.
it’s still lying in your first announcement during your first run for office….and I don’t call real estate LLCs owning townhomes and people who own many rental properties the “poor individual” which pat claims to represent……we harford county taxpayers do deserve relief from falsely high assessments from the drop off in real estate these past couple of years….
but don’t claim to be in this for the little guy if you are part of a family or LLC owning massive amounts of property and therefore will save the amount each year equal to someones salary who was laid off by the county after this thing passed….thats lost income taxes to both state and county and when that employees home gets foreclosed on and they go on welfare benefits we pay for that too!!!
Mike –
It is very brave of you to anonymously post on this forum and call McGrady a liar. What lie has he told. And what about your problems with property tax math?
joe, real estate values will not be increasing in the future like they did previously…….and especially not in the next 5 years…..we are not at the end of the tunnel yet in this housing burst…..
Mike –
While you don’t have math skills…you must have great real estate market forecasting skills to be able predict 5 years out!
joe, I know from other articles you are a conservative voice, how do you feel about getting rid of all government subsidized tenant housing…..tear down every public housing unit, and stop sending out section 8 vouchers?? I am such an odd Dem that I support it…..
still nobody on this conservative-leaning site applauding the idea of getting rid of the sweet money train that comes in to the hands of rich real estate investors from section 8? I am saddened.
And I should apologize for using the word lying. Its really more just a misleading figure. Again, I am trying to point out that people should want what is best for our county, not what is best for a handful of interests in this county. We all pay for it in the form of tax money supporting the section 8 apartments where all of Harford’s biggest problems come from.
Mike –
So it wasn’t a lie, but it was misleading? What was misleading specifically?
I admit that my original math was not correct, but I still stand by my statement that the average homeowner will not save 15,000 in the next ten years because the average home is not going to increase in the amount necessary to achieve that savings.
I absolutely agree that we should not allow people to be taxed out of their homes. But I don’t believe that it is right to be claiming the absolute worst case scenario would have definitely happened ten years from now and then claiming that the savings that may or may not be seen down the road are proof right now that someone should be given a position in the House of Delegates.
I think that if Pat really wants to make the most real change he should continue grass roots organizing, he honestly seemed to do a great job of it on Main Street this summer (I drive through there to get to work each day). I think that Aberdeen really is missing out on the BRAC opportunity, and someone truly willing to work for change there needs to take power in their city hall and city council before its too late. Bel Air will otherwise see all of the positive effects from BRAC.
the misleading part is to assume that 8 years from now a home would have doubled in value….I for one do not see it happening but regardless…
I think we should get rid of the cap on raises and lower the rate applied per dollar of value….
make the assessments a county responsibility and make them yearly assessments not once every 4 years so no cap is needed and that way assessors would actually know the area better when making assessments….and at the same time reduce the rate per dollar so that when each house is being assessed at full value for that year getting rid of the cap doesn’t make monumental changes in the tax revenue(this way it would allow home values to go down during recessions for tax purposes) and the values go up, times a lower rate, making about even amounts of tax revenue as before
the state government sucks at this process and I know the county could do better.
Mike –
You maligned Pat you owe him an apology and if you don’t believe his calculus on the estimated savings to property taxpayers you should ask him how he arrived at his conclusion.
harford county does not own any public housing. strickly speaking, the county taxes do not pay for any subsidy on rents, that is a federal responsability. cutting these programs would also make elderdy, disabled and veterans homeless. Aside from the human cost, the rents pay property taxes and their owners also contribute to the tax base. Having a subisdized rental program is not the waste, if properly administered.
The county issues housing vouchers to eligible families for the federal housing choice voucher program. There are project based housing units, but they are administered by private industry, not the county.
Mike the state assesses every three years, not four. Senator Glassman and I will once again introduce legislation for yearly assessments. Surely we will meet the same resistance as last year, that the cost to do this is too high, too much trouble, etc. However, the effort is there to change the way property is assessed in Maryland.
I suggest that we give Pat a chance. The County budget has clearly exploded in the past few years. I belive the operating budget has increased some $200 million dollars since 2005. I believe I read from approximately $400 million to $600 million without a population increase to support the need. I’m all for swapping out career politicians at the local, state, and federal levels. Lets give Pat a chance to explain the $15,000 quote. As a CPA I’d like to see that calculation as well…
The McGrady’s haven’t accepted any section 8 tenants for years and years. From what I understand, they had a very bad experience with that and have worked to fix the problems caused by the government since then.
Maybe you should check out some factual information before you make these ridiculous assessments.
Wow – amazing how much nonsense can be posted during the course of an afternoon. Following the same logic that Mike uses in inferring that you have to be a police officer to care about gang violence, one would conclude that you have to be running for office to care about the overall state of public affairs. So if that’s your reasoning Mike, then why aren’t you running for office yourself?
what on God’s sake are you talking about? You make no sense.
If Patrick McGrady can do a nice make over at the Holly Circle complex that his family manages, then Patrick McGrady will have demonstrated his ability to get things done and is worthy of the vote. Charity starts at home and so does community rebuilding.
that his family owns not just manages…..the mailing address for the LLC that owns the Holly Circle Townhomes….the address where its tax bills are sent….is the address of Patrick’s grandmother’s real estate office….Goldie Realty on W. Bel Air Avenue….so much for the other thread from like a month ago where Mrs. Pat McGrady came on the Dagger claiming that the McGradys don’t own the townhomes and only act as “property managers”…..I cannot get over how they obviously dont want to be known as the owners when they really are
Plumber Joe,
You sir, are an interesting character.
You do not use your real name and you are mistaken and have the audacity to challenge my integrity?
Why would you investigate the tax bills of Goldie Real Estate? Mrs. McGrady, the deceased Mrs.Goldie McGrady,Mrs. Leonard E. McGrady, did have her office on W. Bel Air Ave, but the property is currently listed for sale with RKS real estate.( Bill Vanden Eyden is the listing agent, and a very nice man). My family, my Leonard N. McGrady SR. our 4 children and our 2 grandchildren, do not own that property, or Holly Circle townhouses.
I am very proud of the work that my family has done to restore and to renovate the townhouses. The implication that I would not want to admit ownership is foolish. My family has worked and is working very hard to make HCT a safe, healthy, well-kept community. The Aberdeen police have been very helpful and we’re making amazing and wonderful progress within the community.
HCT, llc. does not accept sec. 8 vouchers.
I am curious tho, why would you look up Goldie Realty tax bills? If you are so lacking for entertainment, the schools in Aberdeen could surely use your skills to help with the reading and story telling. You seem quite able to fabricate tall tales.
Mike ( #1) seems to think if you have concerns about a certain area, ie gangs, you should become a police officer. Perhaps you should become a story teller at the library.
Mrs. Pat McGrady
Mr. and Mrs. McGrady, Patrick’s grandparents, passed away in 2007. His parents have been managing the LLC for the contested estate.
Who cares what they own or don’t own? The bottom line is he is saying he will vote to cap property tax hikes. As a homeowner, I can appreciate that. I’m tired of all these tax hikes. We have Gov. O’Malley passing a 120% vehicle registration tax increase, 20% sales tax increase, 18% business tax hike increase, and 20% car sales tax increase.
We can bemoan the exact figure all day long, but WHO CARES. We’re overtaxed, that’s obvious.
I’m not sure how I will vote yet, but I appreciate this issue being raised. I hope the incumbent legislators will respond in kind.
This looks like a copy of a press release, not actually a news story written by the Dagger News Service. It should be labeled as such.
“McGrady serves as a chief organizer for the Harford Property Tax Revolt, a grassroots citizens’ coalition”
Grassroots, my butt. Try AstroTurf!!
Check out this lobbying group, run by donations from Big Tobacco, Big Oil and several other groups that have been plundering America for years. They are the ones behind the “TeaPartys” and the confrontational wackos at the Town Hall meetings comparing Obama to Hitler and spouting the nonsense about “death orders” and “death sentences”.
Aberdeen Resident –
You spend way too much time in your parents’ basement watching Nancy Pelosi YouTube videos and thinking up right wing conspiracy theories. The local folks that successfully rebelled against increased property taxes in Harford County are just that regular citizens that exercised their free speech rights and continue to do so.
And those same ordinary folks will help save the nation from an Obama government takeover of our health care.
Are you on drugs? Really?
The only money we have comes from our jobs that we hold down while fighting for our rights. There is nary a professionally-made sign at our events.
These events are often no-budget events and when we have to pay for something, the money is pitched in by attendees -many of whom have lost their jobs due to the economy.
AFP didn’t get involved until after the first couple events. They don’t spend any money and they inform people.
Your comment really upsets me. Come to one of our events in the future and see how real we are.
Aberdeen Resident,
I’m part of the Tea Party effort. Your comments are simply absent of any facts. I suspect you watch too much NBC & MSNBC propaganda. You are also a coward for not identifying yourself.
Aberdeen Resident,
It was Pelosi who brought Hitler into this discussion with her comments.
Where was your outrage when Bush was depicted as Hitler?
I am not a fan of the Tea Parties or their beliefs, but of course they have the right to organize, assemble, protest, etc. (although “shouting down” people, as has been done recently at many of the “town hall” meetings, has no place in American politics or discourse). Connections to larger organizations and their money don’t negate these rights.
Anyway, Pelosi was responding to some idiots bringing swastika signs with Obama’s name on them to rallies, likening him to a Nazi or Hitler. I have come to the belief that when anyone (from either/any side) brings Hitler or the Nazis into the conversation, the conversation should end. This also has no place in American politics or discourse.
Dave –
Thank you for blessing other folks’ rights…now that we have your endorsement we can proceed. You have my heartfelt and humble thanks.
I think that the U.S. progressives/liberals are the ones that have a penchant for invoking the “Nazi” invective on conservatives. Which is ironic since the fascist early twentieth century regimes in Italy and Germany were both a result of progressive/liberal movements.
Nobody’s blessing anyone’s rights. Yes, liberals are the ones who seem to have a penchant of invoking the “Nazi” invective on conservatives. (At least they don’t bring their guns with them…sorry, had to throw that in there.) Conservatives are the ones who seem to have a penchant of invoking the “Nazi” invective on liberals. Neither belong in our political discourse. Do you have to take offense at every single post from a liberal?
Dave –
If I took offense at every liberal/progressive post I wouldn’t have time for anything else. Heck, I don’t even respond to all your liberal/progressive posts.
You don’t seem to have an issue when the left protests about war, prisoner abuse at Abu Ghurayb (I’ve seen hazing and practical jokes much worse than that), project pink or capatilism. The left for years has not been shy voicing their opinions and now that the conservatives are protesting you don’t like it?
Nancy Pelosi has been quoted how she “loves protestors”. Yes she does, protestors opposed to what she is opposed to, but she takes offense to someone voicing their opinion if she does not agree with them? What a hypocrite.
The left’s modus operandi has been to be loud and disruptive in the past, now that you are getting a little of your own medicine you don’t like it?
Wait, wait, wait… Where am I complaining about conservative protests? I specifically said they have the right to protest!
As for your seeming endorsement of the Abu Ghraib abuses, that’s another matter.
We have booked 8 buses to Washington DC, leaving from Bel Air on 9/12.
Tickets are $30/person.
More information @
Tony Passaro is the organizer, his phone number is 443-350-0520.
If someone doesn’t recognize the hardworking, backbone of America, middle class when they see the Tea Party participants, they are either clueless or a true Leftist using Alinsky tactics to disrupt this thread. Either way, the only thing left for us is to continue working towards placing Patriots like Patrick in every political office that we can, both locally and nationally. Let the hyenas howl.