U.S. Marine Sgt. Michael W. Heede, 22, of Delta, Pennsylvania, and Edgewood according to media reports, was killed Monday in combat operations in Afghanistan.
Sgt. Heede was assigned to the 1st Combat Engineer Battalion, 1st Marine Division, I Marine Expeditionary Force, Camp Pendleton, Calif. He was among two Marines killed Monday while supporting combat operations in the Helmand province of Afghanistan.
Here is the official release from the DoD:
DoD Identifies Marine Casualties The Department of Defense announced today the death of two Marines who were supporting Operation Enduring Freedom.
Sgt. Michael W. Heede Jr., 22, of Delta, Pa., and Staff Sgt. David S. Spicer, 33, of Zanesfield, Ohio, died July 13 while supporting combat operations in Helmand province, Afghanistan.
Heede was assigned to 1st Combat Engineer Battalion, 1st Marine Division, I Marine Expeditionary Force, Camp Pendleton, Calif.
Spicer was assigned to 8th Engineer Support Battalion, Combat Logistics Regiment 2, 2nd Marine Logistics Group, II Marine Expeditionary Force, Camp Lejeune, N.C.
Mike heede i will always remeber are great times in cross country in high School, great friend even greater hero. thank u for my freedom Mike. Never Forgoten
Oh Mike I miss you dearly… I am forever greatful for you and Thank you. Thank you for being a good man, a great solider, and forever my friend. I Love You R.I.P.
Mike I will never forget all of the times you, Larry and I had together. You were a great friend, awesome person, and you are a hero to this country. I couldn’t be more proud to have known you. You will be missed always! R.I.P buddy…
Mike you will never be forgotten, we have grown up together and you will always be in my heart. Not only are you my hero, you are a national hero. I am so glad that I can say that you were my bestfriend. Rest in peace brother.
Heede dude you will be missed so much. You were a big part of mine and Catlin’s life and you will always be remembered. I will miss all those times you went to my house and raided my fridge:) We will miss you doing the pancake and I will never forget that last time we hung out. There were lots of memories that night. It was just 5 months ago when I last saw you and it seems like you are still alive. My son will grow up knowing who you are and know that you are a hero. I hope you watch over us from time to time and keep us in your loving hand. We will never forget you. Wish you were here buddy, so I can kick your ass in beer pong!
Almighty Father, whose command is over all and whose love never fails, make me aware of Thy presence and obedient to Thy will. Keep me true to my best self, guarding me against dishonesty in purpose and deed and helping me to live so that I can face my fellow Marines, my loved ones and Thee without shame or fear. Protect my family. Give me the will to do the work of a Marine and to accept my share of responsibilities with vigor and enthusiasm. Grant me the courage to be proficient in my daily performance. Keep me loyal and faithful to my superiors and to the duties my country and the Marine Corps have entrusted to me. Make me considerate of those committed to my leadership. Help me to wear my uniform with dignity, and let it remind me daily of the traditions which I must uphold. If I am inclined to doubt, steady my faith; if I am tempted, make me strong to resist; if I should miss the mark, give me courage to try again. Guide me with the light of truth and grant me the wisdom by which I may understand the answer to my prayer.
Semper Fi
Semper Fideles, Marine – OORAH! May you serve in the glory of the Corps of the Almighty.