Harford County Executive David Craig will announce layoffs and cuts to services during a 2 p.m. press conference Thursday, June 18, according to the county executive’s Chief of Staff Aaron Tomarchio. Tomarchio said the reductions are in response to the additional 5% cut in operating funds enacted by the Harford County Council on May 29th.
The cuts applied to all departments and agencies except public safety and education, in order to support a decrease in the real estate tax rate. Those cuts were later signed into law by Craig and further reduced the county executive’s proposed operating budget which already included reductions over FY09 and 5 furlough days for some county employees.
It’s about time.
The numbers below speak for themselves – Craig could have prevented this by acting fiscally responsible in the first place.
Harford County Operating budget: Increase from the end of 2005 to 2009 – 45% $420 Million to $610 Million in 2009
The US Census reports Harford County Population of 211,000 in 1997 and 240,000 in 2008, a 13.7% increase. Yet over the same time period the number of full time equivalent employees in Harford County increased from 1,446 to 1,900 – a 31% increase. Oh and the budget increased from $253 Million to $610 Million – a $357 Million dollar increase or 141%.
You are comparing apples to oranges. From some of the distorted facts that I have seen people post, and from what I have been reading on here, I could open up a fruit stand. Perhaps that could be one way to save the Fallston Library.
Ted R,
There are some families that will be devastated in the next few days as a result of these layoffs. Trust me, I know, many members of my family have been laid off from their jobs because of this economy. Private sector or Public sector, they are still people with lives. It is sad to see that you and others on this post take pleasure out of someone elses misfortune.
let the ‘trough’ clearing begin…
comments like …”slow down, you’re gettin the job done too soon’…won’t be uttered any more to new employees of the county…
what will the shovels do with no one to lean on them?
No pleasure, SELF INFLICTED. A bloated government is not good for anyone. Layoffs will hopefully also improve the productivity of those who are left. If its a choice between cutting government jobs because of sliding revenues instead of increasing the taxes of those of us still working, I will take the former anyday. The qualified individuals layed off can always join the rest of use in the private sector.
Lets hope this spreads to the federal and state levels where over-employment is much worse.
Amen Ted R FAIR WARNING the people are tired of goverment waste & spending……
Self Inflicted,
Obvious you have no facts to offer only insults. Unless the State of Maryland and Census Bureau are misrepresenting facts – those numbers are correct. Put them in any context you want – instead of bellyaching – wht don’t you tell us what justified a $190 Million increase in the budget since 2005.
Regarding your comments to Ted R – Too many Government workers received jobs and salaries they shouldn’t have received in the first place. Consider them a gift of the Taxpayers up until now.
When property taxes go up on people who can barely afford their mortgages as it is, what happens? Houses are foreclosed upon and stand vacant – those people have to move somewhere they can afford, and it won’t be Harford County. My daughter and her family just relocated to Texas because they can’t afford to live here any longer.
The real question is, where is $610 million dollars going when our roads are tar and chip and we have no trash service? Baltimore County’s tax rate, per the State Department of Assessment and Taxation’s web site is 1.10/$100 assessed, Harfords is 1.082/$100 assessed – and they have beautiful roads, trash pickup, libraries, community colleges, etc. You can’t tell me that .018/$100 equals all of that.
oh, and here is the link for the SDAT’s property tax listing.
It’s a shame that the people getting laid off are not he big money “gift”jobs but low age custodial and clerical. Keep celebrating peoplewho live paycheck to paycheck losing their jobs. This place is starting to sound like a republican propoganda site. Yeah for me I saved 50 dollars, oh and some schlub lost their job, at least it wasn’t me. Theyy should get a real job in the privte sector like the rest of us real Americans. This rethoric leaves a bad taste in my mouth, eh, wait till you need something from the government and then you will be protesting that as well. Get off the internet and start learning about how he government has helped you and your family since 1776
Go read your history- our Founding Fathers in 1776 never intended Government to become so Large, Wasteful, Powerful, and INTRUISIVE. Go look at the budget and the outragious salaries. Facts are not rhetoric. I’m not talking about the low wage custodians. I’m talking about the large number of Managerial Staff in the Sheriff’s Office with no one to Manage. I’m talking about Libraries that should have never been built, I’m talking about Craig’s administrative positions that should have never been created.
People like you use terms like right wing republican conservatives when faced with facts that you simply can’t repudiate. I personally view myself as a Conservative Christian American. Those values my friend are what this country was founded on – Go look it up!
Facts are people are losing their jobs over a 50 dollar tax cut. Yes our founding fathers Intended for our gov to be overthrown if we become unhappy or it is not doing it’s for main purposes. That as happened and now conservative Christians are unhappy and are complaining. You have that right, but it is ugly to celebrate people being fired.
How sad. Harford County seems determined to become a third world country all by itself. Of course the Fallston Library has to close. Of course the others have to cut hours and days of service and furlough staff. Now shut up about it. You let it happen. When there are only 4 libraries left, not enough sheriffs deputies to respond to calls, no money to subsidize and support the volunteer fire system, and insufficient staff in the schools to teach and care for our children, go look in the mirror for the cause.
Harford County is simply getting what it voted for.
Braveheart. I’m not sure, but itis possible that as much as Half of the increase since 2005 is a combination of increasaed energy costs and increased healthcare costs. Of course, if we eliminate all transportation costs for the county government AND all health care coverage for county workers, we can probably get it back down to where it was in 2005.
Talk about selective number crunching. before you start throwing numbers around, be prepared to discuss ALL the factors that could affect the increase. Energy, mandates, population increases, changes in building codes, tax breaks offered to lure businesses, failure to have developers carry their fair share of infrrastructure costs, service increases DEMANDED by the majority of county taxpayers…
If I am not mistaken, prior to 2000, and the conservative revolution, we had surplusses in the federal, state and county budgets.
Oh, and one other thing. Our founding fathers were not trying to create a christian country. They were specifically trying to create a country where a man’s faith was irrelevant to his position in the society and the government, and he was free to worship any god he wished in any fashion he wished AS LONG AS IT DIDN’T INFRINGE ON HIS NEIGHBORS RIGHT TO DO THE SAME THING. That is what our founding fathers fought so hard for. I am sick to death of people trying to rationalize the creation of nation of Christian Mullahs.
Braveheart: I could not have said it any better than you did. County Exec Craig created new positions, filled them with his friends and overpaid them. Sheriff Bane created 5 new Captains positions when elected. 5 lieutenants filled those spots, which meant 5 sergeants got promoted to lieutenant, 5 corporals got promoted to sergeant and 5 DFC’s got promoted to corporal. If there aren’t enough deputies on patrol, it’s surely not because there aren’t enough in the department. They are all in supervisory positions or in specialty units. Maybe that’s fine in good times, but in times like this, something needs to give. Disband some of the specialty units. Does each precinct and each shift need a lieutenant, sergeant and corporal? In some instances, there are more supervisors in a unit than deputies. Sadly, some of this dates back to Meadows when he created supervisory positions for his favorite gals, most of which are still there, most of them are making more than the deputies. Bane seems not to have found any way to right the wrongs of the past, and in fact, is building upon them. I could go county agency by county agency, but you get the picture. Now the common county worker, just trying to get by, has to pay for the sins of the higher ups. No way they’re going to sacrifice anything, so it will be the custodians and the clerks who suffer, while the fat cats continue to thrive.
J. Kevin Michel
Before I respond – You shouldn’t assume that us that want Government Reform are Conservative Republicans. My Parents are Democrats and they want the same. I’m a registered Republican but consider myself an Independent. Watch your personal attacks.
Your thoughts;
Braveheart. I’m not sure, but itis possible that as much as Half of the increase since 2005 is a combination of increasaed energy costs and increased healthcare costs. Of course, if we eliminate all transportation costs for the county government AND all health care coverage for county workers, we can probably get it back down to where it was in 2005.
Where are your facts? You are simply listing a bunch of what ifs. Why don’t you study up and get back to us? Maybe your right. Ok – lets say you are – what about that other half – that $100 million increase whats that all about?
Your thoughts:
Talk about selective number crunching. before you start throwing numbers around, be prepared to discuss ALL the factors that could affect the increase. Energy, mandates, population increases, changes in building codes, tax breaks offered to lure businesses, failure to have developers carry their fair share of infrrastructure costs, service increases DEMANDED by the majority of county taxpayers…
My response:
I wasn’t selective – I simply reported the facts to the people – $190 million or 45% increase since 2005. In other posts – I ‘ve also reported the population change and increase in Government Full Time employees. The Budget increases are grossly out of proportion to the Budget increases.
J. Kevin Michel – where are your facts – your numbers? You are nothing but words and emotion. What services were demanded, when, by who? More free movies provided by the ambitious Head of Library Services?
Your thoughts:
If I am not mistaken, prior to 2000, and the conservative revolution, we had surplusses in the federal, state and county budgets.
My response (from Wikipedia)
Your lack of history indicates that you may be a child.. The “conservative revolution” started in 1994 not 2000. The Republican controlled legislature made great strides in DC in cleaning up that whore house. Unfortuantely, Bush tried to please everyone and let Congress spend like drunkin sailors after elected. Oh by the way – 9/11 didn’t help. No exuses though – he let things get out of hand.
(From Wikipedia)
The Republican Revolution or Revolution of ’94 is what the Republican Party of the United States dubbed their success in the 1994 U.S. midterm elections,[1] which resulted in a net gain of 54 seats in the House of Representatives, and a pickup of eight seats in the Senate. The day after the election, Democratic Senator Richard Shelby of Alabama changed parties, becoming a Republican.
The gains in seats in the mid-term election resulted in the Republicans gaining control of both the House and the Senate in January 1995. Republicans had not held the majority in the House for forty years, since the 83rd Congress (elected in 1952) under Republican Speaker Joseph William Martin, Jr.
Large Republican gains were made in state houses as well when the GOP picked up twelve gubernatorial seats and 472 legislative seats. In so doing, it took control of 20 state legislatures from the Democrats. Prior to this, Republicans had not held the majority of governorships since 1972. In addition, this was the first time in 50 years that the GOP controlled a majority of state legislatures.
Your Thoughts:
Oh, and one other thing. Our founding fathers were not trying to create a christian country. They were specifically trying to create a country where a man’s faith was irrelevant to his position in the society and the government, and he was free to worship any god he wished in any fashion he wished AS LONG AS IT DIDN’T INFRINGE ON HIS NEIGHBORS RIGHT TO DO THE SAME THING. That is what our founding fathers fought so hard for. I am sick to death of people trying to rationalize the creation of nation of Christian Mullahs.
My response:
What is your point – I said the Country was founded on Conservative Christian values. Go read the Biographies of our Founders and you’ll find out I’m correct. Go study the Koran and you’ll find out why Christians and Muslims will never live in peace.
Lastly – Good try youngster – go study up and write something worth reading.
Juls it is possible that .018 equals that when you consider they have a larger population and houses are worth more in baltimore county then here.
Brave heart- Ben Franklin was very liberal and progressive for his time, Thomas Jefferson was an athiest!
J. Kev is correct about the role of religion according to our founding fathers. They put a seperation of church and state to protect the citizenary and government from over zealot religious fanatics.
I just never want to hear any of the irresponsible citizens, who waited until after the budghet process to whine, camplain about usage fees or bad service from the government. These people did not participate in the process and complained later so we got irresponsible budgeting instead of planned cuts. BTW Braveheart loves to omit the original proposed cut by Craig because it does not fit his theory.
Cdev – Christian values are christian values – Seperation of Church and State rule the day.
Cdev – nice backhand “BTW Braveheart loves to omit the original proposed cut by Craig because it does not fit his theory”
What is your point and what is my theory in “your opinion”?
The facts are the facts man.
If you included Craigs FY 2010 proposal you would not have as large a percentage to brag about since he cut the busget some to start with! Next this nation was not christian otherwise it [Declaration of Independence] would have said
“endowed by God with certian inalieanable rights” instead it reads creator not God refering to any diety or lack of belief in one!
I don’t think the Founding Fathers were trying to protect the government from the religious, but protect the People’s right to practice the religion of the chosing. No state religion, like the Church of England run by a monarch, was what they were trying to save this country from.
The Founding Fathers were also fighting against overtaxation to support and government they felt did not represent them. ‘No taxation without representation’ seems to be as prevailent today as it was back then.
Please move to Prince Georges, Montgomery, or Baltimore City. You’ll fit right in.
You and and your big government finally woke the hand that feeds you and now we are about to bite you.
Move on – as George Soros states!
I am happy here I will stay! Why don’t you move since you are unhappy!
Braveheart I like how you talk about rights but you do not recognize my right to excercise my civic duty “to promote the general wellfare and secure the blessings of liberty to myself and my posterity.”
I’ love Harford County and live in the greatest most prosperous Country of all time. I’m willing to spend a little time pointing out factual errors from people like you.
I must admit – I find it incredulous, some of the crap you spout off. Do you have a mother or are you a son of government?
There is a boat waiting for you somewhere…. to Iran, North Korea, Venezuela, China, Russia,,,
Get a job!
At work on Wednesday my co-worker at a small business here in Maryland confided in me that she had spent the day worrying that her husband, who works for Harford County Parks and Rec would be losing his job because of the Budget cuts.
A phone call at the end of the day from her husband brought huge relief when he told her that he still had a job.
I think we need to know why he still has a job, because the Director of Parks and Rec, Joe Pfaff took a voluntary pay cut of two days per week in order to keep his employees.
I am hearing this third-hand, but if it is true, then this man needs to be thanked, not just by his employees, but by all of us here in Harford County for showing the way and walking the walk, not simply talking the talk.
I have a plea to everyone. Stop fighting this political fight. These are hard times for all, and to continue this back and forth blame is not going to solve the problem.
For those who can help a neighbor in need, do so out of the kindness of your heart.
Never, ever expect the government to solve your problems.
This expectation is what got us in this mess to begin with.
Now is the time for us to think out side of the box our government has weaselly placed us into. Heck, they can’t take care of themselves and you are asking them to take care of you.
Your government lies to you in plain sight. Ask yourself what am I going to do about this?
Harford County’s three Municipalities had better wake up as the trickle down effect is headed straight at them and they are not immune to this recession.
Look at the Town of Bel Air the employees received a 2% COLA( cost of living adjustment) AKA pay raise, as well there health care was increased by 11.9% but no worries the tax payers cover 90% of the cost for the Towns employees.
Hanley was the only Commissioner to vote against the bloated budget and sweet deal for the employees
Message 29 was NOT posted by me, the usual Phil Dirt. I know the difference between ‘there’ and ‘their’ and how to properly use punctuation. Also, the fact that the post praises Hanley should be a sign that it is a phony.
Hey, Phake Phil, is it so hard to think up your own name?
Braveheart, you seem to have too much time on your hands. I can not believe how much time you are wasting for a $54/yr tax cut on a $300,000 property. This cost good, hard working people their jobs and you celebrate it. You should be ashamed of yourself! You keep telling others they should move to other counties, I think you are the one that should go! Get out of my county! Also, if you are so brave, tell us your real name!
Anyone read the Maryland Daily Record – See Harford County on this hot seat….will make your blood boil.
The county can always do what Aberdeen did. Instead of leaving public safety out of the fray, the took all of the cuts from the police department and actually increased the budget lines of the Department of public works. The sheriffs Office has plenty of Fat to cut. For as much as their budget has been increased over the years I see crime rates climbing and climbing. Even though Aberdeen has an extremely screwed up mayor and council, at least I feel safe walking out my front door.
Keith, it’s not about the $54, it’s about the principle. Some of us think that enough is enough and it’s time to draw the line. Sure, it’s only $54, so what’s another $54? And then $80 more and another $80? It has gone on for way too long.
If you don’t mind the $54, I’d imagine that you didn’t have a problem with the piddly little one cent increase in the sales tax? That’s only a penny on a dollar. Hey, wait a minute… that’s a 20% increase! I’ll pay $250.00 more on a $25,000 car, making a total of $1500 sales tax! That sounds like a lot of money.
But that’s only a penny. And this is only $54. That’s all they need. It will never go higher, of course.
No, it’s the principle that we care about. If you don’t mind it, you can send in more of your principal to cover my portion and keep my taxes lower.
Phil Dirt, Your principle is out of line! I am a county employee and my job is on the line thanks to your principle. If it were as simple as me paying my $54 plus yours, I would gladely do it to keep my job. You think that this will get rid of the “Over Paid” county employees? You couldn’t be more wrong, they are the safe ones since these layoffs will be most likely be based upon senority! I have just over 3 years in my department and work damn hard for a rather low salary. It doesn’t matter what I know or how hard I work it is all about longevity. If my department is hit, since I have the least senority, I go! It doesn’t matter that I have the smallest salary in the department!
Your anti-tax group is by far a minority in this county and you have done a great job of screwing up many peoples lives. You really pulled one over on the county council and they are feeling the heat!
I think we all feel for ya Keith. However, exhibit your anger and frustration at the crew who bastardized our Local Government – hold your elected officials and Department Heads accountable – not the Taxpayers. This isn’t Taxpayers against Harford County Workers – this movement is about holding Your Government Accountable.
Is it fair that retirees are being forced to sell their properties because property taxes double every 8 years at a 9% rate? Do the math.
Whats fair Keith?
Is it fair that Government workers continue to receive defined benefit pensions when those type plans are all but extinct in the private sector?
Is it fair that Government workers often receive much more generous vacation, holiday, and sick leave?
Is it fair that Government continues to grow faster than the consumer price index – year after year? Look it up. Is it fair that the Harford County Operating Budget increased from $420 Million to $610 Million in 4 years?
Is it fair that a business needs to react to less revenues by laying off workers? Why should Governement be any different?
Our Tax dollars aren’t free. I don’t work 55 hours a week so Jesse Bane can open up a new branch office of the Sheriff’s Department.
The Party is over Keith.
However, I’m willing to sacrifice a little of my time to hold these career politicians accountable for their actions.
Be angry that you will lose your job instead of someone who does less work only because they were there longer. Make the argument that you should keep your job because you are more qualified or work harder. Don’t blame people who are tired of government waste and want to do something about it.
Keith: I truly feel for you. You must have a sick feeling in your stomach knowing that you could be next. Braveheart, I agree with you a lot but we are not just talking statistics and numbers now. Keith is a flesh and blood person and I feel his pain. This is exactly what we knew would happen–the fat cats stay fat and happy–not one cent has been cut from their budget, and the regular people like you and I, who just go to work every day and put in an honest 8 hours, are the ones being led to slaughter. As Keith stated, the newer employees aren’t the ones sucking up the dollars, yet they are the ones who will ultimately pay the price for the overpaid friends of David Craig, the untouchable Jesse Bane and the demigods at the Board of Education. Good luck to you, Keith, I am not a religious person per se, but I am praying for you and the rest of the next round of victims. Hope all of you overpaid county workers at the top of the heap, and you know who you are, can sleep at night knowing that you are ruining lives.
By the way, as far as county workers’ benefits: What are the employees expected to do–say I’m sorry, I would rather you not pay a portion of my health care benefits? I think I’ll turn down my COLA next go round? I think I’ll furlough myself for a week or so? Of course not, and neither would anyone else. We are not talking about the majority of the county workers here–we are talking about the David Craigs, Scott Gibsons, Aaron Tomarchios, Bob Thomases, Lorraine Costellos, need I go on, of the county who are getting the big bucks for nothing.
Blue – all great points!
Thanks for your prayers and kind hearted words. Sick to the stomach is an understatement! We were told 3 weeks ago that the council approved the budget amendments and that layoffs would happen. It has been 3 weeks of hell and sleepless nights not knowing who is on the chopping block! The only good I can find is that tomorrow the suspense should be over. If the roomers are true we will be out the door on the last day of the pay period with nothing, no two weeks notice, no severance, no insurance (except cobra), nothing!
Sure, I agree there is a lot of fat and bloat in the county, but unfortunately, this probably won’t help that problem. Perhaps this would be a good movement at another time. With the economy in the craper and unemployment at a high it is a dagger in the side of those who get cut!
Who only works an 8 hour day anymore and still stays in business?
I’m sorry I can’t help more via taxes but I found out yesterday I will be getting $2,000.00 less each month. With that comes less taxes I will pay to the state of Maryland. With that comes less local taxes. With that comes less piggy back taxes.
We are all in this together.
When I lose income, the government loses income, hence government workers lose.
I’m sorry I can’t give more to help those who have lost their government jobs.
If the government can come up with a way to take over the private sector AND MAKE MONEY, that could be the solution we all could agree on.
As much as the government tries to bleed me via taxes, I only have so much I can give before I have to turn to the government for assistance.
So, as I see it, this is our dilemma.
What are we, the people, going to do about it, because god only knows the government elected don’t give a hoot about anyone but themselves.
It seems that you all are right in some respects. Harford County has about 240,000 citizens while Baltimore County has over 750,000. The problem is basically just what has been stated, years of lack of fical responsibility and bad decisions. Baltimore County’s new budget looks like it is planned to increase public services, freeze County paychecks and keep the people on board without breaking the bank or holding out their hands for more bucks. Conversely, Harford’s budget is strangely higher overall and will continue the pattern of overspending or mispending, more now than ever in the name of BRAC, while it sits and waits for the Federal Government (us taxpayers) to pay the bills. Yes, there is a LOT of fat at the top, causing many paycuts and furloughs all down to the bottom. Please forget all the political and religious rhetoric and just remember to check out the facts on the Counties’ websites. Give an honest look at the candidates, and take most of those turkeys out if you really want to get, or at least try for, more efficient and honest government. Remember who makes the decisions and pushes through and approves all legislation – the County Executive and the County Council – just eight people. Perhaps term limits to clean house and thwart the special interests that are entrenched and rule in Harford?
That is a rational, well thought out and lucide suggestion! Take a moment and look for yourselves not take the word of those spewing rhetoric as the gospel truth!