Taxes. No one enjoys paying them. Few feel they get enough back for what they pay out in them. Yet they remain one of life’s great certainties – you will eventually die, but until that day, you’ll keep paying more and more taxes.
Spawned in the midst of economic recession and fueled by mistrust of how lawmakers on national and state levels are responding to the financial crisis, a grassroots tax protest movement has been started.
On April 15, dozens of Taxed Enough Already (TEA) Party National Protest rallies will be held across the United States, and at least two right here in Harford County.
The festivities begin in Bel Air on Tax Day, where a highly-organized “Non-Partisan Tea Party” is planned. The event runs from noon to 2:00 p.m. in downtown Bel Air in front of the Court House and is said to feature a number of speakers including Senator Nancy Jacobs, Pastor David Whitney, and Delegate Pat McDonough, who sent out his email promoting the event, blaring: “Help Fight Out-of-Control Government Spending.”
In an email, the organizer of the Bel Air tax protest noted “It’s official, and the turn-out is likely to be record-breaking! Make plans to be a part of this historic event in Bel Air, and feel free to pass it along.”
Non-Partisan Tea Party
For all concerned citizens and all taxpayers:
A Nationwide Tea Party is planned for April 15, 2009! The Tea Parties are intended to draw the attention of Washington, D.C. and Annapolis, MD Democrat and Republican lawmakers and to INSIST that the U. S. Constitution be adhered to and that the Rule of Law be followed! We the People want to restore the principles of Freedom, Justice, Security, Liberty, the Pursuit of Happiness and Fair Taxation, on which this great country was founded. We cherish values of Honesty, Integrity, Personal Responsibility, and Compassion for our neighbors and fellow citizens.
ALL concerned citizens and taxpayers who believe as we do are URGED to attend the local Tax Day Tea Party on April 15th from 12:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. in downtown Bel Air in front of the Court House. Similar Maryland Tea Parties will take place in Havre de Grace, Annapolis, Westminster and Salisbury and in hundreds of towns and cities across our 50 states.
The organizers are grassroots volunteers and every day American citizens from across the country with a desire to restore and maintain our freedoms, fiscal responsibility and to reduce the overwhelming burden of debt on our children.
Attendees are requested to bring tea bag labels and stamped envelopes to send to your congressional representatives, make signs if desired (see for samples) and join with others who want to take back our democratic Republic! Please attend and share this notice with your friends and neighbors. Together we CAN make a difference!
For information, please contact Tony Passaro at 410-420-8951 or via email at
On at least one of his emails, Passaro included his personal “Message:”
The Message:
Our Founding Fathers gave us the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, in order to throw off the shackles of government and to insure the rights of Personal Freedom. Through their Divine wisdom our country has prospered as no other country in the history of the world. The principles of Freedom and Personal Responsibility have inspired men of all races, creeds and color to work and create and build and prosper. The blood of countless patriots has given us Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness as declared in the Declaration of Independence and guaranteed by our Constitution.
The Constitution has given us a rich heritage of religion, allowing men to worship how, where or what they may. These Divine documents are the instruments of Freedom. If we are to remain free and great we must protect the rights guaranteed in these documents.
There are those who are trying to re-write our Constitution. There are those who are trying to change the interpretation of our Constitution by using the courts to remove our Liberties. There are those who want government to control every aspect of our lives. Government is entangling itself in the free market system picking winners and losers. This practice will certainly destroy successful companies who find themselves competing with our tax dollars. This is an unconstitutional practice depriving successful Americans of their rights to Liberty, the Pursuit of Happiness, and the Protection of Property. If this practice is not stopped it will end in the destruction of the free market system which will vanquish the American Dream for all Americans.
The courts too often support those who are trying to remove God from our society, which is the equivalent of replacing traditional religious values with a state sponsored religion called Atheism. The courts are forcing us to accept evil religious practices and doctrines. Medical practitioners are being forced by the Courts to perform abortions even though it is against their religious beliefs and is a mockery of God to kill these unborn children. Our religious and our personal Freedoms are being trampled. Our traditional family rights are being attacked from every side. We are facing a Constitutional crisis. We are losing our Liberties and we are losing our Nation.
Let every American stand up for our Constitution and the rights guaranteed within it. Let every American re-declare his/her Liberty. Along with our American Flag let every American fly or display the “Declaration of Liberty Flag” to show their support and reaffirm their allegiance to the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Let us show our friends, our neighbors, our customers, our wives, our children, our fallen dead, and our misguided politicians that we will honor and support Liberty. Let our whole Nation see us fly the Declaration of Liberty Flag. I promise you that God will go before you, that this is His work, that you are His people and that He is your God. God Bless You and God Bless American!
God Bless America Always and Forever,
Tony Passaro
The Republican Club of Harford County advertised the Bel Air tax rally as such:
Dear RCHC Members and Friends,
Seriously folks, have you had enough of failing financial bail-outs, broken campaign promises (and that’s yet another story), weak recovery attempts with socialistic policy, rapidly rising national debt, ridiculously false allegations of blaming the Bush administration (ad nauseam), the take-over of the capitalistic freedoms we so richly cherish, etc., etc., etc.?
Then join the growing national out-cry as we show our disgust of the current Obama administration’s budget and tax plan by attending Harford County’s Bel Air MARYLAND TAX DAY TEA PARTY
Once the tear gas clears in Bel Air, protestors can travel south to Havre de Grace, where organizer Pat McGrady has set up a similar Tax Day rally.
McGrady, who admits she is “really wound up about the way President Obama is trying to socialize this country,” has set her tea party up to run from 4-7 pm at Tydings Park.
In her words, “It is a rally to allow citizens to express their views about the directions that our country, our county and our cities are headed.”
McGrady said the idea of the Havre de Grace rally began when she and her husband found themselves continually “raging at the TV” while watching and listening to the daily news. The idea grew from there.
“The more folks that we’ve spoken with, the bigger it is getting. The list of guest speakers is growing each day, so far, we have Senators, Delegates, county council members, mayors, city councils, and a variety of citizen groups that want to ‘play'”,” McGrady said.
McGrady also invited the Marylanders for Fair Property Taxation, Aberdeen Communities Together, Route 40 businesses, the Libertarian Party group, the Democratic and Republican Central Committees, the NAACP of Harford County, and several churches and PTA.
“All are welcome and we just want to let people know that they have a voice in what is happening in our country,” McGrady said.
McGrady is also looking forward to hearing many different perspectives and points of views at the rally.
“My personal view is that we as a country need to put God first, family second and the country third and that is only me talking. The other folks attending may have a different view, and all are welcome to peacefully share it. Some of the citizen speakers will speak about the high property taxes, some want to address the rising costs of having a business here in this county, some want to rant about water/sewer and the costs involved with global warming. The college students that have said they want to attend are concerned about the state of the economy, the state of the chaos in the world and if there will be jobs when they graduate,” she added.
“It reminds me of the rallies that we had when I was at college.”
“I do have strong beliefs that the tax paying citizens, the common folks, the real people need to have a voice and hopefully this will lead to changes for the good of all of us,” McGrady said.
If any readers plan on attending either of the rallies, let us know why and what you plan on speaking about. Or why you won’t be going.
Banastre Tarleton says
This is all quite silly. Where were all of these ‘non-partisans’ when Bush was raising spending while cutting taxes? Talk about passing on a legacy of debt to our grandkids, that is precisely what the don’t tax and STILL spend policies of every Republican have served to accomplish. Which fiscal policy is more responsible? Raising spending while raising revenues, or raising spending while slashing revenue? The former is the Obama doctrine, the latter, the Bush doctrine. Remember, the question is not which is right or wrong, or which is more popular, but which is more responsible. The answer couldn’t be any more clear.
This is simply an opportunistic attempt by Republicans looking to latch onto any issue that might get them traction in 2010 or beyond. It also reflects mainstream Republicanism’s inherent me-first attitude that disregards any notion of public good; the bailouts started with Bush and Paulsen, because Paulsen knew what would happen if large Wall Street brokerage firms were allowed to fail, the cost in jobs, livliehood, retirement funds, and general financial security would have been much, much worse if we did nothing at all, and certainly much more than the cost of a trillion dollar bailout.
I assume that these dim-witted organizers aiming to plagarize the ‘tea party’ concept (how original!) are not familiar with the concept of systemic risk, which was rampant on the Street in the fall of 2008. Doing nothing simply was not an option, anyone with even a peripheral knowledge of the issues would be well aware of that fact.
Herbert Hoover himmed and hawed on the precipice of the Great Depression, worrying himself over balanced budgets and federal expenditures. His hand-wringing kicked us over the edge. Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it.
vietnam vet says
I have to agree, a whole lot of noise about nothing. I assume they have a permit for attempting to inspire a riot. if I thought it would be worth the gas I would take a ride down to the park & listen.
Gas being a Dollar ninety one a gallon. I better stay Home. better yet we can get Richiec to report. He live’s in Haver De Grace.
Brian says
I came out of court around 2:30 and a flyer for the Bel Air tax day tea party was on my car. It was well done.
These tea parties have been happening for a few years now, albeit smaller and more pocketed than what seems to be on tap for next week. A lot of people are putting real effort into getting a turnout; it will be interesting to see how many turn out. It would probably be more if it wasn’t after Easter weekend.
The reason they are looking to be so large this year is because of a bad economy and policies that just don’t make sense– even if a bail out or spending package is necessary, it can’t work if it’s passed on a Friday and on Monday you say a new bailout is necessary. The market doesn’t have time to react and what you did is largely wasted.
It’s not just from Bush to Obama, but more that Bush AND Obama have such poor fiscal policies.
HdG Dude says
Well, I originally was not going to attend the Tax Day Party, but after comment 1 & 2 I am going to attend now.
Comment 1, you just sound like a bitter democrat who’s not happy that his new president is traveling around the world bowing to Saudi kings. If you don’t mind paying taxes let me know and I’ll give you my SS# so you can pay mine.
Comment 2, the manner in which you made inference that a group of citizens assemblling to protest taxes may result in a riot is outrageous and UNAMERICAN! The 1st amendment of the constitution protects all citizens rights to assemble peacefully. If there is ever an assembly worthy of becoming loud and crazy, I would hope it is one about taxes. And if you don’t want to leave the house because gas is a 1.91 a gallon, what did you do last year when gas was 4.00 a gallon? Hide in your basement?
Come on people! Taxes suck! Our money is being wasted at the highest levels. We must send a message to our elected officials that we will not stand for wasteful tax spending.
vietnam vet says
Hdg Dude you certainly’ need to be there. it’s people like ” you” that want every thing for nothing.
Sem-per fi.
Justin says
Non- Partisan my butt! With Jacobs (R) and McDonough (R) confirmed attendees, as well as some Pastor David Whitney sticking his undertaxed nose into politics, AND the Republican Club of Harford County involved, I seriously doubt that this will be non-partisan! Besides, when organized religious folks that receive tax exempt status get involved in partisan political activities, they CAN lose their tax exempt status (a la Pat Robertson’s “700 Cub”). So go for it pastor, and when you get caught, and your “Church” looses its tax exempt status and starts paying what other business pay…well I will have a bit of a smirt on my face.
Also, one would hope that the “waters of the state” aren’t going to be polluted with pounds of loose tea, or worse yet, a bunch of tea bags to choke the fish.
Besides, why waste good “Chinese” tea? I’d just assume drink it hot or cold!
Sam says
This rally is bi-partisan; it is a reflection of the frustration people feel regarding poor ecomonic policies on both sides of the aisle; however, the spending that hss taken place since Obama took office is outlandish; our elected representatives passed a huge spending bill without even reading it, let alone discussing it. Many of them have no idea what they voted for!I The pork and earmarks in that bill and in the recently passed budget bill are criminal. We cannot sustain this level of spending. Deflation and increased taxes are on their way!!
Maybe the Tea Parties throughout the county will make someone in Washington wake up and pay attention!
Dave Yensan says
It’s non partisan in that, as Sam says, we are all disgusted. Most of us who actually work for a living are now paying somewhere around 60% of our overall income into various, income, property, sales, Social Security, etc taxes. For any of us who are sucking on the public tit that’s just great. For the remaining 10 to 15% that really sucks. Taxation, ala Woodrow Wilson (the great progressive) were supposed to support the constitutional responsibilities of government. Well now we support horseshit projects all over the world that have nothing to do with our safety, security, life, liberty, or pursuit of happiness. After the Maryland supreme council met in November of ’07 I had decided that the peoples republic of Maryland is too expensive for me when I retire. I along with lots of others will take our retirement and spare time and brain trust and head for a state, like Nevada, Florida. Texas to not get jammed for the $10 to 35K per year that this state confiscates in one way or another. If the Obamaists (we are now told that to call him socialist is also racist) continue, I’ll be looking for a way to get off shore. We are getting it stuck to us in Maryland because we sit silently or sit in our own homes and piss and moan about the cost and do nothing. Now the elitist, non-taxpaying group has descended on Washington and in changing language, further stick it to us.
Sending tea bags to Washington is just stupid by the way. The mail handling system for OUR Congress shields the target audience form any reality.
One more slight thing; since when is speaking out on a politically charged issue prohibited by the constitution? The Pastor can say all he wants, he cannot, however support a candidate or party. Who the hell wants to support the clowns and whores who are involved in politics anyway?
Happy Easter – The Lord is risen!
vietnam vet says
I don’t have any’ tea Bag’s. will coffee ground’s work.
Brian says
This Tax Day Rally update was just sent via Del. Rick Impallaria’s office:
“NOTICE – TEA (Taxed Enough Already) Parties in Maryland – Apr. 15 and Apr. 18
Tax protest parties are planned for April 15 around the State.
Annapolis – City Dock – 12 – 2 pm
Baltimore – Inner Harbor – 3 – 5 pm
Bel Air – Courthouse Plaza – 12 – 2 pm
Elkton Christian Academy – 144 Appleton Rd, 4 – 6 pm
Frederick – City Hall, marching to Winchester Hall, 3 – 5 pm
Havre de Grace – Tydings Park, 4 – 6 pm
Westminster – Legends Cafe, 6:30 pm
Salisbury, Downtown, 4:30 – 6:30 pm
Chestertown, Fountain Park, 11:30 am
Cumberland, City Mall, 12 – ?
For further information on the above, go to or
TEA Party in Eastern Baltimore County
Delegates Joe Boteler, Rick Impallaria, and Pat McDonough announce a tax protest TEA party at Chesapeake Gateway Park, located at the intersection of Eastern and Old Eastern Avenues at Middle River. The party will start at 10 am, Saturday, April 18, 2009, and will feature the three delegates as guest speakers.
The event is sponsored by the Republican Clubs of Baltimore County, and is open to all who wish to show their displeasure at ever-increasing taxes.
For more information contact David Marks at 410-933-0322.
Rick Impallaria
Delegate, District 7″
Michele says
The no shows will be the first ones in line complaining when the tax bill comes. Stop whining and stand up for your rights as a US citizen and taxpayer of the Unites States of America
Brian says
The TEA parties look to be all over the place. I finally found a central website:
The link goes straight to the Maryland locations, but you can go to the home page to see updates and to get to the list of locations for each state.
notea says
These protests are about as nonpartisan as a Republican primary. And why are they protesting now? There have been no new federal taxes in 16 years. And after Clinton raised them on the top 1% of earners Bush immediately rescinded them as soon as he took office. What about protesting all the money spent on a war in Iraq that never made sense? People who complain that we’re turning into socialists can feel free to give back their Medicare cards.
vietnam vet says
There going ”crazy” because O’Bama is spending our ”Money” & a last ditch effort for the republican party to save them self’s.
usa says
Many educated democrats are also upset about Obamas spending. If he was to raise my taxes to aid our soldiers, maintain our safty and security or just better us as a country, I wouldn’t be too upset. He obviously campaigned that way but fooled alot of people. Before it gets any worse, it is time for us to speak up and take our country back! Thank god for the 200 democrats who recently shut him down from taxing our electric bill so much so we do not use energy!!! He actually thought it would be ok to have the average family pay over $200 per month more to BG&E!! I guess he had a point,people would cut back their energy use when their power was turned off b/c of failure to pay your bill!! Time for Obama to wake up and lead us in the right direction. This is not about Republican or Democrats, our president is on a spending spree!!!!!
TheObserver says
The simple fact that ANY ONE would be critical of americans complaining about their taxes is just un-american as hell! I support this assembly of citizens 100%. It’s not the concept of taxes that bother us, but rather how the money is spent. Mostly what pisses me off is when elected officials spend our money on little “pet” projects just so when they run for office again they can say to the voters “see what I did for you”! or “look what I have accomplished while in office”! ….that’s fine, but it’s our tax dollars that make that possible. The sad thing is, some people are too stupid to realize the game being played.
This is not a partisan assembly. This is an AMERICAN assembly….deeply rooted with our ancestors primary concerns about government.
For those of you who think this assembly is stupid…or that it is a partisan event, I say to you; put down your water bong and tear off the “stop the BUSHit” bumper sticker off your 93′ volkswagon golf and get a real job!
Dell says
I don’t take issue with anyone willing to protest anything (especially in this weather- you might make some Earl Grey in your pockets walking to the courthouse). But, as a rule, I eschew these kinds of “events.”
Other than getting a little face on WBAL tonight, these speeches, songs, and sit-ins aren’t even a blip on the radar of national policymakers.
How did all of the protests at the G20 work out? See any substantive change after that? And, there were THOUSANDS of voices crying to be heard, on matters of great import.
How about the “get out of Iraq” protests? Worthy cause? Undoubtedly. Worthwhile endeavor? Hardly. Still in Iraq. On a timeline, yes, but still there nonetheless.
The only way to force real change in the policymakers is to change the policymakers. As long as the John Murthas and Chris Dodds are in charge, the status quo is the way to go.
Term limits, and a reprieve from the dogma that the Federal Government will cure all ills, are steps in the right direction.
Protest at the ballot box. Educate those within your own sphere of influence. Save your tea bags for Sunday brunch.
pam says
Change happens when a small group of brave people gather under a tree in Annapolis and decide to make a difference. It is called the liberty tree and the spot is still marked even after more than 200 years. Go visit.
Obama does not understand basic economics, and has crooked tax cheats advising him. What do you expect?One cannot spend their way out of a recession. Simple economics 101. Lowering taxes actually raises revenues, again simple economics 101. Look it up in any text book on the subject. Research how many people quit smoking after cigarette taxes were raised to very high levels. The estimated revenues from those taxes never materialized because cigarette sales plummeted. Smuggling skyrocketed. Tolls were raised in Maryland and Delaware. It was said the state would raise revenues for pet projects through these new taxes, and yes, tolls are just another tax. What do we do now? drive a few miles out of our way to avoid the tolls. No revenue for the state, but the pet project still goes on. Sales tax was raised under Omalley, what do we do now? Go shop in Delaware, after driving around the tolls.
Banastre Tarleton says
Pam, please show us solid, peer-reviewed economic proof that cutting taxes raises revnue. Best of luck.
Dell says
I get it… symbolism is EVERYTHING.
I’d trundle down to that tree in my buckboard right now if I though it’d make anything but a headline. In the newspaper. In 1775. (BTW- I refuse to drive in Annapolis, because all the streets run in one direction-and it’s never in the direction I’m headed! SYMBOLISM!!!!!!!)
The slogans, the signs, the gnashing of teeth. Symbolism.
“Deeds, not words, shall speak me.”
John Fletcher
English dramatist (1579 – 1625)
Brian says
From a few sources with a street-level vantage point in Bel Air:
“There must be at least 300 people. The front of the courthouse is covered and they’re spilling over onto the sidewalks by Office and Courtland Streets.”
“There are now over two hundred people cheering in the rain.”
Terri says
To PAM: I think you’re absolutely right! I personally know several people who have either quit smoking completely, cut back on their amount of smoking DRASTICALLY, or just go elsewhere to buy their cigarettes since they’ve raised the tax, and inevitably, the price of them to gross proportions. I personally think the “wonderful lawmakers” should look elsewhere for other taxes to raise instead of gnawing away at the same products over and over. They continue to raise the tax on gasoline and cigarettes over and over. (Yes, I am a smoker, and a driver.) Why don’t they try taxing the price of beer and other alcohol products? Why don’t they try raising tax on fast food and other junk foods … since they are constantly whining about the amount of obesity in the U.S.A.? Their tactics seem irresponsible, at least, and their visions cloudy! You’re absolutely right, also, when you say that “spending their way out of a recession” will not work! That seems like basic logic to most of us … BUT – their the ones with the political education and knowledge who are going to do our country so much good! (Wonder why a lot of citizens stopped voting?) I agree … if they would lower the taxes and give people a break so that we can see beyond the present and feel that we can, again, make ends meet, people would start going out more to do the things we all once enjoyed but can longer afford to do and the economy would stand a chance of turning back around.
It’s such a shame that the people who are running this great country can’t see things with the logic as the taxpayers who are suffering from their indiscriminate spending and taxing!!
Brian says
Some more updates from the Bel Air rally/protest:
“The color guard has advanced in colonial dress.”
“Cheers after the pledge, now the anthem. Several local officials here, Hanley, norman, stifler, among them.”
“Now three hundred people, and spontaneous chants of USA. yelling to be heard in anapolis and dc.”
“Rally cry to not be a one-day wonder and to lobby and work, to throw them out, need more work to have voices heard, this cannot be the end, but the start of something. Now on stopping Congress from stomping on the constitution.”
“Calls for a new American revolution, a new greatest celebration from Thomas Payne. Calling for letters to papers and tea bags mailed to leaders, lighting up switch boards.”
“Nancy Jacobs has slammed the state tax on the raining pavement crying for cutting taxes and spending. When she was first elected the budget was high at $14 billion, now it is $31 billion. Dropped 12 spots in states to do business in, and fifth most taxed state.”
HAHA says
For all attending the “tea party” , what company do you work for that you can take off to stand outside in the freezing cold rain. Even if I wanted to participate I’m not risking loosing money over this nonesense. I guess you don’t really need to worry about the taxes if you can afford to spend your Wednesday’s on the street.
Our Country needs more intelligence. Our “Country” elected Obama so get over it and wait till the next time around to share your opinions.
Steve says
Both sides of the political spectrum are cracking me over these tea parties. The right never thinks about protesting taxes until they lose, and the left protests anything and everything until they win.
Guess what right wing, you lost congress before this past election. They are the ones with the real power, you should have started protesting then.
And left wingers, you are sounding more and more like the elitists you claim to be against…
Brian says
“The crowd isn’t thinning much. Office Street is now closed off and there are at least 6 Bel Air PD officers there now.”
vietnam vet says
Steve…… Not on the left not on the right just in the middle. I hope they have good insurance it’s Pneumonia weather.
Brian says
From the conclusion of the Bel Air rally:
“Now it’s the tea party anthem, a song from their web site and there is dancing as the rain lets up. Cries for term limits are a constant and talk of liberty.”
“Impallaria now compares the tax and spend crowd to heroin addicts that need to be thrown out.”
“Norman rallies against some spending bills in Annapolis.”
“It is still going on, and Ed Norris is on his way.”
So now who’s going to give us some play-by-play from the Havre de Grace protest in about an hour?
really says
Terence O. Hanley says
Thank you for the accurate coverage. Today was a very impressive day. As I looked around, I spotted young adults (both male and female), veterans, senior citizens, soccer/lacrosse moms, and children. Not the angry mob of white, right wing males that the mainstream media wants to portray as the audience.
I encourage everyone to please stay engaged. We cannot let our national, state, and most importantly, local elected officials to continue to lead us in this fashion.
Today, folks demonstrated that enough is enough! In addition, we want to be heard and not ignored.
Thank you to all those who came out on a miserable, rainy day to exercise your rights.
First Amendment
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
P.S over 500 Patriots showed up at the Court House in Down Town Bel Air
i had planned on being in Bel Air, but had to work in Havre de Grace…when that job was done, i headed home, and missed the gathering in the River City…
all i got was a wet ass from having the windows on the truck down.
Blue says
Seen on the back of a shirt at the Bel Air Rally:
Delegate Donna Stifler says
Bel Air’s Tea Party Rocked!! As I was leaving, I met people from Dundalk who drove all the way up to Harford County in the miserable weather. I think our reputation as a conservative county is spreading!!! I was just so proud to see so many umbrellas, ponchos, plastic covered signs, and most importantly, people from all walks of life, of all ages, all races, all Americans! I am honored to represent them and humbled by the responsibility of it. God bless them, God bless you, and God bless America!
HdG Dude says
Best sign of the day:
“Don’t tax me bro!”
Baltimore Sun Paper /R.I.P says
O’Malley was on a family vacation and unavailable for comment. Spokesman Rick Abbruzzese noted that state spending has been reduced by $3.5 billion since O’Malley took office. He added that while the Democratic governor backed a $1.3 billion tax increase in the 2007 special session, he also worked to make the income tax structure more progressive.
The angry sentiment at tea parties “comes from a general anxiety about the economy and misinformation from conservative talk radio,” Abbruzzese said.
Dave Yensan says
One quick question: Was the $3.5 reduced as an absolute, ie in 2007 the budget was $X and in 2008 it was $x – 3.5 billion? I suspect what we will find is that the proposed budget was reduced by 3.5 billion. In real no shit dollars that means that the 2008 budget was then $X + 80 billion – 3.5. This is the typical way that governments claim to be reducing the budget. It sure as hell doesn’t work that way in my business or or family. How do these guys keep getting away with the line of crap? The first answer is that no reporters have the cajones to ask so what when they make a statement. The politico says “I have done my level best to reduce spending.” That is what gets reported. What if the reporter then asks so what. Now Mr or Ms dumbass has to really think and the answer is bound to be something like well duh!
RichieC says
BS…R I P…..
Is this the same “Conservative’ talk radio that gave O’Malley a forum for many, many years to say what ever he wanted in a friendly environment ? WCBM ?
I’m very alarmed at those who would attempt to blame the action on the re-action.
Go Dagger !
jon says
I find it funny that so many people before and after are making fun of the tax day protests. Im sure if it were a gay marriage rally they would have been all over it. I did think the first speaker after the national anthem was played at the HDG rally hit it on the head. Its not about left or right, Fox or CNN its about the idots in congress getting rich off of our money and doing what ever they want.
I was rather dissapointed by how many elected officials got on stage and patted themselves on the back. Give me a break. Omalley gives all state workers manadtory furloughs., saying he is saving 15 millon or so ….then goes out and spends 37 million on marsh land preservation. For god sakes f&#K the frogs for once. You are out of touch.