A Bel Air man was attacked, robbed and stabbed Thursday morning as he rode his bicycle down South Main Street in downtown Bel Air.
By Thursday afternoon, the unidentified man was recovering from non-life threatening wounds and police were continuing to piece together the case.
Deputy Chief Armand Dupre said the Bel Air Police Department fielded a call at about 10 a.m. Thursday in regard to a Hispanic male in the laundry room at the Wakefield Manor Apartment complex.
Upon arrival, police found the man, who Dupre said had “obviously been cut and/or stabbed,” suffering from non-life threatening wounds.
The investigation was initially stalled because the wounded man didn’t speak English and the language barrier hindered progress until a Spanish-speaking Bel Air Police officer was brought to the scene.
According to the report he gave to police, the man was traveling down South Main Street on his bicycle at about 6 or 6:30 a.m. Thursday when he was accosted by two people he described as “black males wearing white t-shirts with yellow on them,” Dupre said.
The assailants allegedly started punching, cutting and stabbing the man before robbing him and stealing his bicycle.
In the course of the ensuing investigation, police were able to find physical evidence on South Main Street which validated the injured man’s timeline and location of the attack.
Dupre said if anyone traveling on South Main Street during those hours Thursday morning happened to see anything or has any information that could be useful in the case, they can call Bel Air Police Department at (410) 638-4500.
Two stabbings in Harford County in less than 12 hours – what’s happening to this place?
Two in Bel-Air. Of course everyone is going to blame the Rt. 40 communities as influence.
Uh, that was almost three years ago. A regular crime spree.
At about 11:45 a deputy walked up 924 in front of Country Village looking on the ground and in the sewer grates. After a few minutes, he went up into the apartments.
Lights were flashing on 924 between Homestead and Idlewild from then until at least 3:00. At about 2:30 there was a HAZMAT truck there. It looked as if they were centered around a sewer grate on the southbound side of the road.
That’s the eyewitness report. Speculation is that the knife or weapon (or whatever the “physical evidence” was) was thrown into the grate and they were trying to get it out. The rumor is that there was a lot of blood around Looney’s.
o.k. let’s get this straight…i’m minding my own business, alone, walking or riding a bike and two ‘black males with white tee shirts’ start to beat the hell out of me and rob me…o.k….what if i’m always coming into Bel Air these days with a claw hammer in my hand, just carrying a hammer…
and someone comes at me with a knife and i beat the mortal hell out of them with a hammer…i guess i get charged and the poor assailants get away…
nah…i think i’ll just carry the hammer whenever i come to BelAir…nice christening for the newly Redecorated Main Thoroughfare…
i tell you this…no one, not one soul, is watching out for any of us, except us…
and soon it will be vigilante justice…one of these two bit thugs is gonna get the crap beat out of him/them…and send a message, Bel Air was a peaceful law-abiding town…let’s get it back from the riff-raff.
I think the cracks are showing…people are loosing grip of the thin thread that keeps them sane…….its very scary. Is it the economy or the endless at your throat campaigns…that go on far to long? Is the economy a result of bad politics…is bad politics a result of the economy.
When in the last 5 years haven’t we been in the midst of a heated political campaign?
We got problems my good friend.
People have forgotten how to disagree agreeably.
Go Dagger ! !
If you think for one minute Leo F. Matrangola, Chief of Police and his keystone
cops are going to protect you here in Bel Air , you better hope the crime occurs
in th Wawa parking lot… Seems that might be the southern precinct for the Bel Air P.D.
Lot of greenhorns on the force …. give respect, get respect …I don’t have alot of faith in the officers I’ve meet… Overheard Officer Gullion, that was the name on his jacket. ” People piss me off, one of these days i’m going to shoot one ”
I thought to myself maybe you should look for a new line of work.
The people better sharpen up on there street smarts. cus, the only one looking out for number one, is number one…….
Please don’t judge all Bel Air police by an off-cuff remark (I agree inappropriate and unprofessional) made by one officer. Bel Air is still a very safe area and an isolated incident like this should not damn a whole community.
Gee Boxman, I think we’ve met.
It appears as though you have an axe to grind with the Police Chief, and that’s unfortunate.
But try not to paint all of the officers there with such a broad brush. The purpose of this particular thread was to elicit information about the brutal attack on an innocent in our streets, on a main thoroughfare, during the AM rush.
not a single witness…
Another day in another hood?
This is from a few years ago – pay attention. I’m sure you can find another article for your “hood” comments.
Wake up, who are you talking to? The “hood” comment was made 3 years ago? Are you just waking up?
Ha! I stepped in it there, didn’t I. Definitely messed up on that one – you’re right, I do need to wake up. I’ll be checking more carefully from now on. Good call.
Crimes like this are not a good sign for Bel Air’s future. Many of us are here because we wanted to get away from Baltimore’s social ills; have those ills now followed us here?