Annapolis — Today, Republican State Senators elected Senator Alan Kittleman (R-9th) to serve as Minority Leader and Senator Nancy Jacobs (R-34th) to be the Minority Whip.
Senator Jacobs is entering her 14th year in the legislature representing Harford and Cecil Counties. A mother of three and grandmother of five, Senator Jacobs is known for her outspoken advocacy for tougher sexual predator’s laws. In fact she was the lead sponsor of Jessica’s Law, which required mandatory minimum sentences for child sex offenders. To learn more about Senator Jacobs, please visit
Sen. Jacobs said:
“I am honored to be elected by my colleagues. Sen. Alan Kittleman did a wonderful job as Minority Whip and it will be a tremendous privilege to serve with him in leadership. Marylanders are upset with the economic mismanagement of the state; tax hikes, energy prices, and reckless spending. We will continue to advocate for prudent fiscal policy and the issues that matter to all Marylanders.”
Congratulations to Senator Jacobs! It has been awhile since Harford had someone in leadership, even on the minority side. The republican party is likely to get more definition in Annapolis in 2009!
The democrat’s are certainly happy. the republicans have senator jacob’s she certainly has not accomplished anything worth while except wasteing time & tax payers money.
Jacobs is for an elected school board, right? If so, does her new position help or hurt that cause?
Also, poor Aberdeen can forget about even bringing up the hotel tax…
Jacobs did vote for the blended board last session. I don’t know if she would have supported the orginal bill, which was for a fully elected board. But Jacobs was also on the BOE Nominating Committee and saw two fine candidates rejected by the Governor. One of those candidates said she would have gladly run for a seat on an elected board. If Jacobs was on the fence, hopefully that experience demonstrated two things:
1. Qualified, reasonable people are willing to run for our school board
2. Nominating committees are easily ignored by the Governor.
I am amazed. Our tax money helps support University of Maryland and non-demonitional prayer is unacceptable and being stopped (separation od church and state???) while porn seems acceptable and is just fine (freedom of speech???).
What is going on here?
A VERY CONCERNED citizen and taxpayer.
Thanks for your attention,
Ralph Redding
815 S. Washington Street
Havre de Grace, Md. 21078