(Bel Air, MD) – A persistent State Police investigation of more than two years resulted in the arrest last night of a man for the rape of a Harford County woman that occurred in the spring of 2006.
The accused is identified as Glenn J. Raynor, 39, of the 300-block of Ponfield Road East, Forest Hill, Md. He is charged with first and second degree rape, first and second degree assault, first, third and fourth degree burglary, first and second degree sex offense, sodomy, unnatural and perverted sexual practice, and malicious destruction of property.
Raynor was arrested by State Police from the Bel Air Barracks at his home, just before 8:30 p.m. He was taken to the barracks for processing and then transported to the Harford County central booking center to await an initial appearance before a court commissioner.
At about 5:30 a.m. on April 2, 2006, Maryland State Police were dispatched to the 1600-block of Bramble Court in Bel Air, in response to a report of a rape and burglary. The victim, a woman who was 36-years-old at the time, reported that 30-60 minutes earlier, a man broke into her home and raped her. The Maryland State Police does not identify victims of sexual crimes.
The suspect was described as a white male, wearing khaki shorts and a t-shirt. He was also said to be wearing a tan baseball hat with the logo of the “Portofino Bay Hotel” on it.
A relentless investigation by State Police criminal investigator Trooper First Class Dana Wenger from the Bel Air Barracks continued from the day the rape was reported. In late July 2008, additional information was obtained that led to more interviews and new evidence. In early September, evidence developed in the investigation led to the charges against the accused, after consultation with the Harford County State’s Attorney’s Office.
Well done, Trooper First Class Dana Wenger! It is my hope that this officer receives recognition from the Superintendent of Police and the Harford County Executive for bringing about the arrest of this despicable excuse for human being.
Mr Raynor was given PBJ in this case in 1995.
Defendant Information
Sex: MHeight:510Weight:200DOB:05/11/1969
Address: xxxx xxxxxx CT
City: BEL AIRState:MDZip Code:21014 – 0000
Charge and Disposition Information
(Each Charge is listed separately. The disposition is listed below the Charge)
Charge No: 001Description:BURGLARY – FOURTH DEGREE
Statute: 27.32.(a)Description:BURGLARY-FOURTH DEGREE
Amended Date: CJIS Code:2 3030MO/PLL:Probable Cause:X
Incident Date From: To: Victim Age:
Disposition Plea: NOT GUILTY
Disposition: PBJ SUPERVISEDDisposition Date:08/02/1995
Fine:$0.00Court Costs:$20.00CICF:$30.00
Amt Suspended: Fine:$0.00Court Costs:$0.00CICF:$0.00
PBJ EndDate: 05/22/1996Probation End Date:Restitution Amount:$0.00
Jail Term: Yrs:Mos:Days:
Suspended Term: Yrs:Mos:Days:
Credit Time Served:
Go Dagger !
i can finally sleep easy. i grew up down the street from there family and was only houses away from the crime. after that happened i suffered from anxioty and had trouble sleeping at night.
Way to go Dana!!! This man coached my son for Jarrettsville Rec. It makes me sick! Perhaps rec departments should start doing background checks on the people they allow in close contact with our children. May justice be served!!!!
Go Dagger!
Oh wow!!!!!! Years ago, I had an incident with him, and he always made me uncomfortable. It became a running joke (although I kept my guard up) between my husband and myself. Hearing this on the news this morning, left me sick.
What ever happened to innocent until proven guilty? In the mean time…Glen has a loving wife & loving children that did nothing to you and your families!! To you people in Bel Air – have some respect for the families involved in this matter and shut up. Anything could happen to any one of you. Everyone has fathers, mothers, grandfathers, grandmothers, aunts, uncles,brothers, sisters, cousins etc..and you can’t control what they do – what they have done – or what they are going to do…
And if hes found not guilty he and all his neighbors can post it…or it may be covered….and thats that !
Go Dagger !
Neighbor, no one has said anything about his family. Just like J, I too had an incident with Glenn that made me so uncomfortable I refused to let any of my children be around him and was terrified to be in the same room with him. His wife and children are wonderful and my prayers are with them. Honestly, for their sake I hope he is innocent but that is a mighty big rap sheet!
Dear Neighbor,
FIrst off, nothing was mentioned about his family as stated before. Too bad so sad this dude was finally busted. IF IT IS TRUE..which after 2 years I think it’s in the bag…then he gets what he deserves.
I was molested as a kid. By my Uncle. So don’t rant about the family and how they have done nothing. No crap they have done nothing. HE did. And HE should pay.
I feel for his family and what they are going through. It isn’t a personal attack to them. DUH. They have a long and strenuous road ahead to get past the fact that their father is …well…you know.
My family still suffers and it has been over 12 years since I spoke up about what happened.
Don’t sing this guy’s praises to me. I have about zero tolerence for it.
The only victim here is the Rape victim. Not Glenn or his family… Get with the program “neighbor”. Look at his charges and then tell me that he is not going down. And to say that “anything can happen to anyone of you” is the worst response I have heard of. I would never put my family in that situation. Ever. Rape is the same as molesting a child in my book. I couldn’t imagine what that woman is going thru. Could you?
What makes this country great is it’s Right’s’. a criminal is given every opportunity to convince the jury’ there innocent. the victim suddenly becomes or feels on trail.
If he did castrate him. in chinese that means. precious treasure. in english removeing the family jewels.
i would never put my family in the that situation either but they are and it is not their fault. if he did it he will be punished. you never know when or if your husband or wife is going to pull some crap & you can’t do a dam thing about it . oh and sweetheart your book is not the law. and for your people that are so afraid of him – your husbands just let it slide??
I agree with S. The only victim here is the one who got raped! The sweetheart comment was nice. Thats why S said “in his book” That was a comment.
I’m a little saddened because I think that “neighbor” is someone who should have an interest in keeping the entire rec safe.
I hope for his family’s sake he didn’t do it, but there’s always DNA, but two years of investigation? It’s probably pretty likely it is going to be a closed case. I feel terrible for his wife who seems like such a sweet person, and I feel bad for his family, but they are not accountable for what he [allegedly] did. He’s a grown man who made his own decisions.
If he did this… the violence of this disturbs me greatly. And yes, we should all be sorry for the real victim of this.
As far as people “having respect”. If it was YOU, neighbor, being the victim, I’m sure you mind would change rather quickly. You need to have respect for the victim.
No Get a Grip, my husband didn’t let it slide. Not at all.
Well said J! Couldn’t have said it better myself!!!!
Neighbor, the first one who mentioned his “loving wife and loving children” was you. I’m sure they appreciate you bringing them into this.
And concerning your comment, “To you people in Bel Air – have some respect for the families involved in this matter and shut up. Anything could happen to any one of you. Everyone has fathers, mothers, grandfathers, grandmothers, aunts, uncles,brothers, sisters, cousins etc..and you can’t control what they do – what they have done – or what they are going to do…”
Well, if a member of my family did something as horrific as this guy is accused of doing, I would not hesitate to publicly denounce their actions and apologize to the victims on behalf of our family.
Here’s a quote for you:
“To neighbor – have some respect for the family of the victim in this matter and shut up.”
Rape….wow…rape is weird…something that is foreign to most people. Its very hard to prove. Even with DNA its still a matter of word against word unless there is other evidence.
What posses a person to Rape? The experts say its power. A power trip or the lack of power acted out in a dominating way on someone even less powerful.
Beatings… if weapons used during a rape…very disturbing.
Let this play out…sorry for those that are close to this disaster.
Go Dagger !
I am a neighbor of the rape victim; live on the same street. He shattered the victim’s life. If he is the one who did this to her, I hope they nail his ass. Enough bad things can’t happen to this monster. And his family isn’t part of this case. I think the detective (whom I met the morning of the attack) deserves an award for pursuing this case!
Reba, Thank you. Neighbor, I am sorry for the family of this man however, If in deed it is him. I hope he gets pay back 10 fold. At least there is closure to a point after 2 years. However, this victim will be effected for the rest of her life, and that is the true sadness of the story. He has to pay for this horrible crime.
I just looked up the tax records for the rape victim’s address. The accused suspect is listed as owner of the property prior to the victim owning it.
Now that’s interesting. It’s easily verifiable without identifying the victim.
This raises a few questions. Did the accused know the victim? Did he have access to the home? Did he have a key?
If he was related in some way to the family or home of the accused, why did it take two years for the arrest to be made?
That is a strange twist indeed !
Brian bring’s up a good point. if your buying the house it is very advisible to check it’s security & CHANGE THE LOCK’S. new house old house it does not matter key’s are to easely made. it’s worth the extra buck’s.
He was denied bail today. They must have something?
By the way here are the charges
Case Information
Case Number: 1R00065451Tracking No:081001581393
District Code: 09Location Code:01
Document Type: WARRANTIssued Date:09/05/2008
Case Status: ACTIVE
Defendant Information
Sex: MHeight:510Weight:200DOB:05/11/1969
City: FOREST HILLState:MDZip Code:21050 – 0000
Charge and Disposition Information
(Each Charge is listed separately. The disposition is listed below the Charge)
Charge No: 001Description:RAPE FIRST DEGREE
Statute: CR.3.303Description:RAPE FIRST DEGREE
Amended Date: CJIS Code:1 1102MO/PLL:Probable Cause:X
Incident Date From: 04/02/2006 To: 04/02/2006 Victim Age:
Charge No: 002Description:RAPE SECOND DEGREE
Statute: CR.3.304Description:RAPE SECOND DEGREE
Amended Date: CJIS Code:2 1103MO/PLL:Probable Cause:X
Incident Date From: 04/02/2006 To: 04/02/2006 Victim Age:
Charge No: 003Description:SEX OFFENSE FIRST DEGREE
Statute: CR.3.305Description:SEX OFFENSE FIRST DEGREE
Amended Date: CJIS Code:2 1102MO/PLL:Probable Cause:X
Incident Date From: 04/02/2006 To: 04/02/2006 Victim Age:
Charge No: 004Description:SEX OFFENSE SECOND DEGREE
Statute: CR.3.306Description:SEX OFFENSE SECOND DEGREE
Amended Date: CJIS Code:2 3600MO/PLL:Probable Cause:X
Incident Date From: 04/02/2006 To: 04/02/2006 Victim Age:
Charge No: 005Description:SEX OFFENSE THIRD DEGREE
Statute: CR.3.307Description:SEX OFFENSE THIRD DEGREE
Amended Date: CJIS Code:3 3600MO/PLL:Probable Cause:X
Incident Date From: 04/02/2006 To: 04/02/2006 Victim Age:
Charge No: 006Description:ASSAULT-FIRST DEGREE
Statute: CR.3.202Description:ASSAULT-FIRST DEGREE
Amended Date: CJIS Code:1 1420MO/PLL:Probable Cause:X
Incident Date From: 04/02/2006 To: 04/02/2006 Victim Age:
Charge No: 007Description:ASSAULT-SEC DEGREE
Statute: CR.3.203Description:ASSAULT-SEC DEGREE
Amended Date: CJIS Code:1 1415MO/PLL:Probable Cause:X
Incident Date From: 04/02/2006 To: 04/02/2006 Victim Age:
Charge No: 008Description:BURGLARY-FIRST DEGREE
Statute: CR.6.202Description:BURGLARY-FIRST DEGREE
Amended Date: CJIS Code:2 3000MO/PLL:Probable Cause:X
Incident Date From: 04/02/2006 To: 04/02/2006 Victim Age:
Charge No: 009Description:BURGLARY-THIRD DEGREE
Statute: CR.6.204Description:BURGLARY-THIRD DEGREE
Amended Date: CJIS Code:2 3020MO/PLL:Probable Cause:X
Incident Date From: 04/02/2006 To: 04/02/2006 Victim Age:
Charge No: 010Description:MAL DEST PROP/VALU – $500
Statute: CR.6.301Description:MAL DEST PROP/VALU – $500
Amended Date: CJIS Code:3 4025MO/PLL:Probable Cause:X
Incident Date From: 04/02/2006 To: 04/02/2006 Victim Age:
Charge No: 011Description:SODOMY-GENERALLY
Statute: CR.3.321Description:SODOMY-GENERALLY
Amended Date: CJIS Code:5 3600MO/PLL:Probable Cause:X
Incident Date From: 04/02/2006 To: 04/02/2006 Victim Age:
Charge No: 012Description:PERVERTED PRACTICE
Statute: CR.3.322Description:PERVERTED PRACTICE
Amended Date: CJIS Code:6 3600MO/PLL:Probable Cause:X
Incident Date From: 04/02/2006 To: 04/02/2006 Victim Age:
Related Person Information
(Each Person related to the case other than the Defendant is shown)
Agency Code: MSPAgency Sub-Code:9053Officer ID:3396
Address: 45 N MAIN ST
City: BEL AIRState:MDZip Code:21014 – 0000
Event History Information
Event Date Comment
WARI 09/05/2008 080905;MSP 9053;1;ARR;D08006455-2
WARS 09/06/2008 080906;D08006455-2;
INIT 09/06/2008 080906;00000000.00;HWOB;100; ;9038
BALR 09/08/2008 080908;00000000.00;HWOB;100; ;9M5
The complete case file must be obtained from the District Court in which the case was last heard.
The 1995 case posted above has his previous address right there…
Lets show some respect and follow the tradition of not disclosing the identity of the victim of a sex crime.
Go Dagger !
i was a resident of bramble court for 10 years. i have known glenn that long. he is a sneaky, womanizing slimy guy. the dna matches. he did it. the woman he did this to is a wonderful wonderful woman. so nice, active, and friendly with everyone. her life is destroyed. can you even imagine this happening to you? this is effecting so many people, not only glens family, but mine, and everyone in our neighborhood. its so shocking to know that someone you have trusted could do such a thing.
There’s something very strange about this case.
Listening to the radio this morning, I heard that police brought the accused in for a follow-up interview and found he was sweating profusely. When asked if they could take a DNA sample, Raynor refused, but apparently police were able to get a DNA sample from the sweat he left on the interrogation chair after he got up.
And this unconsented DNA sample taken from a sweaty seat, which presumably had other people sitting in it at some point in its existence, was the break police needed to arrest the guy after two years?
That’s either amazing police work on par with those fictional television detective shows OR Mr. Raynor will have a pretty easy time getting the evidence thrown out.
Anyone else feel the same way?
Neighbor, the point of the Dagger is that we have respect for the family. And for every family in Harford County. The family has not been mentioned, but the accused has to be.
Rape is the worst crime that can be committed against another person. The perpetrator’s mindset is the most deplorable and irreparable of any; it takes a much or twisted mind to rape than to murder. Solid arguments can be made that rape is a greater invasion of the victim.
Glenn J. Raynor has been accused of rape by the police. He is innocent until proven guilty, but the public review of what happened, and what our community can do to stop it from happening to every other family that we respect, has already been delayed 2 years. Either he did it and we have to find out how he did such a thing and how others can be stopped, or the police are wrong and we still have to figure out how someone committed the crime AND how the mistakes were made.
Until the police are proved guilty of that mistake, I’ll presume they’re innocent. Raynor is not the judged, it is the measures taken to stop these crimes on trial here at the Dagger.
I have been an acquaintance of Glenns for a few years now and I am horrified of these findings. It seems from the evidence that they have on him that this crime was committed by Glenn Raynor.
I can’t imagine what the victim has been going through for the past 2 years. I hope that the arrest helps her have some type of closure and puts her one more step forward in the healing process.
It makes me sad that Glenn’s family has to pay for his actions as you know that they will….and am sure they feel like they have been living with a stranger that they barely know. I am surprised his wife was at the bail hearing as I don’t believe I could do that for my spouse. Knowing that has to be a living nightmare for her and she has to get her children though this somehow. A task no mother should have to face.
I very briefly dated Glenn Raynor back in High School, while he was broken up with girlfriend,Sandy, who is now his wife. He was a bit intense back then…I remember he & I had just met and I went out with another guy to watch a wrestling match. Glenn showed up & confronted the guy I was with and started beating him up right at John Carroll High School. Still I am shocked to hear he is being accused of rape. If he did do this then he needs to go to jail to pay for the crime he committed. My thoughts and prayers are with his family and for the victim of the rape.
The DNA sample thing did stick out when I first read it. Scary if you ask me.
Who needs O’Malley’s DNA database for everyone arrested for a crime, regardless of proof of guilt. We can just turn the heat up in the interrogation cells. Maybe install saunas in ever precinct.
It appears that this may have been a love triangle. What a perfect way to get someone back that you love.
How can anyone have a fair trial with the internet today?
Why did it take 2 years to get DNA? If you obtained it illegally from a chair when they were questioning him. Why not get it off a vehicle or work truck or even a doorknob?
Many ways to get DNA with out consent. It doesn’t take 2 years. This is the worst possible crime that can be committed but if he is found innocent then what. She goes on living her life while his life is already over. Children should be protected not adults form fear of the media. If the shoe was on the other foot the case would be closed. Society will always look at him differently no matter what happens to him.
I feel anyone found innocent of this crime should have recourse against the victim.
I pray for both families. Just because someone locks you up does not mean your guilty of a crime.
Wow! This is for J – if you had an incident with the accused then why didn’t you contact the law? Maybe this wouldn’t of happened to the alledged victim if you would have put a stop to it!!! I am sorry for the victim in this case, but innocent until proven guilty. Maybe he was at the residence of this woman but maybe there was someone else there too. There is a lot of maybe’s – but this case is not cut and dry. Not trying to defend him – if he is guilty then he deserves to be punished, but what in the hell took her so long to speak up? All of you people who have bad things to say should have spoke up sooner – no guts? Sad that this man had to be accused of the crime for everyone to talk about everything he did to them – hope
I feel sorry for his wife and family…but it’s pretty clear at this point that he did it.
Anyone who is remotely involved with Glen is now cast with suspicion when the only monster in this situation is Glen…..I feel for the victim and hope Raynor gets all he deserves and more!!!!!!!
To Marilyn: Well unfortunately people don’t realize the may be dealing with a pervert in daily life in Harford Cty. My friend knew this guy and he seemed perfectly normal except for being a sarcastic womanizer…and as far as the dna…once I heard that…forget it. He’s guilty….God help his friends and family except this.
Marilyn, the victim reported the crime 30-60 minutes after it happened, back in 2006. The State Police have taken 2 years to bring charges.
Mike, recourse is a slippery slope. First, just because you can be found not guilty doesn’t mean you are innocent. Second, it sounds like the victim just described the alleged rapist, and said he was built like the accused. At that point it is up to the police to do the investigation. If the accused is found not guilty, would he go after the police or the victim in a civil suit? I would assume the police.
Pure speculation here on my part of course.
Marilyn, I am not sure if you knew the accused. Many people did voice their opinions about Glenn’s behavior. Most of those people were women who tried to address the behavior. They were assured he was harmless and that he was “innocent” . We needed to take him and his condiscending remarks with a “grain of salt”. As many people are trying to express now, he is still “innocent until proven quilty”. I am sure that makes the victim feel better. It took two years , because the legal system is a slow process, which often gives the quilty more oportunities than the vicims. Not to mention time to hide.
Mike- it took 2 years to get a DNA sample perhaps after investigating the accused would not willingly supply a DNA sample. Please don’t be nieve, the police didn’t put Glenn in this situation, he put himself in this situation.
something is still fishy about all of this. ALL of a sudden she thinks it is glenn raynor – gee – he lived in the house for years no crap his dna is in there. the press is made him to be guilty – they should give the whole story – what else do they have? that’s it? wonder if dana can come up with more then that.
I am also an old neighbor of Glen’s from Bramble Ct. It is my understanding that the DNA matched blood found at the scene when a basement window was broken, also my understanding that Glan was identified through a voice message recording.
To all who have commented….Let’s turn this one over to the good Lord himself and ask him to help the families involved, the victim, the accused, the police and the court system to find out the truth. Whether you all know it or not, this is where ALL the answers are going to come from. He will lead the way if we all ask. I pray for peace and truth for everyone involved.
grasping- the dna was on the broken window used to enter the house and on the victim’s bed.
x – i am glad you could explain how dna works – thanks for closing the mystery
Marilyn – Why didn’t I say something? Because it wasn’t enough to tell the police. It was only enough to stay on guard that this guy was inappropriate toward (in my case married) women and gave me bad feelings.
As far as the whole DNA thing. Yes, we have to leave that up to the police and the courts and hope that this was all done in a clean way. I am not well versed on the laws, but I thought that DNA can be grabbed anywhere and checked if there is “probably cause” or something like that. My hope and prayer is that the victim gets justice and the guilty party gets punished, whoever that may be.
It took 2 yrs to find the creep because he didn’t waltz in her house and identify himself…nor show his face. He had on a hat, coverered her face w/ a pillow than tied a shirt around her face….yeah horrible isn’t it….he thought he was free to go on with his life and destroy more lives he came in contact with…
And as far as his dna being in the house because he lived in it prior???? Yeah like years prior, not just a month before. His dna was on the location he broke in and as x said, in the bed. If you are so easy to defend this person after dna has been a match would you defend them if the victim were you, your friend or neighbor or family member…I hope not.
Marilyn, can’t believe you would try to blame this on other people for not “speaking up” and “no guts”. Unbelievable – are we suppose to run to the police when someone makes crude advances towards, just like J, a married woman? This poor woman didn’t have a choice!!! I was able to walk away and protect my family from him – she wasn’t. When I did speak up about him I was told to ignore him and that he was probably drunk. All we can do now is put our trust in the law and pray for all involved. I just hope this woman can have some since of closure now. Can’t imagine what she must be going through all over again!!
M and J you are exactly correct. The accussed wouldn’t be in this predicament if he wasn’t responsible or involved in some manner. My concern is for for victim and for the accusseds family that they may somehow find a way to deal with all that they have to overcome. There are many lives that must continue to live with this tragic event. The lives of many people will be effected for a long time to come.
We live in America and are innocent until proven guilty. These are just charges so I won’t comment. Especially after the Duke Lacrosse episode that took place a few years back.
I will say however, that no matter what there is a victim out there, that the news has let known she lives on ******** street and the connection. So shame on them and others for helping to spread that word. She has healing to do and it’s not fair to her to have to have her home address given to go through hell and all of those feelings again.
I will also say that no matter what, police, have been wrong in the past and at times DNA samples are wrong too, and just remember that these are just charges. You are putting his name through the mud and it could all be a huge mistake. Just sit back and imagine it is one of our families going through this?
If for nothing else-remember there is a victim and the accused has children. It’s our job as adults to protect them. How can we help protect this victim or these innocent children this way?
There are a lot of questions that have not been answered. He did work at her house? Can the DNA be from that time? We just don’t know.
None of us are the Jury or Judge and if it is a mistake we don’t want to be the ones feeding into destroying anyone’s life and if it is true, justice will prevail.
So I agree-lets Pray for everyone that’s involved at this point!
I have too agree with K. investigating officers in there eagerness to solve a case have been known to” botch” the evidence.
The reason for the DNA not being taken from the truck or a door knob…is chain of custody. There has to be unbroken custody. They very well may have gotten a sample, a sample that couldn’t have been used, and waited for the right time to question him and get an admissible sample. Of course this is speculation but there must be a reason they questioned him after all this time….could be many a reason.
There are other indicators of rape…tearing…bruising from force…mental state as observed by professionals…ect…that validate the contention that this was not voluntary sex.
The full story is yet to unfold.
Go Dagger !
Let me be clear…In post #52 I said ….
“There are other indicators of rape…tearing…bruising from force…mental state as observed by professionals…etc…that validate the contention that this was not voluntary sex.”
I have no inside knowledge on this case…this is sheer speculation put out for discussion or consideration.
Sorry for any confusion.
Go Dagger !
Go Dagger !
one question: was “his” DNA found on/in “her” person ?. that should of been collected during the rape exam that was conducted at the hospital,
Did anyone notice on WBALTV they showed a picture of a hat with Portofino Bay on it (the rapist was wearing a hat with Portofino Bay on it). Where did they get the hat? Is this the hat the accused was wearing?
First of all the State Police did not process the DNA samples they were sent to a lab who does this…..WAKE UP PEOPLE THE EVIDENCE IS IN!!!!!!!This poor woman has gone through pure hell that night and the last few years having to look over her shoulder…….I do know that many residents of that community submitted DNA samples upon request, ya know why they weren’t guilty so they had no problem with it. They were cleared but raynor wasn’t , face it they have the monster who committed this very violent crime…THANK GOD!!!
DNA inside and outside the house is one thing. I bet the neighbors had their there as well. But on her person is completely different. That is almost impossible to explain off. If is isn’t on her everyone should calm down and await the process. Innocent until proven guilty right? If it is on her person then it overwelmingly will appear like they got the right person and he should pay for his heinous crimes. I have seen Glenn doing nothing so I don’t write much into the police interregation story although it doesn’t help his cause. Either way all of our thoughts should be directed to the poor victim and her family as well as Glenn’s children and wife. None of them deserve this.
I agree with A – THE EVIDENCE IS IN!!!!!!!! Take a look at the Aegis article today. Not only is there strong evidence against him – he wanted to send his wife in his place to interview with the police. UNBELIEVABLE!!!!! Please, no more excuses on this man’s behalf!!!!
I didn’t see the Aegis…. He wanted to send his wife?! What other different info was in there?
Do you think this was a total shock to his wife or do you think she had some idea? I wonder what he told her when they wanted to question him in July….
Yes, this was a total shock to his wife! She had no idea at all. She did not know he went in for questioning. My heart goes out to the victim & Glenn’s family, let’s just hope they make it through this tough time and the tough road ahead.
I feel so bad for her. I have been around her a few times and she was always so nice and a great person. She doesn’t deserve to have to go through this and the kids either. I can’t imagine what they are going through right now.
Court Scheduling Information
Trial Date: 09/30/2008Trial Time:11:00 AMRoom:02
Trial Location:2 S BOND ST BEL AIR 21014-3737
Well, I hate to say this, but if what stunned said is true and that she had no idea he went in for questioning, than unfortunately, that is probably the answer right there as to whether he is guilty or not. Why wouldn’t a spouse who is innocent share that with his/her wife that they had to go in for questioning.
It seems that his poor wife hadn’t a clue as to alot of things he may have done…no marriage is perfect but this would be something you would definitely discuss with your wife.
I saw someone say about the DNA on the chair poss. not being accurate…well Raynor could solve all speculation by giving a new DNA sample now. He refused to when they asked for it….if you’re innocent why wouldn’t you provide whatever you could to prove your innocence,,,if you are innocent.
Alot of people may not believe it if they knew him, but the evidence so far convinces me and most people I know.
I can’t say enough how horrible I feel for his family, friends and anyone who knew him..
Who would discuss the fact that they might be accused of rape….who would worry about it …why would one think they might be accused ?
Go Dagger !
Just curious….
He tried to get his wife to go for him but yet she had no idea this was going on?
What did she think she was going to be interviewed for ?
What did he think she would conclude when she came home after hearing the details from the police about the case (that he presumably would know being guilty) come out after she talked to the police?
Come On…Are you all seriously counting on the local gossip rag a.k.a. The Aegis for your facts? No one knows the REAL story which includes WBAL and the horrific sensational tale that they told. Y’all should just wait it out and STOP speculating. Oh and for those of you who tried to turn this into a love triangle your commercial break is over now and you can return to your soap operas.
Facts: He was arrested. He was denied bail. He is awaiting first hearing… in…. jail.
That’s not speculation… but we are all human, and curious, and concerned, and naturally our minds start wondering because most of us cannot fathom a crime so horrific. When we cannot understand how something like that could happen, we naturally are looking for answers. Call it gossip all you want, but you can’t deny it is completely natural to try to figure out the whys and hows. It’s part of being human. Accept it.
I met this creep about 10 years ago at an office party. I remember him very well as being an arrogant and sarcastic PUNK . I guess he’ll find out what it feels like to be raped when he goes to jail!
FACT: Raynor’s DNA was at the house on the night of the alleged rape.
ME: yeah I think he was there and I think they had something going on, I’m on the fence now until I get some answers (I originally thought–guilty, cheating bastard–then I actually heard some of the facts…)
Q?: Didn’t hear yet, but did the DNA evidence left IN and ON the victim match Raynor or didn’t they do a rape exam at the hospital? it only says it matches the DNA from the victim’s pillowcase & from the broken glass blood on the patio.
FACT: Victim DID NOT OWN THE HOME that the alleged rape occured in–she AND HER DOG were living WITH HER BROTHER(whom, for all LEGAL/TAX.
FACT: Brother swears under oath that this was is primary/princial residence on a 2005 refinancing document and also again on 5/30/2007 when again swears under perjury that he’s tax exempt because of
sorry, about that…
anyway, where was her brother? and WHAT ROOM ON THE 2ND FLOOR DID THIS HAPPEN IN?? MASTER BEDROOM, OR 1 OF THE OTHER 2–2nd floor bedrooms? I mean, if it was her brothers house and she was living with him with her dog (maybe saving up to buy a house or hardtimes), I would think that her bedroom is #2 or #3 (I know my 40 year old brother wouldn’t move all his stuff out of his master bed/bath so I could have it!)
Getting to this…if Raynor was going to do a home invasion/rape in his old house that he lived in for 8 years, don’t you he would go directly to the MASTER BEDROOM to commit the rape?? I mean, she says that she didn’t even ‘think’ of glenn raynor’s name until this past July. that was 26 months after the alleged rape. I mean–seriously…did he change that much and she didn’t reconize him (although I must say that I wouldn’t say his body type looks like that a an ‘out of shape football player’–more like heavyweight wrestler or shot-putter–sort of on the rounded side–but the victim knew him as a football player…5’9″, rounded man doesn’t look like an out of shape football player to me (unless I KNEW that he was one)…
It’s not like Raynor went upstairs and tried the master bedroom (again, speculation–don’t know which 2nd lfoor room it happened in) and then tried another and possibly another. She states that she heard creaky, thought it was the dog and then -he was there…Wonder which step creeks? Top one? A Middle one? Bottom? how long did it take for him to get to her after she heard the creek? How big is the dog? I’m sure Glenn’s a LOT bigger than most dogs, so was the creek the same? Might sound like out there thoughts, but I’ll tell you I know when my spouse, kids, or stranger walk in the house, shut the door, etc. you just know–you get used to the same sound that the doorknob makes,etc. I mean if we’re talking a dog 15lbs or under, then how much creeking is going on?
And, she heard the creeking of the stairs, but didn’t hear the glass shattering (he must have shattered both sliding doors because (I think) his charge on destruction of property is $500 or more (not sure) and if it is, then both SLIDING GLASS DOORS would have had to be broken and shattered because 1 door doesn’t cost that much and the charges dismissed. Anyone EVER hear a sliding glass door crash? It’s a lot of glass and lot of noise, but victime didn’t hear rapist walking over glass or glass break, she though she creeky steps.
AND…APRIL 2, 2006 WAS DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME–SPRING FORWARD!!! Also, the moon was in between the new and 1Q moon phase (illumintion 11-14%). The moon rose on April 1, 2006 at 7:29 am (moonrise) and set at 10:51pm (5 hours prior to alleged rape)–not rising again until April 2, 2006 at 9:09 am (4 hours after alleged rape). The sun did not rise on April 2, 2006 until 6:49 am (2+ hours after alleged rape). What’s this have to do with this case?
Simple, victim stated that she did not see rapist’s face, but knew that he had on a beige/tan hat with Port…Bay. Resort on it, right? and also knew that he had on khaki shorts and 2 shirts. The lights were OFF- (rapist did not turn on the lights because he didn’t want her to see him)-this house is a townhouse that is not on an end–not as much light with 1 possibly 2 windows (which most people have some sort of barrier up–curtain/shade/blind, and it was the DARKEST HOURS OF THE NIGHT—NO MOONSHINE (it was a sliver of a moon, but it had already set! ) NO SUNSHINE–DIDN’T COME UP UNTIL hours after rapist left.
1)SEE THE COLOR OF THE RAPIST’S SHORTS?? SHE WAS LAYING IN BED AND IT WAS PITCH BLACK–DARK DARK DARK IN THERE. She just opened her eyes, right? He’s raping her–don’t the short have to come off in order for him to do that??
2) Lay down on your bed and have some one put on a ball cap and see if you can see the Logo on the cap, but not their face.. IMPOSSIBLE!! How do you read OR EVEN SEE the front, logo area of a ball cap and not see the person’s face, if you’re laying in bed? TRY IT!! I did, and you know what–I can see their face (spouse and kids –various height/sizes) very clearly (not when the light was turned off though), BUT I COULD NOT EVEN SEE OR MAKE OUT THE FRONT/LOGO AREA OF THEIR BALL CAPS/HATS (like the one rapist was supposedly wearing).
AND…IT’S NOT LIKE THE LOGO ON THE HAT IS A COMMON LOGO–NOT AT ALL. THERE’S ONLY 1 PLACE THAT IS CALLED THAT, NOT A CHAIN RESTAURANT, OR A SPORTS TEAM OR A NASCAR DRIVER, OR ETC that if you can maybe get a glance at, you’d know it (ie..ravens, dale earnhardt, hooters, etc). But in the darkest of dark nights, inthe middle townhouse with no lights on, the victim CLEARLY IDENTIFIED THE TAN HAT WITH THE BLACK LOGO??? I mean, HOW?? She was being raped–she was tied up==she had a pillow and then a shirt COVERING HER FACE–it was one of the darkest nights of 2006–she way laying down on the bed and then charging docs would suggest that at some point she was covered-face/belly down on the bed (how in the hell could she have turned around to see his shorts at his ankles or take the time or ‘have the chance to take the time’ to read the logo??
And she knew EXACTLY WHAT THE HAT said–WJZ showed a picture of the hat on April 5, 2006–so she already knew about the hat and the police were asking people to look for someone in the hat–so we know he didn’t leave it there!
3) Victim states that he smothered her with a pillow and talked about killing her, but yet she KNEW that he was wearing 2 shirts (not that he didn’t take one out of his car to cover her face with–but that it was on his person and he took it off to cover her face…didn’t he have a pillow there? Is that when he took off his hat (again. very hard–impossible to take off a shirt with a one and have it remain on–unless he took off his shirt and asked her to hold his hat (that’s when she got to see what it said? Oh yeah, he turned on the light SO SHE COULD SEE IT) took of 1 of his 2 shirts, asked for his hat back and stragtically placed it on his round face and then put the shirt over her head? Why didn’t she see the colors/sayings/or type of shirt he had on. that would have been right in front of her and I mean, we already know she can see light/dark because the light shorts light ballcap with the black/dark logo?
Speaking of Raynor’s physic and round face. Put a ball cap on the guy and tell me that you won’t see his face first (again, laying down in bed–and tell me how you saw the khaki shorts with his ‘beer belly’?????)
Where was the victim’s whereabouts 12-24 hours prior to the incident?
Any one get bank/credit card statements for both she and Raynor?
Would it be too coincidental if they were at 1) the same establishment prior to the alleged rape, 2) went to school together, 3) her brother bought his old home and she lived there, 4) she had ample opportunity to see him in all the time that she lived on Bramble, since he would frequent his former neighbor/tree trimmer parter’s residence.
and there’s more.
When she described the rapist–why didn’t her brother say–holy cow–that sound just like Glenn Raynor–or anytime since then, because we KNOW that he has been in touch and seen Raynor since Edgewood Schools and knows his build?.
Does the victim own or rent her place in Abingdon? We know that she ldid not own the home she lived at on Bramble Ct–it was her brother’s primary/principal residence and since he’s in Belcamp and she’s in Abingdon, we know she’s not living with him again.
IF YOU ARE RENTING A PLACE WHY WOULD YOU PAY FOR PROFESSIONAL TREE TRIMMING/TREE SERVICES?? Especially in today’s economy? Speculation that she’s renting…
How well does the victim know Raynors business partner/her Bramble Ct neighbor?? I mean, instead of actually calling Timberjacks, which is run out of Raynor’s home in Forest Hill, she was calling her old neighbor on Bramble Ct. Bel Air at his home, not the tree trimming business.
Raynor was at this mutual friend/neighbors house on a regular basis. ALOT!! How did the victim never see him? Hear him? Smell him? and yet still be such great/close friends with the neighbor (yeah, same neighbor that didn’t tell her that he had a new business, same neighbor that COULD have been thrilled when she moved because he didnt have to deal with her anymore and wasn’t going out of his way to see her again (you know, mother-in-law comes and stays for a month and you are finally so glad when she leaves!!)? Wonder what happens if the trash collectors forget to take her trash? Or lord only knows when the cable people are supposed to be there between 8-12 and they don’t show until 2 or 3?? It really the same deal–if neighbor wanted her to know he started a business–he’d have told her at some point over a 14 month timeperiod. She heard from a friend of a friend or whatever.
Lady, if the guy (and it wasn’t Raynor that you called–it was his partners HOUSE) doesn’t call you back and you’re obviously not the bestest of friends–call someone else.
Wouldn’t Raynor and the neighbor start to avoid her IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING THE RAPE WHEN THEY HAD/COULD SEE HER ON A DAILY BASIS??? Why would they wait to avoid her==when she’s not even there?? doens’t make any sense!!
Where is the link??? She doens’t hear Raynor’s voice, she doesn’t call the business but calls an old neighbor/friend ‘s home, doesn’t get a return call and SHAZAM!! It all came back to me–its Glenn Raynor–even though I had the opportunity to see him and my neighbor in the first days, weeks, months of the rape. Nope–it takes her 27 months to remember or even begin to piece together the puzzle. WHAT PUZZLE?? THE ONLY PIECE THAT DOESNT’ REALLY BELONG IS THE PIECE WHERE SHE SAYS–NEIGHBOR DIDN’T CALL ME BACK–MUST BE THE RAPIST…..
I’m just playing devil’s advocate here–throwing things out there that could go either way. But here’s a possible scenario…
She’s single-he’s not, but he’s been unfaithful and is known to voice his opinoins of the opposite sex(rude, crude, or punk like–its America–not a big deal–just annoying). They went to school together, her brother buys his house (was that a coincidence or did they remain friends from younger days or keep in touch and it was a mutual thing?? ), she moves in to brother’s house, he’s a regular on Bramble , then OMG what a small world!!
She knew he was a former football player that “looked out of shape”(i still don’t see this–more round, but again….), so was that in teen years? He got married in 1993 about 5-6 years after he graduated…did they date, was it a rekindling? or did she just not want to come forward until she was pursuaded to do so becuase they were old friends/school mates or…..did he not leave his wife for her, and she wanted him to and they had mutual sex that night and then fought because of his marital status, a door got broke in the fight or did that bastard have the hots for her forever, wasn’t getting enough at home, stalked her, watched her, knew the house because it was his….and just raped her??
Still thinking – are you on something????
WAY TO GO STILL THINKING!!! You should be a dectective if you aren’t already.
What about his voice? Glen has a very distinctive voice, once you meet him he has a voice that you will never forget. She went to school with him…she should have known the voice as soon as she heard it. When she called Timberjax and left him a message, If it did happen to her by him, she would have known it at that time, the voice would have triggered it. Just throwing it out there
To Still Thinking. First of all, he took the hat off and placed it on the night stand. Her head was turned under the pillow he placed over her face. So she saw the hat and not his face. Second, she NEVER returned to the house after the attack. So she didn’t run into him when he was at the neighbor’s.
Also, the door he broke was NOT a sliding glass door, but an entry door with glass pane. And it was located in the basement.
Thank you Reba!!! It’s amazing to me that when a girl or a woman gets raped that people with small minds automatically assume it’s the girls fault – that they somehow caused it. She is a victim here, remember that and give her the respect she deserves!
Yes, you think too much.
i think everyone is just so shocked that they can’t help but wonder what really happened and ask/wonder about all the pieces fitting especially when it’s a friend. my heart cries out for everyone involved-even the accused. it all boils down to “why?” what would possess someone to do something this horrible?
Reba you seem to know great details-are you a friend of the victim?
I live on Bramble Ct.
so what you say…is it fact? in the charging docs-or neighborhood “bramble?” not being rude, just curious.
The info on the back door is fact; I know what the house looks like. The info on the hat on the night stand is fact as stated by the police. In the first few days of the attack some details were given to people who live on Bramble.
were you living there when he lived there as well? had you ever seen this man or his vehicle around?
How does everyone know what is on the charging docs?
i believe it is a matter of public record???? you can request them???
does the dog bark? if a person broke into my house my dog would go nuts – even if my dog was familiar with that person. i guess her dog was deaf.
right – she could describe everything to a t except hs actual face. if she kept calling timberjax why wouldn’t his voice on answering service click? and why would she keep wondering why he wasn’t calling her back – just open your front door & ask the neighbor (his partner) what’s up?!!!
oh & who helped her get untied?
i heard from a retired police oficer who was on the force for 25 years that they will say anything to get a confession out of somebody – maybe there is nothing to confess.
at first i felt so sorry for this lady – now i am wondering was she even raped???
maybe the lawyers should read this blog.
whelp-that comment wasn’t really called for and is a little on the disrepectful side-don’t you think? i mean-a child could say they were abused and you better listen up to that but a woman says it and is questioned so intensely? that’s not cool in my book. give her the benefit of the doubt for goodness sake and let the case show truth one way or the other.
Still thinking’ you will be excused from the jury. two years is a long time to remember detail’s. but our desire to forget will blur our memory. can you imagine what his wife thought when he asked her to go in his place for questioning.
Nothing serious Honey just a rape charge.
he didn’t ask her to go
he told the police he would come; changed his mind and called and asked if his wife would come. he did not ask her so she did not know.
It’s hard to believe that someone could commit such a cruel act. I am sure the woman rapped wanted her name, her family, friends dragged into the public eye. If it were a love triangle she would have told the cops she knew the attacker. The accused is married and lives a single persons lifestyle. I don’t think his family should be dragged into the mud. The issue is that Glenn’s past behavior and mannerisms makes it very believable that he is more than likely guilty. (As well as the DNA, the cap, and additional evidence) I am sure his family can’t believe it but they only knew one side of his life. Glenn is deminning to women and spent more time hanging with his friends than his family. Yeah, great, he coached his kids sports team, (Child molesters do too) He is a married man that still spent more time parting like a high school jock and acted like a bully. He has a wife who would do anything for her family and has tarnished their lives.
Where was Glenn the night of the attack? Why wouldn’t he submit his DNA when asked? It was an invasion of his privacy, he claimed. So instead lets subject your wife and children to all this drama. Typical Glenn, it’s all about him and his way, and damned all those who don’t conceed.
The victim and his family have a long road ahead of them. They should be our concern. How will they move on?
My dog doesn’t bark when someone is at the door and I have seen others like that too. With that said something just doesn’t smell right about all this. I know we all want to know everything and now so this is what you get. Active minds bouncing every senario possible and forgetting there is either a devestated rape victim or a man whose life was forever shattered by false allegations or a twisted combination of the two. We will have to wait and see. If someone has real proof one way or another they should present it and that should remove some of these fictional stories floating around.
i can’t (nor do I want to) ever imagine trying to move on. unfortunately i have a child molestor at my church who raped his own daughter and only spent a couple years in jail (not only raped her-he sodomized (sp?) her as well) again, the question remains-why? what would possess someone? where was our legal system? with their heads in the dirt?
Will you please stop saying she should have recognized his voice when she left a message. Have you called the number? Do you know it is his voice? A pre-recorded voice? A woman?
Now we know why rules of evidence are so important.
Go Dagger !
to reba: the victim never went back to the bramble house after the attack? meaning she moved out after that? then why did she still try to get them to cut her trees. let somebody else worry about the horror scene
TO STILL THINKING: First of all I know for a fact because my friend lives in that neighborhood and knows his unfortunate “business partner” that he did not spend time at all at the “business partners house” as his wife couldn’t stand Raynor!!! I heard this constantly as friends do chat.
Second of all hIS VICTIM’S brother did not live at the house…the victim rented it after the brother moved out…she lived alone and was a nice person…undeserving of this horror she was put through. If you don’t live in the neighborhood and know the people involved you are simply trying to rationilize something that can’t be done….there is no understanding a monster.
Third have you ever heard of repressing memory, something too painful to recall so your mind goes into protection mode and blocks it out….it sounds like that’s what happened here….
When Raynor didn’t go look at her treework it triggered memories I would imagine….??? I’m glad it did…Myself and others in this neighborhood were terrified when and since this crime happened….THE VICTIM IS A VICTIM !!!!
Oh and as far as the “business partner” avoiding her??? He had no reason to..He and Raynor were not in business together then….Raynor worked in Mortgages from my understanding and was rarely ever on Bramble Ct. since he had sold his house years prior…..
And every male on that court voluntarily gave DNA to the Troopers that day…as they had nothing to hide….that includes the ‘BUSINESS PARTNER’.
“I think too much” is either an idiot or is close to Raynor and is denial. DNA match – a sample he would not submit voluntarily. Against his beliefs? From what I know of this guy, his convictions were not too strong. The DNA match was 1:20,000,000,000,000,000. If you are not too good in math that’s a few more people than the entire earth’s population. This guy brutally raped a woman and got caught. Soon he will be tried and judged by hes peers and conceivably spend the rest of his life behind bars. If there is a God, He will allow Raynor to get raped everyday for the next 40+ years. I don’t understand the “attack the victim mentality.” This was not random – he spend a considerable amount of time breaking into the house. Her life has changed forever; so has his but it was his choice – the victim did not have a choice. Fact: He did not want to show up to the police station. Fact: When he did show up, he was nervous, sweating and just happened to mention he had been doing some leisurely reading about DNA. Fact: Refused to voluntarily provide a DNA sample. Fact: Victim said he had a metallic body odor scent – so does Raynor ; Most Credible, Nail In The Coffin, Undisputable Fact: His DNA Matched DNA at the crime scene. Regarding the speculation this was some sort of love trangle – she would have been able to identify her attacker that very night. Good Luck Glenn – I’ll bake a tube of Anal Lube in a cake for you – you’ll need it.
The victim called the tree company to have trees removed from her new home
that she moved into in June!!! The distruction of property charges included the
cost of replacing the phone lines that were pulled out of the house, not just the
cost of a pain of GLASS!!! Glenn- may you rot in HELL!!! This TIME you got
caught!!! Don’t hide behind Sandy’s skirt this time. Stand up and take it like
Oh my gosh S – do speak on. He got caught! Own It, you did it. be a man and own it. Don’t send your wife in your place to answer your questions. BE A MAN!!!!!!! Thank you so much the last couple of bloggers – no-one seems to rememer the only real victim is the rape victim herself. Please do respect her!!!! Sandy, will live on – no-one broke into her home and did what this so called man did to her. TAKE IT LIKE A MAN – YOU HAD A CHOICE THE VICTIM DID NOT!!!!!
The metallic smell referred to is actually the smell of oil. Machine oil or two stroke oil.
Go Dagger !
Lets look at what the evidance isand stop all the wild conjecture
She reports rape.
Glass with blood is found.
Dna..on her and in bedding is found.
He eventualy gives sample and it matches.
Ask this….how did his blood get in her bed….on the glass two years ago. The match simply verifys its him.
If she was setting him up she would have said who it was back two years ago. It probably would have been easier and more beleivable. Boyfriends and husbands can also be charged with rape.
Go Dagger ! !
I meant “how did his dna get on the glass and in her bed’….not blood in her bed…
I’m really taking offense to a lot of the narrow-minded replies, name calling, holier than thou replies that are being made towards me/my posts.
I probably have more knowledge of the ramifications of this case than most of you and I don’t live in the same state as you. i don’t know either the victim nor Raynor nor trooper Dana (which there’s so many questions with their investigation too) and I have nothing but empathy for the victim, as it takes one to know on and although I live out of state, where thecrime happened &, the similarities are haunting.
I ended up with a lot of defensive injuries–i fought him hard and it resulted in a shoulder fracture,multiple right hand broken fingers (fighting him) and head trauma (due to fighting by bucking back with the back of my head–trying desparately to do anytihng to make it stop. the fact that he had a weapon wasn’t an obsticle to me either…I wasn’t going to die being docile and compliant. the physical wounds are long gone–but the violation never goes away–it’s just a ‘feeling’ that is almost impossible to describe. After the rape, I never felt that I could be violated or made to feel that low-ever again–impossible, until the trail.
Please stop trying to protect your victim from “the thinker” and start to think. Raynor has a defense attorney–I would like to think that ANY defense attorney is going to ask all of the questions that have been brought up and many more technical and professional ones that I haven’t thought of because they have more knowledge of the facts. And this case has too many holes for the suspect ‘s professional legal defense team to attack. He’s facing hundreds of years in prison–they aren’t going to just sit by the wayside, are they? best case scenario–he admits guilt and whatever happens to him is up to the judicial system and naturally our lord. I pray that he admits to the crime , but I’m not holding my breath…
Metallic – oil smell? Why, because he was riding his motorcycle that night? Boy, that would make sense.
Riding a bike…..using a two stroke saw for trimming….same stuff….
I wasn’t assuming why…just trying to make sense of what the referance to a metallic smell was. As we all know metal doesn’t smell….but the oils used on un finishes metals does…the oil on chains…the smell from metal on friction as in a grinder or the chain on a saw. These smells which are not actually metal…could be considered a metallic smell…or associated with metal.
Go Dagger !
The victim might have gone to school and lived in his old neighborhood, but that does not mean that she knew him. If she did, she would have known that his parents would not let him play football… he played soccor. He told me that himself! He coached his kids in football but told that he could not coach any more
due to his behavior with the kids. He is a known repeated cheat ,drunk and womenizer.He started cheating right after he got married, when his wife was pregnant and in the present. I was told that the police have alot more on him other than what was in the press. He is facing 2 life sentences and should just take a plea bargin. My heart goes to the victim and his poor family. He has a wonderful wife and two great kids that are going to go through a tough road ahead.
No one really knows what happened that night except the two people who were there. I have heard many people here throwing around the word FACTS. Just because the alleged victim says something does not make it a fact. It is simply what the alleged victim stated. Just because he was there or his blood was there or his DNA was there, does not mean he is guilty of rape.
Just as some guilty people are able to pass lie detector tests, I have known some evil people who have fabricated or slanted terrible stories to destroy others. And that is not the evil part – how convincing they were was.
If this woman was raped, then her life will never be the same and I am sure everyone on this blog’s heart goes out to her. But, can anyone here prove that there was not a romantic relationship and she is not a scorn lover? Can anyone here prove that she did not like rough sex? Many people do.
We all know the saying “there are two sides to every story.” Let us give both parties the opportunity to a fair trial where both sides state their case before a conclusion is rendered.
The dog’s food was poisoned earlier in the day. He broke in twice; once to set it up and once to rape her. That was revealed the day the story broke. There should be no question here that the crime was committed. If you want to speculate that the accused is innocent, that’s fine. There is no reason to attack the victim’s credibility, and I doubt that the Defense will do so. It’s a losing argument.
To Richie C.///// The metallic smell wouldn’t have been from a chainsall in 2006 as he didn’t do treework at that time….he worked as a Mortgage Broker or whatever….processed mortgages…somewhere in balt. county from what I’ve heard….The tree career just began in 2007….guess he’s destroying more lives than his family….I feel sorry for the partner….he had no clue who he was dealing with.
OK…was just trying to make sense of the repeated references to “metallic smell”…also heard he likes BIKES…i guess motor cycles…that could also be it.
Than tell me what is the metallic smell…in curious…is it explained? Is it important…is it medical…I want to know?
Go Dagger !
Richiec I’am inclined to believe the ”metallic” smell was more than likely on his clothes, from the use of a chain saw. of which use’s a mixture of gas & oil. when used a couple of hour’s.. the exhaust will cling to to your clothes.
the tree’s them self’s. along with sweat gas &oil do cause some strange smell’s.
tree trimmimg business was started after the rape
RichieC: I think your right about the “metallic” distinct scent being something medical.
apparently, when someone is doing an act that is wrong or when they’re cornered/guilty/agitated they will perspire and the sweat will have a ‘defensive’ scent to it–or what smells metallic.
While he was committing the rape and sweating like a pig during his police questioning, his body was in that “mood”. I’ve heard of this before – a person immitting a strange, sulfur/metallic like smell during interrogation where they know it’s the end of the road.
Fill me in please, he POISIONED THE DOG?!?!?!? Did the dog die? What happened to the dog? Maybe they should add an animal cruelty charge?
it’s been mentioned that he spent a lot of time breaking in and he was there 2 times…did anyone see him in teh neighborhood? how do you guys know all that?
REBA and all other neighbors, did any of you know Raynor? I mean, had he been around anyone’s houses for any reason? had you EVER SEEN him before the day of the attack?
“mood” was supposed to be “mode”…sorry–just read it and it just sounds dumb
In researching I’m seeing references to lithium causing metallic smelling sweat in schizophrenic patients.
This link simply attributes it to chemical reactions in the handling of metals.
There is also reference to praxal causing a metallic body odor.
There is also reference to iron rich water, iron rich blood…oh what a mess…oh gods of google what am I gonna do now ?
Go Dagger !
Whats your source of metillic sweat being from agitation or guilt or defensive?
There seem to be to many reasons to speculate for the metallic smelling sweat. Anything from a piercing to water to anti-psychotic and anti-depressant drugs to a normal reaction or touching metal objects.
Anyone who knew this guy got a suggestion based upon personal observation…was he in the tree business or not at the time…does he have a motorcycle at the time? Is he on depressants (this would fall under gossip)..does his well have to much iron. I’m sorry I asked…I’m tired.
Go Dagger !
Richie C: that’s what was said at his 1st bail hearing-on Monday I believe
ok…what was said?
didnt have tree business at time of rape
had bike at time
no depression meds – never ever mentioned – would bet money on it that he didn’t take
FROM # 110 ….”He broke in twice; once to set it up and once to rape her.” How did he get in the house the first time if he had to break a window to get in the second time. Why would he case the house to setup for later and not unlock a window or door for his return and be forced to break a window? What was he purpose of the first visit?
To L: I hadn’t heard that before….where did you hear that? Anyway if that’s true he probably wanted to familiarize himself with the furniture layout…since he planned on attacking her in the middle of the night…it would be dark…who knows how a psycho thinks….it’s way too scary….
I just hope the victim is able to get some peace now….she’s been put through hell… that’s where my thoughts are….with her, and of course all the other victims in his path, including his family and friends…
Another thing….someone compared this to the Duke lacrosse incident; one thing to remember -the DNA did not match in the Duge saga. The issue there was more about the D.A. running for office and ignoring hard evidence. There is hard, very hard evidence against Raynor. This is the beauty of DNA – it frees the innocent and puts away the guilty. It is indisputable.
DNA has become the gold standard…not withstanding this case…it still can be tampered with to the extent of being tampered with or planted. As DNA becomes more and more rock solid …collection methods must become more and more tamper proof.
Go Dagger ! !
Off this case…..its so important to be able to beleive our cops, sherrifs , and detectives. We want to beleive them. Systems that keep em honest are a good thing to that end.
Go Dagger ! !
So where is the mugshot?
A: Read entry 110. That is my source. I don’t buy wanting to familiarize himself with the furniture and not creating a way back for the next visit. He could have just spent 5 seconds and looked in a window for that. It isn’t exactly a mansion she lived in. Why would anyone who could make a clean entry without being noticed into a house the first visit and bust a window the second visit knowing the noise and mess it would make? Why not go in the same way?
I think the house was only entered once and people are just running out of things to write. By Friday he will have been in the house 5 times and cooked himself a meal and vacuumed the rugs before going upstairs. Just wait for trial.
I guess the Grand Jury will hear this soon? Just a formality. I am sure there will be an indictment. Then another bond hearing. By the way, where is the mug shot?
as a person who knew glenn well knows glenn i just don’t get it. this is so twisted he knows her she knows him she can see everything but his face
his voice anyone who knows glenn knows his voice stands out like horsack from welcome back kotter.. she should have known that voice…. the hat the hat well lets talk about the hat where did that hat come from… portofino orlando as in disney glenn did he go to orlando did he stay at that hotel where did that hat come from did friends or neighbors see him in that hat maybe he just found it lying around on the ground that day and decided to wear it i don’t think so
she can’t see his face but she can see that hat and remember what it said on it
im sure the police have the answers to that hat….. but the dna well the dna does
not lie ….. did they test for semen what about that ….. well this case is going to be difficult and only the truth or justice will set someone free…. lets just hope they did not have affair and things went wrong what a mess that would be too….
Raynor was indicted today. No big surprise. Hopefully he pleads guilty and does not put the victim or his family through a trial.
is that public knowledge in print
Just an FYI – Please read below:
Misplaced trust
If evidence and lab tests are mishandled and not presented fairly to a jury, scientific evidence can carry a false appearance of reliability and lead to wrongful conviction.
A jury hears that science supports the prosecution’s theory –
but it doesn’t always hear that the science may be unreliable or inexact.
The Innocence Project has worked on cases in which:
Hair evidence was said to microscopically match the defendant and only 1 in 10,000 people. It was impossible to prove this statistic.
A jury was told by a scientist that biological evidence matched the defendant’s blood type. The jury was not told that 41 percent of the public also matched.
An incorrect bite mark match led an innocent man to death row.
Very Interesting!
Research, do you have an agenda? We are not talking about hair evidence, blood types or bite marks; the evidence is blood and bodily fluids. When was the last time you heard of someone being convicted of a crime based on blood type? Welcome to the 21st Century. A bite mark led an innocent man to death row? When in 1960? Talk about facts not being presented clearly…..The only thing interesting about your examples is that these techniques are history. You can try to cast doubt using antiquated tests and quoting blood type statistics with a 41:100 ratio – here’s a number for you – 1:20,000,000,000,000,000.
By the way, after viewing the Project Innocence website, it is pretty clear that the tool used to prove the innocence of their clients is DNA. You quote hair, blood and bite samples being used to wrongly convict but don’t mention DNA as a tool at all? It would stand to reason that if DNA evidence is so compelling, so much that the first thing you see when you go to the Innocence Project webpage is a solicitation (Quote from the website – “DNA testing in the average Innocence Project case costs $8,500”) for $$$$ for DNA tests to prove the innocence of their clients. One would think that DNA must be just as compelling evidence to convict – wouldn’t you agree? I did not see them raising money for hair, blood or bite testing. The only thing “very interesting” thing about your comment is your agenda. What is your TRUE agenda? I do not think it is to protect the innocent. I think it’s more about keeping a rapist out of jail so they can do this to someone else.
Hey — to “Really” – do you know him or knew him – can’t make up your mind? Yes, I would have to question the agenda as well.
As far as an affair. If someone is angry and wants to get back at someone for some twisted love triangle, they don’t say they are raped and then blame it on the person two years later.
Glenn’s voice? I’ve heard Glenn’s voice quite a bit… while yes, you usually know it is Glenn – I can’t say if he called me on the telephone, I would realize it was him – unless you told me he was going to call, then I would know it was him. I still get my best friend’s voice, who I talk to EVERY DAY mixed up with her young son. Not to mention, if you go through a traumatic experience, you may think some “monster” did it – would you suspect someone you knew? I probably wouldn’t because my brain wouldn’t want to think that I knew that horrible monster – my brain would want to think it was a stranger.
I’m wondering if any of you J-Ville rec people have pictures of Glenn maybe standing on the sidelines in that hat…
To S: Where do you get he was indicted today? I thought his pretrial hearing was on 9/30/08.
lets remember that this is not TV…
DNA was found in the permission without a suspect . Its been preserved. Unless someone took a blood and seaman samples from him in his sleep he would be able to account for where it could or did come from. When there is a preliminary hearing this will come out and we will have a trial or a lawsuit.
Go Dagger ! !
i meant to say premises not permission.
Go Dagger !
Im not seeing any change to the public records.
It is really crazy how so many things are being added to the story….as i’ve said before i know several people in that community where the victim lived and i know that and who knows if raynor had been in the house prior to that horrible night??? although that hasn’t been printed as far as i’ve seen, it would make sense….as he would want to make it as easy as possible…who knows maybe he left a window unlocked and she discovered it and locked it…so he had no choice in his crazy twisted mind but to break in.
The inditement I believe is just a formality. It is the courts acceptance of the charges brought forth by the police and the prosecutor. I doubt if Glenn knew it was going on although I bet his lawyers were present to see if anything changed. 9/30 is the big day.
Who checks their windows to see if they are locked if they aren’t currently opening them? I bet April-April 2nd 2006 it was still cold enough to keep the windows closed so why look? Also entering the house ahead of time to prep for a crime is premeditation and I don’t see that anywhere in the charges which it charged that way and it would since that would add jail time. Some of those charges premeditation does not apply but some of them it does. Still looks like some creative writing to me. It I am wrong pony up your source and I will apoligize. If I am write you aren’t helping anyone including the victims or accused family members so stop.
To S: I just heard the same thing today……what happened to 9/30?? Guess he’ll be waiting it out behind bars…it’s best for the victim…she’s been through enough!! There isn’t a doubt in my mind at this point that he’s guilty!
I pray for his family , they need all of our prayers now!!
There is one more charge to the indictment vs the original charging document.
Rape third degree has been added. Other charges have been changed.
This is the indictment
Charge and Disposition Information
(Each Charge is listed separately. The disposition is listed below the Charge) Charge No: 1CJIS Code:1 1102Statute Code:CR.3.303
Charge Description: Rape First Degree
Offense Date From: 04/01/2006To:
Arrest Tracking No: 08-1001-58139-3Citation:
Charge Amend No: 0Sentence Version:0Charge Class:
Disposition Plea: Plea Date:
Disposition: Disposition Date:
Charge No: 2CJIS Code:2 1103Statute Code:CR.3.304
Charge Description: Rape Second Degree
Offense Date From: 04/01/2006To:
Arrest Tracking No: 08-1001-58139-3Citation:
Charge Amend No: 0Sentence Version:0Charge Class:
Disposition Plea: Plea Date:
Disposition: Disposition Date:
Charge No: 3CJIS Code:1 1420Statute Code:CR.3.202
Charge Description: Assault-First Degree
Offense Date From: 04/01/2006To:
Arrest Tracking No: 08-1001-58139-3Citation:
Charge Amend No: 0Sentence Version:0Charge Class:
Disposition Plea: Plea Date:
Disposition: Disposition Date:
Charge No: 4CJIS Code:1 1415Statute Code:CR.3.203
Charge Description: Assault-Second Degree
Offense Date From: 04/01/2006To:
Arrest Tracking No: 08-1001-58139-3Citation:
Charge Amend No: 0Sentence Version:0Charge Class:
Disposition Plea: Plea Date:
Disposition: Disposition Date:
Charge No: 5CJIS Code:2 3000Statute Code:CR.6.202
Charge Description: Burglary-First Degree
Offense Date From: 04/01/2006To:
Arrest Tracking No: 08-1001-58139-3Citation:
Charge Amend No: 0Sentence Version:0Charge Class:
Disposition Plea: Plea Date:
Disposition: Disposition Date:
Charge No: 6CJIS Code:2 3020Statute Code:CR.6.204
Charge Description: Burglary-Third Degree
Offense Date From: 04/01/2006To:
Arrest Tracking No: 08-1001-58139-3Citation:
Charge Amend No: 0Sentence Version:0Charge Class:
Disposition Plea: Plea Date:
Disposition: Disposition Date:
Charge No: 7CJIS Code:2 3030Statute Code:CR.6.205.(a)(b)
Charge Description: Burglary-Fourth Degree
Offense Date From: 04/01/2006To:
Arrest Tracking No: 08-1001-58139-3Citation:
Charge Amend No: 0Sentence Version:0Charge Class:
Disposition Plea: Plea Date:
Disposition: Disposition Date:
Charge No: 8CJIS Code:3 4025Statute Code:CR.6.301
Charge Description: Malicious Destruction Of Property/Value Less Than $500
Offense Date From: 04/01/2006To:
Arrest Tracking No: 08-1001-58139-3Citation:
Charge Amend No: 0Sentence Version:0Charge Class:
Disposition Plea: Plea Date:
Disposition: Disposition Date:
Charge No: 9CJIS Code:2 1102Statute Code:CR.3.305
Charge Description: Sex Offense First Degree
Offense Date From: 04/01/2006To:
Arrest Tracking No: 08-1001-58139-3Citation:
Charge Amend No: 0Sentence Version:0Charge Class:
Disposition Plea: Plea Date:
Disposition: Disposition Date:
Charge No: 10CJIS Code:2 1102Statute Code:CR.3.305
Charge Description: Sex Offense First Degree
Offense Date From: 04/01/2006To:
Arrest Tracking No: 08-1001-58139-3Citation:
Charge Amend No: 0Sentence Version:0Charge Class:
Disposition Plea: Plea Date:
Disposition: Disposition Date:
Charge No: 11CJIS Code:2 3600Statute Code:CR.3.306
Charge Description: Sex Offense Second Degree
Offense Date From: 04/01/2006To:
Arrest Tracking No: 08-1001-58139-3Citation:
Charge Amend No: 0Sentence Version:0Charge Class:
Disposition Plea: Plea Date:
Disposition: Disposition Date:
Charge No: 12CJIS Code:2 3600Statute Code:CR.3.306
Charge Description: Sex Offense Second Degree
Offense Date From: 04/01/2006To:
Arrest Tracking No: 08-1001-58139-3Citation:
Charge Amend No: 0Sentence Version:0Charge Class:
Disposition Plea: Plea Date:
Disposition: Disposition Date:
Charge No: 13CJIS Code:3 3600Statute Code:CR.3.307
Charge Description: Sex Offense Third Degree
Offense Date From: 04/01/2006To:
Arrest Tracking No: 08-1001-58139-3Citation:
Charge Amend No: 0Sentence Version:0Charge Class:
Disposition Plea: Plea Date:
Disposition: Disposition Date:
The original charges are listed in post #26
Go Dagger !
I have an error…rape third degree was not added…..the charges are a bit different though.
Go Dagger ! !
I have known Glenn for more than 8 years. I am shocked and baffled by all of this. Yes he liked to party and have a good time. He was a great friend to many of us and would help out, without being asked.
As the father of 2 girls, I feel terrible for what happened to the victim. I can say this though: I, my wife, and my daughters have been around Glenn many times, and we have never felt uncomfortable.
Yes, he can be loud and obnoxious. And I know he had at least a few liasions with women other than his wife. It does not make sense to me that he would need to rape someone.
There have been many posts on this board that are incorrect – 1) Spend more time with his friends than his family (which is horseshit!) No one bothers to mention his devotion to his 2 boys. He constantly was at their side for football and wrestling. He always went home for dinner with his family.
2) Tree Work – Yes he was in the mortgage business for many years, until late 2006, but he did Tree Work on side with his eventual business partner in Timberjax for many years prior to starting Timberjax in late 2006. So he was over Bramble Court many times after he sold his residence there, as a guest of his friend/business partner. Yes, there were times where his business partner’s wife did not like him, but it’s not like he never went over there.
3) Motorcycle – He owns a Harley – a very loud one (he had aftermarket pipes installed). If he was riding the bike, the victim would have heard it, and one of the neighbors would of heard it as well. I doubt the “metallic” odor would have came from this – Harleys are four strokes (like a car motor), not 2 strokes (like a dirt bike).
4) The burglary charge from 1995 – he entered a friends house after a night of drinking and made a sandwich – the friend woke up and thought someone broke in and called police. That’s why he got PBJ on a 4th degree burglary.
Give the man his day in court. Give him his chance to defend himself – Everyone is so ready to condemn him.
He is one of my best friends – if he did this, and I will admit there is a great deal of evidence – then he deserves his sentence. This is America, and you are innocent until proven guilty.
Polish …..also creats a metallic smell…not as a piece of cyber evidance…just fixated on the metallic oder.
Give him his day….It will all pan out.
Go Dagger ! !
Many of us have children. We’re married and or have a family. Glenn will have his day in court. Unfortunatley, his day in court will forever have a lasting effect on his wife and family. Because of Glenn’s behavior, indiscretions his family will have to deal with the aftermath. Poor Glenn? No, I think not.
It’s not o.k to have affairs. Drink and party and come home drunk or not come home at all. What a great example he was setting for his kids. Glenn didn’t make it home for dinner when football and tailgating was around. Or poker night, or fishing tournaments. Don’t make him out to be a martor. He attended football and wresting because of his competative ego and over active testosterone If he was so devoted to his kids he should have thought about that. Haing affairs and trying to control his wife is not the way to raise kids. As for my kids I hope I raise them to be independent, confident, and strong enough so that if they were in a relationship like that they would have enough courage to leave.
I have no idea what his wife is going through. If she was staying together to raise her kids I applaud her. However, I am sure this outcome was the better choice. It doesn’t seem like his wife was given as many choices. I wish she could have gotten out sooner.
i guess you never went fishing, played golf or poker, had a drink with a friend, voted for your kid in sports or left your wife or kids side AND if you did you must be a rapist. I would love to see you and your wife. I would probably laugh my ass off. You must be the biggest “p____” i ever heard of.
I have known glen for 8 years too !! I have never had a problem with him!!!!!!! If he did something that you prudes didn’t approve of you should of removed yourself from the situation & never put your fat but in it again. I have know him to be a very loyal person. ATLEAST you knew what you were getting into UNLIKE the back stabbing B’S in this neighborhood. What ever happened during their marriage is their problem. Worry about your own self.
if you didn’t approve of him that much why do know so much about his life. get your own. you should of said it to his face instead of waiting until he was behind bars so he couldn’t defend himself. you’re tuff now.
I am not surprised that friends will defend and some acquaintances will bash….but in the end …science provides the objective facts, even if we don’t like them.
Whats interesting is that this community discussion is not bringing up certain issues that could have also been at adds with the evidence, even by the apparent friends.
Go Dagger ! !
R what is your problem? Why the personal attacks? This has nothing to do with playing poker, fishing or having a drink with a friend. This has nothing to do with his marriage. It has everything to do with a woman getting raped and a suspect’s DNA being left at the crime scene. You call people backstabbers , well my friend, sometimes one must stand up even when it is not the popular thing to do and speak the truth. If you were close to Glenn, well your friend is a rapist. Don’t feel sorry for him, think about the victim. We may never know why he did it, but the fact of the mater is, he did it. Now he will pay, hopefully forever. The way I see it, someone who commits such a heinous crime does not have a place in society. They have forfeited their freedom forever. Hopefully it is forever.
I have known both Glenn and Sandy for 3 years now and never heard anything negative from Glenn like I have read on this blog. I am also very close to Sandy and this would devastate her more than the insident itself. Everyone expresses their sympathy for her and the kids but do you realize you are bashing her husband and father of her kids? How would you feel if one or both of the kids got wind of this blog and read it? I find it amazing that people have nothing better to do with their time than to run their mouths about someone on a blog instead of saying it to his face! Not to mention the busy body football moms who ran their mouth at football practice the Tuesday after he was arrested. I’m glad it’s not me in Sandy’s shoes cause I’d be opening a can of woop ass on those people who have a case of diarrhea of the mouth and end up in jail right beside my husband!Evidene will show the truth but people do make mistakes and what would you do if it were your family member who was accused? Can you blame those of us who know them to get on this blog and defend his character? True friends stick by someone thru the thick and the thin!!!
Infuriated…..people will talk; it’s human nature. People will also make mistakes, mistakes like run a red light and get into an accident. We are not talking about a mistake, we are talking about a conscience decision to break into a house and rape an innocent woman. Any person who would commit such a crime is not worthy of my friendship. Forget the thick or thin speech…how about someone speak for the victim.
I have known Glenn for a long time too. I have seen him drunk and sober, I have seen him sad and happy, financially stressed and riding high. I have seen him in many shades of his peronality and many moods. I do not understand how he could have done this. Maybe he did and maybe he didn’t. Not for any of us to be judge, jury and executioner.
To mr. 1 in 20 billion – there is a reason why there are only 3 catagories for DNA evidence “Inclusive,” “Exclusive” or “Inconclusive” – did ya notice there is no “perfect match,” “100% sure,” “identical,” etc. Yeah, there is a reason for that. If you speak to any decent attorney, they will tell you the worst thing that has happened to the court system is CSI.
And as for you Football Mom’s – I can tell you this, I personally have seen many of you flirting with Glenn and trying to come on to him. It is easy to kick a man when he is down. Lest we not forget the words of this wise man, “He who has not sinned, cast the first stone.”
To S – The victim has friends, family, an entire police force and a team of attorneys and prison staff and a whole bunch of people here who are representing her interests. What more do you want? Glenn’s friends to kick him and family to the curb with no trial or even any idea what he has to say? Are you serious?
If my husband raped a woman, I would think everyone is in their perfect right to talk about him any way that they see fit.
His wife and friends will need to come to terms with that when he is officially found guilty. Rape is not a “mistake”, I can’t believe anyone would consider a rape (especially one that involves breaking in to do so) a mistake. That to me is just as scarey to know that there are people running around with that mentality… Oops, my kid was accidentally molested. REALLY PEOPLE????
Its never a mistake to …be vicious…rape…knowingly steal…lie…ABUSE POWER…break a trust. These are all things we decide to do. Unlike bad judgement in a car, buying the wrong deodorant, these things require premeditation to do them. To many try to excuse them off to easily. Try to justify them away with circular arguments. In the end the stealing has still been done, the rape has still been done, the abuse has still taken place. The only thing excusing it off accomplishes is in the head of those doing the excusing.
Respect is lost for the excusers and enablers simply by their act of excusing bad behaviour off..
Go Dagger !
To infuriated – Let’s see… His wife would be more upset that people were talking about this incident than the fact (if it proves to be so of course) that her husband of X number of years and father of her children, broke their marriage vows, and broke the law by breaking into another woman’s house and visciously raping her? and then came home to her for the past 2 years like nothing ever happened. She would be more upset that people are discussing this than the fact that she has slept in the same bed with a rapist for the past two years? What are you smoking? That’s pretty twisted.
As much as I absolutely love my spouse, if he was found guilty of something like this (I know, I know, there is no final verdict yet), the first thing I would do is get divorce papers written up, and I would be out of there, and moving on with my life. You can’t love someone that you really truly don’t know, and believe me, you don’t truly know someone if you were not aware that he/she was capable of something this horrific.
Now, if he is not found guilty, I personally will be the first to shake his hand and say, welcome back. However, at this point, there is significantly more weight on the guilty side then not guilty.
As for the comment about the football moms. I will say, I’m a football mom, and I never flirted once with him. Sorry, I never found him attractive, but he sure blatantly followed me and made me uncomfortable the first time I ever met him. I can say, no matter how hot those Augusts were, I chose my clothing differently from then on before I showed up at the fields. As uncomfortable as he made me feel, I never thought he was capable of this, so this came as a huge shock for me as well. And as far as waiting until he is behind bars to complain. Why didn’t I tell him to his face that he made me uncomfortable? Because I wanted to keep peace, and I felt a short temper behind his demeanor. Whether he has one or not, that is part of the aura, if you will, that I felt from him, and I learned a long time ago, to trust the feelings I get from people, whether they are real or not.
This case just has way too many holes in it.
Yes, DNA matches but just because YOU wouldn’t wait 2 years for justice doesn’t mean someone else wouldn’t. what’s that saying, “hell hath no fury as a woman scorned”.
Why couldn’t/wouldn’t someone wait for 2 years to see if he was ever going to leave his wife, etc. It is possible that they were having an affair, he wouldn’t leave his wife, sex was consentual and they argued about him not leaving, she gets pissed and in a moment of rage and emotion runs over to Reba’s to call the cops.
She gives a VERY VERY VERY DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF HER ALLEGED RAPIST AT THE TIME OF THE 911 CALL. Better than I could describe my husband leaving for work at 5:00am and kissing me goodbye. Because its DARK when he goes to work and I’M LAYING IN BED AND I CANNOT SEE HIS HAT-HIS FACE-IF HE’S GOT SHORTS ON OR JEANS OR KHAKI DRESS SLACKS vs. KHAKI SHORTS!!! I can’t see him/his attire because 1) IT’S DARK (and it was super super super dark on the night/morning of the attack (no moon light/center townhouse/no lights were turned on during the alleged rape/occurred really at 3:30am, not 4:30am, because it was the night of turning the clocks forward-the sun didn’t rise until 1-1/2 hours after the 911 call was made) and 2) IF YOU’RE LAYING IN BED, JUST AWAKENED WITHIN SECONDS AND ARE APPROACHED, YOU CAN’T SEE ANYTHING BELOW THE KNEES OF THE PERSON AND YOU CAN’T SEE ANYTHING, REALLY, BUT THEIR FACE~!!!
to S or #53
I believe you have me confussed. I didn’t not bring up Glenn’s social life. Atleast if it seems that way it wan’t my intent. It certainly wan’t meant as a personal attack. However, I would believe that a verbal attack is nothing compared to the physical and mental attack that the victim has to endure.
I do have sympathy for the victims wife. I have more sympathy for the victim — she didn’t have a choice. I can’t amagine what his wife is having to deal with. The accussed has put himself in this situation unfortunately he being married and having a family means they have to deal with the effects of his choices.
#56 If you believe football mom’s were flirting that’s great. Well that was another reason why I am sure he loved attending games. People were aware of his indiscreations. It’s not a double standard. If a woman had a reputation of being “easy” guys would be all over her. So these football mom’s may not have been flirting if the accussed gave the impression or behaved like a happily married man.
To “hmmmmm” – I’ve not seen official documents, but does anyone else know — I was under the impression that he was asked for DNA two years ago and he didn’t comply. So was he a person of interest back then?
Yes, too many holes… could she be a woman scorned? Sure… so she what, had roll play for him to break the window and leave his blood? Then came into the house and had “rough sex” with her? Then she just reported the “rape” but then wanted to wait and see if he would leave his wife for her? Two years later she’s fed up with waiting so she decides to accuse him? No busy bodies saw them together “as a couple” all this time and started whispering about her and him? He hasn’t yet admitted to “having an affair” with her and that is why his DNA is there in order to plea away his guilt? Hey, maybe she somehow got a blood sample from him and placed it on the glass after she broke the glass herself. Maybe that was her evil plan all along.
*rolling my eyes* Too much TV watchin’ lol.
hey hmmmm – I totally can tell what my husband is wearing to work at 5 a.m. when he leaves for work, and I live on a street that has absolutely no street lights at all. Between my alarm clock numbers – yes, that little bit of light helps, and the fact that my eyes are already adjusted to the dark, I can see him when I am groggy and he’s kissing me goodbye. I can also see the pants he is wearing – depending upon the height of the bed, some people would be able to see. Khakis are easier to see. I may not be able to tell exactly what color his shirt is – blue? grey? but definitely can tell if he is wearing light khakis or not. It’s all subjective to what the actual circumstances are – which we do not know – you can’t say it is impossible.
Dear Judge, Jury and Executioner…the worst thing ever to happen to the courts is CSI? So you would rather rely on unreliable, inconclusive blood types and bite marks as evidence to send people to jail instead of a test which proves that one in 20 Quintillion, (not Billion – next time count the zeros) would have the same DNA. By the way, there are only six billion on the planet.
What do I want? Glenn deserves his day in court. He will be found guilty. Then I hope he never spends another minute outside of a fence with razor wire. That he spends the majority of his day in a 6’x10″ room with an uncomfortable mattress. That his showers are cold and food is never fresh. That his roommate has been incarcerated for many years prior to Glenn’s arrival and seeks his companionship. That Glenn gets raped like he raped his victim.
Since you want to get Biblical and start quoting scripture – how about this one? -“Life shall go for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth” – clear enough?
TO SPEAK YOUR MIND: Maybe some people did speak there mind….and the ones who didn’t may have been a little intimidated by his attitude…I hear he often had an attitude….not everyone is going to be able to stand up to that…
As far as people being shocked and they never heard anything bad about Raynor prior to this…..I know people who aren’t even close to him who knew he was a womanizer and cheated on his wife often….how horrible. No ,cheating doesn’t make a rapist, but it sure does show his need to prove his masculinity….not normal for a married man to flirt with every woman that looks his way, like he apparently did at the rec games…pathetic!!
i am a friend of “the raynors” i am one that can’t believe he would do this no matter what people say he has done around the football field, high school etc..i am supporting him until i know the details and his trial. none of us know what the police & lawyers know. well, maybe some people that have cop neighbors (before you run your mouth you should think twice – pay backs are a bitch)
sandy know things that we don’t. she is a strong woman & is doing what she has to do for her husband & family. she is taking this day by day and she will do THE RIGHT THING IN THE END!!!!!!!!!
Right on Neighbor
you can’t help your feelings good or bad and she needs to see this threw for her family I too will back Sandy 100% whatever she decides
As for his extra-marital affairs, you people need to get a grip. As i said in a previous post, I have known him for 8 years, and I am a very close friend of his. There is only 1 affair that I am aware of, and he was always very open with me.
Stop kicking the man when he’s down. None of you would have the guts to say these things to his face. Again, give the man his day
a million people a day have affairs – that doesn’t mean their rapist. how many of you sitting there – cheating on your spouse – feel like a piece of s___ right now. oh, but your better…you didn’t get caught.
Neighbor – This isn’t about someone having an affair. Don’t confuse having an affair with raping someone. I could care less if he had an affair, or five or 10. That is between him and his wife. We would not be discussing this if he was only having an affair and never raped anyone.
I do care that he broke into a woman’s home and raped her. He is a threat to society and a threat to all of our wives and daughters.
I do think about his wife and children. What a terrible time they must be going through. Be he did it. He did it to the victim and subsequently he and unfortunately his family will suffer. There are no winners at the end of this saga. Quite sad.
“Don’t kick a man while he’s down”-what, are you kidding me? Kick him…kick him hard. He took something from a woman that she will never get back. To all you “too many holes” people-get a life. There AREN’T any holes. You just don’t know all the facts. That’s why you can’t put the puzzle pieces together.
To “Come on People” – Right on! You are absolutely right. He did this to her and everyone feels sorry for him? They say – “He’s not perfect”, “He made a Mistake”, “He only had one affair” – Jesus, what’s next? Let me guess, someone is someone going to say “it’s only the first time he raped a woman”?
I wish I could get a hold of the guy………I’d rape the living crap out of him. He’d have a vagina for an anus when I got done with him.
i guess for the victims sake – she really better be GD sure she’s got the right guy – if not – she better keep looking over her shoulder cuz then there would be a mad rapist out there!! too bad she didn’t realize her friend raped her two years ago. (whatever)
oh and i am his friend! his friends are not saying that if he did it he shouldn’t be punished to the fullest the law can do to him BUT as being his close friends we just can’t see it true until ALL THE FACTS ARE IN & HE IS SENTENCED!! don’t read between the lines you ignorant people.
“she better be sure she’s got the right person”-again, are you stupid? she didn’t pick him out of a line up, you goof!
she may have told the cops she “just realized who it was” — the kicker is that the DNA matched.
ignorant people? If you take a moment and pull your head out of your ass, you would realize that, yes the victim did identify Glenn as a possible suspect but good policework and a CONFIRMED DNA MATCH clinched the case. If the DNA did not match he would not be in jail as we speak.
You suggest her friend raped her? They were not friends. If they were friends do you think it would take two years to find him? You suggest that the victim should look over her shoulder? Is that a threat?
Bottom line – your friend is a rapist.
THEY WERE FRIENDS YOU IDIOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
When were they friends? Just because they were in the same freshman class of 300 people does not make them friends. They did not hang out as kids or when they were adults. More like aquaintences never friends.
Bottom line – your friend is a rapist.
shut up neighbor btw glad i don’t live in tuchahoe farms
S, you sound like one of those women that I was talking about with a case of diarrhea of the mouth. Why don’t you get a life and stop sticking your nose in other people’s. Nobody knows the truth including you about what happened except for Glenn and the woman in question. Speculation and boredom are the reason that so many senarios are being thrown out there. And about the woman, what if this WAS consentual??? Oh, and I’m SOOOOOO sure that those of you who are casting stones would apologize if he were wrongfully accused!!! You’d be in your own prison hiding in the corner with your tails between you legs like a coward! And for #59,women like you are the reason the divorce rate is what it is today! Remember the song titled “STAND BY YOUR MAN”? INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY!!!
It’s unbelievable that so many are making light of adultery. I don’t know Glen, and I’m glad of it. If I knew that one of my friends committed adultery, they’d no longer be my friend. They’d get a clear message of what I thought of them, and “friend” wouldn’t be something they’d call me again unless they truly repented.
Everyone needs to stop with the name calling and presuming facts. Even if you were told something is true, like the cause for a PBJ (which doesn’t pass the smell test), the left-field friend/love triangle, the she just realized, she knew him, didn’t know him. That will all come out in the trial…attend if you want to hear the sides to the story.
There is no point to “kicking” Glen right now. They cops have him, and until we have decision the presumption is that justice will be served. Whether the ruling is innocent, guilty, or Alfred plea, we can debate justice for Glen after the court has ruled.
Whoever the rapist is, he is the scum of the human race. “Glen” doesn’t enter into the discussion: to respect the victim, we need to talk about whomever the rapist was and what they did, and put a stop to it.
Rapists should lose their head.
Infuriated, everything I have said thus far is true. Look at #32 – Indicted last week. How can you even speculate the sex was consentual? If it were consentual then she would have known that very night who it was and identified him then. Why wait two years to suspect him? Her house was broken into, phone lines cut, etc. Why are you so anxious to protect a rapist? Again, wrongly accused? You have to be kidding me. We keeep coming back to the DNA match. How much conclusive evidence do you need? If you think Glenn is innocent, you are in denial. Z – I agree, rapist should lose their heads.
Infuriated – You are one of the most rude people. You did not read what I wrote. I said IF MY HUSBAND WERE FOUND GUILTY of something like this, yes I would divorce him. Anyone who would stay married to a rapist is just telling their kids it’s okay to rape. It’s also telling the rapist that no matter how horrible he is to his wife (yes, not just the victim, but if he raped someone, he totally just disrespected his wife as well, in every way), that it’s all okay that he raped someone.
If you read what I wrote, I said IF FOUND GUILTY. If wrongly accused, of COURSE I would stand by my husband.
I personally don’t believe in divorce, but a rapist husband, yes, if my husband was found guilty of rape, I would definitely make an exception.
Infuriated – Just because you moved out to Pylesville/Jarrettsville from Essex/Dundalk, doesn’t mean you changed your class.
And “Infuriated”, if you are who I think you are – maybe you and your husband should step down out of J-Ville Rec if he is found guilty, because obviously you aren’t into protecting our children and their families if you are going to defend situations like this so strongly.
I dont think anyone is saying rape is ok adultry is ok staying with a man that committed a brutal rape is ok or telling your children rape is ok. – nobody has done that. The people that are saying give him his day in court are the people that truely know Glenn & can’t believe he did this AND the people that can’t believe he has done this DO FEEL SORRY for the vicitm and do feel if he is guilty that he deserves everything coming to him.
AND for the person commenting on class – I am from Baltimore (live in Forest Hill) & I have met people here that were born & raised in BelAir/Forest Hill/Jarrestville and they act like look like dress like and live like they are classless scum (and don’t have a bank account with money in it) so don’t even go there with me honey.
Okay boys and girls. The name calling, trash talking is getting out of hand. HEY DAGGER…what happened to personal attacks will be deleted. This entire posting has been nothing but personal attacks. On the vicitim, the accused and his family and friends. Agree or don’t agree let’s not go back to our middle school years with the name calling PLEASE!!!
recap – I do agree with you on your last paragraph, please don’t think I haven’t felt the same way.
So if he is found guilty, all you defending are still going to be on a mission defending him? Will you publically apologize to all the people you have bashed here? I’m guessing no.
That is the beauty of friendship. A true friend will stick by you. A true friend can hate what you did but in the end they are still your friend. And please do not misinterpret…his friends cannot believe that he could have done such a unbeleivable crime but IF he did than there isn’t a friend out there that won’t think he belongs in jail. Will they still be a friend…yes. And they will be there to support him; not to defend the crime
To Friendship #91…I could not say it better.
I’d like to count the times you actually do go to the jail to visit him in the next – let’s say, even five years.
to doubt it: i am glad you are not my friend. wait a mintue you could be…all the back stabbing two faced people in harford county you could act like a friend every day.
to: #91 thank you so much for that statement. it about sums it up. and sandy has an address to send him letters.
He will plead and go away for a long time. His wife and children will attempt recover from the emotional and financial devastation they are facing and hopefully will rebuild their lives and find the happiness they deserve.
Do I think Glenn’s friends and supporters will make that drive once a month or even once a year to visit and support him during his incarceration? Maybe year one or two – after that, nope.
If he is guilty, and I am of the opinion that he is – and I am entitled to my opinion – I have little sympathy or concen for him. Rapists are violent predators who rarely rehabilitate. He will get what he has coming to him, either now or later.
I will say that I’m stunned by some of the comments regarding his infidelity. If cheating on your wife made you a rape suspect, you’d have half the men in the county on the suspect list. Infidelity is about sex. Rape is about violence, anger and control.
Was Glenn’s behavior toward women in public often repugnant? Yes, and just shows a fundamental lack of respect. It wouldn’t automatically make it him a rapist…but come on, people: DNA. Cut phone lines. Broken windows. This was a premeditated act of terrorism. Imagine the time she spent with him in that room being violated not knowing if those were the last minutes of her life. Who had the ultimate control? And if you don’t think so, ask yourself if you’d reconsider if this happened to your daughter, sister, girlfriend.
The victim and Glenn’s family will be left to deal with this trauma forever. These friends and others who are somehow associated to this event will find that this will be nothing more than a disturbing – and fleeting – topic of conversation at next summer’s BBQ.
Great post reality check…
Just Wandering WHY???
Post #97 – “When Raynor didn’t go look at her treework it triggered memories I would imagine….??? I’m glad it did…Myself and others in this neighborhood were terrified when and since this crime happened….”
Why???? Why was it Raynor’s responsibility to go look at the victim’s “treework”??? Apparently, from what I’ve read, the victim was friends with Raynor’s business partners WIFE, right? Why didn’t “HE” go and look at the “treework”. I’m sure he is more than capble of looking at the potential job. There are TWO people who own this “Tree Triming Business” BUT she puts blame on RAYNOR for never coming. Are you serious? And that’s what “triggered” HER memory. TWO PEOPLE OWN THE BUSINESS but let me BLAME Raynor????
Here is an idea to FIRE some comments::-),
Maybe business partners WIFE set Glen up??? Who knows? Raynor joins “tree triming” business. The business starts “booming”, Money is a flowing, things are good and comfortable.
Okay, business partner’s WIFE thinks to herself, LIFE and business are pretty darn good.
I HATE and CAN’T STAND Glenn (see quote below). What an easy way to get him out of the business NOW that it’s profitable. So is it possible that she pursuaded the VICTIM to consider the fact that Glenn could possibly be a suspect, (refer to quote above). They are freinds & they talk, Why not?
It’s actually pretty clever concept, considering Glenn lived in the ‘VICTIMS home where the rape occured. His DNA along with his family’s DNA is all over the house, of course there can be a DNA match from the “Crime Scene”. BUT the BIGGER question is, HAVE the results from the DNA FROM THE Semen Sample retrieved from INSIDE HER match the 1st or 2nd DNA sample from Glenn???? Does anyone know?????
According to this quote she HATED HIM, please read…
“First of all I know for a fact because my friend lives in that neighborhood and knows his unfortunate “business partner” that he did not spend time at all at the “business partners house” as his wife couldn’t stand Raynor!!! I heard this constantly as friends do chat.
Another thought – Wasn’t she married and recently divorced around that time???? Is it possible her ex-husband raped her??
And as far as Glenn’s womanizing and cheating ways….only lead me to consider this… Apparently, his past track record proves he loves the ladies and the ladies love him. Why would he need to RAPE? It’s obvious he can’t get it anytime he wants. RIGHT?
oh lord… definately too many lifetime movies there…
Still not explaining why HIS BLOOD was there at the broken window situation.
To MJ: From my understanding and knowing the people who live there Glenn was the one in the company who bid most jobs….and his partner did the trimming and was the true tree expert….so stop assuming that his partner had something to hide….not the case….I know his wife and her neighbors and therefore know this information is correct.
And as far as partners wife and the victim being friends….they were neighbors at the time she lived there but weren’t buddies,,,never hung out…and haven’t had contact since April 06.
So don’t know where your getting your ideas here but they sure aren’t accurate…!!
I just have to ask the “case experts” here about the DNA – I have read every news report I could find – and I cannot find any article where it states where the DNA was found, and what is was from (blood, slavia, semen, sweat).
Tell us where we can find this info?
Is it possible that he did not want to give DNA since he once lived there at the house?
And another questions to the “case experts” – tell us how long DNA can last “outside” the human body – go ahead, do your google search. Here is just one article I found:
(((DNA in dried stains is remarkably resilient to degradation and can be detected many, many, many years later. The DNA breaks down if the stains are kept wet . However, the profiling techniques have become more and more sensitive and now even a few copies of degraded DNA can be amplified by PCR (polymerase chain reaction). A particularly sensitive procedure for this purpose is known as LOW COPY NUMBER. It is also possible to type mitochondrial DNA. These procedures were used to analyse the bones from the assassinated Romanov family and for obtaining a profile from James Hanratty’s exhumed body.)))
So, is it at all possible that this DNA is from when he lived in the house?
Again, give him his day in court…
oh, for Pete’s sake, people – the DNA was found IN and ON her body. The samples were collected immediately following the incident.
Give him his day in court? Sure I will. But I’ll go back to what I stated a couple of posts back – there won’t be a trial. He’s going to plead. DON’T YOU THINK HE WOULD HAVE BEEN GIVEN BAIL – EVEN AN OUTRAGEOUS AMOUNT – IF THE DNA WAS SHAKY?
Reality Check – that’s what I thought. Being denied bail is HUGE. It’s huge because that means that they have plenty of legitimate evidence. Did you hear definitely that he was going to plead?
Pleading and owning up to what he did is probably the only decent lesson he’ll ever teach those children. Yes, that’s what I’ve heard..but I’m not an “insider”, and don’t want to be – my exposure to Glenn in years past was enough to make me want to stay far away…
since when did the reject police of harford county become csi experts? victim said maybe & they frieking went with it. one up for them. he lived in the house for years – maybe that’s why the poor guy didn’t want to give DNA.
csi – you’re wrong.
guess you are cops neighbor
He will NOT PLEAD.
“If” he has a decent lawyer and “if” there is plenty of evidence, he needs to take a plea.
If not and he goes in front of a jury, he is done. Most people do not want a threat of rape in their society and if he does not take a plea, he could serve two life sentences. Scary but, if he takes a plea and agrees to 10yrs, than he will be out in 5 or 6 yrs. Look at the last years case where the family neglected their little boy and he died. They should have life but they will be back in our society before you know it. I do believe that they must have plenty of evidence for them to deny bail but maybe some of his friends on this site should be helping to find evidence to prove he is innocent or should spend more time helping his family than arguing on this page.
…………………….you have no idea what his friends have done for his family.
TO: F – Yes, I do think the judge would deny bail if the information below is true.
Read the quote below from post #56
“The victim has friends, family, an entire police force and a team of attorneys and prison staff and a whole bunch of people here who are representing her interests”
And as far friends helping find EVIDENCE to prove his INNOCENCE…. I guess we’ll all have to stay tuned. It will only get BETTER :-).
#87 thank you, you took the words out of my mouth. What I said has been totally misinterpreted. I said that people are judging before he’s had his day in court and we are not best friends! If he is found guilty, I will no longer support him but there has been no trial. To #59 you also misinterpreted what I said and I did not come from Dundalk or Essex and that is a PERSONAL ATTACK! I have been in the Jarrettsville rec. for a few years now and I will be here for many years to come. For you to say that I am not protecting the welfare of the kids in this community is disturbing and I find that very offensive!!! This was the reason I made the comment about parents talking on the field about what happened, for fear that any one of the kids in the rec would over hear! As for the comment about being rude, I have alot of friends in the rec and throught Harford County and have never had any problems. So if you think you know me then maybe you should talk to me face to face. BTW my husband has nothing to do with this and should not be mentioned. My social status is my concern only and should be left as such. Nobody should be judged for their social status or where they come from. We should be coming together as a community, not dividing! Let’s not judge, for we will be judged in the end. Let justice take it’s course!!!
Infuriated, can’t take your own medicine?
In number 82, you specifically said, “And for #59,women like you are the reason the divorce rate is what it is today!”
Personal attack there as well. You didn’t even read that post clearly.
I have known Glen since 4th grade and I am skeptic that all the facts are out. I am also a close neighbor. Im not saying he did it and Im not saying he didnt do it. What Im saying is that this is out of character. Glen has always been extremely personable around me and my family. Not one bad word to say about him. For those who say he made you feel uncomfortable or maybe placed you in a bad situation, thats your opinion and if you dont like someone, stay away from them. There are plenty of people I dont like and in turn I dont associate with them. Glen would give you the shirt off his back if you needed it. I have heard people say he was a bad egg in high school, well I guess if you call getting into some fights here and there then ok. Again this iwhole thing is just out of character.
A few things in this case I dont get:
1. The victim basically solved her own case.
2. Who breaks into someones house and rapes them when everyone is getting up for work? I would think even the craziest of people would think that out. Dont you think someone would have heard something?
3. Its just too random. Like I said, he is one to get into a bar fight not to break into a house and rape someone.
Like a few posts have mentioned, Glens voice is one that you cannot forget. Its impossible. If James Earl Jones was in the next room over from me I would know that voice in a heartbeat. Yes its that noticable.
Bottom line is if he did it, he gets what he deserves. Im not doubting he was there what Im doubting is that maybe the situation could be somewhat misconstrued. He does deserve his day in court and the facts will then come out. If by some chance the story being told is not correct then I hope he is given a clean slate but by seing this board that is highly unlikely.
My sincere thoughts go out to his family and friends as well as the victim.
The thing that boggles my mind is everyone who says, “I knew him, and I am so shocked, there is just no way he could have done something like this…”
Yeah, and people didn’t think this would happen either (look at all the comments). I just find the reactions so similar.
There are warning signs that people are capable of this kind of thing. I saw the warning signs with Glenn (although yes, this incident still caught me off guard but wasn’t out of the range of possiblities in my head), and I was never ever in any way close to him. Now if he is found not guilty, I will say that what I construed as warning signs must be wrong, but my gut instinct is not usually wrong. I know that doesn’t mean a dang thing here, I understand that… just my personal feelings. But the reactions to that link above is just so parallel – the shock that is.
To dawg1:
From your recent post: A few things in this case I dont get:
2. Who breaks into someones house and rapes them when everyone is getting up for work? I would think even the craziest of people would think that out. Dont you think someone would have heard something?
The break-in and rape happened on a Sunday morning.
i cannot believe you harford county people you stick your noses so far into everyone’s business it just blows my mind……let the man have his day in court and try prove his quilt or not…. let his family live in peace….and let the victim move on and have peace herself….. and you fine people of harford county can go back to what you do best ….
i cannot believe you harford county people you stick your noses so far into everyone’s business it just blows my mind……let the man have his day in court and try prove his quilt or not…. let his family live in peace….and let the victim move on and have peace herself….. and you fine people of harford county can go back to what you do best snoop and get into everyone’s business .
Go Dagger ! !
I have to agree with dawg in post 213. It is out of his character to do such a thing.
To those on here who say he has an ego, is cocky, controlling or whatever, you simply don’t know the man.
Glenn isn’t a guy to take crap from anyone, so perhaps that’s why he was prone to get into fights as a younger man. He is a guy that will stick up for himself and his friends – that’s what a man does. And that is what we who support him are doing.
If he is such a piece of crap, like many on the post of referred to, why would so many of us be here to defend him?
Glenn worked hard for everything he has. Nothing was given to him. Nothing.
Would he throw that all away by committing an act like this? I think not.
In the time I have known him, I have been by his side many times in many situations. And to “thinkin” in post 214, what are you, a psychologist? You were never that close with him, yet you saw the warning signs?
Tell us, what warning signs were so evident?
Really-in #16 and #17-the victim will NEVER have peace! and to “give him his day in court #19-he would stick up for himself and his friends???? guess his wife wasn’t so fortunate? didn’t stick up for her when he was sleeping around ehhh??
don’t believe everything you hear…
Let him who is without sin cast the first stone…
Seriously – are you free from sin?
Give the man his day in court…
Really-you are an idiot. The purpose of this forum is to give people the chance to speak their point of view on things that matter to some of us. Looks like you stuck your nose in it when you read the article and then proceeded to read the comments. And THEN decided to say something about sticking noses places when you clearly have stuck your sniffer deep in it too. YAY hypocrite!
#215, Sorry Reba, my bad. But still 5:30 AM. Thats a bit strange.
#216, this is a blog, if concerned people didnt write in this site, it wouldnt exist.
#214, I undertsand and am with you when you hear everyone say “this is just not the guy we know”. You see it on every case from rape to murder. Just lke the BTK killer. Everyone that knew him said he was a great person. Obviously not in that case. However imagine your friend from elementary school that you have always kept in touch with and have lived next door to for years and years doing something like this. You would surely say the same thing. This is out of character.
Again if he did it, he needs to pay. If not then he should be cleared and get back to his life.
i understand that this is a blog, I understand that a terrible thing has happened to this women. What I do not understand is why why why why this happened
and if Glenn did do this horrible crime why.. I like Glenn and I am having a hard time wrapping around my mind that he could have done this. It makes me sick to think that a person I know could have done this crime. So I wait to find out what really happened and pray that justice is served. But just imagne that Glenn didn’t do this crime he is set free WILL ALL OF YOU HARFORD COUNTY PEOPLE LET HIM LIVE IN PEACE HEY MAYBE HE COULD COACH FOOTBALL AGAIN I AM SURE THAT WILL NEVER HAPPEN BECAUSE YOU HARFORD COUNTY PEOPLE HAVE ALREADY FOUND HIM QUILTY….. I WISH I LIVED IN YOUR COUNTY NOT NOT NOT
In Baltimore a man was shot in the chest over the weekend…the scuttlebutt is just as deep……REALY….it happens all over….
Go Dagger ! !
i live in this county & i agree! these fat ass target shopping mini van driving women will never forget this – IF he is found innocent. there will be two victims – rape vicitm & glenn
and about adultery – if he did commit it – it is between him his wife and the tramp!! so get off of it. nobody knows what their husband does when he leaves the house!! OH you think you do but you don’t!! and the ones that say not my husband never – you are the biggest fools out there!!
from a women!!
IF he is found innocent his wife will now have to face the realization that everyone else knew about his affairs before her. She is going to realize that people she considered her friends never told her.
So for those who defend the accused and claim “atleast you know where you stand” with him, you were the real hypocrites. You proclaim he was bruetally honest and didn’t say one thing to your face and say something else behind your back, but isn’t that what you do when you have any affair?
his wife doesn’t know what people are writing on this blog. she has better things to do then to listen to crap. i know i am her good friend. i have known them for years & years and there was never an indication of an affair. no one is going to tell her what? made up shit? if you are the tramp tell her yourself. why do people keep going there?
and if there was an affair way back when what in the hell makes you idiots think she doesn’t know? did you want her to send out flyers that she knew her husband cheated on her? it is not something you discuss to the neighbors. it is a personal family matter.
Wow… can’t wait until the trial is over so this can be laid to rest. What a disaster. I’m interested in seeing what the talk here is going to be after it’s determined if he will go to jail or not.
Friends of the accused already confirm the affairs in #47 and #68.
I’m just shocked that people would automatically call the woman in the affair a tramp. Well, reminding you, it takes two. I would be more angry with the person who took vows and was married. If both were married, then shame on the both of them. And yes, adultery is between those involved, but it does show someone’s character to take vows and then blatantly disrespect them/their spouse. It doesn’t mean someone is a rapist, but…. it’s still really really a horrible thing to do to your spouse.
Bail Review 9/29/08 at 9am
Do you think he’ll get out on bail??? I doubt it, not unless they have something to help his defense. If nothing has changed as far as the charges why would they?
Oh well, time will tell.
Well, someone just let me know he’s getting out….so wtf???
I heard the same. Well, maybe there is more to the story! Only time will tell.
I don’t think so, I think they may be giving him more rope to hang himself…we’ll see. Anyway it’s going to be even crazier for his family now I would imagine. And it’s not like he’s going to be able to work, would you want a possible rapist on your property? I feel sorry for the partner and or employees of the company he was part owner of. They gotta be stressed out!!
more rope to hang himself? did you graduate from high school? it is called THE MARYLAND COURT SYSTEM
so when will the actual trial be? I just hope whether or not he did it, he is respectful enough to lay low and understand that people will be cautious toward him, but that is only because the verdict is an unknown. None of us know the truth, and I hope he, his family, and friends understand that.
ARE YOU ONE OF HIS FRIENDS BY CHANCE???? Yes I graduated from High School and have less than trust in the so called Justice System in this country…so don’t criticize me a.h. This is a blog not for people’s opinions, and thats what I am giving, my opinion. If he walks with the evidence they have than is there justice, I think not!!
The poor victim!!!!!!
Now after all the truths have come out about him being a known drunk, bar fighter, cheat, and a rapest, how does she sleep at night? I would be fearing my life! I think that it is obvious that the judge was only looking for what she thought
was best for the kids. Personally, I think best would be keep him away!
What’s best for his kids? That’s weird… I would think you remove the bandaid quickly, it causes less pain…. so what should happen is the trial should be very soon and quickly, if they want the best for the kids… let’s get this overwith so the kids can start moving on one way or the other…
I agree, the kids don’t deserve to have there lives put on hold. But if he is guilty him getting out on bail just gives them false hope. There lives will be turned upside down again if and when he’s locked up again. It’s sad!!
I feel sorry for everyone involved…the victim,the family, friends etc.
There has got to be financial and emotional hardships for the kids. That is the only reason I can think he would get out. There is more than enough evidence
especially DNA that should have had his bail denyed again. What other reasons
could Eves had to let him out.
so is it true he got bail…….
To really: Yeah really he is getting out on bail….crazy huh? I can’t imagine how the victim is feeling right now.
I’m sure his family is happy but the it’s not over yet and they have a long road ahead…the evidence is stacked against him. I can’t believe he got bail….
Was it a woman judge???
wonder how much the bail was
Was it a woman judge?
I’m sorry, but that made me laugh out loud… more like snort out loud… I can’t believe so many women have fallen for him. Come on women, smarten up a little.
let me get this straight – your think they are letting him out so he can hang himself? does that mean they let him out so he could commit another crime . if that is what you meant i am not sorry & you are a joke.
i think the question about a women judge meant COULD SHE OF HAD SOME SYMPATHY FOR THE RAPE VICTIM!!!!!! WOMEN TO WOMEN!! NOT THE HOTS FOR GLENN!!!!!!
are you people for real??
Actually, I thought that maybe she would have sympathy for the kids, the above is a joke.
how strange is the fact that you think they let the accused out on bail because they were giving him enough freedom for him to hang himself… you are a riot. i wouldn’t make that comment to anyone else – people are going to laugh at you.
got ya. i thought someone meant she had the hots for glenn & that’s why she gave him bail.
Good God people, the attacks are AMAZING on this blog! He is out, nothing we can do about it!! If you are human, you should feel for the victim, his wife & kids and even him IF HE DID NOT DO IT!! All families are going to have a rough road ahead of them. Hopefully he will stay low and do what is best for his family. Take the time now, to get things lined up…just in case! Take care of your responsibilites.
to: blah
i sure hope you are not a school teacher or day care provider.
You people are a bunch of jackass’s haven’t you heard of innocent until proven guilty. there has not even been a trial atleast not in the court system. most of you think your the jury. Get a life and let the court system do it’s job
What is the name of Judge who granted this guy bail?
Does the name really matter? I think back on post # 43 it said Judge Eves.
The bail simply allow’s him to continue, supporting his wife & kid’s until a trial. or the opportunity to skip out. he’s only looking at a few years in jail. then it’s parole I would’nt expect to much out of the harford county judicial system.
Wouldn’t let him trim my trees!
Bond set $400,000
Bail was set for $400,000. It doesn’t mean someone will post it in his behalf.
Yes bond is $400K. Doesnt mean he is out. He has to or someone needs to come up with $40K, not exactly chump change.
Hey V Vet, you think if he does get convicted that he isnt going to do much time? I think if he is guilty they are throwing him away for a long, long, long time. He is 38 or 39 now, they would send him away for at least 20 years. Again if he is found guilty. Innocent till proven guilty. We can only wait and see as I think a ton more info will come out.
Not uncommon to give a life sentence in a brutal rape. 30 years is about average for reduced violence. still be lucky if he does 8 years before parole.if he turns out to be a model prisoner. we will see him on the street sooner.
read the doc’s his business will be put up ……
$40K is not a drop in the bucket. The way I see it, he will be buying himself six months of freedom before he is sent away for a long time.
I understand that his mortgage company had a convention or trip to the Portafina hotel which is the hat the victim identified. If I were him I would run….with the DNA and hat evidence, he is done – stick a fork in him.
Also, I don’t think anyone said he would hang himself by committing more crimes; I think they were hoping he would get some rope and actually hang himself.
to s: go to hell
come on if the police knew that they would have busted him along time ago….
the hat was shown on tv just after the rape and you mean to tell me that no one remembered it. maybe glen hid it in his car for along time waiting for the perfect time…. and where was glenn that sat. nite.
Hell? Hell would be a picnic compared to what Glenn did to that poor woman. Glenn will be going to hell. You defend this coward rapist?
I hope he does not hang himself yet. I hope it’s after a few years in prison and he can’t bear the thought of getting gang raped again. This is also after he’s become used to the taste of semen.
his bond has nothing to do with his business – means bail bondsmen you ignorant idiot. finish high school before you post.
to number 71 sticks and stone maybe break my bones but words will never hurt me…. sorry i was wrong…..
to: 72
sorry. i could of said it nicer but i am very upset how people are just blabbing out untrue “facts” i know this is a blog to post comments but there are people relying on this for information about the trial because there is no where else to turn.
I’m lost with the numbers and letters for names….
The trial will tell…lets hope that its not a railroading or knee jerk prosecution. Lets keep one thing in mind…RAPE is a very violent crime. It will not be easy to prosecute. Give him his day…..then we will know the truth. If guilty…..mandatory castration to this BI%#&. If innocent so be it. If its a third scenario…that needs to be dealt with also in the harshest of ways possible.
There is nothing more violating than rape…or a railroading.
Go Dagger ! !
To: RichieC
Excellent! Short and to the point!!!!
to: 67
that is a frigin fact jack. good guess but YOU ARE DEAD WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
to: 70 // to: s
how can you describe such a horrible scene? (taste of semen) who raised you? a pack of wolves? he will get what is coming to him. seems to me you are describing the rape scene!! were you there?
to the person describ – Let’s just say I have a vivid imagination. Who raised me? Better people than blog defending the rapist. Trust me, I can think of more graphic things that should be done to Glenn.
To S: Then maybe you should get off this blog and stay off this blog!!!! It is people’s opinions and if you can’t handle them than get off. Just like you are defending the victim, people care about her as they also care about Glenn. If your brother, father, friend or husband did this would you cut them off, NO you would probably try to figure out what happened and stand by your family / friends…if your human!!!
M – Maybe you should worry less about what people blog and more about getting a sexual predator off of the streets.
It is the job of law enforement and the criminal justice system to remove sexual preditors off the street, not bloggers. They have a suspect and If he is guilty he will be off the street. If he is not they will continue to search for who is. I bet you people go nuts when your favorite show has its season finale. Chill out and play nice. There is enough people already damaged by what happen.
the people that have found glenn guilty without a trial that are on this blog really do need to get a life. We need to wait to see the outcome. and as for whoever #70 either you are a psyhic or just a psycho. No one here knows the facts yet.
to M – It’s you’re not human not your not human. You’re is a contraction of you are…… and please don’t end sentences in a preposition. Go back to your cave.
S…you are too funny! GROW UP!!!
Remember this is about the victim & Glenn, not little high school games!
S, YOU ARE AN IDIOT!!! Is that english spoken clear enough for you? What, do you have a freakin PhD in English??? Glenn won’t have to worry about being gang raped in jail because when they try, they’re gonna find your nose stuck so far up his a##, all in his business!!! You talk about tasting semen, how does his S##T taste??? I sure hope you meet someone on this blog and get a freakin life, better yet why don’t you get a job and do something more productive than this!!!
To #85 — Excellent comeback!
I am not going to have to worry about prison rape. DD I hope you enjoy your time with rapist Glenn for the six months of freedom he has left. After that it’s talking on the phone in the prison visiting room looking through the dirty window. Everyone wants to protect him but not her? He deserves everything coming to him.
He hasn’t had his trial yet you a.h.!!! You and other feminists like you give the rest of us women a bad name!!! You should be locked in a prison full of men for a day or two!I understand the concern for the victim but what about innocent until proven guilty???
DD who are you trying to kid? His DNA was all over the place. It was his hat. You are in denial. You want me to go to prison for expressing my opinion but Glenn should be free to walk the streets? The liberal judge should have never given him bail. Get your priorities and values straight!!!
She probably let him out for his kids, remember them? It is his income solely that has supported his family. Do you want to see his wife and kids suffer for his actions ( if he is guilt)? Put yourself in anyone of his family members shoes for a minute!
Don’t think that I don’t feel for his family. Remember this, he made the decision to do this. He did it to them through his actions. This wasn’t a mistake or a lapse in judgement – it was a premeditated violent crime. We are not talking shoplifting, this crime, is one step below murder. He has ruined this woman’s life. He is not worthy of being part of our society. Anyone who thinks he should be free, walking the streets with the rest of us is only putting the rest of society at risk. Your opinion would be very different if he had raped you, your daughter or your mother – if you think otherwise, you are not being honest.
To DD: How is he going to work when nobody is going to want him on their property?? Remember he does Tree work. I doubt people are as trusting as the judge was in letting him out. I think he just had a decent enough attorney to get him out until trial. And besides, who knows he may be confined to his home anyway, we don’t know the details.
Its not about the victim… it’s not about the defendant… it’s about justice.
Go Dagger ! !
no one on this blog is defending a rapist. they are defending a friend until the judge says”guilty” what is so really hard to believe about that? i guess it is easier for us to do because we don’t know “m” and what she has been through – we can only imagine.
there are two sides to every story. some people just want to hear both before the hanging…imagine what our country would be like if we didn’t. that’s why AMERICA is the greatest country in the world.
he is not confined to his home.
Neighbor Here. the rapist in question’ is just one of many that are running loose in harford county. a life sentence require’s 30 years before parole. but they can get it.
Just take a peek at the Harford county sex offender list. they can live where ever they please. they might even be your neighbor. and that’s not includeing the as yet unlisted offenders.
it’s a known fact serial rapist are known to travail.
Hey S
You obviously have convicted him already as per your last few comments. No one is saying that Glen wasnt in the house or even with the accused as the DNA presented. The people here with an open mind are simply saying there could be another story to tell. As far as if he is innocent and getting employment, that is what is wrong with this world. When media and people like “S” get invovled the accused is never going to be innocent. If in some way he is found innocent then a counter suit should be filled if false claims were made. If he is guilty then he has a long time to think about what he had done. Until then let the man go before a court to plead his case.
So basically then you are supporting a person who was “possibly” having an affair and lying to their spouse. Or someone who “may have” cut phone wires before or after an altercation. Or someone who causes destruction to property.
R- I am supporting a life long friend. I didnt say he was guilty or not guilty. If you read my previous posts I said “if he is guitly then he deserves what the judge gives him.” There are two sides to every story. As far as someone having an affair, thats none of my business. If you think for one minute that none of your friends male or female havent had an affair before then you are sadly mistaken. Thats between Glen and his family. Phone lines, destruction of property etc… facts will come out eventually, for now its rumor or media reporting.
I understand and can appreciate the rumor misconception. And yes, I have known some to have affairs. I however, have not supported it. I expressed my disapproval and removed myself and did not support it.
The accused has now subjected his family to a number of issues because of his “business” or the manner in which he conducted himself.
I feel for the accused’s family. I also feel that the victim and her family have now been subjected many additonal issues. I am not blaming the victim at all. If she was involved in a situation with a married man that should be her business as well. However, she did not have a spouse and children that would be harmed by her actions.
What the public has to learn is that our actions have reactions not only to ourselves but to those in our lives as well. So I will not support those who make poor moral decisions. The victim may have made a bad choice “if” she was involved (which has not been proven) but her casulities would not have maimed young lives.
Scary to imagine any of these bloggers on any Jury Panel!!!
Is there anyway he would get a fair trial in Harford County?
Nuetral thinker I’am more inclined to believe he better be getting him self a top notch lawyer.if there is or was DNA present I think he’s going bye bye. as far as the jury your right.
My Hamburger is getting cold can we get this over with. been there and done that Kangaroo court at it’s best.
Well the “victim” will get her day too. Don’t you think the defense attorny is going to try to interigate the victim. She’ll be attacked twice. This isn’t going to be easy for her either.
M-“If” my family member or friend was accused of RAPE I’d never defend them….I’d be the first person in line to take them to the jail and hand them over to bubba. Especially with all the evidence against them.
Sad – that’s easy to say when it has not happened to you. If you were at the bail hearing on Monday, you would have seen the number of people who were there to support Glenn. I guess we’re all crazy – crazy enough to believe in the justice system. Justice will be served, whether it condemns or exonerates Glenn.
to sad:
(neither side – just checking in)
you stated that if you had a family that was “accused ” of rape you would send him off to bubba? is that before or after you heard his side of the story? if it is before i would say you are a piece of shit.
yeah, i would say you are sad. so sorry.
family member that is. excus me.
Well I am sure it made his wife feel great knowing that all his friends support the husband that his friends claim he was “just having an affair”.
Day in Court – If you were at the bail hearing you would have seen the people there to support her out numbered his supporters 4:1. There was no affair.
and if you were at the first bail hearing you would know that NO ONE showed up on her behalf!!
her people were inside the court room – his people were inside & out. the room couldn’t hold everyone.
to: s. what does there was no affair mean?
M – Everyone knew he would not get bail first time. Nobody needed to show up.
What I mean by no affair is there was no affair between them.
The court room was filled with his beer drinking buddies, some nosey people
and people whos hearts go out to “her” and her kids. Can anyone there say that
he was an honest and devoted husband? Or were they there to say he was a good drinking buddy and fun to play cards with every week? Can his friends sware that he didn’t frequent drinking and late nights coming home and/or if he came home? Can his friends honestly say that they never saw him with another women late at night? I know alot of people who have seen all of this for years. I would have loved seeing his friends on the stand being asked these questions and more.
I cant believe that the media hasn’t done a follow up and warned people that
he is out. Is he free to live his life as it was or does he have to avoid public places? I wonder if he has any restrictions? Schools, malls,sportings events???
If not, I hope he keeps low because alot of people (and kids) saw the news and it could get ugly!
he has been walking around for the last 2 years. remember?
to duh: you might be right about all of the above BUT they were his friends AND that his is wife’s fault & problem – thank God not mine.
and it doesn’t make you a rapist – not good on his behalf – grant it – it still doesn’t make you a rapist.
people should stick to that night & the facts & people’s eyes might start to open.
To S…Exactly what people are talking about on here. It was a shot in the dark that he would get bail the first time. BUT that is what FRIENDS are for. It is called SUPPORT.They were there for him, his wife & his KIDS!! Why wasn’t someone there to support her? It has been said many times on this blog. Let him have his day. If he did it, friend or no friend, he should pay the consequence. If he did not, then he should be set free with PLENTY of apologies!! I am sure the victim has been on everyone’s mind just as well. Many of lives have been destroyed here and have a rough road ahead. Let’s just pray everyone in the end “moves on”…probably not the best words, but you get the point.
Exactly “M” Exactly.
DUH? So sorry if beer drinking buddies and playing cards is a bad thing.
M – the only person who will be making an apology will be Glenn to the victim, Although, it will probably not be sincere – he will be sorry he got caught, not sorry that he broke into a woman’s house and brutally raped her.
Dawg – You have never heard me criticize him for drinking, playing poker, cheating on his wife, etc. Thant’s none of my business. I don’t care about that – I care that he broke into a home and brutally raped a woman.
Again your ignorant to the fact that he hasnt been proven guilty. You should go live in Sudan or some f#$ked up place like that where they beat you or kane you to death without a trial. You dont belong here.
Wow, dawg, you seem pretty violent for a news blog.
Chiil out or move over to the “Outlaw Biker Chat” Blog
Dawg – I have never said that he does not deserve a trial. What I have said is once he has been proven guilty, that I hope he becomes somebody’s sex toy. Not too complicated and why do I deserve to be beaten with a cane? I am expressing my opinion like you….Do you deserve a canning?
I didnt mean you should be caned. I meant you should go to a country that basically has the policy of, when your accused your guilty. You keep saying “when he is found guilty”. Thats my only gripe with the bloggers on this site, a bunch of you keep saying “when he is found guilty” or “he will be the one apologizing” . How many time do people need to be told that he is innocent until proven guitly, that is why we have trials. If it were up to you would the students from Duke have been thrown in the slammer right away? Sounds like it. Read your comments. You already have him convicted.
Im not swaying to one side or the other. If I was I would be saying she is lying, but Im not. Lets hear both sides when the trial comes.
Rick Roll- Not violent, my bad, just trying to get people to stop seeing one side to the story but it seems as though I am wasting my time.
way to go dawg. some people around here forgot they are in america, i understand your point. in some countries if you get caught stealing the government cuts off your hands – if you don’t pay your taxes you are hung – etc…I SHOULD SAY IF THEY THINK YOU STOLE OR IF THEY THINK YOU DIDN’T PAY . you don’t get a trial. this is how it works like it not.
The Duke players didn’t leave DNA all over the place…….
Sad – unless you are the police officer investigating this crime, you really don’t know where exactly the DNA was found and how it was collected. Don’t believe everything you read in a newspaper, especially the Aegis.
Duh??? – “The court room was filled with his beer drinking buddies, some nosey people and people whos hearts go out to “her” and her kids. Can anyone there say that he was an honest and devoted husband?” – You could not be more wrong. I guess you fail to realize that Glenn took care of his dying brother everyday, has taken care of his mother, father and mother-in-law. He busted his ass to be a provider so his wife did not have to work (Oh, let me guess – he did that because he is a control freak). He constantly devoted his time to his kids (Oh, let me guess – he did that because of his ultra competitive ego).
The people that were there were his friends who he has always lent a hand to, often without being asked. He has always shown he cared about us, and we were there to show we cared about him.
We are not trying to diminish what happened to the victim. Until all of the evidence is presented in court, we will continue to believe he is innocent until proven guilty.
to Give him his day Court Thank God someone with a brain from Harford County… You said it all and you said it right…. I am glad Glenn’s friends were
Your grammer is horrible. Furthermore, the the “G” key is in between the” F”and “H”.
To really:
“Though rumor has it from Glenn’s other brother he is quitly as sin…
Can you elaborate on how that “rumor” even started?
Glenn’s brother doesn’t think he is GUILTY.
I really find it hard to believe that he would make such a comment.
Any other comments from his brother?
good I’m glad to hear that …. because I’ll I have heard from this blog is rumors see you can start a rumor just like that that is not true…freedom of speech is great aslong as it is the true……. as for tom becker thanks for pointing out my mistakes…hope the team does well this year….
Really – Thanks for the reply and I’m glad you also feel the statement is NOT true.
And you are 100% right about the rumors. I hate the fact that someone could even fabricate such a rumor about his brother 🙁
I guess it was only a matter of time before people started talking about and dragging his brother (and the rest of Glenn’s family) into middle of this “HORRIBLE” situation. Who knows, the next thing/rumor you’ll probably hear is that Glenn’s brother is a cheat and bar hopping piece of crap. I sincerely doubt that is the case but by reading all the “blog entries” on this site, it would NOT surprise me.
If his brother thought he was guilty, he would not have been there. Like all of us who support Glenn, we know there has been a lot of alleged evidence, and rumors of evidence, that link him to the crime. Again, until all the evidence is laid out on the table from both sides, we will continue to believe that Glenn is innocent.
He has been charged but not convicted. He is innocent until proven guilty. If he is guilty, he needs to be punished by our judicial system. If he is innocent, all of you who have assumed he is guilty should issue a public apology, if you have the decency to do so.
I completely agree:-)
Attn Really~ “Though rumor has it (shut your mouth if you don’t have the facts)from Glenn’s other brother he is quitly (take a typing class)as sin…
we shall see…(Are you looking? Cuz that means you are as “nosey” as us harford county folk) .
But that is Harford County rumor control (It sounds as though they need a “rumor control” outfit in your neck of the woods)
THE BOTTOM LINE IS IF GLENN IS QUITLY ( i heard he is more like a afghan type) OFF WITH HIS HEAD IF NOT I HOPE ALL YOU PEOPLE HAVE TO GROVEL TO HIS FEET..(Hell no. i will feel sorry for that fact that someone ruined his life…apologize..NEVER!!)
I WOULD NEVER WANT FRIENDS LIKE YOU HARFORD COUNTY PEOPLE ( i have a feeling none of us give a S**, sweetcheeks)
YOU ARE THE WORSE. IN SOME WAYS YOU ARE JUST AS QUILTY ( Actually, i think it’s like a cotton/Rayan type feel )
AS YOU MAKE GLENN OUT TO BE SO SHAME ON YOU( shame on you for being a waste of space. But Kudos for giving me something to do while working)……….. AMERICA RULES (indeed) JUSTICE FOR ALL (metallica rules) INCLUDING THE VICTIMS (you are such a moron) i would apologize. But, i never bashed the guy in the first place..or placed personal judgement on him. He will have his day and that is that.
Just back off on the Harford County stuff…or i will unleash my edgewoodness on you.
Wow!!! Really? Are you the type of friend Glen has….? Showing us the class of supporters Glen has. Hahahaha….point made by Really.
WoW…Metallica rules…huh…huh huh…huh. ..huh huh huh…cool !
Baevis and Buttmunch.
Mark the date.. This thread has devolved into a joke.
What a sad statement on our society. Discuss the news like intelligent
people. or ignore the site and eat some cheetos.
This isn’t a bar, it’s a news site.
This entire situation has opened up my eyes. Maybe I am very naive but I can’t believe that someone CHARGED with something so violent is allowed to walk around until his trial in the spring. Granted, I know, innocent until proven guilty, but whether or not he is innocent or guilty, the fact is, seeing this, I now realize there are a LOT of people walking around for 6 months to a year in every day society who have been charged with violent crimes waiting for their court date, just walking around, mingling with us, with our children, and the fact – some of them ARE guilty of violent crimes.
That is sure an eye opener for me personally. I’m not saying an innocent person should be sitting in jail all that time, but you would think violent crimes could be expedited to trial and get it over with. *sigh*
Yes jo it is ridiculios to post bond. but he has not been ” convicted” yet. he has a family at home in need. I would think if he commited the crime he was not too concerned about his family.
can you imagine’ the victim. liveing two years’ in fear of a possible return. leaveing the house. stareing at strangers, wondering if that was ”Him”
Got to admit it give’s them plenty of time too skip. In vietnamese that would be Dee Dee. and yes your right. just take a look at Harford county’s sex offenders list. you might find your neighbor on there.
Everyone has something to say here. It was easy for you to submit your little blurbs because “Brian” posted an article and allowed your comments. You don’t seem to realize you are COMMENTING and not actually blogging. Please educate yourselves.
Your comments, if actually authored as a blog, could land you in court. Many of you are dangerously close to a defamation of character lawsuit. You can’t hide behind a computer screen when the IP address you use is as individual as your fingerprint. Be careful how you spew your contempt ,unsubstantiated rumors and malicious gossip.
This is not a threat, but Federal Law against Harrassment through the Internet.
Kay, if you are an attorney and are trying to advise those commenting here – and that’s what they are doing, commenting on a previously written article- then come out from behind your curtain and step up. Otherwise, don’t attempt to squelch free speech by insinuating that Big Brother is gonna get you if you use your computer to express yourself. I don’t agree with much of what has been written here but I’m sure as hell not going to deny ANYONE their right to speak their mind. No one has spent 24/7 with Glenn and no one outside the victim and attacker knows the absolute truth. I’m thinking that the Raynor family has more to concern themselves with than the comments found here. Come on, this isn’t MSNBC, this is a small community forum. Big deal.
What’s next, the thought police?
For everyone on either side of this case….the bottom line…a woman was
raped, sodomized, tied up and humiliated, her life threatened.
Fact, there was DNA collected at the scene after the attack. Fact,
she moved out after the rape. Fact, she recalled an odor on the rapist
and this odor was also lingering after the accused interview 2 years later.
Fact, most rapes are comitted by someone who knows the victim or has
briefly ran into or met.
The fact is, and best for both parties if both are telling the truth.
If the accused has nothing to hide and is completely innocent why
not offer to take a “lie detecter test” and give blood sample DNA?
If he has nothing to hide, what does he stand to lose? Surely, DNA
sample will show his willingness to cooperate and a lie detector test
also shows that he has nothing to hide (accurate or not). DNA is the
clencher…so accused should prove his innocence, right? Makes sense
to me.
I had a cousin(s) who were abducted in the 1980’s by a man and his wife
and their infant son…taken off of wheel road (on the pretense that the girls would
babysit for them) and as a couple sat in the woods, husband pulls a knife and tells them he will kill them both (they are 11 &12)…on jumps out and runs
and the other runs but he catches her…throws her to the ground and rapes her
repeatedly in front of his wife and infant. He made the mistake of using the infants name and wifes name in the car in conversation. Anyway, fast forward
7 years later…the girl who was raped is walking thru a neighborhood behind her
home and sees a woman and a young boy sitting on a porch, they look familiar
and she approaches and ask her if her name is M*** and her son is B**, she
replies yes….. my cousin runs home and tells her mother who calls police.
Yep, 6 years later, she meets the dirty filfth who did this to her…and the husband
gets arrested and the wife. They go to court, they both get locked up. Robbed her of her innocence…forver…she is screwed up for life. The rapist wife was presesnt during the abduction and she went along with it for whatever reason.
So, dont sit on here and think that this cant happen to you or your daughters.
Oh, he had plenty of family support who came to proclaim his innocence…
and I guess my cousin made the whole story up…names and all???
This stuff does happen….dont blame the victim. Pursue justice for all.
I know that the accused in this case is an arrogant, loud , obnoxious
know-it-all. I wasn’t shocked at all when I heard of his arrest.
I have been to parties where he needs to dominate conversation,
talk down to others, etc.
My take on him, not a likable guy…unless you enjoy abusing the emotions
of others to attempt to make yourself appear “smarter” or more “important”.
Glenn give a DNA blood sample and offer up a polygraph test…if you are
innocent…why would you not cooperate?
I mean, you felt the need to ramble on about DNA during your police interview…see what I mean about the need to “appear smarter”…..
As for his surviving brother….he’s a good guy…leave him out of this.
PS– anyone check the MD Judicial Case Search site, Glenn has an old burglary charge and a Peace Order filed against him in 2004 by a Karen Crane.
It was granted by the judge and he was told to stay away, not to abuse or
enter residence,etc…
Perhaps Ms. Crane can contribute her relation to Glenn and why she needed a peace order against him??? Usually you file one of these when you are afraid
of someone harrassing you or hurting you.
take a look at this womens rap sheet
yes, go ahead and use the Judicial Case Search and look up her record…
Looked up her record using the Judicial Case Search……….WOW! She is one crazy F_ _ KING BIT_h 🙂 Man, sure glad I didn’t know her!
HEY REALITY!!!! can you shut up long enough to read all of the blog and not just want you THINK someone is writing. kay said – COULD LAND YOU A DEFAMATION OF CHARACTER LAWSUIT!! that is in regards to the people bashing his character and slandering his name. IT WAS NOT MEANT FOR PEOPLE STATING THEIR OPINIONS about the article.
kay your point was valid – let’s see how many people take your advice. the stupid ones won’t – well, they can’t even understand what you wrote
Here is the REALITY CHECK you were asking for in terms you can understand.,-go-to-jail/2010-1028_3-6022491.html
I don’t want to overwhelm you with the actual Act that was signed into law in January 2006. But if you’re feeling up to it, it’s here…
I think it is a must read for anyone who comments or blogs anonymously. If you do so without annoying or harrassing, you are within the law. I do know of citizen bloggers and moderators who have been subpoenaed to appear in a defamation case and have been deposed because of comments made on blogs by them or by “anonymous” posters on their blogs. The anonymous posters might be next to testify. You see, they aren’t so anonymous. They can be traced. That’s a lot of expense for the “pleasure” of spouting off a few pithy lines!
Oh, and I’m not an attorney. Just smart enough to know when to keep my nasty gossip off the internet where it can come back to bite me in the azz.
To add to what Kay has said above, I will just remind anyone with questions to read our terms of service, especially the proper use and indemnification sections.
Also check out our privacy policy and rest assured that we do not share any on your information.
Kay is right, but the government will never be able to censor my right to
comment, “FIRST BITCHES” when I am the first to comment! God Bless America!
Rick I’am sorry to say. GOD know longer bless’s america. He was removed from the school’s court’s our money etc.our right’s to free speech are repressed. public record’s should no longer be made public.
Sex offenders should no longer be posted as public. they have ”Right’s” they can live where they choose. un inhibited as to there movement. as long as they choose to register as sex offender.
Asumeing of course there guilty. Right’s are slowly beinging taken a way.
Kay…thats nice but it would have to be determined that the plethera of issues surrounding an IP # are resolved…..such as proxys….who was actually at the computer…hacking onto an unsecured or semi secured wireless network…etc.
Go Dagger ! !
Yes, Kay, I agree with RichieC above. I have my own website and have had to look into all of this including proxy situations as well as whether or not the person who is posting from a specific IP is the actual person doing the typing. You are talking about something that is teetering on impossible when it comes to people just saying what they think of someone.
Heck, I can gossip about a situation that happened to me here, and well… guess what, it was the truth, so it isn’t libel, slander, etc. but some people here wouldn’t like me talking about it, that’s for sure.
If everyone would notice the wording of the law, it has nothing to do with libelous or slanderous speech. It has to do with “annoying” speech, a very ambiguous area, and one that would be defined by the victim, his/her lawyer and a court.
Even if what is said is true to the best of your knowledge or is of your own opinion, it could still be “annoying” to the subject of the conversation.
As far as the IP addresses and privacy, supboenaes can be issued for those so there is no absolute privacy. Proxy servers aren’t anonymous. Just read up.
He was found through a proxy service.
And there are programs that can tell me right now who is accessing this page, their IP address,the city they are getting their service from, even what kind of computer they are using ( No, I’m not doing that, just pointing out it can be done.I have no use or interest in that much information) So, no, there is no privacy.
So is President Bush going to use that act to go after everyone who has been annoyingly making fun of him?
This is what you got? This is about a guy who broke into someone’s email account and took private information and posted it publically – this is NOT the same thing as people thinking Glenn is an annoying ladies’ man, drunk, or whatever they are calling him.
There are no programs that YOU can run to tell YOU who is accessing this page, unless you have access to OUR server or if we allowed you to place javascript on our site in the comment form like some forums allow. WE have programs that can tell us that information. It’s nothing more than web analytics software. We run several versions both on the server and through secure external services.
As per our privacy policy, we do not sell or distribute any of that information. If we are subpoenaed and forced to give up that information, per our terms of service you have already given us permission to do so. Every website worth a damn has these disclaimers to (hopefully) protect them.
Its not as ambiguous as you would think…annoying is considered what would be annoying to a “reasonable person with normal sensibilities”.
If my New York accent or vernacular annoys you …to bad. If the train that uses the tracks next to the house you bought next to the tracks annoys you…to bad. If you don’t like certain lawful subjects discussed…to bad.
Truth is an affirmative defense in slander or defamation action.
Annoyance or harassment usually requires a notice to the party doing the annoying or harassing behavior.
I’m not a lawyer but this is what I have come to believe.
Go Dagger ! !
Absolutely. Annoyance/harrassment has to be handled in a way that requires someone to officially request that the annoyance or harrassment stops. If it doesn’t stop, that is when it becomes a problem and can be legally fought.
to: behavior
if glenn was rude to you at a party you must of been the annoying a.h.!!!!!!!
people on this blog keep complaining about his behavior SO why the hell were you in his company all of the time? i don’t associate with people that i don’t like or make me feel uncomfortable. turn your back & walk away. don’t stand there & listen.
you people need to take a self esteeem class.
glenn – if you are reading this you got a lot of ass to kick!! if you ever find out the cowards behind their words.
Ok…#366 was a parody comment right?!
Nobody is so self-unaware and silly that they threaten to kick asses
on a news comment site.
It’s like that scene in “Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back” where they travel all over
the country to kick the asses of people who hate their comic book.
#366 post is either hilariously sardonic or rediculously ironic.
Sorry–that rhymed–only fairies rhyme right?
We’re not kickin’ fairies asses here yet…are we?!!!
it wasn’t a threat you bazing idiot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What is bazing?
it wasn’t a threat you blazing idiot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
tanks for te correkt shun
get a GD life…..just proved the class of friends Glen has…Once again….
HAHAHAHAHA! I’d like to see the little guy come try to kick my @ss. He’d be met by a brick wall – my husband. Of course, I haven’t said anything here that should cause that, but still… You just conjured up a really funny scene in my head. lol! You guys are pretty amusing.
On a more serious note – I hope to God that he didn’t do what he was CHARGED with (for the sake of his family), but… I guess we’ll know come spring, huh?
Do any of the men on this blog who are defending Glenn (who we know is still not guilty until proven so) realize how idiotic you sound? I mean if I were
in your place and defending a friend (which is good that he has friends like you)
I would be talking to him and asking him to cooperate by offering a DNA blood sample and taking real steps to prove he has no connection to this case.
Instead, you guys want to blame the victim , who he may have raped violently
and in a pre-meditated manner and keep calling her and any women associated with defending the victim or women in her shoes, tramps? I mean, you sound
like complete cavemen.
Stick to the facts, you guys have no facts…just rambles of how “he couldn’t have done it” and the tramp ruined his life,etc.
I feel so sorry for your wives (if anyone would marry you fools) that you have
no problem with Glenns past criminal record ( a peace order which a judge
felt valid enough to OK ) and a past burglary, affairs, behavior in general of
the treatment of women, including his own wife!
Put your wife or daughter in the place of this victim…would you tell them they
are tramps and must have ask for it, or been flirting or having an affair?
Would you tell them to think twice about pressing charges because the life
of a good man might be in jeapordy?? Ask yourself these questions…do you have daughters? God help you.
If GLENN IS INNOCENT…lets have him cooperate fully with DNA samples and polygraphs…if he has nothing to hide..then why not?
Ask yourself, why he wont give his DNA? Will you go down and give yours?
I bet you will…because you didnt rape her and you know it….but can Glenn say the same?
To post # 65
Acutally, self esteem is not an issue for someone like myself.
You see, people who “pose” and feel the need to “act out”
and “talk down” to others is a trait of someone who has NO self esteem.
They typically feel bad about themselves and try to make others feel bad
as well.
Also, I never said he talked down to me personally (read the full post before you respond) but that I have witnessed him doing this to others. It actually made
me feel sorry for Glenn , for the reasons stated above. He is nothing more than
a guy suffering from “little big man disease”.
Again, you guys who call yourselves friends, are not helping Glenn’s case.
It just shows the mentality levels of those trying to defend him, are pretty off
the wall and not at all realistic.
Glenn,,,if you are reading this…instead of kicking butt …how about offering up a
blood DNA sample, polygraph and proof that this could not have been you!
For all posting about the blog and harrassment/annoyance…yes u have to file
a complaint…and one way to do that is to file a PEACE ORDER against someone. Hey, just like the lady who filed one on Glenn in 2004.
Point Not Taken – As a supporter of Glenn, I don’t think anyone has in anyway blamed the victim. We say again and again, if he did, he deserves the punishment. We say again and again, give him his chance that every American deserves – the chance to prove his innocence.
Until I see all of the evidence in court, not in the media or on this blog, I will believe he is innocent. Until it is proven in court, beyond a reasonable doubt, I will believe he is innocent.
He’s not a perfect person. And none of us are. If he was so much of an A-hole, why would so many say, give him his day in court.
In time, we will all see the evidence – not what was in the media, as time and time again stories are retracted. Wait until the spring and see for yourself in court.
Give him his day- I couldnt of said it better myself!! Well done.
Stop asking him to submit DNA or take a lie detector. His family is spending a mint on a lawyer and even if he wanted to his lawyer would stop the notion in a second. Based on the fact he used to live in the house and the fact that he was very nervous about the police shows you guilty or innocent he will not perform well in either one of them.
I have friends who shake and sweat uncontrollably after going through a radar trap or pass a police car so maybe he just gets nervous arounds cops. Maybe he gets nervous he will say the wrong thing and be frammed. Maybe he is guilty. Maybe he was drinking that day and sweating it out. Maybe he had a fever and didn’t feel well that day causing him to sweat. All good reasons not to submit to either test. And again there is no way his lawyer would let him anyway after meeting with him and hearing everything out there anyway.
I don’t know if he did it or not. I hope he didn’t. But again there is just no benefit to him taking any test.
And finally if he did take a lie detector test and it showed him to be innocent would you believe the results or would you say he beat the machine? I know what 90% of you would say. Again no benefit to him at all.
Sounds like a bunch of really bad excuses. Any reasonalbe, intelligent being wouldn’t even believe that. They aren’t matching DNA from anywhere. They would use the DNA to deternine the person who “broke in” and “rapped”. They could ask his wife for DNA if she lived in the house but she wouldn’t have left blood on a broken window if she wasn’t there.
Framed?? Who is out to get the accussed? These excuses are so lame you really should you are making things sound worse.
For those stating he should take a lie detector test, there is a reason those tests are inadmissable – they are not reliable methods to determine guilt or innocence.
R – where was it published that he left blood DNA on the window?
You are right, a lie detector is useless. Besides, when the DNA matches, and his blood is on the broken window where he broke into the house, there is no need for a lie detector.
I agree with #73 Point Not Taken – If YOUR wife, sister or mother were the victim, you would not be saying (given the DNA match) give him his day in court.
I’ve posted previously what I hope happens to this guy. Whatever punishment he receives from the judicial system or the treatment (or loving affection) given by his fellow inmates can’t be bad enough.
Give him his day in court- the info regarding blood on the broken window , “if” it were printed, wouldn’t matter to you because you have already stated you won’t believe it until you hear it in court.
Besides you are refuting the validity of any scientific testing DNA or Lie detector test. I find it ironic that people are relying on the testimony in court to be the truth once in a courtroom, any story can be made up, it’s the evidence that will decide the case.
And the excuse that the accused was sweating from “possibly” drinking that day a blood test could have vindicated him with proof that the alcohol was casing him to sweat. Or could it be possible he was hiding the use of illegal substances in his system during the “attack”as well. That would have also substantiated anything that was found when his house was search during his arrest.
R – so this “DNA” on the window has not been printed in published reports? And if that is the case, at this point it is heresay. Where else did you hear DNA was found?
More than one of the charges included burglary. Charges of burglary would not have been filed unless there was some type of evidence(DNA- blood, semon, sweat or other bodily fluids) to support the claim. It may have been mentioned on the blog. If the accused was “sweating alcohol” as you indicated, he could have agreed to a blood alcohol test. However, that still would not excuse his DNA from being found at the scene even if he lived there prior. Unless, other substances could have been detected as well.
Lie detectors are used as a leverage to a suspect… get him to try to talk his way out rather than take it.
They are almost inadmissible in court although they can be brought up …for example… PROSICUTER TO JUDGE ; …..”you honor we are late to court because we allowed the suspect to take a lie detector test that we had hoped would exonorate him”.
Go Dagger ! !
People need to except the fact that he may be innocent….just as his friends need to except the fact that he may be guilty. If he is innocent than what’s the harm in giving a dna sample voluntarily? From my understanding others in the victim’s neighborhood were subjected to them and voluntarily gave dna samples because they had nothing to hide?? And they were not shown as a match. Think about that. If the police simply wanted to pin this on someone they would have done that sooner don’t you think.
Nobody wants to put themselves out there in that way but the chances of it showing a match when there is none is pretty darn slim. So he needs to just step up and give the dna that the state has asked for. If he’s innocent than prove it. It would save his family , friends alot of heartache and the state alot of $.
It is important to remember that no one else in the neighborhood lived in that house. Perhaps that is the reason he did not give one voluntarily.
None of us know what the interview was like. There have been numerous cases where suspects have given false confessions due to interrogation techniques used by law enforcement.
Yes, he lived in the house and perhaps after 8 years of not living in that house
there may be some of his DNA lingering?? Who knows. I believe that the
police have taken all of this into consideration. I believe from what I read in the Aegis, that blood was taken from the broken window , where the suspect
cut himself during the break-in. So, there is blood DNA sample from the crime scene which was matched to Glenn’s perspiration sample from the police station. The fact that the victim described an odor from the suspect during her initial rape report 2 years earlier…and detectives described the same “metalic”
odor lingering in the room for hours after Mr. Raynor left the station.
Nobody on this message board wants to see an innocent person go to jail, especially one with young children. However, the victim deserves closure
as well. This is a very tough case for both sides.
PS, you have to also think…after 30-60 minutes of being raped, people sweat during sex and I imagine that sweat could have been left on the victim and on her bedding….perhaps they got perspiration samples off of the victim after the attack?
We don’t know all of the details, and I am sure some of the details are being kept from the public to keep the trial from being tainted. Just a thought.
Had he not lived there, and they stated they found his DNA, there would be a lot less skepticism about the evidence. And you have to wonder where the Aegis got their information from. The papers are not always right.
Just how long does DNA last?
How did they collect it?
Did they follow the proper procedure?
None of us knows this for sure, and we will not until the trial.
Again, none of us is taking anything away from the victim by supporting Glenn. It is unfair that people have suggested such a thing.
I wouldn’t totally discount the Aegis. I know when the Aegis ran something on my business, they had to have exact names, sources, etc., or they would not run the information at all. They were very much more thorough than I thought newspapers were…. but I am sure that’s not always the case…
Hopefully his hearing will be soon. Does anyone know when? I would think that they would either want to hurry to prove his innocence or get him off the streets if guilty.
usa – you would think, huh?
Nope… not until April. Makes you wonder how many people charged with violent crimes are walking around waiting trial. Again, whether innocent or guilty is not the point – you would think being charged with a violent crime would speed up the process but evidentally no….
The accused is scheduled for a hearing on 11/5/08.
What’s the hearing for?
Not sure- the hearing/conference could be in regards to the DNA results.
Give Him His Day in Court ..
I hate to break this to you…but in america we dont prove innocence…..guilt has to be proven. In this passage from you…you got it baclwards.
“Give Him His Day in Court on October 10th, 2008 12:25 pm
Point Not Taken – As a supporter of Glenn, I don’t think anyone has in anyway blamed the victim. We say again and again, if he did, he deserves the punishment. We say again and again, give him his chance that every American deserves – the chance to prove his innocence.”
Once again…Innocence doesnt have to be proven…guilt does.
Go Dagger !
Speaking my mind…
I think it is hilarious that this blog has almost STOPPED, since the day Glenn has gotten out of jail!
That’s because there is nothing to really say until his trial. What, do you think we are all scared of him or something? *rolling my eyes*
Actually that’s not true. He was released on the 3oth . Many people continued with the blog for 2 weeks.
It appears his attorney is awaiting the results of the report from the crime lab. His next trial/hearing is Nov. 5
I think most that were here to discuss got tired of the silly name calling and
threats (just because you can’t act on them doesn’t mean they’re not threats).
It’s like the political process, the screamers and insult slingers out-yell those
who want to discuss issues.
I’m sure “get a GD life” and “friend for 7 years” are happy that no one is left here to talk about their buddy’s case.
I guess raping and sodomizing someone is not a “personal attack” in its self?
It appears that the next hearing is a “scheduling hearing” – I presume this would give an outline of the process and set forthcoming dates?
Is the Nov. 5 hearing just for him, his Attorney and the Judge?
Is that how DNA evidence is presented and reviewed? Through a trial/hearing?
Anyone know?
It’s all a matter of time. Glenn’s days of freedom are dwindling. $400,000 bond to buy a few month’s of freedom – after that, it’s an 8×10 room forever…..
The $400,00 bought him the freedom to work, socialize, be with his famiy and discuss his case openly with many people. The more he keeps talking, the better the case against him will be. He is bound to screw up. I just really feel bad for the victim, knowing that he is out there and who knows what he could be saying about or do to her. I pray that one day she will have closure.
I know someone who is friends with Glenns wife and she is a wreck, I feel very sorry for her and I know that she has been reading thes blgs and it hurts her so much to know what is being seid….
If Glenn’s wife is really reading then my adivce is leave that piece of trash alone. Get strong and drop that looser!!!!
Ok, Well My sister called me today with this article. We were surprised. Glenn and his family grew up not to far from us and we have known them for at least 25 years. All I can say is I have seen a wild streak and anger. I ran into to Glenn again several years ago and he was pleasant. but seeing some of the things I ave seen I am not surprised. Saddened. Cause the apple doesn’t fall far….
I wish Glenn’s wife and his children the best, I think this will be a long road to recovery for her… Glenn will be going to jail for a long while and hopefully his wife will move forward…..
What was Glenn’s response to the DNA findings during his trial yesterday?
The trial was NOT yesterday…they are still doing discovery
Doc No./Seq No.: 24/0
File Date: 11/05/2008Close Date:
Party Type: DefendantParty No.:1
Document Name: Defendant’s Response to State’s Request for Discovery and Inspection
Go Dagger !
Thank you, I did mean hearing.
To R, does anyone know if there is any new dna evidence?? It’s been quite hush hush. I wonder when his trial will be? Since the crime happened so long ago you would think they would want to do it pretty quick…but who knows.
To R: I meant any new DNA results since the arrest?
FYI to all, Mr. raynor is carying on with everyday activities like he has not a care in the world. He should never have been allowed out on bail and is brazen enough to show his face at the football fields and in his neighborhood. So much for laying low! I feel for his wife and kids but where is the thought to the public’s safety in all this. At least he should have been on a home monitor.
I wonder what the Holiday Season will be like for his poor family and the victim? Hope it has some semblence of normalacy.
Mr raynor should be under the same ruleing as a convicted child molester but he is not.he is as free as a bird. to do as he pleases.
To In the Neighborhood:
You say that you hope his poor family has some semblance of normalcy during the holiday season…that’s not possible if Glenn is on house arrest or has a home monitor.
I’m no fan of his, and I’m not happy he’s out of jail. But we do have a system in place, and he made bail. His behavior between now and the trial may very well tell us more. We live in a small community. People are watching him. I’m thinking his wife knows where he is at all times…
I’d be pissed, too, if he was my neighbor – but innocent until proven guilty, whether I (or you) like it or not.
I’ve heard that he thinks he’s innocent…Well in my opinion that will only go so far since there is obviously some pretty hefty charges against him, and lets not forget the dna matched…It’s just like you always here everyone in prison is innocent….yeah right!!
As far as his family having a nice holiday, if he’s living like nothing’s wrong I guess they will. That is until the other shoe drops….and hopefully it does. Time will tell !!
Yes, you are right, he is out roaming around like nothing is going on….(if it were me, or my husband, I believe we would lay low and be respectful by not showing to kid-related functions until after the trial). And his wife is being very very mean and hatefully glaring at anyone who is trying to be nice by giving her a supportive smile or nod. I hate to say this but at least Glenn is being nice and polite to people who say hello.
Unbeleivable…..what do you expect…give her a pass…..her life is on a thread.
Go Dagger !
Yeah I heard he was going to games and stuff…I guess he has to try and be there for his kids…but he should be aware of how uncomfortable it makes people feel as well. As far as his wife not being friendly and giving the glares?? She doesn’t think he did anything wrong I suppose or she wouldn’t be with him. So at least someone believes him.With the dna match not too many would. Most people I know surely don’t, but everyone to there own opinion.
I’d expect her to be nice, that’s all I would expect. If someone is nice to you, you are nice back, correct?
Unbeleivable….im just saying this has to be very very hard on her…..thats all.
Go Dagger !
We have to remember is that the wife is not the accused…she has an uncertain future…there has to be an incredible amount of pressure on her.
I’m sure there is an incredible amount of pressure on her, but when she has her gossip friends arm in arm with her, I’m sure they are feeding her lies about other people to make her glare at everyone. Funny, because these same people that are arm in arm with her supposedly supporting her are talking behind her back. Oh well, whatever… I just would assume people could just be nice as a response to someone being nice to them. It’s probably just the gossip train causing her to glare, right?
WHY is he out and about hanging out at “kid” functions? Were there any restrictions put on him at all by the court when they released him on bail? What about the bond company? They can put restrictions on him as well, can’t they? No restrictions at all? Arrested for rape and violence, no restrictions while he awaits trial? NO RESTRICTIONS???? We all know, innocent until proven guilty, but NO RESTRICTIONS???? I heard he was at a kids’ rec football party yesterday like nothing ever happened.
Maybe he is guilty and maybe he is innocent, but if he has no restrictions, what about the guy walking around who is indeed guilty having no restrictions either?
That’s truly messed up.
People out there are so qucik to say oh I’d be laying low, staying home in the house…blah, blah, blah but think about it, really think about it, he is facing some major time and if you had two young children that you may not see on a daily basis to grow up, wouldn’t you want to be there for everything you could while you could. I don’t think there is a parent out there that wouldn’t.
Also, let’s not forget NONE of the charges are pedophilia or violence towards a child.
I wonder when they will set the trial date for. It has to be worse waiting for the date to come than to just get it over with. His life and the victim’s life is in limbo until this goes to trial.
I feel for the victim even more because there obviously aren’t any restrictions on him, how she must continue to look over her shoulder. It’s not fair!!
There should have been some kind of restriction placed on him. After all, he may be innocent but why set a bail so high and then have no restrictions to his release….makes NO sense !!
never say never — plenty of moms of those kids find being around him very uncomfortable.
to 430- You totally missed my point and somehow I am not surprised.
No, I didn’t miss your point. I think you missed mine. Yes, he has not been known to do anything against kids, but where there are a lot of kids are a lot of moms who happen to be very uncomfortable being around him.
And if he wants to spend lots of time with his kids, etc., he can easily spend quality time with them away from other people as well. In fact, he would have even better quality time being one on one with his kids and wife.
Oh Okay…take away the little bit of normalcy that his kids may have for the brief time they have it (if convicted) so other kids’ moms (who are grown adults) can be comfortable. Well I just don’t know HOW I missed that as being a good idea thank you for clarifying.
Oh whatever. You obviously don’t know what it feels like to be gawked at by Glenn Raynor and treated like a piece of meat.
So are you saying he is still behaving in such a manner?
What is he supposed to do – walk around with a neon sign stating “hey everybody, I am accused of rape”? To anyone who thinks he acts like nothing happened, trust me, it is on his mind 24/7. His trial will be here soon enough.
As much as many of you would like nothing more for him to crawl in a hole and die, there are plenty of cases where subpar investigative work has condemned people.
And for those who say that Sandy is being mean towards others, I’d say it is just a case of her figuring out who is a friend and who is a back stabbing (ryhmes with witch).
The issue is that if anyone knows Glenn even his closest friends would say he is a person who speaks his mind no matter what. (Unfortunately for the rest of us it’s often inappropriate).
So when he is out in public (around kids at a rec field) the rest of us adults realize it’s not the time or place to discuss his issues. Unfortunately, I believe the accused or his wife persieve the rest of the public as acting fake.
The concern should be if someone addresses the issue in public Glenn would become inappropiate- he’s like a bomb waiting to go off!
R… The truth is they , people in general are acting fake in that they are being polite and allowing him to interact. Although the actions of these people are not inapprotiate, the accused and family surely pick up on this. The accused should adjust his social activities to relieve stress on his family, along with some counseling with his family on group and individual basis, on how to act and what to expect. If he isn’t doing this he is ether self centered and arrogant, or ignorant of its necessity.
If this guy is found guilty his wife will undoubtedly be on the verge of a breakdown if shes even a semi decent person. Lack of preparation and facing reality is not a good thing. He knows the truth…She probably feels the truth…WE will find out the truth.
DNA in bed sheets, taken into evidence at the time of the crime, later found to be a match with his…am I quoting correctly? That’s all I would need unless there was a love triangle and this was a revenge accusation. I know a little about revenge accusations,(marina mafia)! The problem with that scenario is that it took two years to identify him. In a revenge accusation she would have simply said…”Glen did it…go get him”. The two years lag rules that out.
If I’m correct .. they had better get ready, prepare to face a certain future.
To Richie C., I happen to know it was NOT a love triangle…I have friends who live on Bramble Ct. where this horrible crime happened and the victim was not that kind of person…I met her and knew her neighbors and she was a simple down to earth LADY. When she was home she would usually be working in her yard and just being normal. She wasn’t the attackers type, trust me. She was way to smart to be involved with anyone like him. She could see through a womanizer !!
I have been staying in touch with the neighbors on Bramble Ct. and they are shocked to find out that this could have been one of their old neigbors who did this horrible thing….however most find it believable….knowing what he was like. So time will tell and hopefully justice will be served.?? We’ll see.
Is it a definite that they found DNA in bed sheets? Where do you all get your info from, I would love to know, just out of curiosity. Were any of you at the original court hearing? Where are you privy to this info, I would love to be privy to it as well.
That question has been asked several times and no one has given a real answer yet. I think they make it all up for attention. If I am wrong someone prove it.
I am around Sandy alot at school and she really believes Glenn, She thinks that he will not go to jail because he is being framed…… Very sad
Who would be framing him? The cops? The accused?
Sorry, I meant victim
I am not a fan of Glenns at all and never have been in the 7 years Ive known him.
I have been around his family alot since he was accused. Yes he is attending his kids sports and functions. For his kids sake, I think he needs to be there for them
and to support his wife,Sandi. I think he has toned his personality down quit a bit. He still talks to people but not as arrogant and rude as he did in the past. As far as Sandi goes, I give her alot of credit. Yes, for some reason she believes in her husband and that is her choice. She has stood tall and not let her family life suffer at all because of this. At first she was emotional but ever since she has been as friendly as she always was. I am sure she knows that people are talking about them behind their back but she keeps smiling and has a positive attitude. I dont know if I could be as strong as she has been. It is going to be a long hard road for alot of people involved.
Look I don’t know any of them …and for the sheets…I thought I read that in an early post…lemme see now….
x on September 9th, 2008 1:50 pm
grasping- the DNA was on the broken window used to enter the house and on the victim’s bed.
and here…
I think too much…. on September 12th, 2008 12:39 pm
FACT: Raynor’s DNA was at the house on the night of the alleged rape. …
ME: yeah I think he was there and I think they had something going on, I’m on the fence now until I get some answers (I originally thought–guilty, cheating bastard–then I actually heard some of the facts…)
Q?: Didnt’t hear yet, but did the DNA evidence left IN and ON the victim match Raynor or didn’t they do a rape exam at the hospital? it only says it matches the DNA from the victim’s pillowcase & from the broken glass blood on the patio
so where are all these referances to dna (mabey blood)on bedding (pillow case) from?
Go Dagger !
Where do some of the bloggers get “THE FACTS” ???
I hope you arent getting “THE FACTS” from the Aegis. Do you have actual inside detective/police info???? Hearing the prosecution has DNA and actually having it may be two different things.
the aegis might not be as reliable as the New York Times but it’s not like they’re going to print information they haven’t been given by a reliable source…such as the police dept. I doubt they want to be sued for slander…hello. And I can’t help but to continue to remember that (((THE DNA MATCHED)))….I think his wife has believed in him regardless of what he has done in the past…people have talked about his past affairs in this blog.?? So if you can believe him through that than you just simply are going to believe anything. I hope her and the kids will be fine after this is done….I care about them as most people do…but I do feel he is guilty..sorry…I can’t overlook the evidence against him.
I have been in the Aegis before and they were VERY thorough and refused to print anything that couldn’t be backed up by reliable sources. That was my personal experience with the Aegis.
Oh, and I have personal experience with the New York Times as well and I will be completely honest here — the NYT wasn’t as thorough as the Aegis. In fact, the NYT had their own agenda despite how the interview went and they veered off completely differently in order to purposely cause conflict and uproar. The Aegis in contrast kept to the facts very neutral. Anyway, just sayin’ my personal experience with both publications.
His wife believes him? She is thinking with her heart and not her head.
I think the best thing she could do for Glenn is to go buy a long, thick strap-on dildo and start using it on him. This will be his daily routine for the next 20 years so why not prepare him for it? To simulate the prison rape scenario, I would suggest not using any lube as I don’t think it is readily available in the big house.
In the big house it’s known as getting the ”Booty” Rapist & child molester’s are not well liked.
to said this before: good to know…I just feel there aren’t many newspapers that are going to print pure lies just to sell papers…unless we are talking trash like the enquirer/mag. not a newspaper of course…but anyway thanks for the comments.
Not sure if it’s true but just heard his trial is in Feb. 09. It can’t happen soon enough for all concerned. It’s hard to believe they’re waiting that long really.
Curious? –
Does anyone know or have any knowledge to the question below?
Post 47. Question from RitchieC
“?: Didnt’t hear yet, but did the DNA evidence left IN and ON the victim match Raynor or didn’t they do a rape exam at the hospital? it only says it matches the DNA from the victim’s pillowcase & from the broken glass blood on the patio”
“So where are all these referances to dna (mabey blood)on bedding (pillow case) from?”
I would imagine this information will be saved for trial…I doubt they would release it to the public. I’m sure Raynor knows by now if there are additional matches….
In my opinion just one match is enough for me to make up my mind. Afterall if they were looking to simply solve the case they would had done so soon after the crime was committed, not wait two years. There were others who submitted dna as posted in earlier posts…those didn’t match, Raynor’s did…. why do you think that is???? Maybe because he did it? Yeah, I think so….just my opinion. We all have the right to that!
K…temper temper….
K – Are you serious?…MUCH WORSE CRIMES OUT THERE? You are a lunatic. You would not be saying that if your daughter, wife or mother was raped.
This is a public blog. You don’t like it, don’t read it. Otherwise, go to hell. You have no credibility making such a stupid statement. Obviously, you are close to the the rapist – you know, the one who will soon to be getting raped in prison. mmmmmmm nothing like a little charma.
You are mad at people blogging? You should be mad at Glenn. Mad at him for what he did to an innocent victim. Mad at him for putting his wife and friends through this. Mad at him because his kids will have to visit him behind glass for the next 20 years. But you are mad at the bloggers?
Communicater…that got me too….I didnt give it the time of day.
True, the defendent has a right to a fair trial and is innocent until proven guilty. Has the right to a “speedy and public trial”. Has a right to have a jury of his peers hear the case. Has the right to an attorney. Has a right to “resonable bail” and the punishment cannot be “cruel and unusual”. All the defendents rights are guaranteed under our Constitution in the first 10 amendments know as the Bill of Rights. Of these amendments, I find the 1st Amendment to be the most cherished by many except for a few like you. The right… Freedom of Speech!
Whoa I never expected that comment’ from the Honorable Dan riley. I can’t say my military service was directly related to Freedom of speech. since the issue’s were lost in a quagmire. ( VIETNAM)
But I have and allergy to eating fish heads & rice And will continue to defend our Rights to freedom of speech ect.
Gary Owen & Semper fi.
Vietnam vet,
It goes without saying that the founding fathers wrote the Constitution, but it is you, the servicemen and women , who defend and preserve our rights. You the veterans guarantee these rights.
I still contend that there is no greater freedom than that of freedom of speech. Someone said something to the effect that ” people can express themselves by burning the flag, but it is the person’s casket, drapped by the flag, who defended their right to freedom of expression (speech).
My gratitude to you and all vets.
Well said Dan. I agree that the freedom of speech is important, but the rest of the first amendment is also worthy of equal rating, in my book. Then what about the remainder of the fist ten? I feel that the fathers pondered all ten very deliberately and all of them should be inviolate.
I agree with K. Get a life and stop downing someone that you have no proof of whether they did it or not.
That’s right ya’ll FREEDOM OF SPEECH. We all can say what’s on our minds. If Glenn is guilty then I hope he gets screwed up his ass every day for the rest of his life til he has no ass left. If he’s not gulty, then what are you all going to have to say about it???? Huh??? The bottom line is this, seriously, innocent til proven guilty. One thing I will say is typically DNA does not lie so did he do it? Maybe so. I like to see the hard evidence though. he is a suspect for other rape cases similar to this one but again without the facts, it’s hard to say.
Whoever did this crime should be punished to the maximum. I feel so sorry for the victim and pray she can get her life back in order. It is a complicated crime for sure. Again, if Raynor is guilty and he may very well be, then he should suffer every single day for the rest of his life for the horrific traumatic damage he has inflicted in an innocent victim but in reality, I want to see evidence. I don’t know him very well and only know what I have heard and read about the case. Maybe you all know him on a personal level and there are reasons you feel the way you do. My heart goes out to anyone who knows the victim personally. I just don’t think anyone should accuse someone of something they don’t have factual evidence on. The suspect will be taken care of no doubt, but the victim is the one we should be concerned about.
I just logged onto the Maryland Judiciary, and the trial is scheduled to begin 2/23 and must be finished by 3/6. Hopefully, justice will be served and we will be done with this matter!
Bravo Dan Riley…Bravo…Bravo….Bravo !
Go Dagger !
TC where do you get your info that he is a suspect in other cases?
The true facts will be know in less than 90 days. The judge (or jury) will determine the truth. One way or another, the truth is going to surpise many people.
richie c, i got that information from someone at the Belair State Police and sorry can’t disclose the name but I was shocked when this person told me that. It is scary, very scary if that is true. Apparently their have been other rape cases very similar with the same mo as Glenn’s. Their were no details disclosed. (don’t know where or when, etc) Well the truth will be coming out sooner than later. I still like to see facts/evidence. I have always been a realist and that’s why I agreed with K, “innocent til proven guilty”. All I can think of is the victim and can’t imagine living one day of my life the way she must feel over this. It is so not fair to her! I have many of my own thoughts and feelings about whether Glenn is guilty or not and even when I think “yeah he did it”, I still like to see evidence.
If your capable of rape your not “CAPABLE OF ANYTHING”!
You are NOT capable of compassion, love, dignity, and common human decency !
Go Dagger !
Hey K.R., honestly, I think people would appreciate it if you would stop doing all caps at them… that makes them think that you are yelling. I know you are passionate about how you feel, but that is a very common online problem.
As far as he could have killed her, well, sometimes the victim, living with this horrible thing, feels like killing themselves or feels like they wish they had been killed so they don’t have to live with the horror every day of being tortured in the way that they were. Personally, I think it can be just as horrible as murder, but that may just be my feelings.
Sorry that was to DNA as well about the all caps… it’s just hard for people to take being online screamed at. 🙂
I would like to believe in being innocent until proven quilty. I believe in freedom of speach. The issue is that the criminal is often given chances that victims are not. Criminals are given the benefit of the doubt.
For example, many of us are aware of the serious car accident on the bypass that killed a mother and child leaving a grieving father and a second injuried child. That criminal was given many chances. (A ticket may have been issued earlier that same day) . But that criminal was given several chances until finally an innocent family was shattered. There is no fair trial for the victims.
The rap victim did nothing wrong. I stand and support those who fight for our freedom. However, it just sad that we give our “freedom” rapper so many liberties. You stand by your friend spouting words of innocense. You too are “free” to do so.
I am sure the victim doesn’t feel so free.
DNA…I dont think you understood what I said…read it again and again until you do !
When you are done you may apoligize.
Go Dagger !
I don’t apoligize when I’m right! So move along to someone who will….that’s me being nice about it. I think you need to read it again and again until you understand how I felt about this horrible crime!!
I know more about this case than I care to share on here so you haven’t a clue as to how people that are close to the situation may feel…you are just someone who seems to think he knows more than others about everything…well in this case you’re not!!
To J: I was not doing all caps as if to scream, but simply to get my point across as to someone who wasn’t understanding what I was saying. I couldn’t be in more agreement with this monster who did this burning in hell….so for my comments to be picked apart and misunderstood is upsetting.
I know alot of the FACTS about this case and can’t believe he was even let out of jail….
Yes innocent until proven guilty but the evidence speaks louder than words if you know the evidence, and I as well as many of my friends do!!
So sorry if my all caps comment scared you, it wasn’t meant to…haha
no fear, I understand, just was afraid that people weren’t going to take it right because of the caps. I’m with you on not being able to figure out why they would let him out on bail… also not sure as to why he insists on hanging out at rec events. Glad I wasn’t at one he was at recently, or I would have asked my husband to take me home. It would just make me uncomfortable at this point to be there.
To J: Yeah, I think he has convinced himself he will be getting off. I surely hope not. Surely the Judge and possible jury will see through the expensive attorneys? I would hope so. There is way too much evidence for him to get off. I am glad someone else can understand that. I haven’t seen him since he was left out of jail…and hope I don’t. Feb.23rd can’t come soon enough especially for the victim. Her life was forever affected in the worst way by this monster. How he can look people in the face and continue like nothing happened for so long is beyond me. Oh well, all we can do now is pray for justice ! Have a nice day.
To J: on your comment: also not sure as to why he insists on hanging out at rec events.
Because he has children that is WHY!!! What is he supposed to do…sit home and miss his kids sports events while he has the chance to see them. Well, that would be just wrong! Innocent until proven guilty and since the judge let him out…he is free to do as he pleases. I am glad he is not staying away from his kids events. He is still a father and a husband.
Hey everyone,
Lets not get worked up over this matter, We are all adults to care and want the right thing to be done. I think that if he did this he should be put away for a very long time . I hope that the victim is getting alot of counseling so that she can move on with her life, and that Glens family will move on with theirs.It is very sad.
Sorry I ment to say who cares
And some father and husband he has been huh Why? Would you want a sex offender hanging out with your kids?
not just hanging out with kids because kids don’t seem to be his desire, but your kids’ older teen siblings and your wives would be the concern in my opinion.
He’s an embarrasment to his wife and kids. He should stay his a** at home.
less assume he is Guilty. He’s under bond so there is reasonable evidence to support the need for a bond. out standing Husband & father is out liveing a double life. rapist & family man.
It will be interesting to see where this case go’s…..
What’s the point in him being out on bond when he’s free to do anything he want’s he could skip town and they’d never catch him at this point….
There should have been stipulations in place for him…and from what I’ve heard there are none. He can go and do anything he wants….he should be wearing an ankle bracelet and confined to his home. That may sound harsh but with the evidence they obviously have with that size bail there should be more done to make sure the victim isn’t scared to be out and about alone. I’m sure if I were the victim,I would be scared to death!
He’s busy building up his character references.for his day in court. if he skip’s the bond insure’s. some one will be tracking his butt back to the jail where he should be. there’s nothing harsh about controlling a possible rapist.
If there is any’ evidence to support the rape. he should be in jail until his day in court.
Seeing Dog the Bounty Hunter after him…
Dog is very lenient. with his captures. some of the bounty hunters are not so friendly with suspected rapist’s & child molesters. we had a pair of bounty hunters working the area in late summer.
As big as he was he did’ nt need any back up.
I remember the old ” DEAD EYE SALOON” in balt city. They had a marina there and once a month the various sheriff’s or bounty hunters would swoop in on a Monday morning about 5 am and swoop up all the persons living “UNDER” the wire on old boats. They found some interesting cats there.
Go Dagger !
Do you remember the cashmere or the ebb tide in Haver De grace? best gone but not for gotten. A state trooper responded to a call down by the water I’am not sure what bar it was. they shot & killed him never had a chance.
The ebb tide was bad to the bone. a place you could get hurt real quick. a lot of the old bar’s are gone now. but those retired police officers could tell you some tale’s that would raise the hair on your head.
I had a trolley schedule I was going to donate to the museum. but now I can’t find it. they were popular before my time. a very big part of Haver De Grace history.
Vet…Before my time.
VET…I was a bouncer at the old musical inn…back in 83. The old ladie…I think her name was Heidi…was the owner.
To Vet….there is evidence… I know a few people close to the case which is why it’s beyond me and many of my friends that he was able to bond out…..sometimes I wonder if Justice is on the side of the victim or the accused? ” I know someone is going to say, innocent until proven guilty” well with the evidence they have he is guilty. I have been reading that his wife is standing by him….I am sorry but there is no way if I knew the evidence they obviously have on him that I could believe he is innocent? She is living in a dream world!! For sure!! She is in for a hard fall, come Feb. 09.
I think you may be thinking of the Casa Mia……out on Revolution street..How about the Riverview…across from Tims…had dirt floors and buckets sitting around in case it was raining
ok has any one looked at the court doc. lately looks like glenn has asked to have trial moved out of harford county.. good for him didn’t stand a chance for a fair trial in this county…. also looks like motion to throughout dna from chair .. no warrant no dna good for him that was b–ll sh–it way to gather evidence
Please, there are plenty of people who don’t know anything about this case. If he had a good reputation it would be in his benefit to stay in this county. It’s pretty sad if his close friends realize that he has created such a following that more people actually dislike him that actually like him.
Still, he shouldn’t be given special treatment. If you did the crime you must pay the time.
Actually the gathering of evidence was done the way it needed to be done. He wouldn’t cooperate. If the way the police gathered the evidence was illegal I am sure it would not be able to be submitted as evidence.
I know the woman this happened to. i saw what this event did to her, and how hard everything has been for her since it happened. Since the Evidence gathered from that chair did match that of the crime it can no longer be ignored, and nor should it. Maybe since i am close to this woman it clouds my judgement. but i pray to god that he gets everything he should from this horrible act. and also, if he wasn’t guilty, if he knew this couldn’t be pinned on him, then why didn’t he let them take DNA? only someone who knows they are guilty would deny the slight chance to clear their name.
Theres no need to worry about a fair trial. if he did’nt do it. I’am sure a warrant was taken for his Dna. he’s under bond. that would indicate there was enough evidence to support probable cause.
This is for the victim. My heart bleeds for her so bad reading this blog. I serioulsy can’t fathom what she goes through psychologically on a daily basis and wonder how does she sleep at night without sedatives? I don’t know her and if I ever met her I would give her the biggest warmest hug. Whoever on this blog knows her, please tell her to learn EFT (emotional freedom technique). It is a simple tapping process (I know it sounds strange but trust me). It is a fact that it can heal emotional wounds for rape victims. If I can offer any help at all, this would be it. She can google EFT or even go on Youtube and watch video clips of how it’s done. Please please whoever knows this girl, tell her about this technique. As for the suspect, how does he sleep at night also knowing he has done this if in fact he has? I hope the victim is getting a lot of support and can get help through EFT. Also tell her about God I feel so sad for her, I really do.
Who cares about the suspect, he will probably get raped everyday in prison but this girl is who my concern is about personally. God love her. This is not fair to her or any rape victims for that matter.
To the victim. Instead of googling EFT, just go to
This technique positively works. It is proven.
I hope this makes a difference in her life!
saddened heart…..
You forgot to mention that its only 150$ for the self help cd set.
Go Dagger !
Do you not find huckstering to a victim like this shameless?
Yes it cures all ailments known to man…and a few we don’t know about yet. Its the sure fire cure for diabetes, high blood pressure, depression , acd , adcdcdcdcdd, and all the acd’s. Also cures bunions and stops droughts.
Starts out saying its freee but in the end free is 150 dollars.
MR. Haney would be proud of this one.
Shame on you!
Go Dagger !
Richie if it cures all that. it’s worth $150.00 Dollars. maybe we can find ”mikey” and ask him to try it.
these comments show me the mentality of the people on here. What, do you think this is some kind of joke???? Have some compassion for the victim for crying out loud!
Not one person I know that uses EFT has ever spent a dime on it. Who ever said you have to purchase the CD to learn it?
Wow, I try to lend a helping hand and these are the comments that come back on it.
Show some appreciation for someone that cares about situations like this. For anyone to make these comments, I can only pity you. You people are clueless.
And for the trauma this girl has gone through, even if it was $150.00, I would say it’s absolutely worth it but your not me thank God.
Saddened Heart. Yes Yes I know all about the e.f.t. technique and you are right. It’s amazing. Hope the girl researches it and performs it. I myself have similar traumas from my past and it works wonders. You can download the ebook for free and watch youtube videos. This stuff is getting more and more popular. It will help in conjuction with therapy. Most psychiatrist who are savvy about modern techniques recommend this all the time to their clients.
I went to the site suggested and it was basicly an infomercial that leads you …without any real information…to a sales page where you can enter your credit card #.
Go Dagger !
OK I’ll give the technique….chinese man say…if you want to forget pain in neck…put rock in shoe!
Its called distracting yourself.
There ya go…no 150$ bill due on this one.
Go Dagger !
Leave this woman to herself, her family, and a professional if the situation warrants it.
This really bothers me. Its presentation DIRECTLY to her…and all surrounding it. Very tacky.
The psychiatrist I know are not going to recommend any thing that is likely to put them out business. A psychotic does not see anything wrong with there behavior it’s the people they associate them self’s with.
I think for her best interest. she should continue to see a counseler who is trained in such matters. a choice she a lone can make.
Well I see the motions are beginning to be filed….suppress evidence, independent DNA tests, change of venue, etc. I don’t blame him, I guess I would do the same thing if I were faced with a multitude of life sentences.
It looks like he has a new attorney too. From what I understand, the evidence is overwhelming – especially with the DNA match. There is no way the DNA evidence will be supressed. Once the judge rules on the DNA evidence is admissible, I predict a plea bargain. I will be surprised if this goes to trial. Glenn knows he is going to jail. It is a question of how long? Plea bargain for a lesser sentence or be found guilty and face life? I hope Glenn looks good in stripes.
Typical Rangling. they do the crime & expect not to have to do the time. I don’t expect he will do much time.rapist with murder charge have done as little as 7 years and then put on parole.
To “really” comment 00 –
Are you nuts? Bull**** way to gather evidence? You want a rapist loose on the streets to rape someone you care about? By the way, it was all legal. No way it will be supressed. He will get a fair trail.
The DNA taken from the crime scene was a match to Glenn’s? Okay! I’m sure his wife and kids DNA match as well. I’m sure his entire family’s DNA could be found everywhere in that home. Interestingly, what I have failed to read among all the posts here, is if “his” DNA was a 100% match to the semen that was taken from her when she went to the hospital. Does anyone know that information????? This question has been asked several times throughout this BLOG. But there is NEVER a response to this specific question.
Curious, does anyone know???
DNA…please ….
The wife and kids DNA does not match. You are ether ignorant about DNA or trying to create opinion on the basis of bad or miss-information. The DNA from him was blood and liquids if I’m not mistaken. If there was any liquid or hair or other DNA from his wife or a kid from years before it would easily be accounted for. Your grasping at burning straws.
To YOUR logic, maybe the builders of the house left DNA…or the guy at the sheet rock plant….or the miner who mined the copper for the wires. You are absolutely ridiculous in thinking that this could raise reasonable doubt much less any doubt..
I think I also know the answer to the question you are asking but I will keep that to myself for a while (as its only opinion and of no consequence).
IF the evidence IS AS IT APPEARS to be he’s cooked. If its not he’s free and clear.
Go Dagger !
Tick, Tick Tick…..the days of freedom are dwindling away for Mr. Raynor.
Wow I haven’t been reading this blog lately and I just found out that he is requesting a trial outside of Harford County??? I know he has his rights but please….it should happen here, it affected Bel Air and the community should be able to know that justice is being served in their courtrooms….may sound silly but he doesn’t deserve to have it moved…from all I’ve been told by people that know the evidence there is no doubt in my mind he did it.
And as far as suppressing the dna from the chair…that’s bull. If the Judge throws that out that would be crazy.
I can’t wait until it’s over…I’m sure many others feel the same.
When does this loser go to court???
I just found out that Judge plitt will be hearing this case and also told that anyone wanting this case to be heard in Harford County can write a letter to his office and let him know that you think that it should stay in our court… Lets not give the loser special treatment, he is an ass……
Where would you address that letter to, I sure will write one! Let me know..if he isn’t found guilty there truly is no justice!!
Oh and by the way JILL the trial is set to start on Feb. 23, that is if his attorney doesn’t ask for a postponement, which wouldn’t surprise me. I say the jerk doesn’t deserve any more freedom than he’s already had.
Based on what I have read, and the more than compelling evidence, I would be surprised if it actually goes to trial. He is facing life in prison. Don’t be surprised if there is a plea bargain at the last minute. If he knows he will be convicted, why not make a deal for a lesser sentence?
Personally, I hope he is arrogant enough to go to trial and gets life. I can think of no better place for him than behind bars.
I’ve talked to people who think his attorney may get him out of this…and do little if any time….I can’t imagine that happening but from what I understand he has a high price attorney who’s trying to have the initial dna test thrown out and the trial moved.
I feel like the crime happened here, he should be tried here among the community he devistated. He is a monster and I can’t imagine his wife standing by him…for me, love would stop with that evidence. Maybe she doesn’t know all the evidence the state has??? I have been told he ran everything and did whatever he wanted before he was pulled in for questioning and his life of lies came to a screaching hault !
Let’s all pray for a conviction in Feb. I can’t fatham anything else.
If the DNA was thrown out because of how they collected it, couldn’t they just collect more from him right now – with a warrant or something? Sorry, I really don’t know much about how all this works.
they can take the dna with a warrant. but if it were barred from being admissible evidence. they can not connect him to the crime scene.which mean’s he will go free!
There is no way they will suppress the DNA evidence. It was not illegally obtained. The police did not enter his home or car without a warrent – he left his sweat on a chair. No different than him throwing a cigarette butt to the ground or leaving a finger print on a soda can. Grasping at straws, grasping at straws.
By the way, the crime happened in the middle of the night. His wife did not know that he was not home?
The accused has already requested the trial be postponed. I wonder if he is so innocent why do they need more time to prove it?
Is anyone on this blog going to come to court and watch the trial? I hope it stays in harford county because I definately plan on being there for sure. Wow, I can’t imagine how Raynor feels knowing his trial if it’s not postponed is right around the corner. And why postpone it when it’s gonna happen sooner than later. anyway. Let’s just get this over with once and for all. There has been plenty of time already to get the evidence, etc. squared away.
Let’s just pray for the best, which would be the monster behind bars for at least 10 yrs. I obviously would hope for life but I’m trying to be realistic and will be happy just to know he’s found guilty. I can’t imagine any other outcome.
Put the monster where he belongs, behind bars!!
To Kelly, I doubt just anyone is going to be aloud at the trial…do you? If so I sure would like to be there as well.
i thought trials were open to the public. thats what several attorneys have told me but dont know for sure.
Yeah that’s what I always thought but someone told me anyone that not involved won’t be permitted??? Let me know if you hear otherwise. Thx
oh ok. Maybe that is the case. I kind of found it hard to believe it would be open to the public. I guess we could always call the courthouse and they can tell us for sure. I know the trial will be multiple days but boy would I love to sit in at least on some of it. If I get a chance I will call the courthouse tomorrow and send you a msg back letting you know what they say. thanks.
The accused has a hearing scheduled for 1/30/09.
To Kelly, Thanks, Let me know what you find out . I appreciate it.
To R: What is this hearing for? Maybe a postponement? Do you happen to know?
to all the jan. 30th hearing is to discuss all motions filed by parties and rule on them. with the hearing date so late and the fact that the state waited so long to give up evidence for raynors attorney im sure they will get that postment…
I didn’t know the state waited too long…from what I heard the state was waiting for initial dna results to come bk….
Who knows really? I am sure the State is doing everything they can, to not mess this case up in any way shape or form. Raynor’s attorney is getting big bucks to promise him he’s getting off. If that happens which I highly doubt, I would have no belief in Justice in Harford Cty. Friends of mine very close to the case have kept me informed about things and there is no doubt Raynor committed this horrible crime. The evidence they the state has is showing Raynor did this.
My prayers are with the Victim in this case! I am praying for a conviction here!!
Yes, one must wonder why the state is taking so long? Could it be the evidence the state has is not what it has been reported to be? It does make one wonder.
No I think that Raynor along with his high price defense team are coming up with ways to drag this out and weasel his way out of some of the charges.
The State I’m quite sure have done all they should have within the law. It’s sad to know that so many people are backing this monster. If they only knew. I wonder if his wife even knows all the details? I have been told she goes along with whatever her husband says, which is why he was able to have so much free time in the past for the affairs and obviously this rape….who knows if its the only rape he’s committed. These types of people don’t simply do this crime once. They are repeat affenders. Many women don’t report rape because of the horrible backlash from the Justice system. They are made to look like the guily party and they never are.
Yeah maybe you’ve seen false rape cases on TV like the one at Duke Univ. but there was no DNA evidence to back up the accuser…in the Duke Case.
However/There is sufficient evidence in this case to prove Raynor was in the victims house, he in fact broke in, cut the phone line first, of course…so she couldn’t call for help….left his blood on the window and through the house…
Come on ……Is that strong enough…??? I think so.
My information comes from sources that are close to the case…not just hearsay which alot of the blog is.
As I keep saying I pray the VICTIM gets justice in court. The accused is guilty and I hope the Jury has sense enough to see that.
Will there be Justice for the Victim? I surely hope so. This person/ Raynor is clearly a narcacistic monster. From what I have read on this blog and heard around Bel Air, he has always been a very manipulative jerk. I heard he has friends that are supporting him….yeah I’m sure they believe him because people like Raynor only choose friends they can manipulate. I can never understand people that are unable to see through that type of person.
Hopefully the jury will see through his fake mask of a human. As clearly he’s not human he’s a monster.
i would like to know how glen raynor is going to dispute the fact that his blood was found on the broken window & on the victim’s pillow case the night of the rape.
the dna matched – that’s why he was arrested.
I agree. Let’s hope the Jury doesn’t loose focus of that fact! I still can’t understand why he was even granted bail. For one , the victim shouldn’t have to fear for her safety, two he could have been a flight risk and 3, with all the evidence collected why give him more freedom. He already had 2 1/2 yrs. of freedom since the crime happened….That’s enough in my opinion.
At this point let’s just pray for a conviction.
Raynor is sick. I have known him for a while and he is a manipulative sick domineering piece of trash. I know for a fact that he has raped in the past. I wish the person had the nerve to come forward but probably does not want to get involved. Trust me, this is not his first crime for sure. He is a piece of trash and I wish nothing good for him or his future. What in the world is wrong with his wife to allow this to go on???? When will she see the light and see him for what he is? From what I understand, she worships him. I wish I could cut loose and tell everyone what I know about him. It’s not good! Karma is a great thing, isnt’ it????
I was waiting for someone to bring up what people have whispered about for a long time…his behavior started many, many years ago and there are plenty who know about it.
Those who are sexually assaulted are repeatedly victimized by the aftermath. Can’t say I blame those who want to remain nameless and faceless.
And yes, Karma is good. Let’s not judge his wife. Let’s try to be compassionate and think about the children who will carry this burden long after both their parents have left this earth.
terribly, terribly sad.
The evidence in this case is truly overwhelming as a source very close to the investigation told me. The DNA from the victim’s post incident exam and from the “fresh” blood found on the window matches 100%. Good Luck trying to prove he’s not the one. The writing is on the wall and Raynor knows it. They can hire whoever they want to respresent Raynor and drag it out as long as they want, inevitably he is going to JAIL and will hopefully rot there. Whoever disagrees with this is in absolute and total denial. and is just as sick as he is. Its all good though, they will believe it when he is found guilty. I can’t wait to hear his excuse. Oh and the state can take as long as they want with the comparisons, all that tells me is that they made sure 110% that it was Raynor before they moved forward with the arrest. Come on people…
I know, I actually do feel bad for his wife. I heard she is a wonderful person and that is her right and decision to stick by him. I feel sad for her and their sons. How will they go around the rest of their lives meeting people that are thinking “oh, your the wife/son of the rapist Raynor”. I hope she finds a real man that she can spend the rest of her life with and take her away from all this drama. I’m sure once Raynor’s in prison, she will eventually move on with her life.
As for Raynor, it sickens me to no end how he has been doing this crime for years and how unfair it is to every victim out there. The other victims who are not coming forward will get peace just as this victim will when he goes to prison for hopefully the rest of his life. He is a mastermind manipulator, liar, cheat, theif, lowlife loser! I always try to see some good in everyone but there is no good at all in this idiot. He deserves everything coming his way, everything!!!
I couldn’t have said it better…………..and agree 100% with the last 4 comments.
I know how strong the evidence is and can’t wait to see this monster behind bars. His kids I feel sorry for. His wife has been trained for many years to believe in him no matter what the situation. I’ve heard she’s intelligent but what is it going to take to open her eyes. It wouldn’t surprise me if she stands by him even when he is locked up….time will tell.
Come on trial date….
I have been around people who are controlled by their husbands all of my life. People that are found to “worship” the ground their spouse walks on – well, it can be healthy, or it can be a very unhealthy situation.
I’m not saying this is Glenn or his wife — because we don’t know 100% that he is going to be found guilty… but… I felt the need to state this from my observations of being around unhealthy relationships in general.
If a man’s wife stands by him despite the fact that he has cheated on her multiple times, raped women, and has been known to be violent (not to mention the many negative character traits associated), I would assume the wife is standing by her husband out of fear of what would happen if she doesn’t stand by him.
That’s just my understanding of unhealthy relationships from being around them my entire life.
It is funny that not one person has said – Glen would never do such a thing…mmm…wonder why?
Yep, right on. His wife is fearful of any repercussions and so are the victims from the past that are horrified to come forward. I know someone who would love to come forward but then what if like someone said “he is not found guilty”??? Then this person lives in horrible fear for the rest of their life not knowing what he could do to them to relatiate. I am extremely confident that he will do time but how much nobody knows. It should not be a shorter term that life for what he has done. I have played the scene out in my head over and over after reading the story of the night it happened and wonder how he was not concerned that he could be caught breaking in or what if a neighbor heard the girl scream??? And I thought the girl had a dog, didn’t the dog bark? Anyway, it sends chills through my body to think of how sickminded he is to just show up at a house that time of the morning and do what he did and then go home to his wife like everything was normal!!!! Cannot fathom a mind capable of doing such a thing. Although he is out on a very high bond, I know people who are still scared to death he might strike just one more time before this is over. You never know that a mind like Raynor’s is capable of and he could possibly think that he could get away with it just one more time. You never know. I know it’s unlikely but again his mind is not right. THis court date absolutey cannot come soon enough for everyone involved now and in the past and for the entire community. Raynor will get an opportunity to feel what it’s like to get raped once he is in prison, trust me. Karma is an amazing thing.
Well, I know alot of people are anxious for the court date to be here and gone. I am sure the victim is just anxious to put this behind her and try to move on as much as she can…..but how do you do that? I can’t even imagine the horror she has lived in since the crime, not knowing if he would strike again.
As far as other victims out there. If there are they should know that if they came forward there would be more evidence to put this monster away. I have heard from so many people that he cheated on his wife….from the way it sounds it wasn’t affairs but simply victims of his sick mind. If any victims read this the best thing you could do is come forward…and stand together to get this monster off the streets.
Yes, I agree… if there are other victims, PLEASE come forward — if he is not stopped and put away for a long time, there could be more victims in the future.
And these other victims…. if they end up coming forward then what kind of protection to they have that he won’t retaliate prior to his trial? Especially the fact that if they do come forward, that means the trial will just get pushed back further and further. Raynor is forking out big bucks to these attorneys and it will make him extremely angry if a monkeywrench is thrown in the middle of this (another victim that the state needs to investigate). I have no reassurance that there is any kind of safety for the people who made decide to come forward. It’s a shame that fear of repercussions would hold someone back but that’s what happens a lot in these types of cases.I know I would not want to be constantly looking over my shoulder out of fear
From some of the people I know close to the case, there is no protection for anyone who speaks out against Raynor. Unfortunately our legal system gives him the right to walk the streets a free man/ out on a huge bail.
With the evidence against him he should have remained behind bars until trial.
Someone said the Judge let him out on bail because he had to provide for his family. I’ve heard the company he was part owner in has shut down. His poor partner has lost a large investment but probably glad to be out of that nightmare of working with a monster. I feel sorry for him and his family. Someone told me they have really suffered because of what has happened. That’s a shame.
So although the victim has indured the largest amount of grief and pain in this, he has devistated the lives of many others. I pray for these who have been affected and have no recourse.
I also feel for his kids who will one day find out what their father has done. I doubt they have been told. They are young from what understand.But at some point they will hear from someone and God help them in there life ahead.
My son was told, and my son is only a year older than Raynor’s oldest. I don’t feel the need to hide these things from kids especially when they’ve been around him on many occasions.
I would imagine Raynor doesn’t want to reveal to his children that he’s a monster. I’ve been told they think the world of him….but how little they really know the monster he is.
still trying to find out how he kept the dog quiet the night he broke into the victims house. Does anyone know?
Not all dogs bark. Some are good watch dogs, others are passive. Too bad she didn’t have a pitbull. It would have been nice if he had latched onto his balls.
yeah, that would have been great. I was just curious and the dog, that’s all. Hope he didn’t do anything mean to it but I wouldn’t doubt it if he did. Wouldn’t put anything past that sicko.
I heard from people in that neighborhood that they thought he may have drugged the dog the prior day…
The dog was left out in the back fenced yard alot so the opportunity would have been there. I doubt the investigators thought about that at the time though.
The dog could have been intimidated by him also….dogs can sense evil…and he is definitely evil.
yes, that could be the case for sure. I would put nothing in the world past Raynor.
Just can’t wait for all this to be over with. Still can’t beleive a judge would allow him to walk the streets. High bail or not, he’s on the loose.
I wonder how his neighbors feel living so close to him. They are probably nice because they feel bad for the wife and kids.
And if the tree biz that he had with his partner is down the tubes, how is he paying for these attorneys????
Posts 44 – 67: There is so much you just don’t know about the case, despite those who say they are “close to the case”. It is obvious by the posts on this blog. Those who support Glenn, know enough that he deserves his day in court. There is a reason that the statue of justice is blindfolded and holding a scale. Unfortunately, so many of you don’t know the meaning of the word justice. The judge or jury will decide his fate after they have weighed the evidence presented by both sides. DNA does not spell guilty.
If it’s a match, it does spell guilty…..
To Post #68….you must have a blindfold on and wearing earplugs as well. If you’re a friend of Raynor you know only what he wants you to know. He is a manipulator and anyone with half a brain knows that. Alot of the people on here who say they are privi to information close to the case aren’t lying. And sorry just because he lived in the house several years before the victim doesn’t make the dna on the broken window and in THE VICTIM’S bed irrelevant. Take off your blindfold man. He will get his day in court…but are you willing to believe he may have done this…it doesn’t sound like you are.
I as many others who know more than we care to, have no doubt. I am hoping the Jury won’t be as blinded as you and other friends of his are.
To Post# 67: The Tree Company is finished. A friend of mine knows the partners wife and therefore I know that is fact.
As far as how he is paying the attorney’s. Who knows…maybe all of his friends who believe his lies are taking up a collection?? It’s pathetic how so many people are taking up for this rapist. They are very blind for sure.
Wow, since the tree company is finished, you must be right about taking up collections only for the simple fact that no one would hire him anywhere especially up in Harford County. His family must be helping out too. Man, I sure do feel so sad for the kids and wife. This is no way for them to live. Well thanks for the response.
I almost want to feel sorry for Raynor’s wife. They have basically been together since High School. She has no idea of what a “real” relationship should be. She is basically “immature” or “ignorant”. I don’t think she can even realize how much he has taken advantage of her.
yeah, I was wondering what kind of wife would “accept and support” a loser like him. Only a woman who has no clue of the real world. Not trying to insult her but damn she needs to wake up!!!! Seriously!!! She can do soooo much better than him.
I am bewildered that the wife stays with this jerk also. I’d have turned Lorianna Bobbitt on him by now. His day is just around the corner.
all i can say is that because of all the fear, betrayal, lying, cheating, manipulating and unfaithfulness, etc.etc.etc. the poor wife god love her soul has no self esteem and is probably hanging on for dear life. I hope to god she it in some kind of counseling. NO human being should be supporting this scumbag! She WILL wake up to reality one of these days because when he is behind bars she will have no choice. Reality will set in sooner than later. It has to!
I was told that his parents are helping out and his wife put the house up for his bail money…. His wife goes to nursing school , so she doesn’t have any income…. What a shame i hope that he gets what is coming to him in jail and I do mean (BUBBA)…
lol, me too about Bubba. Like I said before, he will find out what it feels like to be raped and if raping made him feel more like a man, well after prison, his manhood will be stripped completely. Karma is wonderful! After everything he has put his kids and wife through, something good is coming their way. They already hit rock bottom with this situation and it can only go up from here. They will be fine. Life works in very mysterious ways. She will probably meet the man of her dreams once Raynor goes to prison and she sure does deserve it after all this. And hopefully a man who appreciates her and the kids for who they are.
From all I’ve heard she thinks Raynor is the man of her dreams. She is backing him 100%, and doesn’t think he’s guilty of anything.
I heard they couldn’t put the house up for the bail?? A neighbor of theirs said that because they has refi’d in the last few yrs they couldn’t again?? Who knows.
His wife needs to wake up and look at the evidence….and if he’s not telling her any of the facts she needs to do some research on her own about what they have on him. There is no way I could be that blind for someone who has obviously cheated so many times…and now charged with rape. The puzzle fits and the dna is a match. That would be enough for me….
Obviously most of you dont live in the USA. You already have him convicted. As I have said before if he is guilty then he deserves what is thrown at him, if he is not guilty then he should be given his freedom.
Do you really know the DNA is a match? Are you reading this somewhere? Do you have an inside source in the sheriffs office? Seriously who do you get you info from? Most if not all of the bloggers on this site dont have the full story and dont have the correct info nor am I saying I do either. The full story/evidence has not been released. We only see and hear what the DA wants us to hear.
So lets say for one moment that you were accused of something of this magnitude, however you know that you 100% didnt do it. Would you want for your spouse and family to stick by you? I know I would. However from your words it seems as if you would ditch your loved ones in a heartbeat.
Seriously, watch 20/20, 60 minutes and other like shows and look up cases on accused and convicted felons that were wrongfully convicted and sentenced. I watched one the other night that is very similar. Basic gist of the story; a man is convicted and sentenced to life in prison for killing and raping his mother in law and niece. The mans wife (her mom is the one that was killed) is now doing her own detective work to free her husband. She is the only one that thinks he is innocent. Long story short, she solved the double rape murder and the police completely missed the most obvious person involved. It was the moms neighbor. He had been in and out of jail for rape and being a petofile for years and years. His rap sheet was a mile long and he should have been caught immediatly. After 7 years in prison the once guilty, now innocent man got released. Now that he was released his whole world was lost. No job, wife divorced him and he was damaged by many years of being in prison.
Im not trying to ride the people on this site that are convicting Glen, Im just trying to get others to see that he hasnt gone before a judge and jury yet. His day will come and until then he is innocent until proven guilty. Give the man his day and open your eyes to both sides of the story.
I do know Glen very well and if he did it, then have fun in prison. If he didnt then I certainly hope he gets his life back. As to the victim, I hope regardless of the outcome that she can move on with her life and somehow get better.
dawg1 – I could not agree with you more. The “facts’ of this case are only what the DA/police have alleged. The judge or jury will seperate facts from fiction.
If if walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck…It’s a @#$#@ duck!
How many of you would pick up a hitch hiker?… Why not? Because common sense tells you not to. Because it’s a crazy world we live in and crazy people like Raynor are free to exsist in it. He’s a train wreck waiting to happen. He’s been this way for years. And the reason for this blog is human nature. Everyone drives by a car accident and they look to see what happened. I for one would never wish anyone ill will. As a matter of fact, I pray everyone is o.k. But in this case everyone is not o.k. A woman was attacked, brutally.
If Raynor was drinking while under the influence and his wife was driving next to him and they had an accident and hit another vehicle. He would be to blame. His wife may be ignorant, but she is also allowing his behavior to continue. It’s up to the courts to but a dangerous man behind bars. I do feel sorry for his wife, but it’s almost like she is accessory or enabeling him.
Well put R
Well dawg1,
When people like Raynor live in the United States its not the country I love.
I know many of the FACTS. Unfortunately this poor victim does as well.
Raynor’s blood was in the victims bed…not just the broken window..
How do you suppose it got there?
There is more evidence against him than just the DNA.
He went to school with the victim, lived in the house prior to selling it to the Victims brother, other evidence was found as well, but I don’t want to damage the case by revealing what I’ve been told by reputable sources.
As far as the TV shows you have seen lately. Yeah , I saw them as well. And you know what got them off……?????? Ding Ding Ding….they’re DNA did not match the evidence at the crimescene. When those crimes happened Dna wasn’t advanced like it is now.
This case has dna matches….so don’t even try to convince me Raynor is innocent. I doubt this was the only woman assaulted by him. If you read the blogs and see how many people who knew him better than you or I ,even they say he ran around and had many affairs…I would imagine more like one nighters.
So just because some people may not know what they are saying, don’t assume everyone on here is clueless. I can assure you I’m not!!
Please remember: Many Men and Women choose to run around and have affairs. However, this DOES NOT mean they are rapists.
Reply to post # 77 Glenn’s “parents” are helping him out.
Glenn’s Mother “maybe” helping him out as much as she can BUT
his Father died on 12/23/2008.
And by the way, Glenn’s wife is NOT afraid of him.
Does everyone know that he is trying to have the case moved out of Harford County Circuit Court. He is also trying to have the DNA anaylsis removed as it was “warrantless”??? And a postponement- let’s get this over for everyone!!
So, if he gets off on a technicality …
To Post #85…..Yeah you are right not everyone who commits adultery is a rapist. But he is!! If Justice truly exists the Jury will see through his manipulation as many others obviously can’t.
Glenn will pay, If anyone and everyone could do research and find out who the judge is that is handling this casenand write letters to him to ask him to please hear this case in Harford County because it happend here and also ask him to please get this issue resolved for the victim I am told that we will get what we want…. Start writing guys and lets put the animal where he belong…
Judge Plitt. circuit court in Harford county . Get as many letters in that we can before 02/ 23/2009
Hey Jill, I’ve already told many people about this. Some from out of state who formerly live in Harford County are supposed to write the Judge. So let’s hope we can make this happen for the Victim. She deserves our support and hopefully Justice will be served for her here in Harford County.
Thanks for putting the word out !
I would hope the judge’s chambers. has lot’s of trash can’s. all the more reason for Raynor’s defense too ask for the trial to be moved.
Lets hope that the Judge understands what RAPE VICTIMS go through and read these letters and put it to rest asap…..
Yeah everyone write Judge Plitt and give him a reason to grant a change of venue. The request for a change of venue is due to not being able to get a fair trial in Harford County. Showing this much interest will surely prove the attorneys point that a change of venue is in order.
Brenda that was my point exactly’ the dagger has been around for over a year. juror’s are told very ”clearly” not to discuss any detail’s pertaining to a trial in progress.
for fear of haveing to declare a mistrial. the judge is very likely to ignore any and all mail pertaining to this case.if publicity warrant’s a trial can be moved.
I whole heartedly agree. he should’nt be running ”Free” but just take a look a harford county’s. sex offenders list. citizens every one with ” Right’s” it is illegal to Harrass stalk torment etc. these fine ” citizen’s”
While they stalk & prowl looking for there next ” Victim” my baby sister was a victim. I caught Him” & by all right’s should have shot him. this fine up standing citizen” still prowl’s the street’s. after doing his time.
you people are a trip gee just let the man have his trial and let the jury and judge decide what shall be…….to brenda dah write letters write some more letters then see what happens….
To really: :You may be right about the letters…it may do the opposite of the intention by the people of Harford Cty.
I think that people on the side of the Victim are so concerned that Raynor seems to have more rights than the Victim. I know there will be responses saying everyone has equal rights…blah blah blah!!
From what I have seen and heard by reputable sources Raynor is convinced he is going to get out of charges due to his high $ attorney. Let’s be for real here…look at OJ’s first trial….money does talk!
Then again the Defense Attorney isn’t going to tell Raynor he’s going to be found guilty because then he may not get his paycheck, right?
So let’s just hope that the Jury can see beyond all of this garbage and look at the extremely strong evidence here and find Raynor GUILTY of all charges and lock him up for a very long time.
Case has been postponed
Why does that not surprise me?
So the monster of destruction has more free time to run around and do whatever he wants while the victim and others he has affected worry and wonder where he is and what he’s up to??? How is that fair???
How do you know it has definitely been postponed? Is there a new trial date?
#01 comment was for R:post#99
the open motions have been postponed… have to do those first before trial can move ahead……you know I still find this all so hard to believe that someone I know could do such a thing.. It truly makes me sick to my stomach…I don’t want to believe that Glenn could do such a thing.. I want to believe that he is not quilty of this horrible crime…If he is off with his head if he is not hell what they but him and his family through what is fair and what is justice.. I quess we shall see when this trial gets under way….Something tells me in my gut that justice will not be served
You have to wonder why it has been postponed. Something tells me it is not the open and shut case so many have made it out to be.
Nothing odd about delay’s. it fray’s the nerve’s. of those who have testify assumeing it’s a jury’ there put on hold. cancelled and a new jury selected a wonderfull waste of taxpayers money”
It has been postponed because he has an attorney who is going to drag this out as long as possible…I’m sure to take more of Raynor’s money and try to build some kind of a defense for the monster he is defending.
The case is strong, I know the evidence against him is strong. The DNA was a match…not the the one he didn’t consent to but the one that was taken after his arrest.
The facts are, positive dna’s…he knew the victim, in fact he sold her brother the house he used to live….the victims brother moves out a few years after that and the victim moves in…now from what I know she did alot of stuff to the house…painting, carpets , etc. After at least 3 years do you honestly think his blood would be on a broken window in the back of the house…and blood in her bed and other places in the house….as he cut himself breaking that window…than raping her which is why the blood was in “her bed”….not a bed he left there after moving out 3 or more years prior…not sheets from his bed….
The victim’s bed, the victims sheet, the victims HOME.
I can’t believe with the evidence that anyone, even his wife would have a doubt!!
I’m going to go have some coffee now….get it….wake up and smell the coffee!!
TO: Justice
Did you say the second DNA sample was a match also?
Yeah, from sources very close to the case told me it’s a match. And I have absolutely no reason to doubt them. They are reliable.
This is crazy. I wish that it would come to and end…
It’s sad that the defense seems to rule in situations like this….
Kind of like someone who pleads insanity when they’ve murdered someone. Of course you’re insane..that’s pretty obvious don’t ya think.
This just gives them more time to come up with an alibi or storyline for that night.
I imagine Raynor is trying to come up with all kinds of things to keep him out of the slammer. I don’t know how Defense Attorneys sleep at night after defending someone who is obviously a monster?? I couldn’t do it.
How about you?
It is totally normal for a case like this to be postponed not once but maybe even twice until they get all their ducks in a row. The attorneys could possibly be waiting on more facts. These things take time. Don’t be suprised if it’s another six months or so before the final case is heard. It will happen sooner than later, can’t drag it out for too long. Doesn’t matter what type of alibi they come up wiht, evidence is evidence and this happens to be STRONG evidence. He will get what’s coming to him, beleive me he definately will.
I can’t help but to think, if he was not guilty, he would want to get this trial overwith and his name cleared. All of this postponing, just seems so guilty to me.
You’re right/ etckhb & sigh:
I knew when I heard he had refused to give a dna sample that he was guilty.
I heard Dr. Phil say yesterday…if you’re not guilty you would have nothing to hide.
And obviously he is guilty that’s why he wouldn’t give the sample…
but the sample was gotten…two of them that I’ve heard about…both matches.
Lock the monster up before he gets too sure of himself I say.
It’s hard to be patient, I can’t even imagine what the victim is going through. My thoughts are with her everyday.
I do not understand how Judge Marshall can postpone this case that is Judge Plitts case? Why the game playing??? Also the record shows a letter from a concerned citizen turned over by the defense. Are people actually writing to set this monster free!!!! Are they trying to say that he plays an important role in our community? Or as stated above, is it a letter from a concerned citizen that the defense is going to use to help move the case? Anyone know?
Didn’t yo know that once we give a black bathrobe to a person, he or she can do just about anything they want. If you disagree, it’s contempt of court. For me and my house, I think contempt of court should be a class action suit. How can we remain in any kind of sympathy with the system? But to paraphrase somebody (I just don’t feel like looking it up): Our system is really screwed up, and the bad part is, it’s the best in the world
typical ploy used commonly’ by lawyers to drag out a case.or they have a dislike for the judge. & simply request a change.
I heard Raynor is living life to the fullest…spending money like he never has…on his attorney and his family….maybe because he will soon be behind bars?
It doesn’t matter who the judge is or where it takes place the jury will see the hard evidence against him and do the right thing. It’s hard to imagine any other outcome than locking this pervert up for a long……time.
what do you think raynor is using for money you idot…….. no job…….. no wants to hire him…… house used for bail……….let the man have his day in court…….how hard is it for you people to understand that the man has not been proved quilty yet………as for moving the trial hell I would want it moved to get a fair trial….you people from harford county have already found him quilty and sent him to the gas chamber…. that is not fair to anyone and yes no fair to the victim… lets just remember that this victim did not pick her rapist from day one she did not see his face so she says……we will not know all intill the trial happens so let it be
The Gas chamber is not a bad Idea. just remove some dust from lack of use & fire it up.
I see that Raynor still has friends on here……..
A friend of mine is the executioner for the state of Maryland. poor guy had too go thru special training to get the job. mommy’s Baby’s can rape torture & kill your wife or sister or maybe your mother.
Executioner’s are expected to follow a rigid protocol. nothing to good for a convicted felon. he say”s thing’s have been a little ”Dead” down that way.
my Baby sister was a victim’ of a child molester. I have no sympathy for his kind.
Well first of all the house wasn’t used to post bail….friends of his blew there mouths to anyone that would listen about that infor. His mother as others have already said ,has helped him out and he has money coming from somewhere…
A manipulator like him can sell sand in the desert. Yeah he still has friends all the ones he has convinced he’s human under that lying facade.
Don’t worry “Really” he will get his day in court and I hope the victim has all the supporters the room will hold. She is deserving of that…HER day in court to get this out of the way and try like hell to move on with her life.
And no he doesn’t have the share in the tree co. anymore because from what I hear his partner couldn’t stand to be near him. Could you blame him?? Not me.
That would last about 2 seconds….then I would have to vomit!
The victim did not have to see his face……he left his DNA behind which is much more conclusive evidence than a victim identifying her attacker in a police line up. One has to ask themselves, if i were innocent, wouldn’t I voluntarily submit a DNA test (all of her neighbors did) instead of spending tens of thousands of dollars on bail and in defense costs? Wouldn’t I want this cleared up as quickly as possible so I could clear my name? But if I knew I was guilty, I would have no other choice but to play the legal game and hope to get off on some technicality.
Time will tell if he is guilty or not !! Hopefully the judicial system serves to give him exactly what he deserves if found guilty !! I am sure other individuals in the jail cells will surely enjoy doing to him what he did to her – except they will not be afraid to show their faces like the coward he was.
I think a question that everyone has failed to asked is ,,, what if he is found innocent? Would you want him living next door to your wife, sister, mother or daughter ???
Tina Guilty or found innocent. the stigma will hang over his head for along time. they can live where ever they choose. they have ”RIGHTS” they can not harrased tormented or disturbed in any way.
They can move in right next too you. and nothing you can do.
Hell no Tina…would you? I’m sure you wouldn’t. I hate the fact that he lives in the same vicinity as I do. Let’s just pray that the jury wherever the case is heard listens to the evidence and not the bullshit his attorney is going to be feeding them. If that happens he will be locked up for a longggggggggggggg time!
I wouldn’t have wanted him living next door to me PRIOR to this rape incident. I said it before, and I will say it again. He very very much made me feel uncomfortable from the moment I met him years ago for a variety of reasons I will not go into here.
sigh….go into them. We want to know.
Sigh:I think the courts should know…the heck with the bloggers. Any women who may have been assaulted or worse by Raynor really should come forward and tell the truth. It’s pretty obvious by reading the blog entries that this isn’t his first time he’s done horrible things… Idon’t know that personally , thank God but if I did I surely would speak up….Why don’t you call the State’s Attorneys office and give them information about whatever happened. They will protect you, surely.
Just think about it.
The Victim is out there all alone being brave and trying to bring this animal to justice…if there are other victims…please come forward.
Therapy is no help. letting these predator’s run free. is a disgrace of american justice. swift’s the taxpayer a lot of money. maybe I will be lucky enough to get picked for the jury.
To Really: I’m sure you would….but if I were going to tell anyone it surely wouldn’t be told on this blog! And anything I have said is FACT ! Unlike Raynor’s lies that he is innocent….not a fact! So live in your little dream world of believing he’s innocent…I know the facts as I’ve said b4. So enjoy your dreams.
To Vet: I agree totally w/ you. Therapy doesn’t do sexual predators any good…they are what they are. They are not to be trusted and there is no Justice when they are walking the streets because they can pay their portion of a 450.0000.00 bail. so what, if the bail is so high doesn’t that say they have the evidence to keep his ass locked up. It makes me sick to think about the victim who has to continue to be put through torture while he gets the trial delayed…he’s nothing but a monster!!
Really was referring to me. He suggest I need to get help for all that pent up anger’. I just left the vet center in aberdeen last week. I caught my sister’s sexual predator in the act. I only regret I never shot him.
It’s my under standing he has now bought a telescope to watch her house. he is getting some age on him. so it just prove’s they never get better. she was only 6 years old. I can only hope he’s not foolish enough to try again.
moved right back in to the same neighbor hood he left.
A hearing was scheduled on 2/13/09 for Raynor @2;m
I knew that she meant that for you….well that doesn’t surprise me. Look who she fighting for!! Anyway I’m sorry that happened to your sister….and it doesn’t shock me that the pervert is back in the same neighborhood….they don’t feel they are ever wrong, not really. Just like Raynor is faking his innocence….does he think everyone in Bel Air is as stupid as his friends and obviously family to believe his lies. At first I felt sorry for the wife, but now it’s just like….with all that evidence and you don’t care that he obviously did this. DNA ,,,,hello. Oh well to each their own, she can surely have him cause I’m sure nobody else does.
Another hearing? Wonder what this one’s for. Maybe to schedule a new trial date? Or to decide on moving the trial to spare him the embarrasement…it’s discusting that they even postponed the trial in the first place.
The way I look at it , he had 21/2 yrs. of freedom before they found the monster and arrested him. It’s time for the victim to have her freedom.
Justice? – You sound like a bitter ex-lover. It seems you may have your own personal agenda against Raynor. Maybe he should be afraid of YOU!
Okay, it’s normal to “dig and bring up” all the DIRT on the “suspect” But what about the Victim? Yes she had a horrible situation happen to her but that shouldn’t erase HER past. Maybe she’s manipulative? She could be a home wrecker. Maybe she has had an affair or two as well. C’mon people wake up and smell the coffee, M.J. is no innocent victim. They is are ALWAYS two sides to the story.
Oh, one more thing…. I read an earlier post that read….
“The DNA from the victim’s post incident exam and from the “fresh” blood found on the window matches 100%. Good Luck trying to prove he’s not the one.”
If this statement is TRUE, it still doesn’t prove that Raynor is a RAPIST. However, it could suggest THEY had intercourse. You know, some people do like to have rough sex.
Just fuel for thought……
“MJ is no innocent victim”. Did you really just say that? So you are saying some people deserve rape. Glenn, is that you talking?
Bitter…..are you suggesting that some women hang around at home and wait for someone to break in their home and rape them…for kicks! Now Ive heard everything….you are a true goof-ball !
Bitter do you practice sharia law ? Maybe you would like to see her buried to her waist and stoned !
Go Dagger !
Bitter, That isn’t very nice, How could you say something so mean?
TO REALLY: Actually I hardly know the freak…thank God for that. Unfortunately the VICTIM can’t say that now can she. I am simply speaking for JUSTICE ! Do you know what that is. I would hope that the community in which this happened would all be standing by the victim…and I’m sure they are. You obviously are a friend of Raynor and very much in denial!
And also BITTER: The victim as you obviously know who she was since you know her initials, was not having an affair with Raynor, it wasn’t a night like you have imagined in your twisted image of that night…..Raynor cut her phone line, broke in her house, and violently raped her!
You think I’m an ex lover??? You are as sick as him….maybe you are his wife?? Could it be?? If so you need to wake up and smell the coffee!!
Bitter…..You put the victim’s initials on here? You think they were having an affair? You say she is not an innocent victim? I hope you get raped. Then maybe you can walk a mile in her shoes.
Post # 43 above was all for Bitter! not for Really who however also has clouded judgement!
To post # 44 : I also was shocked that Bitter put the victims initials on here. Obviously they are close enough to Raynor to know that….as someone else said maybe Bitter is Raynor,,,,,or as I said maybe it’s his wife who is behind him all the way obviously!
Bitter… yeah, well, it looks like you are bitter all right. That’s quite a defensive stance to take. You sound a little too close to Raynor, yes, possibly wife.
You can point the finger at homewreckers all you want, but rape is not on the same page as homewreckers. However, I don’t hold the homewrecker as guilty as the man who took VOWS…. but again, we’re not talking about that here, we are talking about a rape. Taking vows and raping is just absolutely despicable.
To continue on, don’t get me wrong, any rape is horrible, but this type of situation just completely blows my mind.
Murder or rape…what is the difference? No matter why he did it…her life will never be the same. Raynor took that ladies life away as she knew it and he needs to pay. And if he did murder someone, the same people would be making excuses and be backing him. I wonder if the investigators read these sights and can figure out who is who. Maybe “bitter” needs some questioning!!
Bitter AKA Mrs Raynor….You should be ashamed of yourself! Leave that looser!!!!
I would hope if this is mrs Raynor. she will seek the help she is certainly in need of. Denial is not going to make it go away.
Amen to the last several posts! I think his supporters and his wife are so blinded by his manipulation they can’t see past their own nose. It’s a pity when one looses the sense to see evil now isn’t it?
This poor woman was preyed upon…you don’t think he just happened to be in the neighborhood that night….no it was planned, you don’t just show up and break into her house…cut the phone line and rape someone…MONSTER, that’s what he is and I hope God is with the jury and guides them in their decision.
Will one of you Raynor supporters explain to the rest of us why you are so blindly standing behind this guy? I understand the whole right to a fair trial, stand by your friend thing but the evidence is so overwhelming. The DNA speaks for it’s self. The fact that they are trying to get the DNA dismissed is also telling. I think anyone looking at this objectively knows that the victim was raped and this was not an affair. The issue that bothers me more than anything…..why attack the victim? Even if Glenn is not the rapist (and he is) why attack the victim? She is forever affected by this and if anyone (friend of Raynor or not) cannot empathize with her, then you should be doing a little soul searching yourself.
For Real!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so so what happened at the hearing when is the new trial…. is it being moved
Yeah, does anyone know what the hearing was even for? Why is it all so hush hush? I think the community should be kept up to date on cases like this. Afterall he’s out on a pretty hefty bail…so it’s not like there isn’t substancial evidence against him.
So if anyone knows anything…let the rest of us know. thx
trial set for 6/2/09 criminal motion hearing for 3/24
Unbelievable, but not really. As I’ve said b4 the victim is the one who is run through the mud in rape cases. So he has 4 more months of undeserved freedom while the victim has 4 more months of hell waiting for this nightmare to be over for her….
The hearing on 3/24….I assume that will be when they decide on the charges for Raynor??
And do you know if the trial has been moved?
thats next i suppose dont forget the defense has motions such as move the trial and kick out dna evidence that they believe was obtained with out warrant so these motions must be ruled on …
Yeah, I know the first DNA taken from the sweat was done without a warrant, since he wouldn’t give one, but then again, it’s not like they broke into his home and took it….he was at the state police barracks when they took it. So technically anything left behind, “the sweat” would be privy to whatever the police needed to do with it!
But there was other DNA tests that were done with court order…that were positive so it doesn’t really matter. One positive dna or two so what a match is a match. And there is a match!!
I wish we all could blink and June would be here, I can’t even imagine what the Victim is dealing with. She is always in my thoughts.
As far as moving the trial, what about the Victim getting that fair trial? It’s all about this monster being treated with respect. b——-! Is there Justice? We will find out in June! Until then he’s free to pretend he normal. And those of us who are normal are well aware that a rapist can’t change their internal mentality. He will always be a rapist! Just like an alcoholic is always an alcoholic even in recovery…it’s one day at a time. So it’s one day at a time until June 2 for him.
This is taking forever.
Yeah, I’m sure Raynor’s loving the wait. It just needs to be over. To prolong it until June is rediculous!
52. Communicator – why do the supporters of the accused blindly stand behind him? Take a look at the statue of justice sometime – she is blindfolded holding a scale – a scale to weigh the evidence. Not all the evidence as been presented (despite what has been posted on this board).
Plenty of us have stated to let justice run its course – that means it needs to go to court, and all FACTS will be presented. And no, we have not been manipulated into believing the accused’s “stories, lies or excuses” (as they have been referred to on this blog).
We are adults from all walks of life capable of making our own decisions, so please don’t assume otherwise. We recognize there is a victim in this case, and regardles of what she has done in her past (bitter post# 39), it does not mean she deserved to be attacked. The same applies to the accused; despite what he has done in his past, it does not mean he committed this crime. That is for the judge/jury to decide after reviewing the evidence presented by the prosecution and the defense.
Anyone of you could have a friend, brother, uncle or father accused of a crime like this. And what would you do? Would you automatically condemn them based on evidence the police claim to have? Think about it – a guy who has always been there for you. A guy that has helped a lot of people out over the years. A guy that just picked up the phone for no other reason than to see how you were doing. Would you condemn them to the gallows before they even had a trial?
Just think about it.
If my DNA happened to be all over a crime scene, I would try to have it dismissed, too. Most guilty people would do the same.
My comments were not so much about standing behind the accused as they were attacking the victim, which you so conveniently did not address. Again, if you have compassion for the accused then, surely, you have compassion for the victim and would be outraged that someone was attacking the victim with slanderous comments?
You bring up the victim’s past? You are right there is nothing related to the victims past that would justify this being done to her or to anyone else in a similar circumstance. His past, different story all together. There is a pattern of behavior towards women, the fact that he previously lived in the house, the fact that he knew the victim, the fact that he owned a Portifino Bay Hotel hat, the fact that his DNA was all over the place. Where there is smoke, there is fire.
One more question… wife would certainly have known if I was not home on any given night – Did she not know he was not home in in bed with her? Did she not know about the hat? I think she knows a lot more than she will let on. I think she knows the truth but is afraid to admit it. She is in denial. I don’t blame her, she is in a tough spot. Remember one thing….standing by the accused is not a reason or justification to attack the victim.
Not all fact’s will be presented, if his attorney can show. they were illegally obtained. contaminated evidence is being’s his attorney job to clear him useing all means possible. and it’s all legal.
Changeing trail dates etc. is all a part of the game.
The evidence is more than clear to me and anyone who knew the victim or the neighbors of her. People who are supporting Raynor say give him his day in court…..well obviously he doesn’t want his day in court ! He and his so called high priced attorney are doing everything they can to delay his fate.
There is absolutely NO doubt in my mind he is guilty.
If he was innocent and had nothing to hide he would have submitted to a DNA test when he was asked for one….we all know now why he didn’t …because he knew what the outcome would be. The neighborhood men were asked to give a dna sample and did, because they had nothing to hide?? SPEAKS VOLUMES!!
I’ve thought alot about this, I’m sure he thought he would never be caught, who would suspect the prior owner of the house?? It couldn’t be….right? Well it was and may he suffer the punishment he well deserves !!
question: how does the police know he owned the “portofino” hat?
Somebody told me they have a picture of him wearing it? I suppose maybe found when they searched his home perhaps? Who knows…but apparently he stayed there with others during the time he worked his other job, so if that’s true than hello!!!
that is what i was thinking. thanks.
No problem. Let me know if you hear anything else on the case.
I know a man who undercover cops showed up at his house and questioned him about being in Fla and asked him if he had a made a purchase from Portafino. It was his understanding that they contacted the place and checked who from this area visited that area within a year of the attack. It seems like the did their work.
Exactly. I heard they had a list of all purchases in the state or something…but only one dna match I would imagine !
Not only did he own the house a few years prior but he also went to school with her until 9th grade I’ve heard. Apparently they weren’t friends and didn’t run in the same click….who knows why the grievance, and when someone is twisted they can hold onto a grudge for life and wait for an opportunity to attack. And that’s what he did. Just think he would have known where everything in the house was, afterall he had lived there. It’s so sick what he did….I can’t imagine what hell the victim went through and pray for her well being ,and justice in this case.
I guess everyone who went on that trip is now a suspect. Looks like they just made a case for reasonable doubt. No wonder they postponed the trial. Look at all the new suspects and evidence they need to sift through.
From what I’ve heard nobody else was even close to this area when the crime happened. And let’s not forget the DNA from the blood on the broken window and in the victims bed was a match to Raynor, nobody else. Also none of the other’s knew the victim, went to school w/ the victim or sold a house to the victim’s brother….I could go on but enough has been said on the evidence here. Raynor did it!! Most people feel the same way as I do. It’s sad for both families, a total nightmare for sure!
So based on the blogs, I get the impresison that Raynor’s defense will be that they had sex but it was not rape. That there was a relationship. That would certainly explain the DNA. Well if that is the case, why did he not come right out and say it was an affair or a relationship or a one night stand. Raynor refused to submit a DNA sample because he knows he is guilty.
Why would the accuser not know it was him that night? Why would she not tell the police? Why? I’ll tell you why because it was a home invasion rape.
Assuming there was a relationship, the home was forcibly broken into and the phone line was cut so she could call for help. Why? I’ll tell you why because it was a home invasion rape.
Each day that goes by I can’t help but think it is one less day of freedom for Raynor. I hope this keeps him up at night. I hope that it consumes every waking moment for him and I hope that he gets a little, no, a lot of his own medicine in prison.
To The Communicator: Thank You for realizing the obvious! There are alot of blind people taking up for him. I for one can’t wait to see Justice served. Let’s pray it is!
As far as him feeling any guilt….from what I’ve heard from people who know him…he’s convinced himself he’s innocent..of course he’s not going to admit he’s a rapist, narcacist, and monster! If he cared about someone other than himself he would ,but he doesn’t so therefore he’s paying an attorney big money toTRYand get him out of this He’s no man, or he would at least just fess up.
By the way, how many times have any of you gone over to anyone’s home you were dating, having a casual relationship, a one night stand or any other type of visit and found it necessary to attempt to kick in the door, break the window and cut the phone line? Raynor is guilty, guilty, guilty!!!!!!
Oh and add to that….I heard the hinges were removed from the gate on the backyard privacy fence>>>>weirdo!! sounds premeditated and desperate to me. This was no one night stand…more like a stocking and waiting for his opportunity to be a monster!
He is a monster. HIs wife knows it because he has controlled her for so long that she is trained to believe anything he tells her. She tells some of the girls that she goes to school with that he did not do this, there is one that she tells everything to, and she is telling everyone else how stupid Glens wife is for believeing him.
I pray for Glenns wife and his children, we all should.
In defense of his wife, Glenn was always out. Between bars, card games and affairs, I don’t think it was unusual for him not to be home in the wee hours. He has always maintained his party life and unfortunately she was home raising their kids,going to school and never really made him settle down. I know she doesn’t know where, what and who he was with every night. Sadly, now she and her kids suffer. I am sure she doesn’t want to believe any of this but hopefully when it all sinks in, she can remain strong for her kids sake.
I think he is like God to her or something. I’m sorry I love my husband but if there was that much clear cut evidence against him and he was known to be a womanizer anyway, there would be no way he’d still be sleeping in my bed…
no flippin way!!
Battered women syndrome is what they call it. Doesn’t have to be beaten physically to be abused. One day she will get strong enough to leave. Some just take longer than others.
Some never make it. they often wind up dead. when they do try too leave. restraint order’s seldom work.
I hope that she is reading this blog. I wish her children and her nothing but the best in life, Be strong and enjoy life with your children. I will pray for you….
I don’t think she was ever abused by him….she has always apparently just been compliant with anything he did….stay out all night, have an affair, get drunk, whatever he did was fine with her as long as he eventually came home. I have heard stories from people that know them both well and it’s hard to believe any wife could allow their husband to be like he is. ?? Who knows , there are alot of strange people in this world. And one of them is Raynor.
Has anyone heard anymore about the court date or where it will be held?????
The trial is set to begin on 6/2/09 but there is a hearing set for I believe 03/24, for criminal motions in the case.? He has something up his sleeve I’m sure, he’s a slimeball and anyone including the family who back him with all the evidence should be ashamed of themselves.
If my adult children did something wrong I surely wouldn’t help fund their defense and or support them when the guilt is obvious to anyone with even half a brain.
Yea he does. it give’s him opportunity to admit guilt & plea bargain for a lesser charge.and avoid a jury. with the judges we have. he will be back home before the ink on the releaseing document is dry.
Being a woman I would never be left alone with him or go to any functions where he would be. I would make sure that evryone knew that he is a rapist…. I really do not think that he will get much time…… Shame on him
I have had the pleasure. of putting away 3 child predators. one worked a state job brought disgrace to his family’ discovered he was molesting his daughter & step daughter for year’s.
He had a brother that was just like him. they were inticeing children in to there home with candy. it’s a pity one died from a heart attack, shortly after he was caught. the third had a likeing for little boy’s. did his time left our area was’nt to happy being listed as a sex offender.
There here. there our neighbor’s & we can’t do anything about it until they make a move. be as vigilant as you possibly can. do not become a victim.
TO: Jill
It sounds to me that you should not go in public: church, grocery stores, work, neighborhood, mall, movies, bank or family functions – cuz honey for your information you are around those kind of people & worse every day of your God given life – and so are your kids.
This was not to protect Raynor – it was just to give you a heads up to open your eyes. Nobody cares where you go – they just want this tragedy to be over!!
Now this rape was 2 years ago & everybody has been around the accused since then – anybody get raped?
To curious…..probably so! From what others have said about the affairs even with mothers of the teams he coached , hello!!!!! They might not know it and they may have been flirting back but that was only a small taste of what he was obviously capable of. He may have raped them if they didn’t consent…who knows. He obviously raped the victim…….HIS BLOOD was at the crime scene…If he doesn’t get charged and get some real time behind bars, there truly is no justice!! Please pray for the victim’s closure and the only way that can happen is for the Judge OR jury to look at only the evidence, and call it like it is….RAPE!!
Justice? — yes, I know of one of the sports moms who had an affair with him. Unfortunately, she is very involved in the recreational council. Of course, she stands behind him and is making an ass of herself doing so.
Anyone who is standing by him are simply making fools of themselves for sure.
Are they deaf and blind…unable to read or listen to the evidence??? Obviously they are. I won’t feel sorry for any of them when the ball drops….I will be thinking of the victim and justice. She truly deserves it…I cannot imagine what she’s going through now waiting until June. The hell with him and his followers….they are like the followers of that Jones psycho…who convinced all his followers to drink poison kool-aid…
They won’t believe anything wrong about this creep. ?? Crazy!!
i would like to know who his followeres are – i haven’t met one person yet that has proclaimed him innocent – who is it that you talk to – and what do you see? get a grip – you are not going to win a prize if he goes to jail.
Obviously you are one of them!! The rest are simply too blind to see the truth…
I think I have a grip….maybe you need to somehow get your grip!!
And actually him going to jail would be like winning/ that is for the victim….don’t you see it that way?????? Anyone in support of the victim would see it as a win / justice, the beginning of closure for the victim. That’s all I want !
no i am not. i just want to know where all these people are that are supposed to be his followers???? like i said i haven’t met a person yet who has proclaimed him innocent. i don’t think you are speaking of a large crowd anymore. basically my point was there aren’t too many people left that think he didn’t do it but i guess you just didn’t understand.
To Curious : I sure hope you are right! So many people were standing behind him and it’s unbelieveable to me. I know people close to the case and believe me it’s horrible to even think he would have one person backing him up…with the evidence that they have. It’s shocking that this happened in such a tight-knit community as well. I can’t imagine such horror….I would have had a heart attack for sure. I’m sorry if I seem defensive but anyone with compassion for the victim should be outraged, don’t you think? He’s a monster and I know he’s not the only one out there that’s capable of such a thing but to even know who this person was that did such a thing is discusting! His wife is making a fool of herself to back a man who obviously slept around on her and is capable of rape. I would have booted him to the curb day one of finding out!!
Raynor going to jail would be a win. A win for the victim, the community, for all of society. A bonus win would be knowing that Raynor is getting gang raped in prison every night until he can’t physically or mentally take one more day of well deserved abuse. The inmates will take turns on him. They will sell his ass for a pack of cigarettes. He becomes the cellblock bitch. Then for his own protection, the prison puts him in solitary confinement for the rest of his life. Too bad, too sad…….
communicater, you are over the top. Anyone convicted of such a crime should be punished. But your post was too much. Let’s not bury hate on hate on hate.
I just want him punished by imprisonment…I would hope nobody is willing to lower themselves to his level by thinking evil thoughts such as Raynor obviously did. Put yourself above that , please. He’s not worth lowering yourself to that.
Hopefully justice will be served, I understand how upset and outraged people are by his actions….but stop and think about your own mind frame and keep it clean….He will get what he deserves in this life or in the afterlife down-under and I don’t mean Australia!
Della, well you may think I am over the top but I think he deserves what I have described. That is only because what I really think should happen to him is prohibited by the Constitution under “cruel and unusual punishment.”
The victim suffers every day and will live with this the rest of her life. I appreciate you may not be as “over the top” as I am but I assure you, I mean what I say. Nothing is too cruel – not after what he did.
To an extent I agree with you*Communicator…I just can’t think in those terms…I won’t allow my mind to go there. I think what he did is discusting and unforgiveable and can’t imagine how his wife is still with him?? That’s really discusting!!
I heard that Raynor pre trail conference did not go very well for him even with his high dollar attorney. Hopefully this will be a sign of whats to come with his trail in June. Maybe soon the victim with have peace of mind.
what happended at the pre trial anyone have a clue
I believe the motion to move from Harford county and remove the DNA were both turned down. His luck in running out.
The hearings did not go well for Raynor. Shhhh ….. do you hear that? …. bang, bang, bang….that’s the sound of nails being pounded into Raynor’s coffin. Time is running out for Raynor. I hope he looks good in bright orange, stripes or what ever the uniform is in the Big House.
To usa: I have been praying for that. I feel such a sense of relief as I’m sure the victim does as well. I can’t wait until this nightmare is over for her and all that were affected by the monster. Now we just hang in there until June and pray for Justice to be served.
USA, Communicator and Justice – sounds like none of you were at the pre-trial hearing – again going off what you heard. There are always 3 sides to every story, your side, their side and what really happened.
Just 67 days to go to hear both sides. And the judge will decide what is right. Say what you want about “high priced attorneys” – how much money do you think the state will spend trying to prosecute Raynor? Enough Said.
And of course, you will call me, and any other supporter of Raynor’s, crazy. So, have at it.
So Give Him His Day – were you there? If so, let us know what happened that you seem to be in the know about.
You didn’t elaborate – would you? Was the DNA thrown out?
You’re right” So give him day in court”…you are crazy for even suggesting his innocence. All you know is what Raynor is choosing to tell you.
And as far as how much the state is paying to prosicute him…I would gladly pay higher taxes to get this creep off the streets and behind bars.
And ya know what he is as guilty as sin and too much of a coward to stand up and take the punishment….as far as give him his day in court???Looks to me like he doesn’t want his day in court….imagine that!!
Give him his day in court…….so what really happened three years ago? Please enlighten us. In fact, go ahead make up a story as to how he is not guilty. Lets see……broke in the house, cut the phone lines, violently raped her….We are all waiting. If you make up a story good enough, who knows, you may convince us. We’re waiting…….or maybe you should pull your head out of your ass. That way you will be able to smell the coffee.
Nobody will ever convince me he didn’t do it !! The evidence is all too clear. Anyone who believes he’s innocent just doesn’t know the facts. They as I’ve said before are only listening to the information this monster is telling them and apparently have no clue of the strength of evidence the state has. I no longer feel sorry for anyone standing by him… could you be so stupid and ignore dna evidence and the mounds of other things they have on him?? I’m not going to repeat it as I’m tired of typing it over and over. WAKE UP AND LOOK AT THE EVIDENCE!! THEN SMELL THE COFFEE IF YOU CAN STOMACH IT AFTER OPENING YOUR EYES!!
Well folks, in just 2 months, we will see what evidence the state does have – not what you heard, not what I heard. At this point, he is innocent till proven guilty. The evidence which reportedly ties Raynor to the crime, has not been laid out in a court of law to allow a decision to be made.
You have made your decision based on what you have heard – yet I doubt you have 100% access to every bit of evidence. I have not seen every bit of evidence – and as a result, I cannot say without a doubt thay Raynor is innocent.
What happened in April 2006 was a terrible crime. I hope the police conducted a proper investigation prior to filing the charges against Raynor. The problem is – there are way too many examples of bad police work in America.
For anyone to say he is guilty without seeing all of the evidence is just wrong.
Head up my ass? Stupid? I think not.
Give Him His Day in Court……Like I said before; make up a story, fabricate anything, anything at all. Make me believe as to how this guy could break into a home, cut the phone lines and rape a woman and not be guilty. I cannot personally think of even a remote a scenario.
Now just to be clear….are you saying Raynor is innocent or not guilty? There is a big difference. Innocent is saying that he did not rape the woman, period. Not Guilty is saying that he did it but the state will not be able to prove beyond a reasonable doubt in the court of law that he did it. So where do you stand?
Not Guilty Plea – (defined)
NOT GUILTY. If a defendant pleads not guilty, he/she must be tried and convicted before he/she can be sentenced. The BURDEN of showing guilt lies with the state; YOU are presumed innocent unless the sate can prove your guilt beyond the shadow of a doubt. A defendant need not actually believe that he/she is not guilty in order to enter this plea
I understand the law. I understand innocent before proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.
What I am saying is there is a significant difference between not guilty and innocent. Everybody knows O.J. was found not guilty but at the same time EVERYBODY even with the least amount of intelligence knows O.J was not innocent.
So I ask again to the Raynor supporters is he Not Guilty or Innocent?
There is nothing about Raynor that is Innocent or Not Guilty….Hello…
He is guilty…guilty…guilty!!!!!!
one last time get it right people….. raynor is going to court…..the evidence will be
place i n front of the jury…. the jury will decide whether he is quilty or not… not you guys. maybe you justice, vet, and of course the great communicator who are only saying all this bullshit to keep this blog going…. I can see why people think this.. but truly the man does deserve his day in court whether he is quilty or not… i for one can not wait to hear all the evidence that the state has… and if and only if he is proven quilty I hope they chop his balls off because that is what he deserves.. but far be it from me to smash the gavel down before this is doneand shame on you for trying to do that…. amen this is the usa and this is how it works remember that…..
Really….thank you for the compliment …… The Great Communicator. I like the sound of that. Thank you!
I personally think he should be Hung.welcome to Kangaroo court. our legal system is a bit warped.or we would not have so many’ criminals running free. save the tax payer a lot of money. just hang’em all let god judge them.
you two are like forest gump
To really: you may as well have get ready to do that because you will see he is guilty. I’m not guessing on the evidence….I know what the evidence is and I don’t really care what you think…’re opinion means nothing to me!
Really ….you are avoiding the question. Not Guilty or Innocent? It sounds like to me that you KNOW he is not innocent and praying he is found NOT GUILTY. Well that would be just great! Let’s let another rapist free on the streets. So I ask again…..Not Guilty or Innocent?
Really find’s this Blog so distaste full. he keeps coming back for more.
Hang im High on a short rope.
Sem- per fi.
Justice will be done when they hang him. my Buddy is the excutioner for the state of maryland. he say’s thing’s have been ”Dead” in his part of the wood’s lately. he was required to be trained for lethal injection.
nothing too good for mommy’s Baby’s they can rape and & murder. but have to be treated with kid’s gloves. a short rope will allow him to strangle. the hangman’s knot was intended to snap the neck.
A short rope won’t snap the neck. but will cause slow strangulation. make him think where he is going.
what happened about personal attacks? And “really” try to use your ‘g’ key instead of your ‘q’ key.
Has everyone noticed “Really” wll not answer the question. Not Guilty or Innocent? It is not that difficult of a question. We all know why Really refuses to answer the question, he or she knows that Raynor did it. Again, Really knows Raynor is not innocent but praying he is found Not Gulty.
not true I want Justice to be served.. I do not know if he is quilty or not and the evidence at the trial will answer that question and so will the jury.. NOT YOU AND NOT ME. Unless we get picked for the jury and won’t that be a hoot… So I recent your remark that I want him to be found not quilty..Stop putting words in my mouth.. a hole
there is no such thing as Justice. we have smooth talking lawyer’s that will make it look as tho the lady was at fault. ever been to a criminal trial? I have three time’s 3 different child molesting case’s.
I refused to be shaken of the fact’s. I was accused of being Blind. ( BLIND TO JUSTICE) Mistaken identity hard of hearing & lieing. one molester offered me lot’s of cash to remain still. I advised him I would remain still when he was in jail.
The case was investigated by Aberdeen P.D it was discovered he was rapeing his step daughter’s also. my baby sister was raped by a child molester I caught I knew I should have shot him. but I let the court’s do there thing.
He is out & about right back in the same neighbor. I think castration is a better choice then Hang’em. that is JUSTICE.
I tend to agree. If there were a more swift and tougher punishment to these types of crimes than I think these perverts would “possibly” think before they followed through with their sick ways. Once found guilty they should not be allowed back into society….it’s been proven there is no changing them…if not constantly monitored they will commit these crimes again. And who pays the price for that, not them…but the Victims. SAD
really? a hole? that’s the best you got? You put the words in your mouth not me. You still say you want justice served and see if he is found guilty or not BUT YOU STILL WILL NOT SAY HE IS INNOCENT! Well that speaks volumes. You are obviously close to Raynor and are completely blinded by the facts. Like I said before, make up a scenario where Raynor is innocent, please make one up. You know what? You can’t. Neither can anyone else because he is guilty, guilty, guilty. I think vet is right, hang him but hang him from his balls so they are slowly ripped off. Now that’s what I call justice!
Let’s try this again….First of all I am not close to raynor..Second of all what facts
the bull shit that goes down on this blog…Yeah I forgot I believe everything I read here..The facts that have been presented so far by the state’s case.Are great very great…You believe as well as what I believe that the evidence the state has makes raynor quilty..That is why they arrested him and that is why he is going on trial….Next what happens is the trial and the state will lay out its case it’s whole case….If this man is found quilty for his crimes he will pay the price..And yes they should just cut his dick off and stick it up his own ass and let him walk around that way for the rest of his sorry ass life..But I still want the trial and I still want to hear the state’s evidence and but the whole story together.. You know as well as I this is how it works.. I will support the final verdict in this case but only then not before because whether you like it or not he does get his day in court.. If it where up to you guys hell that would never happen and that makes me sick to my stomach……..
Well said, Really. As I have said time and time again – let this run its course in court. I believe he is innocent, because I can’t believe he would do something like this. I could be wrong – until I see all the evidence, however, I will continue to believe he is innocent.
No one can say they know the evidence until they see all of it in court. To say you know the evidence based on what is in the paper or what you read on a blog is rather foolish.
I have stated on more than one occaision – as others have – if he did do this, he needs to be punished.
Call me stupid, or say my head is where the sun don’t shine (as Justice and the Communicator did in previous posts).
There are too many examples of botched investigations – I can’t say this is one, because again, I have not seen all of the evidence. But I will see it, soon enough, as will all of you. And then, the jury will decide the outcome of this case, after reviewing ALL OF THE EVIDENCE.
Give him his day in court…..I have said this to others and I say it to you. Make up a scenario where someone cuts the phone lines, breaks into a house and rapes a woman and the DNA left at the scene was the accused and he is innocent. We will be awaiting your response……..
I am not confident that a proper investigation was done in the 1st place – I could be wrong, you may think I’m crazy – but read below to see why I think the way I do:
from the website
Several basic steps are performed during DNA testing regardless of the type of test being done. The general procedure includes: 1) the isolation of the DNA from an evidence sample containing DNA of unknown origin, and generally at a later time, the isolation of DNA from a sample (e.g., blood) from a known individual; 2) the processing of the DNA so that test results may be obtained; 3) the determination of the DNA test results (or types), from specific regions of the DNA; and 4) the comparison and interpretation of the test results from the unknown and known samples to determine whether the known individual is not the source of the DNA or is included as a possible source of the DNA.
Do yourself a favor – go to google, and type “dna mistakes” and take a look at the results. For example in Washington State:
Contamination and other errors in DNA analysis have occurred at the Washington State Patrol crime labs, most of it the result of sloppy work.
The most common problems are cross-contamination by microscopic traces of unrelated evidence and forensic scientists accidentally mixing their own DNA with the sample being tested. That can happen, for example, when the analyst talks while handling a sample, leaving an invisible deposit of saliva.
Below are the 23 cases of contamination or errors in major criminal cases the lab system has admitted to, according to State Patrol and court documents:
(go to the website to read the cases – all 23 of them!)
And, by the way – go take a look at the Judicial Case Search Index – and see what lab is working for the state – Bode Technology. Back in 2005:
“The Illinois State Police broke a $7 million contract with a Virginia DNA testing firm yesterday, alleging it committed serious errors.
The Virginia firm, Bode Technology Group of Springfield, calls itself the largest forensic DNA company in the nation. ”
And here is a rather interesting article from this past summer in the LA Times:
Q: Do all of you do your jobs perfectly every single day? No one does – we are human, we make mistakes. Everyone of us does.
I doubt any of you are part of the investigation – to know for sure, the intimate details of the investigation and how the evidence was collected and tested.
In less than 2 months we will all know.
Thanks Glenn
What will we Know? they screwed up the DNA ? No faith in the justice system we have lot’s of criminal’s running free because evidence was contaminated. if we resort back to trial & error evidence. He’s Guilty.
He stand’s a better chance of going free, under a DNA exam. I ‘am sure his lawyer has asked the trial to be moved so he can get a fair trial. lot’s of axe’s to grind & and some new rope that need’s stretching.
Why did he refuse to take a DNA exam. He would not have to worry about a DNA match unless it was him. All of the other neighbors complied and submitted a sample. Glenn knows he did it. He refused the DNA sample. Guilty, Guilty, Guilty.
I hate what Raynor has done to the community. He has clouded the Judgement of some(his friends) and made others live in fear after this rape happened, the victim and her neighbors. For over 2 yrs. nobody knew who this pervert was afraid to even go outside after dark , can you imagine. It’s not like it was a big city this was a small community. And then like others have pointed out those neighbors had no problem giving their DNA sample for testing…they didn’t think twice because they had nothing to fear, the rapist no longer lived in their community…remember he sold the house to the victims brother years prior….Hmmm is this freaky or what? And lets not forget about the hat he wore that he owned…and HIS blood on the broken glass window/door and in the victims bed! From what those neighbors have told me the Crime lab was at the house collecting evidence most of the day….I’m sure they did everything to make sure it was collected properly and by the book!!
And if they just wanted to nail someone for the crime they could have nailed one of the good samaritan neighbors who willingly gave their dna….but they didn’t because RAYNOR IS THE RAPIST!!!
I can’t wait till the trial is here and gone. It’s discusting to even have to think about what the Victim is going through. I pray for her and hope she has all the support she needs.
Rick Roll – You are right. Glenn did do a lot of research on DNA. In fact, if you remember, in the police interview, Raynor brought up the Governor’s DNA initiative.
No worries Glenn, once you are in the Big House you will have plenty of time to study to become a convict lawyer and resident DNA expert.
I’am sure he will become a Depository for lot’s of male DNA where he’s going
Hey Vet! Where’s Ritchie C been? I am sure he will….hope he does.
Hey Vet…..he should have no problem getting DNA samples ……. LOL
I’am not sure where RichieC is?
Justice – you can’t be sure that they did everything to make sure it was collected properly and by the book. You were not there – and that is not your line of work.
Again, the judge and the jury will see all of the evidence and determine his fate. I see all of these comments making reference to his “high dollar lawyer”. If you all are so confident in the evidence, why are you so concerned about how much his defense is costing?
If the evidence is strong, then it does not matter who represents Raynor in court. It is a jury trial – and the judge will decide what is admissible and what is not admissible. The jury will determine his fate.
Rick Roll and the Communicator – this is not Glenn writing these posts.
Hmmm I hear he has a brother Rick??? maybe that’s who you are?
guess again Justice.
The attorney for the state told a friend of mine that she is confident that she has enough evidence for two life sentences if he does not come up with a plea. According to the public record, the prosicution seems to have plenty of scientist, drs and crime lab experts that will back the investigators up. The investigators also went all the way to Fla to investigate the hat from Portifinos.Another friend of mine who was there that year was also questioned but he had an aliby and his DNA doesn’t match. For two years they have been builting a case and everything points to Raynor. I would like to hear what the defense has.All of these people keep defending him but nobody can give a logical defense. I am sure the jury will see it that way too.
The attorney for the state told a friend of mine that she is confident that she has enough evidence for two life sentences if he does not come up with a plea. According to the public record, the prosicution seems to have plenty of scientist, drs and crime lab experts that will back the investigators up. The investigators also went all the way to Fla to investigate the hat from Portifinos.Another friend of mine who was there that year was also questioned but he had an aliby and his DNA doesn’t match. For two years they have been builting a case and everything points to Raynor. I would like to hear what the defense has.All of these people keep defending him but nobody can give a logical defense. I am sure the jury will see it that way too.
See what happens when you use a friends computer. Had to clarify that I am not USA but I do house sit when they are away.
i have a question on court doc’s when doc are left open such as motions, something a judge must rule on at a hearing and before a trial starts.. under raynor’s doc his motions to move trial , dna evidence, etc etc have no closed date on them… so does this mean that the answer is still with the judge…waiiting for his ruling
I was told that all of those requests were denied. I believe that the casesearch isn’t updated. He already went to court a few weeks ago and the judge denied to move the trial, and to throw out dna and some testimonies.
no the case search is always update after the motions are reached and it has been more than two weeks
Rickroll….no thanks. I don’t care about anything except the facts that prove Raynor is guilty. I’m not alone in my thoughts as you can see in the last few posts. People in the community are outraged and in total support of the victim!!!
Tomorrow is Raynor’s last Easter on the outside.
Thank God! Yeah only 2 months till the trial….can’t wait till it’s here and gone!
Hey all, I heard recently he’s earning money working w/ his brother doing like home improvement or something?? Yeah I’d want him in my house wouldn’t you?
Of course they must think he’s innocent…the s— will hit the fan in June.
You are wrong. He’s not working with his brother.
I don’t think so!! The person who told me just said it matter of factly, not in a gossipy way. So I believe he is. I just know I wouldn’t want him in my home or around any women I know.
To Funny:Actually there’s nothing funny about any of this. And to MB: wow, I can’t imagine anyone who knows what he’s being charged with wanting to risk their business reputation like that. His prior partner as I’ve heard and read in here threw in the towel as he supposedly didn’t want to be associated with Raynor. Oh well, it will all come out in the wash I suppose.
TO: MRS. “” Justice?”” Arthur,
ran into your drunk husband – he outed your alias on this blog. let’s stop telling the tales…shall we?
MB Believe what you want. But He is NOT working with his brother!
Comment to Post #64 –
From what I’ve heard, I “highly” doubt Raynor’s Business Partner threw in the towe because he didn’t want to be associated to Raynor.
I’m sure it’s because he does not have the resources and is incapable of running the business.
Glenn was the backbone of the company.
Who cares where he is working. At least he is not on unemployment so my taxes dollars are paying for him while he is free. Bad enough we will be paying for him the next 20 years or so while he is in jail!
I have to agree with Post 67 “Business” – if it wasn’t for Raynor, there wouldn’t have been a business.
Justice ,
You KNOW Glenn was the back bone of the business & you KNOW his partner didn’t throw in the towel as you earlier stated.
Glenn wasn’t the backbone….simply the manipulator and was only half owner of the tree company…….so obviously his partner had the resources to invest….and is the only one who knew anything about treework….raynor was simply the one who ran the books. So yeah Glenn was the office guy and his partner was the brains of the business as far as tree’s go, and he isn’t the one on trial here now is he??
To post # 67…learn how to spell….hummm wonder who this could be? Yeah!!
You know it doesn’t really matter who anybody is on here does it??? We are all on here to speak our minds and obviously nobody is using their real names ,so don’t pinpoint one person for not saying who they are…none of you are listing your names not that I have seen!!
To lady in red??? probably a man in red!: You really shouldn’t be listing anyone’s name on here should you? That may be reason for legal action. As far as I can see the only person name that should be on here is Raynor. If I were the partners wife I may go to the press with this. Afterall she’s also a victim in this nightmare!!!
she put the rape victim’s intials on a previous blog – you should of called her out on that.
if you noticed when you posted your blog it states that “name ” is required. there is nothing that states all bloggers will be kept anonymous. call the press? legal action? i love it.
Who is she? that put the victims initials out there….?? You’re an idiot…that should be your name…LOL
february 9th blog – i thought justice wrote it – and “she” being justice, look & you will find. you are another one running your fat mouth & not knowing what the hell you are talking about
to post 71 Funny how you say glenn ran the books,, that’s so funny glenn and his
partner were at my house for five days cutting down trees that fell on my house
that’s glenn on ladder glenn with chain saw, glenn working his ass off
though I thought it was funny how glenn had that metallic smell to him strange isn’t it..
To lady or man in red? You couldn’t be further from the truth….guess again!! Apparently whoever you spoke to isn’t my husband or the partner of the rapist. My husband laughed when I told him…LOL….Guess again!!
…and you should believe what ever your husbands says. i am laughing out loud!!
43 days and counting before Glenn is welcomed into the penal (or penis – whichever you prefer) community and his fellow inmates can get creative dishing out the medieval karma he deserves. Funny how things have a way of working out?
If I were who you think I am wouldn’t I know who you are,,,,are you stupid??? I believe the answer is yes!! Because my husband tells me everything because he is just that way….and he is home every night after work. So whoever the a-hole is you’re talking about isn’t my husband!! Have a great evening…Red not sure you’re a lady though…haha…Catch a grip I’m not the only one on here that happens to want Raynor to be punished for what he did….he is clearly a monster.
To the Communicator….wow 43 days…it’s going fast huh? I hope he will be sent down the river for many years.
Justice –
Let us put the Raynor issue aside for a brief moment – shall we?
If you really think that your husband tells you everything all of the time – I should warn you – woman to woman- that you are the type that gets hurts the worste cuz you never seen it coming.
Oh he may not tell me everything about himself, but he blabs about everyone else!! And ya know what I don’t necessarily tell him everything either. And trust me I am a strong woman and have a very keen sense of people….I may not know everything about my husband but I do know if and when he’s lying about himself and such…but he tells me more than I care to know about his friends at work and otherwise…sometimes it’s like, enough already TMI…lol
Well I’ll tell you one thing, Raynor was probably not telling his wife that while he was out at all hours of the night that he broke into a home and raped a woman.
Does anyone know what he told his wife? Where he was that night? How did he explain the DNA being left at the scene? What did he tell her to have her believe him? I could not see me being able to B.S. my wife on the DNA issue no matter how creative I got.
I do not know what he said about the DNA, but as far as him being out late, it wasn’t unusual. He was out frequently and I am sure that she was used to him not being in the bed.
Who knows….by the way it sounds he didn’t have to tell her anything? And I remember the aegis saying that when he got the call to come in for questioning he had asked if his wife could come in his place?? Who does that? I would be long gone if he were my husband.
No marriage is perfect but with the evidence the State seems to have there is no way I would stand by him….Bazaar!!
So when would the Jury be picked for Glenn’s case? I am supposed to report for Jury Duty on May 28th. Could it be?
#70 Jury…I think you just disqualified yourself!
I’d be thrilled to disqualify myself. Just the fact that I know him I think would disqualify me.
#70 – does that mean the panel number? I’m a couple numbers before that…
I am sure they are going to screen the jurors extremely well and definitely not have anyone who knows him on the jury and surely not anyone who has been through even a similar situation. They will be screened and discarded until they have the right people for the task. And that’s what we all want , right?
We are all hoping for a fair trail so not to give this scumbag a reason (or I should say a valid reason) to appeal. The sooner Raynor is in jail the sooner he will be adjusting to a lifetime of sodomy.
Happy to say, I got out of Jury Duty until later in the year. Had work commitments.
I have a thought….maybe Raynor will be able to get a job in the prison mess hall. This way he will be able to smuggle some butter or mayonaise back to his cell and use it as a lubricant when he gets raped. See, I am not as cold hearted as some may think.
To The Communicator: I agree we want a fair trial….so the defense can’t come back with any reason for a mistrial…everything needs to be exact !! So hopefully they will select the right people to for the task at hand. All any of us want is for Raynor to pay for his crime, and nothing less than 10 yrs would do that, not in my mind. He deserves more than that but we have to be realistic and not expect a life sentence… Let’s all just keep the victim in our thoughts and prayers as the trial is approaching…she must be dealing w/ alot right now.
It’s May 1st……not too long now. Do you think Raynor is waking up at night in a cold sweat? I think he should watch the HBO series “OZ” to get a bit acquainted to his new lifestyle.
I’m sure he’s counting his days in a different way than the rest of us who are anxious for this to be over, and for the victim to be able to go forward and attempt to find some closure. I hope she is ready for what’s ahead…she’s a tough cookie by now I’m sure. She’s been through so much I’m sure she can handle prosecuting the monster who did this. I hope she knows how much we are all pulling for her!!
If I were a betting man (and I am) I would not be surprised to see a plea bargain by the time this is all over. The sooner Raynor is wearing stripes, the better.
Either a plea deal or an attempt to escape this another way…ya never know !! I can’t imagine what’s going through his head. I hope he doesn’t go for a plea bargain. I want to see for once the Justice system really work, in hopes that it will of course.
” I want to see for once the Justice system really work, in hopes that it will of course.”
For the Justice system to really work, Justice, the defendant is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law – not in a newspaper or on an internet blog.
We are now within 30 days. Justice is long overdue and June 2nd cannot come soon enough. To me, justice will be Raynor behind bars for a long time. Whether he pleads guilty (don’t be surprised if he does) or he is found guilty does not matter to me. I am hoping for at least 30 years. He deserves it. I hope he regrets what he did every waking moment. I hope he fears of being raped everytime he takes a shower, or everytime he finds himself isolated in jail and everytime he goes to sleep. I hope he wakes up in cold sweats dreaming about the times he has been raped himself. But remember this, there has been no remorse on his behalf. Even when they find him guilty or he pleads, he may say he is sorry but I am convinced it he will not be sorry for the crime but that he got caught. Raynor has no place in society – lock him away.
Hopefully he will be sent to a real prison like Hagerstown…. Not Harford County detention center. That will be a play center for him…..
And What if HE is found INNOCENT???? What will happen then?
Well “And”, first of all he will not be found “innocent” he would be found “not guilty”. A person is not found innocent in a court of law.
I have said it once and I will say it again, please make up a story or scenario where a man cuts the phone lines to a home, breaks into the home in the middle of the night, rapes a woman and leaves his DNA at the scene and is found not guilty. If he is found not guilty, it will be a miscarriage of justice. I am waiting…….please tell me how he will be found not guilty.
I can also pray to God that he gets cancer of the eyes and it slowly metastasizes to the rest of his body. That the cancer is resistant to every form of (hopefully extremely painful) treatment known to man. That he slowly dies in misery, suffering through the agonizing pain, so much pain that he contemplates taking his own life but he does not have the balls to pull the trigger. That’s my back up plan, but I don’t think I will need it. I still think the pain and suffering dished out by his fellow inmates over the next 30 years will be sufficient.
To Post #02 above, communicator: BINGO !! I totally agree that he isn’t sorry for what he did but the fact that he was caught!! If he was any kind of a human being instead of a monster he would have already fessed up with all the evidence the state has on him. What a slime-ball!!! I can’t imagine what his family must be thinking? Could they possibly still believe he’s innocent? Unbelievable, for sure!
Innocent until proven guilty. A concept apparently lost to those on this board. Creeps are creeps but the media, the agencies involved and the very peers that will judge him perpetuate the turmoil the victim and the families of all are experiencing. That is the saddest part. If politicians would act to protect the innocent throughout the judicial process (the victim and the families) they would have been protected from the skepticism, looks, hypothetical fantasies and prejudice they have experienced. The suspect will be judged after the verdict.
Whatever the outcome of the case, the innocent have already been judged. The victim has been put on trial- the children and the wife will have to defend their actions long after this trial has been wrapped up.
It’s easy to say ‘if they were found guilty’ I would divorce them, disown them, etc… but the posters responding with emotion rather than logic don’t seem to realize they have already found him guilty but if they themselves were in the same situation… they too would go through the ridicule and embarrassment of simply standing beside them until their fate was decided in the great justice system of the United States- tongue in cheek intended.
I recently heard about this case and have read with interest moreso out of the fascination of the human response exhibited here. As a rape victim, a rape counselor and a survivor- I unfortunately have seen the innocent accused, the guilty freed and victims realize the magnitude of their actions when steered to accuse people by our warped protectors of justice and the general population.
There will be no speedy recovery to this. And while the emotional responders think ‘guilty’ or ‘not guilty’ will be the end of this ordeal, it really is just the beginning. All parties involved will have to come to terms with the verdict and figure out how to move forward.
Observer, Make no mistake about it, Raynor is guilty. The only person I want to see heal from this is the victim. A little over two weeks until the trial, if it goes to trial. It will be good to finally have some closure.
I agree this has affected many people…and not just his immediate family or the victim in this case. It will take a long time for those unfortunate enough who are close to this nightmare to recover!!
As far as the bloggers on here who have made up their mind one way or the other, I myself have no doubt that Raynor is GUILTY!! For all of the unfortunate involved I wish it were otherwise but it’s not. Therefore I hope he gets the justice he is so deserving of. Nothing less than at least 10 years would be justice. So assuming he makes it to the trial and doesn’t skip town or do himself in I pray for simply Justice !! Nothing more, nothing less !!
Communicator… thank you for your opinion but his guilt or innocence is not my point. My point is that the victim and his family has been victimized over and over again by speculation, opinion and other peoples emotion.
If he is found guilty it will be a mere step in the process of recovery they have ahead of them. It’s not up to me- or you to convict him; that’s what our justice system is for. His punishment will decided by his peers and dealt with among those of his own kind.
The victim and her family will experience immediate gratification in a guilty verdict- but it won’t be over. There will be appeals, reviews and always a sideways glance by those that won’t be sitting in that courtroom and hearing the *facts* as they are presented. Her relationships will be affected and her sense of safety will be greatly heightened to the point of obsession.
His family did not do this but his wife has been judged, chastised and called names… and everyone seems to forget there are children involved. In any case involving parents, children deserve protection. They are also victims in this as they have probably had to deal with being treated differently because the parents of their peers probably prosecuted the suspect over breakfast and because most kids look at their parents as heros- those peers probably delivered comments and judgments to those children that they should have been spared from.
A woman lost her sense of security, safety, dignity… the wife lost her sense of security, safety and dignity… the children lost their sense of security, safety and dignity… and their sense of trust, innocence, family, pride… and while resilience will help them overcome some things it will not help them overcome all things.
In the end, evidence will be presented, guilt or innocence will be decided and punishment will be dealt. But it is a sign of the times when the methods used by our protectors of justice will be called into question and could possibly be the reason justice is not delivered. Time will tell…
It goes beyond the victims family and the family of Raynor. This affected the entire neighborhood that this rape happened in. The women there are still looking over their shoulders even though this monster was caught doesn’t mean their aren’t more out there to worry about, and this just made them even more aware of how they could be vulnerable to such a situation.
Everyone wants closure, but the trial is just the first step in that. It will take years for some, and for the victim a lifetime to recover.
Observer, I feel bad for Raynor’s wife and children but I feel MUCH worse for the victim. I do not need a lecture on the justice system. I know the whole “judged by a jury of his peers…..” I simply want him locked up. I do not care if it is done in a courtroom or if he agrees to a plea deal.
You have come into this conversation late and I find your tone pompous and condescending. This has affected our community and our friend. It has affected people who do not know the victim and who do not know the accused. This was a horrible crime – a home invasion rape. There has not been a home invasion rape in Harford County in many, many years until this one. So save your rhetoric for somewhere else. You do not need to remind us about “the healing process” ,”the jury process” or anything else. We, the responsible members of the community are interested in one thing, and one thing only, putting this bastard behind bars.
To the Communicator: I totally agree!!
Well, Well, Well Mr. Raynor one week to go until the trial. I hope you are scared to death. I hope you are crying yourself to sleep at night. I hope you are not sleeping…….
People like this sleep fine….. His lawyer has him thinking that he is getting off of this……
I seriously believe he will be found guilty….but without a proper sentence justice won’t fully be served. This monster did this crime and went on with his life like nothing even happened…but he apparently left traces of guilt or they wouldn’t have the evidence they needed to arrest him in the first place.
People who are still in his corner are either stupid or maybe deaf and blind??
I know what the evidence is and there is no way on earth if all his supporters knew, how they could stand behind him. It’s unreal !!
And this theory of theirs that he was framed just to solve the case….that’s so rediculous. I’ve said this before and I guess I’ll say it again. If they wanted to just pin this crime on someone they could have pinned it on someone who offered their DNA in the neighborhood where this crime happened.
And as far as Raynor living in the house and of course his DNA would be in the house….Well, it’s not likely that his dna would be in the new residents bed, and broken window…I doubt that they were the same sheets from Raynor’s bed years prior?? Hello….wake up….hopefully the Jury will be filled with people with half a brain unlike Raynor supporters!!
6 days left until the trial begins…I wish I could be a fly on the wall in that courtroom! Only a fly though I wouldn’t want to have to look at that monster professing his innocense like he’s actually human!!
I am praying for the Victim daily and hope for some kind of closure for her. The nightmare will never be over but a guilty verdict will be a start!!
I know that he will be found guilty but after the Edgewood man was found guilty
with less evidence and is looking at 2 life sentences, I wonder if Raynor will try a plea bargain. If you noticed, the same attorney for the state is prosicuting both cases.
Communicator –
Man! You are WHACKED! Your posts are very disturbing. It’s seems as if you have many, many, deep issues that need to be resolved. Please GET some HELP!
Weird – I can assure you I am not wacked. I am as levelheaded and logical of a person you will ever meet. The only issue I need to get resolved is see that the person who hurt my friend is punished and punished severely. You see, in the world in which I live has no place for people like Raynor. People like this have forfeited their right to live where I do, breathe the air that I breathe and should be forever be locked away so they cannot commit another crime. The problem with our society and judicial system is we have people on the streets who are multiple offenders (I am not saying Raynor is a multiple offender – hopefully he will be in jail for so long he will be too old to commit crimes when or if he gets out) of violent crimes who have been given too short of a prison sentence or have been paroled instead of serving their entire sentence. We need to hold judges and parole boards accountable. How many times have we heard of someone being the victim of a violent crime only to find out that the perpatrator of the crime is a person with a criminal record? So you see my friend, I am not wacked, I simply believe in expediant, harsh punishment. I like to see punishment that fits the crime and a little Karma inflicted by fellow inmates – not the state, so we do not violate the 8th Amendment (protects againt cruel and unusual punishment) so not to violate the criminals constitutional rights. So we must ask ourselves, and I will ask you “wierd”, how long will we tolerate liberal, bleeding heart judges and parole boards? How long will we tolerate habitual criminals being free on the streets only to make you, me and our loved ones their next victims? When will we as a sociely say enough is enough? So you see, I am not wacked, I am tired and angry and my friend was hurt. I imagine you either know nothing about this case, have never had a loved one be the victim of crime or you are one of the blind supporters of Raynor’s who will, soon enough know the truth about what happened a little over three years ago to a woman who was sleeping safely in her bed only to have her life changed forever. Oh yea, you will also learn who commited the crime.
Well said Communicator. He will get His share of cruel & and unusual punishment where he’s going.
Right on Communicator!
I empathize with you for the trauma experienced by your friend. I can understand your ire toward a person who hurt someone that you care about. I know I would feel the same way if I were in your shoes.
However, your philosphy regarding the criminal justice system in general is with what I must disagree. First, I would like to believe that human beings can be reformed. Not all persons involved in previous criminal activity will continue such behavior after successful treatment….because some do, should all of them suffer? Then again, what about the clean churchgoer who ends up being BTK? Second, we simply don’t have the funds available to construct more and more prisons and find more and more brave people to serve as prison guards (would you want that job?). I suppose many people would be more than happy to pay significantly more taxes to build more prisons and hire more guards, but then…where do you build? Show me a community with open arms ready for a prison to be built in its backyard? If you want more prisons will you accept one in your neighborhood? Would you volunteer there to reduce prison guard costs?
Big D – Naive is the first word that popped into my head after I read your blog. You can believe that human beings can be reformed but the statisitics suggest (not mine but the US Department of Corrections) that violent criminals have a 70% recidivism rate. Remember, the 70% are the ones they catch.
So would I pay more taxes for prisons? That is an entirely different conversation. I will say that I already pay too much in taxes. I would rather the government take the tax dollars that you and I pay and instead of spending half a trillion dollars on earmarks, useless programs and political paybacks, that they use this money to build prisons. See link below:
Maybe we should make prisons such a horrible place that nobody wants to go back. Take away the cable TV, hot meals, recreation, etc. Make the inmates farm for their food, if they aren’t working, they are learning a trade, so if they ever get out, they have a skill to become a productive member of society.
Hagerstown has quite a large prison and I imagine if they moved the prison out of there, the local community would be quite upset. You see that facility employs thousands of people directly and indirectly. Given the current economic environment across many parts of the country, I believe the citizens of Ohio, Michigan, Louisiana, Mississippi or other states (or maybe even ours) that are struggling financially would welcome a prison.
Your other question I believe is rhetorical but I will answer it anyway. I do not know of any prisons that have volunteer (I always thought they were trained professionals) prison guards. If you find one, please let me know.
5 days left before Justice begins!!
Some statistics can be manupulated based on loose definitions. If you know anything about statistics, you know not to trust them at face value. Show me your reference that states that 70% of rehabilitated offenders have repeated…or are the statisitics inclusive of those that simply served their time and were released or those that were released due to overcrowding? Also, perhaps the focus should be on improving rehab programs. There’s nothing naive about it. There are rehabilitated people that come out of the programs, perhaps just not enough in your opinion.
You deflect the tax increase question by focusing on other tax/spend issues that are completely unrelated. Earmarks aren’t part of the question. That needs to be handled separately. Christ, it doesn’t take a genius to come up with a multitude of issues that are unrelated that need fixing in government.
I am sure that communites are thrilled to have prisons in their area…that’s why none of them want GITMO prisoners to come. It would be more prisoners and potentially more revenue generated, right?! Look, everyone (at least the smart ones) wants to reduce risk, not increase it. In any event, I never suggested to eliminate prisons so why bother going that route? Based on what you have stated, I am guessing that you will welcome a new prison to your community. I hope you don’t live anywhere near me in the northern part of the county! I’m also guessing that you wouldn’t be willing to do your part to reduce costs at a prison, rhetorical question or not (since you said you would answer and ultimately didn’t)?
There are too many people like you that want folks that commit crime off the street and out of sight permanently. Hell, I’d like that too…but I’m smart enough to know that there’s much more to it than that. It takes money to construct and committed professionals to successfully operate, and they aren’t a dime a dozen as you may imply. It takes a special indiviual to work under those circumstances. I have a tremendous amount of respect for those people.
If being naive is trying to reform miguided people to becoming productive citizens in some fashion, then I’ll welcome your intended insult. It’s too bad that you can’t see there are some that can overcome their issues and turn their lives around.
Bottom line – too much crime, too many repeat offenders, liberal judges and parole boards. Like I said, go to the USDOJ for the statistics. I can’t do all of the work for you. You are right on one point, statistics can be manipulated. However, if the papers included the “rap” sheetsof the people committing the crimes everytime they reported the crimes, there would not be enough paper.
You are naive just by your statement that you “believe that human beings can be reformed” is just mindboggling to me. You cannot believe that most people will behave responsibly like you and me, they don’t.
I Don’t Think Big D is acting responsible. the record’s ( Criminal) speak for them self’s. Repeat & Repeat offenders. There’s a gent in Edgewood who use’s the Moniker Big D.
Known for extra curricular activity.
vv, thanks for your vote of confidence. BTW, could I be an Edgewood resident based on my 2nd post? what’s 2+2 again? Or maybe you are just in need of a compass…that works. 😉 Repeat ‘repeat’ repeatedly. Ignorance is bliss without knowing whether or not the ‘repeat’ offenders were even rehabilitated in the first place.
Comm, if you are not open to reform programs or beilieve they can be effective, then you should go on a campaign to stop them, followed by a campaign encouraging a more liberal application of the death penalty. What’s the point of locking them up and paying $50K+ in tax dollars per year, right?…and for the record, I don’t believe that ALL criminals can be reformed, however you indicate that NONE can.
ignorance is Bliss. you should save that for the repeat Offenders.
I will give Big D the benefit of doubt and just say that his heart is larger than is brain. That is a similiar trait of the rest of left winged, ever forgiving, make every excuse (no father in the home, abused as a child, grew up in a rough neighborhood, etc.) for the criminal and protect the criminal, never the victim, type of attitiude that has created the judicial and system mess we have.
By the way, I never said “every criminal” but I would rather error on the side of harsher, longer punishment, even if those who could be rehabilitated have to spend a little bit longer in prison. After all, they did the crime. Then maybe, just maybe word would get out that going to prison sucks and some potential criminal’s behavior would be altered, perhapes deterred by the thought of spending time in a prison.
By the way, I never want to be accused of not giving credit where credit is due, great suggestion on the liberal application of the death penalty! If used correctly, swiftly and often, that too would be a great deterrent. Thank you.
In fact, if you believe so strongly that people can be rehabilitated, why don’t you (while I am volunteering at the prison as a guard) open a half-way house and invite these criminals to live with you and your family. This way, you could directly impact the lives of these people on a daily basis and help them mend the error of their ways. Isn’t the liberal motto “if we could just save one person’s life” or something like that? Well, here is your chance to make a difference. I will keep them locked up and when they are done paying their debt to society, I will hand them off to you for their rehabilitation. I think I see a great partnership forming……Vet care to help me out in the prison?
Fatal flaws in your argument.
1)No one said anything about wanting to err on the side of the criminal over the victim…very short-sighted spin doctoring.
2)While I’m not a proponent of eliminating the death penalty, I think time has shown it is hardly a deterrent. Otherwise, you would see supportive data showing a reduction in dealth penalty eligible crimes. I think the punishment might fit the crime under certain circumstances, but calling it a deterrent is foolish, nothing less.
I’m laughing at your reference to me as a liberal. Believe me, you have grossly offended a lot of liberals. Sensible moderate, yes, liberal, not even close. Fiscal conservative, yes. Bible thumping social conservative, not even close. Incidently, my heart thanks you for the compliment as it never would have thought anything was bigger than its supportive brain. 🙂
Prison is a sewer of humanity, a collage for learning advanced criminal activity a place where mom’s baby can learn a new trade. a better way to break and inter etc.
They might even take up religion. and become born again christian’s. long enough to fool the parole board and them self’s. Hang’em from a short rope. save the taxpayer a lot of money.
No, Big D, the death penalty is the ultimate deterrent. As of May 17, 2009, no criminal who was executed ever committed another crime. “Cruel and unusual punshment” describes a sentence of life with no chance of parole. It’s cruel to the guards who have to deal with these animals who have nothing to lose so they can do whatever to whomever that they want to.
Prison is not for rehabilitation. No one can be rehabilitated who does not want to be rehabilitated, and most do not want to. Prison is for punishment, and not of the inmate-on-inmate rape or beatings by officers variety. It should be a period devoid of the pleasures of life – TV, snacks, conjugal visits, ipods, etc. Shelter and basic food should be provided, along with the option to work in a prison-based industry or to sit in their cells and think about how they screwed up. Rehabilitation attempts should take place upon release for those who cooperate with the system and earn it.
Let’s put your logic to the test. Name one murder or murderer-would-be that has been deterred by the threat of the death penalty? Have murders that are death penalty-eligible been reduced as result of the death penalty? The answer to that is a clear and simple, no. We view deterrence in completely different ways. A deterrent is something like the threat of a nuclear counterforce/value strike from the days of superpower nulear proliferation. That was clearly an effective deterrent. No military use of nuclear weaponry once the superpowers both guaranteed mutually assured destruction. Unlike counterforce/value, the death penalty has no impact on preventing any murder, let alone dealth penalty-eligible ones. The data support that assertion.
If rehab doesn’t take place in prison, you create more hardened criminals upon release. The goal should be to break that mindset in offenders. While treating them like animals sounds good on the surface, you’re making life even more difficult for correctional officers, for whom you show no respect, and you get what you have molded upon release. I agree that they should think about how they ‘screwed up’. I would also add on how they can provide restitution to the victim/victim’s family and how to contribute to society in a positive, effective manner. It’s happened with some and hasn’t with others. Look, they have offended, there is a price to pay, no one disagrees on that fact. I don’t agree with the NSDAP mentality that you are either a ‘Jew’ or not a ‘Jew’ that is prevalent here. I only mean that in the figurative sense, of course.
Big D- I will grant you that there is little to deter a murderer who would commit a capital crime. The death penalty is NOT a deterrent in that sense.
The death penalty is, as it’s name implies, the ultimate penalty for the most heinous of crimes. It is the ultimate price to be paid for man’s inhumanity to man.
Why warehouse unrepentant sociopaths for the remainder of their lives?
As to the rehabilitation “myth.” All you have to do is look at recidivism rates to know that prisons are not tools of rehabilitation. Nor should they be. We don’t lock people away to reform them. We don’t operate re-education camps to reconcile criminal’s worldview with our own.
Prison terms are punishment, and, like Phil, I think they should be devoid of all but the basic survival needs.
Our forefathers never set out to create a system where punishments make offenders better people at their conclusion. Offenders are expected to “pay their debt to society” and nothing more.
If you read my previous posts, you’ll see I said the same thing you did RE: death penalty (being penalty/punishment). I only intended to address the misinformed notion that it acts as a deterrent to potential offenders.
As to your latter statement, we can just agree to disagree. I need not reiterate what I’ve already logically stated.
Bid D – logically stated?
Comm, more so than you, anyway
Big D – I think I figured out your first name….Is there any chance your last name is Head?
Tomorrow is the beginning of the end for Raynor.
With any luck at all it will be. We just have to pray that a decent jury is chosen and they listen only to the evidence not the lies he will have up his sleeve!!
I don’t know how anyone can be a defense attorney in a case like this. It’s so obvious that Raynor committed this crime and they are jumping through hoops to come up with some kind of a story….so rediculous and such a waste of money. This is money it seems his family could be needing here soon?? Don’t ya think?
D – are you serious? How can we possibly know which murders DID NOT take place because of the fear of the death penalty? Is there a weekly report of crimes that did not happen, and the reasons why the non-criminals did not commit them, and who the non-victims were?
And to restate what I stated above:
The death penalty is the ultimate deterrent.
No criminal who was executed ever committed another crime.
Think about it.
In my opinion…most criminals commit crimes with the assumption they won’t ever be caught….so is the death penalty a deterrant?? Probably not if you consider how crazy or off balance a person has to be to commit a murder in the first place. If it’s not self defense…meaning you are being attacked in your own home or you are being robbed at your place of business etc….than there is no justification for murder. But these criminals don’t think logically or they wouldn’t be doing these crimes in the first place….so are they going to stop and reconsider …I wish they would but people like that don’t have a pause button to allow them to stop and reason with their actions they are about to take. They therefore don’t have a stop button either… So ?? Is the death penalty a deterrant?? We all have our own opinions and I say probably not.
Now if they were going to be put to death upon absolute guilt by trial/jury and not waste the tax payers $ by sitting in prison for years…that may be a deterrant. But that will never happen. We live in a civilized society, right?? Wouldn’t it be nice if we did !!
Does anyone know anything yet????
#43 & #45 – there are not enough deterrents…yet, even when there plenty, people seem to be dumb enough to do stupid stuff.
Texas seems to be on the right track. Texans can carry guns. They make their prisoners wear pink uniforms and work chain gangs – not sit around and read/watch TV, get 3 hots and a cot. Yet, there are still plenty of folks who just don’t get the message.
Look at overseas, where they cut hands off and stone people to death. A great deterrent, no doubt, yet, still plenty of stupid people.
Did anyone go to the trial today?
It might not be posted until next week on the out come….I hope that he will get his butt burned WOO HOO
I heard that today they would simply be selecting the jury?? I would imagine that will take a day or two easily. I hope it’s a smart one!!
i hope he gets off
Lady I’am sure Mr Raynor would be more then happy too accommodate you if and when he get’s out.
Lady must be a friend of Glenn’s
to the lady on this blog – within the last 10 posts – ask your husband why he did the crime that put him in jail for 15 years. you should keep your fat mouth shut.
no friend of glenn’s sorry
i can’t wait to hear all the evidence in this trial it is going to be very exciting.
i still wonder did he do it or did he not…..
my gut tells me he did and my heart tell me he did but so I quess he did it wrong the jury will decide not me
but i have one question that keeps nagging at me… she doesn’t see his face she can smell him she can see the hat the hat with portofino on it how can she see that hat and not see his face… what did he take his hat off and but it down next to her yeah right… strange just strange
I think lady is strange, just strange
well, a lot of things could have happened. He could have kept his head down to where the bill of his hat covered his face (thus she would see the hat but not his face), or if it got knocked off or fell off, and he had a pillow over her face but she could just peek out enough to see it – there ya go, another way she could have seen it but not his face. Lots of scenarios could have fit.
lady said, “i hope he gets off”
Isn’t his inability to control that exactly what got him into this situation?
Lady….you think he did it yet you hope he gets off? You are no lady. Your attitude sickens me. You want a rapist loose on the streets to do this to someone else? Vet is right, maybe he could accomodate you. I guarantee if you were the victim in this case you would not want him to walk.
of course if i was the victim i would not want the man who raped me to get off
but he has not been convicted yet has he let him be found quilty first then fire away all you want… BUT IN THIS COUNTRY YOU ARE INNOCENT TO PROVEN QUILTY OR HAS THAT CHANGED
Lady – So what you are saying is because he did not rape you but someone else, you hope he gets off? So come clean with everyone, what is your relationship to Raynor?
You said you hope he gets off. Don’t deny you said it, it’s in print. You also say you think this will be very exciting? Do you think this is a television show? This is a tragedy. A tragedy for the victim, a tragedy for Raynor’s wife and children. A tragedy for our community.
By the way, it has changed; you are PRESUMED INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY, NOT “INNOCENT TO PROVEN QUILTY” – I think that is Canada.
i do hope he gets off if he didnt do it i dont know if he did it you dont know if he did and the victim doesn’t really know if he did it she cannot id him.. i wish she could then this would be so much easier so it is up to the state to prove he did.. what i find interesting in this case is how they do it beyond a reasonable doubt….
and if he is found quilty well he should be punished because any man who rapes a
women or anyone should truly have his balls chopped off.
I’am sure there are a few that escape justice. a whole lot less likely with DNA testing.
I’m sure there are reasons she didn’t see his face…do you think he would have let her?? And if somehow she had seen his face I doubt she would be alive for this trial. So that doesn’t even matter in this case. It sounds like the State has plenty of evidence including the dna of course without seeing his face.
So enough said on that one!!
Does anyone know if the they have finished selecting the JURY???
To ?: Haven’t heard??
Justice? “This is not an attack toward you” However, I am curious as to why you think Raynor’s “Lawyers are jumping through hoops” to come up with a “story”?? Just asking…
Apparently, you have very close source from which you get your information.
Do you know if there has been a Plea Offer(s)? Did the Defense accept or reject?? Very Curious.
To: Hoops
She only has the info reported by the press. What she is blabbering about is what her mind is saying out loud. Parties from both sides are restricted from speaking about the case – it could damage their interest. Trust me. Who would blow it – one way or another – by giving information to this fool? Neither!
So what’s the deal – what’s going on in the courthouse now? Is it only jury selection – when is the actual trial supposed to start? Anyone in there? Anyone have some accounts of what is going on?
Lady – You do not know what you are talking about. Not even a little bit. So stop making erroneous, inaccurate statements. No gag order has been ordered on this case. The only one I see blabbering is you.
Do us a favor, go buy a dictionary. By the way Guilty is spelled with a G not a Q. I tried to hint politely but I guess it went over your head. Better yet, don’t go buy a dictionary, just keep watching Jerry Springer reruns and stop blogging.
Is the trial open to the public to attend?
Yes, I believe that it is open to the public. I heard that the jury was picked and the trial was starting today.
I haven’t a clue regarding anything. Just blogging like the rest of you. Most of the information I’ve heard on this blog!! Where are you getting your infor??
However I do hope he is found Quilty…LOL!!
I went through the 2-day jury selection process for this trial… At the end of the second day (last Wednesday), during final jury selection, I was actually seated in Seat #1 in the jury box, but then the DA excused me… Because each side has a certain number of juror “strikes” that they are allowed, she did not have to say in open court why I was excused (even after both she and the defense attorney had initially accepted me).
During those two days, we were all asked (both individually and collectively) a series of voir dire questions… Most were what you’d expect… Do you know the accused? Or the victim? Do you know anything about this case? I honestly answered no to all of the above… They also specifically asked whether or not anyone knew about a website called Dagger Press… Again, I answered “no” because I had never heard of it before now.
Going that far into the jury selection process, and being a heartbeat away from actually participating, my curiosity about this case was certainly piqued… So, after being excused last Wednesday afternoon (we were instructed not to do any personal research on the case while jury selection was still under way), I started to look into the case… I’ve read quite a bit from news releases, and also here on Dagger Press… Maybe I’m still thinking somewhat like a juror, because even with all that I’ve read, I’m still hesitant to form any conclusive opinion without benefit of hearing the evidence that is likely be presented as I type this to the jury that is seated… Having said that, though, I can honestly say after the fact that I am disappointed I am not among the 12 citizens of Harford County that will hear that evidence and make a decision based on it.
One thing I will say is this… I was suprised, and even a little put off, at how many of the jurors that were ultimately seated that were not taking the process seriously at all… Huffing and puffing, rolling their eyes, giggling with one another in the jury box (after I was pulled out of the box, I had a front row seat for the rest of the process)… It seemed like many of the jurors weren’t aware of the gravity of what they were being placed to do, and several others were openly acting as if they would rather be ANYWHERE but seated on the jury for this case… For this reason, I am less than optimistic that some members of the jury will be “tuned in” enough to understand many of the subtle nuances of this case that are sure to be presented, not the least of which will be the scientific evidence and the rather unorthodox manner in which it was collected… My hope is that as the trial gets going, the jurors will get engaged.
Either way this turns out, we can only hope for a fair and impartial verdict based exclusively on the evidence.
Beyond that, there can be no consolation for the victim in this case, who endured a nightmarish and horrific act perpetrated against her, other than having the person who did this to her convicted of the crime(s) and sent away to prison for a very long time.
That’s the problem with having a “jury of your peers.” It sometimes means you get a bunch of idiots who don’t want to be there making life altering decisions. Not always, of course. From what I’ve heard, though, most people who serve on juries take their duty seriously and to be honest given the chance I wouldn’t mind serving…not that I need to worry about it. Given my profession the chances of me actually being put on any type of jury are slim to none.
Most if not all of the Bloggers, on the Dagger have him Guilty as charged. typical of a kangaroo court. I’am not at all surprised they brought up the Dagger. I’am surprised they did’nt ask for a change in venue.
I suppose that’s next.
The judicial system is not perfect but it is the most fair process that I am aware of. Any defendent has the right to waive the jury trial and have the case decided by the judge. In mosy cases I believe it would not be prudent but it is your right.
Vet – Raynor’s attorney has already asked for a change in venue and it was denied.
The second week of the trial began today. Hopefully it will be over soon.
I suppose the reason for venue, change was because the Dagger folk. just won’t let it go until it’s over.
Vet – the change of venue was requested on 12/15/08. As we discussed it was denied. I am not aware if they asked for another change? I do not think it was requested because of “The Dagger”. I think his attorney knows that Harford County is conservative and would probably have a harsh view of this type of crime. It does not take a judicuial scholar to recognize that Baltimore City is much more liberal regarding home invasions, assaults, rape and even murder. Had I been his attorney, I would have requested a change of venue just to get it out of his own backyard. Other than this blog and I think there was one article in The Aegis after the arrest. I do not think this crime received much attention at all.
Communicator… I agree that there wasn’t much press. If you read my earlier submission (# 872), you’ll see that I was a member of the final prospective jury pool and honestly knew nothing of the case up to that point.
I further agree that every defendant deserves a fair trial and a verdict, based on the evidence, by a jury of his or her peers. My concern after going through the process is that some of the folks ultimately seated on the jury were disengaged and disinterested in the task at hand. The lives of the victim and her friends and family, along with the accused and his friends and family will be altered forever by the decision that these 12 people make, much like the victim’s life has already been forever altered by the crime that was perpetrated against her.
Whether Raynor is guilty or not is an unknown… Whether he is FOUND guilty or not is a decision that this jury will make… Both the victim and the accused should both have a reasonable expectation that the jury that is seated is focused, unbiased, and committed to the process…
Having been there, I’m not convinced that’s the case.
Either way, I agree that no one should be tried in a Court of Blog… Even the scumbag that committed this crime (whether Raynor or someone else) has a right to a fair trial.
I have confidence that once the case is underway, the jury will fulfill their civic duty and hear the case. Based on what I know about the case, I am also confindent that Raynor will be found guilty and he will find himself living in a cage for a very long time.
Based on reading your blog entries, you are certainly nothing if not “confident”… Perhaps so much so that, as eloquently written as your thoughts generally are, you have a tendency to come off as a bit pompous and arrogant…
Spreaking of juries… I wonder what would have happened if you had been in the jury pool… Considering that, like myself and everyone else commenting here, have heard and seen exactly zero when it comes to actual evidence, and yet you are “confident” in this man’s guilt… Interesting…
As I said, I am convinced neither way… I am simply hopeful that the trial is fair and justice is brought swiftly and decisively against the person responsible for this terrible crime, whoever he may be.
From information given. which is hear say’ DNA among other supportive evidence was found at the scene. with no apparent reason for evidence to be at the crime scene.
It would suggest a very apparent connection to mr Raynor.
Juror – thank you, I am pompous and a lot arrogant. I am also level headed, logical and informed. I would have never sat on this jury. That would be best in the hands of 12 impartial jurors.
The fact of the matter is, I will probably never serve on a jury (although I think I would find the experience quite interesting) given my occupation but when summoned for Jury duty, I always appear. I believe it is one’s civic duty and I do believe that the responsibility should be taken seriously.
I found your blog quite interestingand insightful into the jury selection process. Have you been back to watch any of the trial?
Actually, no… Work time constraints haveprevented me from doing so, although if I could have taken a week of vacation on short notice, I might have been tempted to do it in order to sit in.
Like most, I am simply standing by awaiting the outcome, albeit with a much more interested perspective from having been so close to the process.
I’m sure that, either way it goes, this site and others will again be a-buzz with chatter and opinions… I’ll certainly be looking forward to reading and even participating…
I just hope that, at the end of it all, the victim in this case can have justice, peace, and time to heal.
Juror #4 – thank you for speaking about your experience. It’s greatly appreciated. I did want to touch on what you say about a lot of people having already found him guilty in their minds here –
Personally I think that stems from some personal experiences with him. When I found out that he was arrested, I immediately felt ill, remembering my own weird dealings with him. My gut instinct was heck, that doesn’t surprise me.
I still maintain for his wife and kids that I hope he is innocent, but the sinking feeling inside of me says he probably isn’t.
IMO – I feel the same way. Everyone that I know that knows him also has said the same thing. Sad but your reputation and actions in life catch up with you eventually. Too much evidence and history to think he could be innocent, but why wont he just fess up and stop torturing his wife, kids and family. It has been hard enough on them and the trial has got to be a nightmare! To hear details over and over. I hope that everyone is keeping them in their prayers.
Those who have supported the defendant and his family throughout this ordeal seem to have the same opinion: if he didn’t do it, we hope he is found innocent. If he did do it, he has to pay the price for his crime.
There are many that believe the Glenn they know would never have done something like this. He may have been a lot of things in the past – but not what he has been accused of.
I am sure that even those who support him have their doubts – based on what “facts” have been reported in the media and on this blog. It still does not add up for us.
In a matter of a few days, a panel of 12 jurors will decide, after a review of all the evidence.
12 jurors will decide whether or not, by a preponderance of the evidence, Glenn Raynor is guilty of this crime.
One thing everyone should remember…
Being convicted of a crime and being guilty of that crime are not always synonymous, any more than being found not guilty of a crime is always equivalent to innocence (take, for example, the OJ Simpson case).
Whoever committed this horrific crime is a monster, by true definition of the word, and that person has no place living freely and openly in a civilized society… At the conclusion of this trial, those 12 people will have the very somber task of determining whether or not Glenn Raynor is that monster, and if they determine based on the evidence that he is, my hope is that he will be punished severely, both by the justice system and God in Heaven, so that the victim in this case can have peace and begin the long process of healing.
I have been reading the last few comments and am getting the sense that for the most part even his friends are thinking he was at least capable of this horrific crime. It’s a shame what it has done to not only his family but the community surrounding the crime.
Dna doesn’t lie. As I’ve heard others were tested and nobody except Raynor was a match. That says it all for me. But now it’s the jury’s job to decide this case. I hope they really take their task ahead seriously!!
Actually the jurors will decide if he is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. Preponderance of evidence is used for a civil trial.
I think the fact that DNA was found her pillow and there is a 1:20,000,000,000,000,000 chance it was Raynor’s is beyond a resonable doubt.
I would love to hear Raynor’s explanation as to how his DNA was left at the crime scene, although, we never will as I am sure he will not take the stand.
DNA may not LIE but it’s NOT FOOLPROOF. Do the research. Lab errors, technicians not properly handling evidence, cross contamination, False reporting, etc.
I read that apparently there was a blood match. Was there anything else that was match???? Rape kit???
Does anyone know if the “others” submitted a Semen sample???? If not, I think the police should get SEMEN samples from all the men (including younger males) that lived on the street when the rape occured.
In addition, Police / Lawyers should have the samples previously submitted by the “others” sent to a LAB for additional & extensive testing.
To Me:
You cannot compel every male in a community to offer SEMEN (your caps, not mine) and what does age have to do with it?
When the DNA was obtained of course they ran it through a database.
Semen samples? Have you lost your mind? So you expect the police to go door to door with little cups? The neighbors did submit DNA samples and none matched. As previously stated, Raynor’s DNA matched and there is a 1:20,000,000,000,000,000 that it is his DNA. Since this number is significantly higher than the population of the earth, I would say this passes the reasonable doubt test.
I am sure Raynor’s attorney’s (if they were worth their weight in salt) sent the sample out for their own seperate DNA testing. Had the test not been returned conclusively that the DNA was his, I am we would have heard of this groundbreaking discovery. Whether you like it or not, this is concrete evidence. People are convicted everyday using DNA and criminals who were wrongly convicted in the past, using inferior evidence like blood type matching have been exonerated and freed using DNA evidence. I am also sure that the DNA found at the crime scene was sent to the national DNA database. I think you are grasping at straws.
well according to a DNA expert. the DNA found at the crime scene, match mr raynor’s DNA. sound’s to me like he’s going BYE BYE.
That entire idea of having every male in a given error be compelled to give a semen sample set off a whole basket load of synapses for me. I am not the brightest bulb in any chandelier but can only imagine what must substitute for a thought process in the blogger called “ME”.
Please people keep in mind that about 50% of any population is below average!
To Me:……It makes ya wonder who in fact the “me” is?? Sounds like he’s grasping at really short straws!! If the Dna matched ,why would the semen be any different….fronm the coverage I’ve read there was only one man assaulting the victim….Be for real….Wow…that’s strange!!
Maybe we have “me” all wrong. Perhaps “me” is offering to help in the collection of the SEMEN SAMPLES. Instead of sending the police paddy wagon, they could send the SEMEN WAGON. We have “me” all wrong, he or she is a concerned citizen offering their services. I hope “me” is not a dude.
Communicator… I apologize for misspeaking… You are right, this is a reasonable doubt case (not preponderance of the evidence), meaning that the burden of proof is far greater than that of a civil trial…
During jury selection, the judge stated that he thought the case would be in the jury’s hands by today, although I suspect that this was an optimistic estimate… My thought is that it will probably be sometime early next week before deliberation begins…
Just my two cents… “Collect semen samples from every male in the neighborhood (including the younger ones)”??!?!?!?? Sheesh! How assinine of a suggestion is that?
Juror #4 – again, thanks for that tidbit of info (estimate of when the case would be in jury’s hands)… I think this has all gone on long enough, and many of us are just looking to get the final judgement, so we can all move on. If he is acquitted, I’m not looking forward to seeing his smug face around the rec activities, but I guess I will have to accept it.
How could he be acquitted when the DNA from her bed matches his? He is going to jail for a very long time.
If anyone saw The Aegis from Wednesday, the DNA Expert testified that both the DNA from the window and from the pillow case matched Raynor’s DNA.
To “Me” how are the SEMEN samples coming along?
The 900th comment under this story might have just swooped in and won the best quote of the thread.
“…how are the samples coming along?”
NOT THE WINDOW – THE PATIO!!!! My dear watson. And the semen didn’t match.
Who said that the semen didn’t match. Is that fact or rumor? The blood was on the patio and the pillow case according to investigators.
USA – It appears Lady in Red is being facetious
Bravo Brian!
Since much of the controversy in this case hinges on the collection method used to get the suspect DNA, how about this for his attorney’s closing argument:
“He did not spit, you must acquit!”
I do not believe that the DNA is an argument. After they collected the sweat from the chair and it proved to be a good enough match, then the courts can make him give a sample of his DNA. I heard that they swabs his mouth, so now there is no question to the collection of DNA and it was a match. Just cannot understand why with all of this evidence against him, would he not take a plea.
Hasn’t his wife and family been through enough already but he wants to drag them through a long disgusting trial. That alone tells alot about his character!
Thanks for stepping all over my OJ reference, Buzz Killington….
there MAY be a reason why he hasn’t stepped up – he may not of done it!!!
Lady in Red… You must have meant that “he may not HAVE done it”…
And you’re right, of course, he may not have… Or he may have… At this point, only he knows, but understand this… The DA doesn’t bring cases to trial that they don’t feel they can win.
As I’ve been saying all along, a panel of 12 of his peers will soon be making the determination as to whether he did or did not “do it”, and they will make that determination based on lawful evidence presented in open court, with both sides having an equal and ample opportunity to make their arguments… Either way, that decision will be final and binding.
I’ve taken a great interest in this case since ‘almost’ becoming a member of that 12-person panel last week… What I think surprises me most as I read the differing opinions expressed here and elsewhere is the fact that there are those who have clearly pronounced him guilty without ever viewing a shred of evidence, and those who just as vehemently support his innocence, in spite of the rather damning information that has been leaked in the press along with his apparent long track record of antisocial behavior.
If the jury convicts him, I suspect the blog will come alive with “I told you so” rhetoric from one side and “He was railroaded” from the other, and vice versa…
We have a system, and that system is doing its job as we speak… Whether or not you agree with that system or your fellow bloggers is, frankly, immaterial… A young woman was terrorized and violated in her own home, a place she should have been able to feel safe, but may never again… Someone has to pay for that crime… A decision on whether Glenn Raynor is that someone is imminent, and that judgment will be final…
Both we, and he, will have to live with that outcome, whatever it may be.
I heard that the defense rested after just 90 minutes today and didn’t even bother calling any character witnesses. They couldn’t find one person in the entire community to say, “Glenn wouldn’t do this?” The wife wouldn’t even testify?
I also heard they did not present the results of the very expensive independent DNA testing Glenn Raynor paid for earlier this year. Why is that? If he’s innocent, wouldn’t those very expensive, independent tests have shown it?
I suspect The Communicator had it right when he or she wrote, “Make me believe as to how this guy could break into a home, cut the phone lines and rape a woman and not be guilty.”
I’ve never seen Raynor’s friends and family on here answer that.
Hopefully the victim and her family will have closure soon.
Let’s hope the Jury will have a verdict tomorrow…this just needs to be over!!
To “Who knows…”
Couldn’t agree more!!!
Lady in Red try using your computer’s spell and grammer check. What’s up with the semen didn’t match comment and Mr. Watson? Take the curlers out of your hair, lay off the bottle and go away. You obviously are close to Raynor, or or just a fool….so what iis it?
so does mean the case has gone to the jury yet
have both sides rested
Going to Jury today…? From Friday’s AEGIS:
“The case against a Forest Hill man charged in breaking into a woman’s home
in 2006 and raping her is due to go to a jury today (Friday). Closing arguments will begin this morning in the rape trial of Glenn Raynor. Five days of testimony wrapped up Thursday, and the 12-member jury of 11 men and one woman was given its final instructions. They were told to return this morning for final arguments. A motion by Raynor’s lawyer, Steven Allen, to dismiss the charges was denied by Harford County Circuit Court Judge Emory Plitt….”
11 men and 1 woman?
That’s interesting.
Yeah it is but ya know what, Men have morals too and I pray they see the evidence and do the right thing for the victim!!
It was surprising to me, too, as I watched how the jury shaped up once I had been excused during final selection… I can also tell you (not that it matters either way) that the one woman was African-American, and of the 11 men, there were 10 caucasians and 1 African-American.
And, to “Who knows…”… I agree with your take on it… I doubt seriously that any self-respecting man would be sympathetic to Raynor simply because they were the same gender…
Lastly, keep this in mind, too… Rapists generally don’t fare too well in prison, as their fellow male inmates don’t look upon those who hurt women or children all that kindly… If convicted, let’s hope Raynor gets a very “friendly” cell mate…
Yeah I know any males I’ve spoken to about this were discusted and outraged that this happened. So we’ll see how that affects the Jury and their decision. I wouldn’t want to be on a jury for a case like this. It’s too horrific and you would think about it for a long time afterward I would think. They I assume had to sit through all the evidence and I would not be able to do that…no way!!
Raynor – GUILTY ON ALL COUNTS. (Lady in Red – Quilty on all counts, so you understand). The States Attorney did a great job in closing arguements. The defense tried, to no avail, to create confusion regarding the handling and contamination of evidence but the jury saw right through the B.S. I have to say it was satisfying watching the handcuffs be placed on Raynor. The States Attorney requested that the bail be revoked and he was immediately taken into custody and led out of the courtroom. In this case, the system worked. Let’s hope when they have the sentencing hearing that he gets a very long sentence.
Justice ….now I know there is such a thing!!!!! Praise God!!
Communicator, any reaction from the courtroom when the verdict was read, from his family and supporters or from the victim and her supporters?
GUILTY! Justice has been served. I hope the sentence is LONG and HARD.
So will the Jarrettsville Rec please stop supporting Glenn now?!!!!!!!!!!! Oh, that’s right, you will think he was framed. *huge eye roll*
I don’t mean to sound as if I am all knowing…however, whether you are a Raynor fan or not , please keep in mind his family/children may know about this sight. Let’s try to take the high road and not stoop to a level that is beneath oneself.
you sound all knowing
R – is it bad that there are some of us who are happy that Justice is served? None of us want to see anything bad happen to S and her kids, but a guilty man is being punished after walking free for the past three years.
Wow quilty that is f*ed up… To think you know someone and they are found quilty of a crime worse then murder…Rape what was going through his sick twisted mind.
I prey that he did not do this to anyone else..To think I lilked this man..
Poor wife and kids well that’s a bunch of kids who’ll need shrinks forever.
Hey how’s your dad well he’s in prison for life.. Glenn should have taken a shot gun
to his head and done his family a favor. That all I have to say about that
R, if your family member did a bad thing and you don’t want to read about your family member doing that bad thing, don’t look up that family member on the Internet or go to a site that tells about that family member and the bad thing he did.
I feel for his children…the money he spent in his defense team could have been left for them. He only cared about himself. He knew he was guilty but thought he could manipulate his way through the trial with a decent lawyer. Well, obviously the Jury was well aware of what’s right and what’s wrong. And what he did is so beyond wrong. Thank You God for guiding the Jury to do the right thing.
And for the Victim may this be the beginning of some kind of closure. You are though of by so many people and I’m sure I can speak for many in saying how glad we are for you that he has been proven guilty!!
Did anyone notice that in every story Jeff Hager has done, he doesn’t present all of the facts? Was he even AT the trial? Raynor had not lived there for FIVE years and his DNA (in the form of BLOOD AND SEMEN) was on the window he broke, the phone line he cut, the victim’s bed, the victim’s pillow, and the victim herself! Jeff Hager also keeps failing to mention that Raynor’s DNA wasn’t just swabbed off the chair! It was also obtained through the standard method of swabbing his cheek and those tests showed proof positive that he was rapist! So what is Jeff Hager’s relationship with Glenn Raynor the convicted rapist?
Why hasn’t the TV picked this story up? There was the briefest of blurbs back in August of last year, and nothing since. Is it because this didn’t take place in Baltimore City? Whenever something takes place in Baltimore City, there are mugshots and it’s talked about every 15 minutes. Right now, all we are hearing about is the stupid digital TV stuff.
listen all of you people are PATHETIC you all need to get a life stop talking about or worrying about everyone elses life an start worrying about your own
Ray, you are utterly hilarious.
I’m sorry, that’s not Ray, that’s K.
typical Harford county case…woman accuses man…man is guilty. period. that’s just how it works around here… the police fabricate evidence and the states attorneys accept it because all they care about is getting their conviction…sad really.
obviously my point is proven by all the harford county residents that posted in here stating he was guilty before anything went to trial. you think their the only ones??? no…everyone in this god-forsaken place is exactly the same.
Glenn is a great guy with a lot of friends that care about him. Only way I would ever believe him to be guilty is if he told me to my face that he did it.
anyone that has said “innocent until proven guilty” has never faced trial in harford county….guaranteed .
you can go ask him and again and again and again in jail
didn’t glenn say he didn’t do it on the witness stand NO
he didn’t wonder why. never took stand man who wants his family would have if he was not guilty
how was the private dna test he took turn out oops forgot to use it in the trial
dude seriously? every attorney that does trial in harford county tells their client to remain silent…its standard procedure.
If I was accused of i crime that I did not commit I would remain silent too…what is there to talk about if it wasn’t you???????? think about it…
Hey JF, you have got to be kidding me. He had 11 men in the jury, I think that was more than fair. You say you know Glenn, well you must not know him enough.
Let the victim start her healing, let his wife and children deal with the issues at hand and he has not choice but to serve his time.I know this is a forum, but its over. Justice has been served. Many of you sit on here and gossip and other than this forum you know no truth. 99.9% of everyone on here hides behind the screen. Lets be adults now. He is guilty! Justice has been served for the victim. Isnt that all that anyone wanted? Its time to move on. If he didnt have enough respect for his kids, we should as adults want to give his kids enough respect that they never see this site.
If you need to spread the word, spread the word of the Lord and say a prayer for the victim and his wife and children.
What type of sentence is he looking at? Since there is no coverage anywhere, this is a legit question.
Well, this one is over and now we can look at two more cases – two Bel Air rapes in one weekend, last month.
I hope Raynor’s sentence is harsh and sends a message.
All – I’ve stuggled with posting this for the past 2 hours but as a juror in this case, I feel everyone that views this site should know that the evidence proved beyond a reasonable doubt that Raynor did in fact commit these horrible crimes against the victim. There is DNA evidence outside/inside the victims home as well as her private areas. The States Attorney did an excellent job presenting the evidence but once the DNA was linked to Raynor the Defense had a tough time proving his innocence. The defense grasped straws and tried to raise doubt about MSP processes, practices, and protocol. To no avail… You must understand the responsiblity and the weight that was on our shoulders as citizens of Harford County. This wasn’t easy for us by any means, Raynor is facing a possible life sentence and all 12 of us were biased and let the evidence guide us to our decision. This case wasn’t determined in the court of public opinion. I have not heard anything regarding this case until the first day of jury duty. This is the first time being on this website and I’m amazed by the responses I’ve read above. I understand the curiousity about the case, but from the comments in this forum, it appears Raynor may of lead 2 lives. This case has touched alot of lives, including the jurors.
To the family of Raynor – I feel extremely sorry for his wife and 2 boys. They didn’t choose this. Unfortunately, it was chosen for them today. Having looked Sandy and Glenn in the eye plenty of times during this trial, my stomach knots up thinking about what he did to the victim, his family, and the community. I will keep you in my prayers and hope that you make it through the tough road that’s ahead of you.
To the Victim – If you by chance read this, I want you to know that I’m truely sorry for what happened to you and I hope and pray for you as well. I know you will sleep well tonight and I take solace in the fact that tomorrow is the first day of the rest of your life…
To 1of12:
THANK YOU for your service and for your post. I am certain this was not something that was easy for you. To hold someone’s future and freedom in your hands is something that many would not take on – I think it is quite brave.
Wow, I have a lot of thoughts in my head. I have followed this blog for a very long time and never commented due to the fact that I was suppose to give some testimony that I was dreading. The state’s attorney called me the other day and said she would not be needing me after all and I was so releived. I have known Glenn for years and confronted him numerous times about this and looked him right in the eyes and asked if he did it. Too long to type out all that he said but the bottom line is that I knew he was guilty the entire time without a shadow of a doubt. The answers he gave me were pathetic. “Glenn, did you rape that girl?” His response ……”I don’t beleive I did it, I don’t remember doing it?” He never said anything like “hell no, are you crazy”. I know a lot of things about Glenn and his past. I never wanted to beleive that he had actually done it but I could see the sickness in his eyes the day I asked him. I knew it and still get chills knowing that I was sitting right in front of someone with such a sick twisted mind. There has not been a night since September when he finally got caught that I have not woken up in the middle of the night without being scared to death thinking about the chilling story. I had to take sedatives many nights shortly after finding out about this story. My heart goes out to his wife and those innocent boys of his who will probably be humiliated in school and god only knows what else. Well it’s not their fault they had a sick father. I am just so happy that it’s over and karma is an amazing thing. His day is coming sooner than later. I don’t have a mean bone in my body and don’t wish harm to anyone in this world but he deserves everything he will be getting in jail. I am wondering if anyone had the opportunity to be in that courtroom today when he was found guilty. What did he look like? I am so grateful I didn’t have to put myself through the horror of seeing him again and that I was dismissed from his case. I have been a wreck all week thinking about it and on pins and needles. I just wish I could have seen his face when the verdict came out. Any input is appreciated…thanks
J – please return to your cave or rock that you crawled out from under. Your concept of reality seems to be very clouded.
Just because he has “lots of friends” doesn’t make him innocent.
I’m in total agreement with 1 of 12 so I’ll be brief. I finally decided to do a little research after the trial was over and I’m really amazed at some of the responses I’ve read. I knew absolutely nothing about the case nor did I know the defendant or plaintiff. We, the jury, looked at the evidence in this case and the state proved by the preponderance of evidence that the defendant was guilty as charged. We did, however, find out later that a plea bargain was offered to the defendant but it was declined. I wonder what the defense was thinking?
I too get knots in my stomach, and I think we all felt this way, when I think of the many lives that are in disarray because Raynor made a very bad choice back in 2006. I pray that all, particularly the victim, can find some solace in knowing that justice has been served.
Karma, why might you have been called to testify? Did you see something?
1of12, thank you for posting. It was very interesting to see your “inside view” of the case.
J, considering that your friend PAID AN INDEPENDENT LAB to run their own test s against the blood and semen found at the scene and then your friend’s attorneys decided not to show the results in court should tell you something. Do you believe the police stole his blood and semen and planted it at the scene? Did this conspiracy go back 3 years to the night of the crime? How did the police get his blood and semen to plant there? And then why did they wait 2 years to arrest him if they already knew who they had framed?
It’s very clear from the evidence that he was guilty. If he wasn’t guilty, why didn’t his attorneys even try to defend him yesterday? They didn’t call one single character witness to say, “He couldn’t have done this!” And they didn’t put his wife on the stand to say, “He was home with me all night.” And they didn’t enter the results of their own lab tests into evidence.
Or was the defense team part of this grand conspiracy?
karma, excellent post. I hope he gets everything coming to him in jail (heh heh heh), but as far as his children go, I worry. If their father had cancer, I hope that no one would pick on them and tease them about it. Well, the same applies in this situation. He doesn’t have a physical illness, but he is a very, very sick man nonetheless, and no one should hold that against his children or his wife.
There was a cancer in the family; it was detected and removed. I hope the survivors, including his victim, can live long and healthy lives.
First of all – “J” you are in need of therapy yourself. I mean that. If you heard even the closing arguements (as I did) the state’s case was strong, bullet proof, seamless, however you want to call it. The defense had nothing. During the trial, the defense called one witness, his wife did not testify, no character witness’ and as a few have brought up before, the defense did not share the results of (I am assuming a very expensive independent test ) their own DNA testing. All the defense did was try to create confusion regarding cross contamination of evidence and poor evidence handling – all without substantiation. The defense did not say the evidence was tainted, they said it could happen. They made a point that it happens even in a controlled environment like a lab so it must happen on a crime scene. As I posted earlier, the jury was smart enough to see the facts. Let me make one point again, his wife did not even testify that Raynor was asleep next to her the night it happened.
To the two jurors who posted, thank you. It must have been a tough trial to sit through. You can sleep well at night knowing you did your civic duty and our wives and daughters are safer now that a rapist is behind bars.
I was in the courtroom as the verdict was read. It was tense. I watched Raynor’s head and shoulders drop as the first guilty verdict was read. There were numerous counts and as the judge read each count, and the jury foreperson said “guilty” after each one. I could see the side of Raynor’s face, it was almost a look of disbelief. I guess he believed he was actually going to be acquitted. I do have to say (and do not know her) that even though I was there in supprt of the victim, watching Raynor’s mother and wife hug and cry was terrible. I felt badly for them. They did not ask for this and now their lives are too affected forever. Especially his wife and kids.
After all of the verdicts were read, the defense asked the judge to poll the jury on each count. Each juror was asked their findings for each charge and each verbally responded guilty. At this point, Raynor was sitting down with his head in his hands.
At ths point, after all of the verdicts and the polling of the jury had been completed, the state asked that the bond be revoked. The judge complied and the sheriff’s deputies standing directly behind Raynor, immediately put handcuffs on him (behind his back) and led him out of the courtroom. Someone told me who was sitting close to him that he had asked not to be handcuffed in court, I was pleased that the deputies did not comply with his request because he was, after all, a convicted felon and deserved to be in handcuffs.
Communicator…..I greatly appreciate your response. This crime has sat on my mind every single day since I found out about it. I could have been the victim. Would rather not go into too many details as much as I’d love to only because I don’t know all the people reading this blog……
I can’t believe he sat there in disbeleif when they called out the guilty verdict. I know from the conversations I had with him up until very recently that yes he did in fact beleive he was possibly getting off and if not, that he would get many counts thrown out and a shorter sentence. He swore to God he did NOT commit this crime. He would even get angry and say that he may have to admit guilty to something he never did. Of course I asked him how that positive DNA match of blood got on the victims pillowcase and he said “I have no idea”. I told him it didn’t magically get there. So then I questioned him as to whether or not he could have been so trashed that night from partying and maybe is “forgetting” that he did this crime. He claims he was not even drunk that night and had receipts to prove where he had been. So I asked about his wife and if he she was going to be able to say he was laying next to her in bed at that hour of the rape. He told me “She was sleeping , how would she know if I was there. She isn’t going to be able to testify because she was asleep and would be lying if she said she knew I was there next to her”. right glenn…blah blah blah
I am still affected by this and it took me forever to get to sleep last night just asking myself “why”? Obviously we all know he is sick and filled with issues but I just still never thought Glenn was capable of anything like that. I knew he was demeaning toward women. I knew he cheated on his wife repeatedly and lied. He had a drinking/drug problem, a bad temper, very poor judgement while under the influence. He was a very hard worker (the only positive thing I can say about him). I knew overall he was not a good human being and very narcissistic but wow, I never would have imagined something such as this and just knowing that he has done tree work for me and been in my house. Like I said, I am not even the victim, but it has affected my life deeply.
I wish his entire family all good things coming their way and so much wish for the victim that she can have some peace in her mind knowing justice has been served and can start her life over. I know it’s easier said than done but I just pray hard for that. Not one human being never ever deserves to be put through this.
Once again, thanks for your post. I am just filled with so many questions in my head right now.
Glenn told me he had his family and some close friends supporting him all the way through this and that if he was found guilty he would have no one in his life (when he gets out of prison). Well the truth is, he deserves nothing including friends. There is nothing on the entire planet that could ever make up for anything like this. He has nothing positive coming his way anytime in his future.
TO J – You say “anyone that has said “innocent until proven guilty” has never faced trial in harford county….guaranteed”. Are you speaking from personal experience? How many times have you personally faced a jury? or perhaps the company you keep inconveniently keep finding themselves in front of juries? or (hopefuuly not based on your post) how many juries have you served?
If none of the above scenarios are acurate 1) never personally faced a jury, 2) friends (other than Raynor) have never been in front of a jury or 3) you have never served on a jury, then I guess we are to assume that you have the time to sit in on trials all of the time and your keen gift of observation, legal knowledge of court proceedings and familiarilty of these cases has led you to the conclusion that Harford County courts are unfair and biased toweards the defendents?
I would argue (my opinion nothing statistically supported) that the citizens of Harford County are responsible, take serving on jury duty seriously and they want to keep criminals off of the streets and make their community safer. If you want more liberal, soft juries, move to Baltimore City. I will stay in Harford County.
Thanks to the Communicator for sharing what you witnessed as the verdict was read. This is the first of many humiliations that Raynor will face. The fact that he thought he deserved any consideration just shows his arrogance and lack of remorse. He should have thought about his wife, children and mother BEFORE he attacked and traumatized his victim.
I have been in his company – in social settings – a handful of times over the last five years or so and he always made me uneasy. I could never put my finger on it, he just struck me as being mysogynistic (forgive my spelling if I screwed that up), aggressive, and a know-it-all.
I have compassion for all left in the wake of his selfish, violent, disgusting behavior. As for him, BOO FREAKIN HOO!
Communicator that was very well spoken. several time’s in my life. I have found my self in jury trial’s. as a witness for the prosecution. ( State) I have found the jury’s to be very professional.
I am glad his wife did not lie for him. I really thought that she would. I see where he said to “Karma” that his wife was sleeping so how would she know if he was there or not?? I don’t know about any other women out there but I know if my husband is in bed with me or not, and if he gets up I wake up!! As mothers women are light sleepers by nature and she would have known….Thank God she didn’t lie for him. Not that it would have changed the outcome. The evidence was overwhelming and he deserves whatever he gets.
I just can’t understand why his wife couldn’t see through his lies right up to the trial? Maybe she is still supporting him? I hope she is able to move on. She and her children deserve that much!!
As for the Victim. Enjoy your day, one of many happy ones to follow I pray!!
To Justice……he told me a long time ago very adamantly that his wife WILL ALWAYS support him no matter what he does. I will never forget that and obviously it stands true even for something as severe as this. But who knows what will happen now that he is away maybe for the rest of his life. I’m sure she isn’t going to hang onto him after this. How could she? Boy do I feel for her and the boys.
glen told me his semen was not found at the scene – that he didn’t own the hat …this was a lie and i am stupid. please tell me again – his semen WAS found? this was directed to the people in the court room who heard the evidence. i need a brick thrown at my head now!!
heres a question….has the “victim” taken a polygraph or voice stress test? probably not since harford county believes anything a woman says.
I can attest to this because many years ago I was accused of this type of crime. I was investigated and given a voice stress test and then promptly told i was free to go. did the accuser face any kind of recourse or punishment? NO. was the accuser ever given the same type of test as myself to prove the validity of her story? NO. and let me tell you throughout the “investigation” they swore they had DNA evidence against me(which they didn’t) even though the accuser and myself had never had intercourse. It was their attempt to get me to confess to something I didnt do… trust me, this county is more corrupt than any of you will ever care to believe.
if Mr.Raynor and the “victim” were having a affair(which they were) wouldn’t it be easy for the “victim” to plant “evidence”?
would this be the first time a (pissed off) woman (who didn’t get her way) accused and set up a man because they wouldn’t leave their wife for them? probably not…
also if the “victim” smelled a metallic odor coming from her “attacker”, why wasnt a DNA sample collected from Iron Man?
so your telling me J that Glenn did not do this…. So why weren’t you a character
witness for him… Why didn’t they prove that Glenn was having an affair with this women….Why didn’t they question her about this. Your telling me nothing was done
I find that hard to believe… No way to prove that they were having an affair come on
someone most of know about this. So your story is full a whole and frankly full of shit. GLENN RAYNOR IS A RAPIST SAY IT WITH ME J A RAPIST GOING TO JAIL
It is ideas like yours that discourage rape victims from reporting the violent attack committed against them. Sounds to me J you want to make the victim the suspect.
no delegate Im not trying to make any victim a suspect… Rape is a very serious accusation and i feel that victims that claimed to be raped should be given some sort of lie detector…my case in point, if my accuser was given the voice stress test before I was “investigated” I would never had been investigated and i wouldn’t have had to miss time off work or retain an attorney.
all im saying is just because someone cries rape doesnt always mean it happened.
Maybe Glenn did do it…but the fact of the matter is the way this county goes about prosecuting the accused is unfair/one-sided/ whatever you want to call it. they have a simple mathematical equation to use in these cases, it goes like this…
answer the question j how do you know he was having an affair and why didn’t it come out in trial
ying yang
All I’m going to say is they were having sex before the alleged rape.
I cant say for sure whether or not he did “rape” her but I can say that there is way more to this story than has been let out….but it will all come to light soon enough…and I have feeling once Glenn gets a fair trial in another county or state the verdict on a lot of the charges will be overturned.
but who knows…I’ve been wrong once or twice…
dream on
I just want to say that I was there for the majority of this trial, and
In fact, the defense attorney in opening and closing said there is no dispute that the victim was raped, all they were disputing was that it was Raynor, and that Raynor and the victim went to school when they were young for 1 year in the same place, but they hadn’t spoken at all in their adult lives.
That just shows that J is talking about things that he has no clue about. There was not even one question by the defense about Raynor and the victim having an affair. They didn’t even ask those questions on cross AT ALL or elude to it.
Don’t believe a word J says from someone who was there for most of this trial..he’s just trying to make this victim look bad, and like the juror said, there was no question that Raynor was guilty of this brutal rape, and it was very satisfying to see justice served yesterday!
To J: I think you are sick!! You have no clue what you are talking about.
I have never had total faith in the Judicial System anywhere but for once I’ve seen it actually work and put the right criminal behind bars.
You need to stop spouting out your lies and madeup stories!! It was rape, no doubt about it in my mind and in the Jury’s as well.
If you are a friend of his then you are obviously under his spell….many were from what I understand. You need to read the evidence and realize they have the right person…or should I say monster!!!!
The jury had a eleven men. And one women. he was found Guilty. the evidence is what it is. He’s a rapist.
So J… what should we do if a 13-year-old child says she was raped? What is the procedure you think should be followed. Just curious of your thought patterns.
To J -What have you been smoking. Polygraphs are not admissable in court. Plus, she did not have to prove she was raped, Raynor left enough physical evidence behind to get convicted.
What the hell is a voice stress test? I di hear they made a voodoo doll of raynor, hypnotised her and sprinkled magic pixy dust in the courtroom.
You say they were having an affair? You are a liar. They never had an affair, not once, never. You say pissed off woman, yea she was pissed off Raynor broke into her house in the middle of the night, threatened to kill her and brutally raped her. By the way Einstein, (you don’t mind me calling you Einstein do You? it seems so appropriate) if they did have an affair, wouldn’t that have been an excellent defense strategy? Nucklehead.
You have issues and need help. Go post your lies somewhere else.
glenn got what he deserved. hes a rapist. the people who are still in denial about it need to get real. there was no affair, no grand conspiracy. glenn commited a horrible crime, and got caught. and im so glad the trial was kept in harford county, and they didnt let him weasel out of having to face the community this crime affected. i lived very close to 1604 bramble court, and after this crime, i never felt safe in my own home. it was terrifying. and then to find out that someone i knew was suspected of it? and contrary to popular belief, everyone in bel air aren’t stupid sheep that assume someone is guilty automatically. it was quite a process we all went through, sorting through evidence as it came out. but being so close to the crime, i have known about it since the day it happened. i was closer than was comfortable to be honest. and things just started to match up. he made a horrible decision. and hes now been judged for it, and is paying for it. im thinking about the victim, and her healing process that can now finally get started, and sandy and their 2 boys, i cannot imagine what they are going through. i think everyone needs to focus on them, and send them good thoughts, instead of sitting on a blog all day thinking up ridiculous conspiracies that couldnt possibly be true. 🙂
I find all of this very interesting. I was in the court room just as a interested citizen. I have no relationship with the defendant or the victim. It seems to me that the jury convicted on DNA evidence alone. DNA contamination and errors do occur. Its not foolproof. There was additional evidence presented, that seemed to be totally disregarded by the jury because of the DNA. First, there were all kinds of fingerprints at the scene of the crime and yet NONE of them belonged to Mr. Raynor. It was revealed by the victim’s testimoney that the assailant wore a wedding ring. So, clearly, he wasn’t wearing gloves. How could it be that he broke the window, entered the house, and raped the victim and left behind no fingerprints. Secondly, there was sperm at the crime scene. The victim claimed that she hadn’t had sex in 2 years. So, clearly, by the testimony of the victim, the sperm was left by the assailant. It was also proven with medical records that Mr. Raynor was vastecomized, hence producing NO SPERM. Thirdly, according to the victim’s testimony, the assailant was right handed. Mr. Raynor is left handed. So, while I also think it is very suspicious and odd that the DNA points to Mr Raynor, there is no other proof he was at the victim’s home at the scene of the crime.
Mr. Raynor was arrested two years later based on a hat from a resort that thousands of people visit per year as did Mr. Raynor. However, this hat was never recovered, and no proof he ever owned one or wore one was ever produced.
The victim also stated that the assailant had no visual markings or tatoos. And the defense produced photos to the court and jury of the huge tatoos on the defendant’s body that could not be missed.
I am very sorry for the victim and everything she has been through. I can’t imagine how horrible it would be to have someone break into your home, and brutally attack. How do you ever get over that? And, I am sure there will be satisfaction to the victim if the assailant is punished. I can appreciate that. But, while I don’t know Glenn Raynor either, it was not proven to me beyond a reasonable doubt that he is guilty based on the evidence presented.
So, based on the evidence produced by the state says, the assailant was right handed with no tattoos and produces sperm. None of these points describe Mr. Raynor.
In addition, there are comments in this blog criticizing the defense. The defense has no burden of proof, that burden belongs to the state. Why is the jury holding the defense responsible for proving Mr. Raynor’s innocence?. It appeared to me that the state didn’t prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt based ont he facts above.
It is clear that some of you of some real issues with Mr. Raynor. So maybe he isn’t the greatest friend, and perhaps not the best husband and maybe not a good person, but does that make him guilty of rape to be sentenced to the better part of the rest life in prison?
My fear is that Mr. Raynor is innocent and the real rapist is still on the lose to victimize yet another woman.
And I’m concerned about his Mom as well as his wife and kids.Why don.t everyone just go do their dishes. laundry.mow their grass. play with their kids and get off this subject. I had no idea people could be so vicious and uncaring about the rest of the family.Better yet go to church; you could use it.
As far as the fingerprints….he could have wiped them off the door knob and such with the shirts he wore, he’s not a stupid person by any stretch! As far as the sperm….maybe they meant semen?? And I’m no Dr. but I know that my husband had a vacectimy as well and they still produce sperm just a lower level making it less likely to impregnate. As far as the tattoo’s I’ve heard some of them he didn’t get until after the rape. And also the one people seem to know he did have was on his upper arm and could have been hidden by his shirt sleeve.
As far as being right or left handed, who knows. Some people use both hands what do they call that, multi-dextril?? not sure but that’s possible. And the wedding ring…well he is married and friends of his have said he did wear the ring at that time because he had an office job…maybe he slipped and forgot to take it off.
And as far as the hat goes….he could have tucked that hat away and only used it for the crime. Did you think he would keep it?? Hardly. He no doubt burned it or destroyed it in some other manner!
Any who, lol. His DNA was all over the crime scene….if it were just one thing…maybe we could doubt his guilt. But too much evidence for me to think anything other than GUILTY!!!
I don’t consider myself to be cruel. I really feel sorry for his mother and children. They don’t deserve the pain they are going through. I do feel if this is the father they had they will be better off without him. They are young and still have time to heal and have a normal life.
As far as cruel…… Cruel is what Raynor did to the Victim…and going on with his life like nothing happened. That’s Cruel!!!
I don’t wish harm to anyone….but I do believe in Justice! And Thank God it has been served!!!
All I am saying is that it is the state’s responsibility to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. You can’t consider heresay and what someone told someone that told someone else.
The state didn’t find his fingerprints ANYWHERE. The assailant went in a raped this poor woman and it is to be believed he wiped the window sill all the broken glass every place he touched clean. Seriously??
There is a difference in sperm and semen. And they stated sperm was present.
And the word is ambidextrous. And yes, people left handed due tend to be ambidextrous. However, there is always a dominant hand.
It is extremely sad for the victim, the victim’s family, the neighbors of the victim, as well as Mr. Raynors family including his children. I am not sure if you know the Raynor’s or if you are just someone that believes everything you read in the paper and what people say without the facts to support it. And I am not saying that Mr. Raynor is guilty or innocent. I am glad I wasn’t on the jury to determine the fate of this man. All I am saying is that based on the facts presented in court, I don’t feel that it was proven beyond a reasonable doubt that he was guitly. Only he knows for sure, him and God. And I just hope that an innocent man will not be spending the better part of his life in jail.
I am a bit curious as to your relationship to this case. And also curious as to the evidence you say that has you convinced of his guilt.
WOW, again curious about your relationship to this case, the defendant and the victim. You speak with such hatred. Do you know these people personally? Whether you know them or not. what makes you an authority to decide what is best for his family and his children. How arrogant of you to presume that they are better off without him. How could you have any idea how his children will adjust to being without him. They will have to answer questions about their father being in prison their whole lives. It is a very sad situation, period. That is cruel and presumptive on your part.
Again, only God and Mr. Raynor know the truth. But, many innocent people are found guilty as well as guilty people are proven innocent.
Innocent Bystander – If you were in court, you would remember the State pointed out that he struggled and fought with the victim, that he used both hands. He held her down had a pillow over her face until she thought she was going to die. This takes both hands. He also held her down during the attack.
The DNA in her and left at the crime scene, matched Raynor. The defense did not argue that the DNA did not match Raynor, they argued that DNA COULD be contaminated or transferred. The fingerprints, we do not know if he wiped them away or if he wore rubber gloves when he broke into the house and then removed them during the attack. Also remember, fingerprints cannot be taken off of all surfaces. The surface must be smooth.
As far as not seeing the tattoos. Remember the victims head was covered with Raynor’s shirt and she only saw him from the waist down when he forced he onto her hands and knees. Raynor’s tattoos are on his upper torso and we do not know when he got the tattoos.
Like it or not, Raynor is guilty. He was negotiating a plea agreement and thought he would receive less time if convicted than the State was offering. I think that was a mistake on his part. I think (and hope) the sentence will be severe. He may not ever see freedom again. We will see soon enough.
You also say that DNA is not foolproof. When Raynor was interviewed by the police, he refused to voluntarily submit to a DNA test. Why? Every other person of interest voluntarily submitted to the DNA test and they were removed as a suspect. Not only did they remove themselves as a suspect, this would allow the police to focus on other leads. The state swabbed Raynor’s DNA from the sweat left on the chair afrter the interview. When it matched the DNA from the crime scene, Raynor was arrested and the State took a swab from his mouth and it matched the DNA again. Raynor’s own attorney did their own DNA test and it came back as Raynor’s DNA. If it had not matched, you can bet that they would have presented the test results into evidence. Remember, DNA is not a fly by night technology, it is used every day to convict and exonerate suspects and free people who were wrongly convicted using a lesser scientific method like blood type. This entire case is horrible, horrible for the victim, Raynor’s family and Raynor himself. But the reality is he did it. The jury deliberated for less than three hours, the case was strong and Raynor is behind bars where he belongs.
The defense produced nothing to refute the State’s evidence, their defense’s case was all pure speculation as to what MIGHT have happened or COULD have happened to the DNA evidence. That same line of defense could be used in any case involving DNA. Had the defense came back with concrete, indisputable evidence such as the DNA at the crime scene did not match Raynor’s, well then I guess he would be a free man, but they didn’t. The only thing the defense could hope for was to create doubt with one juror and try to hang the jury.
I also found it interesting that neither Raynor’s brother or sister were at the trial. I am not saying this has anything to do with his guilt or innocence, but that it is strange.
First, the sperm inside the victim did not match Mr. Raynor’s. Also, the state didnt’ test the sperm on the victim’s t-shirt. The semen was ran through the Y-STR test which does not uniquely identify a specific person. So, in my humble opinion this does not support the state’s case of reasonable doubt.
Yes, the defense did try to prove contamination on transfer with the blood evidence. It was dried blood on concrete. Was this handled properly?? And yes, DNA has been used to exonerate folks. Tainted DNA has also been used to confict innocent people that have since been exonerated.
Second, the victim testified that since the light was on, she was able to see through the mesh of the tee shirt. Also, she testified that she was able to move the shirt and push it up so she could see. She also testified that she was able to see the assailants entire backside as he left the room. Thus, the tatoos on his arms and back would have been visable.
Unless I missesd something, I did not hear any testimony in reference to these other suspects being tested for DNA. I also didn’t hear any testimony to his attorney running their own DNA testing. So, my question to you is, how do you know this? Is there heresay or factual? And if it is fact, why wasn’t it mentioned in court. Since it wasn’t presented in court, it was not something the jury would have or should have known and could not have used this information in deliberation.
Lastly, this was a very long case with a great deal of evidence to review. I think coming to a conclusion in just 3 hours including a lunch break seems quite hasty. Did the jury really review all the evidence? Just because the jury only deliberated for 3 hours doesn’t proof the case was solid.
Again, I don’t know if the man is innocent or guilty. I am saying the state did not convince me of his guilt. You seem so sure he is guilty. Were you there in the room with him during the rape. Did you see him fleeing the scene. Do you know something that was not brought up in court??
Innocent Observer-
Thank you for sharing your observation. Unbiased observation versus biased observation is very different at many levels. Some on this board are very biased, and others unbiased… we all have our own basis for opinion…but unless you follow the lead of certain participants you’ll be chastised, bantered and insulted. I appreciate your account of what you witnessed…
Guilty or not, case solved or not… this case was decided on DNA found on the scene- from a person that lived in the house and visited the neighborhood. We can only hope that none of us ever find ourselves in the position to have to defend ourselves against DNA we might have left in a home, a car, a job site we have worked with and that could be traipsed around by visitors- human or not.
I originally visited this site as an observer that learned about the case, and have since realized I actually know someone on each side of this case and fortunately… they are both at least logical when I remind them to stop being emotional. Our discussions have been productive and eye opening for all of us. I can’t venture far enough to say he did it or not, I can venture far enough to say some very important facts were easily dismissed by the jury for their own reasons which we’ll never know.
The only other thing that was disappointing was the machoism of our law enforcement officers that felt the need to *show* their support by puffing out their chest and making the defendant’s wife feel intimidated. Anyone of us would stand by a loved one- stupid or not… until the very end. To expect that a wife and partner of 20+ years or so would have bailed on the first accusation is ridiculous. She did what any of us would do- in the name of love? So the puffy chest thing is not so impressive, it just reminds us of the incredible egos and self righteousness of the people we trust with our safety and our justice system. We have several friends that are troopers and sheriffs and when they hang up the badge and deflate they are the first ones to say there is an unspoken code of support for their brothers…
No conspiracy theory- facts are facts, mistakes are mistakes and ‘beyond a shadow of a doubt’ is relative- not right or wrong, but relative.
The victim can rest easier knowing this has come to an end for her. The waiting and wondering of the outcome was a huge burden for her to carry. Sandy and the boys can do the same.
Definition of Vasectomy
A vasectomy is considered a permanent method of birth control. A vasectomy prevents the release of sperm when a man ejaculates.
During a vasectomy, the vas deferens from each testicle is clamped, cut, or otherwise sealed. This prevents sperm from mixing with the semen that is ejaculated from the penis. An egg cannot be fertilized when there are no sperm in the semen. The testicles continue to produce sperm, but the sperm are reabsorbed by the body. (This also happens to sperm that are not ejaculated after a while, regardless of whether you have had a vasectomy.) Because the tubes are blocked before the seminal vesicles and prostate, you still ejaculate about the same amount of fluid.
Sounds like your husband has a great lawsuit against his doctor if he is releasing sperm. And your comments have no basis. Not to mention the sperm did not match Raynor’s DNA. It appears you have a personal vendetta against this man and you are misconstruing the facts.
Innocent Bystander,
You say that DNA isn’t foolproof – well NEITHER ARE VASECTOMIES.
Just ask my brother and his wife, who welcomed baby number 3 into the world after he accused her of infidelity – only to discover that yes, in fact, he fathered the baby. It happens. And no, a lawsuit, as you suggested , was not an option. Failure is reported and patients are informed. There is no form of birth control that is 100% effective.
I’m sorry, all the stress, anxiety, fear and accusation in the world wouldn’t make me sweat enough to leave enough for a DNA test. Could it be the guilt?
They had me at the pillow…
Well, the pillow was proven to be cross contamination. And if the assailant was bleeding, wouldn’t there been blood on the pillow, on the sheets and on the floor? I am just trying to be objective which is clearly lacking from the bloggers on this site.
And perhaps vasectomies do fail, but that is not the norm or the intention. With that said, whether Mr. Raynor’s vastecomy failed or not, THE SPERM DID NOT MATCH HIS DNA.
And everyone’s stress points and biology are clearly different. And we can all make assumptions and have opinions. But again, the burden of proof is on the state to prove beyond a reasonable doubt. Sperm not matching the DNA is enough to cast a shadow of a doubt.
And as you stated “he just struck me as being mysogynistic (forgive my spelling if I screwed that up), aggressive, and a know-it-all.: ” I hope every aggressive, know it all that i have met in my life isn’t a rapist. That fact alone is not enough to convict someone of rape. There are a lot of people in this world like that.
You clearly had your mind made up prior to any presentation of the evidence. I guess it is a good thing you weren’t sitting on the jury.
“this case was decided on DNA found on the scene- from a person that lived in the house and visited the neighborhood. We can only hope that none of us ever find ourselves in the position to have to defend ourselves against DNA we might have left in a home, a car, a job site we have worked with and that could be traipsed around by visitors- human or not.”
Observer… if the DNA you leave is in the from your blood on the window you break to get into the house and from your semen and blood on your rape victim’s body and bed, I hope to god they find you and deal with you quickly and painfully. The fact that you’d defend someone who committed this sort of crime makes you as sick as he obviously is!
What I think is really sad is that his friends and family are coming on here and their best defense is, “Well, Glenn was a creep who had a lot of affairs, so he’s left his DNA lots of places!” Very, very sad.
Inocent Bystander:
Regardless of whether or not you think the State met it’s burden of proof, 12 jurors did.
Perhaps your time would be better spent raising money for his appeal than trying to convince us that the system – and public opinion – let Glenn down. We’re not buying it.
Who is “WE.” The people that have tried this man outside the courtroom based on the fact that maybe he is not a nice person, or wasn’t a good husband or maybe he declared you son “OUT” at a baseball game or because he made you feel uneasy??
and to you QUESTIONS – everyone is entitled to a fair trial and is supposed to be innocent until proven guilty. This was clearly not the case.
And you didn’t listen to the evidence. The blood was not on the window that was broken. It was on the patio. And the semen was tested with a Y-STR test which doesn’t exclusively point to an individual. The sperm WAS NOT HIS according to the testimony presented in court.
And if he had affairs, you are right, he is an unfaithful husband and a creep, and not someone I would want to be friends with. BUT, that makes him unfaithful, not a rapist.
His character was not on trial. And while I don’t know this man, some of you do. The question he rape this woman.
Innocent Bystander – you are anything but an innocnet bystander. You are biased, just as I am. The difference is you won’t admit it. The defense DID NOT PROVE THERE WAS CROSS CONTAMINATION TO THE PILLLOW! They suggested the possibility that it happened. Just like they suggested the possibility of the contamination of the evidence. If you followed the trial, you know that. You just won’t admit it.
You say his charachter was on trial, no it wasn’t – none of that came up in court. Only the hard facts and the DNA. You can twist the facts all youi like but the fact of the matter is your guy is guilty. He is, and will forever will be a rapist. A convicted felon. A sex offender, the worst walk of life.
So “reality” is right, if you are so adamant of Raynor’s innocence, start a defense fund. In the mean time, I hope he gets exactly what rapist get in prison, Karma, only 10 fold. I hope he goes to sleep every night thinking about what he did. I hope he lives to 100 and every day between last Friady and the day he dies is behind bars. See, I am biased, I support the victim. But I am something else, objective, I know the facts of the case, I knew a lot of them before the trial and I heard the evidence at the trial. Thank God the jurors also heard the evidence.
Well, you are clearly a cop with privleged information that was not brought up in court and friends with the victim or both.
And I am unbiased with opinions formed by listening to the facts. All I am saying is while the blood DNA is suspicious, the facts mentioned above including the sperm not matching the defendant contradicts that, so I am not so sure he is guility. I have a right to my opinion.
And, I agree with you, Communicator, if he is guilty, he should get what he deserves. But, if is isn’t, a man shouldn’t spend the rest of his life in jail because he perhaps has a not so great character, or is a cheater. That is all I am saying.
And I hope the jurors, followed the jury instructions, and gave the case the fair deliberation. I can’t pass judgement on that. I was’t there. But, they will have to live with those decisions and the fate they cast on the defendant. I can honestly say, that is not a job I would want and fortunately have never had to.
for everyone who has all the questions about when he got his tattoos, he definately had a huge one across his upper back in 2004 and also an arm band on his upper arm. If the victim saw him leave the room and the light was on, she definately could not miss the one on his back for sure. It is very obvious and large.
Hard Evidence:
Blood on Patio matches Blood on pillow which is Raynors from touch DNA obtained from the MSP chair as well as the sample provided when arrested – yes, experts testified a match beyond a scientific certainty which I believe was 99.93% match
YSTR testing on semen found in victims vaginal and anal areas matches Raynor – yes, experts testified a match beyond a scientific certainty and I dont recall the exact percentage…. and yes I know that its not an exact match due to the fact all the males in the family lineage, if unbroken, has the same Y chromosone. However, all the males in the family lineage will have different blood DNA…
Circumstantial Evidence:
Wedding Ring – Raynor never wore
Hat – Raynor did stay at the resort but can’t prove anything other than that
Tatoos – Victim could only see waist to knees, Raynor wore 2 shirts, one was used to wrap around victims head and his tats are on bicep and back…
Metallic Smell – Raynor not working full time on tree biz in 2006
Left handed – Victim stated her assailant used right hand to open and apply lubricant but stated he got the lub out of his left poket. Which would indicate a left handed person. Wouldnt that make sense if Raynor was dominating her with his left hand?
Broken Glass – There was no blood on the broken glass. so we can now speculate that Raynor used whatever tool he chisled the door with to break the glass.
SInce I don’t have my notes to reference, I may be lacking some of the details.
As far as I’m concerned, Raynor was innocent until the DNA and Semen determined a scientic certainty match.
When we deliberated, we reviewed all the evidence, pictures, reports, etc… All of us spoke our mind and raised questions and concerns. Keep in mind the only evidence and testimony’s we had to review were primarily state evidence. I think the defense maybe entered 20 + items in evidence.
I was surprised by the defense only having 1 expert witness, which now makes sense. If they did in deed have the DNA and Semen privately tested and the results were different, they would of had their own “experts” testify. Instead, they tried to suggest that there could’ve possibly been contamination, transfer, or bad protocol by the MSP and other experts. The defense had to know they didnt have alot to work with.
I’m pretty sure the judge feels we made the right decision based on the evidence. The judge did mention he’s looking at a sentence of atleast life, possibly life + 50 yrs.
I would love to ask Raynor why???
Why didn’t he have character witnesses? I know now by reading the blogs…
Why didn’t he testify or provide an alibi?
To Karma: Are you one of his affiars?
Well, three of the jurors have commented on this blog. It was their opinion that mattered not ours. They heard the evidence, deliberated and returned the verdict. Obviously, a verdict some of us were happy with and others were not. Bottom line, the jurors did their job and civic duty. The evidence presented by the state proved beyond a reasonable doubt that he was guilty. The Raynor supporters can whine about the conviction all you want. I personally will sleep better at night knowing a rapist is behind bars, hopefully for life. I suggest the Raynor supporters focus their energy on Raynor’s wife and children. They are the ones that need your support. Raynor is getting what he deserves.
Thank you again 4 of 12… there are people obviously here to try to make us all question your decision, but it sounds like they only know half the story and didn’t sit through the entire trial. I sat here reading where she didn’t see his tatoos but saw him from behind, and I kept thinking – do rapists really take ALL their clothes off to rape and then walk out of the room totally naked? So a few here kept saying she should have seen his tats. You just answered my question – he still had a shirt on. So those who act like they know the whole story – you just missed that part. Clearly.
All I will say is I know Glenn more than I’d like to. He is the biggest mastermind manipulator I’ve ever known in my life. I was summonsed by MSP to give testimony. I wish I had never met the guy because of the nightmare situation it had turned into. I was so releived when I did not need to go into that courtroom due to the fear of anyone on his side retaliating. The state’s attorney assured me that my testimony would not have given him a longer sentence but it is still a quite uncomfortable situation.
Also, about the wedding ring, maybe he wore it that particular night so in case he got caught and the victim mentioned it, he knew everyone who knows him could say he never wore a ring…..just to throw them off. Who knows. I still just want to know why did he do it, why did he pick her????? He called me 12:30 the same morning of the rape so all I’ve said since I found this out is, was I gonna be the victim possibly? It’s been a huge question in my mind for months. Many people have said the same thing. He makes a call to me and then about 4.5 hours later, commits this horrific crime. Definately makes me wonder. I’m so glad I never answered my phone that night but so sorry and sad for what he did to this girl.
It’s still so hard for me to beleive he did this or maybe the correct word is “accept” that he did this but the bottom line is the hard evidence that cannot be a mistake. I dont’ know how he looks at himself in the mirror and how does he sleep at night?
He is guilty of the crimes that he commited. He was found guilty be 12 people that reveiwed the evidence and testimonies. He can appeal this case but I bet you that the appeals court will say “no”. Raynor (I wish I knew his prison number) will be spending the rest of his life in jail. So to “j”, “karma”, “Innocent Bystander”, and “questions I have” you all can help him win an appeal. Good luck. May he rot in hell.
This is my final look at this post and for ther people who are going back and forth I suggest you do the same. It will only drive you crazy. People will believe what they want to. Raynor friends are idiots. They are still trying to stand up for a rapist. That is what he is.
I’m beginning to understand things now.
Glenn knew this house, he knew how to break into it. He also knew the woman inside, and that she was vulnerable. He knew she didn’t have a husband in bed next to her, or anyone in the house with her. Easy target, eh? He was banking on the fact that his DNA of course should be in the house anyway because he once lived there. How could anyone convict, right? He also was banking on the fact that he figured if he had no sperm from the vasectomies, he wouldn’t be leaving his DNA? Is THAT what he thought? I think I am beginning to understand the thought processes of Glenn Raynor.
So the defense had nothing. There was no alibi, no character witnesses. No defending the fact that his DNA was on her and in the bed. The answer is too easy for some people to believe, huh?
It’s early, vasectomy, not vasectomies.
The metallic smell didn’t have to be from chainsaws….there are many things that could explain the smell….he had to be on something to do a horrible crime like this.
As far as right or left handed….sounds to me like it could have been either one. If the lube was in his left pocket?? He also used his right hand…who knows the workings of a monster like this?
As far as the tattoos, I highly doubt he would have allowed her to see them anyway….that would have positively identified him immediately!
And the Juror said she could only see from the waist down…So that’s answered!
TO Innocent?Bystander: I know women that have gotten pregnant from their husband who have had a vasectomy!! But thanks anyway Doc!!
Doesn’t matter………….HE’S GUILTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’ve posted previously as “Juror #4” (my number during final jury selection), but now that the ACTUAL “4 of 12” has posted, I’ve changed my “name” to avoid confusion…
Exactly as I predicted, the blog has certainly come to life once again now that the verdict is in, buzzing with “I told you so” from one side and “He was railroaded” from the other…
I’m glad that several of you had an opportunity to get in the courtroom for part of the trial… I suspect, however, that whatever you saw or heard while there wouldn’t have altered your view either way, as many of your minds were made up long before the trial even began.
I’m sorry I didn’t make it on the jury…. This case would have been both fascinating and tragic to serve on… Even after reading the blog for a couple of weeks now, I’m still reluctant to form a personal opinion as to this man’s guilt or innocence, however we are all fortunate enough that 12 other citizens did that job for us…
To the three jurors that did post here, thank you for your service… I’m sure you did your duty to the best of your ability and, in the end, you unanimously agreed on this man’s guilt…
No matter which side of the blog you happen to fall on, at this point that’s all that counts…
While I am very sensitive about trying a case in the media or on a blog, as opposed to in a court of law, one thing that can be gleaned in a forum such as this is a little peek inside the character of a person from those that know him or her… Almost as unanimous as the verdict in this case is the widespread acknowledgement of Glenn Raynor as an egotistical jerk, demeaning to women, violent, hot-tempered, regularly unfaithful to his wife, excessive drinking, etc., etc., etc…
For this reason, I am simply amazed at the blind loyalty shown to a guy that, regardless of whether or not he’s a rapist, can only be described as a total creep… Yes, I know, I know, being an asshole doesn’t make you a rapist, but it’s bizarre to me how some of you are quick (even proud) to align yourselves next to an asshole and claim him as your “friend”… Perhaps the “magic pixie dust” reference from an earlier post wasn’t far from the truth…
To “Innocent Bystander”… I respect everyone’s opinion… Even yours… Let’s leave it at that…
To “The Communicator”… Although purely one-sided, thank you for some of the most articulately written posts on this topic, even at times comical… I haven’t always agreed with you, but your points are well thought out and presented…
I, too, am a bit weary of the back-and-forth, but unlike “Done”, I think I’ll stick around at least until sentencing… I almost feel compelled at this point to see it through to the end…
I’ll close with this… Something I’ve said before and I’ll say again… Being convicted of a crime and being guilty of that crime are not always synonymous, any more than being acquitted is always synonymous with innocence (i.e. OJ Simpson)… So, the great debate will surely rage on as to whether Glenn J. Raynor REALLY raped this young woman, or whether he is an innocent man convicted of the crime… Those that support him will surely continue to claim the latter… But, now that the jury has spoken, justice will be served… And, based on the verdict of guilty by the jury, I hope this animal spends every minute of the rest of his life doing hard time in the penitentiary…
While there, perhaps he’ll get to see what rape is like from the victim’s point of view…
I personally think that men who drive motorcyles have metallic smells to them. It’s usually a street dirt/oil/metallic smell. JMO of course.
As the only woman on the jury, I want to say that this was a very emotional case for everyone involved. But, it was also a rightous case. So many lives have been affected and no one will ever fully recover. Not even the jurors. I’ve read in some of these posts, comments on the time it took us to come back with a verdict. Whether we deliberated for three hours (including lunch) or three days, the verdict would still have been the same. GUILTY. We did reach our decision fairly. If there was anything that we, as jurors could have ruled out in Mr. Raynor’s favor, we would have done so. But that wasn’t the case. The evidence was overwhelming; the DNA was overwhelming and as some say, “common sense does go along way”.
I know this trial has hurt a lot of people. For those of you, who believe Mr. Raynor is still innocent after a jury of his peers found him guilty…support him in the right way. Support his family, who definitely needs it now. For those of you who are friend to the victim…she will always need support.
It’s my understanding, he never spoke in his own defence? you can bet if I’am not guilty every body is going to know it.
Juror # 1 – Thank you for your comments and insight. You were the foreperson of the jury and I watched you read the verdict. I imagine that was one of the toughest moments of your life.
The atmosphere in the courtroom was tense and emotional. Anyone in the courtroom who observed the jury would have to agree that the entire jury took their responibilities seriously. Thank you to you and the other jurors for your utmost professional behavior.
Vet, I agree with you on most points, but I am sure Raynor’s attorneys would have never let him take the stand. I have the same feelings, however, sometimes it is in the defendents best interest not to take the stand. The jury cannot hold prejudice agant the accused for not taking the stand, it is his right. On the other side of the coin, if the defense knows that a defendent is guilty, they cannot, as officers of the court allow the defendent to commit perjury.
Vet- another thing, if you were innocent, you could answer the questions. If Raynor was on the stand, What would his asnwer be when they asked him how his DNA got on the pillow case, etc. etc. etc. There is no way he could have taken the stand.
Has anyone heard anything about the Sentencing hearing? I haven’t seen anything on the news….I’m kind of shocked at the lack of coverage. Maybe it will be in the Aegis tomorrow….hopefully front page so the community knows the person responsible has been found guilty….as it hasn’t been on the news most people still don’t know. If I didn’t know about this website I wouldn’t know either!!
Agreed… I find the lack of coverage puzzling…
Communicator my sentiment.exactly. he was not called to the stand in his own defense. because he could not come up with a plausable reason for his DNA being at the crime scene.
I’am sure appeal’s will be next.
Its old news at this point except for those of you that have a personal vendetta against Mr. Raynor. He has been found guility and he is in jail and will be for along time. What else is there to know??
I have no vendetta… I knew nothing of this case until I became a finalist during jury selection for this trial… Since then, I have been an “Interested Observer”…
You should be careful about lumping people into a single bucket just to suit your own argument… And, I would encourage you to read Post # 1005…
You are correct… He’s been found guilty… You are also correct… He is in jail…
What else is there to know? The only question yet unanswered… For how long? Which explains why people are still tuned in until sentencing is complete.
Again, read Post # 1005… You might find it enlightening, if I do say so myself…
Nothing personal. just nice to know justice has been served. in my court of law he would have been Hung’ by the neck until dead.
I am sorry “intested observer” if you thought that was pointed to you. It wasn’t .
It is just amazing the venom and hatred in some of these posts. Clearly, they are writing from a personal place. This man’s life has he knows it is over.
I, as mentioned many times, don’t know if the man is guilty or not. I never formed an opinon one way or the other. Only he does and God. Bottom line, he has been found guilty and will serve his punishment.
My only point was, sadly, there are many criminals in Harford County committing crimes daily. All the news cares about is selling air time and selling papers. Sometimes, they even embelish and make things up for sensationalism. Or they write about unconfirmed facts. There were facts quoted in this blog that were inaccurate or embelished. It is human nature for people to hear things, and intrepret it to how they see fit. There are people on here that are clearly Mr. Raynor’s friends. And there are people on here that are clearly the victim’s friends. Again, it is human nature to side with the one you are friends with. But, if you are going to be online quoting things it should be factual not emotional. Just my opinion. This is not the place to try and convict someone.
Anyway, got off track. My point was as far as the press is concerned, this is old news. My guess, he will get a small corner on the back page once he is sentenced.
I just said except for those of you who have a vendetta. Those people know who they are. I didn’t point the finger at anyone.
Interested Observer, I am not sure what I said to offend you or warrant that comment. Other than I stated the facts as I heard them from my perspective. For the most part, we agree. So, I am not sure why you are taking the things I have said personally. I agree and have stated, being convicted doesnt necessarily make you guilty as well as being acquitted doesn’t make you innocent. My big point was, there was some facts that didn’t support his guilt and left open room for questioning. And being a rotten person and wife doesn’t make you a rapist. And I hope that the real rapist, if it isn’t him, won’t go out and do it again. Thats all.
There are many cases like this all the time. The facts are gathered, presented and interpreted. And the conclusion is a result of that. We are only human. As a result sometimes innocent people go to prison and guilty people go free. (and hear me clearly, I am not saying this is the situation with this case, I don’t know) But it is a shame and that is just a fact of life.
Hatred seep’s out of every pore.Rapist are the scum of the earth. my Baby sister was raped by a 21 year old male. I caught him in the act. I was 14. he’s free now to walk the street’s.
Years later. two little girl’s. five & seven. raped by a 40 year old male. caught because of the dedication of Aberdeen P.D. to persue the case. and one unknowing witness to the crime.
One witness for the state. a jury trial. he was found Guilty. he was also discovered molesting his daughters. He fell dead of a heart attack.. justice was served.
First, thank you for your service to our Country… It’s because of people like you that we can preserve our way of life.
Second, what happened to your sister was tragic… You described her as your “baby sister” and said she was raped by a 21 year old… You also said you were 14 at the time… Well, if you were 14 and she was your “baby sisyer”, God only knows how young she was to endure such a vile act committed against her… I hope she found peace and healing in the loving arms of her faith and family.
“Bystander”… I was not offended by you, nor was I trying to offend you… It’s as simple as this, though… You’re not going to alter anyone’s opinion here… Most minds were made up long before testimony in this case ever began… Quoting miscellaneous pieces of contradictory evidence on this blog after the verdict has already been read in a fruitless attempt as swaying anyone’s belief at this point is nonsensical… It’s just not going to happen…
As I said earlier, I don’t know if this man is guilty or innocent, but the jury has spoken and he was convicted… Therefore, he will pay… Again, my hope is that he is in the penitentiary for the rest of his life, and while there, that he gets a look at rape from the victim’s perspective…
The judge mentioned the sentencing hearing will be in 30-60 days
“1of12″… You took my seat after the prosecutor pulled me out of it… I wish it would have been me, but I’m proud of the job you all did in representing the citizens of Harford County.
Does the jury participate in sentencing? Do you all have to report back for that, or is sentencing left strictly in the judge’s hands?
Innocent Bystander – What else is there to know? How long will he be sentenced is one thing I would like to know. On a personal note, I would also like to know the profile of his cellmate. This may give us some insight into how “comfortable” Raynor will be in prison and what kind of wife he will make for someone. No sentence will be too long. Although, I wish this was The Vet’s court of law and we could hang him. The only downside of hanging him is he would not be alive to endure the same torture he put the victim through. The upside is, he will be alive to endure the same torture he put the victim through except it will be over and over and over and day after day after day. Yes, The Vet was right again, “hated seeps out of every pore.” I am ok with that. What comes around goes around, Karma, poetic justice, no matter what you call it, it means the same thing and it is a good thing.
It amazes me that even after the trial and the guilty verdict, that some of you still remain steadfast in your beliefs that this man is innocent and did not commit this crime. First of all, let me say, that I did not know Glenn Raynor or the victim. Nor, did I have any knowledge of this crime prior to being selected. I performed my civic duty as a member of Harford County and worked with what I was given, plus my own God given sense. His defense team provided us with a lot of theatrics and unnecessary distractions, but no SUBSTANCE. I want to believe that his defense team was doing all they could to defend their client, Mr. Raynor, (for the sake of the judiciary system), even though they knew they couldn’t save him. But even with all the evidence stacking up against him, why wouldn’t his defense team urge him to take a plea? I believe they knew he was guilty and this really wasn’t worth the fight. They took the Raynor money, chalked it up as a loss and went on to their next case. DNA has gotten a lot of individuals out of jail and on the flip side – SENT A LOT OF INDIVIDUALS TO JAIL. This was just one of those cases where DNA is sending the right individual to jail. Face it, and move on.
Furthermore, the only thing the defense disputed was the way in which the State obtained the DNA from the chair. It’s called: Surreptitious Sampling
“There is no subjective expectation of privacy in discarded genetic material, just as there is no subjective expectation of privacy in fingerprints or footprints left in a public place,”
His appeal will be denied.
HOORAH! to “Actual Juror”! Thank you for your service and, after the fact, your candor here… Both are most appreciated.
The Aegis has an article on the trial today. It states the sentencing will be 60 days from the end of trial date. So August I suppose. Raynor’s Attorney said if they appeal it will be because of the DNA taken from the sweat…as they don’t think it was within the law. Give up!! The other dna was a match and the defense didn’t share the results of their own dna testing, we all know why now don’t we?
I am done with reading this blog for now. I am happy with the outcome and will continue to pray for the Victim. I will check back when the sentencing phase has happened. See ya in August.
Speaking strictly form an evidence handling / admisability aspect…..I assume the chair was perfectly clean before he touched it? Without a voluntary sample…how do we know the sample from the chair was him? I hope all these little nagging potential debunkers of this evidence were covered.
Go Dagger !
KARMA – I was reading your comments, and you mentioned Raynor called you at 12:30… Was this for a booty call? This would leave us to believe that he was out and about possibly bar hopping or playing poker with his buddies. It sounds like you maight have been one of his extra-marital flings…
The DNA obtained from the chair, albeit via a hotly contested collection method, matched Raynor’s DNA… This is what led to his arrest…
AFTER he was arrested, ANOTHER sample of his DNA was collected, this time using the more traditional “cheek swab” method… This second sample also matched the defendant.
So, dispute the validity or accuracy of the sample collected from the chair all you want to, but there was no disputing the validity or accuracy of the sample collected after his arrest.
And, we’ve heard quite a bit about the defense having conducted their own independant testing… You can rest assured that if those tests had shown even the slightest possibility that that the DNA collected at the scene of the crime didn’t match Raynor’s, it would have been brought up in court for the jury to hear, if for no reason other than to cloud the issue or cast doubt on the accuracy of the scientific evidence presented by the State.
Guilty beyond a reasonable doubt was the verdict in this case… When will Glenn Raynor’s cult following of supporters simply accept that their “hero” is a sick, perverted rapist, and he’ll (hopefully) never again be free to walk the streets of Fallston, Bel Air, or anywhere else.
We’ll never hear about it when it happens, but some night in the not too distant future, there will be a scream let out from inside the penitentiary, at precisely the moment that Glenn Raynor is seeing… and FEELING… what rape is like from the viewpoint of the victim…
Im not by any means sticking up for Raynor but does anyone think that his attorney was a complete putz? Did they actually mislead him as to actually thinking he was going to get off just so they could get paid?
I didnt attend the proceedings but from what I have heard they didnt have even the slightest case. It does indeed seem the evidence was overwhelmingly against him so why would he go for the plea deal? Was one offered?
When is the sentencing? How long do you all believe he will get? 30 years no parol?
I guess thats that…turn the page.
Go Dagger !
He would have done just as well, with a public defender. He wasted money that his wife & kid’s could have used.
Interested Observer – Good Post. Especially the last paragraph!
RichieC – Get a life and let it go. Your boy is guilty
Dawg – Raynor’s attorney was a very well respected, expensive lawyer. The problem wasn’t that he was a “putz” – your words not mine, but that he did not have a case to defend. All he could do was try to create doubt and make sure that the court procedures were followed and Raynor’s constitutional rights were not violated. I would love to know how much Raynor spent on legal fees. I think his wife and children could have used that money. At $300 – $400 an hour, it adds up quickly. If you told me he spent in excess of $100,000 on his defense, I would not be surprised at all.
Dawg1 – Who knows if Raynor told his attorney that he was guilty? If he did, he could not take the stand. Even if he did not tell them, I think they knew it the moment the independent DNA tests were returned.
So we will now wait as the PSI (Pre Sentencing Investigation) is conducted. In 60 or so days, Raynor will learn the location of his permanent new residence and how long they will be keeping him.
I don’t know about you, but I can’t help but smile as a drive past the Harford County Detention Center and smell the sweet fragrance of justice in the air.
Whenever anyone has an ACCURATE and RELIABLE sentencing date, please post it… I’m sure there are many who would like to be in the courtroom for that.
“1035.The Communicator on June 17th, 2009 12:50 pm
Interested Observer – Good Post. Especially the last paragraph!
RichieC – Get a life and let it go. Your boy is guilty”
Communicater…of course hes guilty….if you read the post you would understand what I said…now go back and read it again . Ill be waiting for you to apologize for speaking before engaging !
Go Dagger !
Richie C – No apology is necessary. You are asking questions which question the credibility of the evidence. Let me spell it out for you…..Raynor sat in a chair. Probably an old, dirty, smelly chair that has seen more than its fair share of criminals. Raynor refused to submit to a DNA sample BUT he left sweat on the old smelly chair. The police swabbed the sweat and sent it to the DNA lab. It matched the DNA from the crime scene. Raynor was arrested. Raynor, while under arrest submitted to a cheek swab DNA sample, it also matched the DNA from the scene. By questioning the integrity of the evidence, it sounds to me like you are defending Raynor. If you are not, perhaps you should try to express your thoughts in a more clearly. I am sorry you did not write your comment more coherently….how’s that?
Spoken in true Communicator fashion… LOL
Has anyone who knows the victim personally spoken to her recently?
If so, I would be interested in knowing her reaction to the verdict, and more importantly, how she is doing overall with regard to putting her life back together…
Was she in court when the verdict was read? Is she planning on addressing the court during the sentencing phase, or at least being there to watch this animal get his punishment?
If you have ACCURATE FIRST-HAND knowledge of the above and care to post on it, please do.
Communicator…Once again…this has already been dialogued…you are a day late and a dollar short..
Go Dagger !
I don’t want to dispute or get caught up in a back and forth with others about guilt or innocence but something that is just nagging that I just can’t understand and thought maybe someone could possibly explain (hopefully without negative banter but simply, logically, scientifically)
…why don’t the finger prints lifted at the scene of the crime match? Finger prints from the first attempted entry at the front window, finger prints that were lifted from the broken window that happend to be on the white window grids housed inbetween double pane glass, finger prints at the door jam that was chiseled away. Finger prints collected by the State, tested by the State and according to their own lab they don’t match Mr. Raynor.
I just can’t seem to understand. Did the jurors possibly have additional insight and can maybe help explain.
Sounds like a job for The Communicator… lol
Dear Baffled,
Good luck with that. That is how my blog got started with curiosity. And the insults started flying. I was just questioning some of the evidence. Then, I was accused of siding with the defendant.
It seems odd to me as well that there were no fingerprints. Its not like Mr. Raynor is a criminal that has perfected his crime to not leave any fingerprints. The sperm also did not match his DNA either. And the state didn’t test the sheets for DNA I don’t believe.
Innocent Bystander –
Stop making assertions you know nothing about. Raynor has a previous arrest record. He is a criminal. Fingerprints are easy to avoid and harder to prove than DNA. Now you’re starting crap about the sheets?
You think this is the first time he has violated a woman? At 37 years of age at the time of the attack?
No, it’s the first time someone was brave enough to report the incident and follow through with the prosecution.
Bystander… Baffled… Etc., etc., etc…
You can “question SOME of the evidence” if you wish… I can “question SOME of the evidence” if I wish… Anyone here can “question SOME of the evidence” if they wish…
However, having said that, the JURY heard ALL of the evidence, and they returned a unanimous verdict of GUILTY in this case… How is it productive at this point to “question some of the evidence” after the trial has been completed and a verdict returned?
Now, don’t claim that “the insults started flying”… I am simply responding to your post… But, when others who are close to the victim in this case respond, perhaps in a somewhat more negative manner, to you “questioning some of the evidence” used to bring about justice to this young woman who was so brutally attacked, can you blame them?
12 of Raynor’s peers… MY peers… YOUR peers… found him guilty of this crime… Accept it… Deal with it… Live with it…
If you want to avoid rubbing salt in some very deep wounds with the victime, her friends, and her family… what you don’t do is “question” it…
The “questions” have already been answered at trial and Raynor is guilty as charged… Except for the sentencing, it’s over…
Interested Observer –
My goodness, lighten up. There are many bloggers on here. Everything isn’t about you for pete’s sake. Everything I say is not pointed to you. I just made a statement to Baffled that I too had had that same question.
I understand he is guilty. He was found guilty. I GOT IT.
I knew your post wasn’t directed at me… I knew that because I had never insulted you in any way in our previous correspondence… However, I was generally commenting on your post, and the validity of my point still remains…
You come on here after the trial is over and the verdict is in, trying cast doubt on the accuracy or quality of the evidence used to convict Raynor… While that is certainly your prerogative, how do expect people to react to that, especially those that may be close to the victim in this case?
All you do by posting comments that “question some of the evidence” in some sort of feigned pseudo-neutral manner is to incite and inflame those with very strong opinions about what this animal did to this young woman and his certain guilt (as evidenced by the verdict in this case), to respond back at you in kind…
If you don’t want the venom, don’t play with the snake…
As I said… Any “questions” were answered by the jury when they returned their verdict… Anything else at this point is moot…
Innocent Bystander – It is not that you questioned the evidence, it is that you do not know how to seperate emotion and logic. You say “you do not believe” the state tested the sheets for DNA. Why do you believe this? I will tell you why, because that is what you want to believe. Because you were close to Raynor and you do not want to believe he did it. I will tell you that what you “believe” is completely unfounded and inacurate. STOP SPREADING RUMORS! My advice to you, go get a strong cup of coffee and wake up.
Baffled – you question the lack of fingerprints. Anyone of us who has ever watched Columbo or read the Hardy Boys from our childhood knows to wear gloves or to wipe away our fingerprints. Remember, Raynor thought this out. He knew the victim, knew the layout of the house, he knew he would be protected from being seen with the 6′ privacy fence, he tried diligently for a very long time to get into the house. He tried the window first and then (I saw this myself when we moved the victim out of her house) chiseled the doorframe, pried open the door and eventually gained entry. He brought KY Jelly with him. Fortunately, he left his DNA on the scene. And to you nay sayers out there, the DNA evidence was so conclusive (I will say this again) that the defence did not bring into evidence their own DNA test results.
Reality Check – Right on!
I knew it wouldn’t take long for The Communicator to step in on the most recent string of dialog…
Once again, well spoken…
As I said in #1048, if you don’t want the venom, don’t play with the snake… That’s all you do when you feign neutrality yet everything you say tries to “question some of the evidence”…
Communicator… Please read #1040 and RSVP (if you care to).
Now, communicator, you are being hateful. I do not know Mr. Raynor, nor his wife or his children. Nor do I know the victim as you clearly do. And I think I can do a better job of separating the emotion from fact better than you can. I said I don’t believe they tested the sheets as it wasn’t given as evidence in the trial. Therefore, I can only assume they weren’t tested. I don’t have a hidden agenda or trying to believe anything. I am not spreading rumors. If you know they tested the sheets, then say so with the conclusion. But, I don’t have the inside track that some of these folks have, nor do I read the worthless rag of lies, the Aegis. Nor do I have a preconceived assumption of guilt or innocence.
Who are you that you were there when they moved the victim out of the house? How do you know he tried numerous times to get into the house.?
And you can not deny this was a curious case. That coupled with my curioisty of our judicial system is why I chose to spend my time in the courtroom. And while the verdict is in, and I respect the verdict. I just hope this gives the victim some peace of mind.
But, just because a verdict is in, doesn’t mean all the questions have been answered. It would be nice to have a crystal ball and to have all the answers. But we don’t. So it is, what it is.
This is a blog for people to freely ask their questions and state their opinions. So, I did, and so did Baffled.
This is what I was afraid of…I am sorry for my question. I really wasn’t trying to question guilt, innocence, DNA or any of the facts of the crime, just hoping to gain a little more understanding as to how this could happen. Because it is my understanding that there wasn’t a lack fingerprints; but rather they just do not match. Again my apologies to anyone I have caused upset to.
I am not being hateful, I am being direct. Like the saying goes, if you don’t want to hear the answer, please don’t ask the question.
I helped the victim move oou of the house. I saw the door. If you saw the door you woul dagree that a long time was spent trying to get into the house. It was not a simple prying open of a door, it took a long, long time. My guess is, it took him so long because he did not want to make much noise. But that is a guess.
Interested Observer – what is #1040?
I appreciate direct but that isn’t what I am getting. You say DNA all over the crime scene. My question is other than the blood match, what other DNA was there. That and the semen test Y-str which narrowed it down to 1 -1000. And the sperm did not match.
With that said, I do find it curious at the blood and why wasn’t an explanation offered. That is definite damning evidence. But then the sperm not matching?? Also , do you know if the sheets were tested?
I don’t understand where some of you are getting the idea that there was any sperm that didn’t match. There was so little sperm it was sent to a different lab that had to do YSTR testing, and Raynor’s matched it. I didn’t hear EVER in the trial that there was sperm that didn’t match….
I think people are making stuff up
Communicator… Post # 1040…
Thank you, There for the Trial.
The sperm and semen, the blood and the saliva. All pointed to Raynor. I know the saliva was only accurate to about 97.5% but the DNA from the blood and semen were conclusive.
And by the way, as for the question about the fingerprints…it was a double pane window. Fingerprints can last forever. Obviously, someone touched the window when the window was made/manufactured, so that’s my guess as to why there were fingerprints that didn’t match Raynor. I’m sure that he wore gloves when he was trying to break in to prevent fingerprints from being there, and it’s impossible to get fingerprints off of sheets or other cloth material.
I do not see post #1040. On my screen they are numbered up to 99 and start over at 00. What date and time? I can see it that way.
Communicator… Please see below…
1040.Interested Observer (formerly Juror #4) on June 17th, 2009 6:17 pm
Has anyone who knows the victim personally spoken to her recently?
If so, I would be interested in knowing her reaction to the verdict, and more importantly, how she is doing overall with regard to putting her life back together…
Was she in court when the verdict was read? Is she planning on addressing the court during the sentencing phase, or at least being there to watch this animal get his punishment?
If you have ACCURATE FIRST-HAND knowledge of the above and care to post on it, please do.
Interested Observer – I do not want (this is a change, huh?) to say much. My comments thus far have always been in support of the victim not about the victim, other than that she was my friend.
I will say one thing; She was in the courtroom and was pleased with the verdict, as we all were. She wanted to see this to thing to fruition. She has stayed so strong during these long three years and we, her friends, are very proud of her. She is a great person and has a strong network of friends.
Well said… Thanks for sharing to the degree you were comfortable doing so.
Communicator I thank you for shareing. I have supported the victim from beginning to end. may be now she will some peace in her life.
Gary Owen & Semper fi
Innocent Bystander – I want to make one more point. I have followed this case from the very beginning. From a day or two after the horrible attack, throughout the initial investigation, when the case went cold and until the suspect was arrested and subsequently, convicted. You say that I cannot seperate the emotion from the logic, I would argue the exact opposite. I never had anything against Raynor, until I was made aware of the evidence. If the evidence did not implicate Raynor, why would I want him convicted? That would mean the actual rapist was still free on the streets. I was always interested in two things: 1) the welfare of my friend and 2) that the rapist be brought to justice.
Truth be told, It is sad that it was Raynor. I never knew him but I knew his family way back when. I feel horrible for his wife and children, but as I said before, I feel much worse for the victim. And it was Raynor, he was found guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. To me, things are black and white, right or wrong. Raynor committed one of the worst crimes and I hope (and I hope you feel the same) that he never sees freedom again. He has forefeited his right to live in our society and to breathe the same air that you and I breathe. We are all safer because he is behind bars.
Some how I don’t think that will be your final point, HA. Just kidding. But, it makes sense now, My guess is you are a cop. And you have befriended the victim since the attack or knew the victim prior. But you clearly had knowledge of things that I had no way of knowing. I didn’t grow up in Maryland nor do I live in Harford County, so I don’t know any of these folks.
And yes, rape is a heinous crime. You might actually find this interesting. But, many years ago, I had been called to jury duty. The one and only time I was called. And I wasn’t selected. The question posed to me was if it is likely that he did it, but not proven beyond a reasonable doubt, could I find him innocent. I sat there and thought about it. I said to the prosecutor, honestly, I don’t know that is a tough one. I know that is my civic duty. If he likely did it, but not proven completely beyond a reasonable doubt, could I release this sick man to the street based on a technicality. So, needless to say, I was not selected.
But, with that said, our judicial system, is less than perfect. Innocent people go to prison all the time and some of the guilty go free. In addition, how many sexual offenders go to jail, do their time and get out. And, offend again. I think the one thing worse than being raped would to be raped by someone that was caught and then did their time and was released. (either would be unbearable, just trying to make a point) What decides who gets a 1 year sentence or 10 years or 30 years or life?? Do a search on registered sex offenders. Hundreds are set free to molest, rape or whatever again. That is frightening.
I would have to get the court transcripts again ton confirm but I could swear the testimony was that the sperm was not a DNA match. The semen Y-STR was positive for the y chromosome and could be 1 in 1000.
Bottom line, I don’t think sexual offenders should ever get out of prison. And castration isn’t not a bad idea either. Put everyone out of their misery.
I went to school with G and S. G was a big drug user then, always started fights and ALWAYS cheated on S. She was dumb enough to forgive him or look the other way. I have no doubt that G continued to act the same through his adult years as well. I think that he TOTALLY got what he deserved and I have NO DOUBT that he was capable of committing such a crime. I do not feel sorry for S because she was dumb enough to stick by him and his antics all these years. I do feel bad for the kids. Hopefully S will have better taste in her next husband and the kids can have a REAL father! Certainly THEY deserve that !!!!!
School Mate
The Action’s you speak of are that of a power Rapist. I wonder how many more victim’s there may be.
Even though, I do not doubt in the least bit that he is guilty in this particular case, it would be wrong to assume that there are other cases. This very well could have been the first of this “level”. Although I can say I AM SURE he has no doubt taken advantage of women in the past. I still believe a person is innocent until proven guilty. With DNA evidence, he should hang!
Innocent Bystander,
The testimony wasn’t that it wasn’t a DNA match. The testimony was that the state police lab couldn’t make a DNA match/do the DNA test because there was too little sperm, so they had to send it to a special lab to have other testing done (i.e. YSTR). If that sperm/semen had belonged to someone else, the defense attorney would have been harping on that OVER AND OVER again in his closing…the only thing he mentioned not matching were the fingerprints. Those were the only thing that a test was actually run on that turned out to not be a match, which is easy to understand because many people touched that window I’m sure when it was being made/manufactured, and I’m sure he wore gloves as I said earlier. There was no DNA at this scene that didn’t match Raynor – i.e. all the DNA evidence there was matched Raynor.
And you keep saying this 1 in a 1000 which if you remember the testimony also translates to 99.78% of caucasian males and 99.93% of all males were EXCLUDED, and that was the upper limit frequency they calculate to be safe, i.e. the most there could be, and if you remember the testimony, the only other people it could be are people in Raynor’s patrolineal line. Come on…let’s be realistic…it’s obviously Raynor…with this test, with the additional DNA conclusive matches, his knowledge of the house, etc.
I read that on a website when i was researching the specific test. I am not a doctor, detective or even a police. This was all new to me.
This is not stuff that I researched. This was all stuff that was said at the trial.
The only thing i researched was the Y-STR test. I had never heard of that before.
The Victim was having an affair with someone during the time of the RAPE, however, it was NOT with GLENN. Conveinently, that information was NOT ALLOWED to be presented during the trail, If it were allowed, I’m confident Glenn would not be sitting in jail.
Since the Trail is over. I think it’s only a matter of time before all facts come out.
Everyone wants the Truth. Right?
I don’t care if the victim had 10 affairs going on at the time of the rape!!! That is her choice but being raped was not her choice!!!
Her phone lines were cut, house broken into,shes raped and abused and Glenn’s DNA at the break in and on the pillow case. Besides that outstanding evidence, he used his left hand to retrieve the lub and right to apply it cause he’s a lefty. He owned a hat that matched the description. His build matches the description. He would voluntarilly give his DNA and tried to get a plea prior to the trial. This is a man who had the reputation of a violence, a womanizer, a cheat and a big drinker. His poor wife probably couldn’t even testify if he was home late that night b/c it wasn’t unusually for him not to be in bed late at night. I do find it interesting that in the Aegis, Lisa Marts said that ” three strikes and your caught.”
during her closing statement. I think she knows more than all of us but unfortunately people are afraid to step up.
To “Information”… The victim was never on trial. It doesn’t matter who she was sleeping with. That has nothing to do with being raped.
So if I was raped tomorrow, the rapist should not go to jail because I have had sex in a relationship with someone else? What sense does that make?
Actually, if you were there, you would know that they did ask the victim in cross-examination at the trial whether she had had sex with anyone within 7 days prior to the rape? The answer was NO. I don’t even think that should have been allowed, but it was.
However, I will say that I absolutely agree with the others…who cares who she CHOSE to have a relationhip with, that doesn’t mean a rapist gets to walk free or that she gives anyone permission to have sex with her. She is an adult and is allowed to consent to any relationship she wants. But most importantly, this wasn’t an issue of consent. Defense AGREED that she was raped.
So I will say AGAIN …get your facts straight!!
Posted today.
Doc No./Seq No.: 90/0
File Date: 06/18/2009Close Date:06/18/2009
Document Name: Writ of Habeas Corpus Issued
for defendant’s apperance at sentencing hearing on September 2, 2009 before Judge Plitt.
What a sad story… You could make a movie out of this story. A suburban married man, father of two. Breaks into his old home and rapes an innocent woman. Assailant goes free for 2 years, we all know how it ends. The drama in this case is intense…
I’m sure Raynor is going to love his first father’s day behind bars. If it hasn’t hit him yet, it will this weekend… His infidelities (sp) are going to mess up his wife and 2 kids for the rest of their lives. Sad for the Raynor family, but happy that the victim has closure.
Information – yes we want the truth and you confirmed it when you wrote your comments on this blog, the truth is you are an idiot.
Whether she was married, had a boyfriend or had an affair is not relevent. Remember, (as Unbelievable stated) she was never on trial. Your comments are hateful and desperate.
So that’s how it works with you? A woman’s home is broken into in the middle of the night and is brutally raped and you want to put her on trial?
I don’t feel sorry for his wife b/c I’m sure he behaved in an inappropriate manner more times than not. She is pathetic for having kids with him and subjecting them to Glenn. Let’s just hope that they don’t follow in their father’s footsteps!!
Let’s concentrate on the real victim here not his wife who chose to marry him, have kids with him and spend her life with him. That was her choice, the victim didn’t have any choices!!
I hope he hangs himself in jail. Would solve so many problems. Not to mention our tax dollars feeding that Piece of %&*$ !
I wonder if the idiot that made the comment on 1074 was Glenn’s Attorney. What a retard.
Schoolmate, what is wrong with you? Those are some pretty horrendous comments. Perhaps, better kept to yourself. Have you ever heard of Karma?? The man is and will continue to be punished for his crimes. I believe Mr. Raynor is around 40 so you all have been out of school now for 20+ years. I hope you haven’t been hanging on to all that hate and animosity all this time. What did he do? Stand you up for PROM.
Also, whoever wrote 1074 appears to have no common sense. How can you make the jump to it being his attorney. From reading these blogs, he had a well respected attorney. Making assumptions like that just isn’t necessary.
and you use a word like retard?? Seriously??? How socially unacceptable.
and you use a word like retard?? Seriously??? How socially unacceptable.
I will share this bit of information, the state offered Raynor a 45 year plea agreement with the following conditions:
No appeal and he must admit that he comitted the crime.
He turned it down – said the sentence was too long. He wanted to get out to see his kids grow up. State then offered 40 years – declined. There were discussions about 30 years but nothing shorter. Raynor’s tried to negotiate a 15 year sentence but the state said no way. The case went to trial and you know the rest of the story.
Communicator – I heard the same thing from someone close to the case. Kinda wonder if his attorney didn’t want to see him locked up too. He was told that they could get some of the charges dropped, which would mean he wouldn’t serve that long, so why take a plea of 30 years. Then the defense has nothing at the trial. How did the attorney think charges would be dropped when he did nothing to prove otherwise? “IF” he is innocent, you cannot blame our justice system, just a greedy attorney who gave bad advice and didn’t do his job. Great job to the DA.
The attorney has professional ethics to follow. I am sure his attorney, and actually he had two well respected attorneys, did their best. They would lose their licenses and right to practice and their livlihoods, so I am pretty sure they didn’t take the case to throw it so he would go to prison. I am sure it wasn’t worth all that to them to fulfull your conspiracy theory. Who comes up with this stuff? Clearly, people with too much time on their hands. And spend too much time watching TV.
And the burden of proof is on the state not the defense. Based on the closing arguments, the defense felt that burden of proof had not been met. Attorney’s have no way of knowing how the jury will vote. So, your theory is preposterous.
Second, I seriously doubt that Glenn has admitted guilt to anyone including the attorneys. To accept the plea is ultmately up to the defendant. So, no one except the attorneys and Glenn will ever know what his attorneys recommended. Quite honestly, at 30 or 40 years old, a plea of 30 years is no deal. He would be 70 when he gets out if he lives that long, so why not take a chance on a jury trial. Really what difference does it make 30 years, 40 years or life. The odds of him ever seeing the outside slim and what kind of life would it be at 70 after being in prision. Seriously, so you can’t blame the attorneys. They were hired to defend him and ensure a fair trial. Again, you have no knowledge of what transpired between him and his attorneys. Only heresay and gossip and assumptions.
So put your thinking cap on MOM and stop listening to rumors.
Let’s clear up something… As heinous as this crime was, the sentence he would have received in a plea deal would very likely not have been ineligible for parole… So, a 30-year sentence does not necessarily mean he wouldn’t get out of jail for 30 years.
The average time served on a sentence in Maryland is approximately 46% of the sentence, so if that statistic held true and the bleeding heart liberals who generally populate the porole boards found him “worthy” of release at some point, he would have ended up serving considerably less than whatever he copped a plea to (about 14 years on a 30 year sentence, 18 1/2 years on a 40 year sentence, etc.)… These are just estimates based on the statistics, but clearly he wouldn’t die of old age before he could potentially be released.
Bottom line, why take a plea if you’re innocent? Why even consider it? Why negotiate for a lesser sentence?
Raynor’s supporters from the Fallston Rec need to stop hanging off of this guy’s jock strap, grab some smelling salts, and come out of the trance… He brutally raped a young woman, thought for two years that he had gotten away with it, attempted to work a favorable plea deal but failed, went to trial and tried in vain to circumvent the state’s overwhelming scientific evidence against him, failed again, and now he’s sitting in a cell until September 2nd when he, along with the rest of us, will find out where he’ll be and for how long…
I hope he brought an extra tube of KY Jelly with him to prison… He’ll need it when his fellow inmates want to get friendly with the new “white meat” on the cell block…
“Mr. Raynor, we’ll offer you a sentence of 45 years if you plead guilty.”
“No. That’s too long. I want to see my kids grow up. I’ll plead not guilty.”
“OK, Mr. Raynor, we’ll reduce it to 40 years.”
“Nope. Still too long. But, if you make it 15 years, I’ll plead guilty.”
Anyone who thinks this guy is innocent is blind, deaf, and delusional… Get real.
Mom – it is my understanding that Raynor’s attorney’s advised him to take a plea agreement. Faced with the case he was, ant attotney worth their weight in salt, would make that recommendation. Remember, he is facing life + in prison. Raynor was too arrogant and thought some charges would be dropped or that he would be acquited or a combination of the two. He did not think he would be convicted on all counts and he did not think his prison sentence was going to be as severe as it will be. We will all find out on September 2nd.
Shock and Awe – Remember, 30 years with the possibility of parole. We live in a liberal state; this is Maryland not Texas. Highly unlikely he serves the entire sentence. I know of four people convicted of murder who have been paroled, so parole for Raynor would have been likely. I do not know if the judge now has the option of sentencing him to life without parole?
Interested Observer – Bravo on your comments.
I understand that there would could have been a possibiity of parole but not a given. But, 30 years wouldn’t have been attractive enough not to chance it with a jury. I would hope a parole board would be a little more strict with convicted sex offenders. And, not saying the state should have offered a better deal, but understandable that Glenn wouldn’t accept.
Mom was just criticizing his attorneys and accusing them of unprofessional behavior, that is just wrong.
On one hand, you say that accepting a plea deal would have been foolish… On the other hand, you criticize his attorneys and accuse them of being unprofessional for not doing a better job at the futile task of mounting a defense for a guy who was clearly guilty as charged on all counts… Your candle is burning at both ends…
He took his chances, his attorneys did their best with what they had (which wasn’t much), and he lost… Don’t blame the lawyers for not getting him off…
Blame Glenn J. Raynor… He chose this path and therefore chose his fate…
That’s part of how he got to be this way… Everyone enabling him, bailing him out, apologizing for him, making excuses for him… He’s on his own now… He’s got to live with that… All of you that have practiced “see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil” as it pertains to this animal better learn to live with it, too…
On one hand, you say that accepting a plea deal would have been foolish… On the other hand, you criticize his attorneys and accuse them of being unprofessional for not doing a better job at the futile task of mounting a defense for a guy who was clearly guilty as charged on all counts… Your candle is burning at both ends…
He took his chances, his attorneys did their best with what they had (which wasn’t much), and he lost… Don’t blame the lawyers for not getting him off…
Blame Glenn J. Raynor… He chose this path and therefore chose his fate…
That’s part of how he got to be this way… Everyone enabling him, bailing him out, apologizing for him, making excuses for him… He’s on his own now… He’s got to live with that… All of you that have practiced “see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil” as it pertains to this animal better learn to live with it, too…
thank you to all of the jurors who commented.
What was it that Porky Pig used to say at the end of all the “Looney Tunes” cartoons?
“Th…Th…Th…………That’s all folks!”
Drum Roll Please…………………………….
The Top Ten Things Glenn Raynor Will Never do Again…………….
10) Sit outside and enjoy a cool breeze and a cold beer
9) Go to a sports event
8) Take a walk with his wife
7) Enjoy a nice meal at a restaurant
6) Drive a car
5) Go to the movies
4) Go to the refrigerator in the middle of the night for a midnight snack
3) Enjoy anything resembling freedom
2) Hug his children
1) And the number one thing Glenn Raynor will never do again………….break into a house and rape another inocent victim
Wow Communicator, I can’t believe you haven’t let this go. I hope the victim has done a better job of moving on and letting go. Otherwise, you (and the victim) are in a prison all of your own. And the rapist wins. Wishing you……..and the victim peace.
communicator you are a asshole
get a life
go arrest someone
take some anger management classes
join the the arundel police dept. they would just love you
Leave the Communicator alone. He is not doing anything but stating the obvious.
I drive by the detention center every day and I have thought the same thing The Communicator said. I am glad someone said it.
Off with his _______ why is he an asshole? I think the asshole is the rapist.
You are focusing your energy at the wrong person or you are in denial.
If (and I believe it is a fact) that the Victim had “consenting” SEX with someone else (her lover) within @ least 12 hours prior to being raped. I definitely think this would have an impact on this case, however, for some reason that information was conveniently not heard at trial.
and her lover was her friends husband – but let us remember she was not on trial – but she should of got the story straight before going to the hospital that dreary morning…
SEX and Lady in Red – Stop spreading rumors. Your facts are wrong. Stop it.
What the hell would having consensual sex with a different man at ANY point have to do with the fact someone broke into her house and raped her?
As I said before, she was asked if she had had sex with anyone within 7 days of the rape, and the answer was NO. Your facts are wrong. Don’t you think if it was fact that she had had sex with someone, and they knew who it was (e.g. friend’s husband as you claim), don’t you think they would have called him as a witness when she denied it?? THAT’S BECAUSE IT’S UNTRUE!!!
And as DW said, even if she did have sex with someone, what does that have to do with whether she was raped? I’ve said it several times…1) Defense did NOT argue that she was not raped – they agreed that she was raped, and 2) given that the DNA matched Raynor, the only thing that would make a difference is if she had had consentual sex with Raynor. No one else would matter!!! The DNA was his!! Some of you all are making up facts because you are in denial that this man is an animal who broke into an innocent woman’s home and raped her. She is a victim and doesn’t deserve to be slandered like this. Think about this – how would you feel if you were a victim of a crime and people who didn’t even know you made up lies about you to try to make you look bad and let an animal go free? SHE DOESN’T DESERVE THIS!
I know nothing about this case…But, could it be Karma. they say what goes around comes around. not that I agree anyone should be raped, but maybe next time she should think twice about sleeping with her friend’s husband.
Well hopefully if karma exists, he will get raped in jail and thus know what it feels like.
This message is for MAYBE – What the F&*! do you know about this case or the victm? I will tell you …nothing; absolutely nothing. So keep your comments to yourself, or who knows?, maybe we will all pray for a little Karma and you will get raped. Then you can feel what the victim went through and people can make mean spirited comments and spread rumors about you. Hmmmmmm, makes you think, doesn’t it?
WOW Communicator – just Wow.
Now, that was not very nice was it. Praying for me to get raped- and your so close to this case and think it is such a horrible thing. Why would you wish that on someone else? Maybe you should get raped! This is a BLOG isn’t it! Take a CHILL PILL
This is beginning to be ridiculous now… Ridiculously hateful, and even more ridiculously nonsensical…
It was said, by me and others, that it appeared to be a foregone conclusion that Glenn Raynor was a world-class jerk… Egotistical, demeaning to women, violent, hot-tempered, regularly unfaithful to his wife, excessive drinking, etc., etc., etc… In spite of all that, though, most people here agreed that being an asshole doesn’t make you a rapist…
He’s a rapist because the evidence proved he is a rapist and the jury convicted him of that crime… That’s the way it is, and that’s the way it’s going to be… Like it or not…
Now, more vehemently than ever, these negative comments about the victim are being slung around… Is it her fault Glenn’s in jail? No, it isn’t… It’s Glenn’s fault for going into that house that night to violate that woman…
Just like Glenn’s apparent poor character shouldn’t have been considered reason to assume he was guilty of this crime before due process of law had been served, now that that process is over, is it now appropriate to rip apart the victim’s character in an effort to assert that in some way she DESERVED to be brutally raped by this man in the sanctity of her own home?
I think not…
I’m not assuming anything anyone has stated on this blog about the victim is true, but having said that… If this lady slept around, she may have acted in poor taste, but she didn’t deserve to be raped… If she slept with married men, she certainly lacked any moral compass, but she didn’t deserve to be raped… If she slept with her friend’s husband, she showed extremely poor character, but she didn’t deserve to be raped…
And as she slept in her own bed in her own home that night, alone, SHE DIDN’T DESERVE TO BE RAPED!
Of all the opportunities the defense counsel had during the trial, they never once used the “she was aking for it” argument…
Hasn’t this victim been through enough?
I am not wishing anyone to get raped. I want her to think about what she is saying about the victim – absolutely unfounded, meanspirited, hurtful comments. I want her to put herself in the victim’s shoes, if for only a moment.
Interested observer – well written comment. Thnak you
Having SEX with someone else prior to being raped would have definitely contaminated the DNA. And if the victim was asked if she had sex 7 days prior to being raped and she answered NO, then SHE is a LIAR. She knows she had sex and she knows with whom. LIke I said previously, this information was withheld because the information would be devastating to all involved. I’m sure the names of those who (are/were) involved the in this affair will eventually be leaked onto this blog.
Ahhh! The wall starts crumbling down. Pieces to a puzzle?? Good Pages to a book? Someone could write a book about this stuff. I’m confident there are at least one or two readers on this blog who have the credentials to write a book or two.
I think SEX and Lady in Red is one and the same!! And it could be Raynor’s Attorney trying to gather up info. for and appeal. I definitely think they are close to Raynor…have you noticed the tone of their comments when someone speaks out against Raynor…pathetic. Wake up and smell the coffee..hell drink a cup, maybe it will awaken some brain cells as you definitely can’t see the evidence before you!!
Yep, because if she had sex with another man prior to being raped that would magically cause Raynor’s DNA to appear all over the place…
SEX and Lady in Red are obviously the same person. Probably Raynor’s wife. It’s my understanding that she was okay with his “outside activities” as long as he didn’t “get caught.” Take that to mean whatever you want, but I assume it means he’s been doing this sort of thing for a long time. I bet a lot of cold cases will be solved in the next couple of years as they run his DNA on file against evidence in unsolved crimes.
Here’s what worries me: it sound like the victim’s neighbor, who was good friends with Raynor, might have known for YEARS what Raynor had done. This friend might even be on here defending his friend! How scary is that?? You think you know a neighbor and then you find out they were involved in something horrible like this! I never look at this neighbor the same way when I see him around.
To “Sex” you say this information about her having sex with someone within seven days of being raped was withheld becuase, and I quote “this information was withheld because the information would be devastating to all involved.” ? Wasn’t what the victim went through and and what Raynor will go through are not much more devastating? Why do you think this information did not come to light during the trial? If so many people (including yourself) knew about this, why didn’t you or anyone else come forward? I will tell you why, it is not true. You were not willing to commit perjury but you are willing to slander and spread rumors on this blog.
So Raynor was convicted becuase someone did not admit to an affair? And everyone who knew about the affair did not want to come forward? Whatever you are smoking must be some good stuff.
Move on Mrs. Raynor. I am sorry you are going through this, I really am, but slandering the victim will not rectify the fact that your husband will be in prison for a very long time.
I agree with the Communicator and DW. Whether the victim had sex with anyone else does NOT magically make Raynor’s DNA appear. And like Communicator said, if so many people knew about this affair, why didn’t anyone come forward to testify to that in order to challenge the victim’s credibility? It’s obvious why they didn’t – IT’S UNTRUE AND A MEAN, VINDICTIVE RUMOR, and something someone is only willing to spread on a website where their identity is hidden because they’re scared to get caught telling these lies and in a place where they are not under oath like in a courtroom!
Stop slandering this poor woman…if you felt that strongly, you would have been there as a witness for Raynor when the trial was happening.
What is this world coming to when a woman is brutally raped and violated while sleeping in her own bed, alone, and yet friends and family of the now convicted perpetrator of this vicious crime respond simply by saying, basically, “she deserved it”?
When you boil away all of this other rhetoric, that’s basically what’s happening here, and I just don’t get it…
When does any woman in a civilized society “deserve” to have this happen to them?
And how, after all of the evidence is in and the jury has spoken, does anyone (whether friend or foe) look at Glenn J. Raynor anymore as anything other than a cowardly, perverted, and disgusting human being, guilty of rape (and a plethora of other charges), and having no business every breathing a molecule of air again that isn’t tainted by the stench of his cell mate’s sweat?
If you still look at this person and see a “friend”, I question not only your character and judgment, but also your mental stability…
Maybe breaking into a woman’s home in the middle of the night, awaking her from a sound sleep, and torturing her is OK in your twisted world, but not mine…
To hear the words “supporters” and “rapist” in the same sentence is simply bizarre…
I think the point being made here by these folks is that her lying about having sex tainted the DNA evidence. IF she did in fact lie, why? I don’t think all the folks commenting on this are implying (except for Lady in Red and some of the other morons) that she deserved this. She is a grown woman and allowed relationships and the certainly doesn’t mean she asked for this. But, why would she have lied so that the DNA evidence could have been properly analyzed.
And again, I seriously doubt that his attorneys are using this as an avenue to gather evidence for his appeal. How stupid is that.
Come on, people…THINK.
The presence of additional DNA – would have been discovered as a matter of course. This is why all fingerprints are attempted to be matched, same with semen/sperm, etc. Additional “contributions” aren’t going to skew results.
Ever heard of gang rape? How do you think investigators determine who/how many involved?
I don’t care who she slept with consensually, or when. It has NO bearing whatsoever on her rape.
As for those suggesting the victim is on the receiving end of Karma, may I suggest you are messing with your own in a BIG way.
The ignorance, bias, and sheer stupidity exhibited by some of those posting here is mind-blowing. I am grateful for the informed, intelligent, fair-minded folks who have kept this blog worth reading.
The STATE would not allow this information be heard.
It is simply untrue that that State didn’t allow information to be heard. The victim was allowed to be asked whether she had had sex within 7 days of the incident. If that question had not been allowed or excluded by the State according to your theory, then there never would have been an answer because the question and answer would have not been allowed. Also, as I said early, once the victim answered, if this was such a fact, then the Defense could have put on witnesses to show she was lying, which big surprise – THEY DIDN’T DO! You know why? Because it is not true and is a big, horrible rumor started by someone close to Raynor.
However, as reality check said, there are 2 more important points. First, it makes NO DIFFERENCE who the victim was in a relationship with – it has no bearing on whether she was raped.
Secondly, and MOST IMPORTANTLY, what fantasy world are you living in that you think DNA is analyzed based on the victim’s recollection of the events? Physical evidence, such as DNA and fingerprints, is always analyzed thoroughly. The analysts would know if there was more than one specimen or fingerprint there because they examine all of the evidence as a whole. Therefore, the analysts would have testified that was more than one specimen, if there had been more than one. The analysis of physical evidence is an independent analysis, so it has ZERO to do with what the victim says or what the facts of the case are.
I thought it was reported the fingerprints didn’t match? Is that correct?
I think it’s weird that a huge part of the initial investigation was based on a vague description & outstanding amount of coverage regarding that Portofino Bay Hotel hat.
Raynor never stayed at that hotel, never owned a hat such as that and they never recovered a hat from him. I heard the state recovered a picture of Raynor wearing the “alleged” hat, however, later it was revealed that it wasn’t even the hat OR Glenn Raynor in the picture. How crazy is that?
So what happened to trying to find rapist who wore the “infamous Portofino Bay Hotel Hat”??? I mean there was a special notice sent out from the Harford County Sheriff’s office shortly after the rape occurred regarding this “specific clue in the case”
Why would the victim let this huge piece of evidence be brushed under the rug??? I doesn’t make any sense.
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To Communicator – Post from June 18th Your quote “Baffled – you question the lack of fingerprints. Anyone of us who has ever watched Columbo or read the Hardy Boys from our childhood knows to wear gloves or to wipe away our fingerprints. Remember, Raynor thought this out.”
Well, if this is true, & if Raynor is soooo methodical & thought this whole thing out. Bottom LINE…….RAYNOR difinitely WORE a condom. Enough Said!
Now, since he is such an experienced “rapist”/monster. According to Communicator, If any of us watched Columbo or read Hardy Boys, you should know to wear gloves to commit a crime, well then a rapist should know to wear a condom.
So everyone should come to the conclusion that GLENN WORE a condom. So once again, how did his Semen match the what was found at the scene? If he planned this so WELL, as many bloggers have said, THEN OBVIOUSLY he would have used a condom for every sex act he performed. HOW COULD IT MATCH. HE WORE A CONDOM, RIGHT? apparently any experienced person who commits crimes knows to wear gloves and surely if they plan to rape someone, would have a boat load of condoms waiting at his wayside
Interesting? Interesting???
Just for the sake of it, the should check her lover’s(whomever it was/or still is) semen/sperm and see if it matches her rape kit. I bet it comes back as a closer match than Raynor’s.
Wow! I checked out that website. I can’t believe Raynor’s old business partner was a convicted FELON. Drugs and Armed Robbery.
Can’t believe it. Learn something new everyday. Did anyone know this. I know it doesn’t make him a rapist but come on man, how messed up is that.
I wonder if the victim knew she was living next to a ex-convict while she was living on BRAMBLE Court.
Lots of people seem to think the prosecution, defense attorneys and jurors are
just dumb. Do you actually believe that if any of these made up stories were true, they would hold it back? Don’t you think that for the past three years, while this case was being investigated, they already checked out every senerio. No matter what any rumors say, Glenns DNA was at the site of break in and on her sheets!
Maybe there were 20 other mens DNA also on her sheets and on her, but why was Glenns? Nobody ever has an answer for why Glenns DNA is on her bed. Instead of making up rumors and lies about the poor victim, spend more time trying to answer that one question.
I saw that website and his partners record but I also saw Glenns record. Great pair but Glenns looked worse even before any of this. I have heard Glenn and his family point some blame on his ex partner but still the facts remain. His partners DNA wasn’t there.
To: Question?
You are so completely misinformed…and it is completely irresponsible of you to even suggest the crap you posted.
To: Gloves – Condom
You want to know what rapists count on? That their crime will go unreported. And they do. They get off on their aggression and the humiliation they inflict on their victims. Carrying around condoms? Yeah, right.
Both of you need to go back and read the FACTS.
reality check – I agree with you. Carrying around condoms, seems so far fetched. However, The Communicator suggested in an earlier post that the Rapist wore gloves. I just feel that if the rapist thinks to bring or wear gloves then he would’ve brought condoms. That’s all.
Karma – are you a friend of Raynor’s? Or just throwing bullshit out the way you want it to be heard?
Please read over your posts. Your contradict yourself regarding whether Glenn said he did it or if he didn’t commit the rape.
1st post you “Glenn, did you rape that girl?” His response ……”I don’t beleive I did it, I don’t remember doing it?” He never said anything like “hell no, are you crazy”. I
2nd Post from you – “He swore to God he did NOT commit this crime. He would even get angry and say that he may have to admit guilty to something he never did”
Are you for real?
Boy what is Raynor doing now…bringing up his ex-partners record from 20+ yrs ago to attempt to make someone else look bad. I don’t know about you but I would rather have a reformed robber living next door than a convicted Rapist!!
And from what I’ve heard the ex-partner wasn’t the robber anyway…simply stupid enough to be with the person who did it….but that’s neither here nor there now is it? The ex-partner of Raynor submitted to a DNA test when he and other neighbors were asked to submit one…no problem, because he had nothing to hide ….his DNA was cleared!! So keep trying Raynor , the fact is you raped the Victim and aren’t man enough to do the time and shut your mouth…Go ahead and spend more money on a appeal that your family won’t have when you’re still locked up….
Even if the system on Earth doesn’t get ya, God will. Or should I say the DEVIL!!
how would Raynor get on here, if he is sitting in Harford County Detention Center?
To “Gloves – Condom. It is not inconceivable that he wore gloves to break into her house. As Reality Check said, the rapist plans on the crime going unreported because so many women are too embarrassed to come forward.
Regarding your comment that said “Just for the sake of it, the should check her lover’s(whomever it was/or still is) semen/sperm and see if it matches her rape kit. I bet it comes back as a closer match than Raynor’s.” Obviuosly you do not have a even a fair understanding of DNA analysis or math. A closer match???? …good greif???………
To Worried in the Neighborhood: Yeah that’s why the neighbor you’re speaking of testified for the State??? You’re really bright…NOT!!
He never knew anything and was more shocked than anyone to hear about Raynor….I have friends in that developement who know him and trust me , he was blown away. He lost a huge investment in the company and is still trying to recover from the impact of this horror!
question? — I’m not sure what you’re talking about, but at least two of Glenn Raynor’s friends who were horrified to learn what he had done mentioned that he DID own that hat. In fact, he had one and he had bought one for his son as a gift, too. Then, a few days after the rape, he got rid of the hats for unexplained reasons. They asked him why he did that and he said he just didn’t want the hats anymor. Who just throws out a gift you gave your son??? Seems pretty weird, doesn’t it? Almost like a guilty man trying to cover his tracks!
did they state this on the blog, or did they tell you personally? I know that his ex-partner testified that Raynor stated he had 2 hats, but gave them away to (Goodwill)
When the Ravens lost to the Steelers in the AFC Chmpionship game last year, the airways flooded with finger-pointing… The kid who threw the block out of bounds on the kickoff return, Flacco’s INT, the referees, etc., etc., etc… As much as I wanted the Ravens to win, and as disappointed as I was, I simply felt like a really great team had lost to a slightly better team, and what happened on the field was what happened on the field… Period.
Facts can’t be changed… They are what they are.
This trial has run its course… The “game”, if you will, has been played… The outcome is in, and Raynor lost… The airways are once again flooded with finger-pointing from “the home team fans”… More of the same, except instead of a “bonehead move” or “blind as a bat referee”, it’s shoddy police work, a crooked judge, incompetent attorneys, tainted evidence, jury made up their minds too fast, etc., etc., etc… It couldn’t POSSIBLY be that Raynor was found guilty because he IS guilty, could it?
Not to mention the horrible mud-slinging that is being directed toward the victim in this case, who (if you believe the stuff about affairs and the like) may not have been a person of high moral character herself, but certainly did not deserve to be brutally raped in her own home by this animal…
This is a loose analogy, at best… I acknowledge that… But I think it fits… At the end of the day, this is all about a bunch of sore losers who don’t want to face the facts head on and accept that their beloved Glenn Raynor is a cowardly rapist who will likely never see the light of day again unless he’s looking at it through iron bars.
Interested Observer – I would like to add one point to your e-mail. You say (because you don’t know the victim) some people may believe that she may not be a person of a high moral character because of the slanderous blogs.
I do know the victim. I have been friends with her for 20+ years. I will tell you that she is the type of person you would want to live next door to your family. Friendly, happy, always a smile on her face and would go out of her way to help you if she could. Great with kids, an animal lover and a high moral character. I would leave my kids with her with no worries at all. The sad thing is she was truely the most innocent of victims; home, asleep in her own bed, having no reason in the world to believe that she would be in any danger. That being said, I hope the attacks on the victim stop.
I definitely am not buying in to the slander… My point then, and in previous posts, is simply that regardless of what anyone may think about this woman… whether she was an angel, complete with wings and a halo, or a devil, complete with horns and a pitchfork, no one… NO ONE… “deserves” what happened to her…
I could tell by the tone of your e-mail that you did not believe the slander. I felt compelled to add those comments for the ones who may, although, I think most are able to see the truth.
it doesnt matter if the neighbor has a criminal record from 20+ years ago. he gave a dna sample, and he was not a match. case closed. and do you really think the states attourney would have someone testify who they weren’t 100% sure wasn’t involved? there are a lot of creepers and people with records all over the place. but in this case, mr. raynor cannot deflect the guilt on anyone else. and from my understanding, hes not saying he did not commit the rape – hes trying to get out through a loophole, saying the dna wasn’t obtained legally. hes a rapist. and to the people badmouthing the victim?? think about your mother, or sister, wife or daughter getting raped as violently as this woman was. it doesnt matter what you think of her (even though im sure 99% of the people on here do not know her. i do, and agree with the communicator, shes an ideal neighbor, a pleasure to have around), no one deserves this. she will suffer from this the rest of her life. show some tact, people.
Hi, Yeah this is the wife of the ex-partner of Glenn Raynor.
I was told there was some crap on here regarding my husband that I may want to read.
Well, first of all, my husband isn’t perfect…and news flash nobody else is either !!
However my husband who I have known since roughly 1989 is the most true hearted , hard working man I’ve ever met. He may have done something in 1982 that sent him to jail for 5 yrs. but this doesn’t take away from the person he is today.
Raynor knew this about my husband when he was our neighbor.
The only thing my husband should be ashamed of is being fool enough to be associated with Raynor .
I would like to say exactly what I feel about things but don’t want to help any appeal that may be coming for Raynor. He isn’t worth the time of day!!
My husband invested alot of money into the Co. that he and Raynor started effective 01/01/07 and lost every cent.
So my husband who has been a free man since 1987 or so and has a degree in Forestry, a licensed Arborist and one of the best Tree men you’ll ever meet, is being scrutinized for what? He hasn’t had more than a speeding ticket since his time served in the 80’s.
The first time I met my husband, prior to being my husband of course…lol . As we were talking and getting to know each other, before even going on an official date, he told me his entire story, because he wanted me to know prior to anything going forward. You know why, because he’s an honest person. Yeah an honest person who made a mistake and trusted the wrong person back then and paid his debt to society, (over 20 yrs ago)!!!!!
Anyone who knows my husband can’t say anything I’m saying is wrong.
He is not perfect, but neither am I or you or anyone else!!
He has made mistakes just like the rest of us.
We are closer now than ever after standing by each other through this nightmare. And trust me this has been a nightmare….since finding out in Sept. 08 that his partner was arrested for the rape of our old neighbor…
I didn’t leave the house for days, upset, shocked and mortified that I could even know someone who could commit such a crime…much less to find out it is the business prtner of my husband. My husband was in shock, sick , worried about the Company and angry that this was happening to us and other people affected by this horrific crime.
We knew nothing about Raynor’s involvement until the bomb dropped that day in Sept. last yr.
I hope that Raynor’s children are doing well and wish nothing but good things for them in their life. They are innocent in this as well and God Bless them.
I don’t know what else to say except don’t assume the worst about my husband just because apparent friends of Raynor are exposing things about my husband that he has never hidden in the first place.
The Victim was our neighbor and she is a terrific person, was a terrific neighbor and my thoughts are with her each and every day. We weren’t what you would call friends….just friendly neighbors and she was always working in her yard or helping the elderly lady next door , offering to mow everyone’s lawn, she is truely missed in our neighborhood.
Myself and my husband were called to testify for the State, I wasn’t needed as it turned out, and was relieved, as I was already dealing with enough stress from the whole thing. My husband did testify, and he felt he wasn’t taking necessarily taking sides, simply telling the truth. And that’s what he did was tell the truth!!
I commend people who have made mistakes and learned from them, and my husband is one of those people I admire for that.
Have a nice day everyone!
Well Me I would say that was very well spoken, I see no reason for any one to pass judgement on you’ or your husband. He who is with out sin cast the first stone.
To The Innocent Ex-Partners Wife:
Your husband did the right thing after serving his sentence and it sounds like he is continuing in the same manner. When you openly talk about mistakes you have made in the past, nobody can ever use that information against you in their futile attempt to claim innocence or sympathy for someone else’s failings.
It is very refreshing to see someone who recovered from a mistake and built a successful personal and professional life, and I hope the two of you can recover from this tragic incident that has unfortunately dragged your business down with it. I can’t imagine how it feels to have someone you have known and associated with for years be revealed as such a horrible person.
To the Ex-Partner’s Wife,
Thank you for adding some real humanity to this discussion. I applaud you for being brave, bold, and honest – and for standing up for not only your husband, but the victim.
I hope your family recovers in all ways and that there is much joy, success, and prosperity in your future.
When losers throw their temper tantrums and splash around in the proverbial puddle, “mud” is slung in all directions…
That kind of enabling behavior on the part of Raynor’s friends and family, his “kin”, his “buddies”, and so on, is what helped get him where he is today… Apologizing for him, making excuses on his behalf, turning a blind eye and a deaf ear to his behavior and conduct as being hot-tempered, demeaning to women, heavy drinking, violent outbursts, etc…
So, now that he’s been arrested, tried, and convicted of raping a young woman as she slept, alone, in her own home and in her own bed, this same group of sore losers and apologists, instead of seeing Raynor (finally) for what he is… a cowardly, perverted rapist who will likely never again know life outside of a penal institution… would rather cast a shadow of negativity onto the victim, former business partners, the judge, the jury, the police department, the attorneys (on BOTH sides), etc., etc., etc…
Those that are doing that are simply pathetic… Let me say that again, for emphasis… Puh-thetic.
Brighten your day with a little music… Try putting the theme song to Baretta on “repeat” mode on your iPod and let those lyrics wash all your cares away…
“……….don’t do the crime…if you can’t do the time…yeah…don’t do it……….”
To The Innocent Ex-Partners Wife:
Thanks for sharing your story. It is truely sad how many innocent people’s lives have been affected by this cowardly act. Hopefully, the victim, you, Raynor’s wife and children can move on as well as can be expected given the circumstances.
Thanks to all who have written your kind responses. I appreciate it. As many of you have pointed out there are alot of people wrongly affected by this horrific crime. My thoughts daily are with the Victim. What we are going through is nothing compared to what she has endured. She’s a wonderful person and I will forever be thinking of her with concern and hope that she someday can have a
somewhat normal life.
Does anyone know Ryan McGuire?
He’s that double A ballplayer outta Raleigh…..
Ryan McGuire appeared in 17 games at first base for the Baltimore Orioles in 2002.
2002 Orioles 17 26 0 2 1 0 0 0 2 2 0 7 0 0 0 2 .077 .143 .115
Didn’t set the world on fire.
How in the hell did we convert this to a baseball discussion?
Speaking of baseball, did you see El Presidente throw out the first pitch of the All-star game?
This is a serious blog about a violent crime that was comitted on an innocent woman…take your meaningless baseball garbage meant to take our minds off of the issue of this blog!! Start a blog on baseball, there ya go!!
Actually, this blog turned into an arguement about how much of a piece of trash Raynor or his partner seem to be. It seems to be a lot of posts full of conjecture and inuendo.
You’re not a “piece of trash” if you break into a young woman’s house in the middle of the night and brutally rape her?
If not, I think we’d all be interested in hearing your definition, because rapists definitely fit into the “piece of trash” category in my world…
You say this blog is “lots of posts full of conjecture and innuendo”… Perhaps that statement would have had some validity prior to June 12th, but it has none today… On June 12th, after all of the evidence had been presented in open court, the jury rendered their verdict… GUILTY ON ALL COUNTS.
Anything said after that day regarding Glenn Raynor isn’t “conjecture and innuendo”… It’s based on fact… The fact is, he IS a rapist, and he’ll rot in jail for the better part of the rest of his life for what he did.
What this site HAS become lately, though, is equally disappointing… It’s become a ‘blame-shifting’ forum for Raynor’s supporters to cast everyone in a negative light except for the convicted rapist thay call a friend… Everyone from former business associates, the judge, the lawyers, the jury, and yes, even the victim, have been in the line of fire… If you want to talk about conjecture and innuendo, there it is, but it is certainly misplaced.
You want to make a joke out of this situation by infusing the dialog with nonsensical rubbish about baseball, etc., and then you justify it by saying you don’t like the direction the dialog is going in…
Please… If you have a constructive comment to make, do so… No matter which side of the argument you come down on, your opinion and your right to express it will be respected… But, while expressing your thoughts, please remember that friends and family of both the victim and the assailant in this case factor prominantly into the mix of people who post on this blog… To overly generalize and make light of such a tragic incident is disrespectful to all.
I encourage you to read a book on e-mail / blog etiquette… It’s called “Nothing Bad Ever Happens If You Haven’t Hit the SEND Key”…
so is the harford county court house open next friday or not does anyone know
with the county taking the day off are the courts open
why? is raynor being sentenced?
Sentencing is September 2nd
To “A” , I say, “lighten up Francis”… My response to stan (#1156) was a satirical comment that was meant to illustrate that we shouldn’t be mentioning names of people that weren’t publicly named in the case. I know nothing about baseball.
Now, however one thing I do know is that your need to have some “righteous Umbrage” over every little comment is bordering on the 90% range
Sentencing was changed from Sept. 2nd to Sept 1st at 9 am.
Wow you could hear a pin drop. Less than a month till sentencing.
Hopefully the sentence will be life plus many, many years. I hope Raynor is enjoying his accommodations at the Harford County Detention Center. I imagine his next permanent residence will be much harsher.
Just a few more days until Raynor’s fate becomes known to all…
I only hope the punishment fits the crime…It doesn’t always happen that way, but I pray in this case it does. Anything less than 15-20 yrs. served…without possibility of parole would be unjust!! I can’t wait until the sentencing is done.
Wow tomorrow is the BIG day……
I still think it’s Sept. 2nd. I haven’t heard otherwise.?? I don’t know who posted the 1st…under A…but it wasn’t I!! I just think someone is trying to throw people off as to when the sentencing is?? Who cares, I sure wouldn’t want to be there even if the public is allowed. I wouldn’t waste my time. It will be on here or in the newspapers, that’s enough for me. I will be praying for the maximum however. It doesn’t matter how much time he ends up serving it will never take back what he did to the victim. SAD!!
It is 9/1/09 according to the Maryland judiciary case search records.
@ 9:30 AM
Cool….today’s the day ….yahooey!!
100 years for Raynor. Thats the official word on my end. WOW. I thought maybe 20 or 30.
Thats 100 no parole
I’m hearing that Judge Plitt sentenced Raynor to 100 years, but he must serve 50 years before he is eligible for parole.
Praise God!!!! I think this calls for a celebration…I’ve never seen justice served in such a fine manner. I am so happy for the victim…that’s where my thoughts are today!!
Justice has been served. Judge Plitt sentenced Raynor to 100 years. 80 years for the rape; 10 years for a secondary offense and another 10 for another conviction. The sentences are consecutive so the sentence is 100 years and because the crimes were violent, Raynor must serve a minimum of 50% of the sentence. So Raynor will serve a minimum of 50 years (less the 93 days Judge Plitt gave him credit for time served) so I would guess around his 90th birthday Raynor will be eligible for parole.
Raynor’s attorney made statements during the sentencing hearing that all but admitted that Raynor was guilty. He suggested that Raynor may have been under the influence of cocaine and alcohol. He said Raynor did not recall committing the crimes. Raynor’s attorney also praised Raynor for not taking the stand and perjuring himself and for not beating the victim during the rape. All I have to say is unbelievable!
Raynor had the opportunity to speak after the victim’s statement. He said he felt bad for the victim but never admitted guilt, responsibility or showed any remorse for his crime.
The victim’s statement was heartwrenching. She was so brave and took her time explaining to the court how her life has been forever changed. The victim was gracious in the fact that she acknowledged that she actually felt badly for Raynor’s children and wife. I think that was a nice gesture. Given all she had been through, nobody would have found her at fault for ommiting raynor’s family.
So there you have it. Raynor will soon be off to Jessup, Hagerstown or Patuxent for the next 50 years. As I’ve said all along, I hope his new neighbors give him a taste of his own medicine; over and over and over again.
Wow… I wish I was there today. What was the mood like in the court room? Was Raynor’s wife there? Are there still supporters out there for him? As a juror that helped decide his innocence, my heart goes out to his wife and kids. Another great day for the victim!!!
Thank You Communicator for giving us the real story of the events today. I am not surprised that Raynor did not show remorse…it’s a bit late for that now anyway.
I am so relieved for the victim. I know she is a sensitive person and would show sadness for Raynor’s wife and kids….unfortunately Raynor wasn’t thinking of them when he committed this horrible crime. Now it’s time for him to get locked up for what will surely be the rest of his life. Amen to that.
Hopefully his wife will move on and somehow come to terms with this. I feel sorry for the children and the rest of his family who couldn’t believe he was guilty…I still wonder, do they believe it now? If not they never will.
If I were him they would have to have me isolated and on suicide watch. No way could I face 50 years locked up in a cell. I’m sure the few minutes of perverted pleasure he got wasn’t worth the distruction of his life as well as his victim’s and his family’s.
Interesting his attorney blamed it on alchol and cocaine use. All the more reason to keep him locked up for the rest of his life.
Yes, from what I understand, the attorney basically said, “Raynor did this because he was high on cocaine and couldn’t control himself, just like the last time he broke into someone’s house (!!!!!), so it isn’t his fault and you should be lenient.”
I’m glad the judge didn’t buy into the “because someone is high, they can get away with crimes” defense. The fact that Raynor abuses cocaine and cannot control himself is ALL the more reason to lock him away from society forever, IMHO.
It was great to be in the courtroom where justice was finally served! Kudos to Judge Plitt, he gave Raynor what he deserved! I hope my friend can finally get on with her life now that this scum is locked up for good.
I just watched he local news 2,11 and 13 and again, zero coverage on this. I cant understand why something like this isnt covered just to make a point??? They all covered it when he was arrested but since, nothing. You would think that getting such a sentence would be somewhat of a major story as well as deterent for others thinking of committing such crimes. If this were Balto city you bet it would be covered.
Don’t you think Raynor’s family have been humiliated enough…He has his sentence and will serve his time and now the family has to live with the results deserving or not. “cdawg” if you want a 3-min bio why don’t you submitt it!!!! I am sure they would run it for you. Stop thinking of yourself and think about the 2 young boys that will be left without a father a wife without a husband. More than likely (if you have kids) it would be yours that make fun of them in school for what there father has done. It’s in the past. Left his wife and boys try to move on from this will ya!!! Oh yeah, food for thought…since your speaking of the news…why can an adult in Havre de Grace get charged with raping a minor and only get 3 years as a sentence???
Judge Plitt deserves a pat on the back.Hopefully he will become and inspiration to some of the other judges, to get a back bone.
It is old news at this point. He is not the only criminal in Harford County. He may be the only one these bloggers on here care about, but trust me, there are case after case of criminals. That is what keeps the lawyers and judges employed.
I hope that the victim can finally find closure and move on with her life after this horrible incident. And the rest of you that have been obsessed, he is in jail now, so move on.
Great than you are one less person who will be on here….and if you think we are so obsessed wouldn’t that include you?? Yeah, you’ve followed this just like the rest of us…and some have been closer to the case then they care to be. So live and let live!! You are done…now you won’t have to read the blog anymore.
And yeah he’s in jail now…he should be in jail…don’t you think?
My only concern throughout this entire last year has been the victim. I hope she can find peace somehow.
If you haven’t seen it yet, the full sentencing details and comments from the victim can be read here:
channel 2 covered it
11 news this morning had a small blip about the story and 45 last night had it scrolling on the ticker. Still thought it should get more press for the sentence and severity of the crime.