A party turned violent and ultimately deadly Sunday night in Pylesville when a Havre de Grace man, attending his daughter’s birthday celebration in the home of his estranged wife’s boyfriend, was shot in the head following a heated argument.
Here are the details according to the Harford County Sheriff’s Office:
Homicide in Pylesville
(Pylesville, MD – Monday, August 11, 2008) – Shortly after 9pm, Sunday, August 10, 2008, Harford County Sheriff’s Office deputies responded to a 911 call for shots fired in the 1200 block of Harkins Road in Pylesville, MD.
Upon arrival, they discovered Christopher Lee Fritsche, 34, of Havre de Grace, MD with a gun shot wound to his head. Fritsche was attending a birthday party for his daughter in the home of his estranged wife’s boyfriend, Kevin J Sorrick, 36, of the 1200 block of Harkins Road. The birthday party had wound down and a few people were still at the house when an argument started. The fight became heated and resulted in Sorrick shooting Fritsche with a rifle.
Emergency medical personnel from the Norrisville Fire Company responded to the scene and at 9:20pm confirmed Fritsche’s death as a result of a gunshot wound to the head.
The suspect, Kevin Sorrick was subsequently taken into custody by Sheriff’s Office deputies and charged with 1st Degree Murder. He is currently being held at the Harford County Detention Center pending a bail hearing.
Both the accused murderer and the victim have extensive criminal records.
Christopher Lee Fritsche, the Havre de Grace man who was murdered, has been charged with dozens of crimes in the last decade. At the time of his death, Mr. Fritsche was also one of the Harford County Sheriff’s Office 10 Most Wanted:
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In August 2007, Mr. Fritsche was charged with second-degree burglary, theft greater than $500, theft scheme, malicious destruction of property, trespassing, littering/dumping under 100 pounds and unauthorized cable TV connection.
Some of Mr. Fritsche’s other charges over the years have included possession of marijuana, possession of drug paraphernalia, battery, misrepresentation of age, possession of alcohol by a minor, second-degree assault, resisting arrest, second-degree escape, possession of a drug other than marijuana, disobeying police, possession of a concealed deadly weapon, unauthorized use of a motor vehicle, speeding, driving on suspended license, several dog license violations and multiple judgements for thousands of dollars.
Kevin Johnathon Sorrick, the accused murderer, has also been charged with a number of crimes since 1992 including possession of a drug other than marijuana, carrying an open container of alcohol in public, theft greater than $300, second-degree assault, breaking and entering with the intent to commit a felony, malicious destruction of property and was involved in a domestic violence case in 2006.
For those keeping score, this would be the second time in a month someone has been murdered by gunshot at a birthday party in Harford County.
The previous birthday party murder was in July in Joppa:
the article says the guy was from Edgewood
well… What article are you talking about?
I grew up with right down the street with Kevin Sorrick. We did the samethings that everyone out in the country did years ago. He was a nice guy granted he had a few problems such as the drugs but it wasn’t severe at the time. I am talking about 15 years ago. I was in complete shock when I heard this on the news. I can’t believe that someone that I knew could have done something like that.
Im glad I did’nt throw myself a birthday party this year. Seems to be bad for your health.
Chris Fritsche is my uncle, and I think that this crime is ridiculous. This is very sad, and hard to understand. My uncle Chris has made mistakes but has always been there for everyone. His heart has always been in the right place. Kevin, used to be his best friend. There is no excuse for him to have taken his anger out with a gun. He knew what he was doing, and this should not go ignored. He should spend his life in jail. No one deserves to die, and therefore I do not wish the death penalty upon him. I am at a loss for words, and just upset with this whole situation
RIP Uncle Chris
Love always, Crystal
chris is my cousin … he will be missed very much here in pa !if there is any one in this world that dont have problems ,you would be a liar. i also know that ignorance is the unknown so people comment as much as you want . he now joins his mom and dad and hopefully he will have a big smile on his face. my heart goes to all the family(even those i havent met)crystal give my regards to your family love ya chrissy( as we called him when we were kids)your cuz heather
According to the Harford County Sheriff’s Office, the murder victim, Mr. Fritsche, was the third person listed on the agency’s 10 Most Wanted List.
Please see the update to the story with photo and link.
I have known Chris for over 30 yrs and he was a great young man I have to say he had problems after losing his mother at a young age and in the past year the woman who helped raise him plus his father He had alot on his plate He did not deserve to be murdered in such a awful way No one deserves that I feel for his brothers ecspecially Darryl What is this world coming to Its so out of control My heart and prayers are with ya boys and the family
Brian whats your point Its about our lost love one
this is a tragedy. i cant believe that someone would be so angry as to shoot someone else now his life is over too i just hope someone told poohs brother herman. im gonna miss you pooh bear love ya lisa
lisa, herman does know he called my dad from where hes at….(johnny) from pa..and yes chris had to deal with his mom being sick and passing and then his dad not too long ago,some people deal with things others dont deal too well but never once did i think i would get a phone call like that,so sad the things people bring up when someone gets killed i really hope that those people sleep well at night putting all his past in the open i mean come on now did this have to happen no but it did and we all are grieving to bad some dont have respect for the ones who loved him
Kevin was an incredible friend and person. Neither him nor Chris were perfect. Kevin’s heart was always in the right place too. He was funny and very nice.
There is more to this story then what any of us know. I think it starts with Yvonne. She played a huge part in this, there is no doubt.
You can only do so much to one person before pushing them over the edge. Nobody deserves to die, that is very true, but nobody deserves to be treated the way Chris treated Kevin either. This whole thing is a disaster and people on both sides are losing someone they care about and will miss.
Every action has a reaction and this was Kevin’s reaction to what was being done to him. Now he has to face the reactions to his actions.
For all of you who want to speak poorly of Chris … let me just tell you this –
Chris was NO DIFFERENT then a lot of other people out here. For MANY years he and Kevin were best friends and, yes, they ended up with their differences. Chris did not treat Kevin “badly” as the girl who commented right above me said!! He made mistakes but just remember – Kevin was living with, and sleeping with, Chris’ wife at the time he murdered MY NEPHEW’S FATHER!!
Nobody can ever justify Kevin taking Chris’ life! It was wrong and completely uncalled for! I have known Kevin as long as I have known Chris – for 22 years and I would have never thought this would happen! Kevin was always a funny, caring guy and I loved him very much but, I can’t find that love now! He robbed my nephew of his father and my nephew is only 10 years old, as is his step-sister and Chris’ youngest child is only 17 months old and will never even know his father!
Chris’ past, as well as Kevin’s, has nothing AT ALL to do with this tragedy! Two families have lost someone they love dearly so, all of you who feel the need to bring those things up – remember that people who love these guys read these things!
Zane, Lexi, Hayden, Crystal – I love you guys! Words could never express the pain I feel in my heart for you guys!! Herman – I wish you could read this – I love you and I am SO SORRY for the loss of your brother!!
to anyone who knows we got this news from someone who called my dad (johnny) they contacted the lititz pa police to get ahold of him and this lady said she would call back and let us know when the funeral arrangement are going to be…we dont know any way to contact any one so if you could please let us know somehow or if you know who called him we deeply appreciate it if someone could let us know like i said he is my cousin and we want to be a part of saying goodbye to him thanks love ya pooh your cuz heather
My heart is breaking over this! I have known Kevin for ever and have never know him to be violent. He is always the fun, party guy! You were sure to have a great time with Kevin around! Even if it was just laughing at his dumb ass! I as born and raised in Pylesville and it is painfully to see such an ugly thing like this happen in such a beautiful place. To Kevin’s family, I worry how Kevin will every be able to come to terms with what he has done. I pray for him. But knowing him for as long as I have, I know he will except his responsibility. To Chris’ family, I am so sorry for the lose of your loved one.
I think this is about the saddest thing that I have ever heard. My little brother beany as I called him (Brian Johnson) and Pooh bear as I called Chris, were like to peas in a pod growing up! I am deeply hurt that this has happened. My only problem now is that I hope someone will stay around Chris’ children and let them know what a wonderful person he was! I wish best for all of the family and friends that Chris had!
i dont care what list pooh was on he didnt deserve to be shot and killed now his kids will grow up and be robbed of a father no one deserves that. thank you heather im so glad someone got in touch with herman and let him know about pooh . i know hes in jail for something he did i dont know what but it would not be fair to not let him know what happened. im pretty sure they wont let him out to say goodbye because of his track record but if you talk to herman please let him know that i am so sorry for what happened and he is in my thoughts . my email is lisarockyman@aol.com so email me if you want. we should put our email addresses on here so we can talk to each other cause i dont live in h de g anymore and i know alot of you so if you want to talk just email me
SHHHH !……. BE QUITE !…..dONT sAY ANYTHING!……..Dont say that!…..Shhhhhh!
Than when somone is dead….WHY DID THAT HAPPEN?
We are too fast to shut up and not be critical of poor behavior until its too late. The results are too fast becoming apperant in the recent spate of GOOD, BIGHEARTED, people whom’s friends seem to think silence is a way to make things right.
Go Dagger !
chris slept with kevin’s wife first and everyone knows it. stop trying to act like he was such a saint and innocent in this whole mess. he was threatening kevin in his own home. he has done plenty to kevin.
kevin shouldn’t be sitting in jail right now. he should be home enjoying the rest of his life.
I don’t care what any of you say. Kevin is not a violent person by any stretch of the imagination. Something provoked him. I don’t think he should be in jail either.
Kevie has always been a wonderful person. He deserves to live out the rest of his life in peace at home with the people that care about him.
the man slept with his wife first and was threatening him and going after him every chance he got. most people in the world consider that treating someone “badly”.
why is it forgotten by all you chris lovers what kind of a person he was and all the horrible things that he has done to others. stop putting all of this on kevin. they both played their parts. if chris hated kevin so bad and was going to act out in that man’s house, then why would he even go there in the first place. or why didn’t he just leave instead of starting crap at his daughters birthday party.
obviously he wasn’t asking to get shot or killed, but he was starting trouble. chris is no more innocent in this then kevin is.
SO … Chris was threatening Kevin in his own home? That’s easy for people to say when there was NO ONE left at that house who would say OTHERWISE!! They had both been drinking – everyone knows it – so, it’s hard telling what Kevin said, Chris said, or anyone else said! It doesn’t matter who slept with who’s wife first – they both did it! I guess that makes it okay to murder somebody? Not hardly! Kevin has NO EXCUSE, especially something that happened years ago!! … the point is – KEVIN SHOT AND KILLED AN UNARMED MAN IN COLD BLOOD! That’s the bottom line! It doesn’t matter how any of us feel about it – nothing Chris ever did, or Kevin ever did, can change the law! Kevin will spend the rest of his life in jail so, his family basically lost a loved one too! The only difference is, if they choose to, they can go see him in jail – Chris’ kids can’t go see him! Kevin didn’t leave any children behind when he went off to jail! I don’t understand how ANY ONE could try to defend Kevin’s actions! I loved Kevin too, but, wrong is wrong!! My nephew, Chris’ son, has called him “Uncle Kevin” since he was old enough to talk – this just doesn’t make any sense AT ALL and it never will! Kevin should pay for his crime – by sitting in prison for the rest of his life! Chris never committed ANY crime – against Kevin, or anybody else – that held a death sentence! Violence is never the answer – that’s how we’ve raised these children in my family – BUT – Kevin should have fought like a man if he had such a problem! Then, both families would still have these guys!
For the ones who have wondered about Herman – he has talked to my Dad and Step-Mom a few times this week. He seems to be holding up okay from what they can tell. Hopefully it will stay that way. Only time will tell.
everyone is entitled to their own opinion….. chris’s friends and family will support him and his actions. kevin’s friends and family will support his. that is what is called unconditional love. it doesn’t matter who is right or who is wrong and everyone fighting over it on this blog isn’t making anything better.
Free Kevin…. Self Defense in his own home……..He has every right to defend himself with any means possible. If there is any justice in this world Kevin will come home a free man.
OH WOW!! People will say ANYTHING!
Kevin lived his life, in Pylesville and Chris lived his in Havre de Grace! They rarely spoke and NEITHER OF THEM was out stalking the other! Chris did not spend his time out looking for Kevin, threatening him or anything else! That is the so far from the truth!!
YVONNE invited Chris to her daughter’s birthday party! That was, more than likely, where it all went wrong! Chris would never have said no! He saw that girl as his daughter! Chris’ son and my son were both at the party too – of course Chris would go! If there was SUCH anger and all this other crap still there, then why on earth even invite him KNOWING he would not say no?
Nobody will EVER know the truth about what was said or done in those last moments and, it really doesn’t matter now!
Nobody’s saying Chris was perfect BY FAR! I would always be the first one to tell anyone what I thought of him and the things he did – he’s my nephew’s father! I know EVERYTHING he did!! He could be a real a** – no doubt about it! He DID sleep with Kevin’s wife – yeah! She also slept with him – it takes two! Was he after her to kill her too? No – not since they were still togehter a few more years and their split had nothing to do with the infidelity! Chris definitely had a way of doing his own thing no matter what people thought of him! Yeah – He was sure a jerk A LOT – but, he did not go to Kevin’s house for his step-daughter’s birthday party expecting to be murdered! Kevin had no right to do what he did! Nobody can make an excuse for him! He’s right where he should be for the rest of his life!
no one here said chris was a saint and i know he wasnt but once again does that make it alright to pull a gun out and shoot someone in the face and lets not forget kill him and u think that kevein should be at home watching tv.im sure kevins famiily and friends are schocked he did this,but to make excuses for why,it dont even matter why and being quiet noone said to be quiet but some of us cant belive what people will do to make a name for themselves,why dont u ask his wife what went on last i talked to chris he wouldnt even talk about her,of course kevins family would rather have him home i would to if he was my family but how many people do you see on tv and you say thaey should go to jail for that this is no different right lisa my email is steveheather08@aol.com
Who is making a name for themselves?
The police said that Chris was threatening Kevin in his home. Obviously the 7 witnesses their said that.
That’s right, Heather! CHRIS – A SAINT! He would even laugh at that one!! I am shocked that Kevin did this as well and I feel so badly for his mother! She’s really the one he left out here to deal with this mess! His brother, as well!
And – yes, you’re right! Chris did not speak of Yvonne hardly at all, or to her, unless it was to see his kids. They had both moved on and that was that. Chris didn’t even care that she was with Kevin. He had a girlfriend and they spent most of their time together.
I wish arguing over the reasons why could change the fact that it even happened but, it can’t. This was as senseless a crime as the ones we see on the news and think “how in the h*** could someone do that?” I think my nephew said it best when he said “We’ll never know what “Uncle Kevin” was thinking or how he could do that to my Dad! I wish my Dad wouldn’t have gone to the party!”
That says enough! It’s the truth – we will never know why! We will never be able to understand! Kevin’s family is, indeed, in complete shock over this! He did not come from a bad family! He is not, and has never been, a bad person! That’s why no one can understand! That also doesn’t change the fact that what he did was wrong and he has to pay the price for that.
I wish for Kevin’s Mom and brother great strength to deal with what has been handed to them now. I can’t even imagine what they’re thinking and feeling!
And, for Chris’ family – the strength to move on and have happy lives. That’s the best anyone can hope for! Anger doesn’t help! Arguing about it will never help and can’t change a thing! Everyone is entitled to their own opinion but – make no mistake – we are not trying to say Chris was perfect, people! We are only saying he didn’t deserve to be murdered! NO ONE has the right to end another person’s life!!
Have a good day, folks.
I truly hope this is not the beginning of a klan against klan fight…..people….life is too short…please relize that there is blame in both ways but the trigger was pulled by the shooter. Mabey if there is some mitigating circumstances that will be considered but fact is fact.
If you support Kevin you need to get him a real good lawer and make sure his story is told and his rights protected.
Causing a klan against klan fight is fruitless…take a breath…watch a child at play and think for a minute.
The circumstances may provide a lesson to many on what type of place to NOT put yourself in…but thats all.
Go Dagger !
Where is Yvonne in all this? I agree with the person that states she has much more to do with this than people are saying. She knew the animosity between the two of them, she said it on local t.v. Why would she invite someone to kevin’s home that he doesn’t like, knowing they were both going to be drinking and tempers would be flaring. was she pitting the two against eachother? was she telling kevin one thing and chris another. if they had all moved on and no games were being played, then none of this would’ve happened. we will never know what really caused this.
Nobody but kevin, chris and probably yvonne know what was going on. which means we will never get the real truth.
i’m sorry for all families involved. i’ve known kevin for years. i grew up with him and yes, he was a funny, nice, caring and loving person. i never knew chris, but if he was my family member or someone i cared about, i would be angry and hurt that someone else took his life. for whatever reason, nothing will change the fact that two people are both destroyed. one is dead and they other is in jail for the rest of his life and for what? some girl? some stupid argument? because they were both drunk? this whole thing is so sad. my thoughts and prayers go out to both families.
the part about making a name was meant for the reporters thanks to the women who called to tell us about the funeral…and for posting it
Your welcome, Heather! I have posted the Service information on MySpace as well (http://myspace.com/terrilynngreene91271).
As for the rest … let it go people. The past is done. Time does not turn back!!
Godspeed to all of you!
~ Terri ~
yes we all need to vent we are all angry but we cant do much about it now but let the grieving take place does anyone know how his girlfriend is?
I’ve known Chris for many, many years…having moved in next door to his family in 1985…and this breaks my heart. Chris’ oldest son is my nephew. The man who murdered him was called “Uncle Kevin” by my nephew. Can you imagine being my sister and having to face telling her son that his “Uncle Kevin” shot and killed his Daddy? I can’t. That poor child has lost so many people that he cares about in the past 3 years…his maternal grandmother, his paternal grandfather, and now his Father….as well as others. For Kevin to have such disregard for Zane, Lexie, and Hayden’s Daddy makes me believe wholeheartedly that he deserves to be behind bars.,,for the rest of his life. This was a senseless crime that did not need to be committed. There were other options. I will be the first to admit that Chris was not liked by all who knew him….sometimes he could be a real jerk!! But nonetheless, whenever I was around Chris, he would always let me know if I ever needed anything, he would be there…and he could always make you laugh just by being his silly, chaotic self!! =) I didnt know Kevin very well, but over the years I have heard many stories…from my sister and my nephews…that he was a funny, loving, generous, caring man. The circumstances that lead Kevin to pull that trigger had to have been extreme….but there is simply NO excuse. And I too would really like to know what part Yvonne has played in all of this. She is definitely not the innocent widower……
My heart goes out to my nephew and his sister and brother, my sister-Cheryl, Chris’ brother-Herman, my niece-Crystal, my Fiance’-Tim, and ALL of the other “CHRIS LOVERS” out there!! I LOVE YOU CHRIS…AND I WILL MISS YOU VERY MUCH. LOVE ~ JACKI
I’ve known Chris for many, many years…having moved in next door to his family in 1985…and this breaks my heart. Chris’ oldest son is my nephew. The man who murdered him was called “Uncle Kevin” by my nephew. Can you imagine being my sister and having to face telling her son that his “Uncle Kevin” shot and killed his Daddy? Especially after her son had just spent the entire weekend at Kevin’s house!! Well……I can’t. That poor child has lost so many people that he cares about in the past 3 years…his maternal grandmother, his paternal grandfather, and now his Father….as well as others. For Kevin to have such disregard for Zane, Lexie, and Hayden’s Daddy makes me believe wholeheartedly that he deserves to be behind bars.,,for the rest of his life. This was a senseless crime that did not need to be committed. There were other options. I will be the first to admit that Chris was not liked by all who knew him. But nonetheless, he certainly did not deserve to die. Chris was a very caring person. Whenever I was around Chris, he would always let me know if I ever needed anything, he would be there…and he would always make me laugh just by being his silly, chaotic self!! =) I didnt know Kevin very well, but over the years I have heard many stories…from my sister and my nephews…that he was a funny, loving, generous, caring man. The circumstances that lead Kevin to pull that trigger had to have been extreme….but there is simply NO excuse. And I too would really like to know what part Yvonne has played in all of this. She is definitely not the innocent widower……
My heart goes out to my nephew and his sister and brother, my sister-Cheryl, Chris’ brother-Herman, my niece-Crystal, my Fiance’-Tim, and ALL of the other “CHRIS LOVERS” out there!! I LOVE YOU CHRIS…AND I WILL MISS YOU VERY MUCH. LOVE ~ JACKI
sorry!! it told me the first one didnt go through!!! Obviously it did!!
Have a good day, all.
We haven’t seen Chris’ girlfriend yet but, as far as we have been told, she is dealing with things the best that she possibly can. I’m SURE she is also still in shock about this whole thing.
******* Thanks for speaking out, Jacki! *******
People always want to try to twist what others say instead of reading things for what they are!! It makes me SO angry!! I think this should have been a place for people to share their memories of the man who’s life was taken so quickly and unnecessarily … not to try to turn it into a court room! I have spoken directly with the people involved in prosecuting this case, collecting the evidence and all of that stuff! It seems to me that they are doing their job VERY WELL – so they really don’t need anyone else trying to do it underneath a news article!! Many of the comments that have been left here were by people who probably didn’t know either one of these guys and that’s not right! YOU CAN NOT ALWAYS BELIEVE WHAT YOU READ IN THE NEWSPAPER OR HEAR ON THE NEWS!!! I have spoken to the important people in this case and the evidence they have, and are using, is a far cry from the unnecessary recalling of the past of these two guys! Let’s leave that where it belongs and give their family members the respect they deserve!! Enough of the back and forth backlashing!!
We love you so much Chris and we weill miss you DEARLY!!! We will raise your son to be a good man … you can count on that … and he will always have his memories that he can talk about whenever he wants to! Rest in peace, my friend!!! Tell Pop we said hi and we love him, please!!!! :((
FOR THE FAMILY AND FRIENDS OF CHRIS – here’s the article that was posted after Kevin’s bail hearing on Tuesday, 08/12/2008 …
A Harford County judge denied bail yesterday to a 36-year-old Pylesville man charged with first-degree murder.
Kevin J. Sorrick is accused in the fatal shooting Sunday of Christopher Lee Fritsche, 34, of Havre de Grace. Fritsche died of a single gunshot wound to the head while attending a birthday party for his young daughter at Sorrick’s home, authorities said.
According to charging documents, the two men argued throughout the evening at the Harkins Road home that Sorrick shares with Fritsche’s ex-wife, Yvonne Fritsche, 28. The arguing grew more intense as the party began to wind down with Fritsche, who was unarmed, yelling threats at Sorrick, police said.
Sorrick went to his bedroom and loaded a rifle he kept there, authorities said. Sorrick then returned to the kitchen and fired one shot, striking Fritsche in the head.
Harford County sheriff’s deputies responded to a 911 call about 9 p.m. Fritsche was pronounced dead at the scene less than 20 minutes after police and paramedics from the Norrisville Volunteer Fire Co. arrived. Police said alcohol was involved in the incident.
Deputies arrested Sorrick, and charged him with first- and second-degree murder. He is being held at the Harford County Detention Center without bail. Sorrick has three previous convictions for theft, possession, breaking and entering, authorities said.
Brian Cunningham, the public defender, asked for bail, saying Sorrick “has no history of violence” and is helping to raise the Fritsches’ two young children.
But prosecutor Douglas Dolan said Sorrick’s admission to shooting an unarmed man in the head shows he “is an extreme danger to the community.”
u seem to be the only person backlashing. why don’t you let it go.
yvonne provoked this whole event, why isn’t she locked up too? she wasn’t even upset over it and was real quick to get on the news. what kind of a wife or girlfriend would do that? she used kevin from the get.
kevin was definitely provoked to the point of snapping.
terri –
why are you acting like you know everything and that your opinion is the only one that matters. this is a blog for everyone, not just chris’s friends and family.
kevin’s friends and family’s opinion matter too.
i still think kevin should be free. he may have taken someones father, but he also saved alot of other people from chris’s actions. like his assault, or burglary or whatever his next crime would’ve been. if he does all these things, he couldn’t be that good of a father. you have to have morals to be a good parent, which he clearly didn’t have any. if kevin was supporting chris’s wife and two kids, then chris clearly wasn’t. some father
Kevin should come home free. harford county just got a little safer.
i didnt know chris as long as you all but i lived out on the land for awhile and it was at a time in my life when i was going through alot and chris had a great heart he talked to me and told me if he could do anything to help me just let him know and he stuck to his word to his family i am very sorry for your loss and i cant even imagine the pain you are feeling no matter his past chris touched my heart in the time i was there and i will miss him dearly my prayers are with you all
To Yvonne:
You belong in jail right next to Kevin for starting all of this crap. If it wasn’t for you, neither one of these families would be destroyed.
safer?? maybe you didn’t read the full RAP sheets:
Kevin Johnathon Sorrick, the accused murderer, has also been charged with a number of crimes since 1992 including possession of a drug other than marijuana, carrying an open container of alcohol in public, theft greater than $300, second-degree assault, breaking and entering with the intent to commit a felony, malicious destruction of property and was involved in a domestic violence case in 2006.
To Chris’s family, my deepest sympathy.
To Kevin and his family: Please get him an incredible lawyer. Hang in there, it will be a long rough road.
First of all … to #44 – I’m not backlashing at all! I’m trying to make people see that, WHETHER HE HAD A CRIMINAL RECORD OR NOT – AND REGARDLESS OF WHAT HE DID IN HIS PAST – Chris did not deserve to be murdered! It makes me absolutley sick that people want to make him look like this horrible, out-of-control person. That’s not true! He helped MANY, MANY people but, now that he’s been murdered, people only want to see the bad things, YET – they don’t speak of Kevin’s past and he’s the one who committed murder!
To #46 – I’m not acting like I know everything BUT – everything I’ve stated has been FACTS! I never said Kevin’s family and friends don’t deserve the right to be heard! It’s the other few who OBVIOUSLY did not know EITHER ONE OF THEM who want to bring up s*** they’ve only learned from their past records, or the VERY VAGUE story printed here. Everyone has the right to speak their mind BUT – make sure you know what you’re talking about before you put something out there! That’s all I’m saying! If you did not know these guys then you have no right to form an opinion based on a vague news article!!
To #49 – it seems there’s a LOT of people who are asking that same question! I’ve been asked by SO MANY people who live in Havre de Grace about that same thing!! I guess we’ll have to wait and see where that goes!
AND – to #50 – THANK YOU!! If Chris was such a horrible threat to society – which he was notbut, that’s another one where the close family and friends know all of the details about that too – then CERTAINLY everyone should know about Kevin’s record too!! (Again – those of us close to the situation know all of the details behind his charges as well!!)
Neither of these guys had EVER been a threat to society! They made their mistakes and they paid the price for each and every one except the most recent ones that had not gone to court yet! They were not ever villains! They were young guys doing stupid things – both of them!
Thanks for helping to clear that up!
Lets see if I got this straight
Mom has Birthday Party for Kid. Mom lives with Ex Hubby’s Ex best friend. They invite ex-hubby for birthday. Alcohol is consumed and Ex Hubby and Ex Best Friend argue. Ex best friend blows Ex-Hubby’s brains out and gets arrested and will probably be in prison for he rest of his life.
Sounds like a simple matter of Darwin’s Theory of Evolution at work. The human species just got healthier because of this.
In response to Gene Pool Cleaner:
WOW … when you put it like that! LOL! That even confused me and I know the actual names of the people spoken of!
Wow…where was all this concern last saturday?
I want to know what the argument was over…..please dont say it was over who is bangin who….thats too petty.
Go Dagger!
hey terry u should be a lawyer girl lol chris is up there enjoying all these arguments over him if you know how chris was always joking around ..he passed on his grandmas birthday(shes in heaven too) so he will be in peace finally ! lisa januaury was the answer to your question about herman….CAN WE HAVE A MOMENT OF SILENCE FOR CHRISTOPHER AKA POOH BEAR*********
If theres a moment of silence needed its for the kid whos birthday party it was…that kid was emotionally murdered on that sunday afternoon buy the self centered adults who turned a kids party into a goddam train wreck…..that kids life is probably ruined. How many adults stood by and watched this develope and come to its sycotic end.
Shame on all of you !
Go Dagger !
I AGREE 100% WITH YOU RICHIEC!! And … not only did this happen to this precious little girl THIS year at her birthday (which, THANKFULLY, was not her actual birthday) but, at her tenth birthday party last year, her Uncle on her father’s side committed suicide on the railroad tracks right behind the house!! The poor little things said she doesn’t want to celebrate her birthday anymore and she just turned 11 years old!!!
There was absolutely NO THOUGHT GIVEN to the children that were still at that house and the affect this would have on them FOREVER!!
Thanks, RichieC! We appreciate your thought for Lexi!!!
Thanks, Heather!! LOL!! YES – I KNOW CHRIS IS LAUGHING AT ALL OF THIS!! My husaband and some others have told me over the past couple years that I need to enroll in law school!! LOL! Maybe I should put some thought into it!! (I could just NEVER defend someone I knew was 100% guilty of a cold blooded crime!! I would have to excuse myself from ANY case like that!!)
I hope the family is doing well, Heather!! We’ll see everybody tomorrow!! Have a good day, all!!
I did know both kevin and chris and kevin was definitely the lesser of the two evils. funny, even though kevin was the plaintiff in the domestic violence case you want to bring it up. you are pathetic. kevin wasn’t # 3 on harford county’s 10 most wanted list. again, kevin was definitely the lesser of the two evils. who are you kidding. you werent there, so you have no right to run your mouth the way you are.
tell me this terri, do you know the victims chris burglarized or beat up or did his crimes too? maybe if you did you would realize what the others were saying. nephew, friend or not, he wasnt innocent in any of this mess.
if you were so upset about chris, why are you spending all your time on this blog? whos making their name now?
free kevin
i don’t think kevin has even ever been in a fist fight before. i can’t imagine he would do something like this. why didn’t someone stop this before it spiraled out of control. so many lives are ruined. chris’s, kevins, both families, all the friends on both sides…. out of the 7 people there, why didn’t some one say chris leave or kevin put the gun down. is that too hard to do? i mean serioiusly, they bickered all night why didn’t yvonne tell chris to go home. why didnt he just leave on his own? why didn’t kevin say get out of my house? why are they allowing this too happen. instead of stopping the fights, they take lexy for a walk? its a good thing they did, but instead of being instigators, they should’ve stopped the drama. why was chris even over there when they didnt get along? that is just asking for trouble on yvonne’s part.
everyone knows kevins criminal record and most of it was from his very young years. you people are so defensive and trying to take chris’s record and make it non existant while posting kevin’s record. uh hello, the news reporters have already done that! people know both had criminal records. kevin still wasnt on the most wanted list. i do think that the people asking about yvonnes involvement in this have a point. she is not innocent. where is she now, still living in kevin’s house where chris was killed. i’m sure she will live there for free until they forclose on it. she is very evil and bad to have caused all this mess and then had the balls to go on local news. she didn’t even seem upset about any of this mess. what a horrible person. she does belong in jail. she instigated the whole thing. she ruined her own daugher’s life. some kind of mother she is.
you only argue what you want, not the whole story or facts. thats not a good lawyer
Hey” sick to your stomach” from what I understand Yvonne is so “high” right now she does not know who she is talking to! Just someone please help those children~ They are the real victims in this crime. They lost a dad and possible a step dad and mother that is on drugs! Someone save those kids please!
It would appear to me as richiec & jackie have pointed out the real victim’s are the kid’s left to suffer.they will need mental health counseling as soon as possible. post traumatic stress is a real & present danger. it can appear suddenly or appear years after the incident.
what has happened can not be changed. but there still help & hope for the little one’s left behind so they can lead a normal life.
well there went the peace >richie and last time i knew i was thinking about the precious children ANd their father , and to the one who said why are we on here if we are so upset….this is NO different then talking right ..so there is your answer! The children ARE what matters now they will never see there fathers face again and i pray it dont ruin them forever.Yvonne.high what a surprise i didnt even know her and i only imagine she has to face herself too.that sucks,i dont hate kevins family either i only pray they find peace in there lives and the children too. terri states the facts people dont wanna hear>isnt that what lawyers do?minus the fact shes not lieing the family will see eachother tomarrow uncle johnny,cousin casey,heather,tracy,aunt debbie,aunt la la we love ya chris
I just hope that all the family members on here are playing an active role in the childrens lives right now. IF the mother is having drug issues now someone needs to step in and get the children to a more stable enviroment.
As for the “free Kevin” crowd- put yourselves in chris’ families place. If chris would have killed Kevin would you want him walking around free? I doubt you would. Its horrible that he has to be in prison but ultimately he chose to do that. Provoked or not it was still a choice. With choices come consequences and sometimes they are hard and they suck but Kevin had a choice. In a moment of fury he chose the wrong response.
God bless both the families. May there be some peace and stability for the children.
So sad…those who expariance family violance often repeat it…so sad.
The one thing I ask is that after acting like a child in adult skin dont expect me to treat you like your an adult now after any of you sat back, like a kid on a schoolyard, and let this happen.
Mabey our real problem is the lack of many, many more juvinall officers and health and human services officers to nip this stupidity in the bud.
Its a shame that many of our adults seem to think acting like a 14 year old at 30 is OK.
Every death is followed by what saints the victom and aggressors were…please…lets take a good look !
Go Dagger !
I’ll bet many of the ghetto dwellers here don’t relize that most people in this world never get arrested…..NEVER GET ARRESTED! Isn’t that foreign to you?
Go Dagger !
ive never been arrested, and neither have any of my family members. i have a very good job and am a productive citizen. so no, it is not foreign to me!!!!!!!!
Look nobody is going to win this fight. Terri, cousin Heather, Jacki, you all have your feelings and have every right to feel the way you do. It was your loved one that has been taken regardless of what his past was.
to free kevin and all the others on that side, you have the right to your opinions as well. Regardless of what Kevin has done and his past record, he is still your friend or family and you will support or back him and love him unconditionally no matter what he has done.
Knowing all of this, neither side is going to convince the other side or make them see what they feel whole heartedly.
I dont really think that the people supporting Kevin agree with what he did, or can even really believe what he has done, but feel they should still support him right or wrong. that is unconditional love just like chriss family is unconditionally loving and supporting him and his past.
Neither one of kevin or chriss past has anything to do with the current event.
Please someone take those children from Yvonne. Those children are so innocent and have been through so much. They dont need to see their mommy high. It is awful to see your parent high, at any time, but when their daddy was just killed by their uncle at one of their birthday party, to see their mommy high as a kite on top of all that is forever damaging. Please to the ones that let this fight escalate and go as far as it did, don’t stand by and watch these kids suffer anymore. Take them from Yvonne. She will probably be high as a kite for quite some time considering all the guilt she must have considering she caused most of this. Those beautiful children shouldnt suffer because she is a worthless wife, girlfriend and mother.
society has raised their children as spoiled pathetic little brats. they never grow up and feel that it is ok to behave like 14 year olds and never become adults even when they are 30 & 40 years old. it is so sad. what happened to the real men and women of the world?
Jackie: Thank you for the update on Yvonne. Do you know if her children have been taken from her yet? I feel so sorry for those precious babies.
Thank you again.
Yvonne has her daughter, who is not Chris’ daughter, she is his step-daughter, and their son, Hayden. We have no idea that anything has even been said about Yvonne’s children. I guess, since she’s at her Mom’s house, that her Mom has been doing the biggest part of caring for them. As many times as we’ve seen her out and about, taking everything that belonged to Chris and selling it, pawning it, whatever … the kids have not been with her at all. Chris’ oldest son, my nephew is here at my house. We have been allowing him to talk about anything that comes to his mind whenever he needs to. Just like everyone else, he has his ideas about what happened and who’s to blame too. We are preparing, now, to take him to pay his respects to his father. I’ll bet no one on here who wants to “free kevin” has never seen a 10 yer old boy prepare to tell his father good-bye. Maybe you should!! It may put what Kevin CHOSE TO DO into perspective!!
Chris – you were never what anyone would consider a “good boy”! You had your way of thinking and everyone else could take it or leave it – didn’t matter to you either way! The truth is, the people who liked you liked you A LOT and the ones that didn’t, well – they didn’t A LOT!! That’s obvious here. That still doesn’t change the fact that we should not have to go this morning to pay our last respects to you, and watch your kids do the same thing!! It’s just senseless!! You know – this tragedy has turned this whole town upside down!! It’s just crazy! There’s a whole lot of people left here who love you, Chris! We’ll take great care of Zane – you know that all ready! I HOPE someone will do the same for Lexi and Hayden! It’s such a shame that little baby won’t ever get to know you! We won’t stop fighting to find out the WHOLE TRUTH behind this tragic situation that led to your demise either, Chris!! Count on that!
Rest In Peace, my friend! I love you and I will miss you so much!!
AND – to #60 – “In August 2007, Mr. Fritsche was charged with second-degree burglary, theft greater than $500, theft scheme, malicious destruction of property, trespassing, littering/dumping under 100 pounds and unauthorized cable TV connection.”
YES! I do know the “people Chris burglarized”!! It was his OWN HOUSE that had been sold – the guy from the real estate agency told him anything that did not come with the house he could take because he bought that separately – so, he did! It wasn’t some strangers house he broke into! Every single charge in this report above was from that one incident!
As for the assault – you don’t have to “beat someone up” to be charged with assault!! That’s not always the case!
Most of his other crimes were only doing harm to HIMSELF, not anyone else. I hope that clears that up some.
there have been deaths in everyones family. you arent the first. his children arent the first to have to say good bye to their father. it is a horrible situation, there is no doubt. my heart does go out to the children of chris and his family members. i never said it didnt. i never said that he should be dead, all i have stated is that he couldve left, before this happened. he was 34 he didnt need to sit there and argue back and forth with someone in there own house or threaten them either. this didnt have to be like this. as i have said many times he isnt innocent in this. i dont feel that he should be dead. i never did, but kevin also has the right to defend himself in his own home as everyone else does. if the tables were turned, it would be ok that chris shot kevin in his home to all of you.
whats fair is fair. you all would defend chris if he had shot kevin wheather you agreed with what he had done or not. you would still defend him b/c you love him and regardless of his actions you will stand up for him
i am confused on something… if chris’s crimes were to himself, why is he #3 on the top 10 most wanted list for harford county? that just doesnt make sense to me. just curious.
to the genepool just got cleaner….
you obviously have never met kevin. he was and still is a very nice person from a very nice family. he was good to yvonne and to those children. he would make an excellent father.
i even after what he has done would still have his baby..
I dont know you or your family, but I did know Kevin from growing up. I am so sorry for what you are going through right now. Please be strong and know whatever caused this to happen, it had nothing to do with you. Your daddy is in heaven looking down and watching over you. He will see every game, recital, dance, wedding, etc that you will do. he will always be with you. Always keep him in your hearts. He will live on forever in a much better place.
we have been friends for so long, i love you, i always have i and always will.
i cant believe all of this is happening. i do know that you wouldnt do something like this on your own. you have my complete support.
babyface…a first on the dagger….ohy vey
Go Dagger
richiec – ur point??? u obviously never knew kevin either
i agree w free kevin…..
he should be home free w his loved ones..
i will contribute 2 his lawyer. he was provoked & pushed over the edge.
TO THIS ONE – “i am confused on something… if chris’s crimes were to himself, why is he #3 on the top 10 most wanted list for harford county? that just doesnt make sense to me. just curious.”
Why was he #3 on the most wanted for Harford County? Fot carrying a concealed weapon in his personal vehicle. It was unloaded and there was NO ammunition found any where in the vehicle. He was supposed to go to court but, his “step-mom” passed away and he wanted to attend her funeral so he said “the hell with them … let them come get me!!” That’s why! If you would read everything … word for word … I explained those charges that had been quoted before! These had not been asked about. UNLIKE KEVIN – he did not have a loaded weapon carrying it around with him with one target in mind! And – I’ll leave that at that!!!!!!!
This whole thing is just UTTERLY disgusting!! His services are over and now it is time to set forward with making DAMN SURE EVERY SINGLE PERSON WHO CONTRIBUTED TO THIS SITUATION IS HELD ACCOUNTABLE!! Kevin is all ready in jail and will be for the rest of his life … the rest remains to be seen but – we will not give up on ALL OF IT!!! Heather, Crystal, and all the other family and friends of Chris who keep reading this – make NO MISTAKE – this is far from being over! There’s a lot of unanswered questions and I”m headstrong on making DAMN SURE those other people are made to answer!! For Zane and HAyden Fritsche … we will not stop!!
Thank you to everyone who I saw at the services and made sure everyone in the immediate family was doing okay! It was tough because there was certain people there that none of us cared to have to look at but – you have to do what you have to do! It was nice to meet you, Heather, and Chris’ Uncle John! We will fight to keep Chris’ memory alive! Thanks again for your support for us on this side!! :p
heres my point
“i even after what he has done would still have his baby..”
babyface on August 17th, 2008 11:41 am
A trigger pulled and all you can do is say…it was this and that…..
Simple fact…who pulled the trigger….thats who is to blame…and those who share moral baleme are those who try to justifie all this crap off.
Who looses…the innocent kids and society in general…and the trigger man and victom to an extent !
I can imigine this excusing away and justifieing went on through all of all the principals lives…and here is your result…are you proud…I hope not !
Go Dagger !
If Chris had been the one who pulled the trigger – I can honestly say – speaking for myself, of course – that I would NOT be standing or sitting ANYWHERE trying to tell people that he did not deserve to be sitting in jail!! SELF DEFENSE is the ONLY reason there will EVER be for blowing a father’s head off – AND SELF DEFENSE IS NOT THE CASE HERE!! It states PLAINLY in the article about kevin’s bail review hearing that he “shot and killed and unarmed man”! That should be plain enough for everyone to understand! If Yvonne had not taken him up there to begin with, this never could have happened! Chris was on his cell phone trying to get a ride home – Yvonne should have brough him home when she brought my son and nephew home!! He WAS trying to find a way to get out of there – SEVERAL people have told us that! My biggest question is – in the time it took for Kevin to go to his bedroom, get the gun, load the gun and come back – if Yvonne was “so damn worried about Chris” why didn’t she make sure he was out of the house – at the end of the driveway … somewhere where Kevin couldn’t have killed him! And, as for the “other 7 witnesses” I gues they all thought it was f****** funny or something – they could have – and should have – kept Kevin going to the kitchen with the gun! NOT 1 F****** “PERSON” WHO WAS THERE DID A D*** THING TO KEEP THIS FROM HAPPENING!! I have my thoughts on why, but I can’t state them here … the rest can come up with there own reasons and see if it makes any d*** sense to them! FREE KEVIN MY ASS!!! PUT THE REST OF THEM IN THERE WITH HIM! THEY’RE JUST AS GUILTY – BOTTOMLINE!!!!!!!
Many call me an asshole for saying what I feel…some times…(make that) most times…it makes them uncomfortable to hear what I have to say…those in HdG who couldnt stand that they were and are wrong…those in the county who couldnt…those in the state who couldnt.
Why is it so important to so many that they cannot take criticizm. Many dont want to give criticizm for fear of rejection….and we all loose by not having an overall moral compass as a set of norms guiding us. We wind up with a society that is living a fantasie when no one stands up and says…THATS wrong…for fear of rejection. Noone says….its wrong to be pregnant with your second at 16….its wrong to drop out of school to work at the frozen food whse for a few hundred a week…its wrong to argue that kids should be allowed to drink…its wrong to be a thug…its wrong to piss on our rights (for you hdg administration)……its wrong to steal…its wrong to be a lier…..its wrong to cow-tow….its wrong to impress on kids that you can weasel out of the offenses that no kid should be involved in…its wrong to let a kid think probation at 15 is ok…wrong…wrong…wrong…so stop all this bullcrap and face reality that a murder took place…a man took a gun and blew somones braines all over the wall…stop excusing it off.
Go Dagger
PS…if that sounds vile….its cause murder is !
Way to put it RichieC!
And now at glancing at the fish wrapper AKA the record…a publication that long ago lost site of the fact that the press was considered the fourth branch of govt by our founding fathers (a watchdog defacto on govt)….I have noticed that a my-space fuede is brewing along with death threats and rumbles.
When and where does it end?
Go Dagger
ps to above…
its not about the pylsville murder….this is another rumble brewing.
Meh, all I can say to the response below is this. Make sure you check to see if he has more than one branch in his family tree.
Hope this Helps
babyface on August 17th, 2008 11:41 am to the genepool just got cleaner….
you obviously have never met kevin. he was and still is a very nice person from a very nice family. he was good to yvonne and to those children. he would make an excellent father.
i even after what he has done would still have his baby..
I went to the memorial services today…and the gathering afterwards. It disgusts me to know that Yvonne has Chris’ ashes with her…and that she has any kind of say in any of this. Do these people that are putting her that high on the pedestal have any idea that she was LIVING WITH THE MURDERER???????? And her family……her mother and her sister……who couldnt stand Chris while he was alive…..were there, acting like they cared for him………???!!!!!????!!!!
UUUGGGHHH!!!! I had to bite my tongue MANY times today.
I agree that the children should be taken FAR AWAY from Yvonne….AND HER MOTHER AND SISTER. They would be much better off. I observed her today. And I realized that you cannot look at her and see any remorse or guilt. She has other things on her mind. Be it more drugs, more money that she could be entitled to, or just that she was in the “limelight”…..it was obvious that Chris being murdered by her boyfriend does not seem to be weighing much on her mind…..
I hope an investigation is already under way. And I hope she reaps what she sows…….
I have not seen Chris or Herman in a very long time but I was friends with both of them and I can’t believe this happened. I feel bad for Herman He has lost his mom ,dad and now his brother. When I heard he had gotten married and had kids I figured he had calmed down. I guess he didn’t. As for Kevin I only met him a couple of times and he seemed nice enough. I remember Chris called him Kevin sore dick he was a funny guy. Chris had a lot of problems but was a good guy and I think people should try remembering the good times they had with him. Kevin deserves to go to jail but I’m sure no one can punish him more than he will punish himself. He has to live with the fact that he killed one of his best friends and he can never take it back. My heart goes out to his children and his brothers, I’m very sorry for your loss. I am also sorry for Kevins families loss as well.
i have been reading this since chris was murdered i dont care about anyones record kevin is not a judge for how chris’ life should of ended just like we are not the judge of what should happen to kevin we can all sit back and pick sides its not about sides its right and wrong i knew chris and his record is his record just like kevin who i never knew and sure chris hadst stood up because everyone keeps talking about him being wanted and faced those charges BUT HE WAS A GREAT MAN AND A GOOD FATHER and like kevin decided chris’ fate i hope someone does not decide his his girlfriend jess i hope your good if you ever need to talk go to kims terri i dont know you but i think you are a awesome person take care of zane there is really noone left i could not attend the service though i really wanted to my heart hurts for you all was herman able to attend i wrote to him might not help much but might ease the pain i cant believe on the day they put you to rest chris people still bicker about right and wrong hope your with your with your mom dad and uncle jd i am not near your kids now but god will put me where i am suppose to be in all this i will miss you sorry i wasnt there to say goodbye to all the family be strong for the kids and bunny if you were part of this it all comes back to you the drugs wont ease that
No. Herman was not able to be there. We all knew he wouldn’t be but … if he writes you back, and you write him again – please let him know that there are people out here who are going to see to it that there is FULL justice for his brother!! Thanks for caring about the family! It is much appreciated!!
I was at both things today too. The gathering afterwards was at my Dad and Step-Mom’s house and it was, just as you said, THE MOST DISGUSTING THING” that I have ever seen as well! She carried his ashes around from table to table like it was a trophy! OMG! Not one tear EVER fell from her eye … NOT ONE!! Her daughter was so distraught and she sat there beside her giving her hugs but, still not one single tear! I think she enjoyed every single minute of it! Her mother and them, who didn’t want a damn thing to do with Chris, sat there like they were something special … holding HIS little boy, Hayden, like nothing had even happened!! OMG! This was one of the hardest days of my entire life! So many emotions … and not quite sure how to sort them all out! I can’t wait to see how this all turns out! I am determined … THE TRUTH WILL PREVAIL!!
Thanks for being there today! Zane does appreciate all of the love that has been shown for his Daddy!! :p
terri it was nice to meet you and all the rest i havent met.Chris’s children broke my heart yesterday at the service it was so hard to watch Zane.My dad and the rest of my family didnt go the the gathering i personally had a bad feeling in my stomach we just didnt want to see any thing else happen(if u know what im mean)and like i said before i have never met yvonne and i couldnt bring myself to say a word to her i saw no tears and damn all those pictures were mostly her and chris whats wrong with that,thats crazey his heartbroken girlfriend was falling to peices in the BACK of the funeral she should have been holding the ashes not yvonne!Zane we love you to!
Yeah! You got that right! Yvonne SHOULD NOT have his ashes! They were separated for 2 years, as she publicly announced on the news! It just makes me SICK! The whole thing is just disturbing! It seems A LOT of people noticed her lack of emotion! Stunning, huh?
I think that Chris’ family needs to make sure those kids are not with Yvonne. If all fails call social services and get an emergency custody ordered. She is obviously not stable enough to care for those children.
I also hope Kevin stays in jail for a while. I never knew any of them but I dont want a murderer out roaming the streets Im on.
i told you all that yvonne had something to do with this. she hasn’t shed a tear since she watched it happen. i know that she is behind this. she was pitting these two against eachother and pushing kevin non stop. everyone knows it. kevin may have been the one to pull the trigger, but she instigated and pushed for him to do that. she provoaked the whole thing and has from the day that chris and kevin stopped being friends.
she got the end result she wanted.
Hey, ya’ll!! I am Jacki…..Terri’s older sister. I agree 100% with everything she has said. She is definitely stating the facts. We have known the Fritsche boys for more than 20 years….we know the facts!! And what she doesnt know for absolutely sure, she can easily find out from my youngest sister, Cheryl, who is Chris’ oldest son, Zane’s Mother. Cheryl has been VERY involved in Chris’ life since Zane was born and she knows just about everything there is to know about him. I just wanted to clear that up for all of you who seem to want to criticize her for speaking her mind about this mess. Make sure you are 100% correct when correcting someone else.
As for what happened yesterday, I am literally sickened. Yvonne strutted around acting like nothing was wrong. And when asked about that night, she simply said she didnt want to talk about it “today”. Not one tear did I see from her. And poor Jessica….Chris’ Fiance’…..was (as the comment above says) was shoved in the back of the memorial service room….crying her eyes out. My Fiance’, Tim and I talked to her for a while yesterday. She lost EVERYTHING. She is now homeless. Chris was her entire world. And I really feel bad for her. I’ll be the first to admit…Jessica and I have not developed a friendship over the years….but dammit, she deserved more than what she got yesterday. It really broke my heart. Someone needs to keep an eye on her. Seriously.
And Yvonne’s family……OMG!!! These people never had a kind word to say about Chris for as long as I can remember……but all of a sudden they turned into the grieving family-in-law…….WHAT THE HELL??? In my opinion, there were MANY people at MY FATHER’S house who didnt belong there. YVONNE and her sister and mother being top 3 on the list.
I will do anything I can to see that justice is served by ALL who had anything to do with Chris’ murder.
Take care, all!
P.S. — “Jacki” and “Jackie” are two different people….just so you all know!!!!
and i know he wouldn’t do something like this without being pushed completely over the edge. just because you all know chris so freaking well doesnt mean you know kevin so freaking well. we can speak freely and have the rights to our opinions even if you dont freaking like it.
for all of you that know chris so well then you ought to know that he did screw with kevin every chance he got.
i guess enough was enough
he should go for an insanity defense, clearly he was pushed to insanity with all of yvonnes games and bullshit.
she is a disgusting worthless user and a kaniving little B*tch that got what she wanted and now she gets to go free while kevin sits in jail.
i don’t thnk what he did was right. but i do think she had way more to do with this crap. i really think she pushed this whole thing in motion and set them both up.
every single one of them are victims
who gave that wh*re his ashes anyway? she caused his death, why does she get to keep his ashes.
why didnt chris’s next of kin get the ashes or the woman he was with now?
i am not justifying anything. i believe in kevin and am entitled to my opinion,. clearly i knew him much better than you richiec., you didnt know either one of them did you? i know kevin didn’t just pull the trigger for the hell of it. he didnt kill just to kill.
believe what you want. it is easy for someone who didnt know him to just accuse him of being a cold blooded murderer.
kevin didnt just kill chris for no reason. that is not the person he is.
It would certainly appear as tho this scenario is one that is very well known often called a love triangle. feeling’s were running high on both side’s. and alcohol too fan the flame’s.
To the Dagger Press…..please institute a “Spell Check Option” for these poor illiterate citizens of Harford County!
I think you all need to stop including MY family. Everyone will have their own opinions on either person and that’s the way it’s going to be. People may think that Kevin was just defending himself and that Chris had no right to be there. People (like me) may feel that Yvonne deserves to be in jail right there with Kevin. And people may think that Chris didn’t deserve to die (which he didn’t) There are plenty of opinions in this matter and everyone is not going to agree on one simple thing. It all comes down to the day when Kevin goes to court and the judge makes his ruling. THATS IT! You all need to understand everyone from their points of view and stop arguing.
Kevin’s family- if it was Kevin that had gotten shot in the face for no reason when he was unarmed, you would feel the same as my family.
and My family- if it was Chris that pulled that trigger, you’d be standing behind him 100% saying that he was defending himself against someone in his home.
Just think about that and let the frikkin Judge decide what happens to Kevin.
Oh, one more thing… If no one else will go to the police and tell them that it’s a possibility that Yvonne set this whole thing up, I’ll be the one to do it! If she did set it up, she is an accompliss (spelled wrong) to murder and she needs to rot in prison for that!
-Angell Eyesz-
Greeting’s mike. it is a known ”fact” the harford county ‘ board of education pride’s them self’s in stateing no ”child” shall be left behind. where shall we ” dump” the blame?
if we browse there web site. we find and assistant to the assistant too the boss we find ” custodian’s” controlling the principal’s. the work in some school’s is sub standard. questioned about this state of affair’s. I’am told were ”layed” back.
I’am not pointing’ any finger’s at our teachers.they can only do so much. it’s our money so the fat need’s ” triming”
Oh, and one more thing. About Yvonne wanting his ashes buried with her… NOT GONAN HAPPEN! Zane, Lexie and Hayden deserve to have something to go to one thier father’s bithday or date of death (unlike me) I RESENT my grandparents to THE FULLEST for not burying my dad or cremating him. I have nowhere to go or nothing to turn to when I just want to talk to “my dad”. Zane NEEDS to have something and I will NOT let Yvonne bury his father’s ashes with her. ZANE WILL NEVER LIVE IT DOWN IF YOU DO THAT TO HIM!
Yes, I am the other Jackie. I did not go to the services on sunday just because I was so affraid that I could not hold back from Yvonne. The messed up thing is she has it all now and Jessica has nothing. Yvonne gets all the money from the property that will be sold and gets to keep his kids too. The best I can hope for is someone to step in and take those kids away! I hope this wakes Yvonne up and she gets clean and raises the kids as they deserve. But I do not think that will never happen……… I bet before to long we will read about her death soon!
Jacki and Chrystal’s mom get them kids please! Keep them far away from her side of the family and raise them with love and lots of it! They will need and deserve it!
Pooh Bear I am sorry you are gone! Your kids will miss you very much and if I get the option I will let them know that you did love your kids very much and tell them all about you when you were young! Pooh watch them from above and give them hope and compassion for all humanity!
Best wishes to everyone directly involved. I just can’t believe that 2 more harford county families are messed up over this!
Jackie- that is why I think she had a part in Chris’s death. So she could get the money from the land, so she could go to social security and get money every month from them. That is my theory of what Yvonne’s motive was.
Oh, and don’t forget when she came to my Aunt Terri’s house the day after he died and was searching and searching for his life insurance policy papers! There’s a good reason to have him killed too!
-Angell Eyesz-
Angell, If that is the facts then yes we should go to Harford county sheriff and say something. Shed some other light on it. If you would like to chat more with me my email is Jadedbtch@yahoo.com please feel free to contact me there!
I would like to say how sorry I am to Chris’s children, family and love ones for your lost !! It is so sad that Chris is gone forever and that Kevin will now have to live with the blood of his, once best friend on his hands. I’m sure if Kevin could turn back time, he would, but he can’t so now he has to live with the fact that he took the life of not only someone he cared for at a time in his life, but he also took away the father of three children that will never really understand why ? Kevin did the crime so yes he should have to do the time for his wrong. There will always be times in our life that we are pushed to the edge, but that does not mean we have to jump, as Kevin did. But no one can go backwards and change what has happen, so now we all must go forward, and try to heal all the broken hearts, both families will be very hurt and bitter for years to come. But the two that will hurt and will never forget, and will live years of pain will be Zane and Lexi, they both have the memory of the dad they both loved and was taken from them, This great lost of their dad will live with them for the rest of their lifes and it is so sad. Yes Hayden has lost his dad, and he will also feel some of the pain, as I know the family will always keep the memory of Chris alive for him, but he is so young thank god he will not have to share the same pain as his brother and sister will always carry heavy in their hearts and minds. I think everyone should stop adding more hurt and hate to what has happened, and think about the children. I believe that Zane will have a lot of love and support from his family, but with all of the hate on Yvonne side of the family, will the other two children have the same support they will need ? I do not understand why Yvonne would be given Chris’s ashes, or why she even would want them, it seem like it would be a slap in the face to Chris’s family on Yvonne part. I feel that Zane should be the one that should have his dads ashes. May God watch over the children, my prayers are with them and the family, Chris may have not of been an Angel on earth, but he is now one of Gods Angels in Heaven. ^j^ Rest in Peace Chris !!
Hey, “Angell” – my sweet niece – Chris had no life insurance, honey. We all knew that right away. If he would have – we would have seen to it that he had a proper burial. That’s why Pop-Pop paid most of everything. As far as Hayden – there’s no doubt in my mind that if he is EVER told anything GOOD about his Daddy, it will be because someone on our side – Chris’ side – had the chance to see him and tell him. That whole family is absolutely DISGUSTING and for Yvonne’s mother and sister to sit there with her and support her knowing damn good and well that she played a HUGE part in this makes me SICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have been working on the details of what steps to take next in this matter! TRUST ME, PEOPLE – if you don’t know me personally – my sister, Jacki, will tell you – I WILL NOT STOP UNTIL THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO STONE LEFT UNTURNED!! I can’t bring Chris back for my nephew, but I CAN AND I WILL make sure he gets justice for his Daddy!! I have all ready spoken to a couple people involved with the investigation and prosecution of this case. I’m heading out to Belair today and we’re gonna see where to go next! If I can find ANY way AT ALL, that bitch will turn those ashes over to my nephew too! SHE STATED ON THE LOCAL NEWS, WITHOUT A TEAR IN HER EYE (as usual) THAT SHE AND CHRIS HAD BEEN SEPARATED FOR 2 YEARS!!!
I better go now – that so familiar fury is raging again!! TTFN! Have a great day, folks!!
Kevin pulled the trigger because HE WANTED TO! HE chose to do it and it’s NO SECRET that he had planned to do it for a LONG, time!! He said it to all of us – INCLUDING YVONNE! That’s PRE-MEDITATED, BABY!!! LIFE IN PRISON!! Exactly what he deserves!!
Maybe YOU don’t know Kevin as well as you thoguht you did! We all KNOW what he had in mind and he got his opportunity when Yvonne took Chris up there!
Enough said!
Insanity defense my ASS!! He wasn’t insane! He wasn’t pushed “to the brink”! He had this shit PLANNED, PEOPLE!! TOTALLY PLANNED – all he needed was for Chris to brought up there! I’m glad these people on here aren’t his defense attorneys! They would be laughed out of the court room for sure! Those “7 witnesses” who, by the way, were all Kevin’s family and friends, ARE NOT the only ones who the police and prosecutors have spoken to! We are restinf very assured that they are doing a WONDERFUL job in this case!!
HOPEFULLY – Yvonne will be sitting in the HCDC with Kevin soon! Maybe they can get married and live happily ever after IN JAIL!! That’s where they BOTH belong!!
Chris is gone and I don’t care how you look at it or twist it or who’s friend you are or even who’s family you are…bottom line is we do not have the right to take another mans life. Regardless of who may have been doing what and who’s criminal record may have been worst and regardless of whether one of them were on harford county’s most wanted list…are you people seriously trying to justify this?!??! Chris was a father, a son, a brother, where is the compassion, where is the heart felt sorrow. I don’t understand. Has the world become such an estranged place that we now justify such a horrible act? I don’t care if they were arguing…I don’t care if they were on the ground fighting…that does not justify a man being killed…what kind of man feels he has the right to shoot another man in cold blooded murder…and at a childs birthday party to boot! Come on people – grow the hell up!
I’m sure both Kevin and Chris’ family’s are grieving – everyone needs to come together and support one another…don’t turn this into a Hatfield vs McCoys scenario. Kevin is the one being charged; not his entire family. Chris been gone just over a week and already people are fighting over his ashes and money…seriously people, is this what happens when we lose a loved one? We don’t celebrate their life, but instead we have people diggin into their records to see just how bad of a person we can paint them up to be to justify their murder? Or fighting the family over money and who is entitled to it?
My opinion…the money needs to be put into trust funds for his children.
This really makes me sick to think the world has evolved into such a horrible place where we try to justify such horrible, senseless acts of violence.
My condolences go out to Chris’ family and my prayers go out to Chris and Kevin’s family. This was a senseless crime that should have never happened.
terri now you are lying. there is no way kevin told you he was going to shoot chris. and if he did, then you are somewhat to blame to since you didn’t tell chris. cause if he knew they were planning to shoot him then why would he go to kevin’s house and put his own life in jeopardy.
you are just as crazy to lie about this as yvonne is for planning this crap
if you are telling the truth, and this was a premeditated thing, i do agree with you then kevin should be in jail for the rest of his life. i was told that it was self defense because chris came after him and was threatening him in his own home. as i have said from day one, yvonne does play a huge part in this. i do believe that she should be in jail for the rest of her life too. i think that she was the master mind behind all of it.
i can’t believe that kevin would premeditate something like this, but god only knows what makes anybody do the things that they do. he never said to me that he was going to kill chris or shoot chris or anything like that. as a matter of fact, he never mentioned chris.
if what you said is true and that it was premeditated, then i do agree that kevin belongs in jail for the rest of his life. i was told that chris went after kevin and was threatening him in his own home.
i cannot believe that kevin would premeditate something like this. he has never mentioned chris to me in any way shape or form. i can only hope & pray that he didn’t have this premeditated.
angell if you know any thing at all you would know that when they sell the land all of chris’s debt will be taken out first and there will be no money left. so your thinking is wrong.
terry please email me at steveheather08@aol.com cousin heather
To the children who lost their daddy, there are no words to express how sad I am for them! I knew Chris some years ago when I lived in HDG. I also knew him through friends of friends. He was a good guy in my book. I do not know Kevin however. Even still I don’t understand the situation!!!! Yvonne stood there on Ch. 13 saying herself that there was years of “animosity” brewing up……well why then did she invite Chris? That to me would be ignorant and just plain stupid! If you ask me it seemed like she did it knowing that there was going to be a problem!!! Did she plan it? NOOOO not the murder, but the arguement? It just seems she has way more to do with it than people think. Did she like the fact that she was going to have 2 men fighting at her daughters birthday party? How immature. I feel so bad for the chidren and families, but NOT FOR HER IN ANYWAY!!!! She don’t even seem like she feels bad. And if she was any kind of a mother or real woman she should hand those ashes of Chris’ straight over to his oldest child….his son! Now she’s out her husband and her boyfriend. Why were they seperated for 2yrs and not divorced if she was so happy with Kevin? So many questions, but most of all…….what part did she really have to do with it? A real mother would have stepped up to both men and said look this is my daughters birthday party and we will not have the fighting of anykind. Then again she knew what she was doing. And stuck her foot in her mouth on national tv, and never showed an ounce of remorse…not so much as a shakey voice. The only insanity plea that Kevin could use is the fact that he was with her. WOW, is all I can say. I just hope and pray that justice will prevail and the families will find peace with their loss. I will keep all of them in my prayers. And real people with real hearts and clear heads will know that no matter what either of them have done in their past, NO ONE deserves the right to die. And as far as for the “self defense” on Kevins part……….what was the threating part……..he was invited there and it seems like something was planned!! JUST MY OPINION!! You’ll be in my prayers.
There are SEVERAL people it was said to over the last year. Chris WAS told … but, he never gave a thought to that, I’m sure, when Yvonne told him Lexi wanted him to be at her birthday party. We had NO IDEA Chris was even invited up there! Had I known … I would SURELY have told him not to go – and helped him arrange a birthday celebration for her elsewhere! Chris would have never thought he was going to be killed that day! All of you “Kevin lovers” would have never thought he would actually do this … right? Well, Chris never actually thought so either – especially since he was INVITED to Kevin’s house BY KEVIN’S girlfriend!
Why don’t everyone let Chris Rest in Peace my God he was MURDERED, There is no excuse for it what so ever! If Chris would have murdered Kevin wouldn’t you want Kevin to RIP? and Chris be in jail? I think so. Regardless a life was taken, a child(ren) has no more father to watch them grow. Chris is no longer here on earth only in the hearts that love and cared for him, thats all. Also who cares what kind of record he had HE WAS MURDERED! everyone makes mistakes some learn from them and some keep making them. Chris was a nice guy I don’t know Kevin but it don’t mean he was a Bad person either there is no excuse for what he has done, he is a murderer and he should pay Just like anyone who murders! May you RIP Chris! May justice be served
If what you say is true, and this was planned, then you are right he does belong in jail. I was told that Chris was threatening him and had gone after him in his own home. If what you say is true, then I do apologize for sticking up for Kevin and defending him. I do still believe that Yvonne was a huge part in this and she does not deserve his ashes.
If what you say is true, and this was planned, then you are right he does belong in jail. I was told that Chris was threatening him and had gone after him in his own home. If what you say is true, then I do apologize for sticking up for Kevin and defending him. I do still believe that Yvonne was a huge part in this and she does not deserve his ashes.
i dont care what any of you say. he wouldnt do something like this in cold blood. he wouldnt kill just to kill.
p.s. i cant believe that he would do something like this – premeditated and planned. for him to go around and tell people that he was going to kill chris or shoot chris is absolutely out of character for kevin, at least the kevin i know.
i am utterly dumbfounded. again, if he did in fact plan this then my apologies for sticking up for him.
free kevin
to free kevin:
you have got to be kidding me that you are falling for their line of bull crap.
kevin wouldnt do such a thing. if you know him the way you say you do and the way i do, you wouldn’t fall for their horrible lies. kevin was pushed to edge. he was not the killer everyone is making him out to be. he isnt a murderer. i just dont believe you people are making him out to be a monster that he isnt.
“he isnt a murderer.”
courtesy of dictionary.com:
mur·der·er –(noun) a person who commits murder.
hey babyface:
wrong is wrong and it is wrong if it isnt in self defense. i was hellbent on kevins innocence because i was under the impression chris had gone after him and was threatening him. if that was not the case, then i cant say that he should go free. if someone was planning to kill me and bragged about it or told other people that they were going to do it and then did do it then chris’s family is right. that is premeditated. nobody has the right to take someone elses life when they werent defending themselves. i was sticking up for kevin because the kevin i knew was not violent and wasnt a fighter in any way shape or form, if someone went after me to hurt me, darn right i would defend myself with any means possible. but if he planned this and set it up so he could do this, then that sheds another light on this story and i cant say that he shouldnt go to jail for the rest of his life. if he did have this premeditated, then he is not the person i thought i knew. he isnt the one i call my friend.
to babyface:
the kevin i thought i knew wouldnt plan or do something like this. but if the kevin that did this has gone around telling people that he was going to shoot chris and then did it (which he has) then i dont want to stick up for him. wrong is wrong. if the story i heard which was chris was threatening him and going after him in his home and it was self defense, then yes i stick up for him. if it were me and someone came after me in my home i would defend myself by any means possible. but i would never just shoot someone or harm someone in any way shape or form if it wasnt in self defense. that is wrong, i stand corrected if that is what happened.
to babyface:
the kevin i thought i knew wouldnt plan or do something like this. but if the kevin that did this has gone around telling people that he was going to shoot chris and then did it (which he has) then i dont want to stick up for him. wrong is wrong. if the story i heard which was chris was threatening him and going after him in his home and it was self defense, then yes i stick up for him. if it were me and someone came after me in my home i would defend myself by any means possible. but i would never just shoot someone or harm someone in any way shape or form if it wasnt in self defense. that is wrong, i stand corrected if that is what happened.
free kevin
“To Terri:
If what you say is true, and this was planned, then you are right he does belong in jail. I was told that Chris was threatening him and had gone after him in his own home. If what you say is true, then I do apologize for sticking up for Kevin and defending him. I do still believe that Yvonne was a huge part in this and she does not deserve his ashes.”
There’s no doubt it was planned! It will ALL come out in court! Like I said … I’m not the only other person the investigator and prosecuting attorney have spoken with. I KNOW what the prosecutor told me … which obviously I can’t go into detail about. I will reveal this much … my nephew was assured – without a shadow of a doubt – that kevin will be in prison for many, many years.
As for yvonne – yeah – she should be in jail facing a prison sentence too, and HOPEFULLY she will be! I’m not trying to make anyone change their opinions – I’m just trying to tell people the TRUTH – the FACTS and nothing less!
To babyface –
You are entitled to your opinion, just like everyone else is. When he is sentenced, you will have your answer. Why don’t you ask yvonne about how many times kevin said the same thing to her – better yet – my 14 year old son and Chris’ 10 year old son would be HAPPY to tell you how “uncle kevin” showed them the bullet he kept in the ashtray of his truck and told them “this is the bullet I’m going to kill Chris with”!! There’s SO MANY people who heard him say the same damn thing. Unfortunately, no one ever really thought he would do it! (JUST LIKE YOU!!) We never, EVER could have dreamed this would actually happen but, it did and he deserves to be where he is! The judge who denied him any bail felt the same way. I guess everyone who tells the TRUTH about kevin is a liar in your eyes so, it doesn’t matter! The only guily people here are kevin and yvonne! I hope they rot in prison together!
so terri,
kevin just went up to random people and said i am going to shoot chris in the face for no reason at all.
sorry, i dont believe it. that is a bit far fetched
to terri:
if you are such the lawyer you think you are, then you would know this is hearsay.
not admissable
to seriously:
you arent considered a murderer if it is in self defense.
i can’t believe kevin would say that to chris’s kids. that is kind of sick. why would he keep a bullet in the ashtray of his truck?
that is nothing like the kevin that i know.
This was DEFINITELY NOT an act of “self defense” by the way. That was all ready proven when he was denied bail for shooting and killing “an unarmed man”! An argument with words should be just that – or – if kevin got pissed off about something that was said, he should’ve been a MAN and taken it out to the yard for a knock down, drag out … but, instead, he chose to walk to his bedroom, get his gun, load it, walk back and shoot – AGAIN … “AN UNARMED MAN” in the face and kill him! Yeah – sounds like self defense huh? Not hardly! He saw his opportunity to do what he had said many times he was going to do because shacking up with Chris’ wife, while Chris was in jail, didn’t piss Chris off the way he had hoped! That’s the truth of the matter! Had Chris let it get to him that kevin and yvonne were together, then maybe kevin would have regathered his self esteem and been happy, but, Chris took the other route, let them be – got back with his girlfriend he was with before he went to jail and was happy, so kevin had to do something else! Such a man … such a man! What a joke!!
how many different kevins are there? seriously, the way people are describing him there seems to be more than one personality.
how can he be one way to free kevin and another to baby face and another to chris’s kids and a bullet in the ashtray of his truck,
this guy needs serious help in more ways then one.
i was friends with kevin growing up, i have not seen him in many years. he was always a little crazy and fun. not violent at all. clearly the years have changed him quite a bit. this crime is awful.
If you would use your REAL name maybe people could understand why you would say the things you say – but, neither here nor there … my nephew and my son described the gun kevin kept in his truck to the police … and it was EXACTLY what they found there … WHY? Because he had a motive … a plan! It wasn’t “random people” he was saying it to! It was people he knew. It was a topic of conversation for him, I suppose. OR MAYBE – he thought it made him look cool to ALL of us he said it to! I can’t answer for him WHY he said it – all I can say is that he did! To people outside of my family, and besides yvonne – he was proud of it!! He wanted to make sure he got Chris so no one else could!
I’m sorry if you don’t like to hear the truth but, inside … kevin had been this person waiting to come out for ONLY GOD KNOWS how long!
We have known kevin as long as we have known Chris so, it was a shock to us too but, I will NOT try to defend his actions no matter how long I’ve known him or how much I ever loved him! That’s just not gonna happen!
get over yourself terri….you dont know all. pathetic
Just so you know … if the tables were turned … I would NOT defend Chris either! I would want him to be in prison for the rest of his life too because WRONG IS WRONG no matter who does it!
Just thought I’d clear that up!
I never claimed to know it all – that’s where you’re wrong but – I DO KNOW A LOT!! I have stated FACTS – that’s what’s wrong with all of you! I’m not a “sugar coaty” kind of person – SORRY! I don’t hide who I am or how I feel OR THE TRUTH! I LOVE JUSTICE and that’s what this is all about!!
Sorry, babyface. That last one wasn’t to you!
To “get over yourself”
If you know so much that can prove me wrong then lets hear it! Start with using your real name … then spill it! If you can prove me wrong – GO FOR IT! I’m not above apologizing when I’m wrong but, I know I’m not! That’s why I’m SO determined to get ALL of the truth out there and make sure every single detail of that night gets picked apart and any and every body involved has to pay for their actions. It’s only right! Chris wasn’t blood related to me. Actually, he was no more than a friend other than being my nephew’s Dad. It could be a friend of a friend and I would still feel the same way.
You all want to persecute me and put me down because there’s no one else you can do it too, and that’s okay too, I’m used to that BUT – why don’t you talk to kevin’s lawyer … find out what you could do, if anything, to help him instead of trying to call me a liar on here? If you want to speak of the person kevin’s always been and how he may have been “pushed to the brink” I’m the wrong one to tell it to. I haven’t spoken with the defense attorney, though we were made aware that he “MAY” contact us (hasn’t happened yet).
I’m not here to change how you feel about kevin – I loved Kevin too, but he was WRONG!! It would sure be nice if someone could tell everyone what the last words were that were spoken between Chris and Kevin BESIDES YVONNE who has changed her story, just to my family, and I at least 5 times!
I understand all of the people who have been on here in Kevin’s defense and all of you who were close to Kevin are dealing with a GREAT shock and a sort of loss but, don’t call everyone else liars when obviously you haven’t been given any details of the situation or spoken to anyone of authority on the case. That’s not fair either. You all feel a great sense of helplesness just like we do. Speak your mind but, don’t accuse someone of lying or making things up unless you can prove it.
What was the argument about…what was there relationship over the last few months…??? Can some say it calmly…??
Go Dagger
We haven’t been told, really, what the argument was about, other than one story we were told (by yvonne so, take it as you will) that it was about Chris buying her daughter a Nintendo DS for her birthday. Like I said, take it as you will because that came from yvonne so, I’m not sure of it’s truth. They were both drinking so, it’s hard telling. We haven’t heard anything about it being about any woman so, who knows? Other than the “witnesses” that were there, nobody may ever know.
As far as their relationship, Chris lived in HDG and Kevin lived in Pylesville. They didn’t speak other than maybe a time or two, again, according to yvonne.
For those of you who seem to think Kevin doesn’t deserve to be in jail, I will speak on here for my 10 year son who will never see his father again. No Chris was not a saint by far nor was Kevin but none the less he did not deserve to die. He made stupid choices just like the rest of us have. Obviously so did Kevin. The only difference is he’s still alive. No one on here has any idea how hard it is to look at my son and see the hurt and fear in his eyes everyday, so before you say a murderer should be set free just think about that.
You know I have sat here and read all of the things that alot of you have written, and I am completely dumbfounded to say the least!! There are SO MANY details about that night that NO ONE has been privy too, including ALL inquirers to the prosecuting attorney. They are giving people the jist of things and nothing more; no exact details. The fact of the matter is Chris of his own free will (we all knew how he was, no one was going to make him do something he didn’t want to do) decided to attend as far as he was concerned, his daughters birthday party (he had raised her from the time she was about 2 months old, Chris is Daddy to Lexie). Then Kevin of his own free will agreed for him to be merely out of his love for Lexie. Chris could have left when Yvonne took the other people home, and again of his own free will, Chris decided to stay. I agree that Kevin is sitting exactly where he belongs, there is no excuse for killing a man who at the time was no threat to you!! This was such a crushing, just unspeakable tradgedy!! Not one person who knew Chris OR Kevin thought that Kevin would be capable of something like this. We all blew it off as Kevin blowing off steam, nothing more, nothing less. Unfortunately, little did we all know that it wasn’t just steam. Alot of you are sitting at your computers are twisting and turning the details of that night into something it wasn’t!! People are angry, emotions are high…thats completely understandable, but stop twisting things to suit your emotions, and what you THINK happened. That will solve absolutely nothing, none of you truly KNOW ANYTHING for sure.
To Terri, as to the memorial services and things, you might want to talk to your dad. He can give you some insight on that!!
Blowing off steam…explain please?
“To Terri, as to the memorial services and things, you might want to talk to your dad. He can give you some insight on that!!”
Exactly what insight do I need? I was there and HE’S MY DAD! I talked to him about it all before anyone else even knew when the arrangements were. I don’t understand that comment, seems how I never asked about any of it.
As far as thinking he was “blowing off steam” … maybe that’s one way to put it. Plotting … that’s a better way to put it.
All in all … the end of the argument will be Kevin’s day in court. Until then, we can all just spend our time – and vent our frustrations – on the Dagger.
Sorry “speechless”! That last one wasn’t directed at you.
did anyone notice that Zanes mommy was on hear telling u people what its like to have her sons father killed? and there is still people saying free kevin…word of advise people arent always what they seem to be…have u watched the news?cheryl my heart is with you all,my cousin chris will rest in peace someday .he will definetly be missed by all of us….and terri your right the truth will come out in court,maybe they need to ask yvonne one more time see if the story changes the 5th or 6th time!
Why don’t all you Hillbillies find a field someplace Get a couple kegs of beer. An ounce of Crack….some stems….and have a knock down drag out fight to see who is Right.
Chris was shot and killed…that is a fact. A man is in a bunch of trouble and his life is ruined. This Kevin has probably saved some up-standing ,tax paying homeowner the pain of doing what Kevin did to Chris some dark evening when Chris was robbing his home.
Rest In Peace, Christopher Lee Fritshce .o2.1o.74. – o8.1o.o8.
We all love and miss you dearly.
Zane- We won’t let you forget your father, EVER! I know EXACTLY how you feel right now as I was the same age as you when my father passed away. It’ll hit you later in life and you can count on the fact that I’ll be right here if you ever need anything. I love you, boy!
And to all the rest of my family and Chris lovers (except Yvonne) I know Chris will always be in our hearts and we will always remember him. I just hope that you all can get through this tough time of grieving and celebrate the life Chris had. He WAS a good man, I say that from first-hand experience. He had issues but we all loved him for who he was. People learn from their mistakes, that’s how life goes.
May he rest in peace with the rest of our Angels in heaven.
“They say the good die young. That’s why I think that you should have fun when you’re young. ‘Cause time won’t wait for no one. When God calls, you gotta go home!”
WOW! Typo… sorry, everyone!
Look at the charges these two have. Why isn’t anyone shocked anymore when someone gets into trouble? Why is it OK to have numerous arrests and no one thinks twice about it. What the hell is wrong with a society that accepts the fact that it’s normal for everyone in a family to have contact with police and be arrested many times??? What kind of examples are we setting for our children? When will these people grow up and become a productive part of society? This makes me sick and disgusted. I am saddened to think children have parents like this.
Don’t make me even more disgusted by saying these two were good parents. It’s OBVIOUS they did not have their children’s interests as a priority. Apparently smoking crack and committing felonies comes first. A murder at a kids birthday party? Are you kidding me? Insane. Insane.
A person’s background doesn’t have anything to do with how good of a parent they are, first of all. Second of all, no one ever said it was “OK” for a person to have numerous arrests. Almost everyone in this blog has said… “Everyone has their issues” I’m sure you’re not perfect either! You have your problems too and you don’t see people on here blogging about all the stupid things you’ve done in your life!
Chris did have his child’s interest as a priority. He showed up at that birthday party thinking that his step-daughter, that he has raised, wanted him to be there! Not thinking twice about the fact that Kevin and him didn’t get along too well! All he wanted to do was see his children! ESPECIALLY since all 3 of his children were there!
Yes, Kevin and Yvonne had no thought in mind about the fact that Lexie was right outside when Chris was invited to that house and all this happened and COULD have been scarred for life by watching her “Daddy” die… But Chris had nothing to do with it!
But absolutely NONE of this has ANYTHING to do with ANYONE’S background! The past is the past… GET THE HELL OVER IT! PEOPLE MAKE MISTAKES!
And that’s all I have to say about that!
To Terri, I under no circumstances want to turn this into a who did what for whom on top of everything else going on here, I again just want things to be stated as they WERE and not how people may THINK they were. You had made a statement earlier about your dad taking care of most of the services which is a false statement. No doubt your dad, made a great financial contribution to the son he never had, and also contributed with the use of his property. However, like/know it or not but Yvonne’s family also took the brunt of the financial contribution for Chris’s services. Then to add the close firends of Chris that met through him and eventually married; these friends provided almost all of the food and drinks for what they thought was going to be approx. 100 people. Alot of people came together on both sides to make sure Chris was taken care of!! If you don’t trust what I say thats fine, its easy enough for you to go to Zellman’s and find out for yourself as I did.
As far as the statements Kevin made, at the time he was making them no one thought it was anything more than him just being angry. How many people do you know that have made a statement to the effect of “I am going to kill him/her, they pi**sed me off.” I am thinking the answer to that is ALOT. Its not meant as a death threat, just an angry statement. That’s all anyone ever thought that Kevin’s statements were. That is what I meant by blowing off steam. Ultimately knowing what we know now, and the events that have happened, we know different. Had this never happened we all would still be going about our business thinking no different then we did before. Had Kevin been contemplating murder for quite some time to find out, no doubt. But the invitation to Chris was not intended to be a death sentence. How many seperated/divorced couples do you know where the absentee parent is invited to things for their children so that they can remain a part of their children’s lives. I know that I know quite a few. Everyone may not like everyone else, but they play nice for their kids. Now I am not trying to make any of them out to parents of the year we all know none of them were saints or perfect by any means but they were up until the moment that the fight began, playing nice for their children.
I know that many people did eventually come together to help with the financial cost for Chris. At the time that I wrote that, Yvonne had gone to my Dad to ask for help because they had not received anything from anyone. I had not spoke of that since then, but, YES – THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO CAME TOGETHER TO MAKE SURE THEIR COULD BE A SERVICE FOR CHRIS!! Yvonne’s sister also helped. I give them ALL great respect for that! I would never, by any means, try to say my Dad is the only reason it happened!! Your right – Chris was, to my Dad, the son he never hadand I knew, one way or another, enough people would come together to let his children be able to say good-bye the best way possible.
As far as Kevin’s comments – I’ve said it a hundred times …”hind sight IS 20/20!” Looking back now we can all say, “OMG! If I had only known!” Everyone who was ever close to either of them has probably said it as many times as we have. Those statements will never be a part of this case, or the trial. We all know that. It’s very easy to argue statements someone made. I’m no different than anyone else on here! I can’t believe he actually did this either! None of us can! I don’t know that we ever will be able to. It’s a true shock – STILL! There’s a long road ahead for Kevin’s and Chris’ families and I hope they can all the find the strength to get through it. Eventually, when all settles down, they will be able to find that peace they will need to move on. There’s no way, unfortunately for both Chris and Kevin, to change what has happened. It’s so hard to believe a friendship could have ever turned out to be something like this!!
I would never try to say any of them were parents of the year – HELL – I wouldn’t say I have been either! That’s not the issue here. Nobody is perfect but God himself! This was a horrible tragedy and no matter how many times we come to the Dagger to debate it, it will never change the fact that it happened! It’s all just so sad for both sides!!
I feel very badly for Kevin’s family and, I have no doubt that Chris’ children have been on their minds a lot. He does come from a decent family – no doubt about that!! I do wish them all the best! They didn’t deserve such a thing to be handed to them either and I can not even begin to imagine how they’re feeling! I would not want to be in their shoes, just as well as, I’m sure, they wouldn’t want to be in ours!!
AS TO PETER – are you trying to say it’s better that Kevin did this instead of some great upstanding citizen being locked up for it? How about this – Kevin had the same job for the last 11 years! He has been a tax paying home owner for quite some time!!!!!!! A bad choice that makes the news doesn’t tell a person’s whole life story! It would not have been better no matter WHO did it!
I’m saying good-bye to this Dagger article now! The more I keep coming back, the harder it will be to move on and help my nephew move on.
Though it’s been harsh at times – it was somewhat helpful to be able to come here and vent but, it’s time to move on!
I hope everyone can be happy! Stay safe and best wishes to all!!
~ Terri ~
now that everyone has had their chance to vent the only thing left to be said is goodbye chris everyone that loves you will keep your memory alive you will be greatly missed and never forgotten rest in peace now sweetheart.
That’s right! Keep Chris in your heart and, also, keep Chris’ children and family AND Kevin’s family in your prayers, (if you believe). That’s the best we can do!!
Hi 5 to tiki and still sad that is the best we can do! Loved you Chris Miss you much! Rest in Peace!
from chris’s step-daghter lexie. I am now with my other momom. Hayden is with my Aunt Shannon, Zane is with his Aunt. Now is everybody happy? Cause I’m not. Yes she had bad times. She is or was trying to have us all under one roof again. Take it from his step-daughter, she does not know how to deal with everything. Beleive you me I would not know how to take my husbands death either. Would you? Not very many people would, and she’s just one of those people. I heard that gun shot, but my mom was right in front of him, she saw him die. If I was her I would go nuts if I saw that. I thoudht my Uncle Kevin was a good man. He was there for me and my mom and Hayden, somtimes zane, and I loved him, but when him and my dad where not like brothers any more I felt like Uncle Kevin was a stranger to me, like he wasn’t my uncle any more. When my dad and him fought they always told me they wouldn’t hurt each other because of us kids being in the way of both of them. Dad was a good father and he was my friend that I could talk to about anything, until drugs got in the way of everything. Thats what destroyed us as a family. I loved my dad with all my heart no matter what. Just drugs got in the way of that love for him. My mom is a good mother just the same old THING IS DRUGS AND ALCOHOL GOT IN THE WAY. Thats what made me so depressed. When my mommom got custody of me I went to go see my mom on the weekends and during the summer, I loved every moment of being with mom and Uncle Kevin. My mom wasn’t high at those times she was getting Hayden back, she was going to get custody of me back. She told me she didn’t want me to change school in the middle of the year. So yes she was trying until all this happend. So take it from me, “LET HE WHO IS WITHOUT SIN CAST THE FIRST STONE.”
chris we will all miss you! rest in peace. zane i love you and you are a very strong boy .most adults could not handle half of what you have been through in the past 2 years and you have held your head up . all your memories of your father will always be in your mind and heart that no one can take from you . they can take his money , they can take object , they may even be able to take his ashes, but they can never take the one thing that means the most, his love and devotion to you. you hold the most valueable thing of all his love. your father wanted nothing but the best for you and your sister and your brother.
im only addressing zane because i know zane . i know chris loves lexie and hyden too, i just dont know them well enough to write them personaly.
chris your memory is always in are minds and hearts.
love ,
We all need to learn from Jesus. Be good to one another.Love thy neighbor as thyself. If we took our lessons from Jesus, none of this would have ever happened. My thoughts and prayers are with the Fritsche and the Sorrick family that God may comfort them in these trying times.
Lexi,hi sweetheart i wish we would have met before all this and i agree with you 100% we need to get the drugs away from the ones we love unfortunatly it makes the ones we love turn into people we dont know.Your daddy and i were close growing up and we kinda lost touch with eachother(lived in far away places)i saw him last summer and i got to catch up then i got this phone call…boy it broke my heart.i always said chris and herman needed to get away from HDG You keep God in mind they say he has a purpose for everything even if we dont understand what that purpose is.Im so sorry this wasnt stopped before it got to late i just hope all those people turning to drugs now learn from this.now there is his children who have to pay.i am glad to hear the children are being taken care of thats IS what matters and i hope if all of you need anything you will call uus here in pa God bless you Lexi,Hayden,Zane!
Jennifer thank you for your comment to zane. As for Zane he is not with his Aunt he is with his Mother where he has been, and where he will stay. Lexie sweetie I wish you and Hayden all the best if you need to talk we are always here. And no one has done anything to try to make things harder for your family. This has been tragic for all of us. but remember we love you and hayden very much. You my darling know where Zane is if you need him. so keep in touch sweetie. Don’t let people speak for you.
whoever it is that says they are lexie, if you are going to act as a child then you should speak on here as an 11 year old child, those of us who know lexie well saw right through this as soon as we read it. and no child should be reading or commenting on here any way this is for adults not children. As for my son and where he is , who he’s with or anything else that involves him I am his mother no-one else and anything and everything that has to do with my son is MY business, NO-ONE else the rest of you need to understand that FULLY. I will take care of him and only I will. If I we need anything we ask our family the rest of you MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS ecspecially when you don’t know the facts.
to Peter who the hell do you think you are, Shut the Hell up unless you have the right to speak about people you do not know. You are a disgrace to the human race how immature could you possibly be you are an ass.
Baby face no kevin did not say to random his thoughts an killing chris he said it people that he knew. That was a stupid comment on your part. Alot of you people on here just should not speak.
your absolutely right and as I said before this is not a site for children to be on. And yes we all know what took place in their lives and no-one has said Yvonne is the only one to blame. We know fully Chris did what chris wanted to do. I feel the one who pulled the trigger is the main one to blame. i kdo know how much Chris loved Kids and I know how much they loved him, I see my son hurting everyday.
cheryl,my apologies… i did not know lexie and i do agree that this isnt for children also i just thought maybe she wanted to let people know how she was feeling once again my apologies,and when i said about if anyone needs anything i didnt mean it to be disrepctful to YOUR family i was just meaning it torward any of the family,because i am chrises family…To the 8&&^%$ who wrote the letter, im glad you think losing a loved one was a joking matter shame on you!Terri was right about reading this anymore it gets me pissed everytime i read it.I am very happy to hear the kids have someone with a good head on there shoulders taking care of them….LOVE YOU CHRIS..and goodbye (for now)
it was probably yvonne who pretended to be lexy, after all the whole thing was sticking up for yvonne. and what a great mother she is….
WHATEVER – she sucks.
people vent. that doesn’t mean this was a premeditated thing. just because kevin pulled the trigger, it doesn’t mean he was the only or the main one to blame. yvonne can’t testify her husband b/c she set him up and pitted him and kevin against eachother and destroyed both of them.
Maybe booze and guns just might not belong at an eleven year old’s birthday party?
Poor girl. I hope she gets through this and can someday escape the whole bunch of them.
some people…
What a novel idea…no guns or booze at an 11 year old’s party……
I’ll bet these people never heard of chuckey cheese.
It was definitly not written by an 11 year old…it was also 3d party. also take note of WHEN that post was made by an 11 year old.
” “Lexie on August 21st, 2008 12:28 am” ” …in effect late wednesday nite into thursday morning.
Go Dagger !
This is SO DAMN CRAZY!! Who’s “brilliant” idea was it to let Lexie read this? Zane’s family has made sure he never even knew about this shit on here! This was a bunch of “adults” venting about their different views on what happened that horrible, fateful night! Lexi should have never been let to read this thing! My Lord, people … come on!!
Lexi, baby – I am SO sorry that happened to you! There’s NO WAY you could possibly understand a lot of what has been written here!! Adults see things MUCH, MUCh differently than you children do! None of this was ever meant to hurt you! It was never meant for you or your brother, Zane to see!!
A MySpace is in the process of being setup for your Daddy. You kids can go on there all you want to once you Aunt Terri gets it done and leave comments for your Daddy to tell him everything you feel. Aunt Terri is working on it now so, very soon it will be ready!! There will be lots of pictures and stuff, she said. I’m sure she will get in touch with you about helping with the songs for it too so … just hang in there and keep your eye out for messages from her about it, okay?
I love you Lexi Girl, and Zane and Hayden! I wish this could all be over for you guys but, it’s gonna take a while before you really feel like you able to move on!! Your family will always be here for you!! WE LOVE YOU KIDS SO MUCH!! :))
I’m gonna send Aunt Terri a message and ask her to come back on here one more time, because she’s been staying away from this thing for a few days now, but I would like for her to let his family and friends know when the profile is ready!!
Godspeed to Chris’ children!! We do love you!!
I just can’t believe some people!! I DOUBT that Lexi actually read this – AT LEAST I HOPE NOT! If they DID then, Lexi I WILL APOLOGIZE FOR THEIR SENSELESS ACTIONS!!
I haven’t had time yet to fully finish Chris’ myspace. When I do, it will be ONLY for his family and close friends! IT WILL NOT be turned into a dagger article! If I see ANYONE trying to say ONE THING about what happened that night, or anything else that the children do NOT need to see or read, I will delete it and that person will be blocked permanently. I hope everyone can understand that! I will be adding people from the myspace friends we all ready have. If anyone else THAT WAS FRIENDS WITH or FAMILY OF Chris would like to added, you must have a myspace profile and send me you myspace url (found on your profile page if you don’t all ready know it). You can click on my name at the top of this message, it’s in blue letters, and that will take you to MY profile page, then send me a message with your info and I will add you!
Thank you all in advance for making sure it stays a place his children will want to keep going back to!!
Thanks to all of you for coming on here to help us all vent and get the things out that we needed to so we could feel better. If I said anything that made anyone angry – I apologize. I was just trying to get some facts out there.
Find peace everybody and the strength to move on!!!
Take care all!
Thanks again!
~ Terri ~
87…glad i dont my space….but if its kid friendle thats another thing…but that belays why you are so aggrivited about the commentary here.
Go dagger
is “my last visit” the same “terri” as the one using the name “terri?”
The amswer is yes…terri…please keep in touch……keep with us on the dagger…you have a lot to say…and its good to have people like you here…dont be a stranger
Go Dagger
I just thought I would let all of you know that I spoke with Lexie, and that comment was from her. Although, I don’t necessarily think that she should have been on this site either, she was, so you might want to keep your comments about what she said to none!! This little girl has grown up very fast, and her intelligence should not be insulted.
Let me tell you somthing…that is not the speech of an 11 year old…dont bs me…
Go Dagger !
To RichieC – You would have to know Lexie first hand to know that everything said in her post is something that her family members could have easily heard come directly out of her mouth. That little girl has seen/heard far more than any child should EVER see/hear and it has aged her well beyond her short 11 years! When the people that are supposed to be caring for you are wrapped up in drugs you have no choice but to grow up way too soon. As Shannon said, do not insult Lexie’s intelligence. She may be young but she is a very smart girl!
I stand by what I said…..I dont think that speech, writing, thought process is from an 11 year old girl
yeah….”Beleive you me I would not know how to take my husbands death either. Would you?” and “So take it from me, “LET HE WHO IS WITHOUT SIN CAST THE FIRST STONE.”…..oh…and dont forget…..”My mom wasn’t high at those times she was getting Hayden back, she was going to get custody of me back.”…………………………………THAT WAS NOT LEXIE. I have known Lexie since she was a baby and there is no way that was Lexie. Whoever wrote that little “My-mommy’s-a-good-mommy” speech is a piece of shit. And then “Shannon” saying it was definitely her — whatever. You should have probably used a different name than “Shannon” if you wanted people to believe you………..I’m pretty sure no one gives a shit what that bitch has to say. I know I dont. Think of someone else’s name to use…
And if in fact that was actually Lexie, you “adults” are IDIOTS.
Who has custody of Lexie while her mother is smoking crack??????
Her grandmother???
Where the hell were you when she was reading this??????
Isn’t there any parental control?????
You all have NOTHING to worry about. Lexie doesn’t even KNOW of this site. She’s not going to read it, respond on it, anything like that. She doesn’t even know it exists. And, whoever wrote that response trying to be Lexie, YOU ARE PITIFUL! That was absolutely uncalled for. And, if you’re going to try to be an 11 year old, how about slowing down on the “big words” ?!?!
Dumb ass…
LOL!!!! My sisters are absolutely positive that the above comment was posted by my Fiance’, Tim!!! That is so funny!!! I can assure you, it was not Tim!! He was home, snoring on the couch by 1am!!! But it certainly sounds like something he would say!!!! And when he gets up, I will be sure to have him read it!!!!
I would LOVE to know who that was that posted that comment!!
You are my new best friend!!!!!!!! LOL!!!!!! =)
I must say….I feel the same way. That was definitely NOT Lexie!! Whoever posted that comment from “Lexie” is demented. Hopefully this is NOT the person who has custody of her right now!!! LEXIE NEEDS SOMEONE WITH COMMON SENSE…..someone who knows exactly what that poor little girl has been through and will get her the help she needs and give her the love and attention she deserves.
Every time I visit this site and read these comments, it infuriates me.
It boggles my mind to think that there are actually people out there who feel that Kevin should be at home with his “family”.
Chris will never have that option again. And his children will be the first to tell you that.
Be careful what you say……someone that you care about may read it or hear it.
Take care, all.
PS — they think the comment posted by “Neither Do We……” was posted by Tim…..not the comment by Angell Eyesz!! We know who Angell Eyesz is!!!!
LOL!!!!! =D
angel well said
lexy did write that i asked her. so apparently you don’t know her like you think. and no i’m not shannon.
Okay, so … the “Neither do we” wasn’t Tim … I REALLY thought it was! LOL!! Brit … Lexie DID tell Aunt Cheryl she read this thing … thanks to a grandmother with a lack of common sense BUT ANYWAY … unfortunately she DID read it and, maybe she did have SOME INPUT in that comment but it was DEFINITELY not all her! I don’t care what any of them say – that child DID NOT write that by herself. I’ve known her since she was born and I know that she does still process thought and language like an 11 year old!!
Richie … I want to say “Thank you” personally to you!! I will stay in touch with the Dagger, just on other articles.
BTW … do you think you guys could get an article together about the BS that’s going on with the Billiards Club downtown? I’ll try to get with you elsewhere on the details!!
PEACE, everybody!!!!
~ Terri ~
Yes terri……..please do…the dagger is our line of communication as in the old days …when the press was feared…the fourth branch of govt….and social commentary.
Please keep abreast and keep commenting on stuff….all of you that just discovered the dagger…we need you…even if we argu…its good to get the thoughts out to see how we all think…!!
Go dagger !
ps…yes the billards club…..interesting stuff there….
Hey!! Have you all noticed that ZANE has not posted any comments on here?
That’s because he is with his family and they CARE about what he does and doesnt do!!!! There is parental control and common sense!!!!
I agree with “Neither Do We…..”……POOR LEXIE AND HAYDEN!!!!!
All of these children ———- Zane, Lexie, and Hayden ——— have a LONG road ahead of them…but I am positive….and will see to it myself….that Zane will always be very well taken care of. He will always remember his Daddy and will know without a doubt how much his Daddy loved him. That boy was his world.
I cant say the same for Lexie and Hayden as far as their family being sure these children remember their father. Chris was not liked by these people who now have custody of Lexie and Hayden. I cant imagine they would tell his children all the GOOD things he did for them.
R.I.P. Chris. You will be terribly missed. Please rest assured that Zane will be okay. He will miss you more than words can say, but you will always be in his heart…..you are his Daddy. Rest In Peace, my friend. ~Jacki~
I think all of you need to grow up and put all your energy in what’s important….Our children!!!! It’s crazy to argue with the he said, she said bullcrap. What’s done is done and nothing that is said or done on this page is going to bring Chris back or keep Kevin in jail or get him out. It’s time to move forward instead of backwards.
We all have skeletons in our closets and no one is perfect!!! Please put all this negative energy to possitive energy and things will get better.
My heart goes out to both families and I will continue to pray for all of you. Peace be with you, all of you!!!!!!
Hazel…….im gonna only say this once……….
Go Dagger !
jacki do you call not having a stable home being well taken care of .If you think not know were your going to be living or how long your going to be there is stable and well taken care of your wrong. And to Jacki, Terri and Cheryl you should not throw stones when you live in a glass house.
i read of a reverend who spoke at the funeral of a friend he referred to the dates on his tombstone from the beginning……..to the end. he noted that first came the date of his birth and spoke of the following date with tears but he said what mattered most of all was the dash between the years
for that dash represents all the time that he spent alive on earth,and now only those who loved him know what that little line is worth for it matters not, how much we own,the cars ,the house,the cash what matters is how we live and love and how we spend our dash so think about this long and hard are there things you’d like to change?(you could be at dash mid-range) so when your eulogy is being read with your lifes actions to rehash would you be pleased with the things they say about how you spent your dash? this is advise for those judging chris look back at your dash tiki
TO: unhappy on August 23rd, 2008 1:35 pm
I am not Jacki, but, she IS my sister, so I will speak for her! Thanks!!
I’m not sure what you’re getting at because your grammr is HORRIBLE but, I’m going to do my best with it!!
** jacki do you call not having a stable home being well taken care of .If you think not know were your going to be living or how long your going to be there is stable and well taken care of your wrong.
– – With this, I am assuming you are talking about Zane. Just so you can close your mouth on things that you know NOTHING about – Zane and the rest of his family live in MY house. The boys all have bedrooms, as well as the girls!! My husband and I also have our own bedroom, and Cheryl too. They are safe, clean, VERY well fed, comfortable, and they have so many different things to do around here that their minds are ALWAYS very far from the recent tragedy in our lives. BUT – if they do feel the need to talk to somebody, or they just need a hug (which we’ve ALL been getting a lot of, very randomly, here lately – there is ALWAYS someone here for them … just like the other night when Lexie came here to visit for a few hours until her “OH SO WONDERFUL MOTHER’ (yes – that was SOAKED with sarcasm) picked her up out front after calling her on the phone TO TELL THIS CHILD that a social worker was coming to their house because of, YET AGAIN, Yvonne’s actions and choices. That little girl told me, just the night before, that she wanted to stay here that night so she didn’t have to go with her mother. SO – to sum it up – it may not be Zane’s OWN home, just like Lexie’s is not her OWN home with her Mom, and neither is Hayden’s BUT – MY HOME is stable! Our bills are PAID! These children are fed WELL and they are clean and happy!! I’m not sure what you were trying to say here but – make sure you know what the hell you’re talking about before you speak!! Zane’s family IS NOT like Lexie’s family!!
** and as for – “And to Jacki, Terri and Cheryl you should not throw stones when you live in a glass house”
I will throw all the stones I want to as far as THIS MESS is concerned! I do not do drugs! My husband does not do drugs! My sisters do not do drugs! Our children are ALL with us where they belong … what’s your point?
When it comes to the topic of conversation, WELL, I GUEES I MUST LIVE IN A GLASS HOUSE, HUH?
** AND AS TO MARGARET – Hell! When Lexie spent the night here at my house just a few nights ago, she was comfortable (except for trying to get ahold of her “mother” to get some clothes”. She was fed, took a shower, got comfy in the living room with the other kids to watch tv, then all the kids went to bed and she went to sleep with NO PROBLEM what-so-ever!! Maybe she was just comfortable here – who knows? HMMMMMMMMMM! I guess we must not be so bad after all!!
~ Terri ~
That poem was also used at my former brother -in – law, Rodney’s funeral. It does really make you think IF, that is, your willing to read it and think about it’s meaning. Chris had a very short dash for all of us to look back on and there is DEFINITELY more good times than bad in his dash, for me!! There’s also many scars on Chris’ dash – maybe some people should stop to think about how they may have helped put some of those scars there. To Chris, now, the dash and its scars don’t matter – but to those of us he was forced to leave behind – we can learn from his dash – especially his children!!
Take this into account EVERYONE!!! Go back up and read “A Thought For All”‘s comment!!
~ Terri ~
was written by tiki not refering to her
terri…….. the poem made me think alot when i first heard it and alot of us have scars on our dash doesnt change the fact overall we are good people i didnt type the whole thing out some people on here only have one track minds to much writing could confuse them but figured they would get it or the point from the amount i wrote i dont have a my space but will be starting one so i will be contacting you about being on the friends\contacts for the one your starting for chris’ children has any talked to or heard about jessica was worried about how she is doing you seem to be a very caring and upfront person and that is what those children need my prayers are with you and all of chris’ family and children
First of all, THANK YOU VERY MUCH!! I do care A LOT for other people – especially children, (adults – I only care until I’ve had enough). I am very upfront – you’re right. That’s why a lot of people on here “attacked” me but, that’s quite all right with me! I can go to bed every night knowing that I spoke nothing but the truth!! :))
As far as Jessica, my sister spoke to her the other day. She’s still trying to figure things out. Chris had recently propose to her, and talked to his cousin who, in turn, spoke with her lawyer about gettin g his divorce from Yvonne rolling, which Yvonne had just found out about a few days before Chris’ death. Jessica has had A LOT to deal with!! SHE is the girl in Chris’ life that my heart goes out to!! Had they been given the time and the chance, I’m sure they would have done well.
Jessica is hangin in there teh best she possibly can! Chris was her world – just as well as, other than his kids, Jessica was Chris’ world!! I really, really hope she has someone strong to turn to to help her deal with all of the hurt, anger, turmoil and other emotions she’s feeling right now. This will definitely be a roller-coaster for her!! My LORD – I feel SO BAD for her!!! I just can’t say that enough!! SHE is the one who felt the true loss as far as companionship!! She and Chris had been together for a good, long while!!
If we hear from Jess, I will come back to update you on her. Just – PLEASE – keep her in your prayers! She really needs them now more than ever!!
~ Terri ~
yes she might be there now. Until you get tired of her like you always do and tell her she has to leave. And yes i do know what i’m talking about . you lie if you noone is doing drugsi know for a fact that people in your house.
Really, unhappy?? You know FOR A FACT that people in my sister’s house do drugs??? Who the hell are you?? Why are you hiding???? I’d like to know WHO is doing drugs in my sister’s house……since you seem to know it all…..why dont you be the one to tell me…….
lol you don’t like people writing the facts about you. So how does it feel?
To: Unhappy……..let’s see if you can keep track of what YOU are saying……I’ll type real slow so you can keep up!!!
YOU SAID TO TERRI (I suppose…because as she stated earlier, your grammar is HORRIBLE!!)…………..***yes she might be there now. Until you get tired of her like you always do and tell her she has to leave. And yes i do know what i’m talking about . you lie if you noone is doing drugsi know for a fact that people in your house.***
—What I had said to that was that I would like for you to tell me — since you seem to know it all — who it is that is doing drugs in my sister’s house….among other things……
—and to that YOU responded “lol you don’t like people writing the facts about you. So how does it feel?” ??????????????
Are you keeping track? Terri and Cheryl are my sisters. I do not live with them. I have my own house with my Fiance’ and daughter. I would like for you to tell ME who you know for a fact is doing drugs in my sister’s house.
To: “Lilfox”
It is sad that Lexie and Zane have had to endure so much drama in their short lives. You are right.
But I must disagree with your comments about the memorial services for Chris. And let me just say……not meaning to direspect you….but you should really read this entire commentary before posting a comment about something you do not know ALL of the facts about.
MY FATHER paid for the memorial services at the funeral home. He also had the gathering afterwards AT HIS HOUSE. Did you know that? Shannon got an emergency loan for Chris’ body to be moved from Baltimore to the funeral home. My father paid for the rest. And YES, our family HAS made contributions toward the memorial services…..TO MY FATHER….because he is the reason there were services. You cannot go to the funeral home and make a contribution because they have already been paid. They will not accept your money. Shannon does have an account at the bank set up that Yvonne cannot touch….but if anyone would like to contribute to the services, that money should go to the person who is responsible for paying for the services………MY FATHER.
Just wanted to clear that up ONCE AGAIN.
to jacki, your sister cheryl is doing pills. She has been doing them with yvonne.And buying them from people in hdg. All you have to to is ask around. and yes i have been keeping up. I wrote that remark because you guys don’t like when people talk about you. And you should not talk about people and bring family member into something that has nothing to do with them. It is one thing to be mad at yvonne or chris and keven they are the ones it has to do with. But you guys are wrong for puting the familys in it. people can talk about you just the same as you can talk about them.
To Unhappy:
As long as you are speaking the TRUTH…….I dont have a problem with anyone talking about me. People can say whatever they please, but just remember…….what one says and what is fact are sometimes two totally different things.
MICHELLE – I am assuming I have the right person – though it’s so easy for you to say it’s not.
Nobody in MY house – AND I MEAN NODY – is doing any drugs!! They ALL know that I will NOT allow it and if they want to remain having the privelegd to be in MY house, they will keep it that way!! I do not, AND HAVE NEVER, done any drugs in my life and I will NOT tolerate it, from my own husband, let alone from anyone else!! I KNOW I could take each and every person in this house RIGHT NOW, with no warning, and have them tested for EVERYTHING and every single one would come back clean!! No pills, not pot and no nothing in between!!
You have no idea what goes on in MY house! You know why? Becasue IT’S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!!!!!!! How about you keep it that way!! You didn’t know Kevin either, Chris just a little and Yvonne, well, she seems to be the ONLY one you know at all out of this story!!
I, just like my sister Jacki, could care less what you say about my family – AS LONG AS IT’S THE TRUTH – but don’t come on the Dagger trying to run your mouth about shit you know NOTHING about!!
As for Cheryl – she has only talked to Yvonne a few times and that was right after Chris was killed, because Yvonne came over her to talk to Zane about what was, or better yet – the lack of what was, going on with his Father’s services!! There has been no exchanging of pills on my property, I can assure you and Cheryl WILL NOT go anywhere with yvonne – EVER AGAIN!! So – like I said – keep your mouth shut unless what you are saying is facts!! And – like Jacki said – start by admitting who you are, though I’m pretty sure Cheryl and I nailed that one!!!
*** To everyone else …
Thank for listening to all of us vent! Your input has been GREATLY appreciated, even if we did get angry at times. It was nothing personal to any of you – hell, I don’t even know who most of you are BUT – you all helped us get through the first two weeks of this tragedy and that is MUCH appreciated!!!
Take care all!!!
~ Terri ~
To Jackie the money that your father put out for the service for Chris has to be paid back to your dad . the account that shannon set up is to make sure your father is paid ..I know your father takes care of all of his grandchildren and his family. miss sadler and shannon do not have the money to pay your dad so if anyone would like to help with the expences for chris they can donate to BB&T bank. miss sadler and shannon did not have the money up front to pay for everything. It was very kind of your father . Chris did not have any life insurance .it is up to family and friends to pay for his service .instead of everyone laying blame on this one or that one . we all should do our part to help the family members that are left behind clean up the mess left behind. we should be helping each other not hurting each other….All of the kids will need family and friends to help them get through this.
LOL!!! Terri, you are so funny!!! I cant stand it when people get on here and post a comment but dont use their own name!!! COWARDS!!!! LOL!!!
But…..yeah…..you guys are right…..that probably is Michelle!!! HaHaHaHa!!!
This whole commentary was SUPPOSED to be about Christopher Lee Fritsche’s horrible death. Or at least that’s what I think these things should be for!! And it has turned into a big mess. Gossip…..hearsay……ignorance…….
I’m done here. I will not read anymore of these comments from people who have no idea what they’re talking about OR even WHO THEY ARE TALKING TO!!!
I have better things to do than argue with ignorance!!!
Take care, all!
I have been reading this site since Friday, August 15. I think it is time to put this to rest so everyone can grieve in their own manner and try to adjust to the circumstances that are left. Chris was a very important part of my life as he was important to many other people also. When I received the phone call Monday morning about the tragedy that occurred the night before, I was in shock and disbelief. I still feel sick to my stomach when I think about it. First I would like to speak about the services and who was responsible. Many people pulled together to have a service. Financially, Shannon and my parents (yes I am another sister) took care of the monetary part of the arrangements. I can say that my parents do not care about being reimbursed. I wrote a large check to my parents to cover the majority of the money they paid for the services. I do not expect to be paid back one dime nor do I want to. Had I been contacted by Shannon or her family, I would have done the same. If Shannon and her family had to borrow the money then they should be paid back and paid back first. They were under no obligation to help out and should not be indebted by doing so. I can safely speak on behalf of our parents by saying that Shannon and her family should be reimbursed with any contributions first. Please do not make this about who paid for what. That is inappropriate at this time. Everyone should be thanked, those who contributed monetarily and those who contributed the food and drinks afterwards, which ultimately is another monetary contribution. We don’t care about putting on display the role we played in helping, we just wanted our long time friend to be put to rest.
I have had a lot of time to absorb what happened and I’ll admit that I waited to post a comment on here until I was able to think more rationally about the situation. Just like everyone else I was angry and wanted to cast blame on someone besides Kevin. The fact is, nobody knows what Kevin was thinking that night besides Kevin. He is the one to blame and he will spend the rest of his life in jail. Nobody knows what made him pull that trigger. He had other options, like calling the cops and having Chris picked up, but he chose to get the gun and he chose to pull that trigger. Everyone left at the house chose not to get involved. Or maybe they did try to stop him, we will never know. What we know is that it can’t be changed and we are all hurt by this in some way.
Like it was stated before, Chris was no saint, but he was my friend for a long time. I chose a long time ago to remove myself from his immediate circle, but we remained friends always and talked on the phone often. I will miss the random phone calls from him. I will miss his big mouth and I will miss seeing him walk through the hedgerow between their land and my parents land. I just miss him.
Maybe Yvonne is not an innocent bystander, but she did not lure Chris up to Kevins house to be murdered. Only Kevin made that choice. There was a time long ago when I had a lot of respect for Yvonne. It is sad that she is in the shape she is in now. I hope for her family and children that she is able to clean herself up and stay that way. I watched Lexie and Zane at the gathering after the services and it was clear that Lexie is wise beyond her years. Zane has a mother to care for him. Lexie has ultimately lost a mother and father. I hope Yvonne is able to get help and find the person she once was many years ago. The person everyone of knew and liked.
I hope everyone can try to move forward and let go of the anger. We can not change this.
Well as for unhappy Like Terri said we are pretty sure who you are and all I have to say to you is PEOPLE WHO LIVE IN GLASS HOUSES SHOULD NOT THROW STONES!!!!!!!!!! You have no idea of anything that goes on in my life or my family’s lives and we all intend to keep it that way. Mind your own business.
To Joy….. You are right as I said way earlier on here Kevin pulled the trigger He is the one to blame. This is something that is so hard to deal with but we all have to. I hope you are doing well. give us a call sometime maybe you and Zane could go and spend the day together, He would like that. Or we all could. Take care and keep in touch.
Give me a call. Obviously, I am not posting my phone number but you should have it. I wanted to talk to you about school supplies. I purchased a ton of supplies last month and most of what I purchased is not on Kinsey’s list. I have a ton of glue sticks, crayons, a few composition books and spiral notebooks and scissors. Let me know if any of these items are on the girls supply list. If not, I will donate what I have left to the school. I am thinking about having a back to school party for the kids. That would be fun for everyone. Talk to you soon.
Joy absolutely they could use some of those supplies and I have to get your # from Jacki and I will def call you. The party sounds like a wonderful idea. They would def enjoy that. Just let me know when and where. Talk to ya soon, love ya
First of all that wasn’t me, And if you really want me to i will get on and tell all. If you think I’m scared to keep running your mouth . Then i will get on and have my say. and if you have anything to say to me you now my number.
Joy you’ certainly are.your heart is in the right place.I still don’t think the teachers understand there are children in need of school supplies who can’t afford it.
it’s a very kind gesture. just a thank you’ for the little one’s.
From old hatefull & grouchy.
Lexie came to stay with me again after all of this happened. Prior to Lexie’s dad being killed Yvonne was trying to get custody back, because I have had custody of Lexie for over a year now. Her first night back she told me about this site. I asked her if she would like to comment on what she had read. She was adament about commenting on the things everyone had to say. She meant no disrespect to anyone. She was not trying to be disrespectful when she stated Zane lived with his Aunt, she just forgot to mention that Zane’s mother lived there as well. I helped her with her grammer, but not her thoughts in everything she wrote. If anyone does not believe this child could have such adult thoughts, they are free to write her at Lexie Justice-PO Box 23- Port Deposit, MD 21904. Does it seem unatural to any of you that a child would want to defend those that she loves?Put yourselves in her place. You should all be so lucky as to have someone, anyone love you as much as this child loves Chris, Yvonne, and Kevin.
I am certainly glad she loves me, and I guarantee you, I will never let her down. Yes she is far advanced in her knowledge for her years, but alot of you throwing stones on this site had a hand in that. NO MORE…………………….
have you spoken to the Honorable B Dan riley, about your marina dilemma ? it’s almost laughable two ” lady’s’ have and intire county’ tied down. can you imagine haveing a serious emergency.
We are ready for Brac!
Vet…Del Riley and I have discussed it but as in the ladies thing I would not jump to that level without exhausting all possibilities.
Once you pull the trigger you cant recall the bullit.
Go Dagger !
Now we have another shooting in perryman….its becoming dodge city.
I have and Itchy’ trigger finger. I don’t think the Honorable B D Riley would want to get involved in this ”stink”. but they did’nt have a problem getting you out of the marina.
RichieC and vietnam vet, I don’t see how you have a dog in this this fight. More to the point, I think you are one and the same. Sockpuppets.
Yes editrix
…yes you are so correct and now that you have exposed us we will dissapear into the silence never to be heard from again…..job well done. Your a true patriote !
Nice new name never seen here before…has anyone?
Go Dagger!
Damn girls, I can certainly stir some shit huh??? Cat fight in harford county lol. As you all have said before this sight is to help you deal with this awful tradgedy. How soon you all seem to forget. NO ONE likes to be bashed, EVERYONE on all sides of the family has been hurt. Keep your heads held high, focus on helping your children move on and remember chris.
What is it about a funeral that brings out the worst in everyone? Let me start by saying that I am truly sorry for EVERYONE’S loss and I hope that justice is found in this life and after for someone who would take another persons life. It is unforgivable. With that said I’ve been reading this and most of these posts are insane. You should all evaluate yourselves. It is amazing that people are getting on here claiming fame, and making statements that are third party at best. It’s borderline slander and to those who do know the truth it’s more than obvious that you don’t know all the facts. Let’s be honest here who really does or would? It must be nice to have nothing to do with your time then to perpetuate drama on this website and on Myspace. I’m not saying that common sense or intelligence was in great supply that day but no one would try and purposely get the father of their children murdered. Stop watching so much CSI. Were you there when the incident occurred?-No. Did you have to see the aftermath?- No. Were you at the funeral home trying to make deals or the bank taking out loans?- No. You weren’t even aware of what your own family’s role was in the arrangements before you had the audacity to start throwing accusations. The so called “Actors” were the ones who made sure that he had the farewell he deserved and like it or not they did it out of caring and loving Chris and his children. Do you homework, as I did, and you will find that Chris’s family paid less than $1800 and the people that you are claiming had no right to be there paid more than $2400 including arrangements, flowers, ect. If you’re having a hard time following the basic math equation, have some one get out a crayon and some paper and explain it to you. It shouldn’t even be about the money, you sat idly by while everything was taken care of and then, in the only thing you’ve chosen to take part in, acted on this. Where was all your energy and help when it really mattered? Why not take all this wasted negative energy and try and find something positive to do? By the sound of it you sat around at the service and spent your time casting judgment on the people you don’t like instead of using it as a personal time to say goodbye to a loved one. On top of that you have the nerve to say who has the right to grieve and who doesn’t. Wow! To make matters worse you did this while not extending a single act of gratitude to those who helped. The self-righteousness is atrocious and inexcusable. Next, who ever is making comments about care for Hayden needs to get a reality check. The joke of “child support” and other help doesn’t even make a dent in what daycare cost, let alone everything else. Any of you who have children should know that, unless of course you are one of those people who has their hand out letting someone else take care of yours. He was and is being cared for, by his FAMILY, because he is adored and loved, bottom line. Same with the other children. They really should be left out of this- That was a low, incorrect, accusation. Lastly, try not to let your past relationships or the current ones you’re in cause you to be hateful. Let go of your personal insecurities, old petty grudges, all the DRAMA, send out a peaceful prayer to your lost loved one and appreciate what you still have. Everything else is a waste of time, as was this.
To Lexie: I know there isn’t anything that can be said to provide comfort at this point but from reading what you had to say (whether you had help or not) you are a strong beautiful girl. It is a shame that out of all the adults here it took the child to make sense (sad most of them don’t have your vocabulary either). I am in agreement that I wish you hadn’t read all this but if it helped you find some relief then how can that be denied. Unfortunately, you have the comprehension of someone who had to learn the hard way. They are valuable life lessons but it is so sad that you know them already. Try and hold onto all your happy memories and use the bad ones as an example of how not to live. You can’t change what has happened but you can make sure you don’t find yourself in the same situation later in life. Until then remember that time heals all things and this too shall pass. I wish nothing but the best for Zane and Hayden.
As I stated before, making this about money is absolutely inappropriate and infuriating.
JJ- Although your figures are accurate, please read my only entry on this site besides this one and see that my parents and I do not care about who paid for what nor do we expect any sort of reimbursement. Our contribution was that, a contribution. My parents and myself hope that Shannon and her family can recover some of the expense that they incurred. It is so sad that people are throwing around figures and discussing who paid for what. We helped out of respect for the Fritsche family not for fame or recognition. It is so sad that acts of kindness get twisted into messes like this.
To everyone, please leave my parents out of this. They do not even have the internet at their home and I am thankful that they can not read this nonsense.
Once again, I hope everyone can try to move forward and let go of the anger. We can not change this.
Thank you, Joy. The cost and arrangements were brought up way earlier on this thing and it was, once, explained with the best knowledge anyone had AT THAT TIME. I am glad you were able to explain the situation a bit more! Again, Thank you!!
This whole thing turned into something it SHOULD NOT have been! This was, and still is, a terrible tragedy! I am doing everything I can to make sure Zane, as well as his sisters, have a safe, comfortable, loving place to live, As for Lexie and Hayden, I’m sure their family is doing the same for them.
The pettiness of everything else is best left where it is … Chris had a service, it was paid for and NOT ONE PERSON had a problem helping with that!! We are just SO thankful that his children were able to go to a service to say “good-bye for now” to their Daddy!!
******* This dagger article has gone far away from its topic and I think it would be best if Steve did away with it now!! *******
Thank you, Joy, for everything you’ve done too!! You’re a wonderful person, always have been and always will be! We love you! Keep in touch!!
We miss you,
Chris! Every single day! It will get easier with time and that’s where we need to go now … forward with time! The kids all went back to school today and Zane was looking VERY forward to going, and he looked GORGEOUS, as usual! :)). Your myspace page is getting ready to rock, buddy!! Love you! Rest in peace now!!
~ Terri ~
Very well said. I agree, it has gotten very far off course and should be done with.
Just so EVERYBODY knows …
If you want it and haven’t gotten it yet, they should be available until Wednesday’s Aegis comes out, the Record only comes out on Friday!!
I hope everyone can now find peace to move on!!! Rest in peace, Chris!! I love you and I miss you so very much!!
~ Terri ~
My only wish in this whole mess is that Yvonne can straighten up her life and become the “MOM & DAD” her children will need. I also know with Joy and her sisters involved Chris’ children will be reminded of how sweet Chris could really be! I wish the best to every one! I hope all this angry can be channeled in a possitive manner!
As for what is right and wrong. You people need to grow up and if you werent there then SHUT THE HELL UP and leave everything to the people that were and the law. Everyone involved, families included are going through a terrible time and nobody needs to make that any worse. It’s in GODS hands now.
Us people will say what we please!!!!! We areChris’ friends and family and we ALL have that right. We will continue to do so as we please. If you don’t like it then YOU SHUT THE HELL UP!!!!!!
As for everyone else just a heads up on my son. He loves middle school, so far. He has no complaints. As for this matter he’s staying strong. He’s had his breakdowns but he know Mommy is right here whenever he needs me, and he’s there for me too.
They brighten everyday for me, I LOVE MY KIDS……………….They are what matters most!!!!!!
Dagger threads very often stray in one direction or another….thats what blogs do…when you look at this in a month or two you will see small things you dont see now…and there relevance to the event and the hamanity in general of it…. take my word.
Go Dagger
yes that has appeared obvious damn near from the start of this, peopl are very petty and totally rediculous
cheryl…people are not rediculass…people may be petty…but petty people are rediculass
Go Dagger
ok so they are PETTY and REDICULASS that’s even better RichieC
Yeah, I know that’s what blogs do. It’s just so crazy how off-subject people want to take things. I’m just scrolling through the dagger now, watching the new articles and waiting for the one about the Billiards Club — LOL!! I’ll comment on others here and there when I see one that catches my interest, but, as for this one – it’s done for me now!!
~ Terri ~
LOL!! I just HAD to say – for Cheryl and RichieC (Cheryl knows how I am …) that word there would be RIDICULOUS!!!
LMAO!! I just thought I’d let you know!! Anyway – have a wonderful evening you guys!! Love ya, Cheryl!
Yes the billards club…this is a turning point in Havre de Grace…the billards club has a two pronged back story.
At the last council meeting the attacks on the billards club led by a certain person…..were very telling! Many people woke up on that one.
Go Dagger !
The funniest part of it is that they want to shut down the Billiards Club, which is where us karaoke lovers from Havre de Grace go for a night out, because of the “noise and drugs”! The Lerrapin owners are the ones most behind it and the three biggest drug dealers in Havre de Grace hang out at the Lerrapin! Isn’t that just a bit contradictory? Those of us who go to the Billiards Club who smoke now have to go completely across the street because we can “no longer loiter in front of the building” but, at any given time you can look down the street at the Lerrapin and see 20 people hanging out in front of the building. It’s very hilarious to me!! If they’re going to shut down the Billiards Club “because of drug activity”, then they need to shut down Lerrapin, Coakley’s, Susquehanna, McGregors … etc, etc, etc, not to mention entire street corners in the downtown area. One bar is not the reason there’s so much drug activity in H de G!! It’s everywhere!
Give me a break. Put a couple of dirtbags together at a birthday party and that’s what you get. I can’t believe you people are STILL making excuses for grown adults acting like fools. I have no sympathy for you, only for the poor children forced to grow up around scum.
When will Marylanders grow out of their redneck mentality and attempt to become just a little more civilized. (hon) I just don’t get it. I’ve lived all over the USA, and I thank God the whole country isn’t like Maryland or we’d really be in trouble.
I find it interesting that you generalize Marylanders based on this unfortunate event. It’s pretty offensive, especially in that the term “redneck” (according to wikipedia) refers mainly to white people with a low socioecomic status.
In fact, according to Census Bureau data, MD is 2nd in the nation for highest income in 2006 and 1st in the nation for 2007. Hon.
FOR NOT SURPRISED: quoting you “Give me a break. Put a couple of dirtbags together at a birthday party and that’s what you get. I can’t believe you people are STILL making excuses for grown adults acting like fools. I have no sympathy for you, only for the poor children forced to grow up around scum.”
First of all – not EVERYONE in Havre de Grace, nor Harford COunty for that matter, are “rednecks” as you seem to be! The so-called “dirt bags”, as you put it, one of those is the murdered victim who was at his step-daughters birthday party WHERE HE WAS INVITED TO BE BY THE CHILD’S MOTHER!! You ought to make sure you know people before you start the name calling!
And, as for the “poor children forced to grow up around scum” as you chose to say, MY nephew, the oldest son of the man who was murdered, is going to grow up around his family who love him, take care of him, and give him the absolute best that he can have!! There is no SCUM here, “hon”!!! Like I said – don’t comment on people you don’t even know!!! If there’s any SCUM to be spoken of – it would be the ones who were at this child’s birthday party and did not one damn thing to try to stop what took place at her party!!! Think about that! There were seven “witnesses” who spoke to the police that night! You mean to tell me not a single one of them could have deterred the situation? I find that to be quite disgraceful!!! THERE’S YOUR SCUM and MY nephew will not be having ANYTHING AT ALL to do with ANY of those people – Yvonne included! He has a family and he will never see any shit like that with us!!
Thank you for your intellectual input. I guess someone who speaks without knowledge of other people makes it VERY easy for us to see where HER mentality stands, huh? (Referring to Not Surprised). People make me sick when they use ONE occurence to sterotype a whole sate, county or city!!
terri i did receive a letter back from herman he says he feels his life is in a state of kaos he feels if he would of been out he could of prevented the whole situtation he said wherever he was chris was and vice versa i did write him back and told him what you said about justice for chris just wanted to update you
and to not suprised if you had half the heart chris had (who you refer to as a dirtbag) you wouldnt be on your computer talking trash about someone you know nothing about and if maryland is so bad take yourself and comments somewhere else that might help make maryland a little more pleasant of a state and if you dont live here i feel for your state if everyone is as judgemental of other people as you a good man was murdered and your not surprised well its a shock to all of us that new him and loved him you are the unfortunate one who never had the priveledge of meeting and knowing him******************************************************************************we miss you chris
TIKI … thank you for letting me know about Herman. My heart aches so bad for him!! I hope he can get his thoughts together before January!! I love him – just as I love his brother who was so cruelly taken from us far too soon!! I really miss him! We all do around here and we still have yet to really come to grips with the fact that he really is gone!! Tomorrow’s Zane’s 11th birthday – so soon after his Daddy was killed!! He’s not real in to it but, we’re going to try to make it the best that we can for him!!
AND – you are sure right that the rude, ignorant, “better then thou” that felt the need to open her mouth about something, and people, she knows nothing about is DEFINITELY the unfortunate one to have never had the privilege of knowing Chris, or Pop, or Uncle John … and Herman too but, THANK GOD, he’s still here with us!!
Thanks again, Tiki!!! I hope your words can comfort Herman and help to cheer him up, if only a little!!!
I haven’t been on here for awhile and recently caught up on all the comments following my last visit, and I think I have it straight now (notice the sarcasm). So it is now ok for a number of you who claim to have been close to Chris (as I also was) to slander anyone and everyone you see fit based on what information that you may have had at the time. However, when someone has done the same to you then it is inexcussable, you reap what you sow. This has turned into an unspeakable mess, I have even recently heard rumors (which can be traced back to some of you) to the effect of Yvonne’s family excepting monetary contributions that were undeserved even though they most certainly were. Feel how you want, but all that accomplished was taking already heartbroken and grieving people, and now made them feel as if they had been taken advantage of when they begin to think that the funds they so graciously donated were somehow misappropriated. Then to add in the blame on all of the witnesses, this is absolutely ridiculous, they tried to tell him to put the gun down but obviously were unsuccessful. Did any of you know that Yvonne stood between Kevin and Chris, when Kevin fired the gun. To add to that how many of you would have actually put yourself into harms way to prevent what happened. Then to top it all off, all of you are well aware of the fact that Chris had an opportunity to leave and chose not to take it, GOD I wish he had but he didn’t and there is nothing anyone can do to change that. I know for a fact if Chris were alive to see this, he would have a few choice words for all of you. I understand that a time like this people are inclined to look for someone to blame, and that blame is on the man who pulled the trigger, no one else. A few of you should be completely ashamed of yourself and your behavior, this is not going to bring him back.
wow, I’ve missed A LOT! lol. I just haven’t had the time to get on herewith work and my daughter’s birthday party. And just so everyone knows, I’m not “hiding” who I am. The people on here that MATTER know who I am. And the people that don’t- let’s just say my name is Britney. I am Jacki’s daughter and Cheryl & Terri’s niece…
I think you all need to stop worrying about who’s not taking care of who and who’s doing drugs and mind your own business! I would like to be able to come on here and say what I have to say without reading all the rude comments you have to say to my family. All they’re trying to do is get the TRUTH out there… But the point of the matter is this:
Chris was MURDERED and Kevin is IN JAIL! That’s all there is to it. I wish Kevin’s family the best. And I know that my family will never be able to get over this terrible thing if you all don’t just stop acting like you’re in middle school and GROW UP! I mean c’mon now… What is the point of putting everyone’s business in a comment? Does it bring you joy and happiness? Or are you just that damn sad about your own life that you have to make other peoples’ lives seem worse than yours? Just stop with the stupidity and let it go! You all sound like 4th graders… “SHE STARTED IT!” It’s a bit rediculous. I’ve learned to ignore the comments people say about those we love (my dad died when I was 11 and let’s just say- people haven’t spoken that greatly of him) and I just don’t care anymore. He’s gone and I remember the times I had with him… THATS IT! You can say whatever you want to say about him and it still wouldn’t bother me. I’ve heard it all… And I think that’s what we need to do with this site. Just read it AND LET IT GO! Don’t dwell on it, don’t argue about it. Everyone has their own opinion and that’s all there is to it. You can’t change anyone’s mind unless they’re willing to change it themselves… so how about, we just remember Chris and the great things he did for us all, not the bad things… And when someone wants to bring up something bad, GO ON AND BRUSH YOUR SHOULDERS OFF! Move on and post another GREAT THING about him…
And I think that’s all I have to say…
Thanks :o)
-Britney AKA Angell Eyesz
Oh, and if anyone wants to get ahold of me and has a myspace, feel free to add me… ( myspace.com/ilovemyreesescup )
IDK if it’ll ask you for my last name/ e mail address or not but my e-mail is
xo.britney.ox@gmail.com JUST IN CASE! I never check that e-mail so I wouldn’t send anything to it if I were you.
and if anyone can make copies of Chris’ obituary and send it to me, it’d be GREATLY appreciated. Thank you!
***Rest In Peace, Christopher Lee Fritsche.***
Reading all these comments that have been left by angry people, just shows how cruel our world has become. Where is the respect that should be given to the children, family and friends of Chris. Even if you did not like him, or hated him, does his family, children and friends really deserve to be treated with all of this disrespect. If you could not say any thing good or respectful, then why say any thing at all. If it had been your father, son, brother or friend, how would you feel ? His family and friends have unconditional love for Chris, they should be able to grieve without having to put up with all the drama that has been shown by these cruel heartless comments. This has been a terrible tragedy and obviously some of you have not had the up bringing to show respect and care to other people. I would be ashame of myself to say the things some of you have said to his family and friends. I would like to think that I have more respect for my self than to show that type of disrespect to others. You should be thankful that it did not happen to one of your love ones. His family and friends feel that they had no choice but to defend Chris, after reading all the nasty comments, you would do the same. They are hurt, they lost some one they loved very much, and then having to read all the trash beinging posted, their only way they can fight back and respond back with anger, and they really should not of had been put in that type of position. Please let Chris’s children, family and friends be able to grive and have good memories, without all the hate and disrespect that has been shown to them. If you can not say any thing good, then don’t post any more comments. Two of my granddaughters, lost their father to a terrible death back in 2004, I won’t go into the circumstances or details of what happen. But my granddaughters were 4 and 5 years old at the time, it has only been 4 short years ago, and they are both still grieveing the lost of their daddy. They are both happy kids, and they are going on with life, but they still on their own, speak of how they miss their daddy and love him, and wish he was still here. We pertect our kids, and we would never want their feeling hurt, they have already had their hearts broken the day they lost their daddy. What if one of Chris’s children somehow found out all the terrible, horrible things that you have say about their daddy, would that make you feel goo? Maybe you should stop and think about what you are saying before you open your mouths. Put your selfs in their place and show the respect you would want to be shown to you, during the lost of a love one.
To Chris’s family and friends, I am so so sorry for your lost. I am so sorry for the lack of respect that has been shown by some of the heartless people that felt they had to be so judgemental and post their nasty comments.
I am glad that Zane likes Middle school, thats great !!!
I would also like to wish him a Happy 11th Birthday !!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY ZANE!!!!!! i know you are hurting inside but a hope you have a great day
First of all … THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH to everybody who sent my nephew good wishes for his birthday today. There hasn’t been much celebrating – he didn’t want a party, understandably, but, his Mom-Mom DID bake wonderful cakes for him and his Aunt Jacki who he shares his birthday with! That’s one thing that still, and always will, make his birthday special!!
To Britney and Darlen – you’re ABSOLUTELY right!! The rude and ignorant comments that have been made about Chris and basically ALL of Zane’s family have definitely brought out the worst in us. We are pretty laid back, “have a good time” type of people, most of the time, but then you get some ignorant crap like this going on and all hell breaks loose!! If Chris could see this, and see how we have stood up for him and made sure people who NEVER knew him weren’t left to just talk a bunch of BS, when they don’t know what they’re talking about anyway, I think he would be overjoyed to see just how much we loved him – and still do even after his death – and ALWAYS WILL!!!
I know – and have said several times on this thing – that Kevin’s family is hurting too, but in a much different way than we are. They were dealt a really big blow by the choice kevin chose to make. That’s NOT their fault!! They didn’t deserve that either!!! As far as the other comments from “SPEECHLESS” – I won’t even go there – AGAIN!! That has been addressed by myself and a few others on this thing way too many times!! Everything that was stated by those of us who have been on here to defend Chris and prove the absolute WRONGNESS of Kevin have spoken nothing but truth! IF FINALLY, ONE DAY, more truth about that night comes out then so-be-it! I would be RIGHT THERE to enjoy every single second of it, but, if not, GOD KNOWS THE WHOLE TRUTH and every one MUST answer to him one day – about that night AND everything that has taken place since that night as far as Chris’ belongings and everything else!! One day, it will all be dealt with and that’s good enough for me!! NOTHING anyone says or does is going to give my nephew back his Daddy – not even kevin being in prison for the rest of his life, though we all know that is the EXACT punishment he deserves and I pray he gets!! BUT – Chris will rest in peace now! NOBODY can hurt him again!! Let’s let him do just that!!
We have Chris’ memorial MySpace up and running!! Click on my name at the top of this comment and it will open my profile, then just send me a message asking me to add you! There, we can all go on and leave comments about our good memories and times spent with Chris that make us laugh, cry or whatever! We want everyone to share all of those memories! Zane loves to go on there and read them!!
Peace to you all and God bless!!!! Don’t let this article take control of your soul!!! Let it go, folks!!! Move on!!
~ Terri ~
yeah, and now chris can’t hurt anyone else now either. he can’t rob anyone else or beat up anyone else or have anymore illigitmate children that he doesn’t want.
kevin doesn’t deserve to be in jail and i pray that god will set him free. the others are right, he was provoked. i don’t care how much trash he spoke if he did speak it as the know it all terri claims he said. kevin did not have this premeditated.
this is the first time i have been on here since august 18th at 556 p.m. that was my last entry. i never apologized to terri nor do i think kevin premeditated this murder. to whomever wants to write crap on here and pretend you are me, knock it off. i still believe that kevin was provoaked and pushed over the edge. i don’t think he should be sitting in jail and i will never apologize for my opinion. i have known kevin for a very long time and i will defend him til the end. he is not a violent person and never will be. he should be home with the people that love him and miss him. i don’t care if my opinion pisses chris’s family off, they weren’t there that night and they have no right to say anything negative about kevin. they don’t want anyone bad mouthing their precious chris, they shouldn’t bad mouth kevin when they weren’t there and don’t know what the f they are talking about. there really is no need to make up lies to try and get people to change their opinion on kevin. he is entitled to have his support group and the people who really love him will always support him and love him no matter what, just like you guys supported and loved chris regardless of what he has done.
babyface: that was not me that was apologizing. i will always back up kevin.
You know, I understand that you all are angry that this whole thing happened and you want your precious Kevin back. But we want our Chris back and that’s not going to happen. He may have made some poor decisions in his past but that’s NOT who Chris was AT ALL! I can’t and will not say anything about Kevin because I did not know him. I have no right to speak of someone that I don’t know. You all can back him up all you want. That is your right. Yes, he may have been provoked BUT THAT DOESN’T GIVE HIM THE RIGHT TO SHOOT SOMEONE DEAD! And I believe that he may have been provoked but I still believe that he should be in jail. No matter how it happened, he was the one that pulled the trigger. I understand that you miss him and you say the Kevin you knew would never do that BUT HE DID! He pulled that trigger and that makes him a MURDERER no matter what factors came between the incident! And, I believe that Yvonne deserves to be in jail with him. But it all comes down to one day… The day he goes to court. I wish you all the best of luck- Chris’ friends and family as well as Kevin’s friends and family. You ALL are in my thoughts.
-britney AKA Angell Eyesz
I could really care less what ANYBODY thinks about any damn thing I have said on here!!
Now, that being said … everyone has their opinion!! Let’s let the court decide if Kevin was “provoked” to the point where he had the right to take someone else’s life!! How about that? I will bet anybody that if Chris had killed Kevin … you’d want him to be sitting in prison for the rest of his life!! I don’t care if it was the man in the moon and father time … if one pulled a gun and murdered the other, the murderer would deserve to be in jail!! I WOULD SAY THE SAME IF IT HAD BEEN CHRIS TO PULL THAT DAMN TRIGGER!!! HE WOULD DESERVE TO BE IN PRISON FOR THE REST OF HIS LIFE TOO!!
That’s all there is to say about that!!
As for anything else … I am still keeping Kevin’s FAMILY in my prayers! They DID NOT deserve for kevin to put them through this!!
Chris’ family and friends … I think most of us have started to move on now and get back to the “land of the living” and that’s exactly what everyone needs to do!!! Don’t EVER forget him … he will live in our hearts and memories forever and for always!!!
One more thing – I just REALLY need to say this again …
I want to thank EACH AND EVERY person who contributed to make a memorial service for Chris possible!!! Life insurance is SO, SO important but, unfortuantely he did not have any so, it was a very stressful time!! SHANNON … thank you, personally! Had it not been for your first contribution, none of it would have been possible!! You did way more than could have ever been expected of you, and I want to make sure EVERYONE, especially you, know that we do recognize that and have from the day the service was scheduled!! Everyone who contributed food and drinks for the gathering afterwards … you’re contributions were very appreciated as well!!
Take care everybody!!! Let go of the anger and be happy!!! This stupid back and forth crap on the dagger should have way ended by now!!!!
Terri…that provocation is the difference between 1st and 2nd degree murder. When he stood up…got the gun…loaded it…came back…aimed…took the saftey off…and pulled the trigger….it became murder…if its 1st or 2nd degree…does it realy matter?
Go Dagger !
who cares. you still don’t know what happened that night. none of you do. you weren’t there. i don’t care if he premeditated it or flew off the handle and did it spur of the moment. i don’t care what any of you say, you can say and think what you want. i am still entitled to support him know matter what. and i will. i can still hope and think that he comes home instead of goes to jail. either way, no matter what happens to him, he is still my friend and i car very much about him and will stand by him right or wrong. just as you all stood by chris and made excuses for all of his bad judgements or wrong doings, etc. and for those who don’t even know him, or the situation, you don’t want them saying bad stuff about chris, i don’t want them saying bad stuff about kevin. you can get angry, pissed off, mad, whatever you want, i will support him regardless. you can argue it was cold blooded others say it was self defense, who gives a shit what it was. regardless of what the reasoning, you feel the way you feel and i feel the way i feel and we are all entitled to it. i’m not telling you to stop supporting the stuff chris did, don’t tell me to not support kevin.
You’re a little late … don’t you think? Half of us have all ready said the same thing you just said, only we said it WAY earlier in these comments! Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and PERSONALLY, I’ll just wait and see what the Judge says and how he feels about it. I could care less what kind of sob story kevin or anyone else tries to feed the Judge or jury, it will all, one day, come down to their decision. Whether it’s in your favor or our’s, that will be the final word.
I am the real free kevin, were you there that night? Just curious. Also, if the tables were turned in the other direction and someone shot Kevin in the head would you feel a little upset that people were showing pity towards the person who pulled the trigger? It is a horrible situation for both sides not to mention shocking for everyone that knew both of them and were friends with both. I personally have not seen or talked to Kevin since the funeral for Chris’s father over a year ago, and we caught up a bit and things seemed normal. I was close with Chris and always thought Kevin was nice as well. Kevin now has to be held accountable for his actions that night. I hope you continue to support him and don’t forget about him while he is in jail the rest of his life.
you people are out of your god damn minds. I just don’t understand how so many of you make excuses for adults acting like animals- at a child’s birthday party no less. You all need to stop the bullshit and stop being so damn selfish. But, I know someone will respond with the typical, “you are not perfect, you make mistakes….” that is not the correct answer- what you should be asking is how can I make my life better and be a better role model for children in my life. Oh, right, I forgot. You already are “great” and “perfect” and “doing the best you can”. The old saying, “actions speak louder than words” has much weight here. Stop the bullshit and prove you are a better person, and a better parent. Keep our egos out of it- Intelligent people learn from their mistakes, and those of others. Why is everyone so damn stubborn about this? A man was murdered at a kids party- what is there to possibly argue about!!!! I can’t believe that some of you are not completely shocked- but instead your big egos are still arguing moot points and stirring up ill feelings. I don’t buy the BS about having the kids interests up front. THAT IS BS. I am a parent with a disabled child. I know what sacrifice and hard work is, and I take NOTHING for granted. Every day my life is about making a better life for my kid- not me. Life is a precious thing, and no matter how angry I am, I would never take the life of a child’s father in cold blood.
Explain this…… Chris didn’t get to be on Harford County Sheriffs Office’s 10 most most wanted by being a good father. You people are morons. Being a felon (numerous times) and a good parent don’t go hand in hand. It just doesn’t work. Everyone makes mistakes, but not on that level. That’s just plain ol’ dirtbag. Go ahead and make some more excuses….. I can’t wait to read it.
Sorry I went off on a tangent after reading some other posts. I realize I made some statements in anger- because everyone involved in this was affected in some way, because kevin and chris are someones loved ones. I just wish people would be disgusted. The fact that no one sees how wrong this WHOLE thing is scares me- and that is how these things happen, when people don’t care about right and wrong. It is obvious these two had a long track record of blurring right and wrong. My only point is, be a civilized human, stop being selfish and be a REAL parent. If everyone would truly put their kids first, we’d all stay out of trouble now wouldn’t we??? I’m done wasting my time with this story.
Not Surprised … you are absolutely right!! There is NO EXCUSE for something like this happening and, both Kevin and Chris could have done things differently to make it NOT happen!! Chris did not need to go to the party, there’s just no two ways around that. Knowing the hard feelings between the two of them, there’s no good reason for him having been up there, nor for Yvonne to have invited him up there, according to HER, without Kevin’s knowledge. Had that choice not been made, this story would not be on the dagger. Of course – Chris DID choose to go to the party so, then it was Kevin’s CHOICE to get the gun and pull the trigger – another choice that could have been made differently, but, it wasn’t.
They both do, indeed, have bad records, but, that’s not really a point in THIS matter. There’s a lot of choices that were made that day that are just stupid beyond even being describable and that’s what makes everyone so angry. The truth really being told, there’s no one anybody can be angry at but the two that were involved, and the ridiculous choices THEY made that led to one of them being dead and the other being in jail.
Those two are not the only role models the children have, or have ever had. The children, Chris’ 2 sons and step-daughter, do have many people in their lives to show them the right way to live, and make sure they know that bad choices have consequences. They always have, and they always will. The children will all be fine – though this is something they will have to live with for the rest of their lives.
so freaking sorry that you said something before me. as i said before, i haven’t been on this thing in weeks. and just as you have the fucking right to post on here, so do i. and i can repeat myself time and time again just as you have or i can say what the f is on my mind at the time regardless if others said it or not. your side of this isn’t the only ones that have the right to say anything.
i never said any actions that happened that night were right unless it was self defense. i am not making excuses for what happened, all i said is that i will defend kevin regardless.
and it wasn’t just lexi’s birthday party, it was kevin’s too.
Well, maybe Yvonne, being the “mother” of the child who’s birthday was SUPPOSED to be celebrated that day, should have made damn sure the party was ONLY for Lexie – instead of blending an alcoloholics party – where there would DEFINITELY be alcohol in use – with an 11 year old’s party! That only takes a LITTLE BIT of common sense!!
We don’t care how many times you feel the need to come on here and repeat the same things over and over again. Most of the shit you’re trying to carry on about has been done and over for the rest of us for quite some time now!!
To quote the person who was speaking directly to you – since it seems you may have missed the whole point of what she said – here it is:
From Joy:
“I am the real free kevin”, were you there that night? Just curious. Also, if the tables were turned in the other direction and someone shot Kevin in the head would you feel a little upset that people were showing pity towards the person who pulled the trigger? It is a horrible situation for both sides not to mention shocking for everyone that knew both of them and were friends with both. I personally have not seen or talked to Kevin since the funeral for Chris’s father over a year ago, and we caught up a bit and things seemed normal. I was close with Chris and always thought Kevin was nice as well. Kevin now has to be held accountable for his actions that night. I hope you continue to support him and don’t forget about him while he is in jail the rest of his life.”
I don’t see one thing about that where anyone could get confused. It is stated VERY clearly!! If the tables were turned and any of us were showing pity towards Chris because he shot and killed Kevin, wouldn’t it piss you off a bit to hear us backing him up? Sure it would! SOOOO … support your Kevin, continue to stand behind him … and don’t forget about him while he’s in jail for the rest of his life!!!
She was stating how SHE feels about you supporting Kevin but not wanting anyone to support Chris or say what WE feel was the REAL situation that night!! Too damn bad for you!! Get over it, just like we’ve gotten over listening to all of the “pity Kevin” stories, or, you could just stay off of the dagger and let Chris rest in peace and let Kevin’s family spend time trying to find a defense for him, that may or may not work! Then the judge or jury can decide the outcome3 and there we all go – those final words are all we’re waiting for!!
For not surprised……….You are on here making all of your BS comments twards my sons father acting as though your so perfect and everyone is trash well you don’t know me at all or what kind of person I am and since you won’t tell who you really are who knows if you really knew Chris either. I will say this a child is going to love their parent regardless of what they say or do, and Chris whole hearted loved Zane. No he was not perfect by far but he did love his kids. Let me ask all of you this ” would any of you being saying the shit your saying about Chris to him if he was still here”? I didn’t think so. So why say it now.
why don’t you stay off the dagger. the dagger isn’t here for just you and your friends and family to post comments. i will come on here whenever i want. if you can’t handle it then stay the fuck off of it. seriously, you have said you weren’t coming on here anymore how many times?? how many times have you repeated yourself on here terri quite a few maybe you need to go back and read your posts again and see how many times. oh but i forgot, whats good for you to do and say isn’t good for anyone else.
i don’t care if it pisses you off for me taking up for kevin. you don’t care if it pisses anyone off when you bad mouth kevin. i got news for you, you have no idea how you will act towards your loved one in a situation like this until you are thrown in it. so sit there and say how you would act all you want. you don’t have a clue. i never once said that if the tables were turned that i wouldn’t be upset, or want the person who did it to be behind bars or anything like that. but i am not going to try and act like they aren’t allowed to post or anything else. i didn’t bad mouth chris, all i have done was supported kevin. never said i agreed with what was done or how it was done. just that kevin is a loved one and that i know he wouldn’t do this without being provoked. and i have known kevin for over 20 years, i know him well enough to say that.
[edited by Admin: Anymore personal attacks and you are done. We understand that this is a sensitive issue, and have let a lot slide, but you are crossing the line.]
Everyone of you contradict yourselves. stop trying to say what other people meant or what you think others should feel. you are turning this into high school and it is really stupid. all of you should just fucking stop already. its not making anything better. support whatever you want, but why keep coming on here acting like you are going to change someone elses opinion? we all know the saying “opinions are like assholes, everybody has one”. everyone knows, kevin has supporters and chris has supporters and that the judge and jury will determine what happens to kevin. why do all of you keep doing this? you sound so stupid and caddy going back and forth. you are all clearly out of high school by now. start acting like it. trying to needle eachother or convince that your opinion is right and nobody elses is isn’t bring chris or kevin back.
Guess what “free kevin” I could care less how many times you come on here and say the same things over and over again! At this point – I just find you to be amuusing!! I could care less how much you take up for kevin – as Joy stated … keep backing him and don’t forget about him while he’s sitting in jail for the rest of his life – where he belongs – LIKE IT OR NOT!!!
As for you trying to tell me WHAT I WOULD DO IN THE SAME SITUATION – don’t try to speak for me!! PERIOD!!! I WOULD NOT STAND UP FOR SOMEONE WHO CHOSE TO TAKE SOMEONE ELSE”S LIFE FOR NO REASON AT ALL!!! I don’t care who they are!!Family or not, best friend EVER, or not – I WOULD NOT GIVE THEM MY SUPPORT!! So – that just blew your “know -it-all philosophy” right out the door didn’t it! Kevin was NOT provoked to kill!! He did what he CHOSE to do because he knew he couldn’t fight like a man because Chris would have best his ass!! That’s the bottom line in that argument!He liked to start fights because he let his alcohol take over his common sense but, he wasn’t going to win that one in a one on one hand to hand fight and he knew it! It’s been proven before! I hope he sits in jail until the sky turns green and elephants start falling from it because he had no right AT ALL to take another person’s life, anymore than anyone else does!
And yes – you’re right! I have repeated myself a few times on here! You know why? Because people who don’t take the time to read everything ask the same questions over and over again! HELLO!
Read ALL the posts before you start asking questions or bringing stuff back up! Maybe if everyone would do that this article would end!
Thanks, Mickey! I have said that a few times!!
When Kevin finally goes to court – those few words will be what we’re all waiting for!!
Yes, and since he has been indicted for Murder in the first degree, a grand jury was convinced there is enough evidence to convict on that charge. I think we can move on and be assured that he will be in jail for the rest of his life and possibly sentenced to death. The indictment speaks for itself.
chris had beat kevin’s butt a few times in the past. with alcohol involved it was bound to happen that one of them would end up dead and the other in jail. what happened that night did’nt just happen that night it had been brewing for years between those two.
Unreal the way people get on here and argue!I knew kevin and i knew Chris.Kevin was a good decent man that worked everyday,took care of another mans kids when they were allowed to stay.Kevin was like a kid himself had lots of toys for kids to play with when they came to visit-not just Zane,Lexie and the baby and by the way he adored but all kids.kevin had his head screwed on right and tried to do the right things.When he was young,like most young teens he got into trouble,but was not one of the most wanted in harford county.
Only God and kevin know what happened that nite at Kevins home,it was Kevins home not Yevonnes.Yevonne had no right to invite her husband to the party,she knew the 2 were at each others throat for years.Kevin did not go looking for trouble like some have said,and the trouble should not have come to his home.If Yevonne had thought logically this would not have happened,and lives would not have been ripped apart.
Chris was also a good man and my heart goes out to his family and most of all his children.Chris just got caught up in the drugs and there was no return.I do believe he loved his kids and would have done anything in the world for them,but going to Kevins that nite was not the right thing to do.A party for Lexie on nutral ground would have been much better.By the way I have known Lexie and Zane every since they were small babies and Kevin and his first wife took care of them on the weekends while their mom and dad partied.(Chris and Yevonne)Kevin loved those kids!
I have known Kevin now for about 25 years and this is all very much out of character for him.Kevin was and is still a good person eventhough he has taken a life and must pay for what has happened.I dont believe this was planned no matter what people say.Kevin was raised by good parents and no way should they have to go thru this kind of hell and neither should the family or children of Chris.
No-one for sure knows what goes thru someones head at the moment when an argument has esscalated to the point of pulling a gun and taking a life.There is a fine line and when you cross it-you just lose all control of your thoughts and control.No-one knows what happens to that person for sure so how can anyone judge.
My heart goes out to the families and most of all to the children!
Has anyone heard of when the trial will be?
HA-HA!!! About a year or so from now, knowing our “fabulous judicial system!!” Kevin’s trying to say he didn’t know the gun was loaded … that somebody else loaded it. WHAT A LAUGH – HUH?!! There was probably a few people that made sure it was loaded … Kevin included!
I can only imagine that high drama has always followed this crew…am I correct?
Go Dagger ! !
HaHa thats a good one …not knowing it was loaded.Next he will ask for an insanity plea,and if he DIDNT know it was loaded why the hell did he pull the trigger? hum terri your right about the trial it probably wont be for a year and thats a good thing too that just means we know kevin wont be walking around hdg or watchin tv somewhere….just got the pics developed of the kids from the funeral they are so cute,chris will watch over them im sure!
Richiec: not for most the most part. There are choice few who always had something going on around them, whether it be good or bad … I guess that’s everywhere you go though (it just doesn’t always make it to the Dagger … LOL!!)
Terri…you know the type Im talking about…”drama – R – us”….
Go Dagger ! !
Yeah, Richie – I know the type!! LOL! I know a few of them personally!! The kind that seem to feed off of drama and can’t live happily without it!! I live in HdG – of course I know some! Ha-ha!!
How have you been, Richie? Anymore news on the Billiards Club – speaking of Drama? :))
Not yet…..there was a backlash about the way Mayor Wayne “circle the wagons” Dougherty seemed to be taking sides against the Billiards Club. He usually backs down when criticism of him is afoot. Its his achilles heel…his inability to take criticism.
Word is that he was the main antagonist in that mess. Subjective…not objective leadership. That’s a disservice to both sides and we are lucky that Jim Miller stepped up and diffused it right in the beginning by offering to work with the aggrieved parties rather than letting it fester and grow as a problem.
So I guess the Billiards club is safe for now.
Go Dagger ! !
terri you know some people? hell you are the biggest drama queen of them all . and your always in someone business. your so unhappy with your life you try to make everyone else’s miserable . it is so funny that you always know what kevin is trying to say, what are you his lawyer? did you go to his trial? i know for a fact you was not at his trial . quit putting hear say on the dagger . you make yourself look radicalise.
by the way I’m not a Kevin supporter . i just get tired of Terri’s accusations . i never write anything on here . I’m just so tired of hearing Kevin said this or Kevin did this. from Terri . i think you just put things on here to keep an argument going. i understand you taking up for Chris (hell i do that myself) but for you to come on here saying things to start an argument is getting old . Zane ilove you . Lexie and Hayden you will always be in my prayers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The arraignment is scheduled for September 30, 2008. For those needing explanation, this is when his charges will be formally explained to him and he will enter his plea.
Hey “just laughing” – was it one of YOUR family members that two people VERY CLOSE to kevin told that too? I didn’ think so … so shut the hell up!
I guess you’ll find out if his lawyer actually does use that lousy excuse as his defense – otherwise, I’m sure some others will be able to make you aware of this “defense strategy” being said!
its funny how you always tell people to shut up. but you cant seem to keep your mouth shut . i don’t care who said what,i don’t care what defense Kevin uses. just do everyone a favor and only list fact that YOU know , not hearsay. I’m sure you know what hearsay is , like this person told this person ,that told me and now i’m telling dagger(i believe that is hearsay) .
Well, I guess whether you believe it or not depends on who it comes from. Had it been most people I wouldn’t believe it but, being the people it was that said it, I believe it. It doesn’t come as any real surprise any way, most of us were expecting some kind of plea to that effect.
I don’t know either Kevin or Chris……I do find it weird and a bit unhealthy to keep this arguing over who did what and who was the worser of the two going. Can Chris rest in peace now and the justice system do it’s job?
thank you sad. that is all that needs to be said!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cant believe people are still guessing about what is gonna happen.No deffence attorney is gonna tell the family how he is gonna deffend his client,only the client.Gosh people just dont make good sense,guessing all the time!What the family do find out they are not gonna tell the people that are here guessing!Its called client,lawyer confidentuallity.
The lawyer that is on this site should know that or the wanna be lawyer.
Well said. You are write noone has a right to judge, everyone should let him rest in peace.
well to be perfectly fair in this situation. if you tell me not to come to your house, then , are’nt i in the wrong if i do? i thought this was america. , i thought the home owner had the right who he or she allowed at their home. if he was’nt there where he was’nt allowed this would’nt of happened. if you, yourselves don’t want someone at your house and they show up well shoot figure it out. this is not fair to anyone the way you people get on here and cut each others feelings and beliefs into. why don’t you guys understand it was kevin’s home not chris’s. i’m sorry about chris and everyone else involved in this but, there’s no justice in condeming each other. that’s what started all this to begin with ,hate, misunderstandings and gossip with no real meaning. only makes bad worst . god is our judge. please everyone don;t stop living chris would’nt want that. his children he would’nt want them raised on hate. choices we all have choices they both made the wrong choices and now we all have to live with them.
ok from what i have read i was under the impression that chris was invited to his daughters birthday party now it sounds like you think its ok to kill someone who comes to your house that you dont want there but im sure kevin knew chris was coming at least i hope he did it also sounds as if everyone is justifying kevin killing chris just remember that he has to answer to his maker someday too and it will all come out in the end what happened that night and we will all know
To all that are mad at Kevin He was / is a good guy. I know what he did is wrong But I still love him. Kevin and I were friends! And it didnt all start with Yvonne! If chris would have left Tonya alone before they got married and after kevin and tonya got married then maybe Yvonne wouldnt have left chris for kevin! Im not saying what he did was right cause it wasnt! Everyone is looking at him differently now well im not. Kevin has always been there for everyone and he tried his best to help when he could. I have spent alot of time with kevin and i have never seen him mad. kevin did what he felt he had to to do to the fact that he was being threatened. what was chris to at kevins house to begin with?he had to reason to be there!Kevin was always a hard worker and loved everyone. I dont think he needs to be in jail it was all self defense. kevin had to protect himself! Dont get me wrong i am sorry to those who lost Chris! I of all people know how it feelsto lose a loved one! I know your pain! But please dont judge kevin! everything happens for a reason. Sit back and think what happened that night to make them fight? why did Chris start running his mouth to kevin who took the kids outside! Did Yvonne have Chris there to fight with KEVIN!! Please understand kevin is Innocent! for chris to act like he did Kevin had his reaction!! FOR EVERY ACTION THERE IS A REACTION!!! I think about kevin everyday like i said i love him! I am glad that he is doing good in jail while he waits! He has a great lawyer and they are doing everything that they can! I am going to try and go see him on sat. But like i said Kevin is a great guy always working and helping and always with his family and friends!!
one more thing.. i am not going to judge any one i am sorry if i made anyone mad before! i dont know chris that well my boyfriend does! but i do know know kevin. and yes it may have been him that pulled that trigger but it wasnt him in his right mind. yvonne put alot of crap in his head… i think she had a major part in this and yes she should be in jail!!! And i am sorry to those children. They need someone that can take care of them I know for a fact that Yvonne is on drugs…!!!! and them kids need better. I have never seen Kevin act like that like i said before but some people know how to push buttons and thats what Yvonne did. I will be honest I dont want to see Kevin in jail but that is where he is. the jury will be the one to help deside what happens. And to be honest i would like to talk to the sister of chris if possible! 4437529924! I do have a few things i would like to talk about! i just dont want to put them here!
the only time i ever seen kevin fight was with his wife they were always fighting thats what married people do! i was invited to the party but i couldnt make it. So i dont know who was all there but i can say onething that is bad you cant stop someone from getting a gun and killing another person!!! I just dont understand why someone would want to be at a house that the owner didnt like him! I understand cause of the kids! but Yvonne shouldnt have went and picked him up! Kevin was falling for Yvonne hard and he painted the beedrooms the way she wanted them for the kids! I would never want to mess up someones life like that! and shes not living there at his house.
Yvonne just needs to grow up and be a mother and live for her kids. not worrie about men and partying and the drugs!!
Lori –
It will be a bit hard to “talk to the sister of Chris” … since he never had a sister, only 2 brothers. As for the rest, we have all decided a while ago to leave this alone and let Chris rest in peace. The Judge and Jury will decide what will happen to Kevin in this life – and he has to answer to God when this one is through. That’s all that matters! WHATEVER IS MEANT TO HAPPEN WILL HAPPEN – AND EVERYTHING HAPPENS FOR A REASON!! A lot of us have loved Kevin for years too … as many as we have Chris so, it’s a much tougher situation to deal with from that aspect and it’s better left to the justice system and God.
Have a great day!!
like i said before i dont know him that well and i do know that he was a good guy! i dnt want to fight with anyone about this and yes it is up to the judge and the jury whats happens but i will tell you this i will always be on kevins side no matter what he was pushed into it i feel for the loss of chris but kevin is the one i am worried about now
oh my what is wrong with everyone Kevin is a good guy I dont care what anyone says even though he is being a charged with murder first degree he will always be the same swwet loving and caring kevin i have always known! everyone has problems yes but most of his actions were kicked out of court! and this is to bobby if you read this he is still in the detention center he was not moved! so some people need to keep their mouth shut if they dont know what they are talking about! it is not our place to judge anyone! and if something does happen to where he gets the death penalty….. then they are playing the role of god! they shouldnt have the right to kill someone.. it is ok if the state does it but not ok for someone who dont have authority…. what kind of system do we have? now they want to play the role of god! im sorry that is not right …Kevin has been in my family for a long time and i dont care who gets mad i will be on his side to the very end! that is the problem now days people want everyone to suffer… being in jail is a good way to suffer! I know!! To all of the family and friends of chris I am so sorry about your loss…. I know that kevin would have never done that if it wasnt for Yvonne. she is the one to blame !!!!
your right chris doent have a sister but his brother told me to let everyone know if they would like to write him you can contact me at steveheather08@aol.com hes doing as good as he can be but he does miss chris ALOT!to anyone who knows the lady named kim that chrises fiance lives with also can contact me. im shocked people are still on here guess we all love the drama and this will never end…………………….to chrises uncle that just passed rip love ya pooh
lori, how can you get on here and take up for kevin?but, still have terri,cheryl and yvonne on your myspace as your friends? you blame yvonne call her a drug whore. then pretend to be cheryl’s and terri’s friend also. you are weird and tring to find out info because kevin or his family has told you nothing.it’s easy to try and blame someone who says nothing about anyone and divorced kevin a year ago. do you know why she divorced him?tonya is a good person and leave her alone. she has been friends with terri and cheryl and yvonne for years, you don’t hear them bad mouthing her. you are just a trouble maker. back off
hey just wondering, you know why kevin slept with lori to try and piss tonya off all he wanted was to have tonya back and he figured going threw her might do it. WRONG when she got away from his abuse she never turned back. good for tonya
first of all i didnt slept with kevin and i have talked to kevins family! so grow up and im not talkind about tonya she is my family! and all kevin and i did was talk about how hw loved tonya! so if you dont know what you are talking about shut up! and like i said before my MAN knew chris and was friends with him! and as for yvonne look at her!!! and tasha you want to run your mouth alot dont you? tasha is mad cause kevin wouldnt sleep with her!! lol thats funny she got mad and stole from him like the rest of them did
and so you all know i do love kevin he is family to me more family then others! they know who they are! he was always willing to help me and yes i was willing to help him and my man didnt mind so back off and grow up stop acting like a child oh wait thats right you are!
OK Slackjaws, this thread has gone on for too long. Here is the reality check.
1. To all you Kevin Backers. Buy your boy lots of soap on a rope. He is gonna need it.
2. To all you Chris Supporters. Having Kevin whack Chris while tragic did society some good. This is one less hooligan the Police have to deal with on the weekends
What happened back in August was nothing more than Darwin’s Theory of Evolution at work. The genetically weak will thin themselves out. This is what happnend with Kevin going to the Klink and with Chris talking to worms. While all of this is sad, humanity benefits by not having their Genes in the Genetic Pool.
So lets all move along now and remember Darwin’s Theory works!!!!!!
to gene the pool cleaner mind you rdqamn buisness so just shut up and the way you wrote your little note about us chris supporters was really ignorant you are a ##!@$$@@#$#
well as far as lori getting on here and running that mouth about stuff she knows nothing about….your just anothe fly in the web my dear and if i had wanted kevin i guess i would of had him but we all know why you talk so good about him dont we….because you had a taste of it and aparently want more but lori its time for you toGROW UP and get a life oops i’m sorry how many husbands have you had lol ha ha ha get a life with out having to have someone elses hand me downs….
you know people get on here and say alot of stupid shit,but the facts are one man is dead and another is in jail….neither familys will be the same now,because they all lost a loved one and as far as a comment about people judging kevin and people playing the role of god ……well thats been going on for centuries.if you kill someone then you will be judged and not by all of us but by the person or persons that will be at his trial, and most especially by GOD and i was friends with chris and kevin… kevin was my brother in law but it doesn’t matter who knew who or who slept with who or who is on drugs,because the fact of the matter is this situation doesn’t concern anyone except chris and kevin and of course the family members that lost their loved ones on both chris and kevin’s side,so instead of getting on here and talking crap about other people and putting people down…you should be thinking about how you felt when something similar happened in your family and how it made you feel ,AND YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE……..so to chris’s family i am so sorry for your loss and to his kids i understand what their going through,because my kids lost their daddy in august and i know how hard it is and to kevin’s family i’m sorry for what your going through too,and as far as my sisteer Tonya goes she is a good person and she loved kevin with all her heart,but people grow apart and as far as i know the last time i checked that wasn’t a crime,so please if you don’t know the WHOLE TRUTH then just don’t say anything…… Lexi and Zane my prayers are with you and i wish you the best
lori you need to quit making it sound like kevin killed chris over Tonya and Chris’s affair,but your so wrong and just talking out of your ass….their is alot more to that whole situation then you know,so keep my sister’s name out of your mouth,the only reason you keep on saying it was over tonya and chris is because thats what you heard but as far as you actually knowing any facts you are far from it little girl and like i said the only reason your even saying anything is because of the fact that you fucked kevin but like someone told me you dont have room to talk cause you are no better,and just like starting trouble,but we dont pay any attention to people like you so give it up lori your just making yourself look like an idiot,and whats wrong are you jealous that kevin came on to me cause he wanted to and only wanted you to make tonya jealous thats so so so funny lol
Well here we go again!Ha ha!What difference does it make who messed with who?HUMIt all came to an end anyway.
Toshia is right Tonya is doing great for her-self and should be left out of all conversations.her and kevin have been finished for a long time but it seems like she is allways brought up by some stray that knows nothing about her family only hear-say.Tonya was the smart one and got out of the mess before she was chris.
According to Kevin every-one stole from him,but found it later on but would never addmitt it.Kevin was a good guy,loved kids but wanted to control everyone.Now lets see who controls who?
Let the hearts of the people that lost Chris mend especially the children.The kids are the ones that suffer so badly,the grown ups can deal!Gosh let this matter go and find something else to talk about besides who messed with who.
If Toshia did mess with Kevin?It takes 2 to mess around,what is he inocentWhen Kevin was with Lori was he inocent,when kevin was with yevonne was he inocent?So it sounds like Kevin was not a good guy after all when it came to being loyal to his wife at the time eventhough they were not divorced at the time only seperated.Do we all have glass houses?????
What Tashia r u mad i could of had kevin! im not like you! you need to grow up and you want to talk about me hey i only have 3 kids! how many you have and from how many different men ? GROW UP stay off the drugs atleast i never stole from him or anyone in the family unlike you all! i know more then what i should! lol any thank you i never had kevin in bed i m not like you i dont share my men yes i may have 3 kids 2 by my first husband and 1 by the man im with now you dont know anything about me and MY family c in my eyes we are not family! oh by the way i would never be jealous over a crack head like YOU!!! what r u mad cause you get hand me downs? lol you are SO immature! you are like a roach you keep on breeding!!
Lori,are you talking about Toshia/Dam what kind of scum are you?Atleast she does not live with her mamma!Hand me downs well you sure like them dont you–you like the leftovers!Toshia was married to the same man how in the hell do you know who the daddy s are,your crack head uncle telling you lies again?We know who he got it from–dont we?
Grow up you little girl!Know your facts before you write about Toshia or Tonya which it seems you know neither one!HA HA
Roaches,well we know how you live so roaches are in your life style not hers!I think its really funny you are so concerned after all the years of who Toshia screwed or how many kids she has now?They are all-very much loved by their family–can you say that?They all carry the same last name can you say that?Everyone of those kids are special and 10 more would just be that many more to love.
You are all family and you need to rethink what you say–one day you will all be gone and then what?Still the same old thing he said she said going on?You need to quit doing what kevin wanted you to do because in the long run he is still gonna be where he is and nothing you can say will help him cause you are not doing anything but keeping an argument going—just what he wanted and it will only hurt his case not help it!!!Think about it you little trouble maker
Another thing Lori how in the hell doyou know if anyone stole from Kevin?Were you there?Hell nooooo!Why dont you ask who stole from who?You are the one that needs to grow up and stop believing one sided tales.Of course we know you thrive on tales thou!
By the way Lori Kevin goes to court in March of 2009 you need to go and see who can tell the best lies!Thought i’d let you know first hand!!
to lori i know toshia and she is a good mother and a good person in general. she just lost her husband,also. she does’nt need your childish crap. why did you wanna be added to her myspace if you just wanted to start crap?she and you had the same grandmother so i guess she is more blood than a guy your cousin was married to . toshia’s kids all have the same father so where does your info come from? bet it’s kevin or your pill head uncle. but, she has lived good all these years without you so go make trouble somewhere else or i will report your behavior on this sight ,do you understand? you know nothing of her family cause she has not wanted anything to do with you.hell how many years has it been since she spoke to you? look now all it’s caused by talking to you a bunch of crap. all you wanted anyhow was to find out about kevin so you did. and because people down here know how he was you can’t except the truth about him so you wanna start bad mouthing your own blood. kevin is a mind control freak, he controlled tonya for years with his mental abuse and like any other woman she needed something else than that. we are so glad she got out of there before he killed her. oh did he tell you he shot at her too, he shot her tires out before he also beat on her . oh but, i’m sure that part never came up in you all’s confersation’s since he was out to make tonya and chris look like they were the bad guys. no lori you need to get the whole truth before you judge. also ,GOD SEE’S ALL AND HE KNOW’S WHEN SOMEONE IS ONLY TRING TO BRING PAIN ON SOMEONE ELSE SO LET IT GO. ;he see’s right to your heart girl repent or parish. judge the way you want to be judged and you are jumping the gun. you have not all the facts so you need to go back to the drawing board girl
now don’t get me wrong you and toshia both are at wrong this is no place to carry on like you too are so stop both of you
Dang after all this arguing, between Toshia, Lori and all the people that slept with Chris and Kevin I can’t figure out who is related to who. Let me see if I can put a family Tree Together
I can’t. It is totally impossible. I just realized there are no branches in this family tree. This has to be the one of the largest cases on inbreeding in Harford County.
Truly Remarkable
No gene the pool cleaner she is just a big trouble maker(Lori)There is no inbreeds in the family whatsoever!
Toshia and Tonyas mother moved 2 states away and 500 miles to keep from hearing their kind of crap and still today they keep the cycle going.
There is no family tree-Tonya broke that conection a year ago–from md. when she ran for her life to keep from being put 6 ft under.The kids in question are 500 miles away and just lost their father,so they should not even be brought up in either conversation.Toshia is a good mother doing the best she can with 5 little boys to raise on her own,and family in maryland that has never even seen them once!they need to keep their mouth shut if nothing good can come from it.
To get you straight Lori is Tonya and Toshias cousin(can you believe that?)Tonya moved south to get away from her husband at the time to try and get her head together,but while she was gone Lori stepped in and tried to console kevin and only heard one sided stories.Lori fell for kevins lies and deseption,only made it easier for Tonya.A home that Tonya and kevin made together it sure seems like Lori and yevonne sure wanted it.So you see there is no inbreeding going on just other women wanted what Tonya had!—what they dont know is that Tonya is very happy now and very close to her sister Toshia.
shocked….whats to steal….? a 20 dollar bill? what?
lori you know you are nothing but a nasty slutty little bitch and you are the true meaning of a whore …3 kids by 3 different men and from what i know you screw just about anybody that will have something to do with your freaky ass….at least i can say that my kids have the same daddy and i don’t live with my mom while your lieing talking about ho you and your husband built your second house,well which tree did you build it in this time and
first thing i wanna say is i feel so so sorry for you ,but more important then that i feel really sorry for your kids,cause their the ones that have to live with the fact that their mommy is a no good for nothing drugged out peice of shit….oh yeah and your a FREAK….but as far as you little comment about my kids,yeah i have 5 wonderful boys,and sorry whore but thats where were very very different,because my boys have the same daddy but unlike yours don’t they all 3 have a different dad…ha,ha,ha damn lori your so pathetic and weird….it seeme like all that ink has sunk into your brain and made you real stupid,oh i’m sorry you’ve always been stupid,and just for the record if your so sure that you could of had kevin then why didn’t you?I’ll tell you why because hethought the same thing about you being a freak lol hell he’s the one that told me about you and your green hair and the way you acted like a dyke so sorry to hurt your feelings,but you are so wrong about that one cause all he ever wanted to do was make my sister tonya jealous,but he got fooled cause instead she laughed in his face,cause that is just nasty…ewwww…but anyway lori i’m gonna disagree with you because i am A LOT,A WHOLE LOT BETTER THEN YOU AND ALWAYS HAVE BEEN.me,tonya and the twins hated you then and we hate you now,so hasn’t that ever accured to you,because since joe died i could of cared less about you cause i don’t consider you family and thats pretty much the reason i never wanted to come see you..Hell,even your own brother GOD REST HIS SOUL couldn’t stand you half the time either,and before you start passing judgement on other people you should look at yourself cause like you said you only have 3 kids and yet you still can’t live on your own right now and not to mention how long this has been going on cause tonya and kevin have been split up for 2 years or longer and yet when they were still together you went to my sister asking if you and your kids could stay with her and kevin because yall didn’t have any food,money for food or a place to stay,but yet i have 5 boys,my own house,food all month and i’m not like you i don’t have to have a man CAUSE I’M WOMAN ENOUGH TO DO IT BY MYSELF I DON’T HAVE TO HAVE A MAN LOL NO WONDER YOU WERE TRYING TO GET WITH KEVIN NOW THATS FUNNY AS HELL,but seriously since its so easy for you to take up for kevin then i guess you can take up for the guy that hit joey to huh or are you just being a straight up two faced person,and one more thing little miss bitch i don’t and never have wanted to be a part of your screwed up family…why do you thimk it is that you haven’t seen me in 10 years YOU RETARD,and by the way i know enough about your family to know that your all screwed up and don’t lie cause everybody knows your jealous of me…i have everything you want…A HOUSE LOL,A LIFE LOL,A FAMILY THAT LOVES ME LOL,FRIENDS,AND A BROTHER,SO WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT THAT????Next time you wanna talk about someone try to have your facts straight and stop making up shit cause like i said before freak NOBODY EVEN LIKE YOU,AND MOST OF THEM WOULD LOVE TO KICK YOUR UGLY ASS,but beleive one thing for sure……i better never get the chance,and i hope you aren’t scared of me cause that makes it all the more better,so i guess i’ll let you go now and that way you have time to think of some more lies to tell,but trust me lori I CAN AND WILL HURT YOUR FEELINGS IF YOU DON’T STOP RUNNING THAT DICK LICKER OF YOURS…..
very amusing you lori and toshia getting on here and telling your lives story.actually i think we all are getting a really big laugh out of the two of yoiu funny little girls.claming to be women you two have no idea what it takes to be women. girls or children whatever you two are,NITHER ONE OF YOU ARE WOMEN.women do not disgrace themselves the way you two have. talking such filthy words no girls women don’t act like that. women are very concious of what they say and how they say it. you two don’t at all disgrace yourselves by humiliating yourselves is not a womens way. i bet both you girls have problems or you would’nt be making outrageous remarks about one another. i bet both of you girls have done wrong, and not been the best parents but, it can change by first apologizing to one another that is what a real women would do. then by getting the HELL OFF THE DAGGER WITH YOUR PETTY QUARRELS.
Amused…the funniest thing is seeing it through the election debate posts….kinda a comic relief !
I really don’t find it offensive…what the hell…if they want to cat fight here…why not?
Go Dagger !
Recent Posts
RichieC: Obama said……………………………………………………….
Dave : McCain did not……………………………………………………….
RichieC: But dave, McCain was………………………………………..
toshia: lori is a ^#$%@……………………………………………………..comic
Dave: Richie you have to…………………………………………………..
RichieC: dave agreed, that was never………………………………
Lauri: toshia had a ^%$ with a (*& and ^%$#@*^……………..releif
Steve: both dave and richie are………………………………………….
(chuckle) gotta love em.
LOL!!! Go Ritchie!!!
Amused you said it already.
This is getting better than myspace…..hehe
I was just expanding on what amused said…(chuckle)
RichieC it might interest people to know’ the Dagger has it’s own true to life soap opera’s and no need to change channels.every body need’s too vent & that’s what there doing.
Some may find the language offensive’ but it’s not the Family channel. it’s the Dagger
yes vet…im actually ok with it…..but it always cracks me up when i see it among the serious dialog in the most commented scroll box.
Go Dagger !
look,you don’t k ,now me and i am more woman then you could even imagine,but if you would scroll on up some then you would see that i wasn’t the one that started running my mouth about anyone,but i’m not gonna let someone talk about me and put it to where the whole world can see it and as far as you saying i disgraced myself your very wrong about that because the only reason i got on here in the first place was to say something about my ex-brother in law kevin and to pay my respect as far as chris goes so maybe you should look at a little bit of the other dumb remarks on here and leave my name out of your mouth….and your right all peoplehave problems and i’m pretty sure you do to as a matter of fact the way you word your words and the way you talk i’d almost say that i know who you are and if i do then yeah you have big big problems don’t you…starting with your family
to everyone on here that i have affende …i am very sorry ,and there is no excuse for my language ,but i didn’t get on here to argue with lori .I got on here to talk about things i had went thru withkevin,and chris,and how i felt for the two family’s and especially the kids because they are the ones that are suffering right now……as far as yvonne,Tonya,or even i go it’s not got anything to do with us….all this is over one man killing another man not only in cold blood,but at his own daughters birthday,so like i said before,i am wrong for getting on here and arguing with a nobody,but this is where it all started and i only retalliated after i was talked about,so if thats amusing and if that makes me a bad person then i’m proud to be and as far as the remark that gene pool cleaner made…dude get a life and try to be sinceable cause since you are concerned witheverything we’ve been talkin about then you would know that kevin was my brother in law,and lori although i have never claimed her is my cousin and i am toshia…kevin’s ex-wifes sister,so please don’t sit and talk about me cause i don’t do it and if you were any kind of good person you wouldn’t either just like the one that calls herself amused….but again i am sorry if i affended anyone cause that was never my intentions…i was only trying to hurt lori’s feelings
Toshia…we all say stupid things…every one of us…dont feel bad…
Go Dagger !
ok lets put it like this i dont live at my mothers house!m and thank you i was married to my daughters father and i am with my sons father! now it wass your blood that told me about your kids! lol grow up im not scared of you ! you and your family drive here to get drugs once a month so if you want some come and get it you [* edited by Admin – no personal attacks *] look at yourself SICK!!!!
oh and yes key word TRY!!! YOU [* edited by Admin *]
Personal Attacks will be deleted!
to the family of chris i am very sorry for his death and yes kevin will do his time! i am more sorry for his kids! they will always have him watching over them! i am sorry for being this way on here it is not the place or the time! i have better things to do with my life then to fight with her! but some people get thrills from the drama! she knows who i am talikng about! but anyway i wish you all the best of luck! i dont need to get on here and run my mouth her father can get a hold of me if she wants to tale it any further! I hope everyone lives the best of life and the fullest!
[* edited by Admin – no personal attacks – This is your last warning*]
this is so amusing lori and toshia you children are here acting like your spoiled rotten. well you both have alot of skeltons in your closets and i guess we all will just wait for the next act.i tried to explain to you girls what you both look like but, you neither one must of listened as babies ither. well hope you girls realize before you do to much damage that these things are only here for alittle while then you will both be judged by the highest power known to man the almighty. thank you for your time.
lori is that your lowest blow as to lie and say we make drug runs….well first off why in the hell would i have to when their everywhere down here,and just fir the record my grandmother had money and shegave this house to my mother but when she died my mom moved into her house and she gave this one to me you dumb clueless bitch anddo you think i cared about mom mom ummmm NO maybe thats why i didn’t come to her funeral ,but when you start saying things like you did and its all because you can’t handle the truth then yes lori you will get yours and if we was getting drugs then why did we kick your uncle out and have nothing else to do with him …..it was because he was doing drugs and after i had my first sonwe couldn’t take it anymore so quit lieing about something so serious and yes screw you your grandmother and who ever else and sorry but i have always felt that way so grow up and quit spreading lies at least EVERYTHINNG i said was true lol,and wrong again bit$h i am not on welfare,but that brings up a good point my mom worked and worked for 20 years while your uncle laid around beating her and doing his drugs and tell your mom not to threaten us,and she dont know shit cause my 4 oldest boys belong to their dead father and my baby belongs to the man i am with so like i said get your story srtaight and as far as wverything else goes….to hell with all of you and i do mean all of you the dead i wont talk about but like they ever did anything for us NO,and i wouldn’t brag lri cause all that does is tell what a messed up family you have and for the tattoos THEY LOOK AWFUL,BUT YOU LIKE LOOKING LIKE A MAN AND AS FAR AS WANTING SOME YOUR RIGHT I DO…..and it wont be trying it will be so go ahead and listen to your uncle cry to yall that we do him so bad and you go ahead and get such a rumor started but you stupid mother fu—r i was in aryland with tonya when we were hooked on drugs so go tell your lies somemore,cause i knew what i said would get to you,but your mom can say what ever she wants cause i guarantee you two don’t wanna go there,but i;m sure you will cause of stupidity….my mom has stayed out of this but then again she is a woman more then i can say for most,and just for the record i have 4 tatts,but they are where they need to be not all over my body making me look like a freak and you have nothing i want at all,lol i beleive you put your foot in your mouth ….the man i have been happy with for 9 years but yet this with u and kevin wasnt long ago and if you remember lori your the one that started this ….i damn sure didnt want anything to do with you people
Alright, I think we have had enough of the comments attached to this story. Nothing good can come from this 3 months later. Comments are now closed for “Havre de Grace Man Murdered During Sunday Night Birthday Party In Pylesville”
Due to recent events in this story, we have reopened comments. Please keep it civil.
What are the “recent events” in this story? Does anyone know?
I have searched and searched…please steve…enlighten us as to the RECENT EVENTS!
There is no Circut Ct case now…wazzup wit dis deal?
Go Dagger !
Kevin Sorrick has plead guilty, that is the recent development. Sentencing will be on April 15th.
Kevin did plead guilty and was sentenced to 50 years, no parole until he’s served at least 40, (I believe that’s the way they said it.) He did that intentionally. It’s really sad but he has said that he doesn’t want to be out of jail … that he knows he’s safer in there. The whole situation is just nuts!!
Anyway … that the way it went down. There was no “trial”. Kevin accepted that he was wrong and did the right thing.
If I hear anything else … or if my information is incorrect (I know the 50 years is correct) then I will update.
Peace and love to all!
The plea deal that he took holds the sentence that I stated above. FORMAL sentencing, and a “victim impact hearing will take place the 15th of this month.) That is the information straight from people who were at the hearing. Have a wonderful day, all!!
~ Terri ~
kevin would’ve been better off going to trial. he would be home with his family and loved ones right now.
kevin never once said that he didn’t want to get out of jail. he has stated the complete opposite. chris fritsche got what he deserved. he went there looking for trouble. you don’t go to someone’s house w/a knife high on heroin and other drugs and drink heavily then attack people. he wanted to screw with kevin. he got what he asked for. you can only go around threatening to kill people and their families, beating up your pregnant girlfriend, causing a miscarriage, torturing animals, selling drugs, tormenting and torturing people for so long. he was not a good person or a good parent. he wasn’t human at all. he didn’t give a crap about his kids, that is why he gave up his parental rights so he didn’t have to take care of them or pay for them, not that he ever did in the first place. he tried to kill kevin on many different occassions. he went there with a knife and took it out on kevin, his little brother and his cousin. he started fights and attacked people holding a knife to their throat for no reason at all. he almost strangled kevin’s little brother to death, broke kevin’s nose and cracked his teeth and almost slit his throat. kevin’s intent wasn’t to kill chris but to get him out of the house for good and away from him and his family. that is why the safety was on the gun until chris saw the safety was on and said he was going to kill kevin with his own gun and lunged at him to take it and shoot him w/it. that is when kevin flicked the safety off and shot. if chris would’ve gotten the gun from kevin, he would’ve shot and killed him and then been in hiding at his own address that he has lived at his entire life, where the cops couldn’t seem to find him when he was right in the house. and nothing would’ve been done about it. this justice system is what failed here in so many ways. chris should’ve never been let out of jail, if he wouldn’t have been, out tormenting and attacking people, this would’ve never happened.
the justice system only protects the chris fritsche’s of the world, and not the true innocent people. chris killed that baby his girlfriend was pregnant w/ and was slowly killing every person he sold his drugs too. not to mention everyone else he held a knife to their throat and tormented on a daily basis.
the threats that the fritsche family keep sending him on how they are going to kill him, etc. are unjust. chris was in the wrong here and has been for along time. he got what he deserved and the world is a much better place without him in it. don’t take it out on kevin that chris was scum and went there looking for trouble, started trouble and got himself shot. he should’ve been shot along time ago. Actually, he should’ve been tortured the way he has tortured others and innocent animals that he dowsed in gasoline and set on fire. if life was fair someone would’ve done that to him just to hear him scream and burn alive like he did to innocent animals.
kevin is a hero and belongs home with his loved ones. living his life and being happy.
Kevin is not a cold blooded murderer. He merely defended himself and his family in his house. Chris is the cold blooded one. He was the one with the issues.
Those kids are much better off with Chris dead then with him here. None of them have a chance in life born into families like this one, but at least they don’t have a psychotic father who can flip on them at any time. Chris already threatened to kill yvonne, kevin and the kids and burn his house down with them all in it.
who the f is the cold blooded one. Definitely not Kevin!!!!!!
My name is Sharon Shipley, I am Jeremy Shipley’s wife, Kevins blood cousin. We were there that fateful night. Due to some certain circumstances we were told not to speak until now. We talk to Kevin on a day to day basis. I have posted Kevins Story on my myspace. It it is Kevin’s own words. You can find me under my name or my email address: miracle0100@aol.com. Please if you want to know the complete truth take the time to read it!!! Your gonna have to scroll down to where you see the first pic of me then read up. The hearing is scheduled for April 15th this Wednesday @10am at the circuit court in Bel-Air. If love and support Kevin please try and make it!!!!
the web address to get to my myspace page is http://www.myspace.com/miracle0100
Sharon I’am inclined to believe your telling the truth. is sounds as tho the man was a psycho.
ok, i have been following this story since it came out and have listened to all you trailor park trash people battling it out on here. chris was no angel by any sense of the imagination. if chris would’ve grabbed the gun and shot kevin or slit his throat with the knife he intentionally took over there, you guys would be singing a whole different tune. you wouldn’t say oh chris belongs in jail b/c he is a cold blooded murderer or he should get no parole b/c he pulled the trigger or slashed the knife. you would be making up every excuse in the book to salvage chris’s character and defend him to the end.
obviously the guy is a monster. he beat his pregnant girlfriend, and set animals on fire. who does that??? someone who is cold blooded. there is no doubt this man went there to fuck with someone and got what was coming to him.
i feel for those children, but God, has blessed them by taking chris. Any man who threatens to kill his own children and their mother and set the house they are living in on fire after killing the man who stepped up to take care of them is obviously no man at all. a real man would’ve never given up his parental rights. christopher fritsche was a cold blooded criminal with no conscience.
Diesel: Greeting’s I too have followed this story.” Trailer trash I have’nt heard in a long time”. I think it’s apparent it had all the makeing’s for a murder. if the story is true. a favor was done by eliminateing a ” Pschyo”
Since murder is a no” no” unless it’s justified. if I were on the jury’ it would be not guilty as charged. so I would think manslaughter would be the least he would get.
WOW!! People just can’t let anything go can they? NEITHER ONE OF THEM had the right to do what they did! Chris was no saint BUT he did love his kids and I don’t know where anyone got this shit that he EVER threatened his kids but that is NOT TRUE! He raised Zane … his oldest son for several years of his life! He provided him a nice home … though the drugs that BOTH HIM AND YVONNE were selling and doing made it a less than safe home for Zane and Lexie! He never, ever threatened to kill his kids! As far as any girlfriends … YES – he DID indeed have a really bad habit of putting his hands on his girlfriends and his wife … but any miscarriage sure was never spoken of until now. Where the hell did that come from?
ANYWAY … who really cares now anyway? Obviously Kevin’s lawyer did not think going to trial was the best decision! Everyone knows that no matter what the circumstances were, when he walked around that house with a loaded gun in his hand for over a half hour (according to people who were there), he had plenty of time to think about what he was doing and make any other decision! He would have been found guilty regardless … probably of premeditated murder.
THE TRUTH IS … CHRIS HAD NO DAMN BUSINESS BEING THERE … HAD HE NOT BEEN THERE IT NEVER COULD HAVE HAPPENED BUT … KEVIN HAD NO RIGHT TO TAKE ANOTHER LIFE, NO MATTER WHO’S IT WAS! Since Chris went there with a knife, and Kevin had a loaded gun, I guess they were both out for the same thing …
Let it go, people! It’s over! One’s dead and the other will more than likely die in prison … no amount of disagreement, saying one is right and the other wrong or anything else is going to change a damn thing now …
There’s going to be a victim impact hearing tomorrow … 04/15/2009. If you REALLY want to speak your mind, do it there. It can’t help anything now but, let Kevin hear what you have to say! Just remember … Chris’ kids will probably be there and, no matter how you or I feel about what happened, nobody can make them hate EITHER of the guys involved … keep some sense about what you say.
Dear everyone. If I seem to jump from point to point it is because I am Enraged over all the false facts being thrown out here. Alot of you dont exactly have the proper Information. Some say this had nothing to do with the past. This has everything to do with the past. Chris has always been in MY BROTHERS face (Yeah this is Chris S.). Chris F has always had envy in his heart toward Kevin. Chris S. has always Treated my brother like Skum. Even on my brothers Wedding day Chris F was Dissrespectful and rude, yet kevin shruged it off as just bull shit. Later on we find Chris F is screwing my brothers Wife and Killing her slowly with Drugs. Yeah we all knew he was a dealer and we all should have seen him going after Tonya. ok fast foward a few years to the day ChrisF’s life was Snubed. My Brother saved my life 2 times that night . Chris was about to kill me! He had a Knife at my throat. He Brandished (for those of you who dont know what that means… Pointed at) the knife 3 inches away from: my throat, Ericks throat, Jermy’s throat, and my brothers! We were all Drunk. Chris should have been arrested that night not taken out in a body bag. But then again Kevin saved a boat load more lives in a way cause Hopefully all the Addicted People who came to Chris F couldnt find a new dealer and cleaned up. We all know he whent all over harford county MD into PA and wouldnt doubt into Delawere.
Chris F was Even on MD’s Most wanted List. He wasnt even welcome in my brothers house to start off. But Kevin Was a man and allowed him to stay for the sake of Lexi’s Birthday party. It wasnt even her Birthday. It was Kevin’s Birthday. I was There and I have even had to go to a Hospital ward for a week plus to get over my depression from that night. So many things have been said to slander my Brothers name. Well most of you are somewhat informed. the rest of you have your Head shoved so far up your Brown Eye its not funny. All the statments like Kevin wasnt soo Innocent due to his Criminal Background are not Correct. He had one PBJ after 92 I belive and that was Him at a Bar Breaking up a Fight. other than that its all MASSIVLY IN THE PAST! Chris Had ,like i stated Prior, Been wanted by the Police for drug dealings and alike. Kevin DEFENDED HIS HOUSE AND FAMILY. At that time Yavone was considered part of his family. If you were there then you have somthing to say about that night if not then you are stating Information that didnt happen or are being told 3rd hand what happened. So you got the facts wrong. Plain as day Kevin did Eliminate Chris F. from this world. And in my eyes that is one less Drug dealing person polluting our economy. Yavone was allowed to go into the house to get all of her items after the face. Shoot the door was taken by the police and didnt get replaced for a day after the shooting. She took All the food and beer (which wasnt hers) for her family. She also whent in and took Money from Kevin and didnt clear out all of her stash of drugs. HER FAULT. Im sorry I might not have been with my brother every day for the past few years but I know he wasnt a Coke Head. So that leaves one last person in his Life who would have Coke in a $1 bill folded up ever so nicely to prevent any from spilling out. And i jump again. Kevin had the gun in his hands for a Max of 5 min. He had the saftey on and was Using it to just scare Chris F out of the house. It didnt work and Chris F shoved Yavone out of the way and lunged at Kevin. that is what happened and its even on the statments. As to Chris Being a Saint as stated in the News papers Look at post number 74 on this verry Blog Terri stated that “As far as any girlfriends … YES – he DID indeed have a really bad habit of putting his hands on his girlfriends and his wife ” Now im sorry but No man has any Rite to “place his hands” on another woman. Meaning hit her . That is just another Trait that Chris had stating he in his own head was better than everyone else and he could do what he wants. As to all the people who lost a: Brother, Father, Uncle, Cousin or any other label of family. I am sorry for your Loss. I have lost over 10 people sence 1998. It is a big burden to bear. all you can do is look towards each other for support. Know that Revenge isnt a Smart Idea because you are dumping your own grief and pain on someone else and it has a good chance of being droped back on your lap. there is alot more I would like to say but i have rambeled on for way too long… His sentance is 40 years with parolle not 50. it will be in the papers soon enough for you to read. and if you want to quote Law you might want to read up on it before you make an A$$ out of your self and state somthing stupid. Peace out.
PS Kevin is My Hero and Role Model. He saved alot of lives!
Dreadnaught: we are waiting, to hear the sentence 40 years is typically a manslaughter charge. which is much better than 1st degree. from my view point & and the he said she said. If I were on the jury’ I would vote to set him free.
(The statement about Kevin having the gun for over a half hour was said by one of the “wonderful people” who was there that night … and that’s how it was told to us.)
This story has twisted and turned so many damn times, especially from yvonne, that it’s worse than a roller coaster!
I CERTAINLY would recommend that nobody believe ALL of what was posted on that myspace mentioned above. It is not all true … most of it, yes … but not all of it!! Chris was a bully! PERIOD! He was addicted to drugs … who didn’t know that? He was also a control freak! There’s no disputing those facts BUT, he NEVER gave up his rights to his son! Maybe he did for Hayden, I don’t know, but he never did for Zane.
HONESTLY … I don’t think Kevin should have to be in prison for 40 years! I know that might piss some people off … maybe even some in my own family … but I have the right to feel the way I want. Chris should not be dead, no arguing that! Someone who was there should have got in their car and drove a little ways up the street to call the police! I’ve been in situations when that had to be done. I really don’t think Kevin would ever be a threat to anybody else. I think he should’ve gotten a lesser sentence … something that only holds 10 years. I WON’T SAY SORRY TO ALL OF YOU THAT ARE ONLY DEFENDING CHRIS … Kevin is not a threat to society, AND I STILL FEEL THAT YVONNE IS GUILTY OF RECKLESS ENDANGERMENT FOR TAKING CHRIS TO KEVIN’S HOUSE IN THE FIRST PLACE!! She should be sitting in jail … maybe she’d get her shit together then too! Just my opinion, of course.
CHRIS S: Sorry for what you had to go through that night and since! I can’t imagine being in a situation like that!! There are people who cared about Chris F who ALSO care about Kevin! I know for a fact my nephew does! He hates what Kevin did, but he doesn’t hate Kevin! Thanks for your input and take care!!
OH YEAH … my sister was told, again by one of those people who always knows it all … about the 50 years, no parole until 40. Sorry to have quoted wrong. That person was at the hearing that day and has been telling everybody wrong … Zane included. Glad to have gotten correct information on that too … I’ll pass it along to my sister and Zane.
And YES … my opinions on this matter have changed since it first began. We were all angry and in shock when it first happened, and I am still a bit angry that it all happened BUT – once that anger and shock wears off some and we’re able to think clearly and completely, people’s attitudes about things change. Hopefully everyone else will read what Kevin’s brother wrote and realize that EVEN HE said “We were all Drunk. Chris should have been arrested that night not taken out in a body bag.” (and – NO … we can probably all be pretty sure that most of the drug addicts he was supplying were quickly taken over by more drug dealers!)
People’s views change …
well terri, that’s good that your opinion/view has changed. you say you don’t think kevin should do more than 10 years on dagger, but are you going to say that in front of the judge at the victim impact hearing for his sentencing?
For all of the people that have been fullfilled with the (he said she said) crap on the other comments and blogs. I’m sorry to inform you that you have been misdiagnosed with what truely happened on that unforegetfull sunday evening, of August 10 2008.
My name is Jeremy S. My cousin, my best friend and my hero Kevin Sorricks name has been drawn threw the mud on this website by people who know nothing of what happened that night. Untill just reasonately we where told not to talk on what happened that night.
Yes it was a B-Day party. And yes it was Kevins Birthdate, along with a party for Lexie. And yes we were all drinking alcohol that evening. And of course we all could of made different decisions that night but none of us did. All it would have taken is for someone to call the police when things started to get out of controll and tell them that we had their #2 on the most wanted list.
I ask myself every day, why didn’t I do just that? I also ask myself why Kevin, Chris S., Eric and I didn’t just try to subdo Chris Fritschee untill some one got there. My answer to myself along with all of yours is we tried. I personally tried to talk to Chris F., which in return got a knife held to my throat. He threatened me that if I did not leave him alone that he would slice me up then go to my wife. How on earth can you reason with someone of that mentality? Apparently you can not!
I personally heard Kevin Sorrick tell Chris Fritschee to leave on several accounts. I also recall Kevin telling Chris F. that he was not welcome at the house and the only reason he let him step foot in there to begin with, was Yvonne brought him up there for Lexies part of the B-Day celebrations. After Lexie opened her gifts and the cake was served Chris F. was supposed to leave but refused. Kevin told Chris F. repeatedly to leave his house he wasn’t welcomed there. Chris F. replied F@*@ YOU I’ll kill everyone in here and then burn the house down. After that is when Chris F. went crazy, brandishing his knife to me and other party goers. He attacked me, Kevin, Kevins little brother(Chris S.) and Yvonnes brother Eric. At this time he was told repeatedly to leave, but resisted. All he kept saying was he was going to kill everyone in the house then burn it to the ground.
So, this is where I ask you as a taxpaying Maryland resident, what would you do to protect your family in your own home? What would you do if a known felon (2’nd on Harford Counties most wanted list) was inside your house threating your family and friends? Would you take the chance of your kids or wife to murdered in front of you as you watch, or would you defend your family as though Kevin Sorrick did? Maybe you would get into your car and drive around untill you got service on your cell phone to call the police as your family and friends were dead burning in your own home?
My beliefs as a taxpaying, law abiding citizen of this great country we all call America. The land of the free, the home of the brave is that Christopher Fritschee should have already been in prison for the crimes he had already committed. If the Judges, States Attorneys and police departments did the jobs they were hired to do, Kevin Sorrick and all of us would have been protected from Chris Fritschee that night.
To bad the people that were there that nite could not speak before now to the public–maybe things would be different.2 lives have been snuffed out from this awful nite.Chris and now kevin for trying to be a man and defend his home and the people in it.
You cant turn back the clock and say i should have done this or that,you have to live for the day and just hope the judge does the right thing.
No, Diesel … I will not be at the “victim impact hearing” today. I see no sense, really because when Kevin accepted the plea bargain, he accepted the sentence that came with it. I’ve never had any desire to be at any of the trials or hearings … my nephew is the only reason I’ve even cared anything about it all along.
It is sad that things went the way they did that night. It’s hard to imagine that one of the other people there … one of the girlfriends or wives of the guys involved, couldn’t have called the police so it all could have ended a different way but, everything happens for a reason. That is something my family has always believed and have taught our children as well. We may sometimes NEVER know the reason WHY some things happen at all, or happen the way they do, but we do believe that there is a reason for everything. I don’t see how any good at all can come out of this situation, except that hopefully when Kevin does get out of jail, he will be completely recovered from his alcoholism and never look back at it.
Best wishes to the Sorrick family! I can’t imagine how this has been for all of you.
this is america an thats why we have judges to prosecute, and to give death sentences.kevin was not a judge and he had no right to make that discsion. you guys would of ran a round the corner for a beer but you could not go to call the cops. please . chris could be an asshole, you people act like he was a monster. he was not a monster. if anyone needed a place to stay, food or the shirt off of his back he would give it. when chris was drunk or on drugs he was a diffrent person.most people are. chris will never have the chance to change his life around . you all talk about the bad points when it comes to chris so that you can justify kevin killing him. i see zane all the time , he is having a hard time in school. he did’nt just lose his dad but he also lost kevin. i believe kevin should be punished for what he did but i dont believe he should spend the rest of his life in jail. i dont believe kevin is a monster either but he should have some remorse for killing chris and he acts like he dont(thats what i got from his letter on myspace)he acts like he did harford county a favor. yet again he is not a judge. if a judge sentenced chris atleast his family could visit him. and he would have a chance to change his life . oh and i witnessed kevin smacking the shit out of tonya, and when i was 16 i bought weed off of kevin soooo .no one is an angel in life . people do change . chris will never have that chance.
That’s right, Jennifer! People DO change! I know a lot of people who have changed turned their lives around, gotten off drugs AND alcohol! People only seem to think that the one who does the drugs is wrong … the one who is the alcoholic can be just as much of a problem!
Chris lost the chance to change his life. There’s no changing that. YES I, and most of the people I know, agree that he played a big part in how all of this went down, and ultimately, the end of his life. He was known to most people as a BULLY … NOT a monster! And, though it really doesn’t matter anymore … NEITHER of these guys had good records. They both had their own problems and their own demons they wrestled with for years. That doesn’t change the fact that they BOTH had the right to live. I didn’t get a gist of Kevin having any remorse when I read the myspace comments either, hopefully he does have some remorse for what he did. He should … we never have the right to take another’s life – that’s just bottom line. I also agree that nobody who was there that night wanted to “miss the action” … that’s why nobody would drive down the road to call the police, and that’s why it all turned out the way it did! There was PLENTY of time for the police to have been called … when my son and my nephew were brought home, yvonne made the comment to us, AND I QUOTE, “well, let me get back up here before Kevin kills Chris.” Sounds to me like there was possible even a few HOURS when the cops could have been called … and she could have called them when she left to bring the boys home and sent them to Kevin’s house.
So, you see … we have good reason to feel the way we do about the situation BUT – I still don’t feel as though Kevin should have to spend all those years in jail. He has to pay for what he did, but it shouldn’t take all those years for the system to feel he did! If he was one of these drug dealers … one of the “constants” that we read about in the police blotter in the Aegis all the time, he wouldn’t be kept in there that long.
The victim impact\sentencing hearing was postponed yesterday … guess we’ll wait to hear more about that.
i have seen kevin many times and speak to him on a daily basis since all of this has happened. kevin is very remorseful about what happened. he will never be free of what happened that night, even when he does get out of jail. this will haunt him for the rest of his life. this has devistated him. he feels he defended himself and his family, that is true, but he does have a tremendous amount of remorse and sadness over the horrible event that happened that night. kevin is a good man and he does have a heart and a soul. he feels great pain over the whole situation. he wishes things were different, not just what happened that night, but the events that happened in the past as well.
kevin is not the judge and jury, and maybe you think he had no right to pull the trigger, but chris was not the judge or jury and he had no right to threaten anyone with a knife to their throat. if he didn’t want to be there, he would’ve left w/yvonne. he chose not too. he wanted to stay and torment and fuck w/people. which is what chris did best. some call it BULLYING, others called it him being a monster. the point is, he did what he wanted to who he wanted. he had no regard for human or animal life what so ever. he threatened to kill everyone there which included his kids. that is a monster.
if this was you and someone attacked you, your little brother and your cousin at knife point and all kinds of stuff has already went down and they told you they were going to fucking kill you and then lunged at you and you knew that if they got the gun from you they would kill you and your family, you would’ve flicked the safety off and pulled the trigger just like kevin did. stop minimizing chris’s actions, behavior and “poor decisions”. everyone knows damn well chris was never going to change because he didn’t want to change. he didn’t want to give up the control and scare factor that he had on people.
chris was what he was and nobody can change that, so stop sugar coating him! he wasn’t all that great of a person as you all claim. i knew him just as well as you all do.
that’s righ jennifer, this is america and kevin has the right to defend himself in his own home. just like chris had the right to be the piece of shit that he was.
what’s done is done.
if chris pulled that crap in my house after he was told to leave. i would’ve done the same thing.
as a matter of fact, chris is lucky after all the horrible things he has done to people, he’s lucky it wasn’t done a long time ago.
You know … everyone wants to make excuses for what happened that night … both for Chris and for Kevin. There’s NO excuses! I don’t think, actually, that anyone has ever tried to make excuses for Chris about it from the start, at least I hope not because there are none! There’s no excuses to be made for ANY of it! There’s the reasons given for why it all happened and that’s the best there will ever be.
Had people at that party that night not been either high or drunk, or in some cases BOTH … maybe things would have turned out differently! Nobody knows that for sure – nor will anyone ever know! SO, bad choices were made! People who had been alcoholics and drugs addicts for many years gathered in the same place – even though there had been some bad blood between a couple of them for years … the plot for something bad to happen was laid out like a paved road!
Maybe what happened to Chris would have happened one day by someone, who knows? Nobody can say that for sure! Nobody can say for sure that he wouldn’t have grown up and changed his ways and realized that life wasn’t meant to revolve around him, just like everybody else. Nobody can say for sure that he would’ve been a drug addict for the rest of his life. Fact is – nobody will ever know because the chance is gone. That’s something that everyone is just going to have to deal with!
Nobody knows for sure that Kevin would have ever decided not to be an alcoholic if things wouldn’t have gone the way they did … guess nobody will ever know that either! Maybe had he not been an alcoholic for many years, he wouldn’t have still been hung up on the things that happened in the past with his wife and Chris! Nobody can say for sure! But, one thing is for sure … there’s a lot of things that could have and should have been done differently on August 10, 2008 and BOTH of these guys would still be able to live their lives! HOW they chose to live them was nobody’s choice but their’s and, really, nobody’s business but their’s either! Kevin didn’t have to allow Chris to stay at his house when he first got there, before everybody was intoxicated! He could have done whatever he had to do to have him removed right from the start. Of course, yvonne didn’t have to take Chris there to begin with – really bad choice in most people’s opinions. Then, Chris could have, AND SHOULD HAVE, left when yvonne left to take Zane and Kyle home. Yvonne should have called the police as soon as she got to a spot where there was phone reception and she could … obviously, by her statement to us, she knew something bad was brewing, though maybe she didn’t realize the extent of the danger (though doubtful according to her statement to us and the boys!) There’s so many WHAT IFS and always will be but, what’s done is done and many of us will always agree to disagree. That’s the way life is!
Chris had no right to treat people the way he did MOST OF THE TIME! He truly had a side that made him believe he was better than everyone else – the side most people didn’t like at all! Kevin had no right to take another’s life, no matter how he had felt about him for years. A lot of us knew that Kevin had it in his head to kill Chris when he got the chance. He said it to several people, very matter-of-factly … even the boys! It was no secret!! In some aspects , most people can’t help but to feel some sympathy for Kevin because of the way things had been between him and Chris for many years, but you also can’t just write off the fact that he chose to take someone’s life.
The only real victims in this whole mess are Zane and Lexie! They’re the ones who had TWO people taken from them that night that they loved with all their heart! None of the “what ifs” matter to them! Nothing anybody says will make them feel any differently! My son has also said MANY times how much he misses “Uncle Kevin” and being able to go to his house with Zane! They love Kevin and they had SO MUCH fun whenever they were at his house! The only complaint they ever had was that “Kevin drank too much all the time,”
They also miss Chris! No matter how anyone else felt about him, he was their Daddy … and Uncle Chris!
They are innocent victims in a horrible mess that was made by adults! They are the ones I feel sorry for!!
Hopefully Kevin won’t be sent to prison for years on end … but that is for the judge to decide. There’s nothing anyone can do to change this mess now! If any REAL justice can come out of it for anyone, maybe it will be that people learn lessons from it …
kevin did have the right to defend himself in his home by any means necessary.
end of story
If it is true that he had the right to do what he did because it was self defense then why was he sentenced to 40 years? If there was enough evidence to prove that it was self defense and nothing else then his lawyer would have adamantly advised against taking that deal! A little common sense it all it really takes to see that. Obviously, the prosecution is seeing something different and the defense attorney has agreed that the plea was his best choice. Maybe WHERE Chris was shot tells them a different story and that’s why the plea hold such a sentence …
Will it all ever end?The debates are something else.Everyone now knows nothing good comes from drinking drugs and parting.
Sorrow … that is VERY true! The agreeing to disagree may eventually be put to sleep, but I don’t, for a lot of people, that it will ever end. When a tragedy such as this occurs because a bunch of adults choose to be high, drunk, or even BOTH, it makes it hard for people to let it go. It was senseless for it to have happened the way it did, that’s what makes it hard to let it go! So many people want to act like it happened because of what occurred that one night but that’s not true! It happened because there was so much that had been done, back and forth, between Chris and Kevin for years. Some think revenge is a sweet thing, but most know it just brings more trouble. Along with all the other things that had all ready turned these two guys against each other, yvonne played them both until that night, when neither of them could be played anymore.
A sad situation indeed, but all of the people that keep screaming that it was self defense need to realize that if it truly had been self defense, there would have been a much lighter sentence, IF ANY AT ALL!!
I hope the sentencing goes more in Kevin’s favor than what is being said right now! I just don’t think he should have to be in jail all those years like that!
I also hope the people on both sides of this mess will learn from it that drinking, drugs and life just don’t mix!!
his lawyer is a freaking idiot. he hasn’t been sentenced yet, so you can’t say he is going to serve 40 yrs. his lawyer threw him to the wolves. the states attorney is only going after him b/c it is an election year.
there’s your common sense.
kevin would’ve been better off with a public defender and a jury trial then this idiot that defended him. kevin was railroaded by all parties involved.
Cassilly will be the State’s Attorney until he decides to retire. He’s a good SA and knows what he is doing, and have no reason to make any decisions to help his electability.
Cassilly has a job to do. Murder took place. it’s his job to determine if any charges should be brought. it’s handed down to the judge & jury there after. a public defender is better than nothing
it’s a matter of opinion on cassilly. if cassilly was doing his job, fritsche would still be in jail
that decision is made by the judge.
This is SAD … now people are going to try to blame it on the SA?? Be for real! He is handed a case that is investigated by detectives and he determines what cahrges should be brought. That is his job and he does it well, and has for many, many years! It’s not his fault, or anyone else’s that any of this happened! It’s Kevin’s and Chris’! Put the blame where it belongs and stop trying to make excuses for a situation where no excuse is good enough!
There is one question that has been on my mind since this all began … maybe someone that was there can answer it …
That can sure leave the imagination to wonder …
it must of scared everyone sober. then thier phone skills kicked in
It has really saddened ALL of us that Kevin’s sentencing went the way it did! Zane does not agree with the sentence at all, nor do the rest of us. I hope there will be a possibility of parole! I wasn’t there yesterday but, I do know that Kevin is FULL of remorse for what happened and all of us do know that his feelings are real! This sentencing is JUST WRONG!! He should, indeed, pay for taking a life but NOT like this! The judge in this case had NO RIGHT to say some of the things he said. We can only hope that there will a chance for parole or something!
Terry. You do not understand any of this, nor know what you are talking about. Other people were at the party. Please stop stating false statements that you think you know something about but you don’t.
And the person that said Kevin should stay in jail because of his record, PLEASE take a look at Chris’ record. Chris’ record is far worse than Kevin’s.