When you actually work for a living one’s mind starts to wander. Sure, at first you’re focused and diligently plugging away at your job, but eventually everyone experiences the lull that hits after just a few months. It’s the same thing day in and day out. Repetition is beginning to kill you. So you start doing what pretty much everyone does nowadays: you turn to internet videos to get you through the day.
I recognize this, and therefore this is why each week I will select a video for your viewing pleasure. And I highly recommend you watch it at work. For the first week, I present you with two. The first one is a local commercial from Alabama by Sammy Stephens, who would love for you to visit his flea market… It’s just like a mini mall!
Now that you’ve seen that jewel of the internet, check out a video that makes the first one even better. It’s a comical remake of the mini mall rap. Hope you love it as much as I do.
Wow, it’s just amazing. I bet that’ll have everyone coming back for more! Until next week, you can find it on The Dagger. I’m talkin’ about The Dagger. It’s just like, it’s just like, it’s just like a news blog. Hey, hey!
Loved the video, Carlin. And since we didn’t have to waste company time wading through all the uninspired stuff on the Internet to find it, you may have single-handedly improved productivity in offices everywhere!
P.S. – What’s so hot about a mini-mall?
is one making fun of the other…and i apoligize in advance to who ever I have just insulted