As last week came to a close, there weren’t enough people interested in running for Havre de Grace City Council to even hold its election this May.
That changed in a big way this week when a late stampede of candidates, including some well-known names and political heavyweights, charged to city hall and registered to appear on the May 6 Election Day ballot.
When the dust settled and the doors of city hall were locked at 5 p.m. Tuesday, eight men had officially declared their intentions to run for the three Havre de Grace City Council seats.
Without further ado, here is the list of contenders. After the citizens of Havre de Grace cast their votes, three of these people will take a seat at the dais as city councilmen:
Jim Miller: An incumbent city councilman finishing out his first full elected term in office (he was previously appointed to serve out the remainder of a term), Miller won the hearts of Havre de Grace residents and visitors alike when he lovingly, and nearly single-handedly, brought a new and affordable bathroom to Tydings Park – in the process bringing great relief to those who dreaded having to enter the portable toilet or restroom trailer that formerly graced the yacht basin.
Fred Cullum: A retired Aberdeen Proving Ground firefighter who also serves as vice president of the Susquehanna Hose Company, Cullum served six terms on the Havre de Grace City Council before deciding to run for mayor last year and subsequently getting booted out of city hall for the first time since 1995. During his years in office, Cullum was known for being a thorn in the side of past mayors David Craig and John Correri.
James Walker: Walker was an unknown commodity when he ran for city council out of the blue last year and he hasn’t done much in the last 10 months to help himself in that regard. A nice guy, who works at Aberdeen Proving Ground, I remember Walker as being the friendly neighborhood father who was running for office because he didn’t like the direction the city was headed – particularly regarding the operation of Havre de Grace’s annual Independence Day Celebration.
William Thomas Napier Martin: I had to double check and make sure this was one guy and not two or three running for office. I don’t know much about Martin, in fact I don’t know anything besides the fact that he lives in Havre de Grace and filed to run for city council, but I’m told he is a Harford County school teacher in Aberdeen and the brother of Mary Martin, the co-chair for his Wayne Dougherty’s succesful mayoral election campaign committee last year. Interesting, if true.
John Correri: There’s no introduction needed for this man. A former city councilman who ascended to mayor when David Craig was appointed (and subsequently elected Harford County Executive), Correri had been in public office in Havre de Grace for longer than a quarter-century before getting tossed from office last May when he couldn’t defend his appointed mayorship. He also launched an ill-fated campaign for the District F Havre de Grace area seat on the Harford County Council, but was trounced by former city administrator Mary Ann Lisanti.
Barry Anderson: A constant presence around city elections, even if he wasn’t running, Anderson is heavily affiliated with the local Democratic party. I know what you’re thinking – Havre de Grace’s municipal elections are non-partisan, aren’t they? Yes, but try telling that to the ticket of Democrats who were recently propelled into office in Aberdeen thanks to the choreography of a local Democratic club. Back to Anderson, I wish I knew more about this guy, but, reminiscing back to his letter-writing and city council-criticizing days, I’m sure I’ll hear from him soon enough.
Kalman Riegelhaupt: Maybe the most recognizable face in the race, even if you can’t spell his name, Kal is a throwback to a previous generation in Havre de Grace – in America, really. You may know him as the white-haired guy who pedaled his way around town every day waving to friends and foes alike as he took stock of his city. Unfortunately for Kal, his gruff style and blustering mannerisms typically overshadow his strong suits – an acute business acumen and a sense of history, politics and government that could prove useful on a city council.
Joe Gamatoria: Here is another familiar name which caused me to do a double-take and ask city public information officer Jim Newby to repeat himself when reading off the list of city council candidates. Incumbent city councilman Steve Gamatoria announced last week he would not be seeking re-election due to personal reasons, so we’re left with the next best thing – his nephew. His uncle came from the Susquehanna Hose Company and earned respect on the city council for his professionalism, but it remains to be seen if Joe is cut from the same cloth.
Citizens of Havre de Grace,
I believe it’s great to have new faces in our local politics. I know it is sometimes easier to stick with familiar faces, but there is always a chance that a new face could provide new ideas. I think somebody like William Martin ( Bill ) could make a positive contribution to the City of Havre de Grace. I’ve known Mr. Martin for about a year and in my opinion, he is definitely the guy for the job. I say this because “Mr. Martin” is my 8th grade social studies teacher at Aberdeen Middle School. In that capacity, his teaching skills and his ability to convey them are better than most of the teachers that I’ve had. He regularly attends Council meetings and volunteers on City committies. I encourage the citizens of Havre de Grace to support Mr. Bill Martin for City Council on May 6th.
I know Bill Martin from the Susquehanna Lockhouse. He served as treasurer for a few years. I’m very pleased to see him put his name in the running. I think he will do very well. He’s also the person responsible for setting out and lighting all those luminaries every year for the Candlelight Tour.
Bill E Shears…..what would you do if I sang out of tune~~~~~
Just Kidding….Thats an old beatles song that happens to mention your name in it! “A little help from my friends” Was that by design or coincidence?
You are correct. The new faces certainly will bring new ideas. Make sure that Mr Martin is aware of the dagger so he may also participate in this very important exchange of ideas and opionions.
I know Bill Martin personally and can’t speak more highly of him. His integrity is above reproach and he dedicates himself to his family, his students and the City of Havre de Grace. We would be well served by a man with the passion that Bill has.
Now lets see what they have to say!…
I am running for City Council because I am a citizen of Havre de Grace in a nonpartisan election…not because of party affiliation.
Since you asked, I thought I would tell you a bit about myself.
I moved to Havre de Grace about 20 years ago. I am a graduate of the University of Maryland and Howard University Law School. I worked in Civil Rights Law Enforcement and Housing and Community Development in the Federal Government for 30 years.
I first lived in the condos on the water. I married a local woman Genevieve Digiovanni almost 14 years ago. I have 1 son and 3 stepchildren children and six grandchildren. About 5 years ago we bought the old “Pitcock House” on the corner of Stokes and Giles. We painted it yellow much to the dismay of some local residents. Since then many yellow houses have appeared in the city .
I have been involved in Havre de Grace government and community affairs for some time. I was the Special Assistant to Mayor Gunther Hirsch and the City Manager from January of 1995 to February of 1997 on loan from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. While in that position, in addition to providing day to day management support to various aspect of City government, I was directly responsible for:
+ facilitating the development and building of the Corner House, a HUD funded apartment building for the elderly and handicapped
+ facilitating the deal that brought Save Alot to the city assuring that a supermarket would stay in downtown Havre de Grace
+ playing a major role in the computer and automated systems upgrade changing the quality and quantity of service by City employees
+ establishing the Economic Development function in City government
+ assisting Jim Cameron, then Executive Director of the Chamber, establish the Farmers Market and other programs to enhance downtown business as well as bringing the first public restrooms to Tydings Park
+ creating the groundwork for the rental ordinance eventually adopted by the Mayor and City Council during David Craig’s
+ leading the City’s effort to eliminate substandard housing
+ arranging for 25 elderly section 8 certificates to ease the movement of elderly people from substandard housing
+ laying the groundwork for the development of the Community Activities Center on Middle School property
Later, after I retired from Federal Service, I became involved in Harford County Party politics working in primary and general election campaigns for County Executive and State Senate.
I was appointed the first Chairman of the Mayor’s Drug Task Force and am the principal author of that body’s Final Report making 18 recommendations for City government’s actions to lessen the presence of drugs in the City. Some of these recommendations have been adopted, many have not.
I was one of the leaders of the fight to stop developers from building 6 duplexes on the old Carrol property across from Tydings Park. I spoke out for better management of the 4th of July Parade and Carnival by the Independence Day Committee.
I am inspired by the work of Steve Gamatoria and how much was accomplished duringhis term as Council President. He has shown good orderly direction can accomplish good things.
I want to elected to the City Council because I want to add value to the City of Havre de Grace.
I would like to speak to you about your current feelings about reforms in the yacht basin and the fourth celebration . If you are true to your stated convictions we may have some of the same interests.
I am also interested in your answers to two questions.
…. Is retaliation by a gov’t against an individule who lawfully speaks out acceptable?…
….. Would you fight to right a wrong of that nature if elected to the council?…..
These are yes or no questions. No explinations needed…no qualifiers….no spin. These should be core beleifs.
Richie C
Your Smart! This was just a design. Mr. Martin already knows about the Dagger. He is having a small meet and greet at the Chamber of Commers tonight at Bully Rock. Thanks for the imput.
Bill E…..
Ok …thanks and its good to see that this forum is catching on.
richie what do you think of barry anderson? sound’s like a good man for haver de grace. got to take care of that water front. I injoy the antique shop’s my self. the town it’s self is looking better all the time.
you need good people in council. aberdeen is still suffering from poor leader ship hopefully your area will do better.
Hey vet….I like the fact he spreads his information around to those who are interested…and the fact that he has an interest in the better management of the fourth celebration. The fourth celebration is tied with the MARINA MAFIA by virtue of many of the same people are involved. I have asked him a few direct questions and hopefully he will answer them. His history seems to be in the right direction.
No, government has no right to retaliate against anyone who acts on their rights.
Yes, I have fought for years to right the wrongs of society against people.
Barry…I like you…cut and dry……we should speak one day over a coffee or a beer…
A simple and clear answer is what I asked for and thats exactly what I got.
Hey Brian….any hit meters ? Is the dagger growing in readership? Where are the bumper stickers?
The question I have is when do the employees of that government have to right to retaliate (or even speak out) against the personal attacks, slander, ignorance and volleys of profanity that some of it’s more ignorant citizens hurl at them? I’ve seen Mr. C do these things to these government employees and watched many of them just stand there, grin and bear it. I feel for them. I’m glad I’m not one, because I can just turn and walk away from the ignorance. And I believe It’s a sad day when an out and out bully like Mr.C gets accolades and pats on the back from those who really don’t know anything about who he truly is and how he operates. I assure you, a conversation with Mr.C is exhausting, and that wasn’t even after participating, just watching!!! The most polite, reasonable solution offered to whatever scoff able problem he is throwing out today is met with disdain, anger and profanity as well as the inevitable decline into a personal attack. My advice to you, Mr. Anderson, is that if you do agree to a coffee or a beer with Mr.C that you bring a rain slicker…there is a good chance you’ll be wearing his beverage, right after you provide him with an answer he doesn’t want to hear. And don’t expect to get a word in edgewise either. Brian, I caution you against using this gentleman as your voice of the people, your “man on the street”…he most certainly does NOT represent the opinion of ANYONE I know. Most people I know have much larger concerns for this city than just the Yacht Basin or the 4th of July. While these may be issues that are worthy of a conversation, they certainly aren’t worth the constant diarrhea that flows from a certain person’s mouth. But that’s just a humble businessman’s personal opinion…
First, I drink neither coffee or beer. AND, I never met a “humble” businessman, please Rathernotsay contact me so I may do so.
Second, I very much agree that there are far more important issues facing
Havre de Grace City government than the Yacht Basin matter of which I only become aware of by reading this publication for the first time yesterday and today.
Third, the first amendment of the Constitution protects free speech. When such speech becomes abusive or profane it may have no place in discussions among polite, rational people. However, such speech is still protected and government has no right to do anything to stifle free speech according to the constitution.
I am reminded of the KKK and the American Nazi Party, both despicable groups, having been successfully defended by the ACLU when the their members spoke out and published horrible, offensive, abusive and, some would say, profane statements about African-Americans, Jews, and others who they considered to be inferior than whites.
So it is with RichC. He has the right to say what he will, no matter how obsessive or insane it may be viewed by some or most people who may read or hear it. Whether he was “wronged” is an issue that depends on the facts in the case. So far, only his side has been published here. If there is another side, maybe whomever knows that side should publish it.
Buddha says, “If the crow caws so loud and so often, we will never hear the canary”.
When speech rises to the level of disorderly conduct or assault, according to facts in the case, then criminal charges may apply.
Well barry …One of the reasons I raise the issue here is to allow it to be discussed. The other side absolutly does not want it discussed at all. In fact the other side does not even allow it to be discussd at a city council meeting the immediate shut down of the comment citing any excuse possible. My comments are all rebuttable. My comments are all factual. The fact is that some have been acting in a tacky way and also violating rights. I have mentioned that “its not about a boat ” many times in this publication its about the issue. The party line of some in city administration is that it must be steered to be a boat issue…as many won’t care….better than a civil rights issue.
As far as not seeing the other side barry… just did…Rathernotsay may very well be, (notice i say “may very well be”..i recognize that i may be wrong on rather not say being the “other side”), the other side speaking in annonymonity.
I would welcome a debate of the issue with the other side. The other side to date has used tactics that are deviant. I have asked for hearings…they refused. I asked politley for remidy…they refused. I try to speak in front of the council…they bann it.
Since posting about the issue in the dagger its been actually just a few comments of support and many identifieble snippers. but interestingly enough the post right after you answered my direct questions rathernotsay jumps right in with a statement although anomynomis and undefendable by me pretty much asking you to support gov retaliation as if that were even mildly acceptable and to not discuss the issue with richieC. This is an indicitation of just how many people are watching this stuff. This is a decision you will have to make as the wether discuss this issue of core values with me.
AS for rathernotsay’s accuracey of fact….very poor. The issue.. barry …was settled by the corerrie administration and immediatly rouge persons in that council who didnt like the decision went solo to try to undermine that. That was unsucessfull and the marina harrasment started. With the current administration it moved to a new level. The facts are all there and be assured there is no longwinded or obscene conversation about it.
Another comment if you wil…..Directed to both Barry and Brian.
Rathernotsay implores on you and Brain to please ignore RichieC cause in effect he isnt representivitive…..yet he beleives that govt retaliation is acceptable. He claimes to have seen all these transgressions by me yet does he cite a single instince…not one. Rathernotsay pleading with Brian and Barry to not give credence to the writer RichieC rather then debating the FACTS is very telling. I beleive Brain has just gotten the greatest compliment possible about the Dagger.
The fact is that Barry is correct the law is a double edged sword….not a single edged sword for the benifit of a few. I actually have no disagreement with Barrys statement reguarding rights. Not knowing Barry personally the only question I have is wether he is open minded or closed minded…..i opine he is open minded or he wouldnt be posting here to the level he is. I would still like to meet him for a conversation….the hell with the coffee or the beer…..ill bring crackers and water. At that time I can discuss with him the importance of the yacht basin and the 4th antics.
Having just answered Barrys post in my last post I wish to answer Rathernotsay.
I dont know who you are….you wish to keep it that way. Please cite a fact….an event you have personaly seen…that backs up what you have said.
Rathernotsay……its about rights…not boats.
PS to Barry……
Please take a look at “My memorie of Dachau” in citizen reports, local ink in the forums section . You may understand where im coming from a bit better.
Barry Anderson needs to be on council.
To the general readership……..DO NOT READ ANYTHING I POST….it will un-indoctrinate you…the city has spent millions indoctrinating you and they want their moneies worth.
Just a laugh….sounds rediculass doesnt it…..heres another…how persons are villified and demonized. This was Gobbels (or was it Himler’s main talent).
…”I cant tell you who I am but ive seen him do THINGS……”
Heres another…
“wow somone saw him do things!…he must be bad
Heres another…
“ive heard two people say he does things”…..
Heres another…
“the four of us know he does things”…..
Heres another…
” we heard a whole crowd talking about the things he does”……
Than finally…
” every one in my crowd knows for a fact the he does things”……
This is why we need candidates who at a minimum have base respect for the legal values of the constitution and social values of our American way of doing things. Due process ect… Not group think lemmings.
The incidious nature of degredation of rights and the rise of gang rule Is very often Ignored until its to late. History backs this up. The Nazis had small beginings yet look where it went. The communist workers paradise killed how many people under stalin? Mao? Cambodia’s phil pot’s killing fields? It does happen.
So I repeat….our local candidates are not to be left unscrutinized….and in initial scrutinization I like Barry Anderson. I feel he is a respector of the law…and of our constitution. I feel Barry would not attempt dirty tricks or to circumvent the law.
I am not saying Barry would agree with me on the many issues I raise here in the dagger but everything I am seeing leads me to beleive that he is one who would make an unpopular rule that is legal rather than try to hide and denie the existance of unwritten policey or rule of the same nature and affect. This core value is lacking at present on our council. In my opionion he will be a buffer against the group think lemming mentality and mabey even spread a little of the core respect for our constitution and values around a bit .
I support Barry Anderson for HdG city council.
mr anderson it would appear richie c feel’s as tho his right’s are being trampled? but he’s willing to support you as a council man.
the dagger it’s self can be intimidating but it does support free speech. it does become some what abusive, but jump in any way. and have your say.
In order to support Mr Martin for council I would have to hear his views on …or have a discussion with him on his opinion and his take on certain issues. This based upon the fact he supported Dougherty’s campain for mayor. I would specificly want to know …after giving him an oppertunity to see facts …what his take on the yacht basin nonsemse is? I would not support a Dougherty-BOT in any way. Mr Martin’s prior relationship with Dougherty is a handicapp to him unless he very clearly clarifies his positions as his own. Lets remember….Dougherty besides his antics as chronicled by me in MARINA MAFIA and other threads has also established a track record of very questionable decisions. The alinietation of the county exec combined with the reworking of the water plant deal just to avoid a few hours of criticizm at a cost of 175,000 (if im not mistaken to hdg taxpayers), the firing of a planning board member for no reason mid term, the reworking and accessing of a developers deal costing the developer 10,000 dollars, and the simple fact thea Dougherty is Just not a very civil person once you get to know him in the long run. Lets remember that Dougherty won by a small margin.
Mr Martin would be hard pressed to not appear to be a deciple of Doughertys unless he can prove other wise. We dont want another Dougherty. Of course Mr Martin may very well not be aware of all of this and simple public comments in a venue as this one would give him a chance to clarify his positions….until than I say NO to Mr Martin…..Birds of a feather flock together.
PS……as for nice guys……Mr martin may be the nicest guy in the world…even I was duped by Dougherty when I had lenghty conversations with him about certain cituations before he got into office. I was duped into trusting and putting aside the full knowledge of his conduct as a neighbor which was horrible and vicious. I had given Dougherty a second chance and he turned on me like a pit bull the moment the votes were counted. Mr Martin would have a task on his hands to get my support.
Fool me once shame on you…fool me twice shame on me !!!!!!!
Comment on the Gammatoras…….Joe Gammatora is the one running for council……Steve Gammatora is one of the councilman who sat on his hands and watched as a citizens rights were trampled on…in fact he became indignint and caustic about even discussing the issue in a very public way …a flexing of the old boy network muscle we desperitly need to get rid of. Through this display of not even wanting to hear the other side of the story….only Waynes side…he showed that he is a goose stepper …not an independent thinker.
The important question is …is JOE GAMMATORA JUST A PLACE HOLDER FOR STEVE ? Does he have his own mind or is he going to perpetuate the old boy network for another 20 years.
Lets be clear…many good things have been worked on and good support for good causes by most persons in office currently…..its the bad things that worrie me.
Musilinie had the trains and busses running like clockwork……Hitler had industry running smoothly and a good economy. Stalin insured that all persons had ecaxtly the same thing…nothing…. and an equal voice and equal freedoms…none!
And this council has sat back and watched with full knowledge as one of its citizens has been trampled over with concocted and veigue statements that resulted in the most sever and dracanonioun action they were capable of bringing. For the simple expressing of discontent with somone close to them. This is a dangourous council and mayor…very often council members move to county or state office from here…to allow that to happen would be a terrible thing as they are the ones who would vote you down the river when there…as they did to me here…by their silence and allowance of the marina nonsense. Its a matter of a policey of retaliation for speech that they support that is the issue here…its a matter of support of certain citizens openly having more rights than others and their support and protection of it based on an old boy network…its contrary to EVERYTHING America stands for. Its a punch in the eye to the constitution of the US and the MD Constitution. Its a breaking of the oath …a sacred oath…they take when in office. A base lack of integrity.
Remember its not about boats its about free speech and those who would silence it!
Cullem……another old boy…..mabey Boca Ratan would be a better place for him.
About Steve Gamatoras profesionilism…when approached in a civil way about discussing the marina issue (an issue of fairness and core values ) he snapped….i wont give this one minute of my time…….very professional of him to a citizen..albeit not his citizen! Not one minute of time…a decision made on one side of the story….wow real professional !
it would appear your doing everything’ you can to bring these people to light & there avoiding the issue’s.
it would suggest’ they prefer to discuss the issue’s behind closed door’s.
Viet…true to a large extent…..but this venue is new….let it get traction.
Open govt is good govt…a supreme ct justice once said……”sunshine is a good disinfectint”.
This is text from the HdG web site. Its from the Wayne Dougherty profile.
Wayne moved to Havre de Grace in 1961 when his dad was transferred to Aberdeen Proving Grounds. Wayne is married to the former Mary Marini and they have a son, Joseph, and daughter, Maria who is married to J.W. Walker, Jr.
Is this the same J(ames) Walker running for council ?
Does anyone know?
Can anyone find out?
The link….
Move if you dont like it
Bizzaro…..I have no clue what your talking about. What is IT ? Am I upsetting the apple cart ? HMMMMM ?
If you dont like it…..move.
I have a correction to make,,,reguarding Mr Martin. I misread the bio above to understand that Martin was co-chair to Doughertys campain for mayor. I EAT CROW…and after reviewing I see that I have blundered. Mr Martin did not Work as co-chair. I was incorrect . His sister did. I made a mistake. Therefore My comments previously stated about Mr Martin do not apply. I have no comment on Mr Martin.
I would however like to talk to Mr Martin at some point to see how he feels about certain core issues.
DUDE! I play Ice Hockey with Bill Martin! I logged onto Dagger, read the article and saw Bill’s name! That’s cool! I’ll have to talk to him. It’s been almost 2 weeks since I’ve seen him. I’ve known Bill for about 7 years. He’s the team captain of the MOOSE men’s hockey team. He’s one of the good guys! I’ll have to tell him about the dagger!
tJack…..tell him…they all need to know.
Happy easter
Richie c
No doubt the dagger is gaining, traction. the council elect & hopefull’s delegates included. would prefer to ignore the dagger’ Ignorance is ”bliss”
Ask me no question’s, and I will tell you no lie’s.
Dear Fellow Havre de Gracians:
I am announcing my candidacy for one of the open City Council seats in the upcoming May 6th election. I believe that I am one of the best candidates and I ask you for your support.
My goals are consistent with those of the citizens of Havre de Grace. I, too, want to sustain the work started by previous administrations and introduce a few projects of my own. I want to provide a good family life in a small town ambiance. We must protect and enhance historical and cultural centers in our environmentally sensitive community at the top of the Chesapeake Bay. I will work to balance ideals with maintaining and enhancing the economic development of our town.
I will continue to work towards a balanced budget that will fund for the future endeavors that we have planned to undertake. We must aggressively look towards State and Federal grants so that we may keep taxes at a comfortable level.
I will work to ensure that a full Capital Improvements Program funds maintenance of roads and includes a Medical Corridor Program which improves the area near Harford Memorial Hospital and its many surrounding private offices. We must also budget future Open Space Programs that will enhance the utilization of our existing park areas. We must create a partnership between citizens and administration to ensure that our needs are met in these initiatives.
I will work to develop a long term solution for public parking in our business districts. This will include a local and regional public transportation initiative.
I will partner with local resources to provide safety to our community. As a volunteer for the Susquehanna Hose Company, I see that great services are being supplied to us from the Hose Company as well as our Police Department and Ambulance Corps. We must aggressively fund these providers so that they can afford the resources necessary to aggressively protect our community.
I humbly ask for all citizens to cast their personal vote for me on May 6th. I will work hard for the City of Havre de Grace and its bright future. I will serve the community and entice visitors to stimulate local economic development. I will work hard to ensure our Comprehensive Plan is followed while keeping the budget balanced and preserving our historical resources.
Once again, I ask for your vote so that I may be your voice and work hard for our community.
Joe Gamatoria
Hey Havre de Grace… there anyone running for council who is NOT a fire fighter??? I mean, seriously, if the majority of the council are Hose Company guys, are they going to recuse themselves every time a vote comes up that may benefit them?? Steve Gamatoria, Joe Gamatoria, Jim Miller, Fred Cullum…ALL Fire Fighters. That’s cool, I respect them for what they do But I don’t think we should stack the council with these guys. Ofcourse, there ain’t much we can do about it because they have the Hose Co. vote….and I think there’s at least 900 right there. Let’s look closer at the other candidates, Walker, Martin, Anderson….we need NEW blood in our legislative branch. Havre de Grace has some MAJOR issues coming up in the near future that will affect the town for years to come. And these issues can become problems if not handled correctly….new blood, new names, new faces.
Joe Gamatoria indeed a place holder for the family. He is counting on his name to win. His statement was really lack luster and void of any ideas. We need new blood in this council. Someone who wants change, not further the good ol boy system currently in place in our town.
I agree Frank, and another thing, let’s see what kind of education these candidates have. As of now, only 2 of the 6 council members have a college education. (According to their bio’s on the hdg website). And one of those (Lyttle) is stepping down. Education is not a requirement for holding office, but it sure doesn’t hurt.
I agree with citizenPAULjr, we need new blood and people that arn’t like fire fighters even though I have nothing aginst them. I believe in the idea of Martin, and Anderson but with some older blood like Cullum!
Citizen paul says it all……new blood and clear statements by candidates. Troublesome is the statement by Gamatora stating the following…”.My goals are consistent with those of the citizens of Havre de Grace. I, too, want to sustain the work started by previous administrations and introduce a few projects of my own. I want to provide a good family life in a small town ambiance”
1. His version of a HdG citizen and their opionionm and needs is already set in stone.
2. I see a guy who is applieing for a seat at dad,s table.
3. His mention of supporting all things previously decided…a statment with two distinct definitions that need clarification. Lets not forget that there is a question of another ol boy and a decision about him and retaliation by this admin…which would he support…the good ol boys…or the decision by a mayor that was based in law ??? or is he gonna do the HdG two step?
I would like to see the following answered by Joe.
1. Would you as a councilman support a railroading of a citizen or sit on your hands while it happened?
2. Would you work to make sure it never happens again?.
Pleas answer clearly with a yes or no and make any explination,s later. Its time to go on the record !
By the way……firemen and women and their assioted trades are a vital part of our community.
Rest assured People…and Firemen…we the citizens of HdG would never , for any reason, not fund as is proper the hose co,s and ambulance corps. They are a tradition and much needed. It doesnt take a fireman on the council to get that done. There are also much more important issues we face as we grow.
Many grants come with conditions..the dependence on grants is not sound policey as you may sell your soul away and they are not a sure thing. To espouse this as a goal …to put the beggers hat on…is not a sound policey . A sound policey is a consistant tax base and services that meet the needs. Fees for city luxery items that are based on current day standards. The pulling in of the welcome matt for those who would abuse our city services.
Gentlemen and women….lets rise to a level that is beyond reproach. Lets in our deliberations of these candidates avoid speaking in generalieties without citing why!…..Why you feel a certain way…..why you dislike somone as a candidate…why you support a candidate.
This, as a trend, we can count on to bring out the best they have to offer and than and only than will we see what they are made of. People are not stupid.
We have a lot of challenges in our future…a lot of answers about how these decisions will be made in meeting these challenges must be answered. Are our decisions going to be based upon sound law or will we find ourselvs in a quagmire in the years to come.
Lets let them answer and challenge them…talk to them…and most of all make them understand that nonsense if this were a private club will not be tolorated.
Its the best way to go for each and everyones future in a new and improved Havre de Grace. A process our gov’t wont want to avoid discussing…but be proud to show off ! To be a credit and reflection of all of its people…not just a few with a paranoia that they will loose the HdG they grew up in !
Election day is comming….lets get busy…core values and competance is the issue of the day!
Citizen paul makes a very good point about recuzing ones self every time a vote on fire dept issues come up……if too many firemen are on the council.
Mabey its time for the firemen to trust the citizens as we trust them.
In Joes last paragraph he states that he will “entice visitors”….Ive had enough of putting the interests of visitors…visitors to our city marina with pickup trucks with gas tanks for their boats and coolers of food purchased in Penn running roughshod over our own citizens efferts to use a facility in their own city without being intimidated and over looked. That para combined with his second para statement where he promisses to keep the previous admin,s work alive is just…buisness as usial.
Buisness as usial is…more water plant deals without considering the needs of those directly affected,( the buisness owners who lost their parking), and if cought at some point…not admitting the mistake and diverting blame at a high cost to tax payers. Buisness as usial…secret govt that hides behind “its a legal matter” or “its a personell matter” because if the HdG tax payers knew what they were up to they would go into anapolactic shock. Is what Joe Gamatora is about.
Now let him prove me wrong!
The time for going on the record is now!
I would like to know if Barry Anderson or any other candidate would consider supporting an elevated parking structure to make up for the net loss of parking space down town. Just a thought. This structure would be located as close as possible to the water plant as to not destroy view. Most of that street is elevated so I dont see the harm…..just a thought. Modern building techniques allow for construction over an excisting facility or equipment without disturbing it. The unroofed elevated lot addition could restore parking without disturbing any view as it would still be below grade for the closest restaurants view..
The fact that its (the parking lot) already industrialized with the water plant justifies the futher siting of infrastructure there for the benifit of NOT having to do it elsewhere.
Just a thought……
A vote for Anderson will be a vote for the Craig machine.Anderson already has the strings of the puppet master attached.The only one running that even comes close is John Correri. You remember Correri….the do nothing Acting Mayor.
Lot’s of good discussion here. I feel I’m not alone on my feelings. By the way, I went to laurapin grill wednesday night for the lockhouse fund raiser. I saw councilman Jim Miller there and I met Bill Martin (candidate for council). It was good to see folks like them at these events. I say this to the council members and those who are running for council….if you say you care about havre de grace history, then prove it by supporting our local museum fundraisers. I’m all about our museums and our history.
Peter G thought Anderson was a Helton candidate? Help me out here – thanks.
Pete G……
How do you equate Republican Craig with Democrat Anderson?
Is that a new hybrid,,,republicrat …or demican ?
Please tell me?
I have had a approx 45 minute phone comversation with Barry Anderson. I found Mr Anderson to be both friendly and open. I found no aires what so ever in his deminor. I found that he listens, questions and doesnt make a conclusion half cocked. When speaking its to the point and unambigious. As you can imigine I broached the subjects I have spoken of here, among others, and he did not cow tow… placate me by telling me what I wanted to hear…or make any promise or commitement other than what he has indicated in the Dagger . The core values he eluded to. Somthing lacking at present in our council.
This is good ! Why you ask? It shows he is comfortable doing what he feels is right and does not feel a need to be everything to everyone…an imposibility.
Just thought I would share that with my fellow citizens. This will be a breath of fresh air!
Hi Folks:
I find some of the remarks about me interesting.
First, I am at once a “Craig machine” and “Helton” candidate—amazing.
Does that make me a “Crelton” or “Haig” candidate?
Anyone who knows me, Including David and Art, know I am no ones candidate.
I have always been and will be my own person, no question! I listen to everyone, but make up my own mind based on the facts, the law and using my best judgement.
I wanted to go to the Lockhouse fundraiser, but had a prior grandchildren committment.
In response to the parking garage issue, Mayor Hirsch thought that was a good idea, but questioned where we would get the money to build one and what affordable land was available. It was Hirsch who, with the help of Arundel and others, created the parking lot behind the water plants where there was none. He was met with cries of ” but it will keep people from parking and shpping downtown”.
I think we need to rethink our priorites when disccusing Havre de Grace City elections.
The most important issue to be faced by the Mayor and City Council in the next two years is the downturn in projected tax revenue caused by the failing economy and the mortgage/housing crisis.
Where do we get the money to maintain the current level of services given that there is a seriously stalled housing “boom” in Havre de Grace and everywhere else? State deficits will keep us from getting money from the O’Malley administration? The Federal government has a $9.3 trillion dollar debt and rising, so no money there. AND, every year the ost of government rises.
Who do you want to make the decisions regarding this?
The next issue concerns water. He who controls the water, has the power. No Regional Water Authority should be considered. Havre de Grace has the water, the people of Havre de Grace should not give that up to a quasi-political body like a Water Authority. The County Executive’s idea is wrong. We are faced with important, complicated decisions about water and waste water.
Who do you want to be involved in those decisions?
Another issue is the commercial development of the property at the I95 interchange and the “MOE” . What happened to “Smart Growth” ?
Building a commercial development with one more shopping center on the 65 acres near 155 and I95 is a bad decision. It will kill any present or future development on route 40.
Aren’t we trying to upgrade and upscale the route 40 corridor? Don’t we already have the infrastructure on route 40? What is it going to cost the taxpayers to upgrade the I95 interchange to handle all the additional traffic? How will the State Highway Adminstration deal with the need to upgrade the I95 interchange?
What about our unique vista when we come off I95 into the City? When you ride up and down I95 from Maine to Florida you see nothing but the same thing at every interchange – commercial development. The exit to Havre de Grace is UNIQUE and tranquil. Do you think we might want to keep it that way? Has anyone thought about that?
Who do you want to deal with this matter?
When voting for the candidates for the next Havre de Grace City Council members, please consider how hard are the issues facing us and who you want to deal with them on your behalf.
I believe I am the smart choice.
I encourage you to vote for me if you believe: we need intelligent, thoughtful competent leaders on the Havre de Grace City Council: leaders willing to make the hard decisions; leaders who don’t pander to the last person they talked to or to the groups that think they know what is best and yet criticize any decision because it wasn’t theirs; leaders who will speak the truth no matter what!
The vista at the HdG exit is in fact a beautifull thing to behold…it says welcome home. More commercial developement it that interchange only dilutes the customer base for already existing buisness and eliminates on a perminent bassis this unique welcome matt to our community.
Please remember people….the arguments about water…deer creek ( i beleive) and the baltimore situation….and a little known DOD paper i read a while back about 2015 being an anticipated date where water would become a pint of contention world wide. This is serious buisness . Polluted wells in aberdeen (if im not mistaken)…ect.
Wether you agree or dissagree with Executive Craig’s position and desire to creat a water authority the fact is it MAY come to pass…. the decision to formulate that relationship and the powers it will have will be affected by our elected leaders in HdG. We cannot trust this one time deal to a good ol boy network no matter which way it goes. Im sure Craig would not dissagree with this. Guidance and leadership , policey and action based upon wisdom, a knowledge of history, hard cold facts, and the law will make for the best deal we can possibly get. Not knee jerk reactions based upon emotion or ego.
Speaking of quasi public private authorities. In buisness I have had to deal with one. This authority was troublesome at best. Being a competetor and a regularory auth at its own will. This auth did not do any good what so ever for the already existing buisness infrastructure it inserted it self into.
Mr Craig on the other hand has a responsibility to ensure the county at large has water into the future. Strong leadership on our HdG council will help bring an acceptable solution for all to this problem in the coming debate on this issue.
Marina saftey can not be nilly willy. Its a matter of good policey…not the whim and fancey of one man. With a death from drowning it should be clear that there is a saftey concern. Our marina is not equiped for fulltime living. Its not meant for full time living. Its a park where people are supposed to be able to park a boat they work hard for. Instead its been turned into a shanty town..a shanty town with hooligabs allowed to run wild. These hooligans are the unofficial police and enforcers of the unoficial lord governer and his unwritten rules….his own private playground. A place in HdG where HdG is not welcomed.
Now somone is dead! He should have never been allowed to live there full time in the first place. He may very well still be alive if we followed policeys that many marinas follow today. No slip without PROOF of residance. But that wont happen until we as a city decide we want the scum out…the shanty town removed…and the marina restored to a recreational facility.
To steer the city back to the right direction we need good leadership…not go along get along lemmings.
If the city wants these people they should put them up in their cars in the city hall parking lot. They would have just as much space as they do on one of these tiny boats used as an unregulated shanty.
These poeple could keep there multiple cars and trucks in the city hall parking lot and was in the restroom there. Mabey then they would understand…and put Dougherty in check for endorsing this nonsense.
Most modern marina also ask you to remove the boat in the winter or charge an extra fee….if we had a marina manager who would be fair instead of out for his few friends…we could do that. This of course doesnt apply to legit working boats.
Even with a in water storage fee there is no power or water for use and the restrooma and showers close for the season.
Been driving around havre de grace lately? The campaign signs are starting to pop up again. The election season is upon us!
Citizen paul……yes indedde !
By the way…Kal Reigalhoupt has dropped out. I like Kal….he is a wealth of history and background. Kal holds court most evenings at McDonalds and is always happy to chew the fat with people. Kal was in the scrap metal buisness when I first met him.
Why havn’t the other candidates come to the Dagger to say hello !
To all candidates,
The Dagger is a grest source to be able to express your position on the issues. Not like the Aegis and The Record who will distort, omit, imply, and editorialize your statements. I’ve read articles, in both papers, about myself and said to myself “I never said that” or “why didn’t they look at my record” or ” I did do that” or “I didn’t do that”. The Dagger is not biased and will print what you say as long as it is not a personal attack on someone. It is up to Dagger bloggers to agree or disagree on our statements we post and also check the validity of what we politicians post.
RitchieC, session is almost over and I am aquiring a large thrist.
I havnt forgotten……Im ready….Im just letting you focus on your important work in the Capital !
By the way, I saw a “Bill Martin” sign on Washington st. If you look closely at the sign there is a website.
Hey havre de grace historians….is this a campaign “first” for a hdg candidate to have a website????
It would be nice if mr. Bill would chime in on the dagger. I think he should.
I have seen the web site….it address nothing except the vague…generic answers that are one size fits all…i hope Martin gets down and dirty on the dagger.
From Martins website
“My vision is for Havre de Grace to remain a great place to raise my kids. That it is the type of community that is safe, healthy, financially sound, and civically minded. I will work my hardest to preserve these values for our city. And I would hope that as we look towards the promise of the future, we will keep a watchful eye on our treasured past.
To uphold my vision, I will stand by the following principles:
-Public Safety – We need to keep Havre de Grace equipped with the best police force, fire department, and ambulance corps in Harford County. Funding and resources must continue to support these organizations key to the health and safety of Havre de Grace’s citizens.
-Arts and Culture – Havre de Grace offers a wealth of history and local culture. We need to continue to value and share these resources with our community and with our visitors. Local museums like the Lockhouse, the Decoy Museum, and the Maritime Museum continue to need our support, both financially and socially.
-Local Business – Our local businesses thrive in a vibrant waterfront downtown. We must continue to support our local businesses and allow them to grow and prosper in a way that will benefit all Havre de Grace citizens, consumers, and visitors.
-Community Events – Havre de Grace offers families a wealth of community events to participate in. With First Fridays, Children’s Art Festival, Seafood Festival, Easter Egg Hunt, July 4th Parade and Celebration, and countless more events, Havre de Grace families have a unique opportunity to come together in a small-town setting to celebrate and share family and community life. We must continue to support and enhance these events in order to make Havre de Grace an even greater place to live.
-Growth – Havre de Grace has the potential for great growth and prosperity in the coming years. I support intelligent, planned growth that will be beneficial to all the citizens of Havre de Grace, including businesses, families, and visitors to our great city.”
I would like to see him on the dagger ….in more detailed answers.
PS to my last comment…
The words preserve and continue are often used by him….I dont think he has an issue with anything…..I may be wrong…but i dont think so.
He says…”stand by the following principals”. than goes on to list the 4th festival…a truly troubling event that disturbs many in this city. The fourth is not a principal…its an event….and this reminds me of Jim Millers council comment about these events “being engraved in stone”and should not be subject to hearings.
Lets not forget the take over of our town every time one of these events takes lace. Giving them a free pass is not in the community interest.
Mr Martin ……come on the dagger !
My picks so far…
100%– Anderson core beleifs and issues.
70%— Walker issues and no bad news.
80%— Im not ready to say this one yet..past performance, core values.
I say absolutly no to Miller because of his comments on the council reguarding the fourth fest being engraved in stone and not in need of hearings, his past actions to undermine the past administration, unilaterial granting of priviledges to his friends and supporters, his support of retaliation, and his deceptive methods. This shows a wanten disreguard for the rules of the game and a lack of core values.
I say no to Gambotori because he seems to be nothing more than an applicant to service the good ol boys.
I say no to Martin as he also seems to be another good ol boy candidate.
I say no to Fred Cullum…another rubber stamp.
No more rubber stamps !
Hey richieC how’s the crime rate in haver de grace?
I cant cite stats to compare…..but the sirens are pretty frequent from where i stand…
I also know the aegis and record both did not cover the story of the guy who was fished out of the bay…..from the marina…..
That tells you the dissiminitation of info is skewed….
Vet….I can say, from firsthand expariance, that a crime a abeerdeen cop would do a statement on…a Havre de grace cop will not do a statement on ! Same exact crime…same person. This even while the person is on probation for the same crime committed in aberdeen.
Hope that shed some light. Sorry i cant do better.
Richie C. you’re right….I’m very suiprised at the little attention that was given to the man they found floating in the water off HdG. It’s amazing what some newspapers consider “newsworthy”……..
citizenPAUL jr.
Its so important to pass info on the dagger around …I have no vested interest in the Dagger except to use it for what old time newspapers were for (defacto) to shine a light. Its the exact reason we have freedom of the press. The exact reason we have regulations reguarding monopoly in media. When a newspaper becomes ineffective in that way…when it fails to expose…it becomes fish wrapping. I hope the Aegis , which is very aware of the HdG situation…comes around and does its Job…REPORT…REPORT…REPORT. The Aegis is entitled to its editorial positions BUT non reporting of events is not the thing to do.
In the mean time its the Dagger to the rescue…..and we all as good citizens need to let our neighbors know of it……….so they can have whats in the Dagger to enter into the mix of forming their opionions and views. Views with full knowledge of the facts…not cherry picked facts.
Its Just Plain Healthy !
citizenPAULjr….thanks for chiming in….!!!!!
I’am not sure the aegis’ did’nt print something about the man who drowned the weed’s were takeing over the flower bed.
so I used it for ground cover.
Lets Be Clear About Somthing…………………………………………… .
I have mentioned my 100% support for Anderson…..I base this support on what he has said here….what I have described in my phone conversation with him…..his list of accomplishments working with another administration, his professional background, and one other thing…..during the Hirsh administration Barry Anderson was a special advisor to Mayor Hirsh…Dr.Hirsh was heckled publicly by a person in this city. Grafatti on a down town building criticising him…..tacky…but legal. I cannot cite any retaliation what so ever by that administration, with Anderson as an advisor, even though it had ample chance to do so against that person. The law prevailed. Nothing underhanded.
In my book it seems that when Barry Anderson is around civility and lawfullness in gov’t is the order of the day. I have to assume that the same would be true WHEN he is elected to council. A civil atmosphere makes for good decision making processes. God knows we have decisions to make in the next few years!
You know we love you…..
Vet…big picture… free speech a basic building block of our country…part of our checks and balances? Of course I assume you will say yes….all problems and distortions barred… one who has served with honor would think any other way! Without free speech..and a press that uses it….we are doomed !
Any comment !
Feel free to jump right in..( i know you have no problem jumping in!) !
PS to vet…
Even those who served without pride and criticize enjoy free speech !
A catch 22 they cant escape !
I’am a firm believer in freedom of speech & press. but I do agree with the honorable dan riley.
the aegis has a tendency, to add to or take from. I have written several letters to the aegis. none of which was printed. said letters were concerning the right to keep and bare arm’s.
I’am not expecting another ride from paul revere. but I have had the displeasure of one daylight burglary. of which the aberdeen police were on the ball ! they had the suspect’s in about and hour. and every thing was returned.
one attempted night time break in. in bel air of which culprit was held at gun point to police arrived. again in churchville. burglary foiled. I’am not condoneing crazy’s running around with gun’s. if you have one learn the proper use and care. if at all possible CALL THE POLICE. it’s what there trained to handle. I do not believe a citizen should take the law in to there own hand’s.
I didnt say they should take the law into our own hands..quite the contrary…….and i think that we agree….the aegis has fallen down…apithy…editorial controlling news…..all lead to loss of exposer of events and facts. When they dont do their job and report……..we got problems!
Now more than ever we as citizens need to be able to speak out….traditionally the press has done it for us….when they fail its difficult for citizens to speak.
RichieC I have to agree. our right to vote’ is one way to express our freedom. but more importantly is to get unbaised reporting from our new’s paper’s. of which appears to be comeing a problem.
the press can do there THING& WE will support the DAGGER. as you say’ it’s DAG—TASTIC..
Y E S S I R !!!!!
Hello citizens of Havre de Grace. My name is Bill Martin and I am a candidate for a council seat for the City of Havre de Grace.
I hope that within the upcoming weeks I will have the opportunity to meet as many citizens as I possibly can. I would love to meet my neighbors face to face. I want to hear about your concerns, suggestions and ideas regarding our great city. I will be at the Laurrapin Grill every Thursday night (starting this Thursday 4/10) @ 7:30….every week until the election. I really hope that many Dagger readers will take this opportunity to join me for a good conversation and a good beverage. So look for me…I’ll be the guy with a “Bill Martin” pin on my shirt.
If you are unable to join me at the Laurrapin Grill, please visit my website at:
You may also contact me through my website. I look forward to good communication with all of you.
Thank you,
Bill Martin
Bill Martin…
– How active were you in Doughertys campain?
– How do you feel about railroadings?
– How do you feel about free speech and if it results in retaliation by govt?
– Do you feel that the HdG marina should continue to be a shanty town?
– Are you willing to discuss these issues here?
– How do you feel about due process?
– Will you openly and publicly make a statement about these issues here and in other media FOR THE RECORD…not on the facts of any particular case or chain of events, but in principal ?
Looking forward to hearing from you.
RichieC, first of all, I’ve been following many of your postings and I respect your civic mindedness. I would encourage more people to take an active role in the affairs of their government and community. In your previous posting, you have touched upon some issues that, at their fundamental roots, are important to me. Some have a short answer, and some, much longer. I will be at the city council meeting tonight. Perhaps you see me there and I would like to talk to you. I will also be at the Laurrapin Grill every Thursday @ 7:30 from now until the election. And if you would like, contact me through my website and I will give you my cell # and I would be happy to talk to you.
Thank you.
Why I oppose amending the MOE for the property located at or near the I95 and 155 Interchange.
When the 1995 Havre de Grace Comprehensive Plan was being written, after a lengthy process including Citizen Review and Input, the Mayor and City Council agreed that the properties at the I95 Interchange and Route 155 would be used for a Science and Technology Office Park/Campus or similar high quality commercial development. The following updates of the Havre de Grace Comprehensive Plan did not change that vision.
The key words here are “Park/Campus”.
Low rise office buildings, berms, landscaping and open space would make the commercial development have the feel of a College campus. The campus was to have a ‘Signature Gateway Hotel’ with special conference amenities owing to the type of high tech businesses and related events the Campus was to attract.
I believe this concept was chosen specifically to avoid the usual ‘pave-everything, cram everything together’ commercial development seen at most Interchanges up and down I95, from Maine to Florida, as well as to have a high end, high quality commercial development as the Gateway to Havre de Grace.
Retail would be kept at a minimum and be located in the Office Buildings to accommodate the employees on the Park/Campus. Retail businesses were to include delis, dry cleaners and other shops geared to make the employees/visitors day/stay convenient and offer an opportunity for certain local businesses to expand with a second, smaller location on this property.
Moreover, this choice was made to assure that the unique nature of the Havre de Grace I95 exit would be somewhat preserved and offering an higher quality alternative to the traditional commercial development of undeveloped land.
Now comes a developer. In this case it is JDH, but it could be any one of the usual slash and burn developers. The kind of commercial developers that can’t or won’t appreciate the uniqueness of the Havre de Grace Vista. The kind of commercial developers who merely want to create a duplicate of their other developments and impose it on a community without recognizing the vision of the people in the community.
JDH wants us to change our vision of a “Park/Campus” and create one more shopping center with massive pavement and Office Buildings, and just another hotel.
JDH wants Havre de Grace to change our vision so it can concentrate all the retail shops into one more shopping center. Who knows what else we will have to give up accommodating JDH’s vision for the Interchange property?
What is the rush?
We don’t have to change our vision. Find a Commercial Developer that shares it.
It would be different a different situation altogether if the Mayor and City Council hadn’t already expressed a vision for the commercial development of the I95 Interchange and the people of Havre de Grace had not concurred in that vision.
With BRAC bringing 50,000 jobs to APG, most of which are Defense contractors, over the next 10 years (yes 10 years); The Mayor and City Council of Havre de Grace needs to hold out for a better deal from a commercial developer that sees our vision as expressed in the Comprehensive Plan, approved by its citizens and the Mayor and City Council.
We don’t have to act like other jurisdictions or municipalities and jump at the first offer of commercial development made by a commercial developer without regard for our vision for our own community.
We shouldn’t think that this offer is the only one we will get, and, therefore, we must take it or lose the opportunity.
The longer we wait for a commercial developer, the better it is for our vision of an Office Park/Campus and a Signature/Gateway Hotel.
Just because contractors are building a 1.3 million square foot office building on APG to house BRAC related contractor offices is no reason to think there won’t be many more offers coming for high quality commercial space.
We don’t need to rollover for the first commercial developer to ask us to dance.
I ask the Mayor and City Council and the Mayor’s staff to make special, targeted efforts to identify and attract those special commercial developers of high quality Office Park/Campus’ who:
can see our vision for the Havre de Grace Interchange;
can see the commercial viability of our vision;
are willing to work with the Mayor and City Council and the people of Havre de Grace to make it a reality.
Thank you. Personally, I’d prefer to see the Barker property remain exactly as it already is and has been my entire life, but I acknowledge that isn’t realistic. I do want to see Havre de Grace’s interchange remain unique. What virtually no one wants to see is strip shopping centers, outlet malls, multi story chain hotels illuminated by floodlights and ugly signs. Isn’t there wnough of tha tIn Aberdeen and Edgewood? I agree no one wants to see every square inch of real estate denuded and paved with roads and tract housing. Aren’t the mistakes of Bulle Rock all too apparent to those of us that have spent a lifetime enjoying what Havre de Grace once WAS?
BRAC is coming to Maryland from NewJersey. Please, lets try and keep New Jersey right where it is. BRAC and all of the negatives that WILL come with it does not all have to come to Havre de Grace if we don’t want it to and we don’t have to let it! The citizens determined what we wanted to allow on that property years ago and we approved and enacted zoning consistent with that. How about we tey something unique and leave it that way.
The MOE is a NIGHTMARE of a pandoras box. DON’T open it please.
A fine refresher about the development history of that I-95 interchange. The desire at the time to have a campus style developement rather than a mall type developement is one of them.
I take special note to your comment in the 6th paragraph, (” shops geared to make the employees/visitors day/stay convenient and offer an opportunity for certain local businesses to expand with a second, smaller location on this property”). The emphisis on offering a potential benifit to HdG buisnesses is first class all the way.
I too beleive that the commercial footage of this nature will attract a high end clientel as not all contractors on apg are exclusivly apg or dod contractors and this affords an oppertunity to open an office that is multi-taskable in that it can serv apg concerns and the non dod / apg concerns of the same company in the same space. This is a true value added for the contractor or buisness using this space.
Just one question…..for clarity…am i understanding this correctly?
I understand, if im correct, that the issue is that the developer wants to change (ammend) the description of the MOE for this property. Not change from or to MOE use. Its the description of authorized use (type of development) under the particuler MOE we want to preserve.
Please correct me if Im wrong.
Im for an upscale campus type developement in that area. Not another truck stop and outlet center.
Looking Forward to your comment.
PS….1.3 million feet isn’t a whole lot when one considers 35,000 to 50,000 persons.
Annoymous…well said…realistic…do the best within the realistic options.
The current JDH inspired effort is to amend the current MOE to include a “CRC”,i.e. a shopping center with a grocery store, etc.
Granted some things in the MOE need a bit of scrubbing down, BUT moving retail out of the individual buildings to create a shopping center flies in the face of the campus concept.
Some would say that the total square feet allocated for retail now permits the creation of a shopping center. Hogwash! (Did I say that?) Just because there is an allocation has no bearing on the final project buildout.
Do we throw out our vision of the highest and best use of the Interchange because someone wants to buy groceries as they come off I95? It is a quality of life thing, not a bread and milk thing.
Our vision is our vision and it has been our vision for some time.
If there is a shopping center at the Interchange, what happens to route 40? What happens to downtown? What about the traffic? Who pays for the upgrade of the Interchange?
High end business campuses use less services like water, police, snow removal, etc. They have predictable traffic ebb and flow.
Conference Centers attract people with disposable money to use at local restaurants and other local attractions while attending conferences.
And what about the booming business the Outlets just across the River are
doing ? That shopping center is dying my friends!
A current member of the Council I approached after tonight’s Council meeting told me that the Comprehensive Plan “was meant to be changed” and to get with it , “be modern”. The Campus vision was and is modern!
The highest and best commercial use of undeveloped land on a major artery such as I95 today is a Technology Campus and a Signature Gateway Hotel and Conference Center.
Read the “modern” community planning research by the experts. This isn’t my idea, it is the thinking of the leading planners.
Gee,I’m sorry I don’t care about this issue. LOL
Barry well said and thank you….
We do have a closed supermarket in town at present !
Barry…heres another “water takes the path of least resistance” thought. If a facility that has the standard small truck stop.even a fuel stop without parking..such as a pilot or other is in that mix the truck traffic would increase dramiticly through town. There are a lot of distribution centers north and south along as with in town. These currently use the perryvill route to I95 but with another truck stop for fueling and what ever..155 would be the preferreed route.
Attracting also persons with disposable money to live in (buy) those rentals in bulle rock and the others that were bought for SPEC. There are only benifits to giving the best effert to attract a campus developer rather than a strip mall developer.
I very much like the upscale office campus idea.
Informed citizen made 4 posts right after the council meeting. 3 to my posts basicly hurling insults and continuing the vilification by a small , endorsed few that started back this summer, and one in this thread on candidates that tries to give the appearance of parcipition. According to his profile the name was created just a few minutes earlier……if this is the same informed citizen. This person , all though mentioning that I scare little children, forgot to mention that I turn into a demon after midnight and eat babies. Laughable and telling of the mindset of those determined to silence me. These are Informed citizens other posts.
There has been many instances of “posing”…using anothers name. Protect yourself.
Always register a name so that you can have any posts removed or edited if somone tries to use your name in this section.
You gotta love technology……
In re reading informed citizens (formorly an annomymous poster) last comment i feel he is asking for the people of HdG to be very restricted in there thinking…citing that he wants to maintain the hdg of years ago…yet hdg grows.
Informed citizen made 4 posts right after the council meeting. 3 to my posts basicly hurling insults and continuing the vilification by a small , endorsed few that started back this summer, and one in this thread on candidates that tries to give the appearance of parcipition. According to his profile the name was created just a few minutes earlier……if this is the same informed citizen. This person , all though mentioning that I scare little children, forgot to mention that I turn into a demon after midnight and eat babies. Laughable and telling of the mindset of those determined to silence me. These are Informed citizens other posts.
“havre de Grace admitts a mistake”
“Marina mafia”
“Independance celebration”.
I wonder just who this vile little slanderer is. To make statements like these and do it from the saftey of a screen name is cowardly.
But…he has his rights as do I !!!
Just so you know and to be fair, that fact that the comment you are referencing was listed under anonymous was a technical glitch.
Telling of informed citizens comment…”the citizens determined what we wanted on this property” and “Aren’t the mistakes of Bulle Rock all too apparent to those of us that have spent a lifetime enjoying what Havre de Grace once WAS?”
Although i agree on the campus stlye park in that interchange…..Informed seems to have a possesive feeling about others property. He referrs to the citizens….the citizens of 1995….and uses the word WE continously. Where there is a we there is a them. Seems to me that , also considering his other posts, informed is of the feeling that there are two havre de graces. A new HdG and Old one.
This is what Im trying to break up…the division and bring HdG together through supporting good leadership that is not ol boy mutuial aid society as exemplified by the comments of Informed in his 4 comments.
Thank you.
Steve…i assumed that … there was no informed citizen before last nite. He may have posted and than it cought his registritation…i dont know…I didnt imply anything other than that it turned out to be the same person. When you look at a body of persons comments….you have to consider them all when considering a comment.
Thanks for being informitive and fair.
Barry Anderson posted:
“First, I drink neither coffee or beer…”
You may have lost a few votes right there!
The legal answer is that the Economic Growth, Resource Protection and
Planning Act of 1992 (the Growth Act) amended Article 66B to require
jurisdictions to periodically review their Comprehensive Plans and
implementation measures.
The Growth Act requires all jurisdictions, at intervals of no more than six
years, to review and, if necessary, update the Plan (section 3.05(b) of
Article 66B*). Implementation regulations that are consistent with the
updated Plan, such as revised zoning and subdivision laws, should also be
adopted (section 4.09 of Article 66B*).
The practical answer is that good planning is not the result of a static
document, but is rather a continued reflection upon the Plan’s actual results
and whether those results are satisfactory to the community and consistent
with the Plan. In this light, the six year update is an opportunity to take
stock of current conditions, plan actions to correct problems, and
determine ways to capitalize on assets.
Assessing the Plan creates the following opportunities:
Evaluate Plan Goals and Objectives
Reviewing Plan goals, objectives, and policies will help determine if
desired results are being achieved. An inventory of successes and failures
can lead to recommendations for corrective measures where weaknesses or
deficiencies are noted.
Address New Development Issues
Look at new development issues, such as cellular towers and “big box”
stores, which may now, or soon will, face the community. Reassess the
validity of the Plan’s recommendations in the face of contemporary
development issues to ensure that the Plan adequately addresses these
issues and that resulting development is consistent with the Plan’s overall
Thank you Councilman Miller for your textbook response. Ooops, excuse me… ‘no name’ . You have set out a worthy process. But process isn’t everything. Unfortunately, most bureaucrats don’t agree…they think process is everything.
Yes, plans always need to be reviewed. That is why the call them “plans” and not “reality”. BUT, changes for change sake has been shown to be a loser.
When I managed a regional office in Region III, U. S. Department of Houisng Development for several years, we continuingly reviewed plans to assess the need to change to meet current conditions as well as meet the needs and demands of States and municipalities of PA, DE, MD. WV, VA and DC.
And, having successfully managed a multimillion dollar national business for a few years, one finds out rather quickly that if you don’t change with the needs of your customer, the moves of the competition, or the advances of technology, your plan becomes a plan to fail. In business the bottom line is, and make no mistake about this, is the MONEY.
Mistakes I have made have caused me to have to go into to my own pocket to meet a payroll and seriously hurt my company’s bottom line.
I have learned in the hot cauldren of the business world to make sure I have all the facts and have studied all the possiblities before I make a plan OR FOR THAT MATTER, MAKE A CHANGE IN THE PLAN!
Most of us don’t need a State statute to make us do that.
Periodically reviewing City Comprehensive Plans as they relate to commercial development for virgin land is, to be sure, no easy task .
The overarching goal for States, Counties and municipalities is to make sure that all development of virgin land to be used for commercial development acheives its HIGHEST and BEST use, today and waaaay back in the dark ages of 1995.
Equally important is to make sure that new commercial development on virgin land does not kill existing commercial development.or ignore undeveloped or excess land with exisitn infrastructure.
I still see no need to change the MOE to allow a Shopping Center. As I said this is not a a ‘make it easier to pick up the bread and milk ‘ issue; its a quality of life issue AND, lest we forget, a decision that if wrong will live with Havre de Grace long after you and I are long gone.
My concerns about JDH’s current proposal are:
Where are the market studies that support the need for another shopping center at this exit in the Havre de Grace market?
How does JDH demonstrate that this shopping center won’t seriously damage Havre de Grace’s exisiting commerical developemnt in the City AND along Route 40?
Why can’t a shopping center be built on Route 40 where the infrastructure already exists, convenient to all who live here on the east and the west sides of the City?
Why does JDH want to “pave paradise and put in a parking lot” for the shopping center?
Where is JDH’s environmental study?
Why, in the final analysis, do we want to abandon the Park/Campus and Signature Hotel and Conference Center concept?
What advantage does abandoning a proven winner give the City of Havre de Grace and all of its residents and current businesses?
Where is the “beef”,as Clara would say?
Have JDH answer these questions Councilman and we have a basis for discussion.
Until they are adequately answered, I will continue to oppose the CRC/Shopping Center amendment to the MOE in every venue possible and make every effort to gather the support of the electorate.
Now Jim, isn’t this mush more civilized than finger wagging at each other?
I love this site!!!
By the way to Jim who didn’t like that I don’t drink coffee or beer, it
doesn’t mean that I never did.
It just means that I am much more lovable when I don’t.
And, I love being lovable!
Barry…..your cracking me up….
Hi Jim! Have you seen the vile and unsupported nonsense posted here by your lackeys in the marina! The truth realy scares them …doesnt it? Yet even they support a MOE preservation ! (see INFORMED CITIZEN here and than in the posts mentioned by me after that all accesable from this thread.)
A point to point out… mention that the response was textbook…..doing it for doing its sake is rediculass.
What is it that makes HdG so beautifull…..the water….the views…the old part of the community and its look and vitality. You cant buy a new view…..its gone forever. The need to develope that parcel in a way that is eye friendly and community friendly is of paramount importance. Once its gone its gone. Mabey those like Jim Miller need to do a little traveling and see what a campus looks like…there are many in the area west of philiadelphia. They are community friendly.
Im quite sure miller would not support a zinking plant next to the citizens nursing home…its not a fit ! So why would he support more paved low end retail when our current retail infrastructure is not near capacity…it doesnt make any sense. Why would Miller want to hurt the current business owners in our city? The current MOE brings in a buisness base that compliments NOT competes.
ps to miller….why dont you use your real name…this dialog is good . Dont be afraid !
oops…i boo booed……jim did use his real name and my comments were therefore to no-name…..or is that jim……agrhhhhhhh!
I admit it im confused….but the story remains the same !
Long time reader first time poster. Barry you got the wrong guy.
Good to see Miller here…..
Mr miller…does it bother you to see the responses to posts i have put here that are vile and offensive that are attributed to persons you vehiminintly support through your undieing trust in their word that they want a family oriented marina?
Comments without any substance except to cite my “big balled wife”…and other gems of the potty mouth from the loud but few marina thugs you put your faith in?
Dont you think this display by them is telling ….as these are the same people who you are releying on as your eyes and ears in the marina commounity i have taken an interest in?
Do you think the time has come to stop playing games that will eventualy be shown for what they are?
By the way Mr Miller…..whats your stance on the constitution and rights…due process and all that inconvient stuff that gets in the way of effecient government of your (apperant) style?
I offer you the chance to do the right thing?…all the sniping in the world will not make facts…..face it.
Lets get a dialog going….as a candidate answer the questions about the respect for our core values…the constitution and due process….be to the point…no two steping please.
Brian…Steve…..looks like HdG is getting on the grid?
Where are the bumper stickers?
I am sorry Jim.
I apologize for the wrongness of the references above …but it did sound like you…………a leeetle.
Well, as Emily Litella used to say on SNL; “nevermind” !
Please delete all the references to Councilman Miller above.
BUT, I stand by the other stuff I wrote.
Welcome Jim, good to see you here and writing! I wish the other voyeurs would take a risk and jump in, the water isn’t that cold. You can only make a fool of your self that will last forever on the Internet, so what!
Perhaps we can get a dialogue going about real issues instead of the SOS about Havre de Grace that appears here .
People could actually learn:
about how hard Jim Miller works on Council matters and why, because of him, they can pee in a clean restroom in Tydings Park
how much Fred Cullum wants to get the “juice” back from being on the Council because he loves it
what a nice and concerned guy Bill Martin is and what new things he could bring to the Council
Joe G. can tell them how many votes he has already counted and what a young guy knows and maybe will do on the Council.
My old friend J.R. Correri can tell us what “we” are going to do in the next Council term.
And, I can baffle them with BS. No seriously, you already know I have a lot to say about what we need to be doing in Havre de Grace. I do have some experience and knowledge. And, I think I have finally learned to play nice with others…well, sorta.
What do you say Bill, Joe G, Fred, Jim, John? Want to come to the dance?
I’m in if you guys are.
And, who is J.W. Walker anyway? I once knew Jimmy Walker Red.
Maybe we each can get our message out using this venue. Maybe the Dagger can promote it. Maybe, huh, maybe?
We might even be able to attract more than the usual suspects who read this junk.
I would also welcome a real time discussion with all of us running for Havre de Grace City Council about real stuff facing the City in the next two years. Maybe a YouTube moment or two. Whoa Barry!
That would be different, huh!. C’mon it could be fun! Oh yeah, right you say, but it could be. Ok, when pigs fly, but just maybe.
Maybe even a (you should pardon the expression) DEBATE.
The citizens could learn about something more than how many signs we can plant in the ground between now and May 6th. I know …too IDEALISTIC. That’s just me, OK.
It might even cause that “newspaper” to move away from the Peter Jay style of ignoring politics and “politicians” ( if they can call us that) and scorning everything that is done by elected officials in this City. Naaahhh, never happen.
That’s why we now have the Dagger, isn’t it.
In the year that an African-American man or a Woman could be the next president of the United States…dare we to expect more here in Havre de Grace?
Hey, Mayor D. ( I know you are a closet reader of the Dagger, & Steve G. too), you could even moderate like Bryan Williams of NBC. C’mon, you look great in that black suit; and those ties….those ties would look fabulous on video!
Wow, talk about thinking outside the box. I must have missed taking my meds!
The only thing is….RichC, you have to promise to be reasonably quiet during this kind of adventure… cause sometimes Rich, and I think even you will admit this, your rants are a bit over the top.
They scare people.
You may just scare off the folks who can best benefit and participate in something like this.
And the spelling and grammar, Rich, you should give back the taxes your parents paid or the school tuition back in New York. Sometimes, I think you work for NSA cause the stuff is so jumbled up it must be some kind of code.
Oh, C’mon now RichC, it would mean you would have to learn to share the Dagger with the rest of us like a good boy. Please. Please.
I’ll give you a cookie. OK, a box of cookies.
What do you say folks?
If RichC promises to be good? Shhh Rich!
Are you in?
As George Washington, General of the Continental Congress wrote over 200 and memdmdm years ago, ” Is anybody there”?
Oh sorry, That was Johnny Walker Red.
and General of the Continental Army wrote to the Conitnental Congress…sorry its late.
Im in…
But I do think it scares them….as many new things do. The truth is that inertia is a law of physics and it takes energy to overcome it. Many times that energy causes friction. A prime example of this is the car engine. Its internal environment is caustic and destructive yet it does a simple job…spins a shaft that turns the wheels. When you step on the gas all hell breaks loose, heat, friction, noxious gasses, explosions…….yet you progress forward towards your goal.
I do understand that a small city such as ours has a bit of old boyism that is acceptable…but the total inability to see the truth and keep elevating an issue that was miniscule to start with to the point that we have a crew making fools of themselvs publicly…is what I call over the top.
I waited three years before I even went to the council on this matter…Ive paid my shhhh dues….although I have never taken my offer off the table to make nice…all I ask is they give me my rightfull slip lease….and stop antoginising me. If they want respect as I gave it to them before….it must be recepricical. I didnt OUT these folks until a fabrication came about !
It was live and let live….
Im still willing to do that…but it has to be mutual…slip lease…and the slip preferance I waited for for 4 years.
In the meantime I also encourage debate…discussion…of the other important issues that we face.
PS…mabey a little soul searching…as I am also somtimes offended by snooty folks who dont even say hello when you greet them…do i try to get them hung…of course not !
Lets get back to buisness…and fix the mistakes…ive offered . Now lets see who takes me up on it ?
How bout we get dr Phil to mediate this very public community intervention !
Thank you.
Jim Miller
Ok…15 minutes is enough shhh…if i want shhh ill buy an a%^&s or r%$&*d news paper.
Lets look at the score
Some of the candidates have expressed their acknowledgement to core values as mentioned. Some havnt.
Some are picking issues apart…arguing their points…MOE..ect.. this is good.
Candidates are speaking out. This is good….so gentlmen….lets get the ball rooling and see who is gonna be the one…
Oh and lets not forget about my raving……and its fundimental relevance in all of this as an example of two things…1.the inability to date of some to accept the fact that they are not the center of the world and others RIGHTS must be respected and 2. that laws are for all of us…not just a few at their descretion..
Right a wrong and it becomes a moot issue as long as growth is derived from it…enlightenment…a lesson learned. I learn them every day.
As long as this slip lease is withheld this will remain an issue and be displayed . The slip lease is just the subject….The SUBSTANCE (issue) is the mowing down of basic rights at will and unopposed. Those who continualy try to steer it away from rights to the boat are trying to divert. Those who refuse to address the actule issue…the broader issue of a govt retaliating against one of its citizens …thats where the issue lies.
Election time is coming……the choice is do we want those to get in office ( or remain) who support rights trampling or are apithetic to it as they dont want to step on toes? There cant even be a consideration in this matter….it can never be tolorated !
This folks is the differance between Beaurocrats and Leaders.
We want elected officials who are capable of leading by example and making decisions based upon our core american values.
I think the statement of committment by the candidates to these values is very important. Some of the candidates already have. The values they will swear an oath to…constitution…due process…freedom of speech without retaliation..and the others that im not citing. They are all very important.
Lets here some discussion on that without whinning about boats.
Cummon candidates and incumbants….lets have it. And of course the other just as important issues.
To Mr Miller…..remember…if i didnt care I wouldnt have put myself in this position. Mr Miller dont think the criticizm is personal….I just cant be quite about things so important…and dont mistake other issues I bring up as part of the core value issue.
Barry, I was just giving you a jab!
Your reason for not drinking beer is the same reason I don’t drink Vodka!
(not jim miller)
Just a comment….(if i may)…
A little self efacement is a great thing…and a sense of humor about it….cudos to you!
Gin is my evil poisen….had to have an excorcism once over that stuff ! ! !
I was just back from across the pond many years back.
I had been released from the hospital two days earlier.
I was walking the streets basking in the light of freedom after seven months of hospital fluorescent.
I saw a young woman wearing a large button.
It gave me pause and made me think about the anger and resentment I always had when anybody treated me with disrespect.
It was one of those large ‘message’ buttons I found out later every one was wearing across the country.
She was African-American and dressed in a brown and beige hippy thing with a bright colored dashiki over it.
She had beautiful eyes and a radiant smile.
Like so many young black women at that time, she wore a blown out afro and long drop ear rings that looked to be made of the bone or horn of some strange animal, definitely African in origin.
I was taken by her elegant affect.
She walked with her head up and moved almost gliding down the sidewalk.
She radiated self confidence.
She had almost a spiritual demeanor about her.
I followed her for several blocks just to watch her walk down the street.
She turned into a store selling everything you can imagine a Hippy store would have in it.
After all was the Haight, it was San Francisco, and it was 1971.
When I entered the store there was an acrid smell of incense.
Posters of Che, Huey Newton, and Dylan covered the walls.
There was tie dye everything: t shirts, pants, scarves…I swear to this day I have never seen so much tie dye in one place.
I was overwhelmed, borderline dizzy.
I hesitated and grabbed on to a bookshelf for support.
I wanted to see that button again. I had to see that button again.
I turned…there it was. But she wasn’t.
Just the button in many different sizes, surrounded by others of every ilk.
Peace sign buttons in every color and design imaginable.
Smiley faces.
“End the War” buttons.
‘War is Unhealthy for Children and Other Living Things’ buttons.
I had to have that button.
But which size?
Which color?
I wanted one just like the one that beautiful young woman was wearing.
The one that had made such a powerful impression after so many long weeks in the hospital, after so many months across the pond.
Brown letters and a beige background. Let me see.
YES! There it was.
My God I thought I found the Rosetta Stone. I was excited beyond words.
I tried to get it off the cloth covered cardboard.
At first, my fingers fumbled with the catch. I ripped the cloth.
I didn’t care; I wanted that button.
I would buy the whole damn lot of those buttons if I had to. I wanted that button.
I needed that button! And by God I was gonna have that button.
The card fell on the floor. I picked it up.
Some one touched me on the shoulder.
I snapped around clutching the card with buttons as if my life depended on it.
It was the young woman I followed here.
She was even more lovely than I thought.
Her skin was beautiful; it shimmered as the light bathed her faced.
She was still wearing the button.
She and the button had become one in my mind.
I wanted them both. I asked her her name and for her phone number.
Her name was Naomi. She was polite but gave me no number.
I settled for the buttons…I bought a dozen of them.
I still have one of them today.
It is in a Lucite box that I keep hidden from the world and only take out when I need a reminder that
On Mr Martin.
I have had a 37 minute and 57 second conversation with him. He had clarified his position on many things. He was candid and clear. When I sent him a response to his web site he responded in a few hours.
Speaking to him was just like speaking to anyone els you meet on the street. He listened than spoke as I listened. In the end I was convinced he is true to what he said. Its a gut feeling you only get when you get immediate strait answers and responses that need no thinking…they are built in.
I beleive he has the core values and the smarts needed to get this city back on track.
His vision as expressed to me on some issues is complimentary to basicly everyone with an interest in this city. He expressed a core value respect that is necessary to posses as a councilman for this city.
As he has presently met the challange I threw out to him, to commith forward and speak…shake the assumptions…I will support him.
So whats the score (revised)…..
And running dead heat with a yet to be determined IN
…correri and walker…..for issues on walker and core values on correri in looking at how he handled certain issues in the past. I reserve the right to make a final pick for a while longer from these two.
Cullum OUT
Gambatori OUT
Miller OUT
New blood is the order of the day.
Told ya he was a great guy!
Jim….and so I learned….
Hey, I met Barry Anderson tonight with Bill Martin. Seemed like a great guy. Had alot of good ideas for HDG.
I hope Bill and Barry make it in and we get dome new blood on the counsel!
Ritchie, where were you?
Jim…thats great….
I had to get ready for work….I do trucking and I got a midnight delivery in Philidelphia.
Gettin ready to book as we speak.
Ill make it a point to get there next thur….rain or shine.
I think a new day is a commin !
Food for thought on M.O.E., and Barker property..has anyone in econimic development thought to HELP find a developer for the owners of the Barker property, or there agents, that would like to develope it WITHIN the current MOE description ?
Is this feasable?
If not why?
Your comments Please.
Hey! How about a candidate check in….Barry….Bill…oh Yo Hoo!
I met Bill Martin at the skipjack bull roast saturday night. I talked to him for about 10 minutes on various topics that concern me… mostly about crime (drug dealing) , and local business. I liked everything he had to say. He seems to have some good ideas. I take him to be genuine. I’m gonna vote for him.
I also saw Barry Anderson there. But I did not get a chance to talk to him. I think that’s it….
The bull roast was the best it’s ever been. Good weather, good food and the Pride of Baltimore was docked right behind the tent. Hey, does anyone know how long the Pride of Baltimore will be in Havre de Grace?….or did she already leave?
Hello registered voter Dagger readers of Havre de Grace…..I will be at the Laurrapin Grill tonight from 7:30 til ?
I am running for city council. If you would like to meet me, or talk to me about any concern, question, or suggestion….I’d be very happy to meet you.
If you are unable to make it and have something you would like to ask me, please visit my website:
Thank you,
Bill Martin
me too
Heres somthing that impresses the crap outa me. Ive spoken to, at one time or another, mostof our elected officials both past and present. In many cases you get stock answers…as if they had a script or a play book they were reading from.
Impressive is when you speak to a candidate who has a perspective on a local issue that is backed up by “beyond rt 40” knowledge and experiance. When a historical and factual connection is made that includes the world around HdG and how it affects us and vice-a versa it shows that there is a creative and well thought out process to the formulation of their Ideas and adgendas.
are you talking about a general statement or a person…who r u talking bout’?
To citizen paul….
I was referring to two of our candidates Ive had the oppertunity to get to speak with at length…Mr. Martin and Mr. Anderson.
ON ANOTHER MATTER FOR CONSIDERATION…in the Record Newspaper, a letter to the editor states…In support of Jim Miller ….” we need his ability to stand up to the people who want to take over our city.”…..
Who are these people who want to take over OUR city that the reader is referring to?
Yes he does stand up to those who want to have fair treatment. Yes he does protect his friends and cronies. Yes he does do what he can NO MATTER WHAT THE LAW SAYS to protect OUR city.
The problem is, who is “OUR” referring to. I do not beleive it includes those pesky newcomers and transplants. It does not include those who chose this city as a home. It does not include those whose parents were’nt born here. This is exactly why Miller has to go!
The US and THEM attitude has got to end and this city of ours will than be able to move forward. We have seen what “STANDING UP” to the people who want to take over the city means,( ),….exclusivness….a cast system of citizenship….and a trampling of civil rights I never thought I would ever see in my 50 years. To some, taking over means …acting civic minded when uninvited !
This must end now…election day is coming.
go-dagger !
And the pick is……….I dunno….I cant get certain questions answered but although I like Mr Walker I am going to bump him in favor of Young Gamitori…..making my third choice a toss between Correri and Gamitori.
Ill explain why…
Joe has expressed a willingness to look at issues that have been sacred cows to even his uncle…..the disaster we call a City Yacht Basin.
I also Like John because of one main thing…John did in fact let the law prevale over emotion and croniesim in an issue when he was mayor.
I ‘d like to recommend Joe Gamatoria. Joe is a young, single guy with business experience. He has always had an interest in law and politics and would have lots of time to give to this endeavor. I am of the mind that we need to pass the baton to at least some of our young people. The future is theirs and if they are willing and able to become really involved-BRAVO. You Go Joe!
Yes curious……the time has come to move on. WITH EVERYONE ON BOARD ! We need to abandon the unwritten rules followed by our back room govt.
Does anyone know where to find GAMATORIA ?
Ive thought long and hard about candidates…and our citys future. Ive endorsed what I feel is the best way to go and Im not alone in those thoughts. The one person who I cant seem to get a personal conversation going with is Joe Gamitoria. I certainly would like to as I have endorsed him to the extent possible without that conversation…but dam…hes hard to get.
Joe if your out there get in touch…..NOW !
To see my thoughts on the mess click on this.
I would like to invite anyone with questions or comments to contact me via email at
I look forward to hearing from you.
So I got Joe finally today. He has interesting ideas….nothing kookey…and seems to have his head on straight. Hes very independent minded and all buisness…and yes……the key words were spoken…….follow the rules.
So now im stuck with 4…..Barry, Bill, for sure and a choice between John, and Joe. All have the respect for doing things the right way…above board…and I wish them the best of luck.
Just one question….can we impeach or recall another one real quick to make room?
The choice is yours…the voters….the only incumbent , (past council member and x mayor), I like is John based on his handling of a certain situation…and the rest are very qualified……and committed to having a council that has integrity and core values. I feel good days are coming…think and remember to vote.
I strongly urge all HdG voters to contact these guys…..our future and chat with them.
go-dagger !
1. Bill Martin
2. Fred Cullum
3. Barry Anderson
……… 2 cents
Citizen paul….2 outa three aint bad.
Citizens,Vote early and vote often. What a lovely little city.Peace-out
Nice gathering tonight.