Greetings, you’ve just stepped into DaggerPress v1.0 beta (The Dagger 2.0). Now if you’d kindly scrape it off the bottom of your shoe, we’d like you to come in and introduce yourself to the new face of journalism – original, unbiased, immediate, interactive and, best of all, free.
Though it may disappoint some to hear, to paraphrase Twain, reports of our demise have been greatly exaggerated. Sure, we may have started and certainly helped perpetuate rumors regarding the death of The Dagger , but that was only because we had to be certain we were killing off any lingering hint of traditional media stagnation.
We have chosen a domain ( and a host that will free us from the shackles of working under someone else’s system. We have moved to a platform over which we have complete control. We have joined in valuable new partnerships with people and entities who share the same vision. We have put time, effort and love into this vision.
We have done all this because we firmly believe the future of journalism is on the Internet and that such a future involves a never-before-seen level of interaction and participation among writer, reporter and reader. We all see what is happening in the world around us – our planet, our country, our backyard. We are all citizen journalists and via The Dagger and its powerful new tools, we are all now empowered to report, relate and discuss those things most important to us.
And to members of the traditional media, you’ve misunderstood our positions. You think that we’re locked in your world, that it’s your game. We feel that is incorrect. We’re not locked in here with you. YOU are locked in here with US.
Long gone are such archaic terms and practices as the news cycle, the deadline day and the morning edition. We are here, we are now, we are The Dagger.
Great, now we have controls! No more alter-egos. I just hope the tempo doesn’t die off. Best of luck with the new site.
you' guy's surprised me. bringing back the dagger.
I commend you' on your stand, as to freedom of press
with out a doubt' you young'fellow's are true american's.
and have the fore sight to see. blog's are the future.
sem-per fi.
I am so glad the dagger lives! You guys give hope for true freedom of speech and expression to live on.
Great move guys! Keep up the good work!
Matt and Brian..very cool! Love the new digs.
What is the name of the group in the video? The lead singer is really cute and has a really cool voice.
Great new look, guys (n' girls). Long live The Dagger Press!
Brian, Matt and Josh,
I just listened to the your entire “Aberdeen Happenings ” appearance on WAMD. Thanks for posting the show. I had intended to listen to it “live”, but was tied up in a supervisor’s meeting Tuesday morning. (damn day job!) As a “veteran” guest on “Aberdeen Happenings” and a news junkie, I thought that you “Dagger Dudes” did a good job of explaining the origin of The Dagger (and of course Mark did his usual steller job at making everyone feel right at home). I’m glad that The Dagger will continue and that your intention is to “stretch your wings out” and become more than the “Daily Aberdeen Times”. (but please don’t forget about us just because the excitement of the election has past!) As you said (and I agree), “people are hungry for this”. Happy Thanksgiving Everyone.
P.S. I did learn the origin of the word “blog” (web log). I always wondered where that “word” originated, but I would have never guessed that! (my day is now complete!)