Like cigarettes, booze or Russian Roulette, it is almost assured that too much of a bad thing will kill you.
At least that’s the hope of Art Helton – political dinosaur, Democratic kingmaker and frequent target of opponents looking to tank the campaigns of candidates with whom he is associated.
Over the weekend, Helton was again the main character in the latest in a string of negative advertisements and vicious smear campaign tactics targeting the candidates he and the New Harford Democratic Club are supporting in the Nov. 6 Aberdeen municipal election.
Let’s recap:
It took an 11th hour truce for Helton’s candidates to agree to participate in the FOP Lodge 128 candidates forum after the group learned someone planned to ambush mayoral candidate and Helton-friend Mike Bennett with allegations he cheated on a Maryland State Police promotion exam decades earlier.
There was the ultimately successful campaign to invalidate the candidacy of Helton’s handpicked city council candidate Steve Johnson. This was accomplished when Johnson, who apparently lives in both Aberdeen and Perryman, withdrew an injunction he filed, but his decision may have been fueled in part by a suspicious mailer sent by a suspiciously named group with the same mailing address as another pro-Johnson citizens group.
Just last weekend, a cARToon quite literally illustrated via caricature the alleged relationship between Helton (puppet master) and his candidates Bennett, Johnson and incumbent councilwoman Ruth Elliott (be-stringed puppets).
While admittedly hilarious (see Johnson’s pompadour), does the cartoon go too far? More to the point, is the cartoon the final straw in a campaign that was bitterly negative long before it was even officially underway? What I’m about to reveal is a fairly common political tactic which is actually remarkably sound, if not disingenuous at best
Five Steps To Winning An Election The Wrong Way
Step 1: Identify the enemy and expose his, her or their mistakes, missteps, misspellings or anything else they’ve ever done wrong.
Step 2: Find a vehicle or medium to perpetuate the exposition of those continuously exaggerated claims (hmmm…sound familiar?).
Step 3: Ring that bell until everyone within earshot not only knows of the purported wrongdoings, but can recite them on command – regardless of whether they believe them to be true.
Step 4: Drop several progressively extravagant bombshells on your opposition. These can be in the form of a recent misstep, a long forgotten ghost, a cartoon, or, and perhaps best of all, something entirely made up.
Step 5: Time your frenetic negativity to climax just before Election Day and then sit back and watch as a record number of voters, physically and emotionally sick after tasting months of venomous bickering, stay home. A low voter turnout, because everyone who cared has been burnt out or turned off, usually means the incumbents will stay in office. A high voter turnout (see the 2005 Aberdeen election and the December 2006 special election) usually means sweeping changes in City Hall.
There is a point, however, when continued venom has an unintended and in fact opposite effect. Those previously turned away by the distasteful sniping are newly empowered and emboldened to do something about it – to turn the tables and bite back at the snakes.
In the December 2006 referendum election to decide the fate of the Wetlands Golf Course property annexation, Aberdeen residents had too much of the tricks (‘Save the Wetlands’ signs, which should have more accurately read ‘Save the Wetlands Golf Course By Voting FOR The Annexation’ and 11th hour robo-calling). As the polls were closing that night, Wetlands ‘campaign manager’ Rommell Crabtree (wherefore art thou now?) salivated at the huge voter turnout and proclaimed the day would prove to be an incredible victory for the Wetlands team. He was as wrong as could be.
The late sneaky tactics inspired people sitting at home to get up off their asses and vote against the slippery Crabtree and his Wetlands teammates. The more venomous the attack, the stronger the backlash.
So here we are nearly a year later and once again being sickened and turned off from the Aberdeen election by a small group of dirty political cronies. My question is: Will history repeat itself?
Helton seems to think so.
“It is my read and also that of the folks going door to door that the negative stuff is so radical and off the wall that it is having the opposite effect of the [Mayor Fred] Simmons team intentions,” Helton wrote in an email.
“I’m sure we haven’t heard the last negative stuff from Simmons, [Simmons’ campaign and business partner Steve] Wright and the boys. If they hold true to form they will throw so much stuff out there at the last minute that the voters will again be repulsed at the obvious spending. Just like the annexation vote, where I believe the gap of the defeat widened as they spent more money. The voter can see this for what it is,” he continued.
Then again, when the venom is flying in this dangerous game of cobra vs. scorpion, who’s to know from which fang or stinger it originated?
Unfortunately, the TRUTH for Mr. Helton and his candidaties is negative.
See the Sun story here.
The Campaign to Elect Fred Simmons is not behind any negative campaigning. We request that any negative campaigning cease. We request Steve Johnson and Art Helton to stop their intimidation tactics; we ask that Steve Johnson and Paul Burkheimer leave our campaign signs alone. We are not touching our opponents signs.
Unfortunately Art Helton's tactics (now being applied by one of Fred Simmons opponents and Bennett's supporters, Steve Johnson, Paul Burkeimer and Bob Price, etc.) has a long history.
Additionally, Mr. Bennett has not denounced Art Helton's and Steve Johnson's dirty tricks, and Bennett has embraced them.
Fred Simmons' message is a positive one, and, includes:
Fred Simmons, as Mayor will continue to improve the safety and quality of life for Aberdeen families and citiziens!
Fred Simmons, as Mayor, will decrease taxes again by increasing the commercial and investment tax base, and transfer the cost of Aberdeen's government operations from its Citizens to the commercial and investment tax base!
Fred Simmons, as Mayor, will decrease charges to the citizens by building a new water plant, utilizing the Chesapeake Bay, with the help of government agencies at all levels and private investment!
Fred Simmons, as Mayor, provides Open Government to allow all disagreements to be aired openly!
Fred Simmons, as Mayor, provides "Unity" in the community and "Activates Aberdeen" to make Aberdeen "The future of Harford County"!
Fred Simmons, as Mayor, requires the developers to pay the TOTAL COST
Art Helton and Steve Johnson, please return my phone calls.
Stephen M. Wright,
Committee to Elect Fred Simmons, Mayor
Well, If Mr. Helton and Mr. Johnson both voted in the 2005 Aberdeen election than why didn't Fred Simmons stop them. Fred knew then that they lived outside Aberdeen. And so dId Mike Hiob who by the way was endorsed by Heltons democratic club last election. Remember voters, Fred Simmons was Mr. Heltons boy in the 2005 election. My point is, why was it okay last election and not this election? Hummmm, could it be that Fred Simmons does not have Heltons support this time because of all Freds blunders. Mr. Simmons has not been able to make good on any of his campaign promises. Example: He promised the Aberdeen police they would get a union. That didn't happen thanks to the voters! He promised the wetland people annexation into aberdeen so his developer friends and himself would make millions. that didn't happen either thanks again to the voters! He has with the help of his sidekicks Yensan and Hiob manage to put Aberdeen in so much debt that our taxes will jump even higher. I just recieved my mortgage statement from the bank and in 2008 my payment will go up 263.00 a month because of the 56% or more tax increase Mr. Simmons and his two other sure thing votes( Hiob & Yensan) on the council. We MUST REMOVE these THREE before they make Aberdeen bankrupt. SPEND SPEND SPEND & TAX TAX TAX. Please everyone don't vote for Simmons, Hiob and Yensan. They may have money to burn,but the average tax payer does not!
Tom Stephen Wright for fred Simmons:
Are you not the same Stephen Wright who was paid over $ 100,000.00 to look over Aberdeen's financial books after fred simmons was elected in 2005?
Are you the same Stephen Wright who is fred's best friend and partner of a small airport that is outside Aberdeen?
Are you the same Stephen Wright who does not live in aberdeen and cannot vote either?
There should be an IQ test you have to pass before posting here. And Steve Wright, stop acting like you are speaking for Fred Simmons. He speaks just fine on his own, even if he doesn't have as much time as Denu to trash other candidates on the blog.
That said, first timer, what do you mean, why were Johson and Helton allowed to vote in the last election? They slipped through the cracks, and it never was discovered because at the time–Johnson wasn't trying to get elected mayor of a city he doesn't live in. When he was, it became an issue, records were pulled, the spotlight went on Helton as a Johnson supporter, and surprise–the truth came out. Are you suggesting that all the candidates should've stood outside the voting booths verifying that voters were true citizens of Aberdeen? Lame.
To address your other rant, the voters' job is to decide whether the solutions of elected officials are ones they want for the city. Because they may not have wanted the ones that Fred Simmons proposed–that doesn't translate into broken campaign promises. All that means is that the democratic process worked for Aberdeen citizens.
The whole "developers" making money thing is played out beyond belief. Nothing happens in a vacuum. Of course developers would make money if land was annexed and new housing was built. Who should build them–coal miners? (Although I'm interested in how Fred Simmons stands to make "millions" from that…he doesn't even take his salary as mayor.)
When Aberdeen can't support the influx of people coming in the next few years, when the city is overcrowded and traffic doubles your commute, you won't care who makes money on correcting the problems. The annexation proposal was foresight–to keep all that from becoming a problem. But the people have spoken, and I think its awesome. It's crucial to ensure that people like you continue to have something to cry about in a few years.
And the accusation that the mayor is making Aberdeen "bankrupt" is baseless. In 2005, the city debt from decisions made by Doug Wilson and his associated council was considerably higher. Are you wanting him to be responsible for the stadium fiasco as well? The people that you voted for in the past have made it necessary to raise taxes in order NOT to make the city bankrupt. Don't blame the clean-up guy for a mess the citizens voted for. I hope he quotes me: "I am leaving it as I found it. Take over. It's yours."
Lastly, so Steve Wright is Fred's best friend and business partner…that seems to be two good reasons why he's a strong supporter. Since you don't have to worry about his vote, why spend the time being pissy?
Ugh, back to the Gulch.
Mayor Simmons is endorsed by Aberdeen's Police – FOP Lodge 128 ! The FOP has publicly requested that Mayor Simmons be re-elected.
Mr. Helton is mad a Fred Simmons. Mayor Simmons treated Mr. Helton just like all developers are treated and Mr. Helton became angry. Mr. Helton wants another "boy" — Simmons' opposition this time.
Mr. Helton and Steve and Julie Johnson, like all other non-residents SHOULD NOT VOTE in Aberdeen's election.
I am Fred Simmons' friend.
I am a licensed Certified Public Accountant, and, have been for over 20 years. The City council, and all of them, each agreed to hire me to do accounting work for the City of Aberdeen, AFTER three annual audits could not answer the Mayor and City Council's concerns, among other things, as to why the City had to borrow a million dollars each year to pay OPERATING EXPENSES. My firm was paid pursuant to an agreed upon contract and after consultation with the City's legal counsel.
Mayor Simmons and I own "Simmons-Wright Aeropark, LLC". We each may own IBM stock too!
The airport is a privately owned, public use airport — so bring your family out and check us out.
Again, Art Helton and Steve Johnson please return my calls. You have the number!
First timer in the Sun article Mr. Helton is quoted as saying
"I have never voted in an Aberdeen city election."
When asked why records from the county election board indicated that he had, Helton said, " I don't think so. I don't recall voting in the city election. … Maybe I did."
If Mr. Helton doesn't know that he voted how are Mr. Simmons and Mr. Hiob supposed to know?
Steve Wright is not a registered Aberdeen voter.
Fred Simmons is an insurance salesman.
WHAT IS YOUR POINT? It's no secret Fred Simmons owns/is an Insurance Salesman. Mike Bennett is a labor at the State Police. Mike Hiob is an Inspector for the County. Dave Yensan sells AFLAC, Ron Kupferman and Ruth Elliott are retired…do I need to go on? Did not think so. Everyone one has a "real" job outside of Aberdeen politics. The problem herein is, maybe real politicians need to get a "real" job.
The sky is blue.
Water is wet.
A lot has occurred over the past two years here in the City of Aberdeen. We the citizens were fed up with the Doug Wilson and Peter Dacey era. Twenty-four months ago we made that message loud and clear by election S. Fred Simmons as Mayor. Many say Mayor Simmons moved too fast. Many say Mayor Simmons is arrogant. Many say Mayor Simmons is looking out for his interest only. As a City resident and employee, I can will only tell you my fellow citizens that Mayor Simmons has been a breath of fresh air. I am sure he will, and has in public (Meet the Candidates Night) that he has made mistakes over the last two years. A two year term is not enough time to get to know the people and/or how a particular government works. You all have to remember, Mayor Simmons inherited a mess, a real disaster. This mess is going to take several years to work out. Results don’t happen overnight as we all wish they did/would.
Mayor Simmons deserves more time to work for us and get this City on track, as he has begun already. Mayor Simmons is the only mayoral candidate that has the experience and knowledge (business sense) to lead Aberdeen into and through BRAC. Mayor Simmons is the only mayoral candidate that has been outspoken about the crime in Aberdeen. Mayor Simmons is the only mayoral candidate that has spent 60 plus hours a week in, at, and around City Hall because he believes in Aberdeen and the people. My fellow citizens and neighbors, work together. Everyone wanted open government but no one showed up, called, or wrote. Open government means you get involved from the beginning. Let’s re-elect Mayor Simmons, have true open government, and work together. Open government is not carrying part time, it’s about caring all of the time on the smallest to biggest issue(s). November 6th, re-elect Mayor S. Fred Simmons, he believes in you, now believe in him too.
What is most obvious is that Steve Wright is using multiple identities.
Observed for Observer – If you are referring to "Jason" I am by no means Steve Wright and Brian or Matt can confirm that.
To continue Jason's theme of an open government and because he brought the subject up, I was wondering if Mr. Wright would ask Mr. Simmons a couple of questions for me concerning his, Mr. Wright's employment by the City and provide the answers in this forum. Please understand, I'm not trying to be argumentative. I am trying to be an informed voter. The issue has been raised many times and I suspect there may be a lot of, perhaps, misinformation floating around. I'd really like to know what truely happened as, I'm sure, would others on this forum.
1) To start with, what was the rationale used by Mr. Simmons and City Council to determine the need for Mr. Wright's services, particularly since the City's finances had just recently been audited by a third party? The City Charter requires the City Council to maintain a journal of its activities including its votes. Assuming the City Council Meeting Minutes published on the Aberdeen web site are that journal, why is there no discussion in the Meeting Minutes concerning the incongrueties in the City's finances? There is a vague reference in the March 13, 2006 minutes to a meeting held the previous Thursday, but there appears to be no record of that meeting. If it was a meeting of the Mayor and City Council, why are there no published minutes?
2) There are many instances in the Council Meeting Minutes where the results of a Bid Process for goods and services are brought to the attention of the Council with a recommendation on the expenditure of funds. After presentation, the Council votes on whether or not to accept the recommendations and the bid. This process has even been followed in determining which company would be used to audit Aberdeen's books in the future. Why was no such bid process followed for the procurement of an accountant's services if the City's finances were in such disarray?
3) The City Charter, as published on the Aberdeen web site, states:
"1. The Council shall provide that funds not appropriated at the time of the annual levy shall not be expended and further that any funds appropriated be expended only for the purpose for which they were appropriated, except by a favorable vote of a majority of the whole number of members elected to the City Council."
If the City's finances were in such poor shape an outside accountant was necessary to straighten them out, then the money for said accountant was probably not appropriated. Why is there no record of the vote required by the City Charter in the City Council Meeting Minutes?
4) Since, obviously, the results of your, Mr. Wright's, review of Aberdeen finances have been used in budgetary discussions, why is there no detailed discussion of those results in the City Council Meeting Minutes or publication of the results?
Mr. Wright, please understand, I'm not trying to be argumentative or negative in any way. I am sure you are a very qualified accountant and did a very good job reviewing Aberdeen's books. I'm just trying to understand the process used in this case.
Mr. Simmons should understand that perception is everything and, without the safeguards of open government, he should have understood the reaction of voters to his sole-source hiring of his business partner to look at Aberdeen's finances without the documented approval of the City Council. The hiring of an accountant to review Aberdeen's finances should not be the issue it has become in this election. I'm just trying to understand how that happened.
Here's an update on how things are going with the Aberdeen Communities Together group less than a week before the election.
From an email sent by group member Chuck Doty regarding city residents:
"They plan on voting and about eighty-five per cent (85%) or more are looking to vote for a rather substantial change in our City Government."
"Mean while, the incumbents have mailed out two smear type duplex printed materials; one a cartoon and the other a printed card again attempting to claim that Art Helton is stealing the election. We believe that they picked Mr. Helton so that they would have an adversary to go after in hopes of confusing the voters and hopefully gaining votes that otherwise would have gone to our endorsed candidates. To our knowledge, this technique has not worked! We continue to hear reports from our supporters similar to those of the "Save the Wetlands" signs last December which indicate that the citizens are smarter than that and are not buying into their spin of the situation."
"To our knowledge, the current incumbents have had one Garden Party last weekend and are holding another on the East Side of the City this evening. Word has gotten back to us that they have not been well attended and again, this information does not surprise us."
Saw the incumbents tonight over by the boys and girls club. Not too many others there that were not affiliated with them, but I wasn't there for very long…
The Dagger: You should ask Art Helton and Steve Johnson of the Bennett campaign what dirty tricks they have up their sleeves for tomorrow and the weekend. History will repeat itself….Art Helton and Steve Johnson are the dirtiest campaigners I have come to know. You'll see.
Ask them…they have already put their dirty tricks into motion.
The Fred Simmons campaign was not involved in the negative campaigns against Art Helton. His reputation for being a dirty campaigner is, however, legendary….and history is and will continue to repeat itself in this campaign.
To Ellis:
You missed the point about first timer's comment. The way I read it is that fred simmons does what he wants no matter what the feelings of the council are.
The millions refered to in that comment was that if fred simmons is successfull with annexing land into Aberdeen , his airport could be annexed in also and then a contract with APG to link up his air park with theirs would allow airplaines that are in need of repair to land at his airpark. Fred could stand to make much money if such a deal were to be made. All the annexing is being directed towards his airpark not in any other direction. Hummmm……
Fred simmons along with Mike Hiob both know Helton and knew that he would vote thier way so why would they blow the whistle on Art? He didn't ''slip through the cracks"as you said, he shook Freds hand and proceeded into the polls. Not lame!
Fred promised the Aberdeen Police Dept. that if they would endorse him he would get the union for them. I call that a broken campaign promise.He also promised at least one developer friend,who would stand to make a large profit, annexation of the wetlands.
There is nothing wrong with growth. But It must be done the right way. Aberdeen needs growth which will bring in a larger tax base. Do it with a well thought out plan. BRAC will take years if at all to complete. So whats the hurry? From what I have read there is a hold on things for now. that's the US Army for you. Hurry up and wait. everyone knows the the US Government can change its mind when ever if wants.
Fred will leave thats a sure thing. And he will leave Aberdeen raped. Worse off than it has ever been in its history.
There will be no crying on this end. You dont see the big picture. dont you be "pissy"..I knew you could not be able to respond without having to say something nasty!
Ugh, back tot he gulch where YOU belong!
To "Aberdeen Voter": I was first approached by Councilman Ron Kupferman and Dave Yensan. They indicated to me that the Mayor and City Council needed help in understanding the "independent audit" reports and further assistance in understanding why it was that the City of Aberdeen could not pay its bills, pay its payroll and had similar cash flow problems prior to November 2005 (when Mayor Simmons and the current adminstration was elected.)
I contacted and met with each Council person and the Mayor. All agreed to hire me and I discussed with all of them my relationship with the Mayor (which they knew and was public knowledge).
I provided a written letter of engagement which was accepted. I submitted bills weekly or every two weeks (at least monthly). Those bills were paid.
At the time of my being hired (1) the City Manager (salary about $ 100,000) had already resigned. Shortly thereafter (2) the acting City Manager resigned mysteriously; (3) the director of finance (salary about $75,000 +) mysteriously resigned; (4) the public works director resigned: (5) the City attorney resigned. What was going on?
My duties were expanded. A meeting was held with the Mayor and City Council and it was agreed to extend my contract until the new City Manager came on board. (There are no minutes of this meeting.)
When the City Manager (Mr. Miller) was hired, based on my reports to him, etc., it was agreed to extend my contract until the new Director of Finance was hired. When the Director of Finance (Mr. "Jack") was hired, my services were terminated pursuant to my agreement with the City. (There was no Minutes of this meeting.)
A report of sorts was published in the Aegis newspaper. There was no report that the "independent auditors" of the City ( which have been fired or the contract not renewed) detected the deplorable fact that the City borrowed from the federal government (without authorization) $ 1 Million dollars to pay operating expenses and then borrowed a Million dollars from the bank and repaid the loan to the Federal Government -APG water fund, before year end so that it would not be picked up by the auditors. I worked hard on a variety of issues for the City.
The confusion with regards to my hiring, etc., results from the lack of integrity and false statements by Councilwoman Mrs. Elliott. Ironically or sadly Mrs. Elliott is a family friend; she was my Mother's maid of honor in my parents wedding in August 1957. Mrs. Elliott agreed to my hiring although she lied about it and she said, "I don't remember!" (My parents who lived in Aberdeen where I was born and raised, remained married and had 7 children until my father passed away in Dec. 2003). My mother and sister, etc., still live in Aberdeen.
My hiring did not violate any ethics or appropriations requirements of the Charter. My hiring was ok'd by the City attorney.
There are many contracts with the City of Aberdeen presently which are "no bid" contracts. See the contract with the City Attorney, Consultants, etc., who charge in excess of $150 per hour (my agreed upon rate).
Finally, I don't believe you are being argumentative.
Thank you for the questions.
Stephen M. Wright, CPA
email: cpawright@
Stephen Wright You are a Liar!
To anyone who reads this do not believe a thing this man has to say. His own mother will not even speak to him!
Answer this. Who would want to move into a city where the Mayor wears a gun and thinks he is GOD. Is this the wild wild west? Get rid of the crazy man!!!
Thank God for the officers of the Aberdeen Police Department and the Second Amendment of the Constitiution which allows the Mayor to legally carry a gun.
Harford Shootings Put Two In Hospital
Thursday, November 01, 2007
WBAL Radio as reported by Steve Fermier
Authorities in Harford County are looking for suspects in two overnight shootings.
An Aberdeen man was taken to Bayview for a leg wound after a group of men ordered him to the ground as he got out of his car along Eloise Lane in Edgewood.
The men went through his clothing but it's not clear if anything was taken, according to Sgt. Christina Presberry of the Harford County Sheriff's Department.
The shooting victim is identified as Richard Stacey, 32.
His wound was not considered life threatening.
That shooting happened around 3 a.m.
Just before 11 p.m. Wednesday, Teyont Johnson, 24, of Bel Air, was shot in the stomach after he went outside his home on Thomas Run Road to investigate a noise he thought he had heard.
He told investigators that he spotted three men dressed in black clothing when one of them shot him.
He was taken to Shock Trauma with injuries not considered to be life-threatening
So I guess everyone should carry a gun. The mayor thinks he is a cowboy.
if fred Simmons wants to fight crime and carry a gun than he should apply to the Aberdeen police department and become an officer of the law. Oh , I forgot no GOD positions available there.
Good Grief . I will be so glad when this election is over and the new mayor and 2 new council members ( who will replace Yensan & Hiob) breathe new life into aberdeen.
More on “How to Win and Election the WRONG Way”…
Over the past two weeks I have trying to obtain a permit for a space in the coveted Festival Park to set up a canopy to provide creature comforts while campaigning on election day.
In contacting Mr. Hunsigner a City Employee on two separate occasions, he directed me to the “County” to obtain my permits as I had requested.
So on the City of Aberdeen web page is an index for parks and recreation…
“In 1990, the old school athletic field was renovated into a Festival Park with a pavilion used as an outdoor bandstand, playground area and beautiful landscaping that offers a refreshing atmosphere.
An outdoor restroom/storage facility was added in 1998. Public address equipment is also available, although a steep deposit is required to encourage due care and to apply against any damage.
The pavilion may be scheduled for use by contacting Mr. Craig Lanphear at 410-939-6767
between 8:30 AM and 5:00 PM Mon-Fri. ”
In contacting Mr. Lanphere, I learned that his office had administrated permits for that park for twenty years, but now there was a question as to who really issued the permit. This issues was posed to Lanphere by an Aberdeen Parks & Rec Board Member, who was advised on the City Charter and Ordinances regarding parks usage. Mr. Lanphere apologized and stated I would have to contact the City.
Once again I called Mr. Hunsinger at the City of Aberdeen and again he refered me to the “County”. I recapped the conversation I had with Mr. Lanphere and that I was aware there was a “meeting” taking place at that very time to discuss the issue of park permiting (coincidentally Festival Park and now right before the election) Hunsinger stated, ” I think the whole thing has been rented for a “rivival” that day and he then quickly got off the phone.
I quickly, but surprisingly realized what was transpiring here… an attempt to prohibit “new comers” or the “opposition” from campaigning across from the polling place, while others would be at “campaign headquarters” just doors fromthe Senior Center.
I went to the Charter and the Ordinances and this is what I found…
§ 20-1. Establishment; purpose.
A. The Aberdeen Board of Parks and Recreation, (hereinafter “Board”), is hereby established.
B. The Board is created for the purpose of promoting parks and recreation in the town and of being the legal successor to the Recreation Council and any other parks and recreation committees, boards, councils, etc., by whatever name known, established on or after November 4, 1963, by the Commissioners.
§ 20-3. Powers and duties.
Subject to the supervision and the budgetary policies and appropriations of the Commissioners, the powers and duties of the Board shall be as follows:
A. To determine all questions of general policy relating to parks and recreation under the jurisdiction of the Commissioners.
B. To supervise the expenditure of funds appropriated by the Commissioners and other funds collected by the Board for parks and recreation purposes.
C. To appoint special committees to assist and advise in the exercise of its powers, duties and functions.
D. To employ through the Commissioners or the Harford County Department of Parks and Recreation such personnel as it may deem necessary and proper for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this chapter.
E. To establish, maintain and operate a comprehensive public recreation program and such recreation areas, structures, facilities and services, either publicly or privately owned, as are necessary therefor.
F. To purchase necessary equipment and supplies.
G. Establish schedules of charges for the use of the facilities available to it and for the services rendered by it.
H. Establish reasonable rules and regulations for the uses of said facilities and for the participation by groups and individuals in its programs. ”
and from the Ordinances…
Chapter 101: PARKS
Parks and Recreation Board — See Ch. 20.
§ 101-1. Permit required for use by groups.
Groups and organizations will be required to secure a permit for use of parks. Application for a permit shall be made on a form provided by the Commissioners or by the Aberdeen Parks and Recreation Board. All applications shall be accompanied by any required fee. No permit shall be issued to anyone under the age of eighteen (18) years. The person or persons issued a permit shall be responsible financially for the destruction of park property by anyone covered by the permit. All permits shall be made available to law enforcement agencies and/or park and recreational personnel.
§ 101-2. Destruction of property prohibited.
No person shall deface, alter, injure or disturb any monument, park equipment, boundary line, structure, land, sign or building on any park property.
§ 101-3. Fires.
No person shall build or cause to be built any fire on park grounds except in designated areas nor shall any fire be left unattended, and all fires must be rendered fully harmless before leaving the park grounds area.
§ 101-4. Animals.
No person shall pursue, catch, molest or kill any wildlife nor shall they disturb any nest, den or burrow of any animal or fowl on park property nor shall they cause or permit any dog, cat or other domesticated animal to run at large or to cause a nuisance on park grounds.
§ 101-5. Camping.
No person shall camp on park grounds except by permit and only in such areas as may be designated for such purposes.
§ 101-6. Parking of vehicles.
No person shall operate, stop, stand or park a vehicle in such a manner as to block or partially block any road, ramp or trail on the park grounds.
§ 101-7. Operation of off-road vehicles.
No person shall operate any type of minibike, trail bike, snowmobile, all-terrain vehicle or other vehicle that cannot be registered for operation on a public highway on park grounds, except in areas designated for the use of such vehicles.
§ 101-8. Riding of animals.
No person shall ride a horse, pony or other animal upon park property except in authorized areas and then only in such a manner that will not endanger life or property.
§ 101-9. Hours of operation.
No person shall be allowed on park property at any time from sunset of one day to sunrise of the next day except in authorized areas and/or by issuance of a permit. No person shall remain on park property upon receiving a lawful order to depart by any law enforcement officer or by authorized park and recreation personnel.
§ 101-10. Peddling and advertising.
No person shall peddle, solicit business of any nature whatsoever, collect funds for any service or charity, distribute handbills or other advertising matter or post any signs on park land unless so authorized by park and recreation personnel in writing.
§ 101-11. Interference with and compliance with directives of employees and agents.
No person shall interfere with any employee or agent of the Park and Recreation Department in the performance of an official duty and, further, all persons will follow all lawful directives issued by such employee or agent.
§ 101-12. Sound amplification.
No person shall use a loudspeaker, public address system or amplifier within or upon park property without a permit.
§ 101-13. Firearms.
No person shall have in his or her possession any firearm while on park property. This section shall not apply to persons authorized to carry firearms in the discharge of their official duties.
§ 101-14. Refuse.
No person shall deposit, dump or allow refuse of any kind on park property except by placing such refuse in a container provided for such purposes and then only such refuse resulting from use on the park property.
§ 101-15. Exhibitions.
No person shall exhibit any machine, show any animals or indulge in any exhibitions nor shall any person carry on any performance which shall cause persons to congregate so as to interfere with the purpose for which the park is provided, except by permit.
§ 101-16. Fee.
No person shall use any park facility, land or area for which a fee has been established without payment of such fee or charge.
§ 101-17. Alcoholic beverages and controlled dangerous substances. A. No person shall consume or possess controlled dangerous substances, as defined in Article 27 of the Annotated Code of Maryland, while on park grounds.
B. No person shall consume or possess any alcoholic beverages unless a license has been obtained from the Liquor Control Board in accordance with state law.
§ 101-18. Violations and penalties. A. A violation of this chapter is deemed to be a municipal infraction. Any person violating any provision of this chapter shall be subject to the following civil penalties:
(1) First offense: fifty dollars ($50.).
(2) Second offense: two hundred dollars ($200.).
(3) Third offense: four hundred dollars ($400.).
B. Each twenty-four-hour period in which a violation exists shall constitute a separate offense.
So, I learned something from all this…the law is the law.
Since I am not a group nor an organization and I am an Individual; am not subject to the Charter in this instance,nor the Ordinance in this instance, but by one exception. If asked, I must leave the Festival Park after sunset or be subject to a civil penalty.
I guess these WRONG attempts at winning an Election is what we all could expect from certain persons and that it is common for the City of Aberdeen government to disregard its own Charter and Ordinance in the interest of themselves…OH and a “Revival” which is held on a Tuesday which is also Election Day!
Mr. Wright,
Thank you for your answer. That's the most complete version of events I've seen or heard. I can see a couple of places in the sequence where, had the Mayor and City Council done things a bit differently (like meeting minutes and recorded votes), this might not be the issue it has become. Again, thanks.
As for Concerned for Concerned Citizen, I'm not sure where the Mayor carrying a gun has anything to do with shootings in Edgewood or Bel Air, unless he's one of the shooters. His carrying a gun did not prevent the shootings. While I'm a firm believer in every citizen's right to have and bear arms, all carrying a gun, and advertising the fact, does is make him a target ala Wild Bill Hickock or Jesse James.
to an aberdeen voter:
Steve Wright should not be trusted. please do not beleive any thing he says. it was decided even before Fred was elected that Steve Wright would get that job. Fred already had his plan ready if and when he was elected. These guys are shrude and they know just how to answer a question the only thing is that the answers are full of lies.
I'm with Ellis… but then, I think IQ tests should be mandatory before a lot of things, voting included.
In some ways posting on this blog is an exercise in futility. The majority of the people who read this blog religiously already have their ballots selected–which is why this has degenerated into quips and personal attacks. I'm all about drama though, so I join shamelessly in pointing out the obvious.
To Mr. Denu: speaking as someone who has worked for local government, I think your permit debacle was a tangle with bureaucracy rather than some conspiracy from the Fred Simmons' camp. I happened to be at an event in festival park BEFORE legal campaigning was set to begin where Bennett had a campaign tent set up smack in the middle of a community event. I don't believe that bothered the mayor, and quite frankly, I don't believe that you having a tent in festival park will make or break any of the incumbents' chances of being re-elected. I (almost) hope you win come November 6th so that the cry-babying can stop.
The recent comments about the Mayor reek with desperation, I thought you should know. You called him a "cowboy" (insert Western accent here); challenged the legality of his tattoo (which is pretty bad ass I might add); and you said he thinks he is God because he used a slogan printed on U.S. currency? Ehhh, at least give me something legitimate to defend instead of sending me more reasons to laugh at your ridiculousness.
And so Steve Wright is a smidge annoying… and perhaps he shouldn't post so liberally "for Fred Simmons." But to constantly harp on his doing accounting work for the city? The man is a certified public accountant who charged a rate comparable to other professionals, and the entire counsel hired him. Come off it. If you knew Fred Simmons, you'd know he would NEVER sacrifice himself to make a friend a quick buck. Whether that makes him a bad friend or proves he has a "God" complex I'm not sure, but it does make me certain that he has never and will never go out on a political limb for Steve Wright. Period.
To "T": You would be the first I'd send to prove your IQ is high enough to post here, or speak in general. It never ceases to amaze me that one minute Fred Simmons is an "insurance salesman who knows nothing" and the next he is a shrewd developer who stands to make "millions" in an airport annexation conspiracy. Lame! Yeah, I said it. What? You are lame, and I've got to tell you cool guy, you did sound a bit pissy.
Ellis, dinner and drinks this weekend? Maybe next weekend when we have something to celebrate.
jason, jason, jason, where are you when your friend mr. denu is being attacked again? loyalty?
I am out of town until after the election. I will however keep up on the blog (because it's amusing) however I will not be able to post. (Govt regs and all). Good luck to all the canidates. Whatever happens at the polls, I hope it is in the best interest of the City.
Jason, don't forget to call when it's all over!
…forgot to change your screen name before updating "simone".
Thanks "oops…" now I get it. That's exactly what happened!
Who attacked Mr. Denu? I missed it. All I saw was Steve Wright called a “liar” (with some reference to his Mama) and Fred Simmons called a “crazy man.”
…maybe its a case of name stealing…something isnt right here
It's just a local election right? Why so muuuuuch drama? I'm not going to vote for a web blog cry baby. Outrageous. Is it just me, or does anyone else get tired of the name calling and subsequent grandstanding and complaining?
If you want to go to the park and do your thing, then do it. But to go just to cause a confrontation is childish. Aren't we all adults?
to newanda:
Shut up you coward. lame coward. You don"t even have an IQ. I can't wait for Tuesday to get here so we can be rid of the poison in Aberdeen politics. VOTE FOR BENNETT!!!!!!
UPDATE on … More on “How to Win and Election the WRONG Way”…
Over the past two weeks I have trying to obtain a permit for a space in the coveted Festival Park to set up a canopy to provide creature comforts while campaigning on election day.
In contacting Mr. Hunsigner a City Employee on two separate occasions, he directed me to the “County” to obtain my permits as I had requested.
So on the City of Aberdeen web page is an index for parks and recreation…
“In 1990, the old school athletic field was renovated into a Festival Park with a pavilion used as an outdoor bandstand, playground area and beautiful landscaping that offers a refreshing atmosphere.
An outdoor restroom/storage facility was added in 1998. Public address equipment is also available, although a steep deposit is required to encourage due care and to apply against any damage.
The pavilion may be scheduled for use by contacting Mr. Craig Lanphear at 410-939-6767
between 8:30 AM and 5:00 PM Mon-Fri. ”
In contacting Mr. Lanphere, I learned that his office had administrated permits for that park for twenty years, but now there was a question as to who really issued the permit. This issues was posed to Lanphere by an Aberdeen Parks & Rec Board Member, who was advised on the City Charter and Ordinances regarding parks usage. Mr. Lanphere apologized and stated I would have to contact the City.
Once again I called Mr. Hunsinger at the City of Aberdeen and again he refered me to the “County”. I recapped the conversation I had with Mr. Lanphere and that I was aware there was a “meeting” taking place at that very time to discuss the issue of park permiting (coincidentally Festival Park and now right before the election) Hunsinger stated, ” I think the whole thing has been rented for a “rivival” that day and he then quickly got off the phone.
I quickly, but surprisingly realized what was transpiring here… an attempt to prohibit “new comers” or the “opposition” from campaigning across from the polling place, while others would be at “campaign headquarters” just doors fromthe Senior Center.
I went to the Charter and the Ordinances and this is what I found…
§ 20-1. Establishment; purpose.
A. The Aberdeen Board of Parks and Recreation, (hereinafter “Board”), is hereby established.
B. The Board is created for the purpose of promoting parks and recreation in the town and of being the legal successor to the Recreation Council and any other parks and recreation committees, boards, councils, etc., by whatever name known, established on or after November 4, 1963, by the Commissioners.
§ 20-3. Powers and duties.
Subject to the supervision and the budgetary policies and appropriations of the Commissioners, the powers and duties of the Board shall be as follows:
A. To determine all questions of general policy relating to parks and recreation under the jurisdiction of the Commissioners.
B. To supervise the expenditure of funds appropriated by the Commissioners and other funds collected by the Board for parks and recreation purposes.
C. To appoint special committees to assist and advise in the exercise of its powers, duties and functions.
D. To employ through the Commissioners or the Harford County Department of Parks and Recreation such personnel as it may deem necessary and proper for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this chapter.
E. To establish, maintain and operate a comprehensive public recreation program and such recreation areas, structures, facilities and services, either publicly or privately owned, as are necessary therefor.
F. To purchase necessary equipment and supplies.
G. Establish schedules of charges for the use of the facilities available to it and for the services rendered by it.
H. Establish reasonable rules and regulations for the uses of said facilities and for the participation by groups and individuals in its programs. ”
and from the Ordinances…
Chapter 101: PARKS
Parks and Recreation Board — See Ch. 20.
§ 101-1. Permit required for use by groups.
Groups and organizations will be required to secure a permit for use of parks. Application for a permit shall be made on a form provided by the Commissioners or by the Aberdeen Parks and Recreation Board. All applications shall be accompanied by any required fee. No permit shall be issued to anyone under the age of eighteen (18) years. The person or persons issued a permit shall be responsible financially for the destruction of park property by anyone covered by the permit. All permits shall be made available to law enforcement agencies and/or park and recreational personnel.
§ 101-2. Destruction of property prohibited.
No person shall deface, alter, injure or disturb any monument, park equipment, boundary line, structure, land, sign or building on any park property.
§ 101-3. Fires.
No person shall build or cause to be built any fire on park grounds except in designated areas nor shall any fire be left unattended, and all fires must be rendered fully harmless before leaving the park grounds area.
§ 101-4. Animals.
No person shall pursue, catch, molest or kill any wildlife nor shall they disturb any nest, den or burrow of any animal or fowl on park property nor shall they cause or permit any dog, cat or other domesticated animal to run at large or to cause a nuisance on park grounds.
§ 101-5. Camping.
No person shall camp on park grounds except by permit and only in such areas as may be designated for such purposes.
§ 101-6. Parking of vehicles.
No person shall operate, stop, stand or park a vehicle in such a manner as to block or partially block any road, ramp or trail on the park grounds.
§ 101-7. Operation of off-road vehicles.
No person shall operate any type of minibike, trail bike, snowmobile, all-terrain vehicle or other vehicle that cannot be registered for operation on a public highway on park grounds, except in areas designated for the use of such vehicles.
§ 101-8. Riding of animals.
No person shall ride a horse, pony or other animal upon park property except in authorized areas and then only in such a manner that will not endanger life or property.
§ 101-9. Hours of operation.
No person shall be allowed on park property at any time from sunset of one day to sunrise of the next day except in authorized areas and/or by issuance of a permit. No person shall remain on park property upon receiving a lawful order to depart by any law enforcement officer or by authorized park and recreation personnel.
§ 101-10. Peddling and advertising.
No person shall peddle, solicit business of any nature whatsoever, collect funds for any service or charity, distribute handbills or other advertising matter or post any signs on park land unless so authorized by park and recreation personnel in writing.
§ 101-11. Interference with and compliance with directives of employees and agents.
No person shall interfere with any employee or agent of the Park and Recreation Department in the performance of an official duty and, further, all persons will follow all lawful directives issued by such employee or agent.
§ 101-12. Sound amplification.
No person shall use a loudspeaker, public address system or amplifier within or upon park property without a permit.
§ 101-13. Firearms.
No person shall have in his or her possession any firearm while on park property. This section shall not apply to persons authorized to carry firearms in the discharge of their official duties.
§ 101-14. Refuse.
No person shall deposit, dump or allow refuse of any kind on park property except by placing such refuse in a container provided for such purposes and then only such refuse resulting from use on the park property.
§ 101-15. Exhibitions.
No person shall exhibit any machine, show any animals or indulge in any exhibitions nor shall any person carry on any performance which shall cause persons to congregate so as to interfere with the purpose for which the park is provided, except by permit.
§ 101-16. Fee.
No person shall use any park facility, land or area for which a fee has been established without payment of such fee or charge.
§ 101-17. Alcoholic beverages and controlled dangerous substances. A. No person shall consume or possess controlled dangerous substances, as defined in Article 27 of the Annotated Code of Maryland, while on park grounds.
B. No person shall consume or possess any alcoholic beverages unless a license has been obtained from the Liquor Control Board in accordance with state law.
§ 101-18. Violations and penalties. A. A violation of this chapter is deemed to be a municipal infraction. Any person violating any provision of this chapter shall be subject to the following civil penalties:
(1) First offense: fifty dollars ($50.).
(2) Second offense: two hundred dollars ($200.).
(3) Third offense: four hundred dollars ($400.).
B. Each twenty-four-hour period in which a violation exists shall constitute a separate offense.
So, I learned something from all this…the law is the law.
Since I am not a group nor an organization and I am an Individual; am not subject to the Charter in this instance,nor the Ordinance in this instance, but by one exception. If asked, I must leave the Festival Park after sunset or be subject to a civil penalty.
I guess these WRONG attempts at winning an Election is what we all could expect from certain persons and that it is common for the City of Aberdeen government to disregard its own Charter and Ordinance in the interest of themselves…OH and a “Revival” which is held on a Tuesday which is also Election Day!
I was informed today that the City intends to make the parking surrounding the Festival Park “temporary” 30 minute parking for election day and that the police department will be enforcing it.
I went to the Aberdeen Parks & Rec Office Today and gained copies of the Facility Request Application & Contract, Reservation Policies and Procedures for Festival Park and reviewed the Facility Request Application and Contract which was filed by “The Freinds of Aberdeen” whose name was recently taken from and registered by Stephen Wright. Wright coincidentally is the business partner of the Mayor and his campaign manager.
After reviewing the Charter and Ordinances of the City, the Reservation Policies and Procedures and the Facility Request Apllication & Contract, I have found no provisions for excluding the public from that or any other park while under permit.
I also reviewed the Charter, Ordinances and the Maryland Transportation Article and found that the police department has no legal authority to regulate parking except in an emergency or under the propery filed permits for special event, ie: parades and also must properly post signs in accordance with the State Transportation Article.
I then went to City Hall and filed a Public Information Request regarding any documents giving the City legal authority that would exclude the public from the park on election day and legislated authority which gives the police department the authority to regulate and enforce parking; this request was recieved by Mr. Miller the City Manager. During our conversation Mr. Miller acknowledged that there are in fact no legal provisions to exclude the public from parks while under permit and the he thought that under general police powers the police department could regulate the parking. I advised Mr. Miller that he get some guidance from the City Attorney on the matter as I was to inform him of the current events and ask for his interpretation before seeking the decision of a judge on Monday.
Keep looking…where there’s smoke there’s fire as someone on here had posted!
Why is my post copied…with extra info added…I didn’t write this?
It is the truth however, but only someone inside City Hall would know this?
I think I know who you are.
Just a little unsure why Simone felt the need to re-post Mr. Denu’s ENTIRE festival park permit concerns… and a little confused as to why she’s so concerned with police regulation of parking. Explain the conspiracy theory to me because I don’t get it.
When a smoke detector is constantly beeping… usually just means it needs batteries.
Oh…could be right…I just cant tell anymore!
Sorry, when I posted at 5:06, I didn't realize someone already had 'First Timer'.
Hey Denu, I know who Simone is too…it’s you. Look at the “copied” post. The information added was written just like the original you posted…and in first person. Then 10 minutes later you sign on and give that lame attempt to cover it up? Makes me wonder how many of your other “supporters” on here are just you as well. I’m sure you’ll have an excuse that someone signed on under Simone’s name to attempt to discredit you but what makes that unlikely is most people would have never even caught the changed information. So how would that be an excellent way to discredit you? If someone wanted to do that they could just sign on under your name and start ranting and making stuff up…Oh wait, you already do that on your own.
the 5:16 was not me. Someone else is impersonating me.
I went to that gathering for Fred Simmons, Dave Yensan and Mike Hiob on the east side. Not many people were there. Just the incumbents and their people. I also went to the Sunday gathering for all of them too. Again, not a good showing of support for them. It was a little sad and I felt sorry for them. Oh well, I just wanted to let everyone know .
Mrs. Elliott (OMG): Since you were the Maid of Honor in my Mother and Father’s wedding in 1957, its hard for me to reply like this….but, you’re the liar and weak chicken for not telling the citizens the truth when you were able. Respectfully speaking, however!
Steve Wright, I suppose you are now going to claim you didn’t write the last post. How dare you call Mrs. Elliott a liar. You are a sorry piece of s*$#,
Simone: I am still reading and taking it all in. Don't you worry where I stand with Mr Denu. On Nov 6, it's Fred, Rick, Mike, Ruth ANN YOUNG, and DeWitt!!!
Wrong again Steve. You know i’m right about you. You have become such a disapointment.
Although Mayor Simmons was inexperienced when he first took office, he has learned from his mistakes. I truely believe he has the best interest of Aberdeen at heart. He has continually demonstrated the raw leadership necessary not only to usher Aberdeen into the future, but also to motivate other people to help make Aberdeen a better place. Mayor Simmons has addressed the problems that other administrations have ignored. Like the Ripken Stadium situation and the search for a new water source. Aberdeen has benifited tremendously from Mayor Simmons’ vision and realistic approach to problem solving.
I would urge all citizens to take a serious look at the canidates and see what they really have to offer. Most of the mis-information aside, Fred Simmons has been, and still is, the best choice for Aberdeen.
In response to Mac
Mayor Simmons has made a lot of mistakes and should not be allowed back in to make another two years worth of blundering. There are other choices for the position and I say we as a city vote for another person rather than Simmons to do the job. Simmons knows the insurance business very well, but, he is not a good leader. Mr. Simmons has portrayed Aberdeen as a city full of crime. A city so bad that he himself has to carry a gun to feel safe. Other mayors of Aberdeen have not carried guns. If I were a prospective home buyer new to the area I’m not sure I would want to purchase a home here. Mr. Simmons has set a bad example for Aberdeen. You even said it yourself “he has made mistakes”. The question is can Aberdeen and its citizens afford $$$$ any more of them. I feel its time to get serious and elect a better canidate for the job.
You say that Simmons has addressed the problem with the Ripkin Stadum and the search for a new water source. That is a problem that the council as a whole is looking to solve. Not just the mayor, you see, this is why we need a new mayor. One who will work with all equally. One who will consider themselves one of a five member council and not the supreme ruler and final word. The only people who have benifited from Mayor Simmons are his friends. Some of them have made thousands.And where did this money come from? Paid buy raising our taxes. Mayor Fred Simmons has a vision alright. His own. All you have to do is drive down any city street and you see his campaign signs that refer to him as God.
I will vote on Nov.6 and I feel very strongly that a new man will be elected for the job. That is what the word out there is too.
Voter: If you recall Simmons became mayor and had no choice but to clean up the mess that the Wilson administration left. How do you get city services at today’s rates if you are paying taxes for 1999 rates? If memory serves me right wasn’t Ripken Stadium there before Simmons was elected mayor? Wasn’t it Simmons that pushed for a hotel tax, lobbying to the lawmakers in Annapolis who saw fit not to pas it? Face it we give a governor 4 years, we give a president 4 years, how about letting Simmons finish what he started, 2 years has not been enough time to fix all of the ills.
Now let’s look at Bennet. The guy says that he’ll lower taxes, great, HOW? The guy says that he’ll lower our water bills, great, HOW? He provides (or his handlers provide) what the public wants to hear but there is no hint as to how it will be accomplished. I could be elected mayor and give every homeowner $1 back and say that I lowered taxes. Wouldn’t be a lie but it wouldn’t be what the public expected either. Want to save money, want lower taxes, close down the police department and rely on the sheriff’s department, ouch, that would hurt. How about no more trash pick up, maybe you would like running out to the dump every week or so to dispose of your refuse. The point that I’m trying to make is that the Bennet camp can’t offer a simple answer to HOW they are going to save the voters money not to mention that Bennet hasn’t been involved in BRAC, at least Simmons has been there since day 1.
Be sure to cast your vote on November 6. Just don’t do it blindly, you know, like all of those O’Malley supporters did last year and look at the state of affairs that MD is in right now with a special session just so they can raise taxes and tax every thing under the sun.
VOTER AGAINST SIMMONS, You wrote “The only people who have benifited from Mayor Simmons are his friends”. Well, I am not a friend of Simmons but I have benefited more from him as mayor than any mayor prior to him. I would suggest you talk with the prople who live in the historically crime ridden areas of the city and see if they have benefited from him as well. It’s idiots like you that are blinded by your hatred/personal feelings about Simmons and make such ridiculous statements that further cements my neighbors decision that Simmons is the best man for the job.
By the way, VOTER AGAINST SIMMONS, are you actually stating that Bennett will make no mistakes if elected Mayor? Everyone makes them and Bennett WILL make many if elected mayor. Simmons will make some too. The difference is Simmons has the business sense and intelligence level to minimize the number of mistakes and can EFFECTIVELY address any issues that come up during his tenure. That is the biggest problem I have with Bennett, he has not been visible at all during the campaign and when I have seen him speak he seems clueless and makes promises that the taxpayers want to hear but he never outlines his plan on how he will follow through. From what I have seen the taxes can’t be lowered significantly without cutting services.
NO. Balance the budget.
I think acrobat is Fred Himself! Ahhhhh Caught Ya!
Since suddenly facts are important and someone asked for this comparision under a previous post here is some information regarding taxes and water/sewer rates.
The below property tax rates are per $100.00 assessed and are taken from….
Bear in mind Havre de Grace does not provide trash removal for its residents and they have approximately 20 police officers compared to Aberdeen's appromately 46 officers.
Aberdeen .51 Havre de Grace .62
Aberdeen .55 Havre de Grace .72
Aberdeen .55 Havre de Grace .72
Aberdeen .55 Havre de Grace .70
Aberdeen .735 Havre de Grace .68
Aberdeen .715 Havre de Grace .65
Now if I do the math the increase in 2006 was about 33% not 56%.
As far as water and sewer rates are concerned below are the rates for Aberdeen and Havre de Grace according to their websites for 2007. Remember under the Boutin administration the City of Aberdeen agreed to purchase from Harford County 500,000 gallons per day (whether we use it or not) and Havre de Grace takes their water from the Susquehanna for free.
Aberdeen $4.38/1,000 gallons
Havre de Grace $3.45/1,000 gallons
Aberdeen $3.90/1,000 gallons
Havre de Grace $5.15/1,000 gallons
Combined Water and Sewer rates:
Aberdeen $8.28/1,000 gallons
Havre de Grace $8.60/1,000 gallons
New user water and sewer connection fees:
Aberdeen $14,400.00
Havre de Grace $18,500.00
Why any of the candidates could not post this information is beyond me.
In response to I Spy a Liar
You do realize that the mayor is a member of a FIVE MEMBER council don’t you? Mr Simmons has not taken the advice of his peers. Mr Simmons has made a mess of things in Aberdeen. I have lived here 40 + years and have never been a victim of a crime in this city. I grew up on the east side and have friends who live all over the city, east side ,west side, and the rt. 40 corridor. Taxes were raised 56% which I understand was a calculation mistake made by Fred and his FRIEND & BUSINESS PARTNER. So yes the taxes can be lowered. maybe you do not own a home inside Aberdeen city limits and your taxes were not affected. Mine were! We as homeowners expect a minimal raise in our taxes but a 56% jump. So stop getting so offended when all i’m doing is expressing my opinion . I have no hatred for Mr. Simmons. Mr. Bennett is not able to get information from city hall as Mr. Simmons is. I feel that Mr. Bennett will take advice and consider the opinions of the other four council members and then together as a whole make well informed decisions that will benifit Aberdeen and its citizens. Mr Simmons did not “clean Up” Aberdeen alone if Aberdeen even needed cleaning in the first place. If Mayor Simmons listened to the citizens of Aberdeen he would be in a better political position right now.
And to Rwinger:
It might be worth looking at the idea of living outside Aberdeen’s city limits. At least then there would be no water & sewer bill or exagerrated property taxes imposed by a mayor and a Certified Public Accountant. I hope the States Attorney’s office finds out everything and maybe just maybe it will shut you guys up!
Good information Acrobat, thank you. Those against Simmons will not post this nor will they heed it. It's a documented fact and it's something that should have been put out on a mailer or provided to door to door canvassers.
Viet Nam Vet: Based upon your military service you of all people should know that the soldiers don't get the credit and the commanders will do what the commander and chief wishes. That's how it works in the civilian world too. tHe officers aren't going to get the credit for carrying out the mission, the commanders aren't going to get the credit for providing the mission, Fred Simmons is going to get the credit for (a) lighting a fire under the chief of police's butt (b) backing the officers in the deployment of their duties and (c) providing a goal oriented clear mission for the police department. Crime is one of the key elements in any administration and crime fighting and crime suppression was and remains one of Fred's key elements. I'm glad that the man is able to stick to a plan.
On a side note, I had the pleasure to speak with a few of Aberdeen's finest this weekend and it turns out that the department has attracted many new members/ applicants, all of whom have prior law enforcement experience and some that took a slight pay cut to come and work at a professional agency under a professional administration.
Do not think that I am offended when you attack Simmons, I do however have a problem when people make statements that they can offer no proof on, which is what you have done. I moved to Aberdeen from Havre De Grace several years ago and even with the tax increase I still pay less here than I did there. What proof do you have that “Mr Simmons has made a mess of things in Aberdeen” and that “Mr Simmons has not taken the advice of his peers”? I would love to know how you came to those conclusions. I deal in FACT and the fact is the city was over a miliion dollars in debt when Simmons took office and now the city is out of debt and the budget is balanced. For years the politicians did not raise taxes gradually when they should have because they were more concerned with upsetting the voters than the long term stability of the city.
Aberdeen is in serious debt. That is a Fact. Just wait a few more days. You will see what mean. Borrowing money we cannot repay and then borrowing more money we cannot repay.
I think you have this administration confused with the Wilson administration. Besides why wait a few days as you suggest? If you have proof that the city is in debt..provide it to us.
To Steve Wright:
After some investigating I found out that you were wrong. Ruth Elliott was NOT in YOUR mothers wedding.Your mother was Ruth Elliott’s Maid of Honor. You see you hav been so out of touch with your own family that you do not even know who was in who’s wedding! Respectfully speaking!
voter against simmons
So you agree with the current administration’s raising of taxes and water/sewer rates rather than borrowing funds to maintain the budget.
according to the sunday, sun paper. fearless fred simmons has reduced the crime rate in aberdeen to it’s lowest point in years. ( sorry guy’s & gal’s of aberdeen police department no credit given) that being the case.we no longer need a police department.the fire department would like a little help so we close the police department and lower property tax’s.just a few day’s away.time will tell.
Mayor Simmons makes decisions for the city and cares not what its citizens or the council say. He dosen’t hear the citizen.
Some food for thought. Just what if everyone who voted against the annexation votes against Mr. Simmons. That will put him out. Everyone knows that he is still trying to push another annexation through. So, no Fred no annexation.
What –
You obviously live outside the City if annexation is your only concern and YOU care not about the citizens of Aberdeen and the other issues that face this City.
On the Sun blog someone who obviously knows Bennett said "he couldn't run a blender" That's exactly the kind of Mayor Aberdeen needs.
Setting it straight: Thank you for the clarification…..I wasn't there so I couldn't swear to it. I would hope that Mrs. Elliott would remember. Mrs. Elliott's not my mother, IS SHE?
Steven Wright
I know Mrs. Elliott and she is not your mother.
You don't have a mother . She disowned you when
you were a teen. Because you were a ass*#le. But
everyone has a right to be a ass*#le once and a while, but you abuse the privilege.
are you sure glory hunter. is not the proper word? there is no crime in aberdeen it’s all gone. freddie say’s so. I’am sure in do time it will return. a man that carry’s a gun in a bible.of all place’s I might add. maybe the next time he’s in L/ A lower aberdeen he can pull up a stump and do some good ole country preaching.
Amen vietnam vet
I spy:
After this election all the facts will be available to the new council and new Mayor. Other facts will be brought out to light after the state’s attorney investigation and the Grand Jury is finished. Yeah, none of you ever make comments on that hot potato!
I dont care about Havre De Grace. MY property taxes WENT UP 56%!!
Well let’s just get rid of the police dept. ,the city manager and the rest of the city council and let Freddie Boy run this town. That would save the taxpayer plenty. If freddie has accomplished all this on his own than what is the need for anyone else. OH, OH, I know, why don’t we settle this election in the park with a shoot out between Simmons and Bennett. Then we can eliminate the voters too.
Acrobat, GREAT POST! I asked about this a week ago. Denu said it would be comparing apples to oranges, but now I know why he didn't post it. It was was very eye opening and informative.
Guess ACT/New Harford Democratic Club/Art Helton Fan Club don't how to respond to it other then change the topic to something else.
Your comments aren't exactly correct. A good leader, both in the military and in business, stands back and praises his troops whenever something goes right. This keeps the troops motivated and makes them feel like they're doing something worthwhile. The troops get recognized for their efforts. The only time you hear from a good leader is when something goes wrong. Then the good leader steps up and accepts the blame/responsibility for the failure, shielding his/her troops from the fallout of the failure.
Employee – sorry I didn't remember it was you and Denu's response. Rwinger you are right it should have gone out as a mailer. But then again what do we know.
I do wish someone would explain to me the difference between negative and the truth. The headline of the article yesterday in the Sun mentioned "mudsling"
Well isn't it the truth that Johnson and Helton do not live in Aberdeen? and
Isn't it the truth that Bennett received the questions for the Sargeant's exam (he admitted it) ?and
Isn't it the truth Elliott went and had official documents backdated (she admitted it under oath) ?and
Isn't it the truth that most of the people working for the New Democratic Club candidates do not live in the City (Sun article Saturday)? and
Isn't it the truth that The City of Aberdeen elections are supposed to be non-partisan (the charter)?
To be fair this Mayor and Council did raise taxes but it was to keep the City from going bankrupt and to balance the budget,the Mayor does carry a gun legally (he has admitted it) the annexation was not hastily approved it spent 6 months infront of the Planning Commission and was brought up at Council Meetings for those 6 months (check the minutes)
I am just trying to figure out how it can be "All about Trust" when they do not want to accept the truth. So I am left to believe it is "All about Trust" based on the lies I will tell you.
The "Its all about Trust" slogan means trying to get Mayor Fred Simmons' Air park eventually annexed in to Aberdeen city limits so he and his accountant friend, Steve Wright ( you know, the one who made $98,000.00 at $ 150.00 per hour to look over Aberdeens financials) could link up with APG's airfield and make lots of money. The Simmons hidden agenda. Yeah, right In Fred no one canTrust!
Hey Voter, "Its all about Trust" is not Fred Simmons slogan. I think you misread the last post.
Voter I think you need to call the FAA – first of all
Secondly just so you know there is something called the Aldino Sod Farm in between the land that was being annexed and the airport and several houses so they likelyhood of that ever happening is slim to none.
The airpark will see County water and sewer if it ever sees public services from the Bel Air side before annexation in to the City would even be possible.
Again more lies and scare tactics from the wackos
No lies just the truth. You scared? You should be Fred. You are on your way out! Hooray!!!! Need help packing? I can drop off somes boxes for you.
The Mayor should be out campaigning rather than sitting in his sudo office at city hall responding to this blog.Well, on the other side of the coin staying inside is probably a better idea. With all the talk of him toteing a gun , I as a private citizen would not appreicate him on my front porch step knocking at my door.
Steve Wright:
How dare you describe yourself as Ruth Elliotts' son. You are a failure as a son. I know Ruth Elliott and her family . You are not a son of Ruth. Out of all the campaign smears in this election, that one takes the cake. You are indeed an idiot!
So Mr. Wright you do admit that you do not have the facts straight about whos wedding Mrs. Elliott was or was not in.If you will lie about something that trivial than you will lie about anything. That makes you a unreliable source of information when it comes to Fred Simmons. I take it that all your rants about how wonderful Simmons is are made up too.
I did post the answer to the questions posed to the rates and taxes, but I guess you didn't like that answer.
Comparing our taxes and service rates is apples and oranges. Price is determined by many factor which vary from business to business or service to service…I think we can all understand that.
The price of our services are affected by tax base to service ratio, the age of our infrastructure (ie: is it paid for and operable or failing?), utilities costs which are affected by efficient or non-efficient equipment and so on.
So to compare our rates to those of Bel Air, Havre De Grace or any other would require a COMPLETE SIDE BY SIDE analysis of all the contributing factors to cost and then decide where we are in that mix…have we no and it's irresponsible to assume that because others taxes and rates are about the same or higher that we should fall into place….Isn't that like PRICE GAUGING!
Our prices for services need to based on what it ACTUALLY costs us to deliver, with of course a modest margin of gain to save for future improvements and that's it. We doubled our rates to generate a 3.7 million dollar surplus in that enterprise fund, but that money is subsidizing other shortfalls and we are borrowing 3.5 million with interest to upgrade three pumping stations that have been in such need for about ten years.
Voter Against Fred Simmons….you are an idiot and should real the blods before responding to them, if you knew anything about the election you should know "Its All About Trust" is Bennett's slogan, not a true one, but it's his.
Big Blue….the mayor does not sit on here and post blogs all day like others because guess what, he is still the mayor and still has his job to do without worrying what ridiculous rants people say on here. He has been out campaigning, you should have gone to a council meeting or one of his campaign cookouts if you would like him to address your questions personally.
Mr. Denu you dont' have to justify anything tto employee. He is an obvious Fred man. dont' waste you time on him. You have my vote!
I did go to his cookout. That is where Icame to my opinion of him.
Right its all about trust! VOTERS: DO NOT TRUST IN FRED SIMMONS! He will try to push the annexation through again if elected. He will keep is CLOSED DOOR POLICY in effect. A VOTE FOR FRED SIMMONS IS A VOTE TO DOOM ABERDEEN!!!!!!!!
To address the issue of whether Aberdeen "needed to be cleaned up," I wanted the facts.
You can do a crime comparison for years up to 2004 at:…
I used Havre de Grace as a comparison. You will see that in 2004, Aberdeen had higher crime rates in every single category except murder. Aberdeen consistently had higher crime rates than the NATIONAL average, as well as our sister city.
Now, onto a comparison of 2005 (when Fred Simmons was elected mayor at the end of the year) and 2006 (the latest year for which data has been compiled. Crime rates for Aberdeen, MD, courtesy of
2005: Murder- 0; Rape- 6; Robbery- 42; Aggravated Assault- 111; Burglary- 131; Larceny- 604; Vehicle Theft- 67
2006: Murder- 1; Rape- 2; Robbery- 41; Aggravated Assault- 58; Burglary- 95; Larceny- 635; Vehicle Theft- 62
The differences: Murder–negligible; Rape–not a big enough number to compare, but down 30% in 2006; Robbery–negligible; Aggravated Assault–down 47% in 2006; Burglary–down 27% in 2006; Larceny–up 5% in 2006; Vehicle Theft–down 7% in 2006.
All violent crimes were down 36% in Aberdeen in 2006. Does Fred Simmons deserve all the credit–no. But is crime down–yes.
Next, I'm going to look up the literacy statistics in Aberdeen, because these blogs have me concerned. Most recently…"sudo"=pseudo, "toteing" doesn't have an "e" and "appreicate" is just wrong.
Voter- I am not Fred.
Thank you for making my point and admitting that all the supporters of Bennett, Elliott, and Dewitt care about are no more annexations because they do not want to be a part of the City of Aberdeen.
You could care less about the tax rate – you don't pay it.
You could care less about crime – you call the sheriff's department.
You could care less about correcting our water/sewer issues – you don't use it.
But, you are users! You have used this election to push your agenda and those three candidates should be ashamed of themselves for aligning with you. It is apparent that they do not have the best interests of this City at heart if their primary goal is to move forward the agenda of Non-City residents.
Voter Against Simmons: Get your facts straight. There is NO state's attorney investigation and NO Harford County grand jury. The Investigation that you refer is an inquirey by the MD State Prosecutor's Office. They are a fact finding investigative agency with the power to subpeona. Any findings of wrong doing or questionable acts get forwarded to the jurisdictional authorities and the investigation starts anew. At present the MD State Prosecutor's Office in Towson, MD will not deny or confirm that there is an official invesatigation, only will confirm by not denying that there was an official inquirey regarding Aberdeen City government operations (for anyone who gives a rats butt an inquirey could be as simple as a complaint filed by an employee with an ax to grind who makes up or repeats rumor). The Office of the State's Attorney for Harford County has not issued subpeona one regarding government operations in City of Aberdeen. There are your FACTS. Don't like them, twist them, pound sand, do what you will.
In my opinion if a certain developer, let's say one who restores commercial properties along Route 40, wanted to develop on a sod farm you can bet that the annexation would have passed hands down and you could bet that the DEM machine would be silent in Aberdeen just as they are in Bel Air this year. Now that's just my opinion based upon what I have seen in the past. Just as I am of the opinion that Aberdeen is indeed safer these days, that the mayor actually supports and backs the police officers that work for Aberdeen, that the mayor is trying to see that Aberdeen residents, businesses, and visitors get the most of city services with the least bit strain on the pockets of taxpayers a percentage of whom want 2007 services at 1995 prices (33% tax increase or 56%, heck if he wanted to turn the screws the tax would have jumped 100% BUT IT DIDN'T), and that the mayor, who is only in the second year of what would be a 4 year term anywhere else that matters, has been on BRAC since jump street and knows what is going on.
Can anyone answer this………if Bennet is going to win and if Bennet is the greatest thing since sliced bread wouldn't it make sense that Bennet has been at every council meeting for the last 6 months or so, wouldn't it make sense that Bennet would offer a HOW on his mailings when he says what he is going to do for Aberdeen, wouldn't it make sense for Bennet to have called for a debate, and wouldn't it have made sense for Bennet to run without being on a ticket that has a proven liar and a 5th place finisher.
VOTER AGAINST SIMMONS: You must live in a small "bubble?" Last year, soon after the failed annexation attempt, all council members went to MML in Ocean City. While four council members (Hiob, Kupferman, Yensan, and Simmons) attending the meetings and conferencing that the citizens pay for, Elliott found it necessary to shop and take in some sun rays. There was a seminar on annexation. The EXPERTS in the field said in order for a city to stay alive, where there is room to grow, a city must or the taxes will continue to rise, and they current citizens will pay for all the traffic and services the non residents use.
I am not saying that this last annexation attempt was right or wrong, should or shouldn't be however I am saying GET OFF YOUR A$$E$ and PARTICIPATE before you go blowing your horn about closed doors, who did what, where, when, and why. If you think it is so easy, run for City Council in 2009.
Hey Fred .Oh, I mean Acrobat:
A sod farm can be annexed as well as those homes too.Who do you think tha ACT people are? People who do not live in Aberdeen an do not want to be annexed in. Stop dancing around the issues. You are a cheat a sneak a liar and a pig that takes all the credit for cleaning up Aberdeen, as if it needed it!
I would just like to say that Rick Denu is responsible for the reduction in crime, not Fred Simmons. If it wasn't for me, I mean Rick Denu, the police would have had no direction. I, I mean Rick Denu, wrote all the policies and performed most, if not all the work. I deserve all the credit and no one else.
Now, I promise, I mean Rick Denu, promises that if I'm elected I will get the Police Chief, Randy Rudy, fired. It was becasue of him and Simmons that I, I mean Rick, didn't pass the Sergeant's exam. They told me Bennett had all the answers, but then they changed the test at the last minute. THAT WASN'T FAIR!!!!
Anyway, I will replace everyone by putting my closest buddies in charge. Then you will all see just how great I, I mean Rick, is.
uhh…..whoever is acting like maggie mae who is pretending to be rick denu….its not even funny dude.
Let it go.
1) grow up and act like adults if in fact you are adults
2) If read my reply, I am Robert Elliott Jr and I am located in North Carolina. My brother that works at Frito Lay has nothing to do with this election either but people like you want to make it a family affair
3) I put my full name out there for all to see….how about you…..thats right……scared?????
Thats the problem with most of you. You want to express your lies when you really have no idea what your talking about. evidenced by your statements assuming I was the son that worked at Frito Lay.
Just I thought you would do. Jump to conclusions instead of searching for the facts first. Thanks for proving me right. That was so easy
Mr Neidig,
Ruth Elliott is not the problem with Aberdeen.
It is people with your senseless barrage of run-on statements which get to no point in particular.
I have dragged you on all night trying to get you to make a point with some facts that carry any weight.
Instead you can only come back with personal comments towards my family and my mother.
I really do not have time any longer since I am not even a resident of Aberdeen. It is a sad time in Aberdeen history to see citizens such as yourself voice unfounded opinions. Anyone and I mean anyone can tell you are an advocate for Simmons and his entourage and thats fine. But do it in a much more professional manner. The banter you are throwing out here is just that, banter.
If you are so confident that you know all the facts and can do things better than my mother, run for office.
I work with many local governments everyday from federal to small townships and if you all cannot work as a team you are doomed. You have to give and take but in the end you elected to office to represent the people.
I can assure you annexation can cripple a town if it is not done right. It should not be a tool to simply bring in taxes as it seems Simmons thinks it is.
Again, I respect opinions of good natured and fact filled concerns. You and some others feel it neccesary to personally attack my entire family and I take that personally. Stick to facts in the future and people will listen as long as it is professional.
My mother is a fighter. sticks and stones do not break her bones.Look somewhere else and you may find the real problem.
Acrobat – Since when does Aberdeen "provide" trash pick-up? we pay to have our trash hauled away, that should be part of the taxes we pay.
Jason – I'm glad the Police force supports Simmons in every way … but supporting and assisting in the annexation the way the Police force did only made me lose faith in the force. You guys need to be neutral and not in the middle of politics. But I still support you guys/gals 100%
My guess at the elections:
Bennett/Simmons – a toss up
Denu – Great guy for the job, should of ran for Mayor
Kup – Always there for the citizens
Hiob – dont like how he flip-flop with Simmons but he does the job
Young – Gotta love her spunk!!
I can’t stand it any longer….Hard to believe so many idiots exist in this “blog-land.” Maybe it’s just a bad dream…P.S.”Voter against Fred Simmons” you’re a retard. I hope you never run for any office………
Jason……..I give everyone a chance but you are really getting on my nerves with the senseless bashing of my mother while accusing others of “voters against Simmons”. None of your statements have any credit to them. If you want to post to a blog get your facts straight. Why would one go to a seminar on annexation if they are not interested? As usual, you expect my mother to give in. She is not a “yeswoman”.
I put my name out there for all to see while most of you want to hide behind a screen name. which one of you are a candidate in hiding.
I must say, real citizens of Aberdeen should be ashamed of the postings on this so called “Blog”.
Jr. Oh you are just upset she did not get water for Frito Lay so you could get a promotion 🙁
Robert Jr – I don’t expect your mother to give in or be a yes woman however when she changes her mind on issues as many times as she does, some have to question where she stands. She is like a shoe I call a “flip flop!” She needs to hang up her political career. Wait, then you wouldn’t get that promotion at FL, right?
Robert Jr – Neidig is the last name, make sure you spell it right! One thing is for sure, we don’t need Council persons who vote to do the RIGHT thing and then change their mind when threatened not to get re-elected. We don’t need Council persons that don’t support their employees. We don’t need Council persons who cannot recognize it is not 1984 anymore.
We don’t need Council persons who continue “forget” when it is convenient. Sad is it may be, Ruth probably will get re-elected. Outside of politics, she is a nice woman. Have a great evening.
Anyway, Harry T:
The FOP supports cannidates who support our members. I've been at Aberdeen for over 17 years and NO ONE has ever openly supported the members of the Police Dept more than Fred Simmons.
Futhermore, the FOP will continue to endorse and support cannidates for public office. It is the only way we can address the quality of work and life issues facing the officers that work here. Issues like the previous administrations under-funding our retirement and refusing to update equipment.
If you recall the citizens, who so called support the police 100%, voted down our attempt to secure collective bargining. So we have no other avenue to address these problems. Some claim it was becasue we would cause a tax increase. No one believed us when we said taxes were going to increase anyway.
So I will repeat myself, Fred Simmons is the only Mayor in the past 17 years to openly support the Police Officers in Aberdeen. He has, in 2 short years, brought us out of the stone age and made us a well-respected and professional dept.
Once again another impersonation of me. I did not make that statement posted at 7:01am.
Well i'm off to go vote. BENNET, KUPPERMAN, ELLIOTT, DENU,YOUNG.tHESE ARE MY PICKS. Just pick any of the canidates, but don't pick Simmons, Yensan, Or Hiob!
Thanks for the reply on Nov. 5 at 4:48. Posers I guess.
Harry T – I must agree that I don't think the FOP should be involved in the annexation process however as a board member at the time, it is the people we represent that voted to endorse the plan, which I may add was a good plan, just promoted wrong.
Thanks for your continued support. As Mac said, we support those who support us.