The Dagger was offline this past weekend, quite literally at a wedding and a funeral. For everyone who’s still with us, a word of note: We received angry, angry emails from The Aegis and The Examiner over the past few days. The Examiner editor reminded us that he’s worked for The New York Times, etc., […]
Archives for October 2007
The Creature From The Abingdon Basement
Just in time for Halloween come pictures of the now infamous Abingdon Alligator discovered almost by accident in the basement of a local home a week or so ago. The story, as I heard it, goes something like this: the resident of an Abingdon home was missing for a few weeks and was apparently murdered […]
A Long Lost Friend: Murder and Magic at Southern Pennsylvania’s Hex House
Somewhere in south-central Pennsylvania, a family is worried. A child has fallen ill and shows no signs of improving. After a fair amount of hand-wringing and soul-searching, a man enters the house to fetch the remedy – not medicine, not a doctor, but a short passage from a small book. Its pages contain neither the […]
Can a Thin Population Bear the Hunt?
In four days 51 black bears were killed in Maryland .The hunters have used a good broadheads for hunting in killing them, this was all according to HuntingArrows. With little more than 500 American black bears living in the state and a majority of residents preferring a non-lethal alternative to black bear control, the hunting […]
And Now For Something Completely Different…
After keeping tabs on the political articles popping up on The Dagger lately, I came to the conclusion that some entertainment news needs to be inserted to break-up the seriousness of this site That’s why I have chosen to post a movie review. This time around I tackle David Cronenberg’s Eastern Promises. I went to […]
When The Going Gets Weird…
Politics, n. A strife of interests masquerading as a contest of principles. The conduct of public affairs for private advantage. -Ambrose Bierce, The Devil’s Dictionary, 1911 Things started turning weird here at The Dagger this past week, and after kicking it around amongst ourselves for a few days, we’ve decided to open the books and […]
An Offer They Couldn’t Refuse?
Speaking of benefactors, could The Aegis newspaper, Harford County’s community newspaper of record, have been helping the cause of an Aberdeen annexation opposition group behind the scenes last year? More disturbing details from the testimony of a member of the annexation opposition, as part of the lawsuit that group filed against the City of Aberdeen, […]
Elliott’s (Post)Date With Destiny
Ruth Elliott, an incumbent Aberdeen City Councilwoman and former mayor, may have participated in election fraud this March when she allegedly had members of the city’s Board of Elections sign and back-date the official results of a special election held months prior. Such election fraud, according to the city charter, is considered a misdemeanor and, […]