What took so long?
It’s been six months or so since Aberdeen Mayor S. Fred Simmons, who is also a local airport owner and insurance agent, erected a billboard on Route 40 at the city’s eastern border for his State Farm Insurance business. It wasn’t until this week, however, that the billboard, which features a nine-foot tall photo of Simmons’ head, was defaced.
The first time I saw the billboard, I was driving into Aberdeen with the rest of the westbound traffic on Pulaski Highway. I was immediately struck by several thoughts:
– what an effective advertisement, not just for his insurance business, but for his continuing mayorship
– what an impossible-to-miss target
I was editor of The Record newspaper at the time and had just covered the special election that turned out to be a public drubbing, by a nearly 2-to-1 margin, of the largely Simmons-promoted Wetlands annexation. The mayor made a lot of enemies during the nearly year-long struggle to annex and then un-annex the golf course property. He received death threats and even had an angry resident grab him by the shoulder during a city council meeting.
With so many enemies, perhaps the billboard was a brilliant strategic move on Simmons’ part; perhaps it was his very own bat symbol, I wondered.
For those uninitiated into the comic book world, the oft-given explanation for why Batman, the dark knight detective, wore a brilliant yellow bat symbol on his chest was that the iconic oval was heavily bullet-proofed, thereby providing would-be assassins with a perfect, yet impenetrable, target.
Simmons may have done the same thing, essentially giving his enemies an easy target, which, if struck, would do him very little actual harm. Far less harm than, say the guy who advanced on him with a baseball bat a few months back.
Much like how the bat symbol was also intended to strike fear into the hearts of the cowardly thugs of Gotham City, Simmons’ billboard might also be a psychological weapon to be used against local miscreants looking to do some damage in Aberdeen.
“Watch out, you’re on my turf now.”
(Incidentally, as something of a self-made vigilante, a renegade pilot who carries with him at all times a loaded gun and a sharp wit, Simmons is sure to get a kick out of all the comparisons to Batman).
I think he and I even talked at one point about taking bets on how long it would take for someone, either extremely brave or extremely stupid, to vandalize his billboard. He knew it was just a matter of time before his giant paper likeness became dotted with graffiti. Hell, he was probably counting on it.
Simmons is, after all, a month and a couple weeks removed from a re-election bid and could use the extra publicity. What better way to get people talking about you than to have someone literally and very publicly deface you?
[Note: There are those who have reservations about publicizing, and in some way glorifying, such a crime. While The Dagger does not condone criminal behavior, even of the symbolic nature, it does recognize its significance and will not self-censor what can and has been seen by any thousands of passersby each day.]
I really had a tough time deciding whether to publish the photos of this as well. Thanks for putting it up so I can link back 🙂
The Honest Abe beard looks pretty good on S. Fred, and it underlines one of his most interesting traits as a public figure: to some, it will look like the perfect parody of a guy who many locals would say embodies government arrogance and secrecy; to others, Simmons is the guy who’s taken a stand on crime, who’s walked down the worst streets in the city day and night, and who’s bolstered black churches in the community. A man with vision (and a loaded glock), after all, is bound to inspire extreme reactions.
Simmons’ evolution from maverick outsider to Mayor and District Attorney of the All-America City has been fascinating to watch, and Aberdeen residents will weigh in this fall on whether they’ve found the transition convincing. I remember how, in his first days on the Harford Community College Board of Trustees, Simmons would refuse to attend the questionable, closed-to-the-public pre-meeting dinners; and how he’d vote “nay” given half a chance, just to show the board he thought they were a bunch of stuffed shirts (turned out he was largely right). And, at about the same time, how he and I shared a hearty, humorous disdain for the uppity crowd at Harford Night in Annapolis back when Ehrlich was still governor. Simmons was dressed sharp for the political mixer, drinking a whiskey on ice. He hated this kind of crap, he said, and we stood on the sidelines making fun of all the windbags. That was back when he was still largely anonymous – before anyone had impetus to deface him with Old Abe references, or anarchy symbols.
Still just a typical corrupt politician in my book. I’m sure it doesn’t phase him at all when someone comes up to him with a bat or when he walks down the worst streets in his “All American City” knowing that he’s carrying a loaded weapon. Personally, I think it’s cowardly.
You guys should dig into what really went down with his involvement in the Friends of Aberdeen name and Young Democrats website incidents. There are still a lot of questions left unanswered by the local news and I think many readers would be interested to know the whole truth.
Fred Simmons is a complicated man with complex visions, which must be considered when contemplating any of his motives.
I might have been the first one to whom he showed his "Bible" – the carrying case for his gun.
"Are you preaching today Mr. Mayor?," city police chief Randy Rudy once asked Simmons in my presence.
Simmons was legally permitted to carry the sidearm by way of his insurance business long before he acted on any political aspirations.
That said, since becoming mayor Simmons HAS displayed a tendency to, let's say, provoke situations by putting himself in confrontational positions. He regularly rides around with city police on patrol. He used to, and may yet, tag along for city police Rapid Response Team missions. He once even drew his gun during such a tactical sting when a suspect fled down the street, which is apparently a big no-no for someone who isn't a certified law enforcement officer.
I've been on his patrols of the city and witnessed Simmons and Rudy stop known perpetrators or those who just 'look like they're up to no good' just to agitate them with probing questions and prodding comments.
Let's face it, Simmons is trying to shake things up and he has largely been successful. Whether you agree with his tactics is another story.
And speaking of questionable tactics, didn't Simmons put a plan in place to have cameras focused on all the major ingress and egress points in Aberdeen? His goal was to be able to keep an eye on every vehicle and person entering the city.
Perhaps he captured his personal graffiti artists on tape.
Would you have rather seen the mayor “take his beating like a man” from those that confronted him with a bat, instead of drawing his legally-carried gun? Oh wait, that’s right, he didn’t draw his gun. I guess it was just cowardly for him to radio the police then. He must have forgotten to order the latest Stop-Snitching videos.
The incident with the FOA name received coverage on several blogs and news outlets, enough for people to form opinions. I have no idea about the Young Democrats website, and would love to hear more!
Harford Now,
I don’t believe that people should be allowed to just run around with loaded guns all the time, licensed or not (accept cops, obviously). As Brian pointed out, Simmons has drawn his weapon when it was unacceptable. In my opinion, being allowed to carry a loaded gun just gives some individuals big-heads, which can lead to “accidents.”
“I guess it was just cowardly for him to radio the police then.” Obviously you misunderstood my comment.
All that being said, I’d rather not pick nasty fights with bloggers. It’s childish. You obviously have a different opinion than I do and feel strongly about it, which is fine. Stating your opinion is one thing – that’s what the “comments” section is for, but blasting other bloggers for their opinions is unwelcomed behavior.
I did not intend on “blasting” anybody. I was unaware that I called anybody else names or was condescending. I’m sorry you feel that way, and I’m sorry I came across that way.
I was stating my opinion in regards to yours about the bat incident. Do I think the mayor of a town should carry a gun while walking the streets? Absolutely not. Not in that capacity. If he wasn’t the mayor, then I believe he has the right to carry a gun if he has a permit. But we do not know if the ones with the bat knew he was the mayor, and not just some “normal” person, and in that case, the gun could have come in handy. Again, we don’t know, because it wasn’t even in play.
On the other hand, I would love more info on the Young Democrats website. Feel free to email me!
I believe that our wonderful Mayor probably had this done to his own billboard….. just for the free press. After all, it was up 6 months and no one else bothered it.
Whoa. Harfordnow was WAY inside the lines with his comments. If you’re going to toss out gross generalizations like “corrupt politician” and call people cowards without explaining exactly why, you can expect to have yr arguments picked apart. Nothing childish about that.
Also, it’s a fun theory, but S. Fred would have had to practice pretty hard to make those standard tagging marks — any ideas on what the Mickey Mouse glove symbols mean?
Well, just drove by the billboard, and it appears Fred has cleaned up his image! Or at least some powerwashers have.
I apologize for misunderstanding the intent of some of your comment. Now that we’re all clear, I’d just like to say it’s great to see other locals interested enough to dedicate blogs to the county.
Ouch… See you Monday, buddy.
It is a shame that people cannot accept change. Yes, maybe it was a little too fast but the ONLY person educated and responsible enough to carry Aberdeen into BRAC and through BRAC is S Fred. Aberdeen, as always, prior to Simmons was behind the 8 ball, dropped the ball, knowing BRAC was coming. Simmons was stuck with a near bankrupt city, and years behind when planning for BRAC. Further, I learn today that many of the “HONEST FRIENDS OF ABERDEEN” are not even City residents. Why are these people running this city? Why are we, city residents allowing these people to plan OUR future? Why are we allowing this? One answer. LIES! If you think S Fred is corrupt, check into the back round of the “HONEST FRIENDS OF ABERDEEN!” I was always told, Believe none of what you hear, and half of what you see. It is obvious we, the citizens of Aberdeen have not really sat down and look at the most qualified candidates. I urge you to keep SIMMONS in office, while voting for at least one new council face to enter this years race, Richard R Denu Jr.
For those of you who do not leave Aberdeen there are State Farm billboards up and down Rt 40 (even in Cecil County) for several agents (obviously part of a regional marketing campaign). It just so happened that the one for Simmons’ office is low enough to the ground that some tagger could reach it easily. I agree with Brian that it is amazing it took this long for that to happen. The fact that this incident is being made into a political issue is absurd and that Mayor Simmons did it is even more absurd.
“I’d join the movement If there was one
I could believe in…”
Great comments, folks — you all are raising some meaningful questions; hopefully we’ll be able to answer some of them in our upcoming election coverage. Here’s another: Have S. Fred’s overtures to the city’s African American population, and particularly to those invovled in pro-community church organizations been genuine; and has the relationship between the mayor and community activists improved the quality of life in Aberdeen?
To those who jokingly, I hope, were suggesting Simmons defaced his own face – it’s a fun theory, but it is pretty clear from the evidence that this was just the work of a typical Route 40 tagger.
As fun as it is to imagine, on both a literal and symbolic level, Fred crouched in front of his own giant, looming head with a bottle of spray paint, there is nothing indicating this was even perpetrated by a political enemy of the mayor’s.
In fact, the anarchy sign – a standard in the world of graffiti artists – is about the only political message on the board. Unless you read deeper into Matt’s ‘Abraham Lincoln beard theories.’
And for Herb and some others who are beginning to let fly with the political rhetoric – please stay tuned and stay in touch. The Dagger’s full election coverage kicks into gear next week.
Remember anyone with a news tip or candidate information can contact us at: thedaggermail@gmail.com
As written by Leonard…”Reason is not automatic. Those who deny it cannot be conquered by it. ”
Man is a being with free will; therefore, each man is potentially good or evil, and it’s up to him and only to him (through his reasoning mind) to decide which he wants to be.
Hey Daggermatt, you’ve been quiet. What’s the matter are you reading the last chapter?
No, Dags, I was just down in the basement looking for my copy of “Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal.” More later..
In Fred we DO NOT TRUST………..
Thanks Mary for your comment. If Fred was such a great Christian he would not have that slogan on his campaign signs. It’s wrong and belittles all the great people going to the churches in Aberdeen. I also think it ironic how he covered the Aberdeen Icon in the Council chambers with a bell and then uses it on his other campaign sings. Simmons (with Sam up his rear) has got to go.
Concerned Citizen thank you for making it impossible for me just to read this blog.
In god we trust DOES NOT (are you reading?) DOES NOT appear in the bible – maybe you should go to Church.
You must be a liberal wacko who is convinced that this entire election is a part of the conspiracy theory by the Bush administration. I bet you believe in Marx’s theories as well.